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  1. How McCain Would Govern: Bush, political, government, administration - Elections
  2. Obama Supporters- We must focus on McCain!!!: vote, interview, Reagan - Elections
  3. News, former US Senator Chaffee calls Palin cocky wacko: Democrats, Obama - Elections
  4. Obama: More Ties to Muslim Bankrollers: Iraq, middle east, Israeli, campaign - Elections
  5. Illinois Governor; Palin's experience: vote, Congress, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  6. Oh runs with scissors - MSNBC blasting Palin interview: campaign, bias, Obama - Elections
  7. McCain offers cabinet post to Obama: Ron Paul, vote, Republican, president - Elections
  8. What both candidates don't want too talk about!: interview, dollar, million - Elections
  9. A shrill, cocky lunatic...(thank you Senator): candidacy, democrat, Republican - Elections
  10. Does Palin think she's Lincoln now?: Iraq, patriot, security, vice president - Elections
  11. Govenor Palin ,Why we Love Her and why they Hate her!!: Iraq, interview - Elections
  12. Fact Check: Palin Wrong on Former VP Credentials: Republican, vice president, Reed - Elections
  13. Palin on ABC World News Tonight: vote, Iraq, security - Elections
  14. NEWSWEEK article about choice: legal, women - Elections
  15. Obama -- A New Campaign Slogan?: McCain - Elections
  16. What happened to Hilliary Clinton's debt?: campaign, illegal, Obama, dollar - Elections
  17. Status of Bin Laden: Your opinion.: 9/11, Republicans, poll, death - Elections
  18. Palin May Quash Subpoenas in Trooper-Gate Probe: interviews, campaign, legal - Elections
  19. Bill O'Reilly Defends Obama (!): voting, interview, security, - Elections
  20. Palin’s Letter Praised Ex-Brother-In-Law: Republican, president, taser - Elections
  21. Obama supporters: ATTACK PALIN'S CHRISTIAN FAITH! WE NEED YOUR HELP TO WIN IN NOV!: Huckabee, candidacy - Elections
  22. Just Like Bush White House, Palin Uses Personal E-mail Accounts And Claims Executive Privilege: Republican, Attorney - Elections
  23. Who thinks that Palin will work hard to help the development of alternative energy?: interview, Republican - Elections
  24. HOLY TURNABOUT BATMAN! Wingnuts celebrating inexperience: Obama, McCain - Elections
  25. Not the First Time McCain's Campain Chief used Low Down Sex Tactics: vote, Congress - Elections
  26. Palin supporters! attack obama's muslim faith!! We need your help in win in nov!!: campaign, McCain - Elections
  27. Ballot request forms ruled invalid: votes, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  28. McCain gets questioned about Palin.: interview, work, date - Elections
  29. Obomber's lead in Pennsylvannia & Michigan now w/i margin of error!: voters, Congress - Elections
  30. John McCain: The PC, affirmative action milquetoast of 2008: votes, campaign, - Elections
  31. Wasilla Rape Victims Billed Under Mayor Palin: Democrats, Republican, date - Elections
  32. Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko': Rush Limbaugh, Colin Powell, Ron Paul - Elections
  33. McCain Taps Career Washington Lobbyist for Transition: campaign, Republican - Elections
  34. Thoughts on the Candidates' Service Forum: Obama, McCain, military, support - Elections
  35. Obama opens up lead in Ohio: September 11, voters, campaign, liberal - Elections
  36. Real Change ad: campaign, Obama, McCain, most - Elections
  37. Video: French TV Fascinated By ‘Palin Effect’: democratic, Republican - Elections
  38. Peggy Noonan: Dems have made Palin bullet proof: voters, Iraq, interview - Elections
  39. Left Loosing Grip on Reality -- Now Publicly Comparing Obama to Jesus; Palin to Pilate: democratic - Elections
  40. Blizzard of Lies: Congress, campaign, Republican, Barack Obama - Elections
  41. McCain, the 'bumbling buffoon' talks to a Maine TV Reporter on Palin: voting, Iran - Elections
  42. Too many flash cards in Palin's head?: interview, McCain - Elections
  43. McCain ad; Disrespectful - Elections
  44. Sarah Palin -- In Her Own Words?: interview - Elections
  45. The Republican Health Plan And SS All In One!!: security, Mexican, Democrats - Elections
  46. In Case You Missed It: Full Palin Interview With Gibson: Republican, vice president - Elections
  47. Local Maine TV Reporter Takes It To McCain on Palin and Wins: security, represent - Elections
  48. Questions Charrrleeeee Should've Asked: Republican, vice president, Obama, American - Elections
  49. Obama Didn't know what Weather Underground Doctrine Was/Is: campaign, radical, McCain - Elections
  50. Interesting Perspective - Explaining to Western Europeans the Problems with Obama: vote, Barack Obama - Elections
  51. Palin 'governed from the center,' went after big oil: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  52. Obama; My Isotoner Gloves are coming off - again!: John Kerry, Al Gore, vote - Elections
  53. The Hockey Mom Speaks!: vote, Republican, conservative, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  54. Whistleblower breaks 15-year silence to allege McCain hid wife's drug abuse: drugs, conspiracy - Elections
  55. The bridge to Nowhere aka Obama: Republicans - Elections
  56. Gallup; GOP increases Party ID: Democrats, Republicans, Brown, independent - Elections
  57. Lets be a little more accurate: The difference between Bush and Palin?: 9/11, Iraq - Elections
  58. could the sex, gift, and oil controversy benefit Obama in Colorado?: Republican, accuse - Elections
  59. Palin’s Pipeline Is Years From Being a Reality: 9/11, campaign, Republican - Elections
  60. Intrade; McCain ahead, taking Biden bets: Republican, Obama, speech, election - Elections
  61. Obama Repeatedly Quotes Cartoonist While on Campaign Trail: health care, democratic - Elections
  62. Obama thinks he's special.. he is!!: McCain, speech - Elections
  63. Map of European electoral votes by country: Obama, African, rating - Elections
  64. watch!! McCain Owns a Parking Lot - Elections
  65. Thank you and God Bless - 9-11: 9/11, soldiers, president - Elections
  66. A 'Macaca' Moment For Obama?: campaign, Republicans, polls, vice president - Elections
  67. Obama's Earmarks: Iraq, illegal, political - Elections
  68. POLL : Who will win the presidential debates?: vote, security, campaign - Elections
  69. Why Rednecks May Rule the World: voters, political, election - Elections
  70. Ron Paul on Glenn Beck show, says, vote for 3rd party.: Iran, interview - Elections
  71. Alaskas first gentelman: vote, governor, states, Texas - Elections
  72. A request for silence on this forum today for 9/11: president, election, elect - Elections
  73. Reuters: Poll shows big shift to McCain white women: voters, Congress - Elections
  74. More voting shenanigans: voters, Republicans, Barack Obama, education - Elections
  75. POLL:How many UH's will Barack Obama say during the debates?: McCain - Elections
  76. Gibson interview with Obama in Israel: Iran, interviews, liberal, Barack Obama - Elections
  77. Getting to know Obama's friends: September 11, interview, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  78. Think of Palin in terms of the Cuban Missle Crisis.: vote, liberal - Elections
  79. For September 11th: 9/11, Democrats, Liberalism, Reed - Elections
  80. ONE THING no McCain supporter is: Congress, interviews, democratic - Elections
  81. Professor Obama: vote, radical, school, political - Elections
  82. IS the lower 48 ready for TAXES 2 1/2 times the National Average, Spending over Double?! - Welcome Palin Economics: Congress, conservative - Elections
  83. Palin disses current foreign policy of the US: vote, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  84. Palin Passes the Test: interview, campaign, Baghdad, vice president - Elections
  85. Changing horses--is it this late in the game?: Democrats, Obama - Elections
  86. Belushi or Palin: vote, Iran, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  87. Fooled AGAIN: health care, gas prices, voting, Congress - Elections
  88. Racial Divide and Unity: vote, democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  89. Shouldn't a senator-esp. one who wants to be president-know what mayoral duties entail?: vote, - Elections
  90. TOP Music Industry Political Analyst 'P. Diddy' Attacks Sarah Palin: death, racist - Elections
  91. Palin is TELLING us we need to go to WAR fight Georgia??????: Putin, Iraq - Elections
  92. Its the Economy, STUPID: vote, Congress, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  93. Palin's climate remarks conflict with past views: Al Gore, global warming, vote - Elections
  94. Why the conservative bias on this board?: vote, campaign, - Elections
  95. Gallup; Democrats’ double-digit lead on the “generic ballot” slips to 3 points: house of voters - Elections
  96. Does It Bother You That Obama Has Moved So Far To The Right?: votes, interview - Elections
  97. Rasmussen: McCain jumps 3 points - Lipstick on a Pig backlash?: Dick Cheney, vote - Elections
  98. Gibson interview with Obama; Shall we compare?: vote, liberal, biased - Elections
  99. Business Owners & Obama: employment, vote, Congress, wage - Elections
  100. Palin's Earmarks: Crab Mating, Recreational Halibut Fishing: employment, party affiliation, voters - Elections
  101. If 40% of working Americans don't pay federal income tax, how will Obama..: health care, campaign - Elections
  102. Washington State for McCain - !!!: voters, Congress, interviews, campaign - Elections
  103. Obama would have signed up for the army IF there was a war!!!: Iraq, interview - Elections
  104. News, Sarah Palin 'The Hero' Action Figure Hits U.S. Shelves.: interview, Republican - Elections
  105. Liberal Darlin Rhodes; McCain well-treated in Hanoi: interviews, campaign, president - Elections
  107. James Carville on Palin's experience.: voting, Congress, Republican, represent - Elections
  108. Now it's Palin's CHRISTIAN FAITH under attack!!: voters, liberals, president - Elections
  109. A broken economy, a resurgent Taliban, a new Cold War...: vote, Iraq - Elections
  110. Obama is ahead in National Polls...: John Kerry, Al Gore, Ron Paul, 9/11 - Elections
  111. The Abortion Issue Every Election: vote, Republicans, McCain - Elections
  112. If One Has Integrity, One Doesn't...: abortion, political, children, women - Elections
  113. Banging head against the wall: Palin's tutors: 9/11, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  114. Sarah Palin thinks Iraq had something to do with 9/11: Cheney, enemies, soldiers - Elections
  115. Palin; Part II of interview - Watch!!: global warming, vote, security - Elections
  116. The Ron Paul factor: voters, Congress, generations, - Elections
  117. The Sad Degeneration of the Republican Party: votes, middle east, campaign - Elections
  118. Obama didn't know Russia can veto UN Resolutions: Putin, vote, security - Elections
  119. Why Does This POW Denigrate McCain's POW Service?: John Kerry, vote, campaign - Elections
  120. Obama caught lying again- Interest to Women: salaries, campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  121. Poll:How do you think people should be taxed?: Congress, wages, regular - Elections
  122. 6 years and 5 colleges to get a degree makes you a good BSer!: 9/11, interview - Elections
  123. Jesus Was A Community Organizer!: Democrats, liberal, death, Brown - Elections
  124. Sexism alive and well in 2008 campaign!: Condi Rice, Putin, voters, interviews - Elections
  125. Michelle Obama WASN'T proud of her country after 9/11: patriot, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  126. The William Hung Effect: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  127. Obama's summer reading: conservative, Reed, Americans - Elections
  128. Can a democrat ever like someone like Palin?: voting, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  129. Time for McCain to concede?: John Kerry, health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  130. McCain can't use a computer, but he is willing to learn how to use a pen; is this enough to qualify him to be President?: Al Gore, Putin - Elections
  131. GOP Shame in Mississippi: 9/11, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  132. Republicans: be - do you think Palin is qualified?: vote, interviews - Elections
  133. should the loser of the election have a job to go back to?: Congress, salaries - Elections
  134. Where is Michelle Obama today on 9/11 why is she not with her hubby?: votes, patriot - Elections
  135. Sarah Palin said we may have to fight a war with Russia: Putin, votes - Elections
  136. Liberal Media refusing to show 9/11 footage: liberals, Barack Obama, Reed, Americans - Elections
  137. HEY......Hillary Clinton what about the mortgage crises is Bill the cause?: Congress, salaries - Elections
  138. Will tonight's interview with Palin be tough?: vote, interviews, - Elections
  139. Why are Republicans Cheering Todd Palin's Union Affiliation?: NAFTA, vote, Reagan - Elections
  140. McCain finds it tough on the Road without Palin: vote, millionaire, campaign - Elections
  141. McCain and the conservative agenda - help sexual predators: Obama, education, state - Elections
  142. Do You Agree Barack Obama Should Still Replace Biden With Hillary: voters, Reagan - Elections
  143. Joe Biden Delivers Knock Out Blow to.......OBAMA! Oh My!: candidacy, campaign - Elections
  144. Changing Support?: Cheney, vote, campaign, - Elections
  145. Video - McCain being released from Hanoi: vote, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  146. Palin stopped the bridge but she kept the money: 9/11, Congress - Elections
  147. Bill Clinton predicts Obama will be the next president: Republican, Barack Hussein Obama, McCain - Elections
  148. Obama’s lead picks up in Ohio despite Palin pick: 9/11, voters - Elections
  149. Palin: Her exact words: 9/11, vote, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  150. McCain explains Palin's experience: patriot, security, campaign, democrat - Elections
  151. When Will Palin's Qualifications Be Discussed?: interview, middle east, president - Elections
  152. Troopergate women back the man Palin fired. EVIDENCE to be provided to investigation committee: 9/11, voters - Elections
  153. Obama and the liberal agenda - Teaching K-12 Sex-ed and the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV: votes, thoughts - Elections
  154. Palin Kept Jar With Names of Wasilla Residents: politicians, financial, elect - Elections
  155. Obama: Attacks on me are unpatriotic!: democrat, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  156. 9/11 Forum... Obama just doesn't inspire me!: John Kerry, interview, patriot, security - Elections
  157. If Bush is SO Unpopular Now, How Come People Want to Vote for McCain??: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  158. Why I cannot support BHO: 9/11, vote, Iraq, Baghdad - Elections
  159. Palin- The reviews are in!: interviews, liberal, CNN, poll - Elections
  160. another Hollywood Lib talking trash: Rush Limbaugh, thoughts, Republican, liberals - Elections
  161. The liberal elite BAN THE MILITARY??!!: Iran, Republicans, McCain, school - Elections
  162. Lieberman's Motives: Al Gore, Iraq, middle east, Israel - Elections
  163. Obama on SNL this week!: voting, Republican, liberal, conservative - Elections
  164. If you're going to start a about Michelle Obama being proud get your facts first.: 9/11, patriot - Elections
  165. Do liberals look to the government because they are failures?: health care, Congress - Elections
  166. Worldwide Poll from BBC News: vote, middle east, legal, president - Elections
  167. Palin Gaff in interview: Al Gore, Dick Cheney, president, Reed - Elections
  168. Weren't clinton and carter: health care, Putin, Congress, Iran - Elections
  169. CNN election forum: Obama and McCain take the stage: conservative, president, government - Elections
  170. Palin Spews Talking Points During Interview: Reagan, Republican, vice president - Elections
  171. If liberals look to gov't because they are failures why do so many Republicans look for Gov't handouts???: employment, - Elections
  172. This is the real Obama when the teleprompter is having stutters,just like him: nuclear, president - Elections
  173. Bye Bye Palin...: voters, president, Obama, American - Elections
  174. Obama's Great Failure - The Annenburg Challenge: vote, interview, generation - Elections
  175. Can Palin be tried for treason for trying to secede?: vote, enemy - Elections
  176. Alaska resident said media said they are embarrassed: interview, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  177. John McCain's ads are LIES. s the video proof.: campaign, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  178. For that mock Obama's so called stuttering.: thoughts, education, McCain - Elections
  179. Biden out, Hillary in? chance?: campaign, president, Obama, Giuliani - Elections
  180. National Enquirer - Palin family...more than just a pregnant teenager!: Iraq, - Elections
  181. Sarah Palin didn't know what the Bush Doctrine is...: 9/11, Iran, CNN - Elections
  182. Ron Paul rejects McCain campaign's plea for endorsement: party affiliation, voters, interview - Elections
  183. Ad: This is good! - Elections
  184. Another palin lie: 9/11, interview, Obama, supporter - Elections
  185. Palin's Ethics Scrapes May Undercut Pledge to End Old Politics: interviews, campaign - Elections
  186. Yeah, yeah, yeah, one more time for the Gipper!: campaign, poll - Elections
  187. Is the 2008 election like 1960, or 2004?: democratic, Republicans, polls, Obama - Elections
  188. Name calling: Americans, election, elect, government - Elections
  189. Democrats; Lambs on National Security: Harry Reid, voters, Republicans, Durbin - Elections
  190. HOLY TURNABOUT BATMAN! Obamabots harping on inexperience - Elections
  191. What about the issues? - Elections
  192. Troopergate Palin advisor warned Palin not to fire Walt Monegan: 9/11, abuse - Elections
  193. Has watched Man of the year w/Robin Williams: work - Elections
  194. Washington? A toss up??: voters, Democrats, president, Obama - Elections
  195. Carol Fowler's husband is Don Fowler!!: Democrats, abortion, news - Elections
  196. Vice President = President of the Senate: votes, interview, states, united - Elections
  197. The Bush Doctrine: security, programs, state - Elections
  198. Palin needs Romney: Blacks, radio, news - Elections
  199. McCain Fan boys: vote, campaign, liberal, conservative - Elections
  200. Time for the Congress to stand up to President: vote - Elections