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  1. This weeks debate..last one: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  2. N.Y. Times Confirms Suspicious Obama Donations: campaign, Republican, represent - Elections
  3. McCain booed by his own supporters!: votes, democrat, Republican, president - Elections
  4. Palin, everything you need to know about her: voting, Democrats, Attorney - Elections
  5. What has Obama done for the U.S: Congress, McCain, senator - Elections
  6. Red/Blue Trivia - the 60% states (poll averages): Obama, McCain - Elections
  7. Election 2008 to have lowest turnout in 20 years?!: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  8. Who is barack obama?: terrorist - Elections
  9. As governor, Palin at times bonded church and state : taxpayers paid thousand$ for church-related trips and appearances: ethical, legal - Elections
  10. Newsweek Poll: Obama PULLING AWAY!: Rush Limbaugh, voters, interview, security - Elections
  11. The irony of the political world.: vote, interview, enemy, security - Elections
  12. Zogby: Obama's lead now statistically significant: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  13. Obama - Pelosi planning another 150 BILLION in new spending: Congress, democratic - Elections
  14. The Name Hussein: 9/11, vote, Bill Clinton - Elections
  15. The real conservative: votes, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  16. ACORN! Ayers! ACORN! Ayers!: polls, Barack Obama, Reed, McCain - Elections
  17. The POLLS Must Not Make Us LAZY!!: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  18. As Colorado Goes?: vote, interview, campaign, Republican - Elections
  19. Sarah Palin in her crazyass church, saying 'We are in Iraq on a TASK FROM GOD', really? God hands out assignments now?: vote, McCain - Elections
  20. McCain toning down his attack ads: president, Obama, election, elect - Elections
  21. Heckler At Palin Event with an Obama monkey doll [VIDEO]: racism, supporters - Elections
  22. Reform Party Endorses McCain: democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  23. Pageant Queen for VP: Republican, SAT scores, party, college - Elections
  24. Video of Palin; Punching Obama on Abortion and Born Alive: vote, campaign - Elections
  25. It's a NO-WIN SITUATION for McCain: Cheney, Democrats, Republican, conservative - Elections
  26. Early voting in Texas: vote, campaign, polls - Elections
  27. WOW! Bots, video of Obama on July 30 calling the McCain smear campaign to a T.: Republicans - Elections
  28. obama and more bailouts!: vote, Congress, Dodd, Barack Obama - Elections
  29. Democrats, does ACORN and dead people registration bother you?: voters, illegal, Attorney - Elections
  30. REZCO - Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans: candidacy, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  31. My letter to the two presidential candidates after last debate. - Elections
  32. Proof Positive: Palin is a Blabbering Idiot: politicians - Elections
  33. When the Messiah speaks... Unbelievable - Half of America is on the same page as Louis Farrakhan ...: president, racist - Elections
  34. Ed Rollins on the McCain Campaign: Reagan, democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  35. Remember when McCain said spouses should be off-limits?: campaign, Obama, election - Elections
  36. The John McCain Take Me Back! -o-Tron: vote, campaign - Elections
  37. The HATE started with Jerimiah Wright, Obama's pastor, friend and mentor: poll, president - Elections
  38. Bill and Hill campaigning For Barack in Pennsylvania: votes, interviews, - Elections
  39. Guilt by Association: McCain and Palin: Iran, Iraq, interview, campaign - Elections
  40. McCain's negative campaigning blows up in his face: Al Franken, vote, Congress - Elections
  41. Raw anger in McCain's crowds as Obama strengthens: Congress, campaign, democrat - Elections
  42. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan says when Obama talks the Messiah is absolutely speaking.: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  43. The legislative council in Anchorage: vote, work, date - Elections
  44. Court Orders Palin Not To Destroy Private E-Mails: state - Elections
  45. Palin; Hits Obama at PA Rally on Abortion: vote, Congress, - Elections
  46. Son of conservative icon William F. Buckley endorses Obama: voters, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  47. llkllkkl: Obama, American - Elections
  48. Judge Orders Palin's E-Mails Preserved: Republican, vice president, elections, elect
  49. For Palin, pork is kosher: Republican, president, McCain, lobby - Elections
  50. Conservative republican Michelle Laxalt rips into Sarah Palin and this year's republican smear campaign: president - Elections
  51. McCain to crowd; Give me back my soul!: voters, campaign - Elections
  52. HELP All Anti-Obama stuff at rallys--?: vote, Republican, McCain - Elections
  53. Obama versus Carter: campaign, democratic, nuclear - Elections
  54. Senator Obama cleared threshold, much as Ronald Reagan did October 28, 1980: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  55. Obama is the stupid black male: racist, education, SAT scores - Elections
  56. Private sector loans, not Fannie/Freddie, triggered crisis: Congress, millionaire - Elections
  57. The Obama fans seem to forget that the hate and rasicm started with Rev. Wright who was Obama's spirital mentor: 9/11, vote - Elections
  58. Let's debate.: health care, 9/11, wage, Mexican - Elections
  59. Party Affiliation: health care, vote, Mexican, - Elections
  60. Video of Berg; His lawsuit on Obama's eligibility: campaign, legal, democrat - Elections
  61. Celebritries and does it matter what they say?: vote, interview, legal - Elections
  62. President Obama- The Elite One!: voting, Republicans, Clinton, billion - Elections
  63. Obam's friends crashing the markets to gain support?: Huckabee, middle east - Elections
  64. Does McCain still have a chance to win the elections?: vote, Republican
  65. Should White Christians be afraid of Obama?: vote, education, McCain - Elections
  66. GOPer Pundit Ed Rollins - It's Over For McCain and the GOP: house seat, votes - Elections
  67. What we don t know about Obama: Kerry, McCain, American - Elections
  68. McCain in DEEP trouble; Monthly churchgoers swing to OBAMA!: John Kerry, voters, Democrats - Elections
  69. Both Clintons in Scranton with Joe Biden: campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  70. Obama Vid; You will help shape my Policy: campaign, president - Elections
  71. What will Mc Cain do next?: Iraq, campaign, Republican, accuse - Elections
  72. Found a bizarre video about Sarah Palin's church...looking for more from BOTH sides: global warming, vote - Elections
  73. Gay Men and Lesbians for McCain: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  74. How solidly BLUE is Nevada?: Ron Paul, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  75. McCain is The Angry White Male!: christmas, regular, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  76. Does John McCain know something we do not?: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  77. How many people do you know that will not be voting?: vote, legal - Elections
  78. Do we need to vett Todd Palin - he is in Palin's office a lot..LA Times article: health care, interviews - Elections
  79. KKK supports McCain/Palin: vote, racist, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  80. I have seen enough Obama commercials during football today that I am sick.: election, elect - Elections
  81. Barack Obama says he's a Christian, but do Christians kill unborn children for convenience?: voters, liberals - Elections
  82. Checks & Balances - My HUGE concern if Obama would win: votes, Congress - Elections
  83. Obama door to door: campaign, liberals, polls - Elections
  84. More ACORN FRAUD - 30,000 Felons Illegally Registered to Vote in FL: voters, Democrats - Elections
  85. McCain Letter Demanded 2006 Action on Fannie and Freddie: Congress, democrat, polls - Elections
  86. What kind of Christian says Muslims are saved?: voters, Obama, government - Elections
  87. PUMA building up a head of steam against Obama: voters, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  88. This sure looks nice: voters, Mexican, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  89. What If Obama were a Republican & McCain was a Dem....: Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  90. Energy Expert? Governor Palin? Facepalm Alert - Palin wrongly suggests Congress bans oil exports: 9/11, interview - Elections
  91. It's getting ugly, folks....: vote, campaign, legal, Republican - Elections
  92. Sarah Palin lies to the American people: ethical, legal, Democrats - Elections
  93. Offshore Drilling: Congress, democrat, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  94. Envision an Obama Adminstration...predictions: health care, voting, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  95. Dear ardent poster who has discovered the TRUTH about your opponent:: Reagan - Elections
  96. World War III: 9/11, democratic, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  97. Obama's health care plan, fact or fantasy?: health care system, Congress, wages - Elections
  98. A lifelong Democrats 10 reasons NOT to vote for Obama!: Congress, Iraq, Israel - Elections
  99. As Palin is revealed more and more as a nut, as a McCain supporter, which candidate SHOULD he have picked? Vote.: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  100. Gallup; Changes to LV - Obama by 4 - RV by 7: voters, campaign - Elections
  101. Obama supporters fire bomb MaCain supporter: Republican, radical, crimes - Elections
  102. I think you should be more worried about Congress: vote, Iraq, Republicans - Elections
  103. Fox News founder Murdoch predicts landslide win for Obama!: campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  104. Dems, give me good reasons to vote for Obama!: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  105. Obama still leads in the polls: voting, campaign, Republican, bias - Elections
  106. WOW...just wow!: votes, CNN, Obama, McCain - Elections
  107. What about Biden?: Democrats, Republicans, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  108. Palin Worshipers Not Interested In Facts: gas prices, voters, ethics, Democrats - Elections
  109. The Three Men Who Brought Down Wall Street: voting, Congress, campaign - Elections
  110. BILL AYERS...............“Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country,”: interview, biased - Elections
  111. Why are Obama supporters so nervous if they think Obama can't lose?: votes, Republicans - Elections
  112. Republican National Convention Violent protester fallout! 800 arrested!................: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  113. Obama supporters to Gov. Sarah Palin... Let's stone her, old school.: ethical, illegal - Elections
  114. FOX 'News' Edits Out Palin Hockey Boos?!!: governor, claim - Elections
  115. How concerned are you about voter fraud?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  116. Not happy with Obama or McCain??? Then, write-in Hillary when voting. Why can't it work?: health care, voters - Elections
  117. Ohio Homeless Driven to Polls to Vote Obama: democratic, Republicans, radical - Elections
  118. A one term limit: voters, conservative, polls, president - Elections
  119. Michelle Obama: Her dislike of white her own words.: vote, - Elections
  120. Palin fans go rabid against Obama in Ohio rally: interview, campaign, - Elections
  121. If you are voting for McCain you HAVE to see this!: health care, votes - Elections
  122. OUTRAGE: Primarily Democratic county in OH, voter registration at 109%!: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  123. RNC Pulling Plug On McCain To Cut Losses: votes, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  124. Honor, Courage, Commitment: vote, Iraq, campaign, democratic - Elections
  125. Has the GOP up?: Limbaugh, health care, gas prices, vote - Elections
  126. Newsweek Poll - Senator Obama up by +11 - 52 to 41: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  127. Don't Be SCARED To Register Many Times: vote, Mexican, campaign - Elections
  128. Palin Twins Hate America: Harry Reid, ethical, Obama - Elections
  129. Has God Abandoned John McCain?: president, Obama, Bush, leader - Elections
  130. Loud Boos For Palin At Hockey Game Today: Video: campaign, Republican, liberal - Elections
  131. Fox News faux documentary sets new low: Hugo Chavez, Palestinian, legal - Elections
  132. Obama is first candidate ever to hire ACORN: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  133. Hope vs. Hate: Congress, Mexican, campaign, democratic - Elections
  134. Plan now, anti-Obama folks: unemployment, health care, vote, Democrats - Elections
  135. Obama campaigned in Kenya for the current Kenyan president who promised to bring sharia law to Kenya: Condi Rice, vote - Elections
  136. This Was Obama's Plan: generation, represent, president - Elections
  137. CNN - Lou Dobbs report on Obama-Acorn Connection & Voter FRAUD: voters, campaign - Elections
  138. McCains Ideas on the economy are better..: wages, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  139. McCain Supporters: STOP, LOOK, LISTEN: campaign, Republicans, conservative, racism - Elections
  140. What is the most important political issue to you?: health care, Cheney, gas prices - Elections
  141. All in the Family: parade, liberal, Reed, McCain - Elections
  142. WARNING to MCCAIN-PALIN supporters: Media trying to discourage you from voting!: votes, campaign - Elections
  143. Poll Should McCain dump Palin after findings of guilt?: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  144. McCain: Be respectful, Obama is a decent man. *CROWD BOOS!*: generation, campaign - Elections
  145. One more Republican says Michigan should vote for Obama: Reagan, poll, president - Elections
  146. Vatican Attacks Democrats as ‘a Party of Death’: John Kerry, vote, campaign - Elections
  147. Time for McCain to Concede? You betcha!: Congress, campaign, ethical - Elections
  148. The coming brutal attacks on McCain!: Limbaugh, candidacy, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  149. ACORN...why you don't ever pay people per voter registered: voters, campaign - Elections
  150. McCain Supporters- what do you think?: Cheney, campaign, Democrats, poll - Elections
  151. The hate-filled people at McCain/Palin rallies...what are your thoughts?: voting, Congress - Elections
  152. NRA for Obama!: vote, democrat, drug, liberal - Elections
  153. Why I am not supporting Mc Cain: vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  154. I am voting for Obama because he is the Messiah.: vote, death - Elections
  155. Governor Palin supports domestic terrorism: Obama, McCain, federal, claims - Elections
  156. I we have come so far... guess not: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  157. Disgusted and Embarrassed: campaign, Republicans, president, suspect - Elections
  158. Don't Kid Yourself.: NAFTA, employment, vote, Congress - Elections
  159. Palin guilty of abuse of power: vote, Attorney, CNN, Obama - Elections
  160. more racism at Palin rally...Man At Palin Rally Displays Monkey Doll Donning Obama Sticker: McCain, supporters - Elections
  161. Barak Hussein Obamas Cabinet picks: Harry Reid, Colin Powell, voters, - Elections
  162. Do You Think Palin was Told to Lose the Beehive?: McCain - Elections
  163. Speculation About The Polls Not Being Accurate & A Tighter Vote To Come.: Cheney, president - Elections
  164. John Lewis rebukes McCain's hateful camaign: Congress, campaign, president, racism - Elections
  165. AP Reports Rezko is spiling the beans!!!!: campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  166. Hate hate hate hate............................: campaign, Reagan, legal, democrat - Elections
  167. I'm a little confused. Help me get this straight.: voters, patriot, - Elections
  168. Don't be scared to Stand Up against and be outraged by Obama-ACORN Voter Fraud: Cheney, party affiliation - Elections
  169. Senator McCain has instructed his team to not spend time on the transition effort?!!: Cheney, enemies - Elections
  170. What Will God Say To Obama When He Tries To Get Through The Gates Of Heaven?: Iraq, liberals - Elections
  171. I get the feeling McCain supporters on are leaning to Obama: vote, Mexican - Elections
  172. The Divided States of America: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  173. 4 gay men have been murdered in Obama's church: McCain, Bush, news - Elections
  174. Who is the real Palin?: Simpson, American, election, elect - Elections
  175. To all the republicans who still support McCain.: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  176. Breaking News: Obama To Broadcast Sitcom: president, racist, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  177. McCain to supporters: 'You’re angry, and I’m angry too': Barack Obama, Americans - Elections
  178. Let's help McCain with the Palin problem: enemies, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  179. Tony Rezko bio - See: franchises, fast food, minority only contracts (manipulation), sleaze ball, slime ball, - Elections
  180. Which candidate would be more supportive of small businesses? - Elections
  181. Michelle Laxalt, GOP consultant, daughter of NV Governor/Senator Paul Laxalt - Elections
  182. Gino Jennings on Farrakan, Barak and.... - Elections
  183. My letter to the two presidential candidates after last debate.: vote, security - Elections
  184. Man Shot 3 Times Claims He Was Gunned Down Over Pro-Obama Shirt: middle east, president - Elections
  185. Florida: the older Jewish vote: voters, campaign, cost, news - Elections
  186. Interesting article about Palin's time as Mayor of Wasilla: news, town - Elections
  187. Great Obama supporters clip. - Elections
  188. Obama Campaign returned questionable donations long ago...: McCain, Washington, news - Elections
  189. New Ohio Poll Numbers (CNN): Obama, McCain - Elections
  190. Former Repub Gov Criticizes McCain’s Smear Tactics: Republican, president, date - Elections
  191. Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  192. A Buckley endorses Obama!: vote, campaign, democrat, conservative - Elections
  193. 2008 Election Begins Now!: votes, poll, president, date - Elections
  194. Funny campaign audience rage videos: news - Elections
  195. When does McCain pull the terrorist ads?: campaign, Obama - Elections
  196. McCain's POW experience won't keep you safe: military, Bush, propaganda - Elections
  197. 'No-Brain' McCain weak, feeble-minded, next to pitbull Sarah Palin, reminds you of Bush/Cheney - Elections
  198. Alaska Video: Palin Denies She Did Anything Wrong! - Elections
  199. Takin' it back with Barack Jack (for Swing Voters) - Elections
  200. Obama Supporter? No Parking For You!!! - Elections