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  1. Esquire Endorses Obama: president, McCain, news - Elections
  2. Importantly, Obama holds a 10-point lead Independents?!! - ZOGBY: voters, campaign - Elections
  3. Gov. Palin praised Sen. OBAMA's energy plan 8 weeks ago (Official Alaska Press Release): governor, state - Elections
  4. Palin Ethics Investigation Kept Under Wraps: security, Republican, vice president, independence - Elections
  5. Obama changes his plans for capital gains and small business tax. Can we trust him or flip flop politics to get votes?: McCain, economy - Elections
  6. McCain losing ground with working class whites: voters, Democrats, polls - Elections
  7. Obama campaigning in 57 Islamic States: John Kerry, vote, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  8. McCain Tied To Iran-Contra Group: Reagan, democratic, death, Barack Obama - Elections
  9. Faux News Poll: Obama by 7%: vote, campaign, McCain, economy - Elections
  10. My, My, My- The Electoral Map Keeps Getting Worse: vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  11. New Poll: Palin’s Popularity Plummets In Alaska!: election, elect, state - Elections
  12. IN House race using POLYGRAPH during debate! Should we get Obama to be polygraphed?: Congress, Iraq - Elections
  13. how can obama implement his tax increase now?: unemployment, security, Democrats - Elections
  14. McCain Campaign Pre-empts Troopergate Investigation: voters, Iraq, interview, ethics - Elections
  15. About ACORN...: voters, election, elect, money - Elections
  16. Obama or Mc Cain: You decide!: McCain, political - Elections
  17. McCain, Send In The A-Team!: campaign, Republican, Obama, supporters - Elections
  18. Obama outscores McCain on Veteran's Group's Report Card: vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  19. Obama camp funds ACORN's voter fraud with $800k. Should they be held liable???: voters, campaign - Elections
  20. Preview of the final debate: vote, radical, Obama, McCain - Elections
  21. Oct. 08 Democrats Trusted Over GOP On All The Big Issues: voters, Iraq - Elections
  22. How many times has McCain been written off...: speech, political, economy - Elections
  23. democratic voter registration surge in North Carolina's 3rd most populous county: voters, campaign - Elections
  24. Main American Media is coming out with Investigations and Articles about Barack Obama's Friends: liberal, FBI - Elections
  25. Obama: McCain is stoking anger and division.: American, state, news - Elections
  26. Keating raises Obama's past drug use: vote, interview, campaign, democratic - Elections
  27. Obama and terrorist /Muslim rumor - use a little common sense: voters, enemy - Elections
  28. Interesting Wall Street Journal Opinion Column (Potomac Watch) - Obama Magic: Republicans - Elections
  29. Should Senator McCain and Governor Palin be doing more to stop their supporters from Panicking into Anger: voters, campaign - Elections
  30. democrats in the pocket of big business, part 2: John Kerry, vote, gallon - Elections
  31. McCain faces Conservative Backlash over $300B Mortgage Plan: vote, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  32. democrats in the pocket of big business, part 1: vote, campaign, Dodd - Elections
  33. McCain is poised to lose the Hispanic vote by a landslide: voters, illegal - Elections
  34. Military Donations Favor Obama: soldiers, McCain, election, elect - Elections
  35. McCain's secret plan to fix the economy: Obama, abortion, terrorist - Elections
  36. Democrats have a very different measure of what constitutes progress in this country - Senator Obama: president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  37. Obama shows class: Not mentioning Troopergate or the AIP in his rallies. KEEP IT UP BARACK!: McCain - Elections
  38. Is John McCain a coward?: president, Obama, state, Senate - Elections
  39. McCain's attacks fuel dangerous hatred: patriot, campaign, accuse, Barack Obama - Elections
  40. GOP Insiders predicting Obama victory; Slam Dirty Tactics by McCain: election, elect - Elections
  41. Is there Obama Associate who the American People can be PROUD of?': vote, - Elections
  42. Obama strikes dagger into GOP defense doctrine: Iran, soldiers, president - Elections
  43. Ex-president Carter slams Bush on market crisis: vote, middle east, democrat - Elections
  44. Rasmussen - 61% say McCain prepared to be President: voters, democratic, polls - Elections
  45. Letterman: McCain is 'Being Squirrely': president, speech, supporter, most - Elections
  46. Republican for Obama at the Party's Birthplace...: voting, Barack Obama, solutions - Elections
  47. Mc Cain/Palin: Desperation: Obama, McCain, radio, news - Elections
  48. Another reason to love Obama/Biden: voting, senator, most - Elections
  49. Country First is a First Class Sham: vote, campaign, racism - Elections
  50. Obama buying half-hour blocks on CBS, NBC and Fox.: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  51. 1 guy admitted to register to vote 70 times!!!! Acorn gave him money!: campaign, Obama - Elections
  52. Obamamania in Kenya: Kerry, Americans - Elections
  53. William F. Buckley's Son and Contributor to the NR Endorses Obama.: voting, campaign - Elections
  54. Barack Obama and Joe Biden: A campaign of TERROR makes NO SENSE: Republicans - Elections
  55. Why would John McCain hire...: campaign, conservative, Bush, election - Elections
  56. New York county prints ‘Barack Osama’ on ballots: Barack Hussein Obama, school, political - Elections
  57. Obama RECEIVED Funds from a Criminal to buy Chicago Mansion: campaign, president - Elections
  58. Sen. McCain's Interesting Associations: Colin Powell, 9/11, Putin, campaign - Elections
  59. Sarah Palin Remixed: interview, McCain - Elections
  60. Guv Palin as running mate NOT Senator McCain's decision?: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  61. Cindy McCain Kept Keating Partnership After Scandal: independent, Washington, date - Elections
  62. Obama Leads in West Virginia!!!: voters, democrat, president, McCain - Elections
  63. Veterans support Obama: votes, Congress, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  64. Obama and McCain are good Americans who are asking to lead us: Reed - Elections
  65. Labor group tells McCain to tone it down: campaign, Republican, spokesman - Elections
  66. Would Obama pass military law enforcement Security Clearance other than DNC??: vote, democratic - Elections
  67. Is interested: Obama, independence, McCain, political - Elections
  68. McCain and Team Shrug: Not much a candidate can say about what's happening in the stock markets: vote, Congress - Elections
  69. Cindy McCain ****s on vets with PTSD: Iraq, interview, enemy - Elections
  70. Duplicate - sorry: president, extremist, Obama, party - Elections
  71. NY County sends out absentee ballots listing Barack Osama?!: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  72. Rasmussen Post Debate Survey - Voters said they trust Obama more on all 10 major issues regularly tracked: Iraq, democratic - Elections
  73. Country first? McCain is inciting violence the citizenry: campaign, suspect - Elections
  74. McCain Fires Up the Motorcade To Drive From The Hotel To.....: votes, Iran - Elections
  75. Petraeus - McCain’s hero, agrees with Obama - not McCain.: votes, Iraq - Elections
  76. How do idiots get elected?: vote, Democrats, Republican, Obama - Elections
  77. Forget Tina Fey, Colbert is King!: Republican, conservative, Obama, McCain - Elections
  78. Palin's Personal Vendetta Against Ex-Brother in Lawed: vote, interviews, campaign - Elections
  79. I have to tell you. Sen. Obama is a decent person and a person you don't have to be scared of as president: vote, campaign - Elections
  80. Poll: How would you describe your Political AND Spiritual affiliation: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  81. Obama Charges McCain Trying to Divide Country: speech, Bush, economy - Elections
  82. So does Obama believe that most people are salaried people: gas prices, salaries - Elections
  83. Amazing! Watch Palin praising Obama before she is picked as VP!: campaign, McCain - Elections
  84. Do you agree with Cindy McCain?: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  85. If Obama loses, will his strongest supporters form their own 'mobs' ???: patriot, Democrats - Elections
  86. John, since you know how, how about you tell George before the whole economy crumbles!: Cheney, vote - Elections
  87. Scary first lady: interviews, racist, Obama, Reed - Elections
  88. Now that your 401K Has Tanked, Still Like McCain's Plan to Privatize Social Security?: health care, Obama - Elections
  89. Sarah Palin is a hypocrit: accuse, racist, Obama, Reed - Elections
  90. Is McCain endangering Obama?: Limbaugh, Palestinian, Israeli, security - Elections
  91. The Different Standards Applied To Obama: 9/11, voters, Congress, patriot - Elections
  92. Anti-Obama Billboard in Southwest Missouri!: campaign, biased, statistics, highway - Elections
  93. Obama up in West(By God) Virginia: voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  94. What's up with the TrooperGate Report?: vote, campaign, Republican, liberal - Elections
  95. Obama admits bumming cigarettes on the campaign trail: voters, illegal, Brown - Elections
  96. Friday Gallup's In: Obama 51/McCain 41: campaign, conservative, lobbyists, lobby - Elections
  97. 52% Favor McCain' Mortage Bailout: voters, Republican, conservative - Elections
  98. I haven't seen Palin today?: Republicans, death, McCain - Elections
  99. Betty White: liberal - Elections
  100. NY Absentee Ballot Reads Osama: Iraq, campaign, Obama - Elections
  101. Is there another red state that will turn blue?: accuses, Obama, political - Elections
  102. HAS the absence of Michelle Obama?: interviews, campaign, - Elections
  103. Another Republican Backs Away from McCain: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  104. Barack Obama and Joe Biden: A campaign of TERROR: Iraq, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  105. - you have to hear this - this is the level of experience that Palin has...: campaign, - Elections
  106. McCain Ad; ACORN: vote, interview, campaign, Obama - Elections
  107. Would this be considered treason.....?: Iraq, Republicans, Obama, Bush - Elections
  108. More McCain supporters ready to explode with rage: voting, Republican, Simpson - Elections
  109. John McCain: vote, campaign, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  110. My neighbor Mr. D: votes, campaign, democrat - Elections
  111. Outlandish Accusatory Statement about Candidate X: vote, liberal, conservative, deaths - Elections
  112. Ok so lets assume Obama is a Muslim: Honestly, SO WHAT!: 9/11, voters - Elections
  113. John McCain and Sarah Palin: A Campaign of Terror: Israel, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  114. Joe Biden is funny: vote, Republicans, Obama, McCain - Elections
  115. IN the next debate I would like to hear about new issues: security, thoughts - Elections
  116. Uh OH?! Governor Palin's Numbers Climbing - What will supporters on both sides say?: vote, campaign - Elections
  117. How soon before the confederate flags start waving at McCain rallies?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  118. My president is black: vote, drug, regular - Elections
  119. you go Obama supporters: Republican, president, Simpson, border - Elections
  120. How palin is going to fix the economy: health care, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  121. Is using Barack Obama's name wrong?: campaign, racism, Hillary Clinton, McCain - Elections
  122. Obama gave ACORN $800,000: vote, liberals, McCain, politicians - Elections
  123. Electoral college WILL spoil Obama's victory: voters, Democrats, regular, president - Elections
  124. How important is Education?: vote, Congress, ethical, biased - Elections
  125. Just think, if McCain had....: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, - Elections
  126. Breaking: Obama Tried to Sway Iraqis on Bush Deal: Congress, democratic, president - Elections
  127. Polls can be skewed: voters, biased, Obama - Elections
  128. McCain Fires Secret Service: liberal, bias, Obama, economic - Elections
  129. Transgenders for Obama: votes, legal, Republicans, McCain - Elections
  130. What would happen if?: vote, Iraq, Republicans - Elections
  131. Poll : Obama says You are judged by the company that you keep: 9/11, vote - Elections
  132. Barack Hussein al-Obama has voted to raise taxes 94 times in his brief career...: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  133. Welcome Back Carter?: vote, president, Obama, Bush - Elections
  134. It's a NO-WIN SITUATION for Obama: voting, president, independence, McCain - Elections
  135. What has Cindy become: maverick, pitbull or what? Change in attitude.: campaign, Republican - Elections
  136. McCain Reaching Deeper Into Their Racist Bag of Tricks!: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  137. Gun Sales are Booming: Obama or The Economy?: vote, Congress, - Elections
  138. Sarah Palin says shes a Christian but do Christians shoot helpless animals from helicopters for fun?: Democrats, support - Elections
  139. Joe Biden E-Mail: McCain Campaign Lying — Send Me $5: Obama, Reed, dollar - Elections
  140. John 'songbird' McCain gave up 'package routes' to the enemy, resulted so many planes shot down they changed the routes!: vote, Congress - Elections
  141. Obama and DNC RICO Investigation - Could be the end of Obama: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  142. Obama is a Terrorist! The PA Villagers Have Spoken... [video]: vote, campaign - Elections
  143. If You Knew What You Know Now, Who Would You Have Voted For In The Primaries: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  144. Palin Family Values: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  145. Michelle Obama wears the pants!: voters, Iran, Barack Obama - Elections
  146. I figured out McCain/Palin supporters strategy: Cheney, vote, Republicans - Elections
  147. Recap of Michelle Obama interview: Attorney, Bush, terrorist, elect - Elections
  148. Pollster: Don’t believe the Dem hype: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  149. Farrakhan calls Obama The Messiah: president, McCain, supporters, pay - Elections
  150. McCain and Palin : Dumb and dumberer: vote, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  151. RCP Electoral Map: Obama Has Clinched It: votes, enemy, campaign - Elections
  152. Are McCain and Palin Forgetting Independents and Undeicideds?: voters, campaign, - Elections
  153. The election year is driving the market down: vote, Iraq, security - Elections
  154. Obama's Chronic Denial and Avoidance troubles me: votes, campaign, legal - Elections
  155. Obama; Thousands of fictitious Donors: campaign, democratic, Republican, represent - Elections
  156. We have the obligation to treat each other with dignity and respect - Senator Obama: vote, president - Elections
  157. James Carville and Cindy McCain, look like Lizards?: votes, Obama, brainwash - Elections
  158. If you want to make up your own mind about ACORN and voter fraud:: patriot, Attorney - Elections
  159. Obama was money to go to college Ouch!!!: Republicans, racist, Reed - Elections
  160. Why aren't the McCain supporters talking about ideas?: health care, vote, patriot - Elections
  161. How Can A Reasoned Presidential Election Be Held in Economic/Financial Disaster?: voters, campaign - Elections
  162. Obama; Admits muslim radicals at meeting: voters, Iraq, interview - Elections
  163. Go Joe! I just love this man!!: patriot, ethics, Obama - Elections
  164. Is this what we've come to?: middle east, president, radical, racist - Elections
  165. Troopergate Report Relased - by Palin: votes, democratic, Republican - Elections
  166. Panic attacks: Voters unload at GOP rallies are thetype of ppl who most likely to go on killing sprees: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  167. Without the dead vote, McCain wins by landslide!: voters, security, - Elections
  168. Chief Prosecutor For the Weatherman; I amazed and outraged!: illegal, Republican - Elections
  169. NAVY Captain - assumption Military Vote is Overwhelmingly in favor of Republican Party is SUSPECT: Ron Paul, Iraq - Elections
  170. John Sidney McCain: Republicans, christmas, Obama, Bush - Elections
  171. The Dumbing Down of the GOP: vote, democratic, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  172. Palin's Relationship with Radicals: independence, anti-American, party, election - Elections
  173. Must see VP debate video spoof - Elections
  174. Palin related to Princess Diana & FDR; Obama related to Dick Cheney & Brad Pitt: president, news - Elections
  175. Obama makes inroads with White Working Clas Women in Missouri: news - Elections
  176. Who are the candidates related to. - Elections
  177. Another reason to vote (ha, ha) for McCain: Loyalty oath needed to get in his rallies?: Republicans, Obama - Elections
  178. democrats in the pocket of big business, part 4: vote, Congress, Republican - Elections
  179. John McCain is the real terrorist: states, united - Elections
  180. GOP attacks on American Voters turn desparate, ugly and dangerous: independent, election - Elections
  181. I was promised more electoral scandal than I have received...: Obama, McCain - Elections
  182. Newsweek Poll (Oct 8-9) Obama + 11! O: 52 M: 41: campaign, McCain, work - Elections
  183. Rednecks For Obama - Elections
  184. democrats in the pocket of big business, part 3: Congress, million, politicians - Elections
  185. Are we next to get thrown under the bus by Obama?: Iraq, Israel - Elections
  186. Sample of Obama-style liberalism and rationalization of bad behavior in action (Europe).: vote, middle east - Elections
  187. Rednecks for Obama: vote, news - Elections
  188. Why McCain will lose this election: voters, Obama, Americans, Bush - Elections
  189. Do you really think Hollywood and the media will continue to support Obama if he becomes President?: voters, Barack Obama - Elections
  190. Obama 52% Victory Forecast by Yale Professor's Economy Model: news - Elections
  191. A Frustated Esquire Endorses Barack Obama: Americans, news - Elections
  192. Meet Sarah Palin’s radical right-wing pals: extremist, political, news - Elections
  193. When will McCain pull out of Pennsylvania?: polls, president, Obama - Elections
  194. Is Obama a man of his word?: vote, campaign, legal - Elections
  195. Blame Democrats for the stock market crash..: vote, Republicans, news - Elections
  196. Fake registration forms in Missouri submitted by - you guessed it - ACORN!: voters, patriot - Elections
  197. Keating Five hits 84,400 Hits in a single day - Wikipedia: campaign, statistics - Elections
  198. Obama; An ACORN falls from the tree.......: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  199. Obama has 62% favorability rating compared to 53% for McCain: news - Elections
  200. McCain should talk to Petraeus: Iraq, enemies, Obama, election - Elections