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  1. Sarah Palin is going to make $$$$ when she writes her book.: campaign, president - Elections
  2. New Ad Is Obama ready to lead?: Republicans, Reed - Elections
  3. Real Clear Politics AVERAGE POLL: Obama + 4: vote, candidacy, democratic, Republican - Elections
  4. Poll Results Suggest More Uncommitted Voters Saw Obama As Debate Winner: Putin, Iraq - Elections
  5. If the Democrats cared about the environment....: votes, political, economy - Elections
  6. Video; John is right!: McCain - Elections
  7. to me McSame.....: votes, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  8. Palin's Crazy Minister In The News.: Franken, liberals, president - Elections
  9. Barack:You won tonite, but there's room 4 improvement and you were too nice to McCain: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  10. Wingnuts are desparate, look at the threads crying about who call out McCain/Palin antics: state - Elections
  11. McCain's latest distraction stunt hurted the ecomony more-Will he ditch Mississippi & waste their 5 million dollars: polls, political - Elections
  12. Remember Senator Dodd (DEM.), the guy who got the nice mortgage from Countrywide for a low rate?: Kennedy, McCain - Elections
  13. Obama Mccain are both USELESS: Iraq, middle east, patriot, Democrats - Elections
  14. Wow! Rasmussen Virginia: Obama 50% McCain 45% !: voters, democratic, liberal, president - Elections
  15. Rasmussen: 12% of Republicans going for Obama.: John Kerry, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  16. Kissinger said Obama was wrong ( lied ): Iran, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  17. Too bad McCain was right only 8 times out of 90 minutes, plus McCain stayed in the past during the entire debate!: Iraq, - Elections
  18. Neocons who make fun of Obama's uh oh's, check this video of Bush.: president, George Bush - Elections
  19. What a governor should look like on camera: democrat, Republican, president - Elections
  20. CBS Quick Poll on Undecided Voters (Who won)......: Obama, independent, McCain - Elections
  21. Questions the Reporters Should Start Asking: Harry Reid, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  22. Presidential/VP Debate Moments: Reagan, democrat, death, Clinton - Elections
  23. Palin: Miss Teen USA 2008: interview, Obama, McCain, political - Elections
  24. McCain-Palin campaign stonewalling the Troopergate probe by helping witnesses refuse to comply with subpoenas: Ron Paul, party affiliation - Elections
  25. YouTube - Joe Biden swears Obama is not ready to be president: elect - Elections
  26. This economic crisis is because of 8 yrs. of Pres. Bush?: Clinton, Obama - Elections
  27. Obama now has a slight lead in VA: voters, president, McCain - Elections
  28. Open the debates: Democrats, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  29. Miss South Carolina, looking smarter all the time: voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  30. Undecided voters...what are you thinking?: Barack Obama, McCain, speech, Bush - Elections
  31. Daily Gallup: Obama, McCain - Elections
  32. POLL:Who will help decide the winner of this election?: voters, Iraq - Elections
  33. Catholic get out to vote video...: thoughts, McCain, ideology, support - Elections
  34. How to calculate your future tax under Obama or McCain: employment, campaign - Elections
  35. This should make everybody Livid, regardless of party: vote, Congress - Elections
  36. NEW campaign song Obama - Elections
  37. Non-partisan debate: vote, Iran, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  38. You are not just old and foolish Sen. McCain, you are SENILE.: poll, retire - Elections
  39. Mc Cain: No show??: campaign, Republican, poll, president - Elections
  40. s one reason why no deal was reached - Dems&ACORN: voters, Congress - Elections
  41. Obama Brings Women into Democratic Fold: voters, Democrats, Republicans, poll - Elections
  42. News, A face from ears: Palin is carved into cornfield.: Republican, vice president - Elections
  43. Rasmussen: Obama leads 50 -45: campaign, polls, president, McCain - Elections
  44. GOP analyst said McCain misstepped: Republicans - Elections
  45. They call McCain “Songbird,” and say he received special treatment.Vietnam activists accuse him of being a collaborator: house seat, interviews - Elections
  46. State Polls: MO: vote, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  47. News, Obama ad hits McCain for ignoring middle class.: health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  48. Debate was so-so, but the undercard: voters, liberal, conservative - Elections
  49. The first Debate!: thoughts, solution, elections, elect
  50. The Colbert Report: John McCain Suspends His Campaign So He Can Fix the Economy: president - Elections
  51. How drug addict Cindy was outed: interview, drugs, liberal, suspect - Elections
  52. So much for a suspended campaign, the smear ads continue...: voters, president - Elections
  53. Does reid really believes his own lies and the crap he tries to sell?: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  54. In An Effort Once Again Gain Power over Gov Palin Ohio Witches Make a Palin Crop Circle: voting, conservative - Elections
  55. Why John McCain Lost the Debate.....: votes, interviews, security, campaign - Elections
  56. McCain got a bit to much into the military aspect in this debate? Agree?: Ron Paul, health care - Elections
  57. Identify your support: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, democrat - Elections
  58. FOX News text vote - McCain SLAMS Obama!!: CNN, poll - Elections
  59. Obama won, McCain get out of the way back machine: voters, Republicans - Elections
  60. Where was Sarah last night? Getting examples for Katie?: vote, campaign, - Elections
  61. Chris Rock: It's simple, vote for the guy with one house.: John Kerry, security - Elections
  62. Sorry, THIS is as close as obama gets: campaign, conservative, president - Elections
  63. Poll : Do you think Obama did note taking so he could study: polls - Elections
  64. McCain has been DIRECTLY involved in the last TWO financial crises: vote, Congress - Elections
  65. POLL: Who won tonights debate?: vote, Obama, McCain - Elections
  66. Noone won...they both did just ok.: vote, Obama - Elections
  67. Obama looked tensed, sad, and depressed after the debates: Iraq, president, border - Elections
  68. Obama wins hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: vote, Mexican, Republican - Elections
  69. McCain wins hands down.: Reagan, president, Obama, economic - Elections
  70. Obama's funny accent when mentioning middle eastern places: president, McCain, Americans - Elections
  71. Obama; Answer the WHAT will you CUT?: health care system, vote, middle east - Elections
  72. Your are not just nieve Senator Obama, you are dangerous: president, McCain - Elections
  73. After the debates: I miss Tim Russert: president, McCain, election - Elections
  74. Two Americas developing!: wages, illegal, president, Obama - Elections
  75. Obama said I agree 8 times to John McCain: president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  76. McCain looked so old and out of it in comparison to Obama: vote, CNN - Elections
  77. Joe Biden made a statement...: Obama, McCain - Elections
  78. Kissinger just issued a statement: John McCain is right: Iran, Iraq, CNN - Elections
  79. Charles Krauthammer on fox gives the debate win to Obama: polls - Elections
  80. POLL: How many times did Obama say McCain is right?: voters, Reed - Elections
  81. Indepentent voter focus study: Obama won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: voters, CNN, polls, biased - Elections
  82. McCain Can't Remember the Iranian President's Name. Why Bother Just Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran: Afghanistan - Elections
  83. McCain is an angry warmonger: Iraq, Afghanistan, soldier - Elections
  84. McCain admits the US tortures prisoners?: 9/11, Democrats, suspect, Bush - Elections
  85. McCain: I Don't Care About You People!: health care, voters, Congress - Elections
  86. CBS polls: voters, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  87. I am so proud of McCain: interviews, president, Obama - Elections
  88. Why do we have so few debates?: voters, campaign, - Elections
  89. Huge strategic mistake : Iraq and its impact on current economic crisis: Iran, middle east - Elections
  90. Do you still want to vote for Obama?: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  91. Third parties speak to America, so why won't the corporate media give them: votes, Congress - Elections
  92. More pain for Palin?: Putin, vote, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  93. How many of you they both lost tonights debate?: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  94. The biggest game-changer from the debate...?: Iraq, vice president, Obama - Elections
  95. Palin as President? Is it worth it?: vote, campaign, - Elections
  96. Ten to one Palin comes down with laryngitis before Thursday: Obama, McCain - Elections
  97. 269-269 tie in electoral votes: democrat, Obama, McCain, states - Elections
  98. Obama's Brown shirts at work!: campaign, democrat, Attorney, president - Elections
  99. McCain never looked at Obama; never addressed him: voters, Democrats - Elections
  100. Obama is going to cut taxes for 95% of American families?: health care, voters - Elections
  101. Did McCain's Smiling and Smirking Bother you too?: John Kerry, vote, patriot - Elections
  102. Speaking of bailouts..will Palin bail out of VP debate?: president, McCain - Elections
  103. Polls: Obama wins debate: vote, interviews, Democrats - Elections
  104. CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and FOXNews all have Obama winning the poll on the debate: John Kerry, votes - Elections
  105. McCain never uttered the word middle class: vote, illegal, president - Elections
  106. Dick Morris on FOX gives the win to...: voting, Republicans - Elections
  107. Obama can't remember the name on his bracelet: Iraq, drugs, soldiers - Elections
  108. Can't wait for next Thursday's VP Debate: interviews, Obama, McCain - Elections
  109. Will Biden be removed and Hillary be back, or someone: interviews, president - Elections
  110. Kissinger repudiates Obama: voters, Iran, interview, president - Elections
  111. Is McCain a Patriot?: wages, illegal, soldiers, president - Elections
  112. What we learned from watching this debate:: vote, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  113. Army Deploys Special Crowd Control Unit Stateside: Congress, security, - Elections
  114. Thank you for the debate night civility.: thoughts, McCain, state - Elections
  115. Why Isn't Palin Commenting On Debate??: Putin, Republicans, McCain, political - Elections
  116. Republicans are now turning on Johnny...: Harry Reid, Huckabee, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  117. Has Sarah Palin found examples for Katie Couric: vote, interview, - Elections
  118. Post Your Anticipation of CNN's Electoral Map: voters, liberal, conservative - Elections
  119. Vote for the Guy with 1 House!!!: enemy, Obama, McCain, Bush - Elections
  120. Debate: polls, Obama, McCain, senator - Elections
  121. McCain's next 10 campaign stunts: salary, Taliban, nuclear - Elections
  122. Will you watch the debate tonight, and how?: thoughts, McCain, Americans - Elections
  123. McCain's biggest mistake was not selecting Mike Huckabee for his running mate: votes, enemies - Elections
  124. McCain + Palin = A Bunch of Mess: interview, president, Obama, Bush - Elections
  125. Why did McCain suddenly decide to debate: Iraq, campaign, liberal - Elections
  126. Uh Uh Uh How can vote for Obama?: president, McCain - Elections
  127. Chicago Sun-Times: McCain Proves Leadership in Time of Crisis: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  128. Conservative Christian Best-Selling author supports Obama: voting, Iraq, interview, campaign - Elections
  129. McCain Declared Victory in tonight's Debate: campaign, Obama, American - Elections
  130. Oh McCain.. the National Review thinks you made a mistake: vote, interviews - Elections
  131. Sarah Palin: The Knowledge and Eloquence we need!: Colin Powell, liberal - Elections
  132. The Dems are desperate - look at all the threads bashing McCain-Palin: polls, Obama - Elections
  133. Big change in CNN electoral map..favors Obama: vote, polls, president - Elections
  134. Palin Accepted $25,000 in Gifts, Alaska Records Show. Reformer: interview, ethics - Elections
  135. Now that the dust has settled, doesn't Hillary Clinton look better?: vote, democratic - Elections
  136. 90 Minutes? Are you serious - the Debate is only 90 Minutes?: vote, president - Elections
  137. Have you changed your mind? Why?: vote, McCain, economy - Elections
  138. Hey McCain now that you got the ride to Washinton are you planning on doing anything?: interview, campaign - Elections
  139. NYTimes to Obama; Where's your vow of truth?: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  140. Gamesmanship confirmed: votes, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  141. Should Palin drop out?: vote, interview, campaign, biased - Elections
  142. Bush speaking at 9:35am about bailout....who gets credit......because that's what this was all about.: campaign, democratic - Elections
  143. Young voters, solidly behind Obama, registering in droves: generation, Baby Boomers, campaign - Elections
  144. Another Reason Hispanics Should Not Vote GOP: campaign, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  145. Ron Paul was Right: Huckabee, voters, Congress, Republican - Elections
  146. Palin prediction: interview, campaign, thoughts, McCain - Elections
  147. Rasmussen: Obama 50% ~ McCain 45%: vote, interview, campaign, CNN - Elections
  148. Obama Attacks McCain With Untruthful Ads: voters, campaign, ethics, democratic - Elections
  149. HUCKABEE calls McCain Debate Ploy a 'Huge Mistake': candidacy, campaign, Republican - Elections
  150. Obama; Should thank Bush for saving his chestnuts: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  151. Remember Al gore winning the elections and than....Bush became president. so Dem... keep dreaming.: vote, campaign
  152. Palin vs Miss SC: vote, represent, McCain, Bush - Elections
  153. McCain's suspension was a TOTAL SUCCESS: interview, campaign, - Elections
  154. Letterman let's it rip over McCain - Day Two I feel Like an Ugly Date: votes, interviews - Elections
  155. Dems tried to hide ear mark in bail-out for acorn!: votes, Congress - Elections
  156. KKK attending debates: liberal, representation, Obama, McCain - Elections
  157. Straight answers, from both sides.: Condi Rice, voters, Congress, patriot - Elections
  158. Sarah Palin's Beauty Pageant Swimsuit Competition Footage (VIDEO): vote, parade, Reagan - Elections
  159. Obama Camp misrepresents House Republican Quote!: vote, Congress, patriot, campaign - Elections
  160. CNN-Jack Cafferty: Palin is a Joke: McCain, most - Elections
  161. Who will win this debate?: vote, Iran, democratic - Elections
  162. Running debate discussion, one stop posting folks: vote, Obama, McCain - Elections
  163. 29 Minutes and 50 Seconds: dollars, kids - Elections
  164. Will Barack Obama be allowed to use a teleprompter tonight?: Iran, nuclear - Elections
  165. 39 minutes and 50 seconds: Obama, Reed - Elections
  166. Obama Could Come Away Looking Like A Hot Head.: McCain, Americans - Elections
  167. Are white males falling out of vogue as future presidents ?: generation, campaign - Elections
  168. For who still thinks Palin is up to the job.: president - Elections
  169. I just got a call from the democrate party!!!: campaign, Republicans, polls - Elections
  170. More of the Palin interview with Katie: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  171. Holy cow. Local GOP delegate is an Obama supporter.: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq - Elections
  172. Dick Morris says McCain reared back to deliver the pimp slap!: vote - Elections
  173. McCain Camp insiders say Palin clueless: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  174. McCain On the Way to Mississippi, with Rudy Giuliani in Tow (?!): 9/11, Congress - Elections
  175. McCain says let the debate begin!: teleprompter - Elections
  176. POLL : Should Obama followers take off the Obama Goggles: Iran, polls - Elections
  177. Debate Wrap: FOX Forum Contributors React to the First Presidential Debate: conservative, Obama - Elections
  178. Are you a swing voter like my husband?: party, percentage, most - Elections
  179. Obama has WON the election!: McCain, political, claims, support - Elections
  180. It is debate night, so lets mind the rules folks - Elections
  181. Rich fat cats were Bush tax breaks the past 7 years, they should pay tax now to buy great 'investments' Bus: work - Elections
  182. Mainstreet we have something in common with the McCain's: Obama, family - Elections
  183. Hillary to campaign for Obama in Grand Rapids, Michigan: conspiracy, Hillary Clinton, news - Elections
  184. Rate the Debates survey (FreePress): official, most - Elections
  185. Who Won? Palin?: Obama, McCain - Elections
  186. Biden; Four Pinocchios for this one: health care, campaign, independent, McCain - Elections
  187. McCain: Dr. Kissinger and I have been friends for 35 years: military - Elections
  188. The Jaques Enterprise Democrat Poll has Mccain Up 5.1% American Voters.. - Elections
  189. Obama/McCain Debate: Same Old Recycled Talking Points: Barack Obama, political - Elections
  190. This Crazy Election /Stewart & Colbert - Elections
  191. The Once in a century Rip-Off: world - Elections
  192. Head of Skate: president, state - Elections
  193. Rasmussen: McCain's Republican support slipping in Virginia: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  194. Alaska Paper Compiles Palin’s Flipflops On Troopergate: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  195. New campaign song Obama - Elections
  196. Back to Reality: Obama ahead in projected delegate count: president, political, election - Elections
  197. Will the American People fall for McCain's recycled stunt?: candidacy, campaign, poll - Elections
  198. What will your taxes be under McCain or Obama - Find out: election, elect - Elections
  199. Hillary Clinton's New Job w/ Obama?: interview, TV - Elections
  200. The Bailout: Judging McCain's Role: Democrats, Republicans, conservative, Bush - Elections