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  1. Nancy Pelosi: Congress, wage, president - Elections
  2. New Commercial - Democrats Critically Commenting on Obama: polls, Barack Obama - Elections
  3. Howard Dean goof: Reagan, Republican, McCain, elections
  4. Vote for the American Dream: 9/11, security, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  5. Obama; A Greek Tragedy?: Democrats, Republicans, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  6. Death to Michelle Malkin!: president, conspiracy, Obama, election - Elections
  7. Obama; No cut-n-run in 04?: Iraq, political, elect, work - Elections
  8. Phil Gramm says all Americans are in a mental recession: vote, Republican - Elections
  9. Ron Paul on CNN this morning: voting, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  10. So, what happened to Chaos at the Convention ?: democratic, Clinton - Elections
  11. What if the same is asked two different ways.: CNN, poll - Elections
  12. The problem of the attack dog: votes, campaign, Republicans, McCain - Elections
  13. How long until Clinton announces intention to run in 2012 and we start process over again?: candidacy, democrat - Elections
  14. Oh A Greek Temple? What God are the Democrats worshipping? Obama?: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  15. Obama REFUSES TO CLEAN HIS PLATE!: Americans - Elections
  16. Dem. and how many houses they have!!!!: John Kerry, Al Gore, Putin - Elections
  17. Financial Crisis Is Absent From Agendas of Parties, Candidates: voting, Americans, economy - Elections
  18. What did President Clinton mean?: vote, democratic, vice president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  19. Polls are like santa claus, just not real.: Obama, McCain, lottery - Elections
  20. What will show up tonight in Bill Clinton: On band with & for Obama, not over Hillary loosing, or he's just a Dem?: campaign, democratic - Elections
  21. I knew someone would find a name for our election process for this year: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  22. From the Fact Check Desk: Did Obama Say Iran is a 'Tiny' Country that 'Doesn't Pose a Serious Threat'?: Reagan, representation - Elections
  23. Obama vows to castrate the US millitary!!!: Democrats, nuclear, Barack Obama - Elections
  24. McCain refuses to wear an AMERICAN FLAG PIN!!!: patriot, terrorist - Elections
  25. Obama; Will this bring you ll supporters?: Ron Paul, voters, democratic - Elections
  26. Hillary Supporters: Will you vote for Obama or McCain or Neither?: democrat, president - Elections
  27. Romney is living in the past: Cheney, enemy, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  28. RFK's Prescience: Attorney, president, Kennedy, states - Elections
  29. In Case You Missed It: The Rezko Ticket: democratic, president, Clinton - Elections
  30. First pictures from Obama's big forum speech dress rehearsal!: political - Elections
  31. National Disaster meet National Disaster - an unprecedented meeting!: health care, wages, campaign - Elections
  32. freedom of speech and megaphone protester at DNC: 9/11, deported, pay - Elections
  33. True Colors: The Whitey Tape Mindset A Jolly Way of Life at WND: president, racist - Elections
  34. Dems Celebrate As FDIC Prepares For Bank Failures: Democrats, Obama, insurance - Elections
  35. What's wrong with elitism: Al Gore, vote, interview, Reagan - Elections
  36. I know the secret Obama energy plan: Reagan, elect - Elections
  37. Democrat's vision will collide with reality: health care, Iraq, security, democratic - Elections
  38. McCain/Watts ticket: house of represent - Elections
  39. Going to watch the NEXT President of the United States.....: McCain, speech - Elections
  40. know what happened to Rev Wright?: Brown, Obama, McCain - Elections
  41. Democrats to celebrate McCain's 72nd birthday: voters, George Bush, party, official - Elections
  42. Who is Bill Richardson endorsing?: voting, democrat, Obama, claim - Elections
  43. Obama; Job Well Done - From McCain!: voting, liberal, president - Elections
  44. George Will - Obama's Economic Fairytale: nuclear, Barack Obama, speech, party - Elections
  45. Obama; Calling all thugs to silence critics: vote, interview, enemies - Elections
  46. Republicans should really condsider voting for Bob Barr: Condi Rice, global warming, house of - Elections
  47. Obama; Left of his own party: votes, Iraq, security, democratic - Elections
  48. help explain what makes a LiberalRep vs. ConservativeDem: votes, Congress, democrat - Elections
  49. All Three Miami GOP Congressman In Trouble: vote, poll, Americans - Elections
  50. Gallup Daily: Obama Moves Ahead, 48% to 42%: Cheney, voters, security, campaign - Elections
  51. Now we start wars to help a candidate: Putin, vote, - Elections
  52. The Devils in His Details: security, liberals, conservative, biased - Elections
  53. Biden's Health 2 aneurysms: spokesman, vice president, Reed, election - Elections
  54. Warner Speech Rescheduling: Democrats, Republicans, Obama, McCain - Elections
  55. Obama's profile says liar - Elections
  56. McCain and the Rovettes p**ping in their Depends: vote, democratic - Elections
  57. Hillary PROUD AMERICAN: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, speech, politician - Elections
  58. The Messiah-Complex Complex: John Kerry, Al Gore, global warming, health care - Elections
  59. Proof that the GOP is actively fighting corruption: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  60. Catholic Churchs position on Biden's Pro Choice Views: John Kerry, vote, legal - Elections
  61. Bob Barr on the rise in polls: voters, impeachment, Republicans - Elections
  62. If this isn't hypocrisy, what is?: Democrats, president, Kennedy, political - Elections
  63. Don't really want to vote...: Ron Paul, patriot, campaign, radical - Elections
  64. Top Ten Ways to Make the Democratic Convention More Fun: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  65. If You Drilled In All Of McCain's Backyards...: Republicans, governor - Elections
  66. Democrats think we should all eat Cabbage.: vote, Republicans - Elections
  67. McCain and Bush to visit TWIN CITIES: campaign, speech - Elections
  68. Romney scheduled to speak on same day as VP does at the RNC.: vote, generation - Elections
  69. Hillary's New Slogan: votes, Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  70. McCain and Mafia boss' Birthday: crime, politician, terrorists, parties - Elections
  71. Yes We Can!: voting, Obama, McCain - Elections
  72. Four More Months: conservative, McCain, George W. Bush - Elections
  73. Time for the Dems to strike back: Cheney, enemy, campaign - Elections
  74. Barak Obama Ayers Rezko of his Terrorist Friends: security, FBI, conspiracy - Elections
  75. McCain nurse says he won't overturn Roe v Wade: vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  76. Open Hillary's heart and what do you get, still a sore loser.: president, Clinton - Elections
  77. Video - Obama and his terrorist buddy.: McCain, million - Elections
  78. Who did better in their speech, Michelle or Hillary?: voting, Democrats - Elections
  79. Does the new McCain negate the old Maverick McCain's experience?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  80. Obama's Temple in Denver: John Kerry, Al Gore, voters, security - Elections
  81. Obama is good and ready!: interview, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  82. Kucinich raises issues: vote, democratic, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  83. Obama; Earmarks - The unsung issue - so far: vote, Iraq, democrat - Elections
  84. Dem. Convention of fake smiles, fake compliments!!!: impeachment, Republicans - Elections
  85. Gallup Daily: Obama Moves Ahead, 48% to 42%: John Kerry, interviews, polls, vice president - Elections
  86. Montana gov. talks about how green Dem's are as the crowd waves thousands of paper banners: Democrats, Barack Obama - Elections
  87. Biden A Known Fibber!: votes, Attorney, christmas, death - Elections
  88. How Will God Answer The Prayers For Rain In Denver Tonight?: Republican, Obama - Elections
  89. Where was the weasel?: vote, campaign, Republican, vice president - Elections
  90. In Case You Missed It: Obama, Biden's Son Linked By Earmarks: vote - Elections
  91. Poll: How do you think Hillary did in her speech tonight?: campaign, democrat - Elections
  92. Why the conservatives think that calling someone liberal is an insult?: Rush Limbaugh, Cheney - Elections
  93. If McCain croaks, who will be in charge?: Cheney, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  94. Over/under: when will Obama raise taxes?: Al Gore, voters, Congress - Elections
  95. Faux News Says Hillary's speech was not good for Obama: interview, - Elections
  96. party debates: votes, generations, illegal - Elections
  97. Who was this delegate just on CNN?: vote, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  98. NEW McCain Ad; Remote Control - Brilliant!: 9/11, voting, Iran - Elections
  99. McCain's odd interview with Time: voters, campaign, Republican, Barack Obama - Elections
  100. John McCain has a twin!: Obama, dollars - Elections
  101. Republicans try to bring down Michelle Obama speach: regular, president, education - Elections
  102. Cindy McCain's sister to vote for Senator Obama?!: interview, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  103. Pawlenty is McCains VP: Ron Paul, vote, Republican - Elections
  104. Bring on Hillary!: vote, Democrats, Obama - Elections
  105. What scares you about the other candidate?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  106. Al Gore's speech: 9/11, voting, Iraq, president - Elections
  107. Everyone BOW down, the Messiah is coming on: voting, Obama, Reed - Elections
  108. Hillary About To Make Speech - Support My Inferior: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  109. Does care about the Obama/Ayres Connection?: Cheney, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  110. Name one thing Barack Obama has done for: Mexicans, McCain, Hispanics - Elections
  111. Look at all the Generals!!!!: votes, Iraq, Republican, president - Elections
  112. Today - What is the No. 1 issue: Iraq, enemies, radical - Elections
  113. Pelosi -- natural gas is a good alternative to fossil fuels.: Harry Reid, Cheney - Elections
  114. McCain plans exciting ad tonight around the time of Obama's speech: vote, campaign - Elections
  115. Hillary Supporters - Do You Believe Hillary Genuinely Supports Obama?: vote, - Elections
  116. Hillary's doing exactly what needs to be done.: NAFTA, vote, - Elections
  117. Why do rich old men want to be president?: voting, Iran, generation - Elections
  118. Clinton Donors Are Contributing to McCain: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  119. I'm just happy the GOP has a chance!: voting, candidacy, Republicans - Elections
  120. New McCain add is awesome and classy: votes, campaign, - Elections
  121. If Michelle had said: Rush Limbaugh, voters, generation, suspected - Elections
  122. Stupid Joe Biden Foreign Policy Expert.. Not !: votes, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  123. McCain - Romney 08: vote, campaign, liberals, conservative - Elections
  124. Stop Obama's communism now!: voters, campaign, conservative, biased - Elections
  125. Obama; Muzzling the Media: Putin, campaign, represent, president - Elections
  126. News: McCain Advisor Says There are No Uninsured Americans: health care, Reagan, illegal aliens - Elections
  127. Hillary ROCKED tonight.: Republican, Obama, speech, leader - Elections
  128. Get on the Love Train...: vote, Israel, Republicans, vice president - Elections
  129. Kucinich Yesterday: Ron Paul, health care, voting, Iraq - Elections
  130. Why does the media continue to lie about Hillary: campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  131. Historic moment: 1st Black Man nominated for highest office!: party affiliation, vote, represent - Elections
  132. Obama; A Tiny ad - Ouch!: health care, 9/11, Iran - Elections
  133. Explain why McCains lead is growing during the Dems Convention?: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  134. McCain's conduct: Can Obama beat of doozies?: vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  135. Obama files with Dept of Justice: vote, enemies, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  136. President Clinton is Kickin GOP in their rears: Congress, Republicans, Barack Obama - Elections
  137. Whoops! Top Republican Admits GOP Spinning All Lies...: 9/11, Congress, security - Elections
  138. The change is coming!: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  139. Look for McCain to take the spotlight!: health care, votes, - Elections
  140. Its official: Obama has been nominate by acclamation: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  141. Texas voters: Congress, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  142. So if Obama loses this thing in November...who are Dem frontrunners for 2012?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  143. McCain owes America an Alzheimer's test: campaign, Reagan, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  144. s the video that will end Barack Hussein Obama's National Political Career: John Kerry, vote - Elections
  145. Gallup; Conservative Democrats Peeling Away From Obama: voters, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  146. James Carville telling everyone how he really feels...: Obama, party - Elections
  147. Feud heats up, Terry McCauliffe to join Team Obama: Cheney, security, campaign - Elections
  148. Obama REFUSES to put his hand over his chest during pledge!: patriot, Republican - Elections
  149. Dems Shouldn't Worry, Obama is in Good Shape: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  150. Bill Clinton Questions Obama's Abilities: vote, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  151. Dem. Covention going on and McCain is up in the polls!!!: votes, interview - Elections
  152. Obama refuses to wear an AMERICAN FLAG PIN!!!: patriot, independent, McCain - Elections
  153. Bill Clinton's speech: voters, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  154. Hillary Supporters, DO NOT SILENCE HER!: votes, democratic, CNN - Elections
  155. Mother Nature to GOP: I'd Like a Word With You: voters, democratic - Elections
  156. McCain campaign: Clinton did not say Obama ready to lead: 9/11, vote - Elections
  157. Biden critizes McCain for Iraq war but he voted for it as well...I'm confused: Colin Powell, 9/11 - Elections
  158. Faux news at it again.: John Kerry, enemy, Republican, soldier - Elections
  159. Biden's Freudian slip: vote, president, fence, McCain - Elections
  160. Hip Hop Democrats: health care, voters, legal, Republicans - Elections
  161. Hurricane Gustav threatens GOP convention: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  162. Breaking News: Bush to Deliver Volley back at Clinton at RNC-'The Compassionate Conservative 2.0': Cheney, votes - Elections
  163. GOP sick over Senator Clinton: employment, campaign, - Elections
  164. Barack Hussein Obama would NOT be the first black president!: voting, enemies - Elections
  165. President Bill and Senator Clinton really need a round of applause!!!: global warming, Iraq - Elections
  166. Enough Said?: vote, campaign, president, racism - Elections
  167. Howard Dean Invites ENEMIES In!! WHY??: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  168. President Obama Has Arrived!!!: McCain, terrorism, senator, world - Elections
  169. Bill hit a home run!: vote, Democrats, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  170. Obama; Did you REALLY vet Biden?: votes, Congress, patriot, campaign - Elections
  171. Wake up America: health care, Cheney, 9/11, gallon - Elections
  172. Who's looking forward to Bush next week?: thoughts, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  173. Bill Clinton Planning to Snub Obama: voters, Democrats, Republican, racist - Elections
  174. Hypothetical. I'm an undecided voter. Convince me on McCain or Obama in only a few sentences.: Cheney, Iran - Elections
  175. Hey angry liberals!: unemployment, health care, vote, Iraq - Elections
  176. Who likes the DNC convention?: interview, Republican, liberal - Elections
  177. McMurda '08!!!: McCain, news - Elections
  178. Barak Obama Ayers Rezko of his Terrorist Friends - Elections
  179. Ayers linked to GOP Gov. Mark Sanford!!!!: governor - Elections
  180. Biden's Exaggerations - Inflating Obama's record will not resolve doubts: voters, candidacy - Elections
  181. National Review:Michelle Obama's speech was quite effective: worker, family, website - Elections
  182. For the Democrats - Elections
  183. The Democrat caucuses; What really happened: Democrats, party - Elections
  184. Diebold Covers Up Inadequacies in Their Voting Machines: Republicans - Elections
  185. Bill Clinton too young and inexperienced: president - Elections
  186. Neither McCain or Obama can get America out of Debt.: president, economy - Elections
  187. McCain complains about media - Elections
  188. Obama; Think about a name change?: McCain, state, news - Elections
  189. When does the PUMA rally/riot start?: million, money - Elections
  190. The fools of change: voters, Americans, constitution, date - Elections
  191. The Ticket - Elections
  192. McCain Runs Scared of our knowledge of his part in Keating Five: Congress, campaign - Elections
  193. Barak defines strength - Elections
  194. bUSH REFUSES to put his hand over his chest!: patriot - Elections
  195. McCain and Biden voted in favor....Obama voted against.: Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  196. Biden war in Iraq can be won! Bush tax cuts are the root of our budget problems.: American, school - Elections
  197. Obama Would Send 100,000 Troops…Why Am I Not Surprised.: Iraq, middle east, president - Elections
  198. Clinton donors are now donating to McCain....: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  199. Will bathtub boy and ole tingle up my leg host GOP convention coverage? - Elections
  200. Man, Maureen Dowd feels the hate vs love at the convention..... - Elections