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  1. Pumpkin head wasn't happy tonight..: votes, Republican, Obama - Elections
  2. Terrorists and Dictators Take On The Election: Ron Paul, vote, legal - Elections
  3. John McCain and Ms. Teen South Carolina - interesting similarites...: Ron Paul, Democrats - Elections
  4. Thank You Ronpaul!!: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, polls - Elections
  5. South Carolina Goes to McCain: Huckabee, vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  6. Dude, where's my party?: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, Huckabee, voting - Elections
  7. Obama Inc.: campaign, Barack Obama, political, work - Elections
  8. McCain wins Louisiana caucus: preliminary results: Ron Paul, voters, Republican, biased - Elections
  9. Delegates: Huckabee, voting, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  10. Mdia calling Romney winner in Nevada.: Huckabee, vote, president, Giuliani - Elections
  11. McCain was doing so well!: Ron Paul, Cheney, interview, enemy - Elections
  12. Obama AND the Clintons with Rezko: John Kerry, Al Gore, votes, Iraq - Elections
  13. Hillary Plays Flight Attendant: impeachment, president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  14. Alabama Republican Assembly Endorses Ron Paul!!!!: Huckabee, polls, represent, president - Elections
  15. Las Vegas Sun - 40 year GOP owner switching parties: party affiliation, vote, democrat - Elections
  16. Clinton and more wasteful spending and pandering.: votes, Iraq, racist - Elections
  17. WHo can do it... and how??: vote, president, parties, economy - Elections
  18. Romney Whisper??: interview, campaign, president - Elections
  19. Political Calls - they apparently can ignore the no call list?: vote, campaign - Elections
  20. Is the Media trying to start a Race War?: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  21. When is the next televised Republican Debate?: CNN, president, McCain - Elections
  22. My wonderful uncle..: voters, campaign, support, date - Elections
  23. Obama and Hillary's vote numbers, Nevada: votes, Democrats, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  24. Rudy's past comes back to life: bias, Clinton, Giuliani, rating - Elections
  25. Has RP considered this for FL?: Ron Paul, vote, conservative, represent - Elections
  26. Does Hill/Bill have a personal vendetta?: health care, impeachment - Elections
  27. Do you think Huckabee/Paul will be at Florida debate on Thursday?: campaign, Republican - Elections
  28. New York Observer endorses Obama: vote, Clinton, million, senator - Elections
  29. Romney in Florida !: Ron Paul, vote, illegal - Elections
  30. My experience as a campaign caller!: vote, security, Mexicans, illegal - Elections
  31. Romney--why claim he flipflopped on gays: candidacy, legal, governor - Elections
  32. Bill Clinton accuses Obama-backed union of vote rigging: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  33. Keating Five: McCain...does remember?: ethics, political, elect, supporters - Elections
  34. Mitt's economic record is questioned: Democrats, American, economy, governor - Elections
  35. Bill Clinton's Chutzpah: Huckabee, Republicans, president - Elections
  36. Who will win, not who you want: Ron Paul, vote, Republican - Elections
  37. Romney for President Launches First Spanish Radio Ad: Republican, party, governor - Elections
  38. Media's love affair with John McCain: campaign, Republican, conservative, president - Elections
  39. Romney--why say he flipflopped on McCain-Kennedy Bill (amnesty): security, illegal, illegals - Elections
  40. Merrill Lynch should raise a Red Flag: Ron Paul, American, countries - Elections
  41. Judicial Watch has Hillary papers using FOIA: health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  42. Why no Ron Paul ads on TV?: Democrats, Republicans, speech - Elections
  43. Why I vote.: Huckabee, votes, legal - Elections
  44. Read Profiles in Courage: president, politicians, election, elect - Elections
  45. Once Upon A Time!: elect - Elections
  46. Huckabee Wants Immigration Halted: Ron Paul - Elections
  47. Interesting Romney Fact: campaign, democrat, president, Clinton - Elections
  48. Ron Paul Campaign Files Caucus Challenge with Louisiana GOP: Huckabee, voters, Congress - Elections
  49. campaign spending: government, date - Elections
  50. Clinton or Obama, who is stricter on illegal immigration?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  51. Honesty and integrity of electronic voting..: Ron Paul, NAFTA, voters, Democrats - Elections
  52. News, Michigan Crowd Boos McCain on Illegal Immigration.: Ron Paul, Huckabee, unemployment - Elections
  53. Why This ELECTION Is So IMPORTANT!!: party affiliation, vote, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  54. Ron Paul Supporters Hope To Deliver A Knockout: Congress, campaign, president - Elections
  55. Choose my candidate for me. (or convince me that your candidate is the best): Ron Paul, NAFTA - Elections
  56. Romney and McCain tied at Nat'l level: Huckabee, voters, campaign - Elections
  57. Who to vote for?: Ron Paul, votes, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  58. Are most Hillary bashers women?: Hillary Clinton, American, slavery - Elections
  59. Juan Hernandez on The McCain Team: vote, Mexican, campaign, illegal - Elections
  60. I'm Creating My Own 'paper Trail': Ron Paul, vote, desecrate, government - Elections
  61. Uncommitted Says He Is Not Dropping Out of The Race: voters, democrat - Elections
  62. on delegates: voters, Democrats, party, state - Elections
  63. Updated Delegate Scorecard: Huckabee, votes, Democrats, Clinton - Elections
  64. Paul Donators- Are you pleased with what you're seeing?: Huckabee, campaign, president - Elections
  65. Six Big Lies About John McCain: global warming, Ron Paul, votes, Congress - Elections
  66. McCain is on tv right now in Florida lying about Romney and troop withdrawal: Ron Paul, NAFTA - Elections
  67. Want to feel the Earth Move Under you Feet?: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  68. Clintons Continue to Race-Bait: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  69. Was Ron Paul right, if we eliminated income tax would we have almost the same income as 10 years ago?: Putin, - Elections
  70. reality check: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  71. John McCain /= economics: Ron Paul, democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  72. ABC plans to ignore RP on Feb 5th (proof enclosed): Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  73. Louisiana Caucus: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Congress - Elections
  74. Before you vote for a Republican, watch this!: Ron Paul, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  75. This is the only Hope for America.: Ron Paul, NAFTA, Huckabee - Elections
  76. Why Does The Middle Class Need Help?: health care, voting, gallon - Elections
  77. Caroline Kennedy endorses Obama - a President like my father: NAFTA, vote - Elections
  78. For all the RP & blame Bushers, a .: global warming, Ron Paul, September 11 - Elections
  79. Do I have this right about HC, BO, & JE?: health care, vote - Elections
  80. John Edwards has it right, but no one is listening.: unemployment, voters - Elections
  81. Super Tuesday...: Huckabee, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  82. Florida Gov. Crist to Endorse McCain: voting, Congress, Iraq, Baby Boomers - Elections
  83. Who is 2nd choice for Paul Supporters?: Ron Paul, NAFTA, Huckabee - Elections
  84. Caption Contest! Enter Now!: president, radical, McCain, Bush - Elections
  85. McCain's fake status as frontrunner: Putin, voters, Democrats - Elections
  86. BREAKING NEWS: Obama Wins South Carolina Primary: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  87. opinions on where Rudy will finish in FL?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  88. McCain: Vladimir Putin is the President of Germany: voting, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  89. Colin Powell Should Have Run: vote, Iraq, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  90. New York Times Endorses Hillery: voters, Iraq, generation, Republicans - Elections
  91. Why should I vote for Ron Paul?: Congress, campaign, - Elections
  92. Tonight's Debate: Ron Paul, voters, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  93. McAmnesty: Have Republicans forgotten McCain's Amnesty Plan: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  94. Republican or Democrat: vote, Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  95. What are you looking for in a President?: Ron Paul, vote, security - Elections
  96. Another nail in Rudy's (campaign) coffin: Ron Paul, Huckabee, 9/11, vote - Elections
  97. Who will drop out next?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, votes, campaign - Elections
  98. Romney and the 3rd Bush?: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, - Elections
  99. presidential poll, January: Ron Paul, house of votes, Democrats - Elections
  100. Lou Dobbs For President: votes, patriot, Mexican, - Elections
  101. Try This: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Democrats - Elections
  102. Crossover For McCain?: Ron Paul, NAFTA, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  103. Ted Kennedy to endorse Obama: John Kerry, voters, campaign, - Elections
  104. Like it or not, Obama can't beat a Republican: Colin Powell, health care, voters - Elections
  105. The real Ron Paul: votes, Congress, Mexicans, Democrats - Elections
  106. Ron Paul's mistake: 9/11, enemy, illegal - Elections
  107. The Current Delegate Count as of 012408 and The MSM: Huckabee, votes, - Elections
  108. Observations About Last Night In SC and Florida: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  109. This is your ballot,and myne...: Ron Paul, NAFTA, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  110. Candidates on Gun Control.: Democrats, president, Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  111. Love him or hate him, Bill Clinton is the most popular President alive: vote, Reagan - Elections
  112. Has Bill Clinton's behavior toward Obama changed your opinion of him?: vote, candidacy - Elections
  113. Kucinich out: Congress, generation, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  114. Why should whites vote for Obama?: generations, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  115. Realistically who will be the next president?: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  116. Who won the debate tonight: health care, votes, Iran, - Elections
  117. Handy little side by side comparison of candidates.: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq - Elections
  118. Obama Animal Rights, Huckabee And Fried Squirells: Republicans, McCain, support - Elections
  119. will the gov't rebates affect your presidential vote?: Ron Paul, Obama, Bush - Elections
  120. Economic Crises: Ron Paul, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  121. Same Old REPUBLICAN Tricks Again!: Harry Reid, Congress, enemy, Mexicans - Elections
  122. Illegal Workers a Key Issue for Republican Candidates: house seat, health care, voters - Elections
  123. Why are all the primary canidates stumping for change??...: Ron Paul, health care, vote - Elections
  124. Electronic Voting: votes, poll, president, American - Elections
  125. Romney, AP Reporter Exchange Words: vote, campaign, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  126. Do you prefer a candidate that???: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  127. Predictions On Romney: health care, voters, Republican - Elections
  128. Michelle Obama - I know how to bounce back from my mistake: voting, interview - Elections
  129. What is it about all Presidential Candidates that creates so much hate?: democratic - Elections
  130. Is Obama a Reaganite?: vote, Congress, interview, democrat - Elections
  131. What happens if the Republicans can't choose?: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats - Elections
  132. They say race doesnt matter for President: Colin Powell, voters, candidacy - Elections
  133. Would Obama be the white guy ?: vote, thoughts, Americans - Elections
  134. That Black-White-Female Debate: vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  135. Why are primaries held on different days?: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  136. Las Vegas Cullinary Union vs Hillary Clinton / Teachers Union: vote, campaign, ethical - Elections
  137. Hillary will be the best Internationally: vote, Iraq, Afghanistan, president - Elections
  138. Which of YOUR presidental candidate will fix this issue?: Ron Paul, salary, campaign - Elections
  139. Star Trekkin'/Obama: vote, illegal, liberals - Elections
  140. Why do Populist movements never seem to go anywhere?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, votes - Elections
  141. Obama will be the Next President: Ron Paul, Republicans, Hillary Clinton, Reed - Elections
  142. NBC using full legal musle to stop Kuninich from Tuesday's Presidential Debate: vote, interview - Elections
  143. Why Isn't Cheney Running?: campaign, legal, president - Elections
  144. Ron Paul way ahead of Rudy and why does the media still talk about them?: NAFTA, Huckabee - Elections
  145. Thompson, Hunter And The Conservative Vote: Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  146. Barack Obama?: Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  147. Interesting Huckabee: Congress, interviews, Taliban - Elections
  148. ROMNEY doing well in MICHIGAN: Cheney, liberal, president, Clinton - Elections
  149. Why the H-E-double-hockey-stick are we in Iraq?: security, Americans, George Bush - Elections
  150. Tax Freedom Day - How many days you work as a slave: vote, president - Elections
  151. Bloomberg has harsh words for Washington: Ron Paul, Huckabee, Michael Bloomberg, voters - Elections
  152. Is John Mcain conservative?: Harry Reid, Ron Paul, votes, Congress - Elections
  153. Romney---his change to Pro-Life: Harry Reid, Ron Paul, vote, candidacy - Elections
  154. Guaranteed: the election will be decided on the economy: Ron Paul, employment, vote - Elections
  155. Why Romney Has the Best Shot At Winning Florida: Huckabee, voters, enemies - Elections
  156. Romney--media biased against him: Ron Paul, voting, Iraq, Republican - Elections
  157. Women turn on ‘traitor’ Oprah Winfrey: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  158. A scary state of mind: vote, Iran, Iraq, Mexican - Elections
  159. Can the next elected President fix this?: Corporate Profits, Ron Paul, employment - Elections
  160. McCain's Strategy?: Huckabee, votes, Republicans - Elections
  161. Bill Clinton Falls Asleep During Martin Luther King Speech: campaign, political, most - Elections
  162. What Obama is failing to do: NAFTA, employment, Dick Cheney, gas prices - Elections
  163. Fred Thompson supporters, what do we do now?: Ron Paul, 9/11, vote - Elections
  164. I'm impressed so many candidates have a plan!!!: Ron Paul, Congress, enemies - Elections
  165. Obama and his slum lord connection: vote, Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  166. Why is Barack Obama considered 'black'?: voters, candidacy, president - Elections
  167. Another one bites the dust...: Ron Paul, votes, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  168. Why won't Latinos vote for Obama?: generation, polls, stats - Elections
  169. Jane Roe officially endorses Ron Paul: Huckabee, vote, - Elections
  170. Hillary's 35 years of experience explained: Democrats, Republican, Attorney - Elections
  171. I don't think politicians should preach.: Huckabee, vote, Republican, liberal - Elections
  172. are we too lazy?: voters, Iraq, campaign, illegal - Elections
  173. Why hasn't Rudy packed it in ?: Ron Paul, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  174. Obama actually wins Nevada: votes, democrat, Republican - Elections
  175. Isn't it funny ... the more we bash Hillary the better she does: Putin, vote - Elections
  176. current delegate count: Huckabee, Democrats, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  177. With less than 1/% in.... Faux News Reports.... You Decide...: Ron Paul, votes, campaign - Elections
  178. What is up with Bill Clinton days?: Limbaugh, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  179. Ron Paul takes second place in Nevada...: Huckabee, vote, interview - Elections
  180. Hillary May Wrap It Up Next Week: vote, Iran, middle east - Elections
  181. When Will Edwards Drop Out?: Huckabee, Republicans, president, Clinton - Elections
  182. McCain or Romney? who would you choose?: vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  183. time for voters to the negative Clinton politics: party affiliation, democratic, Republican - Elections
  184. Obama WINS and Clinton WINS?: vote - Elections
  185. FairyTales - Elections
  186. Fairy Tales.....: elect - Elections
  187. Meet the Press: political, races, date - Elections
  188. Mitt Romney wants to Expand the over taxed housing market!!!!: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  189. Attack of the Maroon Cartoons!: Huckabee, democrat, Republican, Obama - Elections
  190. Hillary and the Networks: polls, Obama, compare, television - Elections
  191. Huckabee wants to amend the constitution to meet God's standards.: voting, democrat - Elections
  192. Obama, Clinton Face Off in SC Primary - Elections
  193. voting: voters, represent, president, Americans - Elections
  194. Democrats Look Ahead to Super Tuesday - Elections
  195. Does understand the delegate count?: votes, campaign, dollar, million - Elections
  196. The Home State Advantage: Al Gore, voters, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  197. Pick The Running Mates and The Attorney General and Secretaries of State and Defense: democrat, Republican - Elections
  198. Mitt Romney: I saw the New England Patriots win the World Series: state - Elections
  199. Phony Las Vegas Review-Journal endorsement - not fooling locals: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  200. GOP Candidates Press for Mich. Advantage - Elections