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  1. Obama & DNC; No Gays & Lesbians on Platform?: vote, democrat, political - Elections
  2. The New Orleans Snub By One Presidential Candidate??? Easy guess!!: voters, campaign - Elections
  3. Speaking of Infidelity: Obama, Edwards, McCain, economy - Elections
  4. McCain refuses to take TAX INCREASES off the table: employment, voters, Iraq - Elections
  5. Obama; What did you learn from your mentor, Frank, the Communist?: wages, revolution - Elections
  6. Edwards Ex-Mistress Rules Out Paternity Test; Strange Behavior Leaves Many Unanswered Questions in Edwards Affair: campaign, democratic - Elections
  7. Wow:McCain chief won't rule out one-term pledge: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  8. Washington Post - Obama Undercutting Democrats and Proposing to Significantly Increase Deficit: Congress, president - Elections
  9. Sanford Draws Blank On Bush/McCain Economic Differences: campaign, George Bush, economy - Elections
  10. Will Senator McCain support Disabled Veterans RIGHT TO VOTE?!!: house of 9/11, Congress - Elections
  11. michaelcalderone - McCain to national press Youve got 38 minutes: campaign, Republican, elect - Elections
  12. John McCain admits that he is a 'war-criminal'? Is that a good message to send about being the president of the USA?: John Kerry, vote - Elections
  13. Plouffe: McCain's DHL Deal A Critical Moment Of Campaign: president, Barack Obama, election - Elections
  14. Ron Paul Bob Barr Ron Paul Bob Barr: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  15. Presidential Debate - Moderators & Schedule, And the Winner wil be?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  16. Its MASSIVELY SCARY when Paris Hilton is right and McCain and Obama are wrong: vote, president - Elections
  17. Robert Wexler, Obama's FL campaign chairman's way to pay less income taxes.: voters, Congress - Elections
  18. Early Life Crisis: education, brainwash, Americans, government - Elections
  19. McCain Mngr Cost 8,000 Jobs in Ohio & McCain Promises Less Jobs & More War: campaign - Elections
  20. Cheney,Bush will be together at the convention to support McCain: votes, Congress - Elections
  21. Democrat Congressional Leaders Praise Senator John McCain: Republican, president, Whitehouse - Elections
  22. Books about Obama and Pelosi!: democratic, president, Edwards, elections
  23. POLL You Agree With OBAMA: Federal Law Enforcement Officers Are Terrorists/ Nursing Mothers Are Torn From Their Babies.: vote, illegal - Elections
  24. TAX POLICY Center - McCain’s proposal is $300 Billion bigger than all of President Bush’s: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  25. DRILL DRILL NOW! A Public Disservice Announcement: Reagan, gasoline, nuclear - Elections
  26. MsCain - Old Guys Can't Think: democratic, president, revolution - Elections
  27. Democratic convention chief wants reparations for blacks.: votes, Obama, deported - Elections
  28. Obama; At risk Landrieu RUNS from The One: Republican, CNN - Elections
  29. Obama leading big in Oregon: vote, democratic, Republicans, polls - Elections
  30. News, Obama's 'no income taxes on seniors' draws critics.: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  31. McCain seeks to duplicate surge in Georgia: Iraq, president, American - Elections
  32. Hillary is broke and has no organization, how could she run a campaign?.: voters, biased - Elections
  33. Race Questions Cast Doubt On Presidential Polls: voters, thoughts, democratic - Elections
  34. Based on polls, the election will be a landslide for Obama.: voters, democratic - Elections
  35. New DNC Schedule: Rush Limbaugh, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, vote - Elections
  36. Lieberman says Obama may not have always put country first: Congress, enemy - Elections
  37. The Footage Barack Obama Doesn’t Want You to See: news - Elections
  38. Obama’s Scandal is Bigger than Edwards’: campaign, Democrats, accuse - Elections
  39. Feingold on McCain; the original maverick.: campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  40. Obama and The Messiah That Failed: health care, democratic, Bill Clinton - Elections
  41. McCain; He saw Russia coming: Putin, interview, Democrats, Obama - Elections
  42. McCain to Oil Companies: You Want Me to Do What for Money? Oh.. ...: Harry Reid, gas prices - Elections
  43. AFL-CIO hits McCain on DHL deal: voters, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  44. Should small business promote a candidate: vote, Reagan, political, election - Elections
  45. Why vote?: Democrats, Republican, represent, president - Elections
  46. Edwards Money Man Raising Cash for Obama?: political, news - Elections
  47. McCain's uncredited running mate revealed: Iraq, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  48. New Obama ad: McCain's playing the same old Washington games: Barack Obama - Elections
  49. Why is no one covering more Obama gaffes?: vote, president - Elections
  50. Obama tied to Iraqi government fraud? Hundreds of millions in deals with candidate's associates: Cheney, security - Elections
  51. News, Obama Denounces KKK Ad In Memphis Race.: Congress, democratic, accuse - Elections
  52. GOP's Pawlenty praises Obama's positive message: voters, democratic, Republicans, president - Elections
  53. McCain;Trusted more on 9 of 14 issues: health care, voters, security, - Elections
  54. Obama's Muslim Outreach coordinator resigns: enemy, legal, liberals, racism - Elections
  55. Oh my how exciting is this!: liberals, president, McCain, economic - Elections
  56. Crude Campaigning: Obama, McCain, Washington, date - Elections
  57. Hillary Chats Online at Noon EST, 9 PST: Clinton - Elections
  58. Obama, Clinton issue joint statement over Denver rumors: Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  59. Iraqis: Deal close on plan for US troops to leave: voting, Iran - Elections
  60. When will McCain and the GOP talk about themselves?: Cheney, voters, Congress - Elections
  61. New book about Obama's faith: campaign, Democrats, liberal, conservative - Elections
  62. McCain says America needs economic surge .: vote, Iraq, generations - Elections
  63. Bill Clinton to speak at Democratic convention: vice president, Barack Obama, speech - Elections
  64. News, Man held in Fla. on charge of threatening Obama.: interview, democratic - Elections
  65. Hagel's leading the VP rumors again - Elections
  66. First thoughts: Obama builds map lead: votes, polls, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  67. Gallup Poll: Obama up by 5 points. Wow!: Cheney, polls - Elections
  68. What Do Democrats Really Want?: Obama, solution, leader, world - Elections
  69. Is it important for the president to be computer literate?: vote, interview - Elections
  70. s my If McCain and Obama are so close on the polls, where is McCain's support?: vote, campaign - Elections
  71. O takes credit for ceasefire: Al Gore, interview, campaign, liberal - Elections
  72. contributing to the GOP tire gauge fund?: Democrats, liberal, Obama - Elections
  73. Cindy Sheehan qualifies to run for Pelosi's seat: voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  74. Do you really want more of the same?: Congress, Iraq, generations - Elections
  75. Get ready for higher taxes and higher inflation.: Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  76. Obama; are the main reasons you will LOSE: voters, campaign, - Elections
  77. What is our Presidents Number One Job?: voting, salary, democrat - Elections
  78. Wolfson: Edwards' Cover-up Cost Clinton the Nomination: voters, security, campaign - Elections
  79. Hillary blames John Edwards: voters, campaign, polls - Elections
  80. Obama; Chris M., your #1 Fan, can't find evidence of bipartisanship: Congress, campaign - Elections
  81. It is a Joke but is a Good Read...: vote, Congress - Elections
  82. Hillary's Growing Shadow: vote, Iran, Iraq, wage - Elections
  83. While Ninnies argue, they refuse to address the real issues of this country...: employment, votes - Elections
  84. Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote: voters, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  85. Michael Moore is worried about Barack Hussein Obama Losing The Election: health care, Democrats - Elections
  86. Linchpin Issue - Russia and Georgia: voters, Iraq, Obama, border - Elections
  87. Do you really believe hope and change from Obama will help?: campaign, democrat - Elections
  88. New McCain ad; Fan Club: Obama, most - Elections
  89. Get Your Free Nobama Sticker!: vote, Republican, president, radical - Elections
  90. 7 Worrisome Signs For Obama: voters, Iraq, campaign, - Elections
  91. Great. Another day with childish Hussein Obama threads: campaign, Clinton - Elections
  92. Would Senator McCain do away with Unemployment Insurance?: Congress, wage, security - Elections
  93. Mccain or Obama on Supreme Court issue:: vote, Republicans - Elections
  94. Liberal Think Tanks Bash Obama Senior Tax Plan: wages, Baby Boomers, security - Elections
  95. Would Senator McCain support the Diplomacy underway in Georgia or Would his Temper have us Embroiled in a WAR?: Putin, president - Elections
  96. Obama takes the lead - In Alaska?!!: voters, campaign, - Elections
  97. Has Attacking Senator McCain become Pointless?: Cheney, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  98. Shillary and her PUMAs get smacked again: Mark Warner to give Keynote Address: voters, campaign - Elections
  99. Goal of Surge hits impasse: voting, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  100. Has read The Obama Nation ?: 9/11, vote, interviews - Elections
  101. 2 campaigns seek 'truth' about Obama's birth. Eligibility for presidency hinges on American citizenship: Israeli, legal - Elections
  102. Obama; Watch his Pissiness in action: interviews, accuse, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  103. What would happen if Obama is caught in a major scandal before the Democratic Convention?: votes, campaign - Elections
  104. Shoot at Dem Campaign Headquarters: democratic, liberal, conservative, suspect - Elections
  105. POLL: Did You Believe John Edwards When He Lied About His Affair During The Primaries: vote, Iraq - Elections
  106. Thank God Kids can not vote!: global warming, health care, votes, gallon - Elections
  107. It's Final: Americans Are Tired Of Hearing About Obama: Ron Paul, voting, Democrats - Elections
  108. More Reactions to the McCain-Wikipedia Story: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  109. Obama; This was why you snubbed the Ft. Hood Town hall?: Iraq, campaign - Elections
  110. Hagel as Obama veep draws concern from both sides: voting, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  111. can the delegates still switch to Clinton?: votes, Obama, Reid - Elections
  112. More red herrings we go again~Edwards affair: salary, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  113. Alaskan republican mayor endorses Obama: Republicans, president, McCain, politician - Elections
  114. Imagine if Congress and the President were the same party: Rush Limbaugh, 9/11 - Elections
  115. Complaint Department: health care, voters, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  116. If your candidate loses, how will you react?: liberal, nuclear - Elections
  117. Obama's Personality Defects: Iraq, Bush, school, politician - Elections
  118. Obama's newest advisor???: Iraq, middle east, Reagan, democratic - Elections
  119. How many pix's of Obama's white grandmother will he bring home?: votes, Democrats - Elections
  120. Obama; Look what just 2 of his earmarks buys: Congress, Israel, campaign - Elections
  121. Did McCain Wikipedia his Georgia speech?: thoughts, president, Obama, political - Elections
  122. The Free Lunch Party is not concerned about the cost of Social Programs.: health care system, Iraq - Elections
  123. McCain Just Dying For War With Russia!: Cheney, Putin, vote - Elections
  124. Former Dem VP candidate Joe L; Time to put the (R) after your name: Iraq, patriot - Elections
  125. Republicans for Obama: vote, Democrats, statistics, Clinton - Elections
  126. What has become of the Democratic Party?: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  127. John Sidney McCain?: legal, Republicans, Barack Hussein Obama, elect - Elections
  128. McCain, not Obama, was right about Georgia: Condoleezza Rice, security, democratic - Elections
  129. Do you agree with this prediction: Obama 322, McCain 216: votes, president, conspiracy - Elections
  130. Obama; Reparations by other name?: health care, voters, polls, military - Elections
  131. Why don't the Right-wing media (Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Really.. report on McCains mob funded election to Congress?: Republicans - Elections
  132. McCain Dazed And Confused (VIDEO): Republicans, president, Obama, Americans - Elections
  133. McCain Supporters, be prepared for this [video]!: bomb - Elections
  134. Mr flip flop: gallon, Iraq, campaign, accuse - Elections
  135. Edwards ...: Obama, John Edwards, politicians, supporters - Elections
  136. McCain panders to the Religious Right: Roe v Wade MUST Be Overturned though he knows the results!: Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  137. What about McCain's affair?: legal, Clinton, John Edwards - Elections
  138. Could Obama's Rise Signal The End Of Black Victimology?: represent, president, racism - Elections
  139. Pelosi and Reid enjoying their summer vacation: gas prices, voters, Congress - Elections
  140. What will come out about John Edwards sex affair and the over $ 100.000 he paid her!!!: campaign, illegal - Elections
  141. Obama will announce his VP choice online first: campaign, regular - Elections
  142. Rielle Hunter, John Edwards sex tapes on YouTube?: Republicans, poll, party - Elections
  143. Straight Talk Express Veers Off Course (Bus crashes in FL): campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  144. The coverage of the Edwards affair: sickening: democratic, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  145. Author of 'The Case Against Barack Obama': interview, president, cost - Elections
  146. Tickets for Obama's acceptance speech in Denver = sold out in one day: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  147. Whoa Nelly, Bush one advocated tire pressure guages to help gasoline and oil demand: campaign, legal - Elections
  148. Obama made fun of Paris Hilton in 2005: vote, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  149. Obama's Forged COLB - Could it be true?: interview, Israeli, - Elections
  150. McCain: Worse than you think: John Kerry, Ron Paul, vote, enemy - Elections
  151. The Olympic Influence: campaign, polls, represent, president - Elections
  152. Bill Clinton to speak at convention: voting, Democrats, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  153. Hothead McCain: vote, Congress, Republican, conservative - Elections
  154. Obama's abortion stance may split Catholic vote: voters, president, McCain - Elections
  155. Evil Oil: gallon, liberal, Obama, Reed - Elections
  156. Edwards Admits to Extramarital affair: president, Obama, John Edwards, McCain - Elections
  157. Federal Officers to Obama: We’re No Terrorists: voters, Congress, illegal - Elections
  158. McCain paying people to troll for him: vote, campaign, ethical - Elections
  159. New Obama Salute: vote, campaign, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  160. Guaranteed health care key plank in Dems' platform: Hugo Chavez, security, campaign - Elections
  161. Dr.Evil heading up McCain's smear machine: Iran, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  162. Should Obama being running for President?: legal, educational, McCain, American - Elections
  163. Dont trust obama: voters, interviews, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  164. No party unity for the dems: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  165. Obama's Cocaine Use and Homosexual Liaisons?: drug, biased, death, Barack Obama - Elections
  166. US Marine on McCain: John just isn't the same as he used to be. He's not his own man: vote, Congress - Elections
  167. You're taking a vacation--go to the beach, play volleyball, make a sandcastle for Pete's sake: voting, - Elections
  168. Admiral McCain: military, politicians, retire, money - Elections
  169. Why don't republicans try to hold a free concert to see how many people they can draw away from Obama?: campaign, liberal - Elections
  170. Great McCain ad; The dems like him: Democrats, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  171. Leaked McCain Memo: Paint Obama As a 'Job-Killing Machine': campaign, democratic - Elections
  172. McCain is different from Bush Because.....: vote, Congress, Obama, Americans - Elections
  173. gosh I love Bill Clinton: votes, interview, Democrats - Elections
  174. Obama Tax Plan Would Balloon Deficit, Analysis Finds: Congress, Republican, McCain - Elections
  175. Questions You'd Love To Hear At The Debates: health care, Obama, McCain - Elections
  176. Obama; Unqualified, unfit to be CIC: Putin, security, campaign, democratic - Elections
  177. Obama leads in 3 national polls: party affiliation, voters, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  178. Obama; Kenyan??: democrat, radical, racist, Barack Obama - Elections
  179. With Obama on vacation McCain will catch and pull ahead in polls.: democratic, election - Elections
  180. Iraq demands very clear U.S. troop timeline: Ron Paul, generations - Elections
  181. Obama numbers up in Gallup poll: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  182. McCain Starts A WAR Before Election!: Putin, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  183. News, Edwards: John McCain Cheated On His Wife Too.: votes, Congress, interview - Elections
  184. Poll: Who does more pandering to crowds: Barack Hussein Obama or his wife Michelle: health care, Dick Cheney - Elections
  185. Obama; Talks his country down again - to a 7 year old: illegal, Barack Obama - Elections
  186. Campaign fodder on Iraqi withdrawal timetable: Cheney, voters, Republican - Elections
  187. President Obama- Out Of Gate On Healthcare?: employment, health care, Congress - Elections
  188. Obama Heals Hundreds: vote, campaign, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  189. John Edwards and other pols: Iraq, campaign, represent, president - Elections
  190. Help to pick the next Veep for your Candidate through Congress.Org: Ron Paul, McCain - Elections
  191. Obama; WHO is in the pocket of big oil??: democratic, accuses - Elections
  192. McCain campaign to return $50,000: Republican, Obama, dollars, money - Elections
  193. 90 Days To Go....: Obama, McCain, cost, billion - Elections
  194. McCain calls for probe of company he once aided: vote, Congress, Obama - Elections
  195. Arab-American, Muslim-American outreach coordinator for Barack Obama's campaign resigned for radical Muslim connection.: news - Elections
  196. In Loose Style, McCain Leads a Camp Divided: campaign, leader, election - Elections
  197. Ron Paul Affirms: Iran Attack Plan Has ‘Green Light’: gallon, Congress - Elections
  198. McCain: I said, 'O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.': American, cost - Elections
  199. Hillary's ugly campaign: Hillary Clinton, supporters, news - Elections
  200. McCain ~ Washington Celebrity: Barack Obama - Elections