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  1. Hillary Supporters or just Feminists?: Colin Powell, vote, president, Obama - Elections
  2. The Denver Games: Opening Ceremony: christmas, Obama, McCain, free speech - Elections
  3. What's wrong with McCain?: vote, campaign, gasoline, president - Elections
  4. Does know whether or not McCain supported the Civil Rights?: vote, patriot - Elections
  5. Are there more of Hillary supporters left that are willing to sell out to McCain for money like Debra Bartoshevick?: million, state - Elections
  6. McCain is the man for the troops? REALLY!: vote, Obama, million - Elections
  7. The GOP - Clinton mistake?: health care, voters, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  8. Inspiring Video: vote, president, election, elect - Elections
  9. The McCain commercial, did you like it?: drug, CNN - Elections
  10. No bounce for obama -: campaign, democratic, liberals, state - Elections
  11. Barry and Joey: A match made in heaven: illegal, president - Elections
  12. How many houses does Kerry, Al Gore, have....?: Ron Paul, drugs - Elections
  13. Religious Nutjobs open the Democratic National Convention: death, African, official - Elections
  14. Ted Kennedy In Denver and may speak tonight: democratic, spokeswoman, party - Elections
  15. Are Americans experiencing Obama fatigue ?: vote, Iraq, candidacy - Elections
  16. If you Demonstrate at the DNC - be Prepared for Gitmo USA: enemies, liberals - Elections
  17. How Does Denver Building Cages For THE DNC: Democrats, liberal, Reed - Elections
  18. We don't need Bush Light: Democrats, drugs, president, Obama - Elections
  19. Very important news, McCain wins the roach race!: polls, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  20. News, Obama's half sister bears witness to solid upbringing.: president, Barack Obama, American - Elections
  21. Setting the Record Straight about Obama & McCain: Ron Paul, vote, Republican - Elections
  22. obama is so out of touch: vote, gallon, Republicans - Elections
  23. Great new Obama ad: Barack Obama, independent, economy, states - Elections
  24. Who Gave Up Their Cell Phone Number For The VP Call?: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  25. Ron Paul: Freedom is Golden: Congress, Americans, retire, money - Elections
  26. Dnc: unemployed, vote, campaign, illegal aliens - Elections
  27. What do you think about party conventions?: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  28. Joe Biden - Unwilling to Defend America: Iran, security, conservative - Elections
  29. Beware the Trolls: campaign, CNN, elections
  30. Obama Leads McCain by 49% to 43% in Washington Post-ABC Poll: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  31. John McCain did have a house and a wife and a family during POW years: interview, campaign - Elections
  32. McCain and Mitt Romney - Elections
  33. Advice to Obama Campaign: health care, vote, McCain, Americans - Elections
  34. Obama hasn't sold voters on economic issues: wage, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  35. Great article about the MSM bias: 9/11, votes, Republican, controversial - Elections
  36. Jimmy Carter should build a hut for Obama's half brother: conservative - Elections
  37. Part of the problem: vote, salary, CNN, polls - Elections
  38. Barack Obama has a Twin: American, Hispanic, tax - Elections
  39. Gallup; McCAIN by 2?????: votes, campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  40. WSJ Online Journal - The Racism Excuse: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  41. McCain Voting for Viagra: kids - Elections
  42. McCain ad; 3 AM call - Thanks Hillary!: voters, president, death - Elections
  43. Hillary and The Presidency: Colin Powell, generation, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  44. John Edwards calling former staffers asking for forgiveness: campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  45. Video News, Olbermann Caught on Open Mic: ‘Jesus, Joe, Why Don’t You Get a Shovel?’: Congress, Republican - Elections
  46. During Michelle Obama Speech recap Fox News shows pics of Terrorists: Attorney, family - Elections
  47. A politician's wife should not be involved: middle east, campaign, - Elections
  48. Polls: Obama leads in Pa., and Ohio trailing in Fla.: votes, McCain - Elections
  49. Debra Bartoshevich has no clue what McCain stands for: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  50. Biden named as VP + DNC and Obama is still losing ground/tied in the polls: votes, McCain - Elections
  51. The divisiveness in America: party affiliation, voters, Iraq, security - Elections
  52. Daily Show's GOP Convention Billboard: party, most - Elections
  53. What one characteristic would be MOST important in McCain's VP selection?: voters, Republican - Elections
  54. Dems new plan for high gas - Feds only work 4 days/week: Obama, leader - Elections
  55. Straight Talk Express Only a Crowd-Pleasing Catch Phrase: Congress, campaign - Elections
  56. Obama Contradicts Himself: votes, Iraq, campaign, poll - Elections
  57. Obama & Congress...God help us all: Harry Reid, vote, democratic - Elections
  58. Mccain says obama didnt pick Hilary because of the primaries: campaign, democratic - Elections
  59. Is Hillary going to release her delegates on Wednesday!: CNN, McCain, speech - Elections
  60. Bill (Ayers) & Barack (Obama)'s Excellent Adventure: vote, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  61. the founding fathers smeared each other: campaign - Elections
  62. Helping people understand the disorder of liberalism.: world, town - Elections
  63. Breaking News: Madonna supports Obama: Al Gore, global warming, Democrats, activist - Elections
  64. Sarah Palin: Limbaugh, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  65. Biden Voted for Earmarks, McCain and Obama (and Clinton) Against Them: votes, Congress - Elections
  66. Senator Obama not eligible?: Attorney, president, crimes, election - Elections
  67. The media praises Biden: voters, Iraq, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  68. Biden states Obama articulate AND clean!: voters, racism, Edwards - Elections
  69. Obama; Your pick is a yawner: health care, voters, Iraq, democratic - Elections
  70. McCain supports a taxpayer bailout of GM and FORD to the tune of 50 billion: health care, Congress - Elections
  71. Denver and Hillary supporters: Dick Cheney, voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  72. UK Newspaper Wonders What is Wrong w/US: global warming, voters, Iran - Elections
  73. Is it just me, or was the crowd kind of making you ill?: Republicans - Elections
  74. Was it Biden who said to get something at Seven Eleven you had to: vote, democratic - Elections
  75. Obama-Biden: 9/11, voters, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  76. Celebrity McCain has become an ad-addict! McCain lost sight of what's important! He's gone from flipflop to flipped out!: health care, vote - Elections
  77. Police investigate plot to kill Obama at Invesco: democratic, drug, liberals - Elections
  78. Obama; Finds 58TH State!!: campaign, McCain, teleprompter, elect - Elections
  79. Should BO try to silence this?: campaign, liberal, conservative - Elections
  80. Makeover for Mechelle: Bush, most - Elections
  81. Obama; WHO can't we afford?: voting, Republicans, biased, represent - Elections
  82. Obama; Loses 3 point lead - overnight: democratic, CNN, polls, president - Elections
  83. News, 'Dream Ticket' No More: No Obama-Clinton.: vote, Democrats, vice president - Elections
  84. Poor Republicans must be really scared: vote, drug, conservative, president - Elections
  85. Republican VP: voters, racism, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  86. Does see Joe Biden's Gaffs as refreshing?: democrat, Republicans, racist - Elections
  87. Keating Five: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  88. Leno Asks McCain How Many Houses He Has, McCain Answers With POW Status (VIDEO): 9/11, campaign - Elections
  89. Obama is smarter than the average politician: 9/11, patriot, campaign - Elections
  90. McCain ad; Passed Over Obama's diss of Hill: votes, thoughts - Elections
  91. Obama in where am I...? Obama crist superstar: Iran, Israel - Elections
  92. Obama's tactical mistake about Ayers Issue: security, campaign, legal, democrat - Elections
  93. Latino Citizens could swell Registered Voter numbers by Millions: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  94. Hillary will be on the ballot: votes, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  95. How Do White Christians Justify Voting For McCain: vote, Iraq, security - Elections
  96. Vet ad on Surge&Obama; Ouch!: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  97. Michelle O; Lifts the world from Rules for Radicals - Alinsky book: ethical, extremist - Elections
  98. Obama moves past McCain on leadership: voters, illegal, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  99. Carolina GOP Relic: Liddy Dole Going Down: Congress, interview, - Elections
  100. Cindy Mccain in Georgia on humanitarian mission: thoughts, Obama, speech - Elections
  101. Barack Obama is striking back fiercely to silence ad tying him to 60s radical: John Kerry, - Elections
  102. GOP Prayers Not Answered: enemies, Republicans, radical - Elections
  103. Insane President Carter calls Obama a black boy: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  104. Clintons4McCain founder & PUMA gets smacked down on Hardball: voting, Congress - Elections
  105. the Foreign Policy experts: 9/11, vote, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  106. McCain; Leads big in the south: gas prices, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  107. Obama; 3 AM text message??: 9/11, voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  108. Obama is poorest senator, not Biden: Congress, millionaire, McCain, million - Elections
  109. Poll: Obama drops 6% after announcing VP...good choice or not?: vote, campaign - Elections
  110. Has Biden apologized to the Hiditha Marines: Iraq, enemies, CNN - Elections
  111. Senator McCain's safe VP pick?: democratic, liberal, conservative, Obama - Elections
  112. Madonna is scum!: liberals, death, Reed, McCain - Elections
  113. Obama mocks Bible?: enemies, campaign, illegal, speech - Elections
  114. Obama; Now done it: voting, generation, campaign, - Elections
  115. Couldn't agree with you more Joe!: security, Republicans, president, racist - Elections
  116. Poll: How do you think Michelle did in her speech tonight?: campaign, democratic - Elections
  117. Disasterous Convention: McCain now leads by 2!: Rush Limbaugh, voters, interview, - Elections
  118. Hillary supporters who vote for McCain: voters, Democrats, Republican, represent - Elections
  119. New McCain Ad. What do you CONSERVATIVES think?: 9/11, voters, Iran - Elections
  120. Blowing the Bodies of Babies to Bits: Ron Paul, illegal, liberals - Elections
  121. McCain accepts dirty rapper endorsement for latino votes: parade, liberal, Obama - Elections
  122. McCain Voting: health care system, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  123. Is McCain Nuts?: vote, biased, president - Elections
  124. Obama; Hear what theIraqi's think of your pick: voters, democratic, president - Elections
  125. Security at Denver for protesters: voters, campaign, drug, suspect - Elections
  126. Can you afford two Nanny's?: salaries, millionaire, thoughts, president - Elections
  127. Hill delegate removed by DNC does ad for Mccain: voters, security, Democrats - Elections
  128. Who should I vote for in November?: Iran, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  129. Obama history and integrity: 9/11, vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  130. Greetings from Denver: voters, Iraq, campaign, - Elections
  131. Leave Obama Alone!: McCain, million - Elections
  132. Obama; Biden - Rezko connection?: vote, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  133. Obama; Did you vet the Biden Boys?: accuse, McCain, lobbyists - Elections
  134. Friction Continues Between Obama and Clintons: Cheney, votes, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  135. Shout Out To GOP Women Voters: Democrats, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  136. The GOP and Senator Lieberman: vote, Congress, democrat, liberals - Elections
  137. why such a flow of tears?: Republicans, representation, president, family - Elections
  138. Just of your typical Obama/Clinton supporters....: Rush Limbaugh, conservative, radical - Elections
  139. John McCain Needs to Lay Off the POW Talk: 9/11, vote, Congress - Elections
  140. McCain ‘houses’ gaffe changing tenor of race: voters, interview, Republican - Elections
  141. Joe Biden's pro-RIAA, pro-FBI tech voting record: votes, Congress - Elections
  142. New state polls for Virginia and Colorado.: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  143. CNN: Bill Maher on Larry King Live 08/24/08: 9/11, vote, Congress - Elections
  144. Federal Lawsuit Requesting Obama Be Removed . . .: Israeli, legal, president, Americans - Elections
  145. Romney is McCain's only choice for VP: vote, Iraq, millionaire - Elections
  146. DNC not off to a great start....: voters, CNN, Clinton - Elections
  147. New Arizona poll: liberal, conservative, polls, president - Elections
  148. It must suck being a conservative days: vote, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  149. Obama; Rocky start to the party: voters, illegal, Democrats, poll - Elections
  150. Did you know Biden wrote the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)??: voters, Congress - Elections
  151. Obama/biden, heading to the right: voters, Congress, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  152. USA Today/Gallup Poll: Obama back in the lead: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  153. Obama; After VP pick, you lose ground?: vote, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  154. Desperate McCain buys voters!!! Can McCain stoop lower... 1st buys Debra Bartoshevick, who's next???: legal, democratic - Elections
  155. So did Obama attend the Wright I hate America Sermon afterall?: vote, - Elections
  156. TV Coverage of the DNC: Obama, McCain, speech - Elections
  157. The Obama Decline: From Agent of Change to Hesitant Politician: health care, gas prices - Elections
  158. Hospital VP Michelle Obama tossed poor sick people on on the street: health care, campaign - Elections
  159. Do you like Michelle Obama?: president, racist, McCain, Whites - Elections
  160. Clinton Supporters Disrespect Hillary.: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  161. If McCain voted against MLK Holiday and he didn't support the Civil Rights, will he be for women & all Americans or not?: death, speech - Elections
  162. Kennedy's speech: health care, 9/11, president, American - Elections
  163. Pelosi at the DNC: Congress, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  164. Are we becoming a bit too cozy?: thoughts, president, Obama - Elections
  165. Obama; How bout a house for your brother? - Nice ad!: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  166. Obama:more free healthcare for illegals: health care, voting, security, illegal aliens - Elections
  167. I'm Hillary Clinton and I DO NOT Approve this message: vote, campaign - Elections
  168. Did She Just say.........: drugs, Hillary Clinton, speech, million - Elections
  169. How McCain Dumped His First Wife: voters, Reagan, drug, president - Elections
  170. Did McCain vote against or for the Martin Luther King's Holiday?: voters - Elections
  171. Obama's gaffe; during Biden introduction: voting, campaign, vice president, McCain - Elections
  172. How much is McCain paying for a protest to occur during the demoncratic convention???: votes, Democrats - Elections
  173. McCain's housing woes...: illegal, president, Obama, cost - Elections
  174. Great Speech Michelle!: Iraq, campaign, regular, nuclear - Elections
  175. Will Joe Biden Appeal to Jewish Voters in FLORIDA: health care, Israel, security - Elections
  176. GOP Fears Hispanic Vote: health care, voters, Mexican, thoughts - Elections
  177. Michelle Obama Speach/ what the hell is she talking about?: American - Elections
  178. Strange Bedfellows - stranger times!: vote, Iraq, security, Democrats - Elections
  179. Clinton will release her delegates on Wednesday: democratic, Barack Obama, party - Elections
  180. Jay Leno's guest tonight - Elections
  181. Obama Stories Should Come With Hip Boots: John Kerry, gallon, - Elections
  182. GOP takes a hard line on abortion for its platform: conservative, McCain - Elections
  183. Nevada delegates will not be seated: president, McCain, leader, party - Elections
  184. DVDs in the mail to delegates: Ron Paul, Congress, Republicans, president - Elections
  185. Candidate Biden to release his Delegates to Obama tonight: voters, McCain - Elections
  186. From the RNC Podium: McCain Does Not Want to Overturn Roe--What?: vote, interview - Elections
  187. Human Events - Isn't It About Time for Obama To Shoot His Goose?: Democrats, represent - Elections
  188. Republican lament: patriot, conservative, environmentalists, Dodd - Elections
  189. Unfit to Lead -: McCain, money, war - Elections
  190. Joe Biden on privacy and technology.: voting, FBI, administration, news - Elections
  191. Obama gives Lobbyists the Plush Skyboxes: Barack Obama, speech, million, supporters - Elections
  192. Check your Brains in at the Door.: party, election, elect - Elections
  193. McCain the alcohol President: vice president, political, party, state - Elections
  194. REAL Change ...Biden's son is a Lobbyist!: Obama, election - Elections
  195. Perspective on Appealing to Undecided Voters: Democrats, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  196. Obama; Emil Jones plays the race card: Republicans, Clinton, lobby - Elections
  197. Convention Comments: voting, Pelosi, McCain - Elections
  198. apparently the dems don't believe in freedom: Pelosi, leader, state - Elections
  199. Let them have it Fast Eddy!: campaign, Brown, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  200. Thomas Paine for Prez !!!!!: revolution - Elections