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  1. I Have Hope: Republican, Obama, work, town - Elections
  2. McCain just flip flopped again: Iraq, Obama, support - Elections
  3. Not the next VP? John Edwards, Through the Looking-Glass—with Apologies to Lewis Carroll: Huckabee, Obama - Elections
  4. While McCain talks energy freedom, Obama talks taxes on Gasoline, UN taxes on Americans, no energy production.: Al Gore, global warming - Elections
  5. AFL-CIO launches campaign to dispel Obama rumors: Reagan, CNN, Barack Obama - Elections
  6. McCain now open to taxes increase, another flipflop: global warming, Ron Paul, security - Elections
  7. Iraqi's, Olympics and this shows that Hussein gone is great: middle east, - Elections
  8. Generic Congressional Poll: Democrats have big lead: voters, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  9. When thing go very, very wrong...: Iran, Brown, Obama, McCain - Elections
  10. The Commander in Chief Test: McCain - Elections
  11. DVDs for Delegates: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  12. Two former Bush advisors joining Obama camp yup economist to boot.: Reagan, democratic - Elections
  13. How audacious!: president, death, American, political - Elections
  14. In study, evidence of liberal-bias bias: campaign, Democrats, Republican, biased - Elections
  15. Obama to Focus This Week on Domestic Issues, Starting with Economy: interview, campaign - Elections
  16. Candidates AGREE on Tax Changes!: Congress, middle east, democratic, Republican - Elections
  17. McCain Loses Argument: He Hedged on the Surge in 2007: bias, propaganda, TV - Elections
  18. President McCain Should Not Have A Chance: votes, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  19. Another Mole for McCain: vote, campaign, drugs, Obama - Elections
  20. Is this how history will judge this election?: democratic, liberal, president - Elections
  21. Do McCain & Obama supporters want dog chips?: 9/11, Reed, Americans - Elections
  22. Do you really want four more years of this?: vote, Reagan, Clinton - Elections
  23. Of or relating to the representation social conditions as they actually are: voters, thoughts - Elections
  24. Funny Piece: Barack Obama, world - Elections
  25. Ron Paul's Message to Obama - Elections
  26. New MoveOn ad: vote, gallon, Congress, wages - Elections
  27. McCain false ad - vote, democrat, Republican, president - Elections
  28. McCain's True Voice: vote, campaign, Republican, regular - Elections
  29. So now getting from leaders is arrogance?: vote, enemies, Republicans - Elections
  30. Who's pictures should Obama use in McCain Ad: political, senator - Elections
  31. After the swearing in: Which defeated candidate will be the biggest thorn to the winner?: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  32. Expose Obama: voting, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  33. McCain's Gimmick: polls, Obama - Elections
  34. Differences between Ron Paul & Obama: voting, liberal, conservative, Barack Obama - Elections
  35. Audacity Watch: biased, Barack Obama, states, senator - Elections
  36. Why would the Black, Muslim Racist win by 322-216, if the election were held today?: Iraq, campaign - Elections
  37. Lessons from Schwarzeneggar: vote, campaign, polls - Elections
  38. The Undecided voters, will be the deciders!: Congress, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  39. What would it hurt for Obama and McCain to listen to this?: voting, thoughts - Elections
  40. Hilarious new viral video on McCain, Commander-In-Chief Test: insurance, pay - Elections
  41. McCain may not end up being the Republican Nominee after all: vote, represent - Elections
  42. McCain's Attack Ad: Seen So Widely Thanks to Stealth Advertising?: campaign, democratic - Elections
  43. Polls: voters, statistics, president, Obama - Elections
  44. Sunshine NObama's hate blog: Reed, McCain, speech, state - Elections
  45. Bob Barr Stop the Bill of Right's Blackout: president - Elections
  46. Obama on the Economy: We Can't Afford More Bush/McCain: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  47. McCain on Family Values ...hilarious !!!: interview, campaign, drugs - Elections
  48. Why We Hate Us - read it: radical, Reed - Elections
  49. Is Obama hinting Clinton might be his VP choice?: campaign, democratic, vice president - Elections
  50. Where is Oprah?: Republicans, Obama - Elections
  51. Fox tries to make McCain look younger: democrat, Republican, compare - Elections
  52. Obama Global Tax May Come Up for Vote in Senate: Harry Reid, - Elections
  53. Hillary to hit the campaign trail for Obama: McCain, party, states - Elections
  54. Obama's Illegal's iPhone Plan-ur tax dollars at werk!: illegal aliens, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  55. Everybody wants a piece of Obama: vote, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  56. Analysis: US now winning Iraq war that seemed lost: Colin Powell, security, - Elections
  57. Obama; Broken promises to your village - SHAME ON YOU: health care, conservative - Elections
  58. Obama in Berlin: Barack Obama, speech - Elections
  59. More lies by McCain: Iran - Elections
  60. Obama Veep Team floats GOP name: voters, illegal, democrat, Republican - Elections
  61. Obama Bashers! Sound off: votes, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  62. Does special care from Secret Service=arrogrance?: Iraq, security, campaign - Elections
  63. Obama's Speech A Closer Look: global warming, Republican, president, racist - Elections
  64. Obama is convincing people to vote black: voters, democratic - Elections
  65. What 94 Europeans, Asians, Latins think .....: Ron Paul, voting, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  66. Letter from Afghanistan: soldiers, president, suspect, Barack Obama - Elections
  67. about Obama's position on war....: vote, Congress, Iraq, - Elections
  68. New CNN Poll: Obama maintains lead: health care, gas prices, voters, Iraq - Elections
  69. Obama says he is what the world has been waiting for: speech, Bush - Elections
  70. Obama Retains Strength ghly Educated: Ron Paul, voters, Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  71. How low will McCain sink?: gas prices, votes, patriot, campaign - Elections
  72. Ludacris Obama Song: voters, campaign, thoughts, biased - Elections
  73. Bush: ‘No regime should ignore the will of its Own People': security, conservative - Elections
  74. Obama would review Bush's executive orders: vote, Democrats, Liberalism, Attorney - Elections
  75. Sharpton Defends Jackson After ‘Crude’ Comments About Obama: Republicans, president - Elections
  76. Obama and reparations: unemployed, liberals, accuse, Barack Obama - Elections
  77. McCain Charge Against Obama Lacks Evidence: vote, patriot, campaign, democratic - Elections
  78. Obama Expressed to 200,000 Germans that he was a Fellow Citizen of the World and apologized for America's imperfection: voters, patriot - Elections
  79. Obama will not win; raised by woman: poll, president, abortions - Elections
  80. Gay marriages: voting, illegal, drugs, Obama - Elections
  81. WSJ Wonders If John McCain Wants The Job, Cites Unpreparedness on Tax Issue: voters, security - Elections
  82. Obama on Gay Marriage!: vote, interview, legal, president - Elections
  83. Obama ordained by God to be next president?: represent, Barack Obama, Whitehouse - Elections
  84. July 1980, why can't Reagan get past 40%?: voters, campaign, poll, Obama - Elections
  85. Why is the rock star only polling at 47 - 49%?: polls, president - Elections
  86. Is McCain starting to look like a grumpy old man?: kids, TV - Elections
  87. Obama; How wrong you were, and we have proof: vote, Iraq, soldiers - Elections
  88. Andrea Mitchell: McCain ad literally untrue: vote, Iran, middle east - Elections
  89. McCain Resorting to a String of Inaccurate, Childish Attack Ads: interview, campaign - Elections
  90. Another Game: Flip Flop ABC: voters, Iraq, interview, thoughts - Elections
  91. Gallup; Obama lead crumbles to 1: party affiliation, voters, Iraq, democrat - Elections
  92. One for Obama: liberal, Bush, dollar, million - Elections
  93. Could CALEEFORNIA be in play?: John Kerry, Al Gore, votes, Democrats - Elections
  94. Obama says Republicans trying to scare voters: Iran, campaign, democrat - Elections
  95. Obama's speech to the NAACP: racism, Hillary Clinton, government, programs - Elections
  96. McCain's New Slogan IS CORRECT: Congress, Iraq, enemies, democrat - Elections
  97. Obama; Race card time??: voters, interview, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  98. McCain is terrified to travel to Europe, and follow Obama's welcome.: voting, Iraq - Elections
  99. Is McCain afraid to discuss the issues, Is he afraid of the Junior Senator from Illinois?: campaign, drug - Elections
  100. Who is a more negative campaigner, Obama or McCain?: democrat, Republican, Barack Obama - Elections
  101. Is it time for Obama to take his mule back to his 40 acres and let the Dems nominate a real candidate?: Colin Powell, Ron Paul - Elections
  102. Obama tied to Iraqi government fraud? Hundreds of millions in deals with candidate's associates: security, campaign - Elections
  103. Record Oil Profits While Americans are Going Broke: Dick Cheney, vote, enemy - Elections
  104. McCain's New Slogan: The Surge is Working: Iraq, wage, thoughts - Elections
  105. McCain Planned To Attack Obama If He Visited Troops Abroad: campaign, democrat - Elections
  106. This sickens me: vote, Iraq, vice president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  107. What Ron Paul Needs: voters, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  108. Weaver, McCain's Former Strategist, Calls Celeb Ad Childish: John Kerry, gas prices - Elections
  109. Obama; Did you BUY the Super Delegates?: Putin, voters, Congress - Elections
  110. Obama Pledges Not to Raise Middle Class Taxes: security, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  111. Does John McNasty McCain need cuddle time?: campaign, president - Elections
  112. I'm Getting Concerned About Obama: vote, McCain, American, political - Elections
  113. another bright idea from Obama: gas prices, Congress, McCain, Americans - Elections
  114. Obama's answer to offshore drilling: Barack Obama, McCain, leader - Elections
  115. If you could describe Obama in three words, what would they be?: vote, president - Elections
  116. A Fun: Cheney, Congress, president, crimes - Elections
  117. McCain - States to focus / pass over: voters, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  118. President McCain Looking Good: Obama, Bush, most - Elections
  119. Clinton Speaking at DNC Convention: vote, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  120. Obama's Berlin speech a big hit in America: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  121. Article re Obama....Scarey!: vote, Congress, liberals, polls - Elections
  122. Obama Tour Doesn't Help In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania; New Quinnipiac Polls: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  123. McCain aide rips Obama a new one: Iraq, patriot, security - Elections
  124. McCain gets paid off by Big Oil: Dick Cheney, gas prices, vote - Elections
  125. Frail and unhealthy Obama goes to the doctor: campaign, drugs, regular - Elections
  126. War Monger Obama wants more troops in Afghanistan: September 11, votes, Iran - Elections
  127. Obama picks cheerleading Europeans over wounded US heros: vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  128. Protestors at the Conventions: vote, Democrats, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  129. Clinton's donors are backing Obama: Democrats, Republicans, spokeswoman, represent - Elections
  130. Now is the time for Hillary as VP: Cheney, vote, campaign - Elections
  131. almost 500 Billion record debt: Ron Paul, health care, vote, enemy - Elections
  132. USAToday/Gallup Poll; McCAIN by 4: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  133. Sorry Republicans, Study Shows Television Media DOES NOT favor Obama: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  134. Obama; Preying on the young: voting, Democrats, radical, McCain - Elections
  135. Obama/Kerry vs McCain/Bush poll results 2008/2004: voters, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  136. McCain backs off his no-new-tax pledge: employment, vote, Congress, security - Elections
  137. What's Hillary up to?: voters, Congress, campaign, suspect - Elections
  138. No one talking about John Edwards meeting at 2am with his mistress!??: security, democratic - Elections
  139. What would a President McCain do, to force Russia to get in line and show Good Behavior ?: Putin, Iran - Elections
  140. McCain Flip Flops on Off-Shore Drilling - $$$$$: gas prices, voters, gallon - Elections
  141. The Obama's get a 40,000 tax refund, did you?: Congress, campaign, ethics - Elections
  142. Obama bots; You'll like this one: campaign, represent, conspiracy, Barack Obama - Elections
  143. Applesauce Attacks McCain: votes, interview, campaign, president - Elections
  144. What will happen if Obama becomes our President?: middle east, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  145. Iraqi Development what MSM/left doesn't want you to see..: liberals, cost - Elections
  146. McCain Lets it Slip That Iraq War WAS About Oil: Cheney, Iran - Elections
  147. McCain's Temper: Republican, conservative, Obama, political - Elections
  148. Hagel: McCain On Thin Ice With Recent Attacks: Cheney, vote - Elections
  149. Why Won't McCain Support Our Troops ???: health care, votes, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  150. President Obama's Trip Was SMASHING SUCCESS!: Congress, Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  151. The Power of a Few Grey Hairs: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  152. It's the ECONOMY!!: vote, campaign, democratic, liberal - Elections
  153. Is this Gallup poll right? Obama up by 9%: voters, polls, biased - Elections
  154. Is Redistribution of Wealth a Sound Idea?: Congress, democratic, Republican - Elections
  155. Obama's bounce fading: party affiliation, voters, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  156. Obama not basing VP pick on geography, but on ability to govern.: vote, interviews - Elections
  157. Troops lives meant something!: Iraq, Afghanistan, biased, soldiers - Elections
  158. Can an elderly, cancer-riddled president exhibit toughness in the international arena?: vote, thoughts - Elections
  159. Is our national identity soon to be seen through the eyes of the military?: campaign, Reagan - Elections
  160. Wall Street, You're going to love your New President!!: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  161. Obama's photo-op tour: I learned nothing new, won't admit mistakes, who cares about injured troops, UN is the answer.: voting, Iraq - Elections
  162. Why the namecalling?: campaign, extremist, politicians - Elections
  163. Comparing the two.: votes, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  164. Another weak lame excuse by Hussein Obama on why he didn't visit our wounded troops: voters, campaign - Elections
  165. Obama's War?: Iraq, Taliban, Afghanistan, marines - Elections
  166. Obama LEAKED his prayer to the Media: Rush Limbaugh, Israeli, campaign - Elections
  167. Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism: Congress, Iran, Iraq, wage - Elections
  168. Guess the liberals dont know Obama too well: Congress, McCain, elect - Elections
  169. Obama's arrogance at work again?: vote, Iraq, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  170. Failing in Civility(John McCain falls short ): Dick Cheney, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  171. A MUST read for McCain admirers: health care, vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  172. B. Obama thinks he is bi-partisan: votes, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  173. add another common sense reason obama will not be elected: vote, security - Elections
  174. Obama's Legislative Accomplishments-Captured forever on YouTube :): campaign, suspect, independent - Elections
  175. Is this the week Barack Hushismama Obama goes down for the count?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  176. Obama's acceptance speech--why a football stadium?: vote, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  177. Wis. Democrats oust delegate over McCain support: voters, patriot, - Elections
  178. Kick out blue dog Democrats: votes, Congress, - Elections
  179. Is Obama now inside McCain's head?: Cheney, security, campaign, democrat - Elections
  180. McCain Surges to 4-Point Lead in USA Today/Gallup Poll: voters, campaign - Elections
  181. The campaign is all about Obama: McCain, economic, election, elect - Elections
  182. McCain gushes over Gore and Pelosi?: Al Gore, vote, interview, democratic - Elections
  183. The Flip-Flop Express aka John McCain - Elections
  184. Who Is Going To Be Ahead When It counts?: voters, poll, Obama - Elections
  185. Obama looks for VP who says more than 'Yes, sir': interview, president - Elections
  186. Friends, Countrymen, Republicans lets dump McCain and nominate Ron Paul: patriot, Reagan - Elections
  187. McCain's Flip-Flop Express is a Gusher... - Elections
  188. McCain's Low Road Express: campaign, Republican, Bush, party - Elections
  189. Obama Says Overseas Trip Confirmed Foreign Policy Views: elections, elect, news
  190. Obama's a Success... - Elections
  191. Obama; You're no Truman - missing facts from his speech: American, military - Elections
  192. Obama launches massive Latino voter registration campaign: voters, polls, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  193. McCain praises Pelosi: million, news - Elections
  194. The Answer: vote, president, states, united - Elections
  195. McCain...same as Bush, in Bed with Oil Companies: Washington - Elections
  196. Future VP - Elections
  197. John...A Short List....: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  198. New McCain ad; Old ad PLUS dissing of the troops - Elections
  199. Obama/McCain - how we got: Huckabee, Edwards - Elections
  200. Another McCain fliparound, Affirmative Action!: voters, campaign, Republican, president - Elections