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  1. Rasmussen: Obama 49 / McCain 46: vote, polls, president, suspect - Elections
  2. Palin, losing her accent?: interview, speech, state, date - Elections
  3. Hey Bushy, It's Time to Man Up....: votes, gallon, Congress - Elections
  4. Obama advisor, Fannie Mae fatcat returns: campaign, poll, vice president, Dodd - Elections
  5. Another Social Security / Market Meltdow (SS/MM) Link: Iraq, Clinton, Reed - Elections
  6. McCain's Alternate Bail out plan: campaign, president, American, billion - Elections
  7. Dumb: work - Elections
  8. Clinton: Obama Better For Post-Bailout - CBS NEWS: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  9. Check, double check and check your voter registration again: liberals, most - Elections
  10. Obama Ad Distorts McCain Stem Cell Position - PolitiFact: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  11. Why did the Chicken cross the road? (Obama, McCain, Clinton, Bush, Palin, and more!): John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  12. Palin causes wine sales to Plummet?: democratic, Republican, McCain, Bush - Elections
  13. The Overton Window: examples, date - Elections
  14. Time to do the right thing! Howard Dean: call your brother: voters, campaign - Elections
  15. Why is McCain..: campaign, Clinton, Obama, speech - Elections
  16. Clinton; Trying his best to hurt Obama - Video: Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  17. Busted AGAIN... Rick Davis still an officer with his lobbying firm...: campaign, McCain - Elections
  18. The Keating mess redeux: campaign, Reed, McCain, lobbyists - Elections
  19. ANOTHER HILLARY supporter jumps ship to support MCCAIN.............: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  20. Should absentee Senators Obama and McCain pay back their Senator salaries and benefits?: house seat, Congress - Elections
  21. NBC News Poll: President, Kerry still deadlocked: democrat, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  22. Bailout plan agreed...: vote, Congress, Obama, McCain - Elections
  23. McCain Praises Bill Clinton & Calls Him His Friend: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  24. McCain has run from a debate before: voters, campaign, - Elections
  25. Good, nearly handed debate advice from Karl Rove to the candidates: campaign, president - Elections
  26. So who won the debate?: Obama, McCain, election, elect - Elections
  27. What would $700 Billion buy?: Congress, Iraq, security, - Elections
  28. Can't wait to debate!: Congress, McCain, American, elect - Elections
  29. Barack Obama Has Done Nothing !...: vote, McCain, million, political - Elections
  30. Proof that McCain can't Multi-task: rating, claims, news, town - Elections
  31. Family with Down Syndrome Child Meets John McCain and Sarah Palin: Limbaugh, CNN - Elections
  32. McCain Refund?: salary, campaign, supporters, Senate - Elections
  33. Republicans only: Are you still impressed with Palin now that she has been interviewed?: speech, governor - Elections
  34. Hefner...Playboy....Palin?: news - Elections
  35. God bless Senator Jim DeMint (R) SC: security, democrat, Republican - Elections
  36. Sept 24th, 2008.........the day the elephants looked like jackasses!!: Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  37. What razzle dazzle will McCain pull for the debate?: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  38. McCain is out of gas....: votes, campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  39. Your thoughts on Ron Paul: voters, candidacy, president, elections
  40. Barack Hussein Obama II Is One Smart Democrat. He's the man I want talking about American Economics.: president, McCain - Elections
  41. Dems&Reid; Video;Looking for leadership...from McCain: Harry Reid, votes, Republican - Elections
  42. McCain aide’s firm was paid by Freddie Mac: vote, Iraq, salary - Elections
  43. JOHN McCAIN'S FANNIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Congress, interview, campaign, Obama - Elections
  44. Sarah Palin, bigger than life: Obama, McCain, politician, compare - Elections
  45. FREE SARAH PALIN from sexist & chauvinistic treatment.: interview, Brown, McCain - Elections
  46. Email Going Around on the Net: voters, patriot, represent, president - Elections
  47. News: Wall Street to suspend trading: president, McCain, million, state - Elections
  48. Conservative Leader: McCain risks loss of conservative vote if he backs bailout: support, news - Elections
  49. Fundraisers for McCain bring in pork: Washington, news - Elections
  50. John McCain admitted to filing false tax returns: campaign, democrat - Elections
  51. McCain wants to suspend his campaign: injection, president, Schumer, election - Elections
  52. Obama; disgraced Johnson still advising Obama: John Kerry, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  53. Is McCain disputing Obama's statement that he initiated the call joint statement?: campaign, - Elections
  54. Benedict Murtha Getting Sued!: conservative, marines, Americans, military - Elections
  55. In Case You Missed It: Full Palin Interview with Katie Couric: vote, Republican - Elections
  56. SUSA Poll: Debate should be held: campaign, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  57. Why you arent voting this year....: vote, polls, party - Elections
  58. POLL: Is this the most important presidential election ever?: health care system, voting, Congress - Elections
  59. Yogi Berra or Sarah Palin... - Elections
  60. Country First, Americans First or People First: What slogan is most attractive?: thoughts, Republicans - Elections
  61. Germany Blames ‘Anglo-Saxon’ Financial Centers For Crisis: president, Bush, states - Elections
  62. The truth about John McCain's health...: cocaine, drugs, liberal - Elections
  63. Obama Lawyers Using Thuggery to Stop Ads?: Putin, campaign, legal - Elections
  64. I can see russia from my house!: ethics, regular, Obama - Elections
  65. Obama-biden: First time in 68 years a ticket with no military experience: vice president - Elections
  66. Watch Obama's newest ad: A Stronger Economy / 's What I'll Do As President: generation, Republicans - Elections
  67. Who am I? Figure it out.: Republican, liberal, vice president, political - Elections
  68. If McCain is so amazing...: Republican, Obama, educational, Bush - Elections
  69. BREAKING: McCain Camp attempting to cancel VP debate!: campaign, democratic, CNN - Elections
  70. Bill Clinton(R); Throws the Dems under the bus: vote, Democrats - Elections
  71. What Say You Republicats; The US Has No Right To Second Guess Israel?: vote, Iran - Elections
  72. Hey John...Why don't you read the bailout plan before talking about it?: interview, campaign - Elections
  73. Did Sarah Palin Really Say She Wouldnt Hire Blacks?: racism, African, election - Elections
  74. Obama Leading in North Carolina: voters, Republican, poll - Elections
  75. While McCain Was Dithering...: campaign, Republican, liberals, conservative - Elections
  76. We all knew this was coming: McCain Blamed!: house of campaign, Democrats - Elections
  77. McCain just lost all his credibility: vote, Iraq, Reagan, liberals - Elections
  78. Obama loves his 1/2 million dollar remodled plane ..................: vote, campaign, - Elections
  79. what do hispanics want elections: votes, Congress, interview, Mexicans
  80. HOW can back McCain???: vote, Congress, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  81. One of Obama top fund raiser meets with Ahmadinejad: enemies, Barack Obama, Bush - Elections
  82. No Poll Hmmmm: voters, polls, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  83. obama crooked land deal investigated!: Congress, Iraq, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  84. Do you feel kind of stupid arguing with each other...: vote, Congress - Elections
  85. Bailout breakthrough deflates McCain tactic.: vote, Congress, generation, - Elections
  86. Obama campaign enlists Law enforcement & District attorneys to shut people up: ethics, - Elections
  87. 1976 again???: unemployment, vote, gallon, Congress - Elections
  88. What is it that you Americans don't understand?: vote, gallon, Congress - Elections
  89. Dems, in GOP McCain's intervention: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  90. Candidates Education Background: health care, vote, Republicans, president - Elections
  91. What the HELL? McCain wasn't in the meeting when the deal was reached?: voters, Congress - Elections
  92. A Cold Day In Hell Has Arrived!!: Harry Reid, voting, - Elections
  93. I've decided who I am going to vote for: health care, gas prices, campaign - Elections
  94. Breaking News from the House Finance Committee: campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  95. Conspiracy theory....: Congress, Republicans, liberals, president - Elections
  96. Hey buddy, google this!!!: votes, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  97. Video of second Palin interview with Couric: Iran, interviews, Obama - Elections
  98. Republicans argue against bailout.....political tactic?: vote, Congress, Democrats, Obama - Elections
  99. Bill Clinton Praises John McCain - Politico: global warming, votes, Congress - Elections
  100. The Nader factor, will he strike again?: votes, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  101. Zogby pollster says election could end in landslide for McCain !!: voters, democratic - Elections
  102. BREAKING NEWS! Sarah Palin....: polls, Obama, elect, most - Elections
  103. The San Francisco Examiner endorses McCain-Palin: conservative, vice president, Obama, billion - Elections
  104. House Republicans President and Democratic Bailout Plan.: house of Congress, campaign - Elections
  105. Newt's Reaction to President Bush's Speech the Bailout: Congress, patriot, security - Elections
  106. Probability to win; Obama 72.4%, McCain 27.6%: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  107. McCain Cancellation Costs Old Miss $5.5 Million: health care, vote, security, campaign - Elections
  108. Obama, No surge, call me if you need me, No Town hall debates!: house of September 11 - Elections
  109. In Case You Missed It: Palin Falling Apart On Russia: health care system, Iraq - Elections
  110. Catholic Vote: illegal aliens, Democrats, Republican, represent - Elections
  111. Aha! McCain did this same emergency postponement trick back in 1999!: interviews, campaign - Elections
  112. Will Joe Biden pick up the white phone: Cheney, vote, interviews - Elections
  113. Extended version of the CBS Palin interview: McCain, speech - Elections
  114. Obama needs 3 days to practice for a debate!!!: Iran, campaign, - Elections
  115. let me know what can do in DC??: vote - Elections
  116. McCain supporters think election is like a football game: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  117. CBS' Sheiffer; McCain responded to a call from Paulson: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  118. Palin's Delusional Foreign Policy Experience: Congress, interview, - Elections
  119. Rasmussen: Obama takes lead in North Carolina !: vote, democratic - Elections
  120. McCain currently speaking in NYC: campaign, polls, Bill Clinton - Elections
  121. Bill Clinton admitted it....: interview, legal, Republicans, Reed - Elections
  122. - It's Judgment Day for McCain: Iran, Iraq, generations - Elections
  123. get the idea that: vote, Congress, patriot, democrat - Elections
  124. Hey McCain-- suspend? Great! Let Sarah take over!: interviews, campaign, - Elections
  125. Palin Suspends Campaign: McCain, political, economic, Senate - Elections
  126. Letterman tonight: interview, campaign, Bill Clinton, McCain - Elections
  127. If McCain does not debate...: votes, Iran, campaign, president - Elections
  128. Clearly the Republican leader we need will be Congressman Ron Paul: campaign, Obama - Elections
  129. Another Creepy Obama Buddy - Code Pink: Iran, Israel, campaign - Elections
  130. Rush Limbaugh Attacks Obama with Lies: drugs, president, suspect - Elections
  131. McCain states during statement to the press: Now is not the time for statements: votes, campaign - Elections
  132. McCain Now Want to Suspend VP Debate: Ron Paul, Putin, voters - Elections
  133. Someone said McCain spilled his guts to the enemy when he was captured. True? If yes, why isnt he in jail as a traitor?: president - Elections
  134. POLL: Who's the Angriest????: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  135. Would McCain's presence in Washington help in this crisis?: voting, Congress, campaign - Elections
  136. Obama votes 96% of the time with the Democrats.....................: Congress, Republicans, Barack Obama - Elections
  137. What would you name a movie on Palin's life story?: vice president, governor - Elections
  138. David Letterman Rips McCain for Suspending Campaign: interview, thoughts, president - Elections
  139. John McCan will Save the Day on the Bailout Bill: Harry Reid, Congress - Elections
  140. POLL:Would people rather see a debate or our economy collapse: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  141. McCain's suspended campaign still in full swing. Hmmmm, how can that be?: voting, democrat - Elections
  142. GMA - Bill Clinton reminds us that McCain has asked Obama to debate him: campaign, president - Elections
  143. Dodd: Fundamental Agreement Reached on Bailout Bill: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  144. Obama Chants A Perfect Muslim “Call to Prayer: Iraq, interview - Elections
  145. Palin held a press conference!: September 11, Iraq, security, Afghanistan - Elections
  146. Gallup; Tied? Obama loses 3 points overnight?: party affiliation, polls, McCain - Elections
  147. Obama-McCain debate to go ahead: Commission: president, American, solutions, Bush - Elections
  148. Obama leads McCain by 12 points on the economy.: democrat, Republican, Barack Obama - Elections
  149. Obama Will Make Debate A Townhall If McCain Doesn't Show: interview, campaign - Elections
  150. Being President is about Multi Tasking!!: thoughts, Republican, suspected, Obama - Elections
  151. Dumbo goes to washington: voters, Iraq, democratic - Elections
  152. Alternate Election Poll..: Ron Paul, party affiliation, voters, Clinton - Elections
  153. McCain, Obama list their bailout provisions: Barack Obama, cost, dollar, billion - Elections
  154. Oh, Spare Me! Palin May Suspend Campaign!: Cheney, legal, democratic - Elections
  155. if Obama wins, why can't Hillary run in 2012?: Cheney, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  156. Media Covering For Obama: campaign, ethics, democrat, Republican - Elections
  157. First stimulus checks / now bailout?: Congress, Democrats, president, Obama - Elections
  158. Dem Financial Services Committee chairman Franks said this: September 11, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  159. My Mind is Made Up: voters, conservative, president, Obama - Elections
  160. Ministers to Defy IRS By Endorsing Candidate[s]: John Kerry, party affiliation - Elections
  161. Let theses companies fail.: vote, Congress, FBI, Reed - Elections
  162. PUMA Geraldine Ferraro: McCain's suspension a political decision: campaign, - Elections
  163. Palin; Don't meet with the Press: Putin, voters, Iran, campaign - Elections
  164. Obama up big in Oregon: interstate, votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  165. After saying no , Obama succumbs to WH: Congress, campaign, - Elections
  166. trying to rescue the economy, not the mccain campaign: vote, biased - Elections
  167. Is McCain for or against this bailout?: interview, Obama, American - Elections
  168. Obama has lost my vote: interviews, campaign, democrat, liberals - Elections
  169. While McCain Deflects ....: 9/11, represent, insurance - Elections
  170. Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari says Palin is Gorgeous: Iran, Republicans, soldiers - Elections
  171. Campaign PANIC?!!: vote, interview, vice president - Elections
  172. Bigger Barrier in Presidential Election than Racism (or Sexism): Ron Paul, voters, salary - Elections
  173. Palin won't reveal her finances until after debate: financial, governor, state - Elections
  174. CEOs who got out before crisis left with millions: news - Elections
  175. If the election were held TODAY: McCain Obama Probability of Win: McCain 25.3%, Obama 73.5%: Republicans, polls - Elections
  176. McCain Playing Politics with Bailout... - Elections
  177. Mccain really showed leadership? Real leaders dont stay slient in a critical meeting!: campaign, Obama - Elections
  178. Curveballs .... Rolling the die ... Is this what you want from a president?: McCain, American - Elections
  179. Senator Clinton weighs in - This is not just a financial crisis; it's an economic crisis: Obama, American - Elections
  180. Turning Point in Election...McCain's Mistake?: candidacy - Elections
  181. Another Palin defender jumps ship: Cheney, campaign, Republican, liberal - Elections
  182. 8 years enough: Republicans, statistics, Bush, government - Elections
  183. Think About The Future Of Our Country!: vote, Democrats - Elections
  184. Florida Congressman: Palin 'Don't Care Too Much What They Do With Jews and Blacks': democratic, Barack Obama - Elections
  185. John Nice Grandstanding But But It Looks Like A Deal Is In Place.: Harry Reid, Congress - Elections
  186. Paulsen *hearts* China ...: American - Elections
  187. Palin behind witness tampering in troopergate probe? - Elections
  188. In Case You Missed It: Ron Paul Grilling Bernanke: Congress, federal, chairman - Elections
  189. Bush Dec. 5 No bailout: 9/11, Republican, president, speech - Elections
  190. Barack Obama pulling ahead of McCain in key states - Elections
  191. Palin Mania: Sarah’s Face Sculped In Corn Field: Whitehouse, most - Elections
  192. Moms are rising up thanks to Palin: Obama, women - Elections
  193. Sarah looked like a deer in the headlights...: Iran, Obama - Elections
  194. Just Curious, What can a Senator do in the House of: voters, McCain - Elections
  195. McCain's move: Putting priorities or politics first?: political - Elections
  196. Obama and McCain: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  197. Why didnt McCain excercise such restraint in the lead up to the Iraq Invasion?: school, political - Elections
  198. How Many Banking Bills Has McCain Introduced?: Obama - Elections
  199. Did you notice gas prices are down now? Could have been down a month ago: Democrats, news - Elections
  200. Foreign Policy Expert Biden screws up again: Iraq, Baghdad, political - Elections