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  1. Acceptable Liberal Prejudices for Voting - 2008: vote, middle east, Reagan, democratic - Elections
  2. Party Affiliation; Dems by 1 - oops: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  3. Maverick v. Maverick: McCain Criticized Earmarks that Palin Sought as Mayor: Putin, Congress - Elections
  4. Violence against RNC Delegates: voting, illegal, Republican, conservative - Elections
  5. Sarah Palin Focus Group: campaign, poll, biased, Reed - Elections
  6. For Laughs: most - Elections
  7. Obama's pork parade...a million a day in earmarks: Republicans, Barack Obama, dollars - Elections
  8. Obama - No one to blame but himself: democratic, Clinton, McCain - Elections
  9. Convention Peak Day: Gallup, McCain +5, USA Today, McCain +10, Rasmussen, McCain +1, CNN, Tie: polls, racism - Elections
  10. Are the McCainians hypocrites, liars, and thieves? American voters, “YOU” be the jury.: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  11. Obama Cartoon: interview, president, election, elect - Elections
  12. Why is the media not going to Obama's hometown, while keep going to Palin's hometown: campaign, bias - Elections
  13. Keeping Religion out of Politics and Elections: voters, ethics,
  14. A Trojan Moose containing 4 more years of Bush: vote, illegal, democratic - Elections
  15. 9/7 USA Today Poll now has McCain up by 10: voters, polls, president - Elections
  16. “I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food just to come in second: campaign, Republican - Elections
  17. The Gloves Come Off, It's About Time: impeachment, Republicans, radical - Elections
  18. Do you think many Republican Spokespeople actually believe Governor Palin is not qualified to be Vice President?: Cheney - Elections
  19. How to tell Obama's in trouble: vote, campaign, McCain, American - Elections
  20. Obama's church honored LOUIS FARRAKHAN w/ Lifetime Acheivement Award: thoughts, conservative - Elections
  21. Independents....: Michael Bloomberg, voting, party - Elections
  22. News, McCain: Rich aides may work for $1 a year.: Congress, interview, dollars - Elections
  23. How much of the “Palin Effect” do you contribute to her good looks?: votes, McCain - Elections
  24. McCain's Hot Temper: Mexican, Republican, insurance, state - Elections
  25. Obama; $740 million to Zero;: Congress, McCain, Americans, politician - Elections
  26. CNN Addict: nuclear, kids, news, date - Elections
  27. The best thing about Palin's selection?: campaign, Obama, date - Elections
  28. Palin Lies about knowing Walt Monegan, McCain gets Consequences: voters, Republican - Elections
  29. Another Independent for the McCain Ticket: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  30. And come the emails...: voters, patriots, campaign, - Elections
  31. Obama's Running Soley Against Palin Now: voting, Republican, representation, president - Elections
  32. Video: At Restaurant, McCain Ignored; Palin Adored! - Elections
  33. Like Father, Like Son? Feds Seize Andrew McCain's Bank: ethics, president - Elections
  34. If Obama was elected in 2007, would we be bogged down in Nuclear conflict?: 9/11, Iraq - Elections
  35. Yahoo's Top 8 Gaffes of the campaign: interview, racist, Obama, news - Elections
  36. The 10 main kinds of Republicans: liberals, money - Elections
  37. Best McCain Daily Show Clips: regular, broadcast, work, news - Elections
  38. Dup: president, election, elect - Elections
  39. Amateur Video: Palin Says Admires Ron Paul & Romney: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  40. Rove, O'Reilly, on video-- Two Faced on Palin!: McCain - Elections
  41. Who is more intelligent: Palin or Obama?: president, school, leader - Elections
  42. Confidential phone call between McCain/Palin leaked to press: Dodd, Christ - Elections
  43. Powers; Obama pays the price: campaign, accuse, president, racist - Elections
  44. Sarah Palin: What does a VP DO?? Video clip: votes, president, governor - Elections
  45. Target Women: Palin - Elections
  46. Obama on Flip/Flops: Iran, military - Elections
  47. Menter to Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, calls Jews BLOODSUCKERS', Terrorist FREEDOM FIGHTERS: Obama, terrorists - Elections
  48. Palin still having a hard time attracting women voters: democratic, Republican, poll - Elections
  49. Why wouldn't Obama give a Rubber Stamp to a Congress with a 9% Approval Rating: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  50. The odd choices in Barack Obama's career: vote, racism, American - Elections
  51. ABC/WaPo; McCain +2; Look at the internals: vote, poll, racism - Elections
  52. Gallup; McCain Now Winning Majority of Independents: voters, polls, Obama - Elections
  53. Sarah Palin's Secret Emails: security, Obama, political, terrorist - Elections
  54. McCain and his lobbyists: visa, state, broadcast - Elections
  55. Republicans Have Surrendered to al Qaeda in Afghanistan: 9/11, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  56. Palin's expenses: Congress, democratic, governor, elect - Elections
  57. McCain Camp violates copyright law: illegal, Republicans, liberal, speech - Elections
  58. Women - Obama is profiling you: voting, racist, McCain, American - Elections
  59. Deception on infant protection bill haunts Obama: vote, democrat - Elections
  60. Gallup Has McCain Pulling Ahead: president, Brown, Obama, military - Elections
  61. Palin - 10 days and no interview: campaign, Obama, McCain, speech - Elections
  62. New ad: Former POW talks about McCain: vote, presidency, war - Elections
  63. Obama TV ads: campaign, illegal, radical, Barack Obama - Elections
  64. Condi Rice has doubts about Palin?: vote, Republican, Obama, political - Elections
  65. I Mccain said 'Country First: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  66. Obama will not appear in Town Hall meeting with McCain: campaign, - Elections
  67. We are approaching the Great Depression: unemployment, vote, wages, - Elections
  68. Update: Ron Paul to make major announcement Wednesday: votes, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  69. What if Palin spoke in tongues at a rally?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  70. Can you picture Palin running the country?: vote, Congress, Republican - Elections
  71. Obama on Olbermann...: vote, interview, campaign, illegal - Elections
  72. for female hypocrit voters or the Unimformed: Ron Paul, Congress, campaign - Elections
  73. Will there be violence after the election: campaign, Republicans, regular - Elections
  74. Obama still beating McCain in battleground state polling.: Al Gore, voters, Democrats - Elections
  75. Serious Where does McCain differ from Bush policies: global warming, voting, Congress - Elections
  76. Liberal Commentators trying to diminish Sarah Palin: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  77. Barack Obama will Lower Your Taxes...: unemployment, voters, president, Clinton - Elections
  78. Factcheck; Palin smears debunked: vote, interviews, campaign, Republican - Elections
  79. Who do you EXPECT to win?: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  80. Two jobs and no health insurance, what will each candidate do for me?: employment, health care - Elections
  81. How Hypocritical can the Feminists Be -- Obama another Absentee Father?: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  82. Homeless Obama supporter near Sams Club: campaign, money, South Park - Elections
  83. Should the Governor address to the American people how Religion has shaped her character?: voters, candidacy - Elections
  84. The Democrats Should Hit Back Harder: voting, Iraq, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  85. Comparing Obama and McCain's tax plan: voters, Congress, millionaire, democratic - Elections
  86. Received My Veterans For Obama sticker today.: votes, middle east, patriot - Elections
  87. BHO Harvard Law School editor...: president, Obama, Bush, leader - Elections
  88. Thoughts from Africa on the Election: health care, voting, president, regime - Elections
  89. Democrats To Oust Joe Lieberman: Harry Reid, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  90. Palin YouTube Videos Suddenly Unplugged: Republican, liberals, vice president, death - Elections
  91. Does really think Obama can win?: Ron Paul, voters, Congress - Elections
  92. News: Palin Billed State for Staying Home: campaign, McCain, American - Elections
  93. Fomer New York Mayor Ed Koch now supports Obama (calls Palin scary ): voters, Iran - Elections
  94. Sarah Palin charges victims for their own rape kits?: vote, crime, insurance - Elections
  95. Koch backs Obama, calls Palin 'scary': voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  96. Marxist Community Organizer Saul Alinsky's son, David Alinsky, Notes that Obama learned his lesson well: Iraq, campaign - Elections
  97. Isn't there an ethics law against lying?: unemployment, vote, patriot - Elections
  98. Bogus Sarah Palin book ban: campaign, Obama, elections, elect
  99. Hillary: No Palin!☺: vote, Obama, McCain, election - Elections
  100. Polls and what we are forgetting?: voters, democratic, Republicans, president - Elections
  101. Hillary: We are for you!: voting, Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  102. Obama isn't: legal, racist, Barack Obama, African - Elections
  103. Trends: McCain/Palin gaining popular, losing electoral?: votes, Republicans, polls - Elections
  104. Palin killed bridge Obama and Biden voted for!: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  105. Why aren't people distrubed about McCain saying there are going to more wars.: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  106. Fair and Balanced, my ass: interview, democratic, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  107. What would you prefer? McCain-Palin or Palin-Mcain?: votes, democrat, Republican - Elections
  108. McCain=Bush?: health care, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  109. The Republican Party And The Confederacy?: Ron Paul, vote, democratic - Elections
  110. Palin vs. nature in Alaska: illegal, conservative, death, governor - Elections
  111. Palin: If you're scared to talk to the media, how will you talk to world leaders?: Cheney, vote - Elections
  112. Should Obama run again after he loses this November?: Republicans, president, Clinton - Elections
  113. Bristol Palins choice: voting, interview, democrat, Republican - Elections
  114. Hillary from great to being a hypocrite!!!: vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  115. New video out from the RNC that see: Republicans - Elections
  116. Obama -- admits surge was a success!: Al Gore, 9/11, vote - Elections
  117. MTV Awards; If you don't vote The O, why you're just a racist: Republicans, liberals - Elections
  118. Palin didn't lie about Ebay!!!: Al Gore, Republican, represent, president - Elections
  119. Moderate's View on Obama: vote, campaign, conservative, president - Elections
  120. McCain and Palin received a 17 point Convention Bounce (And still Climbing): voters, campaign - Elections
  121. What has been conservative about the last eight years?: vote, Congress - Elections
  122. Mekka on Morning Joe blasts attacks on Palin: Democrats, liberal, Obama - Elections
  123. Obama Hometown Death Toll Double Iraq: represent, soldiers, crime rate, Barack Obama - Elections
  124. Do YOU think trial lawyers are good people with YOUR interests in mind? (2008 ELECTION RELATED): vote, Attorney - Elections
  125. Obama's closest Friends: Corporate Profits, health care, Hugo Chavez, 9/11 - Elections
  126. How do McCain's policies differ from Bush's?: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  127. Video of What is Going On in Sarah Palins Church?: Iraq, biased - Elections
  128. Top 10 reasons not to vote for obama!: gas prices, votes - Elections
  129. Obama camp claims only be interested in one poll: Who can change the economy? Obama down from 19% to 3 %!!!!!: vote, interview - Elections
  130. Palin's Pipeline; She got it done: Dick Cheney, voting, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  131. Why so much dirt on Palin?: vote, campaign, Republican, biased - Elections
  132. What in the hell is this?: Republicans, independent, gun, work - Elections
  133. NY Times Toon is so true...: vote, thoughts, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  134. If Governor Palin is being Coached , Does that make her a Team Player ? or a Maverick?: vote, interview - Elections
  135. USA Today/Gallup; McCain +4, But LV +10!!!!!: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  136. POLL:What biggest thing will cause Obama to lose the election?: votes, security - Elections
  137. Obama files: votes, campaign, conservative, polls - Elections
  138. The real difference between a Democrat & Republican: Republicans, Clinton, educational - Elections
  139. Palin; This is Leadership: enemies, ethics, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  140. Choice of Biden unpopular in Iraq: John Kerry, vote, liberals - Elections
  141. Debate Not Relate by Jamie Lee Curtis: health care, voters, interviews - Elections
  142. What really, is a maverick?....: vote, Congress, Obama, independence - Elections
  143. Palin's daughter? sounds fishy?: Republican, vice president, highway, Obama - Elections
  144. So this is what a community organizer does?: campaign, activist, president - Elections
  145. Obamas brother confirms he was a Muslim: voting, interview, Israeli - Elections
  146. New York Times plan EXPOSE on Palins Down Syndrome baby: liberal, Obama - Elections
  147. Results of Obama's good work in Chicago: Iraq, illegal, Afghanistan - Elections
  148. MSNBC drops Matthews and Olbermann from anchor chair: interview, liberal, biased - Elections
  149. Hucklebee didnt serve because...Romney didn't serve because....: Huckabee, voting, president - Elections
  150. EXPLAIN: Does this make sense, why are you voting for McCain (or do you hate Obama that much)?: Cheney, 9/11 - Elections
  151. Obama; refining his position on Bush tax cuts: unemployment, interview - Elections
  152. NEWS: Obama receives illegal funds from 'terrorist hotbed': Palestinians, campaign, biased - Elections
  153. Another Obama Gaffe: Calls Penn State the Nittaly Lions: voters, Republican, Barack Obama - Elections
  154. Sarah Palin against women's right to choose -- in cases of incest or rape.: vote, - Elections
  155. Have You Seen The Picture Of Sarah Palin In A bathing suit holding a rifle?: vote, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  156. Why Can't Sarah Keep Her Kids Out of IT?: 9/11, voting, Iraq - Elections
  157. How is THIS for transparency!: vote, represent, Obama - Elections
  158. CNN interview tonight Pastor Tim McGraw,Palin's Pentecostal Pastor from Assembly of God, Wasilla...: vote, - Elections
  159. Why McCain and Palin turned me off: Huckabee, unemployment, voters - Elections
  160. Palin called Obama Sambo: vote, interview, campaign, radical - Elections
  161. Laura Ingraham: Hurricane Sarah has arrived, with gale-force winds: millionaire, Barack Obama, dollars - Elections
  162. Back to Reality: McCain still part of last failed 8 years: Harry Reid, Cheney - Elections
  163. How many people are biased by their party affiliation?: NAFTA, health care - Elections
  164. How could you vote for the party that wrecked America?: 9/11, Congress - Elections
  165. 9/8/08 - McCain-Palin beating Tral Lawyer ticket by 10 points nationally.: voters, democratic - Elections
  166. Is John McCain being a man of his word?: votes, patriot, campaign - Elections
  167. Obama supports pork barrel spending: lobbyist, lobby, million, politician - Elections
  168. Will McCain and Palin, if they win, lead us to a Christian theocracy?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  169. One Veteran Speaks to Barack Obama: Iraq, Democrats, McCain, American - Elections
  170. Palin Makes her First Gaffe: voters, Republican, conservative, biased - Elections
  171. Biden says Palin has extreme views: voting, liberal, conservative - Elections
  172. see Palin's best friends interviewed on GMA?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  173. The Left (DU) puts Trig up for sale: democratic, Republican, conspiracy - Elections
  174. Senator Clinton - It is Absolutely undeniable average Americans do better when Democrats are in the WhitHouse: Congress, security - Elections
  175. Palin a gay hater: Republican, racist, Reed, constitutional - Elections
  176. During the Primaries, Barack Hussein Obama II tried to make light of the Bible-Carrying, gun-toting American.: vote, enemies - Elections
  177. Gov Palin Economic Experience is a Joke: voters, ethics, Republican - Elections
  178. This may balance out the polls in Obama's favor: Electorial map.: votes, thoughts - Elections
  179. Dick Cheney says Palin ready for VP spot: vote, Democrats, nuclear - Elections
  180. McCain surges ahead of Obama in daily Gallup: unemployment, vote, security - Elections
  181. This is why Obama Voted Present So Many Times In The Senate: votes, campaign - Elections
  182. Young Black Man Claims to be True Father of Bristol Palin's Child: racist, Obama - Elections
  183. Obama Campaign Manager: A Lot Of Hyperventilating About National Polls: votes, Republican - Elections
  184. Many Veterans Speak about Barack Obama: McCain, military, financial, news - Elections
  185. McCain VP pick Palin faces brewing 'Troopergate' inquiry: interviews, democratic, Republican - Elections
  186. McCain on Immigration?: stats, crime, education, cost - Elections
  187. Fox News Catchs McSame LYING: campaign, Republican, liberal, Barack Obama - Elections
  188. Associated Press Article: McCain & Palin Lied: campaign, Republicans, drug - Elections
  189. McCain/Palin-Decisions Matter: Americans - Elections
  190. Hillary Rodham Clinton/ What's a girl to do?: Obama, 2012 - Elections
  191. Pregnant martian endorses Sarah Palin!: news - Elections
  192. True gender equality when an INCOMPETENT WOMAN could go as far as an incompetent man.: vote, Congress - Elections
  193. Cinidy McCain Lies: date - Elections
  194. Cindy McCain fighting with her sisters over inheritance - Elections
  195. Gallup tracking; McCain +4 - nice bounce!: voters, interviews, compare, support - Elections
  196. The Tribe of Sarah: A Guide for the Perplexed Media: American - Elections
  197. Great article about using women: news - Elections
  198. Obama Top 3 Fannie/Freddie Lobbyist Receipient: John Kerry, campaign, Democrats, Dodd - Elections
  199. Separating Palin Fact from Palin Fiction: work - Elections
  200. The Republicans are and have been fairly consistent about a couple of things......what are they?: Congress, conservative - Elections