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  1. Actions Speak Louder Tan Tweets PAC: Huckabee, vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  2. State Supreme Courts and lower courts: voting, democrat, Republican, Attorney - Elections
  3. Democrat Mayoral Candidate Donna Deegan Wins Election in Jacksonville: generation, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  4. AZ Dems need to thank Trump.: Putin, voters, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  5. cheating in the Texas election?: voters, legal, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  6. Democrat Poll Worker Ejected for Illegal Voting and Electioneering: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  7. Non citizens making it onto voter rolls in at least 4 states: voters, illegal - Elections
  8. Of the most recent 200 important statewide races, Democrats and Republicans each won 100 of them!: voting, president - Elections
  9. Pubs now pulling head were always ahead: vote, democratic - Elections
  10. Early Voting Trends Look Great for Nevada Republicans: house seat, unemployment, voters - Elections
  11. Arizona Gov Candidate Katie Hobbs’ Child-Therapist Husband Had 10-Year-Old Trans Patient, Lawsuit Says: democratic, school - Elections
  12. Best Democratic Prez Candidate: president, party, election, elect - Elections
  13. I refuse to vote for candidate who hates a politician: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  14. Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) Will Not Seek a 4th Term as Governor: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  15. Nov 8th...the rise of independents, latino's, & suburban women: voters, parties - Elections
  16. Are mid-term different or more of the same?: house seat, votes, Congress - Elections
  17. Astonishing: This election day, 20% of voting machines in Maricopa County AZ not working: voters, polls - Elections
  18. Between the lawlessness and the incompetence...: elections, elect
  19. Democrats Boosted Far-Right GOP Candidates In Battleground States—And It’s Paying Off: vote, illegal - Elections
  20. General about elections: votes, campaign, Republican, Amish
  21. I honestly don't know: democrat, president, party, elect - Elections
  22. Russian Oligarch claims Russia meddles in our Elections...: voters, Democrats, liberal
  23. Presidential Elections: 1976-2020: voters, generations, candidacy, Reagan
  24. New Poll Has Tiffany Smiley (R) Leading Senator Patty Murray (D) In Washington State: interviews, Democrats - Elections
  25. New Hampshire refuses to let South Carolina to have the first primary; Sununu tells Biden to “Pound Sand”.: voters, Congress - Elections
  26. Progressive Pollster Issues Final Florida Poll: DeSantis (R) +15, Rubio (R) +12: vote, Democrats - Elections
  27. I don't see how the Republicans fail to take the Senate.: vote, legal - Elections
  28. Cuellar v. Garcia TX-28th, others: Congress, democratic, Republican, border - Elections
  29. Do You Want To Know Something About Early Voting In Your State?: voters, - Elections
  30. NY's District 14 election: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez va Tina Forte, who do you like?: voters, interview - Elections
  31. Is Abrams Dragging Down Warnock in Georgia?: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  32. 2022 John Fetterman’s ‘Trump-Voting Republican’ Parents Are Card-Carrying Democrats: voters, campaign - Elections
  33. Election Countdown Clock: voters, impeachment, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  34. At least 66.666666% Florida 2024 POTUS candidates will FAIL. I guarantee it.: most - Elections
  35. WA Senate: Murray v. Smiley: voters, campaign, Republicans, polls - Elections
  36. The stench of radical lib desperation abounds: gas prices, voters, Democrats - Elections
  37. The Washington Senate Seat is Now a Toss-Up: Murray (D) v. Smiley (R): voters, Democrats - Elections
  38. Democrats who are about to be cancelled: Republican, crimes, Pelosi - Elections
  39. Chris Christy vs Donald Trump in a Cage Match: interview, ethics, Republican - Elections
  40. Beware. There’s a dark shadow.....: Putin, voters, interviews, legal - Elections
  41. Juan Williams: Republican Troubles Start With Failing To Catch Red Wave: voters, Congress - Elections
  42. Latino's leaning Red on generic ballot 46% to 42%: voters, Republican, regime - Elections
  43. from 1 to 10, how critical is personality/charisma in Presidential candidate?: voters, Reagan - Elections
  44. Bizarre election proposal for Arizona: vote, legal, democrat - Elections
  45. Alaska's Ranked Choice Voting System, Will The Republican Presidential Candidate Win The State In 2024?: house seat, - Elections
  46. Adam Schiff announces run for Senate.: voters, Congress, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  47. Arizona Democrat Ruben Gallego announces Senate bid: party affiliation, 9/11, vote - Elections
  48. Asa Hutchinson: voters, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  49. Who will you vote for Trump, RFK, Jr, Biden?: voters, patriot - Elections
  50. Katie Hobbes sworn in as Governor !!!: voters, illegal, Republicans, drugs - Elections
  51. John Bolton Says He Will Run for President: vote, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  52. Both Trump and Biden trail in 2024 Granite State Poll: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  53. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Thinking Of Running: vote, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  54. Supreme Court Won't Hear Challenge to Kansas Congressional Map: voters, Reagan, legal - Elections
  55. Senator Diane Fienstein California to be primaried(so far) by Katie Porter: voters, Congress - Elections
  56. Favorability Ratings for Trump and Desantis in Swing States: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  57. Other than Trump and Desantis, what other 2024 candidate would look good on a republican ticket?: vote, campaign - Elections
  58. Making a Prediction about Prez Election: voters, Democrats, Republicans, represent - Elections
  59. Gallup: Dissatisfaction with America’s Abortion Policy Reaches New High: voters, Congress - Elections
  60. Kari Lake Could Face Felony Charges - Criminal referral sent: voters, - Elections
  61. Does Mike Pompeo have a shot at president?: vote, interview, - Elections
  62. Nikki Haley planning Feb. 15 launch for 2024 White House bid: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  63. What States Do You Think Will Be Competitive in 2024?: voters, Reagan - Elections
  64. Michelle Obama 2024: represent, president, racism, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  65. Romney: Trump will be the 2024 GOP Nominee unless it becomes a 2 person race: voters, campaign - Elections
  66. Trump says DeSantis running for president would be ‘a great act of disloyalty’: vote, wages - Elections
  67. South Carolina to become democrats first primary state in '24: vote, Republican - Elections
  68. Trump In New Hampshire: vote, enemy, campaign, - Elections
  69. Ramaswamy for President 2024?: interviews, Reed, American, school - Elections
  70. 4 biggest 2024 election issues are...: voters, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  71. Will the Pubs take over the Senate next?: votes, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  72. Has ever sued a ploitician who lied to get into office?: voters, legal - Elections
  73. Ronna McDaniel wins re-election to fourth term as RNC chair: votes, Republicans - Elections
  74. Ron DeSantis is now polling closer to Robert Kennedy Jr. Than Donald Trump: candidacy, Republican - Elections
  75. New GOP contender - Francis Suarez: Hugo Chavez, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  76. Latest New Hampshire Republican primary poll shows DeSantis polling falling to only 12%: unemployment, voters - Elections
  77. Pollster says Trump leading Biden in popular vote poll since Sept 2021: votes, Democrats - Elections
  78. Who do you like the most between Trump, Desantis, Biden, and RFK?: voters, Congress - Elections
  79. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez files to run for president in 2024: votes, campaign - Elections
  80. Nikki Haley on CNN Town Hall: Cheney, examples, state - Elections
  81. If the presidential choice is left with Harris or pence ..: vote, American - Elections
  82. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum announces his run for Prez: votes, enemy - Elections
  83. Former Republican Congressman Will Hurd of Texas launches bid for President: votes, Mexican - Elections
  84. Polling data on Trump drops to 47%: voters, candidacy, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  85. Virginia Republicans will win a Trifecta by the end of 2023: voters, Congress - Elections
  86. Ramaswamy promises to cut fed gov't headcount by 75%...: employment, vote, - Elections
  87. Early voting for Ohio special election issue 1 raise the threshold of constitutional amendments to 60%: voters, legal - Elections
  88. Predict the national platforms of the '24 elections: vote, illegal aliens, Democrats
  89. 2023 Kentucky General Election: Andy Beshear (D) vs Daniel Cameron (R): voters, campaign - Elections
  90. DeSantis campaign draws blowback from new ad video: Republicans, March - Elections
  91. Two polls now showing DeSantis way ahead of Trump: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  92. Republicans, if you had to choose a candidate today, OTHER THAN Trump or Desantis, who and why?: vote, security - Elections
  93. Oh Joy! Pence and Christie announcing next week: candidacy, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  94. Mike Pence to launch Presidential bid on June 7th: Al Gore, voters, campaign - Elections
  95. AP/NORC Poll: 70% don’t want Trump to run in 2024: vote, - Elections
  96. Biden Announces He Is Running for Reelection in 2024.: vote, generations, campaign - Elections
  97. Loser Kari lake Appeals her loss to the Supreme court: voters, interviews - Elections
  98. Trump and RFK, Jr., what they share and differ as presidential candidates: party affiliation, vote - Elections
  99. I think I'm going to vote for a third party...: Ron Paul, Putin - Elections
  100. Bob Casey ((D) PA running for reelection: voters, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  101. Tim Scott Looking to Enter the Race: Cheney, votes, Democrats - Elections
  102. RFK, Jr. officially announces candidacy for 2024 presidential race: vote, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  103. Larry Elder Announced He's Running For President: campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  104. Who will replace the outgoing Rep in NY 3rd District?: house of votes - Elections
  105. CNN poll: 66% think a Biden re-election = disaster: voters, generations, Democrats - Elections
  106. Would you vote for Desantis for President?: democratic, death, education - Elections
  107. Justice tops Manchin by 22 points in new poll on Senate race: voters, generations - Elections
  108. DeSantis Presidential Launch: vote, interview, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  109. GOP Senator: Trump Can't Win in 2024: voters, campaign, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  110. In A Hypothetical Matchup, Former Governor Baker, Massachusetts (R), Leads Senator Warren By Thirteen Points: voters, Democrats - Elections
  111. Is Mark Robinson the best the NC GOP can do?: voters, democratic - Elections
  112. Ron DeSantis Collapse Sees Trump Surge to Huge 2024 Lead, Polls Show: voters, candidacy - Elections
  113. How to recognize an unfair election: voters, security, bias, soldiers - Elections
  114. 27 Illinois counties vote to explore seceding from the state.: votes, legal, border - Elections
  115. Are we in for a red wave as predicted or are the wrong?: gas prices, voters - Elections
  116. Democrats Long Goodbye to Working Class: voters, wages, Reagan - Elections
  117. Red Wave to provide Republicans sweeping referendum for change: voters, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  118. Obama and Biden campaign for Fetterman....why?: vote, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  119. 2022 Election Projections (House/Senate/governors): house seat, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  120. John Fetterman Cuts Campaign Ad Trying To Recreate Famous Coke Ad: million - Elections
  121. Democrats screaming election fraud!: vote, salary, security, illegal - Elections
  122. I see candidates w/o political experience to be a plus: voters, Congress - Elections
  123. Delays in Election Results: vote, campaign, president, conspiracy - Elections
  124. Trump Fatigue?: voters, enemy, campaign, illegal - Elections
  125. Which states should the GOP focus on?: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  126. Florida Tells Biden DOJ Election Monitors To Take a Hike: vote, democrat - Elections
  127. Polling place irregularities today/umbrella: voters, campaign, Republican, biased - Elections
  128. For all for a Kari Lake win in AZ today, I got bad news for you.: voters, Democrats - Elections
  129. The forgotten, but still very important, Alaska senate race: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  130. BREAKING: Musk Endorses GOP in Midterms: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  131. The embarrassment of Arizona: voting, illegal, democratic - Elections
  132. Flip-flopping for Kari Lake: votes, Reagan, legal, Democrats - Elections
  133. Hot scoop: Trump eyes November 14th as Presidential run Announcement: vote, Congress - Elections
  134. Oprah’s Favorite Things, oops, Endorsed Politicians 2022: vote, campaign, - Elections
  135. It's starting: Nearly 250K Ballots Sent to Pa. Voters With Unverified IDs: Congress - Elections
  136. Democrats are Playing the Race Card in the Elections: vote, Congress, Republican
  137. What Do Pennsylvanians Think Of Mr. Shapiro Refusing To Debate Mr. Mastriano?: voters, campaign - Elections
  138. Election 2024 Horror Movie Trailer (SNL): Democrats, Republicans, bias, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  139. Obama in Georgia lambasts Walker as ‘a celebrity that wants to be a politician’: vote, campaign - Elections
  140. FOX 10 Phoenix Shows Graphic Claiming Katie Hobbs (D) Beat Kari Lake (R) by 53%-47% Margin - Twelve Days Before Election: voters, Republican - Elections
  141. More Layoff on Deck at CNN: liberal, biased, layoffs, political - Elections
  142. Your Local Races: Michigan's 3rd US House Race: house seat, voters, Congress - Elections
  143. Pollsters go quiet: voters, interview, Republicans, polls - Elections
  144. Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate drops out, backs Republican Blake Masters: voters, candidacy - Elections
  145. New Georgia Senate Poll - Walker (R) Up Seven Points Over Warnock (D) (51-44) !!!: voters, democrat - Elections
  146. 538 Poll for Senate shifts to favor Republicans: vote, Democrats, CNN - Elections
  147. My husband just voted Republican for the first time in his life.: party affiliation, generation - Elections
  148. Shouldn't all voters' votes matter?: house of Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  149. Red Wave in Miami-Dade County?: vote, candidacy, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  150. The GOP Will Have 54 Senate Seats, Says Real Clear Politics; The GOP Now Winning In New Hampshire: house seat, voters - Elections
  151. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Oz, citing Fetterman’s ‘lack of transparency’: democratic, Republican - Elections
  152. White suburban women shift TWENTY-SIX % away from dems/towards Republicans: voters, security - Elections
  153. Why is the GOP picking up a bunch of house seats, but not senate seats?: vote, Congress - Elections
  154. The bleak reality of a GOP midterms win is hard to process <-- the tears begin to flow: vote, Congress - Elections
  155. Pennsylvania needs Big John: Democrats, represent, speech, party - Elections
  156. 2024 Open House and Senate Seats and 2023/2024 House Special Elections: house seat, voters, Congress
  157. Best free source for 2022 mid-term election result stats?: voters, democratic - Elections
  158. Would you want US elections to be more like Malaysian ones?: party affiliation, voters
  159. Grassley, age 89, has filed for reelection bid in 2028: voters, Congress - Elections
  160. Let's review: Election 2022 outcomes and why: gas prices, voters, legal - Elections
  161. Remember.: votes, thoughts, represent, radical - Elections
  162. Should Trump Run For Re-election?: voters, patriot, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  163. imho...Biden will not run again: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  164. Maricopa Certifies Their Fraud.: voters, Republicans, conspiracy, election - Elections
  165. Warnock Wins Georgia: vote, Democrats, Americans, elect - Elections
  166. Pennsylvania house of in dispute, Democrat secretly sworn in as speaker/majority leader.: vote, legal - Elections
  167. Trump isn't the problem: gas prices, vote, patriot, Democrats - Elections
  168. Has had bad experiences with absentee voting?: votes, polls, president - Elections
  169. Trump/Cruz 2024: vote, patriot, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  170. How close was control of the US House? 3,603 votes.: house seat, of voters - Elections
  171. Who will win the Georgia Runoff Warnock or Walker?: votes, enemies, Republicans - Elections
  172. 69% Of Democrats Agree That Many Voters Were Deprived Of Their Right To Vote On 11/8/22, In Maricopa County, Arizona: Republicans - Elections
  173. Who’s holding up Herschel Walker?: voters, candidacy, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  174. Republicans must increase urban votes using emotional signaling: voters, enemy, - Elections
  175. Lake vs Hobbs Rhetoric: Putin, voters, interviews, campaign - Elections
  176. 2 Oregon Counties Vote To Become Part Of Idaho: Congress, Republican - Elections
  177. What Does Kari Lake Know that We Don't: voters, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  178. Why is election count taking so long?: votes, American, party - Elections
  179. Doubtful Trump will run if Lake and Finchem lose their elections: votes, Republican
  180. Who will be the republican candidate in 2024, Trump or DeSantis: voters, legal - Elections
  181. NJ rigged Machines: voters, legal, Democrats - Elections
  182. Trump's upcoming speech and announcement.: votes, Congress, impeachment, president - Elections
  183. What helped the Dems this election?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  184. California's Newsom wins governor race by lowest percentage since 2010: votes, campaign, democrat - Elections
  185. How do the pollsters stay in business after this election?: voters, interview - Elections
  186. Katie Hobbs wins governors race: voters, interviews, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  187. How Did Maggie Hassan Get 1100 Votes in NH Town With a Population Under 700?: Republican, Levin - Elections
  188. Democrats keep the Senate.: unemployment, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  189. Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections: Israeli, claim, world
  190. In North Carolina, As Early Voting Winds Down, Democrats and Blacks Are Lagging Compared to 2018: voters, Republicans - Elections
  191. The entire Proposal amendment should be on the ballot.: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  192. Recount Wanted In Oakland Mayor Race Criticism of Ranked Choice Voting: news - Elections
  193. Ukraine's deputy defense minister resigns amid corruption allegations: regular - Elections
  194. Crazy PA Primary Ballot: Republicans, elections, elect, date
  195. Now, there's a kicker! - Elections
  196. Far left NJ news site casts doubt on safe Dem seats: Congress, campaign - Elections
  197. Planned Disruptions at DeSantis Campaign Rallies: supporters - Elections
  198. s my plan to count elections...
  199. Suspicious white powder' mailed to Kari Lake's campaign headquarters, spokesperson says: Republican, FBI - Elections
  200. Election Day wishes: votes, regular, elections, program