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  1. Political Humor: John Kerry, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney - Elections
  2. barack obama equals herbert hoover: security, Reed, layoff, economy - Elections
  3. Want real polls? Look at camp McCain's and Obama's: party affiliation, voters, campaign - Elections
  4. Bad news for McCain: US now in recession: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  5. McCain mortgage plan is his dumbest idea: president, Dodd, Obama - Elections
  6. how to cut your own taxes!: Congress, security, campaign, - Elections
  7. Palin Unlikely To Face Penalties For Troopergate: ethics, crime, Obama - Elections
  8. McCain: All I did was yell-FIRE: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  9. is one thing both parties should agree on!: vote, Congress - Elections
  10. Uh, clap........ .....go.....John....: McCain, 2012 - Elections
  11. He talks the talk,but does he walk the walk?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  12. Obama refuses BI-PARTISAN pact to secure fair voting!: votes, campaign, McCain - Elections
  13. This forum would be way better if we stopped using the word hate in our titles.: ideology, political - Elections
  14. Hank Williams Jr. for McCain/Palin: news - Elections
  15. People voting for Obama but not policies?: McCain, support, news - Elections
  16. Interesting trust % in Swing states: voters, Iraq, security, polls - Elections
  17. What is this I hear: CNN, Obama, McCain, Senate - Elections
  18. uh oh Obama leads by a big margin with suburban soccer/hockey moms in Missouri: vote, - Elections
  19. McCain's hidden talent: Obama - Elections
  20. McCain proposes $52.5 billion economic plan: unemployment, voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  21. Obama has huge 14 point lead but s the best part......: voters, Iraq - Elections
  22. Palin's Troopergate Problem Likely To Get Worse.: campaign, independent, McCain - Elections
  23. Putin on Palin . . . - Elections
  24. Ohio dem cheater gets her due. Ordered to: voters, security, crime - Elections
  25. If the surge is working so great, why did McCain say we could be there for 100 years?: soldier, crime - Elections
  26. I Know How to Catch Osama Bin Liden, But I want tell America, is that putting Country First?: campaign, Obama - Elections
  27. Is the DOW Following the Election? What happens when the Candidates say......: democrat - Elections
  28. Obama making gains in red states: democratic, CNN, poll, political - Elections
  29. Obama on McCain: The new Rolling Stone interview: Iraq, president, economy - Elections
  30. The Elite Democrats have Always been RACIST: votes, Republicans, president - Elections
  31. OBAMA.....Voted 94 times for Higher TAXES... Obama Who are YOU.....Democrats for McCain VIDEO'S: health care, voters - Elections
  32. More people on food stamps anytime during history, but...:: Obama, Americans, Bush - Elections
  33. RNC out of Wisconsin, Maine; focuses on red states: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  34. What can McCain do to **** off Obama?: Colin Powell, voters, president - Elections
  35. It COULD happen to you !!!: Obama - Elections
  36. OK, he's a terrorist, at least he's not a Republican: vote, Obama - Elections
  37. is an ACORN conspiracy theory for ya: voters, security - Elections
  38. Obama's Online Tax Calculator: Barack Obama, McCain, compare, rating - Elections
  39. Gallup poll: No one posted it for today? Ok, I will.....: voters, Democrats - Elections
  40. How big of a lead will Obama have tomorrow???: McCain, election, elect - Elections
  41. This scares me........: vote, Obama, McCain, American - Elections
  42. Fight smears on campaign, McCain, race, website - Elections
  43. McCain pulling out of Wisconsin: Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  44. Atrocities follow Absurdities: voters, campaign, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  45. Obama Voted 'Present' on Mortgage Reform: Republicans, president, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  46. Obama's magic economy math: Democrats, conservative, supporters - Elections
  47. McCain's Math Problem: bias, political, claim, news - Elections
  48. McCain camp: ‘We lost the spin war': campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  49. North Carolina Republicans Feel Obama Heat: campaign, elections, elect, world
  50. Non partisan joke. Fun for Rep. & Dem.!!!: vote, campaign, politicians - Elections
  51. The SS Straight Talk, or SS Minnow: voters, generation, campaign - Elections
  52. Obama campaign moving out-MI: McCain, good news, money, family - Elections
  53. Why are questions asked at the Presidential Debates so boring and predictable?: suspect, parties - Elections
  54. McCain forced to play defense in red states: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  55. 100 year old casts first vote of her life for Obama: health care, McCain - Elections
  56. PBS' The Choice 2008--Did I miss Ayers?: liberals, McCain, program - Elections
  57. Obama & Bush Not So Far Apart: health care, Cheney, vote - Elections
  58. NOTE to MCCAIN-PALIN supporters: Media trying to keep it close so they maintain high rating$: voters, Republican - Elections
  59. How about nativism instead of racism .: campaign, - Elections
  60. I kinda feel bad for Kathleen Parker Part II: voting, Barack Obama, officials - Elections
  61. William Buckley son's will vote for Obama: Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  62. McCain is Unleashing the Monster of American Prejudice: conservative, president - Elections
  63. Guessing game - who is the candidate that supports the following:: vote, campaign - Elections
  64. Obama capaign poster: campaign, accuse, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  65. Wow: Troopergate investigation expanding to others in government: campaign, ethical, - Elections
  66. Wow: Bush Strategist says McCain put country at risk with Palin pick: Colin Powell, voters - Elections
  67. Scholastic kids presidential poll results ....: voters, democratic, Republican, Barack Obama - Elections
  68. Mad? Who me?? No, but I am getting there! (open letter): vote, conservative - Elections
  69. McCain Claims Obama Rally Crowds Call Him Terrorist, Traitor: racist - Elections
  70. Leave the Clinton's alone: Reagan, president, Obama, speech - Elections
  71. Gallup's In (likely voters): Obama 53/McCain 43: poll, election, elect, most - Elections
  72. McCain , this is the new big plan to help us all: unemployment, Republicans - Elections
  73. Battleground leaning Blue: Obama now leading McCain in Colorado by 9 points: school, news - Elections
  74. What if Obama's COUSIN campaigned for him?: Dick Cheney, voting, Barack Obama - Elections
  75. McCain's choice of Palin will Cost him the Election: vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  76. Palin is the antithesis of a liberal woman & wingnuts push illogical threads that liberal women should love her?: vote, ethical - Elections
  77. 106 yr old nun votes after 56 years. Last time for Ike, now for Obama: president, Kerry - Elections
  78. Arizona Newspaper says McCain Campaign Built on Lies: voters, biased, president - Elections
  79. Florida Co Chair jokes about murder: Congress, campaign, racist, Obama - Elections
  80. Why can't our first black POTUS be Colin Powell???: vote, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  81. McCain's NEW plan.: health care, vote, Iraq, Obama - Elections
  82. The ultimate Irony: NAFTA, 9/11, votes, Congress - Elections
  83. Battle for the Electoral College: Has Obama won?: votes, security, polls - Elections
  84. in the MSM talking ill of NObama?: vote, soldier, Brown - Elections
  85. Dems attackted Bush for 8 years but: Al Gore, 9/11, vote, president - Elections
  86. 47% of Americans agree with Obama's call to raise taxes on earning $250K, 31% oppose: vote, illegal - Elections
  87. Wow, things are just getting worse for the McCain camp: 9/11, voters - Elections
  88. Colin Powell Endorsement: Dick Cheney, vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  89. Dick Cheney's heart - will it invoke McCain's age?: president, news - Elections
  90. Serious for the people who do not believe Obama was born in the US: bias - Elections
  91. Voter ID is racist:(: employment, voters, security, illegal - Elections
  92. Violation of Voting Rights of Minorities in Georgia?: voters, Congress, security - Elections
  93. will all obama's spamming help or hurt him?: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  94. Our First Vulcan President: vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  95. Poll: do you make more or less than $250000.: vote, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  96. What have you learned from this election?: enemy, president, radical - Elections
  97. CNN talking about Palin's association with the AIP now: vote, Iraq, radical - Elections
  98. Sarah Palin -Dems putting her down = Tall Poppy Syndrome: votes, conservative, represent - Elections
  99. Two Young Alaskan Women Speak Out on Sarah Palin: vote, campaign, - Elections
  100. Obama's Grassroots Campaign seeking volunteers: voters, Republican, borders, independent - Elections
  101. Daily Show - McCain's new stump speech - funny stuff: voting, campaign - Elections
  102. OBAMA is being sued for Lying about he being Native Born: voting, generation - Elections
  103. Old Lady Voter Fraud in Ohio: poll, Obama, McCain, worker - Elections
  104. Why do we still use the Electoral College system?: votes, Congress, thoughts - Elections
  105. Florida Governor Crist goes to Disney World instead of attending McCain rally: Congress, - Elections
  106. PROOF Obama was Born in the USA: 9/11, vote, Reagan - Elections
  107. Why Obama...will win: vote, biased, McCain, African - Elections
  108. What Battleground? Obama widens lead in Wisconsin to 17 points: voters, campaign, polls - Elections
  109. Do you really want someone who supports genocide like Obama does running the country?: vote, campaign - Elections
  110. Who can Letterman use to PO McCain?: racist, Brown, Barack Obama - Elections
  111. polls show McCain fading away: votes, campaign, Democrats, regular - Elections
  112. Obama can't handle Fox news anymore....: Limbaugh, voters, Republican, CNN - Elections
  113. more brilliant republicans: vote, campaign, democratic, liberal - Elections
  114. Nobel Prize winners for Obama: voting, education system, school, politicians - Elections
  115. Virginia Leaning Blue: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  116. Sarah Palin, redrawing the map, REALLY: president, Barack Obama, economy, claim - Elections
  117. What is a community organizer ?: vote, illegal - Elections
  118. ...and people vote.: death, Obama, McCain, Americans - Elections
  119. Man names his daughter Sarah McCain Palin: Barack Obama, election, elect - Elections
  120. Why liberal woman hate Palin.: vote, liberals, represent, Obama - Elections
  121. Oh man, it's over for McCain, tomorrow's newspapers will EXPLODE: radio, TV - Elections
  122. Just heard Palin say something that makes sense: interview, enemies, campaign - Elections
  123. Brigitte Bardot speaks about Palin: global warming, vote, Republican, activist - Elections
  124. School textbook promotes Obama: vote, candidacy, democratic, liberal - Elections
  125. VoteMatch Quiz - Which candidate aligns with your preferences?: Hillary Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  126. Republican's Stealing Signs: Ron Paul, democratic, Republicans, president - Elections
  127. McCain pulls out of more states: voting, campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  128. Bad news for McCain in Florida: voters, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  129. Why would middle class vote McCain, who clearly supports the plutocracy, while Obama supports the working class: Cheney, Democrats - Elections
  130. If Obama is so far ahead..why were my McCain signs stolen from my yard?: voting, Mexican - Elections
  131. A Plea to all in !!: voters, Congress, Republicans, polls - Elections
  132. Seriously people, PALIN IS NOT THE PROBLEM!!!: campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  133. African-American enthusiasm could tip scales toward Obama: vote, campaign, - Elections
  134. McCain Ahead of Obama in Polls: Al Gore, votes, interviews, campaign - Elections
  135. Tax cut to who pay no taxes? What?: unemployed, security, campaign - Elections
  136. Jesse Jackson says 'Zionists' will lose influence under Obama: voters, Israel, campaign - Elections
  137. Poll: Obama Opens 14-Point Lead On McCain, Obama: 53%, McCain: 39%: vote, polls, bias - Elections
  138. Both ZOgby and Rasmussen Polls tomorrow show Obama losing: parade, illegal, McCain - Elections
  139. Poll: Would you be more inclined to vote for a president who choses a VP of a diff. party?: Dick Cheney, middle east - Elections
  140. President Palin's Oval Office: Republicans, racism, Obama, McCain - Elections
  141. Obama campaign stealing peoples money: vote, president, McCain, political - Elections
  142. Obama tax cut 'refunds' who don't pay: vote, wages, security - Elections
  143. More Palin hate rallies....another person in the crowd says kill him: vote, Republican - Elections
  144. ..This is downright scary...if you love this country you MUST READ THIS!!!!!: interviews, - Elections
  145. Why Republican/Neocon Men Hate Obama: voting, campaign, conservative - Elections
  146. Why I love Sarah Palin: vote, ethic, liberal, president - Elections
  147. McCain to ACORN You are What Makes America Special VIDEO PROOF: voters, campaign - Elections
  148. GOP will take your guns and the DEMOCRATS will destroy the environment!: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  149. McCain to Seal the Border.: vote, salary, enemy, campaign - Elections
  150. Why is Palin's family put under a microscope, But Baraks family is off limits?: campaign, racist - Elections
  151. Tim Tebow is going to run for President!!!: vote, Obama - Elections
  152. Sarah and Todd Palin Radical Associations CNN VIDEO: 9/11, vote, interview - Elections
  153. Ex-FBI Agents Outraged at Obama-Ayers Ties: voters, democratic, Republican, liberal - Elections
  154. If Barack Hussein Obama is elected president, will there be a Civil War II?: Brown, McCain - Elections
  155. How Palin really feels about Natives: Congress, generations, governor, elect - Elections
  156. McPalin's Thumpin Comin? - Latest NYT/CBS poll - lead now 14% from 3% a week ago...: voters, campaign - Elections
  157. about McCain slashing capital gains: Obama, economy, money, 2009 - Elections
  158. ANOTHER Obama Citizenship Lawsuit.....: liberal, Attorney, president, Reed - Elections
  159. Why would vote DEMOCRAT?: Ron Paul, health care, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  160. Excuse me, could you focus on the that I just asked? - Tonight's Debate: Iraq, security - Elections
  161. Hillary supporters raise big money for McCain/Palin: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  162. Dumber then a box of rocks, Obama slips up again: vote, Mexican - Elections
  163. My mother used to tell me I know who you are by the company you keep .: Putin, votes - Elections
  164. I just love reading the titles on C-D: voters, liberal, conservative - Elections
  165. s supporters don't know who Obama is...: vote, represent, president - Elections
  166. Time for Obama to Speak out against ACORN FRAUD: vote, racist, Barack Obama - Elections
  167. WOW!! Obama is leading by average of 23 points Early VOTERS in NC, OH, GA, IA, NM: Democrats - Elections
  168. Obama and his quest for socialism: health care, vote, security, Democrats - Elections
  169. The Obama Adminstration: Colin Powell, Hugo Chavez, security, - Elections
  170. Black People Voting 4 McCain/Palin: voters, Israel, Republicans, president - Elections
  171. McCain's brother blasts campaign strategy: vote, interviews, illegal, Republican - Elections
  172. where is the outrage towards John Louis?: Congress, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  173. it's a trifecta...Blitzer about to expose McCain's ties to Acorn!: interviews, campaign - Elections
  174. SEATTLE, WA - New lawsuit Obama birth certificate: voters, security, Democrats - Elections
  175. Obama Supporters Top Secrets Exposed!!!: voters, interviews, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  176. Are Republicans who defend Obama death threats at Palin rallies Anti-American?: racist, speech - Elections
  177. If you only know three things Palin has accomplished: voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  178. Email from a friend of mine that I want to share.: vote, Iran - Elections
  179. Why would vote for the GOP?: voters, democratic - Elections
  180. Michelle goes on a rant: patriot, campaign, racist - Elections
  181. Time For Palin to answer tough questions: campaign - Elections
  182. Let me get this straight...: Obama, elect, senator, world - Elections
  183. Gallup Poll: Americans say Obama understands their problems: campaign, McCain, compare - Elections
  184. Obama buys ads in video games.: voters, campaign, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  185. Dancing with the political stars! (video): Obama, McCain, Bush - Elections
  186. Obama Makes Inroads into America's Wealthiest: Democrats, news - Elections
  187. Kristoll and Brooks, objectivity at all?: Cheney, campaign, ethics - Elections
  188. A View From Alaska - Elections
  189. FYI, the quote is WE are the ones , not I am the one: Obama - Elections
  190. Right-Wingers Fooled By Fake Michelle Obama Interview: patriot, racist, African - Elections
  191. Palling around with Racists: campaign, racism, Obama, McCain - Elections
  192. Landslide: Republicans, McCain, children - Elections
  193. Democrats and Republicans and Independents across this great land - Enough! - Senator Obama: American, election - Elections
  194. Obama, ACORN, and Republican Desperation: McCain, election, elect - Elections
  195. An obscure issue ? not, depends: Obama, McCain - Elections
  196. Obama campaign issues talking points to media ahead of debate - Elections
  197. Nicknames and comic fodder for Presidents: Republicans, racist, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  198. Put your Halloween pumpkins on the campaign trail!: political, parties - Elections
  199. ATR's Tax Calculator: voters, democrat, Obama, McCain - Elections
  200. Talk to Your Parents and Friends: voting, McCain - Elections