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  1. Under Bush, Taxpayers Bailed Out 400,000 Foreclosurers: patriot, campaign, president, Dodd - Elections
  2. Is your name on this list?: vote, election, elect, states - Elections
  3. 172 hours, 49 minutes: vote, polls, claim - Elections
  4. Presidential Campaign is NOT the same without Tim Russert: interview, marines, wisdom - Elections
  5. McCain Home-State Offices Remain Empty While Polls Tighten; Obama Offices Bustling: campaign - Elections
  6. Obama leads in 5 Battleground states, McCain in 2...: vote, news - Elections
  7. Obama; Will he throw Powell under the bus?: Colin Powell, Republican, retired - Elections
  8. Amazon accidentally calls Obama a terrorist: Barack Obama, McCain, political - Elections
  9. Time to get Saxbe Chambliss to moveon: vote, security, soldiers - Elections
  10. Bill Buckley, spinning in his grave: vote, Iraq, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  11. The Obama Fad is similar to the SANJAYA fad: vote, democratic, president - Elections
  12. Former Justice Sends Anti-Obama E-Mail To Jewish Voters: Israel, Barack Obama, election - Elections
  13. Your questions for Sen. Obama...CNN has this on their website!!!: interviews, democratic - Elections
  14. voter supression: voters, Republicans, independent - Elections
  15. McCain Aide: Palin A Diva Caring Only About Her Future: campaign, Obama - Elections
  16. poll on spending: gallon, legal, gasoline, Obama - Elections
  17. Palin: not allowed to be nasty enough?: voters, campaign, McCain - Elections
  18. Palin’s Make-Up Artist Highest Paid McCain Staffer: campaign, president, Americans - Elections
  19. Media's Presidential Bias and Decline: news - Elections
  20. dinnerplate dialog: Republican, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  21. Saturday Night Live makes fun of Obama now: campaign, president, Simpson - Elections
  22. McCain speechwriter tryouts: nuclear, Americans, terrorist, work - Elections
  23. Obama's Closing Arguments(as prepared): vote, wages, American, speech - Elections
  24. The full extent of relationships: Cheney, campaign, Obama - Elections
  25. New Mexico Newspaper Headline: Obama Wins: vote, democrat, liberal, CNN - Elections
  26. Obama HOPE, McPalin NOPE: Barack Obama, McCain, political - Elections
  27. Circular firing squad, and they're good shots: enemies, campaign, Republican - Elections
  28. Keating support for McCain NOT a thing of the past: campaign, president - Elections
  29. Why Is Doesn't The Justice Department (or that matters) Care?: Congress, thoughts - Elections
  30. Presidential candidates' health care plans: side-by-side comparison: voting, interviews, marines - Elections
  31. Did You Ever Think That......: vote, president, Obama, solutions - Elections
  32. Should Governor Palin vote for Senator Stevens?: campaign, McCain, Bush - Elections
  33. The Obama conspiracy: democratic, Brown, school - Elections
  34. Drinking ACORN Kool-Aid: How Cries of Voter Fraud Cover Up GOP Elections Theft: voters, campaign
  35. Megyn Kelly rips into Bill Burton: interview, liberal, CNN, biased - Elections
  36. Palin's Church..very scary. Makes Rev. Wright look like a saint.: campaign, Obama - Elections
  37. (lack of) NEWS Flash!!! Governor of Hawaii doesn't seal Obama's birth certificate!: campaign, legal - Elections
  38. Obama operative on their internet strategy: voting, interview, campaign, - Elections
  39. What's the gimmick going to be this election year?: voters, Obama - Elections
  40. Free moving services for McCain or Obama: president, Barack Obama, terror - Elections
  41. Check your voter registration if it's not too late to register: voters, Republicans - Elections
  42. Over/under for Obama's final Electoral College count: votes, Bush, money - Elections
  43. Pittsburgh Steelers owner endorses Obama: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  44. Obama and Wright: He Never Complained Once: vote, Republicans, controversial - Elections
  45. on obama's Hit List!: Iran, campaign, accuse, Barack Obama - Elections
  46. There are nuts on both sides; the Dems have wackos too.: vice president, Reed - Elections
  47. Senator Obama Campaign Lawyers Trying to Intimidate Student Journalists: vote, news, capital - Elections
  48. Obama Spokeman; Whining about coverage: campaign, poll, biased, McCain - Elections
  49. Voters Beware!!!: McCain, party, states, broadcast - Elections
  50. I saw the McCain straight talk (ha) bus in Northern CO: gallon, highway - Elections
  51. First Read, NBC map. . .: thoughts, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  52. Pentagon Panel: Biden was Right, New President Must Be Prepared: vote, Iran - Elections
  53. We Can Still Win!!: voters, democratic, polls, president - Elections
  54. The Wassup guys....8 years later: vote, Obama, Bush - Elections
  55. 25% Defense cut coming: vote, Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan - Elections
  56. Zogby: Obama ahead in 6 of 8 battleground states: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  57. Former GOP senator, vet backs Obama: campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  58. Junior Johnson: vote, democrat, president - Elections
  59. Why does Al Qaeda support John McCain?: voting, security, Obama - Elections
  60. Obama admits tax hike for ALL: Clinton, Reed, Pelosi, education - Elections
  61. Volunteering at the Columbus, Ohio campaign office for Obama: vote, Democrats, party - Elections
  62. Obama spending money in states that were: voting, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  63. Senator Lindsey Graham (when he isn't working as a Senator he went many times to Iraq as a US air force Reserve): interview, campaign - Elections
  64. Moday polls: vote, Obama, election, elect - Elections
  65. Latest State Polls - mosty stable: John Kerry, votes, security, Democrats - Elections
  66. Details still lacking on Obama's health plan: health care, liberal, Kennedy - Elections
  67. Look it: voters, Democrats, polls, Brown - Elections
  68. What scares me most about Obama...: Iraq, campaign, McCain, Bush - Elections
  69. What happened to McCain? Bush Endorsement Remembered: campaign, George W Bush - Elections
  70. Comrade Obama's Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered: interview, Barack Obama - Elections
  71. Vietnamese Americans still favour McCain: voters, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  72. Election Night Party?: vote, campaign, democratic, Obama - Elections
  73. Poll Gives Obama 8-Point Va. Lead: campaign, democratic, polls - Elections
  74. Breaking news; Obama criticized for following Jesus: vote, Pelosi, McCain - Elections
  75. DOD Panel: Next President to 'Likely' to Face Crisis in First 270 Days: 9/11, enemies - Elections
  76. Republican in house clothing spat continues: campaign, democratic, president, Obama - Elections
  77. Dozens Of Call Center Workers Quit Over McCain Attacks: voting, campaign, - Elections
  78. A Plethora of psychics now say McCain wins in a squeaker.: vote, polls - Elections
  79. Palin got it right, fruit fly research is pork!!!!: generations, revolution, cost - Elections
  80. Indiana can go for Obama!: Democrats, Republican, poll, McCain - Elections
  81. Obama’s $1,000 Day Spa Campaign Expense?: Republicans, spokeswoman, vice president, McCain - Elections
  82. Is the Obama/Liberal Congress 2008 election a referendum on Socialism/Communism?: voting, campaign - Elections
  83. Almost Everyone Would Do Better Under the McCain Health Plan: health care, security - Elections
  84. Barry's sickening triple play: Congress, interview, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  85. Where can I purchase Obama cookies?: campaign, McCain, election - Elections
  86. heard of Pennsyltucky? Key to state's Presidential politics?: voters, racist, election - Elections
  87. Why can't we just share the wealth ?: vote, thoughts, Obama - Elections
  88. Actual CHEATING: Republicans trying to deny 20-30% of people right to vote in cases.: voters, Congress - Elections
  89. Lieberman: I've Talked To Doctors, McCain Will Live To 85 At Least: voters, campaign - Elections
  90. Mace sprayed on Republican office workers: campaign, Republicans, crime, Obama - Elections
  91. CHEATING: Voting sites near OBAMA RALLY: vote, illegal, democratic, Republican - Elections
  92. John McCain best for nation as president: votes, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  93. The deeper that you dig in Wasilla, the more dirt you find: interview, security - Elections
  94. Obama - Distribution of Wealth, Past and Present: wage, Republicans - Elections
  95. Obama credit card scam fraud set up: voters, millionaire, security - Elections
  96. McCain = Bush, part II. Like Bush? - you'll love McCain. Pat Buchanon says that McCain will make Cheney look like Gandhi: John Kerry, Dick Cheney - Elections
  97. Dems and Independents: Should I be worried about a stolen election by McCain and the GOP?: votes, campaign - Elections
  98. How many americans gave their lives against communism: voting, Republicans, Amish - Elections
  99. Wow! Breaking Records in NC Early voting!!: voters, campaign, - Elections
  100. McCain supporters: Is it traditional to have your VP running mate drawing crowds that....: vote, campaign - Elections
  101. McCain Calls Reid, Pelosi & Obama Dangerous Threesome: vote, president - Elections
  102. ROFL, I agree with young Miss Obama!: campaign, Democrats, Reed - Elections
  103. Palin's a Brainiac: interviews, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  104. Everything happens for a reason...: voters, Iraq, middle east, campaign - Elections
  105. Did He Really Just Say That?! McCain on Meet the Press : Joe the Biden: illegal, Obama - Elections
  106. Keith Olbermann to John McCain: Speak up and Lead!: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  107. Obama Mania Sweeps Through Brigham Young University: votes, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  108. Why is Obama mum about his time at Columbia and Harvard: Republicans - Elections
  109. Sean Hannity is a desperate man: vote, Obama, election, elect - Elections
  110. Obama on redistribution of wealth: vote, Congress, interview, Israel - Elections
  111. A video of why ppl support John McCain ... taken at a rally: vote, Congress - Elections
  112. President Barack Hussein Obama: vote, cocaine, conservative, polls - Elections
  113. Media's Presidential Bias and Decline: vote, Congress, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  114. Early Voting: Should we have it?: Cheney, voters, patriots, illegal aliens - Elections
  115. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Sarah Palin & the State of the Republican Party: voters, Iraq - Elections
  116. Why do people think that the war is going to end with Obama in office??: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  117. Joe the Plumber..Wasteful Spending??!?!: millionaire, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  118. Conservative Talk Radio: Limbaugh, voters, interview, Democrats - Elections
  119. Obama wants to end the tax cut that Bush gave the wealthy, and go back to what it was under Clinton. That's fine with me: unemployed, thoughts - Elections
  120. How many believe a revolution is imminent?: Cheney, voting, liberal - Elections
  121. Sarah Palin, a boastful ignoramus: campaign, Republican, bias - Elections
  122. Is John McCain a Natural Born Citizen?: military, governor - Elections
  123. People voting for Obama that have no idea whats going on!!!: polls, McCain - Elections
  124. Biden says Obama is NOT spreading the wealth around: McCain, Bush - Elections
  125. Door to door Obama supporters. Why are they so silly?: vote, Congress - Elections
  126. Obama tax cut; When did it change?: security, financial, elect - Elections
  127. Partisanship...Is it tearing our country apart?: Cheney, vote, Congress - Elections
  128. Gallup Poll: 75 Percent Of Jews To Vote For Obama: voters, Israeli, Reagan - Elections
  129. do you agree with obama on the constitution?: voting, Republican, radical - Elections
  130. Has Anything Important Changed In The Last 8 Days?: votes, campaign, Obama - Elections
  131. Rasmussen: Number of Undecided Voters Collapes: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  132. 2nd poll on spending: voters, liberal, polls, Obama - Elections
  133. Churches and this election - they are going to be a huge factor: voters, Iraq - Elections
  134. Investor's Business Daily poll - neck to neck: campaign, polls, president - Elections
  135. Georgia has gone yeller!: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  136. Be aware. If Obama doesn't like what you say in public, the government comp. are used to check you out!!!: patriot, security - Elections
  137. Loved the Biden...: Ron Paul, health care, Putin, voting - Elections
  138. More Palin hate: Obama, McCain, election - Elections
  139. Business preparing for Obama: rating, economic, elect, retirement - Elections
  140. Alls not well in the McPalin camp: health care, voters, interviews - Elections
  141. Creepy Palin look-a-like at a McCain rally..: voters, accuse - Elections
  142. Phony flier says Virginians vote on different days: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  143. Ask the Troops: Left to Them, It Would Be McCain in a Landslide: Al Gore, patriot - Elections
  144. Land closures to OHV use...: Cheney, vote, security, Republican - Elections
  145. GOP Faces Electoral Disaster: vote, Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  146. share why you will vote for McCain if you had planned to vote for Hillary?: democrat, liberal - Elections
  147. GOP busted for voter Suppression: John Kerry, Cheney, voters, campaign - Elections
  148. About Palin--Garrison Keillor: Iran, campaign, Brown - Elections
  149. Thank You Obama For Keeping The Tax Rate On The Most Wealthy Down From Historical Levels: health care, wage - Elections
  150. McCain is to Bush as Robin is to Batman: Dick Cheney, democrat, Obama - Elections
  151. Muslim claims about Obama, refuted by rumor creator.: vote, interview, liberal - Elections
  152. Palin in Asheville last night: vote, Reagan, liberal, Clinton - Elections
  153. McCain on CNN now with Mitt Romney at his side...: interviews, - Elections
  154. Sarah Palin's Skeleton Closet: enemies, Republicans, biased - Elections
  155. woman shouts He's a ni- - - r at Palin rally in Iowa...Sarah Palin says nothing: Republicans, Obama - Elections
  156. Polar Bears? How many died when a person flew a near empty 757 to Hawaii: gallon, campaign - Elections
  157. Palin has lost it: Now she says Obama's plan will create a communist state: Iran, campaign - Elections
  158. Yeah!! I did it.: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  159. Debunking the Republican Bradley Effect Claim: voters, Reagan, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  160. Obama assassination plot disrupted...: democratic, president, Barack Obama, African - Elections
  161. Hillary Backers Decry Massive Obama Vote Fraud: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  162. Obama story... not very factual...: CNN, president, conspiracy - Elections
  163. Wright ad; 20 years and said nothing: voters, conservative, accuse - Elections
  164. Obama Camp Denies Hacking Into Joe The Plumber’s Files: Congress, interviews - Elections
  165. What? No poll: voters, polls, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  166. Palin friend Ted Stevens found guilty in corruption case: campaign, ethical, Democrats - Elections
  167. Why gay marriage scare isn't working this time: vote, Congress - Elections
  168. Like Orlando, Biden Bans Philadelphia Station After Tough Interview: interviews, campaign, liberals - Elections
  169. Just cast my vote for McCAIN!: Republican, Obama, Reed, independence - Elections
  170. What do you think the Obama Crisis will be (according to Biden)?: vote, Congress - Elections
  171. Voting McCain Doesn’t Make You Racist – It Means You’re Too Stupid to Know You’re Racist: vote, - Elections
  172. Biden; Another station cut-off for asking tough questions: interview, liberal, biased - Elections
  173. Good God, Mccain leading in early Ca. voting!: vote, Democrats - Elections
  174. It's Gonna Get Ugly: vote, campaign, CNN, president - Elections
  175. I'm glad this is almost over: health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  176. Effigy of Palin Hanging by Noose is Halloween Fun, Says Owner: campaign, Republican - Elections
  177. Support Whomever You Want...Just SHUT UP AND VOTE!!!: generations, democratic - Elections
  178. Shady voter purgin techniques: voters, illegal, Republican, represent - Elections
  179. Tell me something you DO NOT like about your candidate: votes, Iraq - Elections
  180. The great acorn conspiracy...: voters, Congress, democratic, Republican - Elections
  181. This Election and Right Wing Bloggers: Obama, McCain, political, claim - Elections
  182. Fence hangars? Share the Wealth!: vote, Obama, school, political - Elections
  183. So the McCain campaign is fighting with the Palin campaign: supporters - Elections
  184. Obama/Palin's political accomplishments - Elections
  185. For that are worried about Obama and taxes.: vote, Iraq, generation - Elections
  186. Latest state polls - many tight races but no worries, mate for Obama - Elections
  187. Is Mccain just going through the motions?: campaign, Obama, election - Elections
  188. The Barack is a Radical Marxist Playbook: president, Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  189. Obama airtme this week: campaign, thoughts - Elections
  190. Drudge give '0' his salute...: news - Elections
  191. Trailing Obama By 15 points in N.H., McCain's Second Political Home: Bush, election - Elections
  192. Bombshell video: old white man attacks and carves a J on an Obama supporter's face - Elections
  193. Almost Everyone Would Do Better Under the McCain Health Plan: Democrats, president - Elections
  194. Riding with McCain: supporters - Elections
  195. Love that Media: voters - Elections
  196. People of Berlin: Barack Obama, speech - Elections
  197. McCain in the headlights: protesters at his rally rattle him.: campaign, Bush - Elections
  198. Cindy McCain, and the Onion.: claims, news - Elections
  199. You have seen the palinaspresident website but did you know they add new stuff often. - Elections
  200. London's Financial Times endorses Barack Obama.: campaign, president, McCain, George W. Bush - Elections