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  1. Will the real McCain stand up???? The real danger...: conservative, poll - Elections
  2. Obama Non-Flip-Flop, McCain Flipping Out: voters, Iraq, politicians, economy - Elections
  3. Obama Celebrates the 4th of July in Butte, Montana: parade - Elections
  4. Political/Presidentail Message Boards: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, death - Elections
  5. Obama AGAIN proves he's like Bush: health care, democrat, Republican, liberals - Elections
  6. Bill Gross: $1 Trillion Deficit Under Obama.: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  7. News, Bush-McCain unlikely to appear together at GOP convention; Obama surrounded by flags days.: campaign, leader - Elections
  8. Wedge Issues: 2008 Election: abortion, economy, states, united - Elections
  9. Will McCain move further to the right for Conservatives?: global warming, vote, Iraq - Elections
  10. War powers proposal? less president, more congress: Ron Paul, Iran, campaign - Elections
  11. What if ????: NAFTA, regular, Reed - Elections
  12. Obama flips on Iraqi withdrawal: votes, McCain, money, states - Elections
  13. What if??: president, American, religion - Elections
  14. Obama, Candiddate of change: NAFTA, campaign, liberal, McCain - Elections
  15. Which of the battleground states do you think will go McCain?: vote, Obama - Elections
  16. Happy 4th of July to all from all who wish to: Reed, independence - Elections
  17. Gallup;July Leader Lost in 6 of Last 9 Competitive U.S. Elections: democrat, polls
  18. McCain remains committed to immigration legislation that angered Republicans: NAFTA, Cheney, voters - Elections
  19. McCain camp struggles to solidify lines of attack against Democratic rival: Congress, Iraq - Elections
  20. The Real McCain 2: date, website, most - Elections
  21. 2008 election t-shirts: Ron Paul, health care, vote, - Elections
  22. Obama to be a jelly donut too?: Reagan, president, American - Elections
  23. A conundrum: Republican, president, McCain - Elections
  24. Powell & Hagel about to endorse Obama: candidacy, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  25. Connection between Obama's campaign, mortgage bank (The Crown family), Ayers, Rezko: vote, Barack Obama - Elections
  26. Which candidate will deal with each issue best?: security, illegal, conservative - Elections
  27. Obama and McCain Flip-Flop Guide: activist, Barack Obama, party, news - Elections
  28. McCain Does Not Believe In Separation of Church and State: Barack Obama, Reed - Elections
  29. Webb pulls out of veepstakes: campaign, vice president, Obama, states - Elections
  30. Native Americans Against Obama New Video - Elections
  31. Don't you wish you could really trust your candidate?: Ron Paul, 9/11, vote - Elections
  32. Google McCain Flip Flops: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  33. Which candidate will be more willing to move to the center on certain issues?: Obama, McCain - Elections
  34. Jim Webb Takes Himself Off Obamas VP List: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  35. Obama/Schweitzer?: liberal, president, ratings, election - Elections
  36. Liberal Media saying America in Decline to sway voters to Obama!: Congress, - Elections
  37. McCain has interesting pastors: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  38. Waffles for McCain: John Kerry, Kerry - Elections
  39. John McCain nick name McNasty in Boarding School: vote, Iran, illegal - Elections
  40. Obama; Try to Hoodwink us with the Words of others?: enemies, speech - Elections
  41. THE ISSUES - principle and Values: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, Congress - Elections
  42. The issues - War and Peace: Cheney, 9/11, vote, Congress - Elections
  43. McCain Backer's Firm Pleaded Guilty To Funding Terrorist Group In Colombia: terrorism, support - Elections
  44. the issues - energy and oil: global warming, Cheney, gas prices, vote - Elections
  45. The Issues - Civil Rights, gay rights , Affirm: interstate, votes, patriot - Elections
  46. Evangelicals for Obama out there?: vote, Iraq, thoughts, Republican - Elections
  47. The issues -Abortion: party affiliation, interstate, votes, illegal - Elections
  48. Evangelical's radio ad for Obama: interview, democratic, Barack Obama, Kerry - Elections
  49. Obama Camp Disputes Report on Discounted Home Loan: illegal, liberal, president - Elections
  50. Article: Obama should choose Biden: Congress, Barack Obama, Edwards - Elections
  51. The President: interview, solutions, political, elections
  52. Obama to put more faith-based programs in government if elected: voters, impeachment - Elections
  53. Poll: Pet owners favor McCain: polls, president, Obama, Reed - Elections
  54. McCain = 3rd Bush term: Cheney, democratic, represent, president - Elections
  55. Newsweek:New McCain ad gets facts wrong: Cheney, voters, campaign - Elections
  56. 22 yr CIA Vet told to falsify Iran intelligence, Fired.: Cheney, Iraq, security - Elections
  57. Obama's daughters...: political, presidency - Elections
  58. Ron Paul talks about the economy on Fox: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  59. What is doing McCain in Mexico?: voters, Mexican, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  60. Big Oil Fuels John McCain: campaign, liberal, conservative, president - Elections
  61. Bilingual candidates: president, George W. Bush - Elections
  62. Health Care; Is it REALLY in need of the dire overhaul Obama proposes?: health care system, Congress - Elections
  63. Obama Will Be At OUR High School Tomorrow: vote, liberal - Elections
  64. Will we get another New Deal if Obama gets elected?: unemployment, health care - Elections
  65. Uh oh, McCain's VP list getting shorter: Ron Paul, Huckabee, votes - Elections
  66. McCain = Bush: vote, Iran, Iraq, security - Elections
  67. Obama ties McCain less educated: voters, campaign, democratic, poll - Elections
  68. Slate Magazine Getting Concerned About Obama Shifts in Sentiments: voters, Iraq, interview - Elections
  69. Who are you supporting? (poll for 7/9 and 7/10): voters, regular, president - Elections
  70. The Nobama Network; Growing every day!: voters, Democrats, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  71. The Surge did not succeed in political reconciliation, stop it with the childish we are winning threads: vote, Iran - Elections
  72. Is McCain sleepwalking through this campaign?!?!?!?: health care, Cheney, voters, Iraq - Elections
  73. Obama voted FOR FISA: Democrats, Republicans, liberal, president - Elections
  74. Je suis Obama et je pense qu'Americains sont les gens ignorants et amers. - IN ENGLISH!!!: Mexicans, illegal - Elections
  75. We are winning in Iraq, what will the libs do now?: Congress, Iran - Elections
  76. Obama had 143 Days of Experience as a United States Senator!: gas prices, Congress - Elections
  77. Message from the Queen (from a British friend): gallon, Congress, security - Elections
  78. Should we start using the 'C' word for McCain - as in 'CRAZY'?: Iran, president - Elections
  79. “Hillraisers” - Meeting with McCAIN??: vote, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  80. NYTimes; Pulls the mask from Obama: health care, vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  81. What is one issue that you really disagree with your candidate on?: Ron Paul, illegal - Elections
  82. Predict each candidate's VP pick: Colin Powell, illegal, president, Brown - Elections
  83. Why does Obama keep winning the Who do You Support Poll in Cd?: vote, wage - Elections
  84. do you feel safer than you did 8 years ago: 9/11, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  85. McCain Jokes About Killing Iranians: voting, Israel, nuclear - Elections
  86. RNC ad; Obama's Iraq Problem - It's GOOD!!: John Kerry, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  87. Which Barack Hussein Obama is your candidate: the Primary Obama or the General Election Obama?: NAFTA, voters - Elections
  88. Confirmed! Obama to give acceptance speech at Invesco: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  89. Obama, the next president - heavy user of drugs and alcohol: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  90. The Issues -: unemployed, gas prices, votes, Congress - Elections
  91. Why Obama is refining his Iraq position: Dick Cheney, vote, Congress - Elections
  92. Who are you supporting? poll for (7/9 and 7/10): votes, liberals, Barack Obama - Elections
  93. Last Call for the CFL - Campaign for Liberty March on Washington DC, July 12th: Ron Paul, NAFTA - Elections
  94. McCain is Learning to Read sorta: gas prices, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  95. Voters Perceive Obama Moving to the Middle: democratic, Republican, poll - Elections
  96. Mr. Flip Flop, Obama Calls Iran a 'Great Threat', Calls For Tougher Sanctions: vote, Iraq - Elections
  97. Why bother???: Ron Paul, vote, extremist, Obama - Elections
  98. Who lies and flip-flops the most, Obama or McCain?: vote, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  99. Obama's Iraq position: middle east, security, campaign, democratic - Elections
  100. New Yahoo-AP Poll: Obama's negatives on the rise; honesty losing ground. McCain ho9lding ground.: votes, Congress - Elections
  101. Bush and McCain are the biggest WMDs: health care, gas prices, - Elections
  102. Change, I WANT CHANGE...: voters, Congress, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  103. How unfair! Obama HAS an energy plan, contrary to ad!!: gas prices, voters - Elections
  104. Obama; Why are your Veeps-in-Waiting saying No Way: Rush Limbaugh, vote - Elections
  105. Obama is in deep poooooo: votes, Iraq, campaign, Republican - Elections
  106. Obama caught lying 3 times in one day!: votes, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  107. US dilemma in Pakistan: health care, gallon, Iraq, security - Elections
  108. Obama Support for Corn Based Ethanol - Starving Africans, Food Cost Inflation and Global Warming: votes, gallon - Elections
  109. The Issues - Welfare and Poverty: unemployment, vote, wage, generation - Elections
  110. Who is the best candidate?: party affiliation, votes, polls, conspiracy - Elections
  111. Group seeking to have McCain buddy Lieberman stripped of his chairmanship: voting - Elections
  112. What Religion is McCain: votes, generation, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  113. Kerry Dismissive of McCain: John Kerry, enemies, democratic - Elections
  114. Poll: Obama leading McCain big in Lieberman's home state: voters, candidacy, democrat - Elections
  115. How many Obama fans are coming up with b.s. to try to have him look better>>>: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  116. Cindy McCain Accomplishments:: Iraq, Democrats, drug, liberals - Elections
  117. Obama: will not pull troops out of Iraq: vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  118. Michelle Hits Obama In Public: drugs, CNN, McCain, money - Elections
  119. Obama Leads By Five in Very Red State of Montana: vote, liberal - Elections
  120. Letter to a Young Obama Supporter: house of Cheney, Putin, Congress - Elections
  121. Watch Fox News lie about Obama: John Kerry, vote, patriot, democratic - Elections
  122. McCAIN - FIRST 50 STATE LOSER: campaign, Obama, school, states - Elections
  123. Does McCain need a dose of political Viagra?: Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  124. Who is Bobby Jindal and why is he receiving VP consideration?: interviews, Republican - Elections
  125. Which news station do you turn to most for the election?: Mexican, democratic - Elections
  126. Zogby Poll: Obama leads McCain: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  127. Obama: A Danger to American Economy: global warming, gas prices, voting, gallon - Elections
  128. What is McCain's biggest asset ?: security, Democrats - Elections
  129. Which of the battleground states do you think will go McCain? CORRECT POLL: voters, democrat - Elections
  130. Obama is not 'Black', he is 'Africausian': interview, independence, African - Elections
  131. Obama Moving to the Middle: vote, middle east, democratic, liberal - Elections
  132. Would Clinton be a smart choice as a VP pick for Obama?: vote, McCain - Elections
  133. What is Obama going to change?: Ron Paul, vote, illegal, crime - Elections
  134. Who are you supporting? (poll for 7/3 and 7/4): votes, polls, president - Elections
  135. Who would be McCain's best bet for VP?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, votes - Elections
  136. for Obama Supporters: Boxer, McCain, lobbyists - Elections
  137. McCain denies roughing up foreign gov't official: interview, Republican - Elections
  138. Anti-Obama Bloggers accounts being shut down.: campaign, Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  139. Poll: Obama beats McCain as barbecue guest: vote, drugs, president - Elections
  140. If Obama and McCain were the weather in a forecast, which one would each be and why?: health care, education - Elections
  141. Obama and Partial Birth Abortion - The Tragic Facts: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  142. Obama; Obtained favors from an industry he rails about: Congress, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  143. Obama; What Mu'ammar Qadhafi expects from you - his muslim brother Video: security, death - Elections
  144. Formula For Obama's VP: voters, Congress, president - Elections
  145. To Hillary supporters: What will you do on election day?: vote, - Elections
  146. Why do we put up with idiots?: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  147. Who do you fear most as a President? Obama or McCain: Putin, democrat - Elections
  148. McCain caught lying, again: interview, enemies, president - Elections
  149. Conservative evangelicals discuss backing McCain: Huckabee, Hugo Chavez, voting, campaign - Elections
  150. The New McCain team: voters, patriot, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  151. What is Obama's biggest asset ?: Clinton, McCain, leader - Elections
  152. Gallup poll : Hispanics solidly behind Obama: voters, legal, Democrats, president - Elections
  153. Interesting Concern About Obama's Real Political Positions: Iran, Iraq, Israeli - Elections
  154. Obama: Post Turtle: voters, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  155. We will still be in Iraq in 4 years no matter what: votes, gallon - Elections
  156. Is this why Obama the Waffler is refining his LOSING position on Iraq?: Dick Cheney, vote - Elections
  157. McCain to Get Advertising Support from Veterans - Veterans Group Urges Support to 'Finish the Job': Iraq, security - Elections
  158. RNC Advertisement Attacks Obama About Lack of Energy Plan: Iraq, Republican, nuclear - Elections
  159. AOL Straw poll shows McCain winning all 50 states: Ron Paul, voters, Iraq - Elections
  160. Which candidate do you trust the most with the nuclear launch codes?: Congress, - Elections
  161. For Obama Supporters: vote, regular, president, death - Elections
  162. Which Candidate Will Fix This?: Congress, wages, legal, premium - Elections
  163. Libertarian voters breaking for Obama: interviews, president, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  164. McCain to Balance Budget by end of 1st term: 9/11, gas prices, Congress - Elections
  165. POLL: It's Known by Most, Barack Hussein Obama is the Farthest LEFT of all U.S. Senators. Do You Trust Him With Americ: security, liberals - Elections
  166. Bob Barr on This Week with George Stephanopoulos: Ron Paul, votes, interview - Elections
  167. should Barr and Nader be in the debates?: voters, democrat, Republican - Elections
  168. John McCain- Throw Away Candidate?: Huckabee, voters, Congress, - Elections
  169. Who are you supporting? poll for 7/7 and 7/8): voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  170. McCain/Republicans have NO credibility after 7 years of the village idiot: Cheney, vote - Elections
  171. WHY do you think Barack Hussein Obama is flip-flopping on Ending the War In Iraq and How To Handle Iran.: voters, middle east - Elections
  172. POLL: Which Issue Will Hurt Barack Hussein Obama The Most In November?: vote, campaign - Elections
  173. McCain supported Bush; Not a serious candidate: Cheney, vote, Iraq - Elections
  174. Left wing nut Harry Reid at it again: Ron Paul, gas prices, voters - Elections
  175. Obama apparently doesn't believe in equal pay: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  176. Hillary's supporters still not embracing Obama.: vote, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  177. Who are you supporting? (poll for 7/5 and 7/6): voters, Democrats, president - Elections
  178. John McCain Losing Temper And Cussing!: campaign, regular, president, suspect - Elections
  179. Many Hillary supporters are stealth Republicans: voters, Iraq, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  180. Condoleezza Rice: 9/11, vote, Iraq, interview - Elections
  181. Will president change the direction of the country for the better?: vote, polls - Elections
  182. About the Obama birth certificate controversy.: Israeli, security, campaign, - Elections
  183. Why is Obama afraid to debate McCain?: John Kerry, voters, Iraq - Elections
  184. obama needs stadium for acceptance speech?: vote, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  185. Great article on Obama: unemployment, Congress, Iraq, radical - Elections
  186. McCain too dumb to realize this is Obama's time: Huckabee, vote, candidacy - Elections
  187. Obama and McCain in a street fight? Who would Win?: Huckabee, - Elections
  188. John McCain vs John McCain: vote, Reagan, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  189. It doesn't matter which one wins.: Ron Paul, illegal, president, racist - Elections
  190. Democrats hit GOP on support for Medicare cuts: health care, 9/11, votes - Elections
  191. Bob Barr reaches Independence Day funding goal: Ron Paul, gas prices, votes - Elections
  192. Obama; Listen to the left Stay the Course!: vote, Clinton - Elections
  193. Would Senator McCain Appease Iraq?: enemy, security, Baghdad, Obama - Elections
  194. Protester's McCain sign nets date with a judge: Bush, compare - Elections
  195. Obama Criticizes, After Refusing to Condemn their Iraq Ad in Senate: vote, patriot - Elections
  196. Former Bush Strategist to Direct McCain Campaign.: Cheney, president, election - Elections
  197. McCain hires Mayor 9iu11ani's campaign manager: Ron Paul, Cheney, Giuliani - Elections
  198. Should President McCain deliver daily fireside naps: Obama, worker, top - Elections
  199. Cindy McCain May Look Like: vote, president, Obama, most - Elections
  200. News, McCain's Health Plan: A Threat to Employer Plans?: Republican, president, insurance - Elections