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  1. Media Bias. When will it be exposed to everyone?: vote, Iran - Elections
  2. Looking from the outside at elections: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Congress
  3. Race to become $1bn president: Huckabee, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  4. Was McCain tempted in 2001?: John Kerry, Harry Reid, party affiliation, vote - Elections
  5. Why are there more than the 50 state primaries/caucuses?: voting, Democrats, American - Elections
  6. World is Watching: Democrats, Republican, president, American - Elections
  7. Why Romney has so much online support: Limbaugh, Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  8. News, New York chapter of NOW lashes out at Senator Kennedy.: votes, campaign - Elections
  9. A political for Mormons: Harry Reid, Huckabee, voters, liberal - Elections
  10. Why have the conventions?: vote, democrat, Republican, McCain - Elections
  11. Ron Paul is on C-Span RIGHT NOW!!: vote, Iraq, drug - Elections
  12. Romney Gave $35M To Campaign In '07: voters, Republican, liberal - Elections
  13. Democrats say McCain nearly abandoned GOP: Ron Paul, voters, illegal - Elections
  14. McCain Faces Questions About His Age: president, American - Elections
  15. News, Schwarzenegger Endorses John McCain.: Republican, president, political, leader - Elections
  16. Obama's Dancing Skills: democrat, nuclear, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  17. Muppets For President: date - Elections
  18. Should Ron Paul consider a third-party run?: campaign, Republican - Elections
  19. Poll: Big Expectations for New President: voting, Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  20. Obama Raises $32 Million in January: vote, president, money, work - Elections
  21. Romney: McCain Used Nixon-Like Tactics: vote, campaign - Elections
  22. Campaign Issues.: health care system, Iraq, security, president - Elections
  23. News, Obama Calls for Universal Health Care.: generation, security, legal - Elections
  24. Comedy, Hill-Billie.: death, Clinton - Elections
  25. Is This How It Has Always Been?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  26. Hillarys credentials: health care, Cheney, voters, Congress - Elections
  27. POLL: Romney leads McCain by 37-34 in CA...: vote, illegal, polls - Elections
  28. McCain phone calls.: voters, Iraq, campaign, suspect - Elections
  29. Topper election process for 2012: votes, security, campaign, - Elections
  30. Mccain makes pitiful to buy more votes: campaign, president, insurance - Elections
  31. Political givers in 2007: vote, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  32. Is McCain's Success Based on Split Conservative Votes?: Limbaugh, Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  33. very interesting straw poll with huge sampling on AOL: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  34. Obama 2 Year Senate Record: votes, Congress, arsenal, Democrats - Elections
  35. Who is the worst Democrat running in 2008 (see GOP poll on other: vote, Clinton - Elections
  36. Voter Deception, Scams,: voters, campaign, polls, regular - Elections
  37. Voting machine problems: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  38. Obama: vote, president, Barack Obama, Kennedy - Elections
  39. Moderators: Clinton, Barack Obama, solution - Elections
  40. Will You Watch the National Townhall This evening?: votes, democrat, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  41. Jackie Mason rails on McCain for the big lie: Huckabee, voters, Iraq - Elections
  42. Obama Widens Lead in California: voters, Democrats, polls, Clinton - Elections
  43. A McCain supporter was shocked at the enthusiasm for Romney in Maine: polls, money - Elections
  44. Huckabee or Romney?: health care, voting, security, ethics - Elections
  45. Obama Leading in California: votes, Mexican, democrat, polls - Elections
  46. Does Clinton still trust Bush?: 9/11, vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  47. Poll Questions: voters, campaign, democratic, polls - Elections
  48. Don't Expect McCain To Bring Up Clinton Marriage: regular, politician - Elections
  49. I am looking for similar reporting on the Final 5: Huckabee, biased, Clinton - Elections
  50. Dr. Ron Paul received more military donations than all other candidates combined: Huckabee, interview - Elections
  51. Major tornado outbreak could effect Super Tuesday voting: votes, Republican, polls - Elections
  52. Ron Paul in 2nd place-Louisiana caucus: voters, bias, election, elect - Elections
  53. Fred Thompson still on ballot: Huckabee, votes, Edwards, McCain - Elections
  54. Bill Clinton As Victim:: voters, security, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  55. Obama wins Gov. Sebelius support: John Kerry, voters, generations, candidacy - Elections
  56. Ron Paul Super Tuesday Ad: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  57. Voter ID's in elections, Bily4: voters, security, Mexican, illegal
  58. Interesting Obama snippet: president, American, governor, states - Elections
  59. Florida voters - about independents: democratic, Republican, conservative, McCain - Elections
  60. Would you vote for a Presidential Candidate who is only interested in one term?: McCain, elect - Elections
  61. Do people get the time off to vote?: Rush Limbaugh, votes, campaign - Elections
  62. Edwards Nixes Campaign Stops for Speech: poverty - Elections
  63. Obama Webb Sebelius photo images - notice anything?: Barack Obama, political, program - Elections
  64. Exit polls SC: Bill Clinton's Negative effect!: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  65. Who's the RINO now?: vote, Congress, Iran, Israel - Elections
  66. Don't think McCain really wanted to run for President: Ron Paul, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  67. I like Mitt Romney BUT: Cheney, voters, president, Bush - Elections
  68. Obama endorsements (so far), Governors, Senators: John Kerry, gas prices, campaign, president - Elections
  69. Truthometer: biased, compare, elect, government - Elections
  70. about Primary Date Changes and Delegates: Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  71. This might be ..: Ron Paul, politician - Elections
  72. Who's Distorting the FACTS?: health care, voters, security, campaign - Elections
  73. Best judgment by far...: health care, voters, Congress, Iran - Elections
  74. For Obama Supporters...: voters, Congress, generations, campaign - Elections
  75. The Obama Campaign's Negative Mail: Harry and Louise Redux: health care, voters, Democrats - Elections
  76. Kennedys for Clinton: Huckabee, unemployment, health care, voters - Elections
  77. In voting, what do you think is the reason for allowing illegals to still vote?: voters, security - Elections
  78. State of the union address:: CNN, president, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  79. So many Signs so little Votes (Ron Paul): voters, security, Republican - Elections
  80. McCain Vs Clinton predictable??: Ron Paul, Dick Cheney, vote, democratic - Elections
  81. Michelle Obama: interview, democratic, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  82. Would you vote for a black, a woman or a hispanic: Ron Paul, president - Elections
  83. After President Bush's address lastnight, you should have no doubt about this,..: vote, Mexican - Elections
  84. Romney wins Maine Caucuses: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, - Elections
  85. Obama just said If you work in this country you should not be poor St. Louis on C-Span.: vote, Iraq - Elections
  86. What do you like about the candidates?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, health care - Elections
  87. Bill Clinton As Vice President???: legal, elect, state - Elections
  88. Ron Paul for President: vote, political - Elections
  89. The US Monarchy race: voters, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  90. Maria Shriver endorses......what the hell?: vote, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  91. Obama Orgasm: voting, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  92. Sincere for Ron Paul fans: Huckabee, vote, legal, Republican - Elections
  93. Something Fishy?: voters, polls, represent, death - Elections
  94. Sooo...what do ya think? Who's gonna win the democratic nomination? Hillary or Obama?: Ron Paul, NAFTA - Elections
  95. Jim Webb (VA) or Kathleen Sebelius (KS): Condi Rice, vote, Democrats - Elections
  96. News, Sharpton to Bill Clinton: 'Shut Up': campaign, democratic, accuse - Elections
  97. Are we being manipulated by the Media?: Ron Paul, Iran, illegal - Elections
  98. Civility: Clearly a feat too hard for American voters: candidacy, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  99. Are you ready?: vote, Iraq, democrat, Republican - Elections
  100. Next Up - Florida: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, campaign - Elections
  101. The economy, housing, & GOP: Ron Paul, Baby Boomers, legal - Elections
  102. I just saw a Ron Paul ad on CNN!!!: votes, patriot, Brown - Elections
  103. Bob Dole To The Rescue: Limbaugh, John Kerry, Cheney, voters - Elections
  104. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.: Ron Paul, NAFTA, voters, Congress - Elections
  105. Hillary Clinton Grants $303,000 to:: Ron Paul, Congress, campaign, ethics - Elections
  106. Obama Mocks Universal Health Care: Congress, liberals, conservative, poll - Elections
  107. Who is the worst Republican running in 2008 (see Dem poll on other ?: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  108. 1962: John Kerry, Ron Paul, voting, Congress - Elections
  109. Hillaryland Is Hell, Staffers Say: campaign, thoughts, liberal, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  110. Go Mitt Go !!!!: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, Democrats - Elections
  111. Obama & Illegals Drivers Licenses: voters, Democrats, suspect, Clinton - Elections
  112. Kennedys Snubs Clintons, Backs Obama: voters, Democrats - Elections
  113. LAST DAY TO STOP AMNESTY McCAIN!: Huckabee, health care, vote, Mexican - Elections
  114. Rezko Arrest A Blot On Obama Big Day: campaign, crimes, Clinton - Elections
  115. Why I don't want Hillary Clinton in Office: voters, illegal - Elections
  116. So Cali Whos Got Your Vote In '08 Election!: illegal, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  117. Message from Ron Paul (read it all you doubters :)): vote, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  118. Should we elect someone who WANTS to be President?: Al Gore, salary, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  119. George Orwell's Perpetual War - are we there Mr. McCain?: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  120. Team Clinton: Good or Bad?: Huckabee, vote, thoughts, president - Elections
  121. Would San Franciscans vote against Pelosi 08?: Congress, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  122. A CNN drinking game: Ron Paul, Huckabee, legal, democrat - Elections
  123. Why we need to Elect a Democrat in 2008: 9/11, Democrats, FBI - Elections
  124. Sorry Mitt, John - American Conservative Magazine endorses Ron Paul: Rush Limbaugh, Huckabee - Elections
  125. Hillary Cries Again (So That You'll Vote For Her): Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  126. Super Tues predictions: Huckabee, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  127. Maxine Waters Endorses Hillary: vote, Congress, democratic, president - Elections
  128. New scandal hits Clinton: votes, ethical, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  129. What is obama gonna change!: health care system, Iraq, campaign, illegal - Elections
  130. Edwards drops out ... What does it mean?: voters, suspect, Obama - Elections
  131. News, Clinton Booked for Letterman Show.: democrat, president, Obama, political - Elections
  132. McCain...only republican hope?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Iraq - Elections
  133. Hate Hillary.: votes, liberals, president, Pelosi - Elections
  134. Huckabee Supporters Only!: 9/11, Putin, vote, Iran - Elections
  135. Tonight's Debate: Ron Paul, health care, votes, Congress - Elections
  136. State of the Economy: 2008 vs. 1992: unemployment, millionaire, security, Democrats - Elections
  137. McCain is 71, can he be effective 4 or 8 years?: vote, Iran, campaign - Elections
  138. Hillary or Obama, I'll take them both on one ticket: Rush Limbaugh, vote - Elections
  139. Most people support Mitt Romney, NOT John McCain!!!: John Kerry, Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  140. Ron Paul supporters to sue everybody!: voters, Republicans, poll, conspiracy - Elections
  141. The people in Florida have spoken: votes, Democrats, conservative, president - Elections
  142. Nader is gonna run again.: Ron Paul, votes, president - Elections
  143. Ron Paul should drop out of the race: Huckabee, vote, generations - Elections
  144. McCain Is A Mean, Grumpy Old Man: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  145. Romney Accuses McCain of 'Dirty Tricks': Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Iraq - Elections
  146. Republican debate, Reagan Library--opinions: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, - Elections
  147. Maya Angelou for Hillary: Clinton, American, school, states - Elections
  148. Nader announces another presidential bid: Al Gore, Ron Paul, votes, candidacy - Elections
  149. Kenneth: health care, president, Hillary Clinton, Bush - Elections
  150. CNN Proves Their Obama Bias: John Kerry, vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  151. Who will Win the Democrat Debate?: health care, voters, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  152. What is McCain's appeal?: voters, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  153. Governor Schwarzenegger to endorse McCain: Huckabee, votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  154. Iraq War: Victory at ALL costs?: Ron Paul, Iran, middle east, enemy - Elections
  155. Help me understand your logic.: Huckabee, votes, Congress, security - Elections
  156. Who remembers Hillary on September 20th, 2001?: 9/11, vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  157. Ron Paul Was Marginalized By CNN: Huckabee, Iraq, interview, security - Elections
  158. News, Obama is the Most Pro-Abortion Candidate Ever.: vote, democratic, conservative - Elections
  159. BIZZARE! Anne Coulter for Hillary, Not McCain!: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  160. McCain needs to choose Romney as running mate: voters, Democrats - Elections
  161. Is oprah obama's bully!: voters, campaign, biased, president - Elections
  162. Republicans for Obama: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  163. Giuliani folding??: vote, campaign, democratic, Liberalism - Elections
  164. Hillary or McCain? What's the difference?: Rush Limbaugh, global warming, Ron Paul, September 11 - Elections
  165. Myth of John McCain: vote, patriot, democrat, Republican - Elections
  166. Why are Romney supporters so hateful and angry all the time?: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  167. Obama debate yesterday: John Kerry, unemployment, health care - Elections
  168. Wake up America!!!: Ron Paul, NAFTA, 9/11, democrat - Elections
  169. Today Huckabee spoke praises for McCain: votes, illegal, democratic, Republican - Elections
  170. Best Of 4: liberal, conservative, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  171. Barack is getting arrogant!: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  172. Obama's campaign inspires people: health care, votes, Iraq, wage - Elections
  173. Hillary Clintons Interns: vote, campaign, impeachment - Elections
  174. Giuliani to endorse McCain: Cheney, votes, middle east, campaign - Elections
  175. Your State on Super Tuesday: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, patriot - Elections
  176. Hillary health plan? Just partially disclosed?: health care, interstate, 9/11, Congress - Elections
  177. Super Tuesday Voters !!: Huckabee, campaign, McCain - Elections
  178. Neo Cons Suffer Another BIG Defeat!: Ron Paul, votes, campaign - Elections
  179. News, Clinton says she'll clean up after Bush dynasty.: party affiliation, vote, Reagan - Elections
  180. Ron Paul tied for second place in Florida: vote, campaign, liberal - Elections
  181. John McCain Hates Me: Huckabee, voters, Iraq, enemy - Elections
  182. Would you vote for freedom?: revolution, American, constitutional - Elections
  183. Today at the polls: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, president - Elections
  184. RonPaul: National Defense.: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  185. National Taxpayers Union: Only Ron Paul Would Cut Spending (1/30/08): Huckabee, vote, Congress - Elections
  186. A Curse? No Higher Office for NYC Mayors - Elections
  187. Good video...: Republican, political, party, town - Elections
  188. Richard Chavez, Brother of Cesar Chavez, Endorses Hillary Clinton: wages, patriots, campaign - Elections
  189. McCain changing tune on taxes. - Elections
  190. --- 2008 - The Underdogs ---: Obama - Elections
  191. Cesar L. Chavez, grndson of Cesar F. Chavez, Endorses Hillary: Hillary Clinton, Kennedy - Elections
  192. Poll: Focus Now on Candidates' Traits - Elections
  193. News, Hispanics were key to McCain's victory.: campaign, Republican, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  194. Dee Dee Meyers AND Juan Williams: Bill Clinton, Obama, support, work - Elections
  195. voting machines (update): vote, activist, election, elect - Elections
  196. Are mainstream media reporters told to promote certain ideals and candidates?: Obama, McCain - Elections
  197. News, Putting Candidates' Religion to the Test.: president - Elections
  198. Their body language give-aways: voters, president, news, date - Elections
  199. --- Youbama - more evolution of campaigning ---: democrat, president, racist - Elections
  200. Huckabee Supporters - Where Will Your Delegates Go?: vote, McCain - Elections