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  1. Barry: A Religious Minority Runs for President: Israel, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  2. Obama; What bomb' are you talkin bout?: security, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  3. McCain Advisor Gramm Leaves: vote, security, campaign, Americans - Elections
  4. We Won't Negotiate But We Will Talk ?: Iran, nuclear - Elections
  5. vote for Kerry in 2004 and now support McCain?: Obama - Elections
  6. The lyrics to the Obama Mantra: conservative, Barack Obama, McCain, elect - Elections
  7. Obama; Give me your support - or: democratic, Republicans, party - Elections
  8. White House sends press corps al-Maliki praise for Obama plan: Iraq, campaign - Elections
  9. McCain Says It's All In Your Head - Elections
  10. I have split exterme convervative & Liberal view. don't like up well with Parties?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  11. New Mccain Ad; NICE!!: vote, Iraq, security, Obama - Elections
  12. For Interested-you are not alone!: Obama, Americans - Elections
  13. Does think we'll have divided in November?: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  14. Obama; Buyers Remorse - in Congress?: campaign, Democrats, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  15. Barack Hussein Obama Says Whatever Politics Demand On Iraq: elect, document - Elections
  16. News, McCain should pledge to Make English Official Language.: votes, Republican, president - Elections
  17. Obama&Dems; The consequences of being SO WRONG: John Kerry, Harry Reid, voting - Elections
  18. Democratic Party opens a business to raise money: votes, campaign, - Elections
  19. McCain missed every single Afghanistan hearing: votes, Congress, Iraq, Republican - Elections
  20. Obama says Iraqi political reconciliation failed. Really??!: vote, Iran, interviews - Elections
  21. The Obamas should not try to imitate the Kennedy family: Republican, president - Elections
  22. McCain Wants Constant War Forever...Will You....: vote, wage, Barack Obama - Elections
  23. Taxes: Corporate Profits, millionaire, democrat, president - Elections
  24. New Planned Parenthood anti McCain ad: vote, insurance, dollar, million - Elections
  25. Monday Morning Humor: jobs - Elections
  26. Monday funnies!: patriot, campaign, Barack Obama, Americans - Elections
  27. Fit to be president ?????????????????????: Iraq, Obama, border, McCain - Elections
  28. Vote Your Incumbant in November: Ron Paul, votes, Congress, goverment - Elections
  29. John McCain: Wrong on Foreign Policy & National Security: Obama, military, administration - Elections
  30. Obama would still Oppose the Surge knowing it would succeed.: Iraq, interview - Elections
  31. News, Rice: Obama's Success Is Great Gain for Blacks.: Condi Rice, Condoleezza, Colin Powell - Elections
  32. News, Lieberman: Obama choosing to lose Iraq war.: Iran, Israeli, democratic - Elections
  33. Rice mum on presidential pick/Wow oh wow: vote, interview, Obama - Elections
  34. President Obama Was GREAT On Face The Nation!: interview, cocaine, McCain - Elections
  35. Mr McCain's Learning Curve: 9/11, Taliban, Afghanistan, Obama - Elections
  36. Critical Obama Editorial - Iraq: voters, liberals, poll - Elections
  37. Obama; The sky is not falling in Afghanistan: Iraq, enemy, liberal - Elections
  38. 2000 McCain vs 2008 McCain: vote, ethics, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  39. Obama; Do you know what Victory Column symbolizes?: Democrats, liberal, Barack Obama - Elections
  40. Would You Vote for McCain If He Wasn't ....: conservative, Obama - Elections
  41. Barack Obama quote generator!!: campaign, legal, conservative, biased - Elections
  42. Sunni bloc rejoins Iraqi cabinet: spokesman, political, good news, government - Elections
  43. Obama botches chain of command; media ignores: voting, Iraq, security - Elections
  44. New JibJab Video!: president, election, elect - Elections
  45. Bush May Pardon 51 Killers! What Does Mccain Think?: Mexican, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  46. Obama's Name - The Dissection - An undecided Republican Voter's View: democratic, polls - Elections
  47. I'm a lifelong conservative activist and I'm backing Barack Obama: John Kerry, votes - Elections
  48. Obama vs. Europe: O's unilateralism outrages eu: Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  49. Which of candidates is most annoying?: votes, president - Elections
  50. Jeff Katz is a fraud: president, American, radio - Elections
  51. Vets for Freedom Group; Nice ad - featuring quotes from fav dems: John Kerry, security - Elections
  52. How Is McCain Different Than The Idiot?: Republicans, Obama, Bush - Elections
  53. Tonite on CNBC at 7PM-the candidate w/ a clue about the Economy: global warming, Ron Paul - Elections
  54. Have you switched your support from one candidate to another during the 2008 primary/campaign season?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  55. McCain; 10 Reasons why real men will vote for you: Obama, cost, money - Elections
  56. If Obama is elected, I hope I'm wrong ... How 'bout you?: vote, Congress - Elections
  57. Try winning on the ISSUES: voters, liberal, representation, Obama - Elections
  58. Sunnis End Boycott and Rejoin Iraqi Government: vote, Iran, enemy - Elections
  59. Why you would/wouldn't vote for McCain/Obama in ten words or less.: death, racist - Elections
  60. Obama; President for....10 years?: political, leader, election, elect - Elections
  61. Obama not to bring troops home: Iraq, security, Taliban, democratic - Elections
  62. Two Presidents For The Price Of One: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  63. Is john mccain 'married to the mob'?: Congress, millionaire, campaign - Elections
  64. Iraq: PM Not Endorsing Obama Timeframe on Troop Withdrawal: vote, democratic, spokesman - Elections
  65. Honor Our Military Men and Women: vote, Congress, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  66. Would You Vote For McCain If He Didn'T Hate Women?: Obama, Reed - Elections
  67. Obama; Making Libs/Dems VERY nervous: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  68. Obama and Overkill: voters, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  69. Is McCain smart enough to be president?: vote, Iraq, Mexican - Elections
  70. Obama; A Civilian National Security Force?? WTF: Hugo Chavez, Brown, Barack Obama - Elections
  71. Senior aide to Barack Obama says Obamamaniacs' hopes unrealistic: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  72. President Obama Looks Good Overseas!: Iraq, McCain, Americans - Elections
  73. Obamabot and Obamatron monikers a sign of jealousy?: Ron Paul, - Elections
  74. McCain wins Wars!??: Iraq, enemies, security, liberal - Elections
  75. Reverend Wright, Wright,Wright,Wright.: Republicans, liberal, president, racist - Elections
  76. Arnold Schwartzenegger (R) willing to be Obama's energy czar: gas prices, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  77. Obama stumbles incoherently on Face The Nation: Iraq, interview, generation - Elections
  78. know where we can get the newly LEAKED tape of the COMPLETE JESSE JACKSON ON OBAMA??: employment, CNN - Elections
  79. McCain Is NOT a 3rd Bush Term!: health care, Cheney, Iran - Elections
  80. Der Spiegel sticking to their story: Maliki supports Obama's plan: Condi Rice, voting - Elections
  81. Obama lead EXPLODES in battleground state of New Hampshire: voters, Democrats, polls - Elections
  82. Time to learn Middle East geography, Mr. McCain! There is no Iraq/Pakistan Border!: Putin, Iran - Elections
  83. Obama is buying a new Chevy!!: voting, campaign, democratic, Barack Obama - Elections
  84. McCain, Is Iraq all he knows?: global warming, Iran, democrat, Republican - Elections
  85. NYT to McCain: follow OUR Iraq plan and we will publish your editorial!: voters, enemies - Elections
  86. Why do so many Europeans prefer Obama from Cafferty File: vote, enemy - Elections
  87. 4 conservitives making less than $200k/yr: vote, salaries, Democrats - Elections
  88. Words to guide a Nation: voting, Congress, enemy - Elections
  89. Website pulls down racist Obama t-shirts: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  90. President Obama??: Iraq, Reed, Pelosi, McCain - Elections
  91. Poll: Obama behind Democratic predecessors: John Kerry, Al Gore, vote, interview - Elections
  92. Is McCain to old to be a first time president?: Iraq, - Elections
  93. Top 10 Conservative Idiots: Al Franken, vote, patriots, - Elections
  94. Barack Obama's own words in 2004: I do NOT have the experience to be president .: vote, campaign - Elections
  95. Bush,Cheney McCain voters are: Republicans, liberal, Obama, Kerry - Elections
  96. 2008 Democratic National Convention schedule: Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Condi Rice - Elections
  97. McCain gets $1,930 a month from 'broken' Social Security system: Obama, money, support - Elections
  98. Gallup: Obama back up by 6%: voters, Iran, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  99. New York Magazine - Paul was right: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats - Elections
  100. Condoleezza Rice voting for Obama?: Condi Rice, vote, president, McCain - Elections
  101. Obama's RX plan covers illegals: health care, vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  102. Obama; Joe would like a word with you.: vote, Iraq, enemy - Elections
  103. Obama: [I]n terms of foreign policy, he's the true realist in the race: middle east, enemies - Elections
  104. SNEAKY Barack Obama purges Web site critique of surge in Iraq: campaign, - Elections
  105. Obama Has Breakfast With The Troops!: votes, conservative, McCain, Saddam - Elections
  106. Independent translator: Maliki supports Obama's plan: voters, Iran, Iraq, interview - Elections
  107. So much for free speech : Google blocks blogs of Democrats OPPOSED to Obama!!: candidacy, Republican - Elections
  108. what is your favorite thing about obama supporters: campaign, president, suspect - Elections
  109. Where's the Fairness Doctrine when you need it?: voters, Congress - Elections
  110. President Obama a change is gonna come: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  111. The GOP shall RISE AGAIN! The Dems will fall. Then Rise again...: vote, Republican - Elections
  112. LIBERAL Washington Post to Obama: You are a fraud and a liar!: Harry Reid, Iraq - Elections
  113. Obama to rid the world of Nuclear weapons...and other miracles, stay tuned: Democrats, president - Elections
  114. News, Dobson Shifts Positions, May Endorse McCain.: vote, democratic - Elections
  115. Why?: conservative, Obama, McCain, supporters - Elections
  116. Bush follows Obama's undercuts McCain: Congress, Iran, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  117. POLL: Do You Consider Yourself On The Left Wing, Right Wing Or Center Of American Politics: legal, democratic - Elections
  118. Senator Obama vs. Senator Paul: Ron Paul, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  119. What's with the campaigning overseas??: votes, Iraq, biased - Elections
  120. WOW the red states are obese: vote, Brown, Obama, Hispanics - Elections
  121. Obama attacking Sean Hannity: interview, president, ratings - Elections
  122. Will Blacks Riot?: Obama, brainwashing, Bush, elections
  123. McCain says we have succeeded in Iraq: middle east, Afghanistan, soldiers - Elections
  124. If Europeans go ga-ga over Obama...: vote, president, Barack Obama, Americans - Elections
  125. Do you think this presidential election process is too long?: unemployed, votes - Elections
  126. Calif poll support same-sex marriage Does this matter to you?: voters, - Elections
  127. Looking back, should the Republicans have gone with Senator Ron Paul?: health care, vote - Elections
  128. Obama; Not muslim? You sure?: voters, interview, president, McCain - Elections
  129. When Obama Travels, What does McCain do?: votes, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  130. Iraq troop time table agreement, Bush flip flop: security, Taliban, Democrats - Elections
  131. POLL: Is Barack Hussein Obama a Political Chameleon: Condi Rice, vote, democrat - Elections
  132. Obama raises 52 million in June: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  133. play nice and say something positive about the other candidate: voting, Democrats - Elections
  134. 16% of Senator McCain's Supporters are enthusiastic about voting for him: voters, campaign - Elections
  135. Dumb and Dumber: Ron Paul, president, Obama, educational - Elections
  136. Obama; Better get more flag pins: voters, patriot, campaign - Elections
  137. Obama Maintaining Support Liberals: vote, Democrats, poll, president - Elections
  138. Election guesses!: democrat, Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  139. Do you prefer a presidential candidate with a traditional, stable marraige?: Ron Paul, - Elections
  140. Presidential candidates court Latino voters (McCain): Mexican, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  141. Three network anchors to accompany Obama on foreign trip: Putin, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  142. Obama; You will need $50M+/month based on your BURN RATE: vote, Congress - Elections
  143. Obama's 300 advisors: Dick Cheney, voters, security, campaign - Elections
  144. The Only Disgrace Is McCain Himself!: security, campaign, - Elections
  145. Bill Clinton says he's ready to campaign for Obama: voters, democrat, president - Elections
  146. McCain has a new ad out; Obama the Fool: Iraq, Barack Obama, education - Elections
  147. Bush lifts Executive oil drill ban and oil prices FALL in 18-year records in 3 days. Coincidence?: gas prices, Congress - Elections
  148. Obama June 52 million: Cheney, votes, campaign, democratic - Elections
  149. Your vote and a candidate's religion.: middle east, Israel, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  150. Maliki backs Obama Iraq plan: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  151. Would America change if Barack Obama was elected?: gas prices, voting, Iran - Elections
  152. What have WE gained from the surge or success in IRAQ?: health care system, Iran - Elections
  153. Democrats take over CO in 2006 and state goes insane!: health care, voting, legal - Elections
  154. The real Obama:: votes, security, Democrats - Elections
  155. If McCain was black, would things be different in this election?: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  156. Who would best handle a situation such as katrina, Obama or McCain?: democrat, Barack Obama - Elections
  157. Why does every McCain speech look like it was taped in the local American Legion Hall?: votes, president - Elections
  158. McCain campaign manager former porn producer: Republicans, conservative, president, American - Elections
  159. Obama arrives in Afghanistan: enemy, Republicans, McCain - Elections
  160. Would your vote change if McCain was black and Obama was white?: voters, poll - Elections
  161. McCain Prediction: Condi Rice, Colin Powell, voters, Iraq - Elections
  162. for Women voters: Republican, Hillary Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  163. President Obama Will Make HUGE Positive Impression In Europe!: vote, polls, Clinton - Elections
  164. Republicans Jumping Ship for Obama: votes, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  165. McCain's humor often backfires: vote, campaign, Republican, spokeswoman - Elections
  166. Obama - Lets make something very clear: vote, Iraq, thoughts - Elections
  167. McCain complains about Obama getting more media coverage!: Iraq, security, Mexicans - Elections
  168. White House Sends Press Corps Obama Plan: votes, Iraq, interview - Elections
  169. Obama Shoots Hoops with U.S. Troops: Ron Paul, voting, soldier - Elections
  170. DNC To Hide Homeless People for Obama: votes, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  171. Brutal on Obama: vote, generations, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  172. Obama's state (IL) gets its electricity from 47.6% coal and 48.9% nuclear!!: Al Gore, liberal - Elections
  173. Obama; Why the dissing of Veterans?: generation, campaign, liberal, soldiers - Elections
  174. News, At the Democrats' party, a Pentecostal minister.: political, Bible - Elections
  175. A Strategy For McCain: security, campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  176. Obama's Speech: Reed, Americans, leader, constitution - Elections
  177. Obama's official travel briefing - courtesy of Mac: vote, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  178. McCain & Bush voter comparison: polls, Obama, Texas - Elections
  179. Obama to Reporters; Leave the green clothes home: Brown, news - Elections
  180. The National Agenda.: Condi Rice, Condoleezza, Obama, McCain - Elections
  181. Predatory Lending: Ron Paul - Elections
  182. McCain Viagra vrs Birth control ad: voters, campaign, CNN, polls - Elections
  183. What McCain Economic Policy?: campaign, spokesman, economy, administration - Elections
  184. The End of the World: president, Reed, Hispanic, religion - Elections
  185. Iraqi PM disputes report on withdrawal plan: democratic, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  186. Barack Obama Interviewed in Afghanistan [10 minutes...very good]: interviews - Elections
  187. Obama; Adopting W policies on Iran&Iraq: Israel, security - Elections
  188. Veterans Against McCAIN??? - Elections
  189. Shocking news: voters, poll, Obama, McCain - Elections
  190. Obama 255 - McCain163: poll, Barack Obama, elect, money - Elections
  191. Doonesbury...: Washington - Elections
  192. Nevada GOP Cancels Convention: Washington - Elections
  193. Another Soldier DIED Because Bush LIED: Iraq, carry, news - Elections
  194. Rice Limits Aid for Candidates...: Washington, news - Elections
  195. Obama in Basra,Iraq: CNN - Elections
  196. Rev. Rick Warren reaches out - Elections
  197. Mark Salter the real McCain Puppet Master: Dick Cheney, voters, Iraq - Elections
  198. McCain & Obama tomorrow at 6AM Eastern...: Ron Paul, economy - Elections
  199. Stop the fear: 9/11, interview - Elections
  200. Read the truth for yourself about what Obama said in 2006 linking Iraq and Afghanistan.: Cheney, Iran - Elections