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  1. Why debates no longer matter: voters, campaign, liberal, CNN - Elections
  2. Palin Tax Returns & Financial Disclosures: Obama, McCain - Elections
  3. Is PDS covered?: health care, Congress, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  4. DO NOT Register to VOTE!: voters, Republicans, Obama, election - Elections
  5. Best Word of the Debate: Freedom: McCain, party, elections, elect
  6. Post - Debate parties; - Elections
  7. Matrix for evaluating the VP Debate: vice president, politician, leader, government - Elections
  8. Obama Likely To Keep Bush Defense Secretary Gates: Iraq, democratic, president - Elections
  9. Union Chief: McCain could be forced out of PA too.: Obama, election - Elections
  10. Obama’s illegal foreign campaign contributions from GAZA Palestine,: house of Palestinians, thoughts - Elections
  11. Who WON the VP debate?: CNN, polls, work - Elections
  12. Biden clearly stated I'm not going to change, you know who I am: vote, Iran - Elections
  13. Why is a total lack of experience in Washington a good thing?: Congress, president - Elections
  14. Sarah Palin's Primer on the U.S.Constitution-Powers of the Vice-Presidency: president - Elections
  15. Faith Vote a non-partisian org telling people to vote for Obama in Ohio!: campaign, legal - Elections
  16. The Party of Lincoln Has Become the Party of... - Elections
  17. uncommitted voters say Biden won the debate. Palin does nothing to sway momentum away from Obama: campaign, news - Elections
  18. New Alaskan Poll: 61% Say Biden Won Debate!: vice president, good news - Elections
  19. Congressional votes: democrat, Republican, represent - Elections
  20. Ultimate Bridge to Nowhere Twenty-one million people lose their healthcare because small businesses will drop it.: Obama, McCain - Elections
  21. How About Sarah, she did an amazing job, HHEHHH?!?!: McCain - Elections
  22. GOP Iraq Talking Points Bomb Big Time: Democrats, accuse, McCain - Elections
  23. Three alarming facts about John McCain every voter should know.: wages, enemies - Elections
  24. McCain gives up on Michigan - Elections
  25. A Joe Biden note from the debate: vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  26. Palin Got Troop Levels In Iraq Wrong? Her son is serving in IRAQ!: vote, campaign - Elections
  27. Palin's debate style in a nutshell: school, world - Elections
  28. Virginia Joins the Northeastern Voting Block: vote, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  29. Electoral College Moving Strongly Towards Obama: voters, poll, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  30. poll break down in battleground states: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  31. Labels I Hope to Never Hear Again After Nov: Iraq, vice president, McCain - Elections
  32. POLL : Do you expect a independent candidate to ever be elected in our lifetime for POTUS?: voters, - Elections
  33. One solid reason why it doesnt matter who won: Obama, economy, money - Elections
  34. The truth on each candidate: Barack Obama, state, most - Elections
  35. Would you like your canididate MORE if: vote, Obama, support - Elections
  36. Fact checking the VP debate. health care, vote, Iraq - Elections
  37. mccain/palin: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  38. Governor Palin - Newspapers can be your friend: Iraq, Afghanistan, invasion - Elections
  39. Palin Porno: ethic, McCain, American, economy - Elections
  40. Joe Biden for president 2008!: Al Gore, voters, Democrats, poll - Elections
  41. Palin Gets All Freudian: Dick Cheney, Israel, liberal, Reed - Elections
  42. Team of Mavericks: independent, McCain, American, party - Elections
  43. McCain Lost the VP Debate Too.: Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  44. Hillary Biggest Loser In This Debate: Ron Paul, voters, illegal aliens, democrat - Elections
  45. Unable to win on Issues, McCain forced to sling mud.: president, race - Elections
  46. Obama:Fight is on for North Carolina: votes, state, most - Elections
  47. Obama uses iPhone to win support.: news - Elections
  48. Rasmussen Nevada: Obama 51% McCain 47%: campaign, president, financial, election - Elections
  49. UK Diplomat Warns Of Obama's Inexperience: Iraq, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  50. RNC; Rolling in dough - Thanks Cuda!: campaign, spokesman, Obama - Elections
  51. Biden: How Different is John McCain going to be than George Bush?: administration - Elections
  52. Subpoenas upheld in Palin trooper investigation: campaign, Republicans, Attorney, McCain - Elections
  53. SaraTodd Plagerizes Reagan's Quote: president, Reed, solution, terrorists - Elections
  54. Palin met British Ambassador?. That comes as news to the British Ambassador.: campaign, spokesman - Elections
  55. Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Southerner?: liberal, conservative, crime rate - Elections
  56. What kinds of voter fraud techniques will Obama's crew employ the most to win?: voters, campaign - Elections
  57. Obama's Syrian pal, Rezko, started to talk to cops. Is Obama headed for the Big House, rather than the White House?: vote, democratic - Elections
  58. Palin debate redux - Elections
  59. Gallup: Independent women leaning towards Obama: party affiliation, vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  60. Whatever you do...make sure in advance you're ok to vote!!: Fast food, voters - Elections
  61. Get Ready for the 30 Day Sprint - Who wins, the Kitchen Sink or the Plumber? Obama/Biden 353 McCain/Palin 185: interviews, campaign - Elections
  62. McCain pulls out of Michigan: interview, campaign, Republican, polls - Elections
  63. Palin: Obama Not Qualified to be Commander-in-Chief: Putin, campaign, democrat - Elections
  64. Sarah Palin - Ambassador of God - LOL!: interview, heroin - Elections
  65. Explain Obama's Tax Cut, That Is Really A Tax Increase: vote, Congress - Elections
  66. SWING STATES - Who will be the winner?!: votes, thoughts, democratic - Elections
  67. what happens if the Electoral vote is 269/269 tie: house of Cheney, votes - Elections
  68. Just when I I couldnt hate Sarah Palin more . . . .: death, Obama - Elections
  69. So Sarah Palin was across the street from my office today: voters, Americans - Elections
  70. Survey USA poll of debate: Iraq, democratic, Republican, polls - Elections
  71. Obama; Indoctrination: vote, regime, racism, McCain - Elections
  72. Go Palin!!: voting, interview, conservative - Elections
  73. what happens to Obama/Bidens Senate Seats when they win in November: vote, Congress - Elections
  74. With McCain pulling a Flight 93, what about congress?: house seat, vote, interview - Elections
  75. Favorite political clowns?: regular, Obama, McCain, politicians - Elections
  76. VP Debate; 70 Million watched!: interviews, stats, vice president, Barack Obama - Elections
  77. A Conservative Plea: Congress, democratic, liberal - Elections
  78. ! Hour long special on TV - Obama & Friends: A History of Radicalism: liberal, controversial - Elections
  79. Palin tax mystery: Where are the per diems?: salary, patriot, independence - Elections
  80. The mainstream media had me believing: interviews, campaign, Afghanistan, biased - Elections
  81. Ok, I'm over it: vote, Congress, president, McCain - Elections
  82. Where Is The Support For Obama? It Disappeared.: vote, campaign, polls - Elections
  83. GOP Files Appeal to Halt Troopergate Case: voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  84. Saturday, Oct 4: Gallup OBAMA 50% McCain 42%: polls, president, suspect, independent - Elections
  85. McCain's Kremlin Ties - Montenegro, Moscow by the Mediterranean: Putin, middle east, security - Elections
  86. Editorial from Wasilla Newspaper: vice president, Bill Clinton, McCain, Americans - Elections
  87. Rasmussen Poll:45% Say Biden Won Debate, 37% Say Palin: vote, Republicans - Elections
  88. Sarah Palin kept out of the loop from her own campaign: interview, Obama - Elections
  89. Sarah Palin Is Nothing But A Faux Ronald Reagan: Iran, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  90. McCain campaign owns website Voteforthe Democrats, vice president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  91. How many presidential elections have you voted in / Your historical political affiliation if applicable: votes, Reagan
  92. Palin benefits from double standard: Congress, interviews, Republicans, represent - Elections
  93. Happy Anniversary to Barack and Michelle Obama: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  94. John McCain: He GETS us!: voting, Congress, Barack Obama, American - Elections
  95. Struggling in Polls, McCain regroups to AZ: vote, Obama, rating - Elections
  96. Obama savages McCain on Health Care with 1 month to go: employment, wages - Elections
  97. DNC stepping in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate: campaign, democrat - Elections
  98. Obama and O.J.: campaign, democratic, Republican, drug - Elections
  99. News, WWJ reporter fired for wearing Obama T-shirt.: president, Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  100. Biden; Has a few words for dems who voted against troop funding: votes, Iraq - Elections
  101. Old People Hate Obama: vote, racist, McCain, supporters - Elections
  102. McCain confronted by Vet at townhall: votes, president, Obama, examples - Elections
  103. Interesting Bailout earmark for Alaska: vote, interview, Reed, George Bush - Elections
  104. Apparent Biden Debate Error: Iran, Iraq, Israel, nuclear - Elections
  105. The last time Sarah Palin cried was when her daddy told her she couldn't skin the wolf alive: vote, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  106. All Of Obama's Great Work Added Up To Nothing: suspect, Reed, McCain - Elections
  107. Palin Tells McCain Campaign to Stay in Michigan: Hugo Chavez, interview, patriot - Elections
  108. Why I do not like Palin: votes, candidacy, represent, vice president - Elections
  109. Great Article on the U.S. Right Wing: patriot, Obama, McCain - Elections
  110. Goodbye, Senator McCain and Sarah Palin!!: unemployment, health care, vote, Iraq - Elections
  111. Should Obama use Affirmative Action Quotas for his staff: president, racism, McCain - Elections
  112. NR's Rich Lowry: Palin Sent Little Starbursts Through The Screen: vote, interview - Elections
  113. McCain about to unleash smear campaign in Michigan: Republicans, conservative - Elections
  114. let's stop talking about Palin: voters, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  115. McCain Plans Fiercer Strategy Against Obama: campaign, democrat, Republicans, president - Elections
  116. Mark of the beast: campaign, president, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  117. Envision the President of The United States: vote, poll, speech - Elections
  118. Judge orders obama to produce birth certificate: democratic, conservative, Attorney - Elections
  119. Biden Wins! on Fox): vote, Republican, CNN - Elections
  120. Women and Biden: Colin Powell, voting, democratic - Elections
  121. Biden spoke with a worker to find out what it cost to fill up a gas tank!!!: gallon, Obama - Elections
  122. McCain/Palin Country First!: vote, Congress, interviews, campaign - Elections
  123. Who did you connect with the most tonight (NOT who won) - Palin or Biden?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  124. Where's Hillary in all this? What's she have to say about this Sarah character?: vote, campaign - Elections
  125. Wrong About Ifill: liberal, biased, accuse - Elections
  126. Is Palin ready for the O'Reilly Factor, Meet the Press, This Week and Face the Nation?: interview, campaign - Elections
  127. Forget Palin's Politics, she doesn't know her basic grammar!!!: voting, - Elections
  128. List of things you heard Palin say: Iraq, Afghanistan, school - Elections
  129. Gays/Lesbians, Did Palin Turn You Off Last Night?: vote, legal - Elections
  130. This is THE Poll that is most accurate...: vote, liberal, biased - Elections
  131. Obama's has us CHANGE!!!!: unemployment, 9/11, voters, gallon - Elections
  132. Focus Group goes for PALIN !!: vote, CNN, polls, vice president - Elections
  133. define :Joe Six Pack: Obama, carry, guns, religion - Elections
  134. FBI raids Obama friend's home: vote, democratic, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  135. She was great because she did better than expected: vote, president - Elections
  136. What's next for Sarah Palin?: unemployed, voting, campaign, ethics - Elections
  137. Biden wins Independents: Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  138. Barack Obama said he WOULD meet with Ahmadinejad: Iran, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  139. Joe's Tears: the Political Power of Paternal Love: biased, president - Elections
  140. City Data's Poll: This Forum Poll Has Shown all night...: Democrats, CNN - Elections
  141. Joe Biden on Being a Single Parent: salary, McCain, Americans - Elections
  142. Palin Thinks She Can Wink Her Way [Flirt] Through the Debate !: votes, - Elections
  143. Biden's Emotional Moment Touched of People: death, Obama - Elections
  144. It looked like a veteran Senator debating a small town mayor: vote, Iraq - Elections
  145. Palin is an idiot (moved from NJ): democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  146. Biden says Obama wants him to govern on every major Decision!: votes, vice president - Elections
  147. Who won the VP debate tonight? be fair): voters, middle east, patriot - Elections
  148. What goes around comes around...can't wait for November: Congress, generation, - Elections
  149. SaraTodd Doesn't Realize That.....: voters, legal, Hillary Clinton, Reed - Elections
  150. Palin Supporters are like stereotypical liberal parents: Republicans, liberals, Reed - Elections
  151. I'm not going to answer the questions you want!: McCain, Americans - Elections
  152. Gotchya!!!: house of unemployment, interviews, security - Elections
  153. Biden article 1 of the constitution is........drum roll ........: house of Cheney, vote - Elections
  154. Should Obama run a Keating Five ad?: vote, campaign, ethics - Elections
  155. Hey Palin, is that the Wasilla Wink?: Cheney, vote, McCain - Elections
  156. Biden says he supports gay marriage 100%: campaign, legal, Barack Obama, Americans - Elections
  157. Bail Out Just Passed: votes, Congress, American, money - Elections
  158. Joe Sixpack: vote, represent, deaths, American - Elections
  159. Palin's flag pin: voting, patriot, American, billion - Elections
  160. Obama/Biden will reduce your principle on your home ... yeah right.: Congress, democrat - Elections
  161. Jesse Jackson Jr is national co-chairman of Obama's campaign?!: Congress, Reed, state - Elections
  162. McCain Loses His Head article by George Will: vote, Congress - Elections
  163. Conservative Krauthhammer Gives Up On McCain: Palestinian, Israel, legal, regular - Elections
  164. Don't be fooled-Palin is Bush in pumps.: Cheney, conservative, Obama - Elections
  165. Sarah Palin complaining on FoxNews today: vote, interviews, Obama, Americans - Elections
  166. Sarah Palin Debate Flow Chart: states, united - Elections
  167. Have you registered to vote Time's running out.: Obama, top - Elections
  168. McCain hits low point again in Gallup Poll: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  169. Open Letter to Sarah Palin: Ron Paul, employment, health care, vote - Elections
  170. Palin Factor is Over: Putin, campaign, Republicans, polls - Elections
  171. I don't want a pitbull with lipstick as my VP!: vote, vice president - Elections
  172. Let's be real ...: vote, conservative, represent - Elections
  173. Just like his principal, Joe Biden was Confident, Engaging and Presidential: votes, Iran - Elections
  174. Palin: health care, interview, salaries, vice president - Elections
  175. You won't see Palin in Playboy if you vote for her!: Obama, McCain - Elections
  176. Palin AND Biden avoided questions: interviews, vice president, Obama - Elections
  177. Biden; Frequents restaurant that closed 15 years ago: health care, Iraq, - Elections
  178. McCain Confirms - Palin Gets McCain Stance on Homeowner Protections Wrong: campaign, political - Elections
  179. Palin's big mistake tonight was she didnt protect the Maverick: biased - Elections
  180. Missouri back in the Swing as McCain's lead over Obama Shrinks - Elections
  181. Stocks fall after word that bailout passes: vote, Americans - Elections
  182. Haha Shelter Cuts Sandra Bernhard from show for violence against Palin: Republican, vice president - Elections
  183. A request: vote, Congress - Elections
  184. Who's voted - Elections
  185. Trailwatch poll gives the debate to Biden~73% to 23%: vote, democratic - Elections
  186. Biden's comments about Obama and McCain: vote, Iraq, security, Democrats - Elections
  187. A blast from the past: Kennedy, most - Elections
  188. Polls- 10/3/08: Obama, 7 point lead, Gallup and Rasmussen: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  189. The real issues...McCain's choises: vote, Obama, elect - Elections
  190. Bigger and Worse Than Politics...UCA.: Cheney, Bush, billion - Elections
  191. Palin shows she can sling the bs with a straight face, thats the redeeming qualityneo-cons see in her for 'more wars to - Elections
  192. Two funny, bizarre, short McCain videos - Elections
  193. The Obama effect: vote, Democrats, elections, governor
  194. Our tax system explained in terms of beer: Obama, McCain, cost - Elections
  195. Let Sarah Palin be Sarah Palin (LoL): Dick Cheney, votes, interviews - Elections
  196. Oh Sarah: independence, party - Elections
  197. NY Daily News Poll Biden 51% Palin 44%: vice president - Elections
  198. McCain campaign; McCain's fate hangs on three states: votes, democratic, president - Elections
  199. Walk the bi-partisan walk,: Obama, McCain, work - Elections
  200. Petraeus & bin Laden commonalities: Iraq, terror, war - Elections