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  1. Guliani, Thompson & Romney Over Clinton: Cheney, voters, polls - Elections
  2. Is The Huck Soft On Crime: Huckabee, vote, Iran, conservative - Elections
  3. I'm beginning to agree with Paul supporters about Polls: voters, news, date - Elections
  4. Ron Paul Song: leader - Elections
  5. U Tube Debate, Hunter on Border and Drugs Statement: Mexican, illegal, heroin - Elections
  6. Ron Paul Wins Nationwide Zogby Blind Poll: Huckabee, 9/11, voters - Elections
  7. Chairman Rudy stepping down: 9/11, Republican, spokeswoman, accuse - Elections
  8. New polls: Huckabee 2nd nationwide, Huckabee 1st on Ramussen Poll!!: John Kerry, Ron Paul - Elections
  9. Who will be the next candidate(s) to drop out of the race?: thoughts, democrat - Elections
  10. Early States - Who Can Pick 'Em?: John Kerry, Al Gore, Reagan - Elections
  11. News: Obama says he has no Illinois records: Iran, Iraq, security - Elections
  12. News, Former So. Baptist official calls for 'boycott' of Pat Robertson.: vote, conservative - Elections
  13. Hopefully CNN won't make this debate another Hillary love fest: Obama, Edwards - Elections
  14. Ron Paul Takes Ads To New Heights: Tom Tancredo, Huckabee, campaign - Elections
  15. Rudy Guliani is HISTORY..... - Elections
  16. Hillary is a nutcracker!!: campaign, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  17. Giuliani to Paul, ~Whoa dude~: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, - Elections
  18. Mike Huckabee Moving Ever Closer to the Lead in Iowa...: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  19. Man takes hostages in NH Clinton office: news - Elections
  20. Real debates?: thoughts, conservative, president, Rockefeller - Elections
  21. Creator claims raid is linked to Paul campaign: FBI, politicians, money - Elections
  22. Scary/Developing Hostage Situation in New Hampshire: campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  23. Jerry Falwell, Jr Endorses Mike Huckabee: vote, democratic, Republican, conservative - Elections
  24. Can we elect Edwards and call it done?: Ron Paul, vote, democrat - Elections
  25. Ron Paul surpasses $10million for 4th quarter: campaign, Republican, Giuliani - Elections
  26. Look something shiny Just don't pay to the details: conservative, polls - Elections
  27. In Iowa, Clinton Intensifies Attacks!!: health care, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  28. News, Clinton Is Pressed to Help Immigrants — Fast.: illegal, democratic, president - Elections
  29. Presidential candidate information site.: votes, campaign, elections, elect
  30. Hillary Clinton Voted For Iraq War - And Dont You Forget It!: democratic, Saddam - Elections
  31. How To Make Sense of the Ron Paul Revolution: Washington Post: campaign, - Elections
  32. Giuliani sleaze makes headlines in conservative NY Post: Iraq, security, Democrats - Elections
  33. Checking Rudy's Facts: Huckabee, 9/11, voters, interview - Elections
  34. News, Uproar Over Mass. Judge Who Released Killer Takes Political Tilt for Romney Campaign.: democratic, Republican - Elections
  35. Another small, but growing Guiliani scandal: Ron Paul, voting, thoughts, Giuliani - Elections
  36. Why do they ask the same questions over and over in Presidential Debates?: American, Bush - Elections
  37. Republican Poll Experiment #1 - Plurality Voting: Huckabee, voters, Giuliani, McCain - Elections
  38. McCain's mom says Mormons to blame for Olympics scandal: John Kerry, campaign, Republican - Elections
  39. One or the other...Ron Paul: Huckabee, vote, campaign, - Elections
  40. Republican Poll Experiment #2 - Approval Voting: Huckabee, voters, Giuliani, McCain - Elections
  41. Good Peggy Noonan Article: Ron Paul, border, invasion, parties - Elections
  42. Ron Paul Iowa Debate Highlights: Huckabee, Obama - Elections
  43. News, Obama: Raise Cap on Social Security taxes.: Ron Paul, interview, wages - Elections
  44. Ron Paul makes it to 8 Million!!: vote, campaign, president, revolution - Elections
  45. Odds Say 2/1 Ron Paul Will Smash $10 Million Barrier In One Day Donations: Huckabee, voting - Elections
  46. News, Romney Assails Giuliani, Huckabee on Tuition Breaks for Illegal Immigrants.: voting, Congress - Elections
  47. Sample voting: vote, president, Giuliani, party - Elections
  48. No Gravel or Kucinich in today's Iowa debate: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  49. TOO FUNNY... Mitt Romney Domains on Ebay: pay - Elections
  50. News, White House Hopeful Fred Thompson Reveals Home Diet, If It Tastes Good, Don't Eat It: Republican, president - Elections
  51. Clinton-McCain v. Giuliani-Gingrich: security, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  52. Interview with Ron Paul: interviews, elect, support - Elections
  53. Important Ron Paul on 'war' tidbit.....: voting, Congress, Iran - Elections
  54. Under What Conditions Would You Donate To A Candidate for President?: NAFTA, voters - Elections
  55. Flags fall at Hillary news conference: campaign, Clinton, Obama, election - Elections
  56. Poll John Edwards (D) versus Mitt Romney (R). Who wins?: voters, wage - Elections
  57. Clinton and Obama booed on Immigration and healthcare.: health care system, salary, campaign - Elections
  58. Why does each candidate have a MySpace account?: Ron Paul, voters, generation - Elections
  59. If the GOP primary was today, Dec 13, 2007, who would you pick and WHY??: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  60. Immigrations and the next election: health care, wages, Baby Boomers, security - Elections
  61. Romney to Give Speech on his Mormon Faith: Huckabee, voters, campaign - Elections
  62. Clergy support Democrats: Congress, interview, thoughts, illegal - Elections
  63. The Dirty Cad: What Giuliani's Sex Life Tells Us About Him: 9/11, Republicans - Elections
  64. Ron Paul Tops Google Zeitgeist List: Congress, Iraq, generations, president - Elections
  65. Hostage Situation Reported At Clinton Campaign Office: vote, democratic, president - Elections
  66. Mike Huckabee for President: Ron Paul, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  67. Ron Paul Storms Another Round Of Debate Polls: votes, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  68. Hillary not getting endorsed by Des Moines Register!!!!!: interview, campaign, illegal - Elections
  69. Huckabee: He's tough on immigration after all!: illegal, president, educational - Elections
  70. Would you want a nice guy as President?: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  71. Alan Keyes' Momentum -- Support Triples!!!: Dick Cheney, vote, Republicans - Elections
  72. Hillary Clinton's strategist Attack Obama On Teenage Drug use; Hillary Apologizes: campaign, cocaine - Elections
  73. Huckabee Featured in The Economist: Ron Paul, voters, Iraq, interview - Elections
  74. Follow the Words of Paul: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Iraq - Elections
  75. Clinton care to garnish wages !: health care, campaign, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  76. What are your feelings on Joe Biden?: Huckabee, vote, interview - Elections
  77. Huckabee's Call from God speech - 2004 (video): thoughts, president, Obama - Elections
  78. Legal immigrants moving toward Republicans: Huckabee, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  79. What OBAMA Must Do Now: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  80. Is Oprah the answer?: Al Gore, global warming, vote, campaign - Elections
  81. Chris Matthews says Hillary's Speech Unattractive and Nasty.: vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  82. Is Oprah Bucking For Veep,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: voters, candidacy, president, Obama - Elections
  83. Obama ahead in Iowa - Oprah to thank?: Huckabee, vote, - Elections
  84. Chelsea Clinton to support... Hillary..: voters, generations, campaign, polls - Elections
  85. Do we really have a viable candidate for President out there?: John Kerry, Ron Paul - Elections
  86. Huckabee Soars Into GOP's Top Tier...: voters, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  87. How Candidates rate on immigration: Huckabee, vote, Congress, illegal - Elections
  88. Would you cross party lines?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, votes, - Elections
  89. Huckabee is unelectable.: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  90. America's most important issues this election: Ron Paul, represent, education, Americans - Elections
  91. More Huckabee stuff ...: suspect, American, leader, election - Elections
  92. Why? Decline to state voters can't vote Repub. in primary?: Congress, democrat - Elections
  93. Vote For Ron Paul If U Want Real Changes!: world, date - Elections
  94. Huckabee's 9 point plan on illegal immigration: employment, vote, Congress, security - Elections
  95. Mitt Romney is a punk: vote, campaign, legal, drug - Elections
  96. Why the Democrats Might Lose '08: Huckabee, health care, Cheney, vote - Elections
  97. why doesn't hillary wear dresses?: Al Gore, vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  98. 2008 Republican Bloodbath coming: global warming, Huckabee, voters, Iraq - Elections
  99. Which candidate is the least communist?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Reagan - Elections
  100. Oh, boy. come the attack ads!: Huckabee, interview, democratic - Elections
  101. National Review Endorses Mitt Romney!: Huckabee, vote, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  102. Breaking News. . . Gennifer Flowers May Endorse Hillary For President: Clinton, anti-American, claim - Elections
  103. Huckabee~ Homosexuality Sinful & Aberrant.......: vote, education, solution - Elections
  104. Camp Hillary's Dirty Tricks?: candidacy, campaign, thoughts, president - Elections
  105. Romney: How did he get there?: voters, Republican, liberal, conservative - Elections
  106. The greatest Presidential poll: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Congress - Elections
  107. News, Thompson: 'I'm OK with the Lord, and the Lord is OK with me': vote, campaign - Elections
  108. Ron Paul And Hookers: votes, campaign, Clinton, Reed - Elections
  109. Should the candidates support raising the RETIREMENT AGE (Again) for Social Security?: generations, Republican - Elections
  110. MIKE HUCKABEE Closing The Gap in Iowa ~ Newest Poll #'s: voters, Congress - Elections
  111. I'd vote for Bloomberg in a heartbeat.: Huckabee, voters, security - Elections
  112. No More U.S. Presidential Dynasties!: voters, Hillary Clinton, Bush - Elections
  113. News, McCain jokes about 'B-word.: voting, democratic, conservative, president - Elections
  114. No Ganging Up On Hillary In Vegas!: health care, campaign, president - Elections
  115. TV Media Rigs Presidential Race - Did Ron Paul/Joe Biden and Others Ever Have A Chance?: Huckabee, voting - Elections
  116. NEWS FLASH: Sources: Thompson Gains National Right to Life Endorsement - will this help him surge in the polls???: votes, Iraq - Elections
  117. Hillary wants to have it both ways: vote, president, Clinton - Elections
  118. Wolf Blitzer's Performance In Tonight's Debate: NAFTA, gas prices, Iran, illegal - Elections
  119. Hillary Clinton Exposed !: health care, Dick Cheney, Congress, campaign - Elections
  120. Hillary Clinton authored failed amendment in amnesty bill: NAFTA, vote, Congress - Elections
  121. Ron Paul is HISTORY.....: Congress, candidacy, campaign, christmas - Elections
  122. Hillary Clinton: Remarkably QUALIFIED to be president: votes, legal, democrat - Elections
  123. HELP!! The Republicans don't have a viable candidate who can beat Hillary!!: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  124. Hillary Clinton: Remarkably unqualified to be president: Huckabee, interstate, vote - Elections
  125. last night's debate - fighting words towards the Republicans: Rush Limbaugh, voting, Congress - Elections
  126. Why do so many people hate Hillary Clinton?: vote, ethics, democratic - Elections
  127. Tell us why you would or would not vote for Ron Paul for president: health care, votes - Elections
  128. Planted Boo's , too?: Congress, CNN, president - Elections
  129. If Ron Paul were president who would be a..: Iraq, conservative, Giuliani - Elections
  130. Kucinich fans out there: NAFTA, vote, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  131. Take the Political Test: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq, ethical - Elections
  132. Kiss the solidarity of the Christian right goodbye: vote, Israel, Reagan - Elections
  133. Ron Paul Tea Party '07: campaign, Republican, president, million - Elections
  134. Obama thinks over 50 = incompetent????: Al Gore, Cheney, Congress, democrat - Elections
  135. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul (Moved from State Forum): Huckabee, voters, Congress - Elections
  136. News, Pat Robertson Supports Rudy Guiliani: Huckabee, voters, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  137. Al Gore to stage a REBELLION within the Democratic party in 2008???: global warming, Huckabee - Elections
  138. Who will capture Osama Bin Laden?: Hugo Chavez, vote, Iraq, arsenal - Elections
  139. News, Mike Huckabee Pledges Support for Constitutional Amd Banning Abortions.: votes, Congress - Elections
  140. The Clinton papers to remain secret: Colin Powell, voters, Congress, generation - Elections
  141. Dr Ron Paul interview on CNN (Situation Room): voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  142. 55% of Married Men Won't Vote For Clinton: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  143. The Nation's Online Poll: Who would you vote for?: Iraq, interview, Democrats - Elections
  144. Vice-President Hillary Clinton....: NAFTA, vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  145. Which Republican Do The Dems Want To Face?: Ron Paul, 9/11, voters - Elections
  146. OK, realistically, does Ron Paul have a shot at winning?: unemployment, votes - Elections
  147. Is Obama the answer?: votes, Iraq, middle east, generation - Elections
  148. Ron WHO? Poll numbers anemic....: Al Gore, Ron Paul, vote, Democrats - Elections
  149. Hillary Admits to Planting Questions in Iowa Town Hall Meeting....: vote, campaign - Elections
  150. News, Rudy Giuliani: '200 reasons' why I would be better president than Dem.: John Kerry, 9/11 - Elections
  151. Barack Obama: Oprah and Clooney's choice: vote, Iraq, campaign, illegal - Elections
  152. Would liberals vote for Ron Paul, since Dems are pro-war??: Iraq, illegal - Elections
  153. Fake News and Propaganda: Shaping Our Reality.....RON PAUL SAVE US!: Iraq, enemies - Elections
  154. BILL CLINTON I opposed Iraq from the beginning: vote, campaign - Elections
  155. Favorite Hillary Lie: voters, Congress, campaign, conservative - Elections
  156. watching the You Tube debate right now?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, - Elections
  157. Pathetic Ron Paul Brothel Media Smear Fails: Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  158. Whats Your Favorite Bush Lie: global warming, Dick Cheney, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  159. How much more absurd can the media get?: Ron Paul, vote, parade - Elections
  160. News, Streisand Endorses Clinton for President.: Rush Limbaugh, votes, Iraq, generation - Elections
  161. Huckabee for Scholarships for Illegal Aliens: crime, education, border, invasion - Elections
  162. Lou Dobbs for President: vote, campaign, illegal, Clinton - Elections
  163. Oprah, Ellen, and Liberals Oh My!!!: vote, Democrats, conservative, Obama - Elections
  164. New Poll: HILLARY would lose to top GOP candidates in 2008 primary!!!: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  165. Will GOP voters accept Giuliani's evolution on abortion?: Huckabee, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  166. If elections were held today between Rudy and Hillary...: Ron Paul, vote, Iran
  167. Let's send a message out about Mike Huckabee....: John Kerry, Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  168. The Clinton political machine begins it's INTIMIDATION tactics!: vote, gallon, campaign - Elections
  169. What is up with the media against Ron Paul?: Huckabee, voting, Israel - Elections
  170. Hillary's Obama Dirt: Obama Demands She Come Clean: Al Gore, campaign, illegal - Elections
  171. Everyones's waiting for Al Gore...: global warming, candidacy, Democrats, CNN - Elections
  172. Fred Thompson: Why doesn't talk about him?: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  173. Enjoyed the GOP debate: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Huckabee, 9/11 - Elections
  174. CNN exposed - sad: Ron Paul, Huckabee, campaign, illegal - Elections
  175. The 2008 election is over! Chuck Norris supports Huckabee: vote, security, campaign - Elections
  176. Is the Media disconnected to the issues?: campaign, illegal, democratic - Elections
  177. Ron Paul Really Is The Champion of the Constitution: house of voters - Elections
  178. Barack Obama TAKES THE LEAD Over Hillary Clinton....: Ron Paul, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  179. Ron Paul Leads GOP in Minority Support: voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  180. Huckabee Commits to Nationwide Smoking Ban: Ron Paul, campaign, Republican - Elections
  181. Ron Paul fans?: vote, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  182. Foot soldiers for the Ron Paul revolution [Los Angeles Times]: vote, Congress - Elections
  183. News, ADL: Stop Playing The Holocaust Card.: Huckabee, political, compare - Elections
  184. Is in Congress hurt by running for President?: senator, TV, date - Elections
  185. St. Petersburg straw poll votes were cast with cash: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Huckabee - Elections
  186. The Ron Paul Phenomenon - PBS Preview: Congress, campaign, president - Elections
  187. 'Push poll' critics were on Romney's payroll: voters, campaign, spokesman - Elections
  188. News, Thompson Tells Giuliani New York City Not Representative of America.: voters, campaign - Elections
  189. Tancredo's succesful presidential run: Tom Tancredo, interview, Giuliani, revolution - Elections
  190. News, Giuliani Touts Mayoral Record in TV Ad.: voting, campaign, Republican - Elections
  191. News, Romney: Punish states that let illegal immigrants get licenses.: Republican, president - Elections
  192. CNN hosts a horrific debate for Democrats: Republican - Elections
  193. The video that will secure Guiliani's GOP win...: Republican, Rudy Giuliani - Elections
  194. News, Giuliani's 5 Big Lies About 9/11: terrorism - Elections
  195. Will It Be Historic Or More Of The Same: Huckabee, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  196. Keep up the good work Glitch!: Ron Paul, campaign, state, news - Elections
  197. John Taylor Bowles for next POTUS!: votes, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  198. Hiliary Clinton is HISTORY..... - Elections
  199. NYC Policy Board chief 'sickened' - Giuliani's dalliances hidden: Rudy Giuliani - Elections
  200. Huckabee's stance on college tuition breaks for illegals: voting, liberal, million - Elections