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  1. Alaska Natives Palin's Support: vote, accuse, McCain, state - Elections
  2. Palin radio interview on Hugh Hewitt: Iraq, interviews, middle east, Israeli - Elections
  3. Where's Carly Fiorina: unemployed, salary, campaign, McCain - Elections
  4. Financial Questions: conservative, money, pay, work - Elections
  5. Southern Belle Rails on Obama: vote, money - Elections
  6. Pat Buchannon Says McCain Is Wrong: thoughts, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  7. The Sarah Palin Pity Party: Americans, political - Elections
  8. Anchorage News:Palin got zoning aid, gifts: date - Elections
  9. Union Members Using ‘Racial Slurs’ Against Obama: Condi Rice, vote, democratic - Elections
  10. Oh, Boy.... Palin has out done herself again (Couric Interview #2): McCain, date - Elections
  11. Obama is black and a liberal....: democrat, liberals, conservative, anti-American - Elections
  12. Yeah, That's the guy!!!: states, united - Elections
  13. Interesting YouTube Video About Finance Crisis and Democrats: vote, liberals, economic - Elections
  14. Palin/ McCain/Couric interview - Latest (Sept 30) tanscript from CBS News released: president, broadcast - Elections
  15. wow! interesting stuff! more bailout to come?: vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  16. If Palin were a male candidate??: Congress, salary, campaign, democrat - Elections
  17. Who will win the VP Debate?: Republican - Elections
  18. Dulisianne Debate Topic #1: Small Business: liberal, president, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  19. McCain 501 group using scare tactics: voters, enemy, campaign, - Elections
  20. Sarah Palin CBS Interview: interviews, represent, vice president, McCain - Elections
  21. Intrade $$ prediction: Obama 338 McCain 200: conservative, political, elect, money - Elections
  22. John McCain: Economic Disaster: patriot, president, Clinton, economy - Elections
  23. Republicans Fear Palin Will Be ‘Overprogrammed’ for Debate: democratic, vice president, McCain - Elections
  24. Through Doublespeak Bailout Becomes Rescue Plan: voters, democratic, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  25. Putin Rears His Head...: interview, border, states, united - Elections
  26. who would be president??: Condi Rice, Republican, McCain, election - Elections
  27. Change...: Republicans, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  28. SEnate votes tomorrow on bailout and Obama and McCain will be there: Congress, - Elections
  29. How the Rebellious Republicans Are Working It to Make the Bailout Appear a Republican Victory: unemployment, voters - Elections
  30. Paulson, another Bush HACK. Indictments?: Democrats, Attorney, Obama, billion - Elections
  31. Governor Palin and Green energy - $100 Billion: global warming, suspect, Obama - Elections
  32. Electoral Map 9/30/08 Obama:301 McCain: 237: votes, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  33. Jib-Jab!! Isn't it time to weigh in ? You're missing all the fun!!: campaign, Obama - Elections
  34. Vice President..: votes, impeachment, Obama, McCain - Elections
  35. McCain Says He's Always Aspired to be a Dictator: speech - Elections
  36. Country First; what a load: vote, patriot, campaign, legal - Elections
  37. Details about Sept 13th Alaska Women Palin rally: vote, wage - Elections
  38. Community Organizer defined: candidacy, president, radical, Obama - Elections
  39. Palin's Speeches Go Missing from .gov Website!: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  40. explain: voting, Congress, government, state - Elections
  41. Obama Waging Class Warfare, Race Hustling And Tends To Appease: Barack Obama, Pelosi - Elections
  42. McCain To Hold L.A. Fundraiser After Attacking Obama For Doing The Same: liberal, pay - Elections
  43. All aside, at the debate McCain's body language....: campaign, drug, president - Elections
  44. Did McCain actually Push Bush into War After 9/11? (Unearthed Video): Iraq, interview - Elections
  45. Quinnipiac Polls: Obama leads in Pa, Ohio and Fla: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  46. Time for the DESPERATION ads on TV: voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  47. Chuck Baldwin, Real American Nationalist: 9/11, voters, wages, patriots - Elections
  48. McCain takes hit from bailout collapse...major blow to his campaign: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  49. How's Obama Doing Compared To Kerry and Gore?: election, elect - Elections
  50. Breaking: Gov. Palin’s Speeches Go Missing: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  51. SEND THIS YOUTUBE TO ALL FRIENDS -devastating McCain vid: Obama, economy, jobs - Elections
  52. McCain-Palin campaign sidesteps issues, devolves to SOAP OPERA: Republican, poll, Obama - Elections
  53. Obama's newest hard hitting Extremely Negative ads.: campaign, McCain, jobs - Elections
  54. Is the Mccain Campaign really allowing this to happen or...: interviews, drug - Elections
  55. 10,587.59 vs 10,365.45 ... going the wrong way: 9/11, Bill Clinton, McCain, American - Elections
  56. Obama; Casting call for ....... rape victims: interview, campaign, Barack Obama, Washington - Elections
  57. McCain is the next Napoleon: Iran, middle east, democratic, military - Elections
  58. Who has the temperament to lead in times of crisis?: Congress, campaign - Elections
  59. s what Obama did for Chicago: vote, enemy, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  60. Will Obama's race cost him the election? I think not: voters, campaign - Elections
  61. Obama: +8 in Ohio, +8 in Florida, +15 in PA, Poll: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  62. She loves her dad: president, Obama, most - Elections
  63. News, Palin/Troopergate witness flips under oath, acknowledges pressure from Palin: candidacy, date - Elections
  64. Bill Clinton(R) Stars in new McCain Ad: Limbaugh, Democrats, president - Elections
  65. For all the Jewish grandkids out there, and everybody ..: voters, Republican - Elections
  66. Homeless people are voting in Ohio because Dem. take them to the voting booth!!!: vote, Iraq - Elections
  67. Biden, were you really shot at ? Yeah. Didn't think so!: voters, Iraq - Elections
  68. Does Obama = Collectivization?: president, conspiracy, Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  69. Pro McCain youtube videos being deleted with Obama's being left to stay: campaign, American - Elections
  70. McCain Campaign Crying About VP Debate: interviews, vice president, economy - Elections
  71. Something About Sarah: liberals, represent, Obama - Elections
  72. post debate polls.......bad news for McCain: Republicans, CNN, racist - Elections
  73. Tax Cut Calculator: Al Gore, voters, Congress, Mexican - Elections
  74. Obama, Acorn & The Community Reinvestment Act?: vote, security, illegal - Elections
  75. is the new bailout bill bad for america?: vote, Congress - Elections
  76. This subforum is a ghetto: health care, vote, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  77. why won't this bailout die, part 1?: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  78. Obama won?: interview, campaign, Democrats, polls - Elections
  79. Anti-Obama site: voting, racist, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  80. Do you feel sorry for Palin during interviews?: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  81. Palin? Is she pitbull or Prom Queen?: voters, parade, campaign - Elections
  82. Obama logo gets a new look! A star and a ......: middle east, security - Elections
  83. When obama is elected president..........: Iraq, patriot, Afghanistan, death - Elections
  84. Woman McCain Should Have Picked: vote, Iraq, interviews, democrat - Elections
  85. What are easy questions you think Sarah Palin couldnt answer?: votes, president - Elections
  86. VP Debate moderator biased for Obama: economic, elect, state, date - Elections
  87. If McCain wants to win he needs to oppose the bailout...: voters, Congress - Elections
  88. Why isn't McCain's campaign still suspended?: interview, polls, president - Elections
  89. VP Mod Corruption - RELEASING 'AGE OF OBAMA' BOOK ON INAUGURATION DAY: campaign, ethical - Elections
  90. Obama calls for civilian paramilitary force: regular, political, party - Elections
  91. Who is sick of Palin I'm ready to serve ...: Obama, broadcast - Elections
  92. McCain a Bully?: Iraq, Mexican, Republican - Elections
  93. World EC; Obama 8192 - Mac 3: votes, Republican, McCain - Elections
  94. Sarah: My joke wasn't about Joe's age, dontcha know: voting, enemy, - Elections
  95. electoral map...Obama has got this: house of votes, patriots, Democrats - Elections
  96. New Couric Interview Vid: Palin Claims to Read All News Sources: school - Elections
  97. Couric: You made a funny ..: voters, interview, controversial - Elections
  98. Democrats fixing election for communist regime: votes, Obama, Reed, military - Elections
  99. Sarah Palin bombs out in two mock debates: patriot, McCain - Elections
  100. economics: wages, Democrats, Republican, death - Elections
  101. Alaska State Defense Force (ASDF): vote, security, soldier, Obama - Elections
  102. Why Didn't Tee Boone Pickens Run 4 Prez?: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  103. Will The Floozie Be Around On Nov 4th?: vote, illegal - Elections
  104. Commanding Alaska's Guard w/ 24/7 missile defense: security, soldiers, death, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  105. Sarah Palin May Really Win the Debate: security, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  106. Palin interview; Extended version: voting, McCain, speech, abortion - Elections
  107. Obama's civilian national security force: generation, Republicans, marines, soldiers - Elections
  108. Sarah Palin plays AGE card against Biden!: president, McCain - Elections
  109. Poll : Will this video help sway voters: Congress, security, Democrats - Elections
  110. Where is Barack Obamas Leadership?: votes, campaign, Republican, accuse - Elections
  111. New interview (#2) today: Palin - Couric: excerpts: vote, interviews, enemies - Elections
  112. The 3 A.M. Call: Congress, Iran, president, Dodd - Elections
  113. Four More Years ????: voters, gallon, Iraq, salaries - Elections
  114. 40% of dems did not come to the table: votes, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  115. Will McCain suspend his campaign again since things are worse now?: Congress, Obama - Elections
  116. rumor: John Kerry, voting, campaign, president - Elections
  117. Gosh!! I Did Not Know I Am A CONSERVATIVE!!: Rush Limbaugh, health care, vote - Elections
  118. Great article on how TX will be next big dem state: vote, Congress - Elections
  119. Obama's Legal troubles brewing: unemployed, vote, campaign, - Elections
  120. Sarah Palin on bailout plan - MUST WATCH (moved from NJ): interview, party - Elections
  121. Update: OBAMA: 348 McCain: 190 10/01/08: votes, campaign, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  122. Obama; Takes credit for failed Bailout: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  123. Illegal immigrants are voting in American elections: vote, illegal aliens, Democrats
  124. Shortest books ever written: Dick Cheney, Iraq, campaign, Attorney - Elections
  125. New poll: Best one !: Ron Paul, voters, democratic - Elections
  126. Barrack Obama is the next Jimmy Carter (scary): security, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  127. the vote is on right now!: Republicans, represent, president - Elections
  128. Will there be riots if Obama loses?: vote, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  129. Now THAT's An Endorsement!: votes, Congress, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  130. Palin is the Next Reagan - Why Democrats fear the Governor: enemy, Republicans - Elections
  131. Planned Parenthood ad blasts Palin: extremist, crimes, Brown, abortions - Elections
  132. News: Obama wins by a landslide of 74%...: liberals, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  133. obama to cut capital gains taxes for small businesses?: conservative, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  134. Wall Street bailout appears to be in jeopordy again...stocks plummet a record 600 points: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  135. Republican and FOX News contributor Bill Kristol says John McCain is on a course to lose the election to Obama: vote, campaign - Elections
  136. Fox News - Fair and Balanced?: vote, liberal, conservative, CNN - Elections
  137. Can A Maverick Lead?: vote, Congress, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  138. Sarah Palin can fix this economic crisis.: Congress, leader, Senate - Elections
  139. Obama moves ahead in North Carolina (again) O 47% Mc 45%: Republican, polls, president - Elections
  140. Obama's Bounce: Dead Cat or Trend?: vote, Iraq, democratic - Elections
  141. Bailout Voted Down..New Presidential Candidates Needed?: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  142. McCain brags today he got the deal done.: vote, polls - Elections
  143. A reader at a major newsroom emails: voters, Democrats - Elections
  144. Dan Quayle/Sarah Palin: interviews, Republicans, McCain, Bush - Elections
  145. Are you happy they bill out bill didn't go through?: vote, Congress - Elections
  146. Rasmussen: Obama-51% McCain-45%: vote, Iraq, Republican, polls - Elections
  147. Guess what? Biden gaffes more than Palin, way more: liberal, bias - Elections
  148. Secret, Foreign Money Floods into Obama Campaign: illegal, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  149. - New Site: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  150. An ACORN Falls from the Tree: voters, Congress, security, campaign - Elections
  151. Saturday Night Live skits hurting Sarah Palin?: Al Gore, regular, vice president - Elections
  152. Can a Palin supporter explain this to me?: health care, vote, interviews - Elections
  153. Sarah Palin must bow out from the VP running mate: interview - Elections
  154. Russian Bombers Patrolling Off Alaskan Coastline!: Putin, security, president, Obama - Elections
  155. Palin; Katie is too tough for me: vote, interview, Democrats - Elections
  156. Election to be closer then many think.: votes, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  157. McCain should suspend his campaign till November 5th...: Cheney, votes, Iraq - Elections
  158. Did the McCain campaign rig the VP Debate?: voters, democratic - Elections
  159. Obama kids sing for 'dear leader': patriot, Republicans, representation, McCain - Elections
  160. Watch out in State of Georgia - Obama Narrowing Gap: voters, Republican - Elections
  161. Could OMAHA elect the next President?: house seat, of votes - Elections
  162. is the for the vote breakdown on the bailout: votes, Congress - Elections
  163. Palin's Facebook Leaked!: Putin, Bill Clinton, Obama - Elections
  164. goodnight everyone: vote, represent, FBI - Elections
  165. Palin, A Journalism Major, Can't Name A News Source She Reads: interview, represent - Elections
  166. I'd like to place a wager on the Palin/Biden debate: McCain, rating - Elections
  167. My NOBAMA 08 Phrase makes it to ebay !: bomb - Elections
  168. Busted!! Obama camp behind palin smear websites!!: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  169. Couric Diminishes Gov. Palin: interview, vice president, Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  170. Nostradamus Obama prophecies?: terror, leader, world - Elections
  171. Hypothetically speaking : USSC trivia: Iran, interviews, security, vice president - Elections
  172. Former Obama fundraiser Rezko is talking to prosecutors: Democrats, Attorney, Barack Obama - Elections
  173. Will Palin Be Wired for the Debates?: illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  174. How will the rejection of the bailout bill effect the candidates now?: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  175. 25 reasons you can use to cover up your racism if you don't want a black (or half black) president.: employment, vote - Elections
  176. 25 Reasons You May be a Racist if you vote against Obama: employment, candidacy - Elections
  177. Can we have do-over: vote, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  178. Should churches lose their tax exempt status?: represent, political - Elections
  179. The Big GOP Lie: votes, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  180. true face of republicans: Obama - Elections
  181. Mom Supports Obama's Bracelet Mention: Iraq, democratic, soldier, president - Elections
  182. McCain's next 10 Hailmary stunts.: salary, Taliban, campaign, vice president - Elections
  183. Obama Gets Post-Debate Boost in Voter Trust on All Issues: voters, president - Elections
  184. Is There A Bigger Group of WATBs Anywhere?????: votes, Congress, - Elections
  185. School Project: Voting 2008: vote - Elections
  186. Disavowal of the pursuit of 'middleclassness': campaign, Obama, McCain, claim - Elections
  187. Grizzly for Palin: global warming, vote, campaign, independence - Elections
  188. new polls show a shift towards Obama in states: McCain - Elections
  189. s a lie told by McCain at the debate: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  190. New Urgency Over McCain Medical Questions as Election Nears - Elections
  191. a wake up call at Justice Department: Congress, Republicans, Attorney - Elections
  192. Senate voting on very similar bailout bill TOMORROW: vote, Obama, McCain - Elections
  193. GREAT Article by Palin's Alaska Political Opponent - Elections
  194. McCain vs Des Moines Register Editorial Board: political, news - Elections
  195. McCain:Nov 24, 2001 call for war with Iraq video: 9/11, interview, military - Elections
  196. First Presidential debate discussion: CNN, news - Elections
  197. Pro-McCain video = lol: vote, Obama - Elections
  198. Obama Backed by The Boss and the Piano Man. History in the Making.: campaign, democratic - Elections
  199. Democratic Ticket in NM Gets Endorsement from Navajo Council: health care, vote, education - Elections
  200. News Video, 82-Year-Old Republican Finds Out She’s Related to Obama.: voting, Barack Obama - Elections