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  1. Conservative Wins Iran's Presidential Election: vote, democrat, radical, Kerry - Elections
  2. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp #1 revenge target for former President Trump: voters, enemy - Elections
  3. Data from the 2020 Election: voters, Democrats, Republican, represent - Elections
  4. Early Voting, never soon enough. California Dems Want To Move Up Recall Election: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  5. Another instance of the thing that never happens: vote, legal, Democrats - Elections
  6. Racketeering in swing states: compare, election, elect, abuse - Elections
  7. Instead of investigating election fraud, GA Sec. of State investigating whistleblowers: votes, democrat - Elections
  8. Katie Hobbs & the Maricopa County Board of Elections have known about security breaches - SILENT?: voting, party
  9. Newsom Recall In California Set For Sept 14: vote, democrat, political - Elections
  10. Chuck Schumer-Associated Advocacy Group Investigated By IRS For Voter Suppression: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  11. Private Investigator Claims AG Barr Told Him To Stop Investigating Election Fraud: September 11, voting - Elections
  12. FULL Audit: New Hampshire US. Senate Race.: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  13. AZ Formally Bans Post-Election Signature Fix for Unsigned Mail-In Ballots: voters, campaign - Elections
  14. Newsmax apologizes to Dominion employee for falsely alleging he manipulated votes against Trump: conservative, represent - Elections
  15. Caitlyn Jenner's campaign ad: vote, governor - Elections
  16. FULL AUDIT: Georgia.... Now on the table.: votes, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  17. Ammon Bundy Enters Idaho Governor Race: unemployed, voters, legal - Elections
  18. Illegal unlawful elections in AZ - Suing to overturn the 2016, 2018 & 2020 elections.: votes, Democrats
  19. Maricopa election DB was never deleted, auditors admit.: Republicans, claims, Senate - Elections
  20. Georgia Secretary Of State Sending Armed Into Polling Stations To Intimidate Poll Managers, Staff: votes, poll - Elections
  21. Elections Agency (EAC) Drops Language Banning Voting Equipment from Connecting to Internet: speech, government
  22. Democrats ReLabel Elder As a Model Minority Instead of a Uncle Tom: voters, - Elections
  23. Patrick Byrne openly hedging his bets...: president, dollars, election, elect - Elections
  24. Maine Democratic Incumbent Governor Janet Mills effectively tied with Former Republican Governor Paul LePage in new poll: Democrats, government - Elections
  25. Swing state cell phone data gathered from 242 ballot traffickers: vote, security, legal - Elections
  26. Kevin Kiley, the Governor California needs ? ? ?: patriots, democrat, Republican, lobby - Elections
  27. New proposed Maryland Congressional District map: Democrats, Republicans, state - Elections
  28. Republican James Craig leading Michigan Democratic Incumbent Governor Whitmer by 6 points, in new poll.: votes, Republicans - Elections
  29. Meet the Press: California's recall was a blowout. Virginia's upcoming election won't be: voters, Democrats - Elections
  30. Larry Elder Declares Fraud in Recall Election: vote, Republican, CNN - Elections
  31. Judge orders Cyber Ninjas to preserve audit records in lawsuit filed by The Arizona Republic: voters, Liberalism - Elections
  32. Fraud once again, or what? (CA): voters, March, election, elect - Elections
  33. Former Phila. congressman charged with election fraud: vote, security, Democrats - Elections
  34. Did Maricopa County Board of Supervisors have a 'fox' (EAC) guarding the henhouse?!: voting, security - Elections
  35. Former GA State Senator warned about rampant fraud in elections: democrat, governor
  36. Twitter Suspends 2020 Election Audit Accounts For Multiple States: enemies, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  37. Endless illegal moratoriums and the landlord vote in 2022 forward: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  38. Doug Ose Drops out of Recall Race: Congress, news - Elections
  39. Bribes were paid to place drop boxes around Atlanta: voting, election, elect - Elections
  40. GOP Skips Endorsement for Recall: biased, election, elect, news - Elections
  41. 2021 Cook PVI released: house seat, vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  42. Navarro Report has the graphs and data so far of several states: legal, Democrats - Elections
  43. States results last 5 Presidential Elections: votes, Democrats, Republicans, party
  44. Approval Voting Vote for and eveyone-St Louis Mayor's Race: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  45. Jim Jordan rules out Senate run in Ohio: Congress, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  46. Signature how? - Elections
  47. Bernie Sanders Party status: voters, Congress, interview, - Elections
  48. Hugh Hewitt tells Eric Greitens that as a candidate he would be Todd Akins 2.0: voters, democrat - Elections
  49. Major Williams candidate for CA governor: patriots, campaign, legal, Reed - Elections
  50. Anti-Trump group funds attack ads against Republicans who voted against accepting election results: voters, generation - Elections
  51. Article on the election lawsuits: legal, conservative, regular, president - Elections
  52. Fraud numbers released: 8.1M excess votes: million, political, compare - Elections
  53. Maricopa County Supervisor Jack Sellers had a meeting in China: democrat, Republican - Elections
  54. Audit Push by Pennsylvania GOP Hits Roadblock--Counties Refuse to Hand Over Election Materials: votes, Democrats - Elections
  55. Are election do overs a thing?: votes, illegal, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  56. Dominion Whistle blower- Dominion had internet access: votes, patriot, Democrats - Elections
  57. Black Dem Operative Exposes Voter Fraud Implicating Biden, Sheila Jackson Lee Campaigns: voters, interview - Elections
  58. 77 days to subvert the election: vote, Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  59. One can now print their own ballot in California from home computer: vote, - Elections
  60. Detroit whistleblower provides photo proof election computers were online: votes, security, democratic - Elections
  61. Is ranked choice voting a better way?: votes, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  62. Will the midterms be as screwed up by covid as the '20 general?: voters, illegal aliens - Elections
  63. Arizona State Senate Legislature calls for AG investigation: voters, security, legal - Elections
  64. Fulton County GA ballot adjudication rate was 63%: votes, thoughts, democrat - Elections
  65. Does Mike Pence have a political future?: votes, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  66. Ron DeSantis Strong Favorite for 2024: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  67. Chairs maloney and raskin launch investigation into privately run ‘audit’ of arizona 2020 election results: house of vote - Elections
  68. AZ Senate hearing on audit is open to public 7/15: illegal, democrat, president - Elections
  69. Maricopa County will spend close to $3M to replace voting machines tainted by the Arizona Senate ballot review: voters, Republicans - Elections
  70. MI election officials want to delete memory of voting machines: illegal, biased - Elections
  71. Newly Released Evidence Reveals GA Audit Fraud And Massive Errors: votes, legal - Elections
  72. AZ forensic audit 4/22. First domino to fall?: voters, interview, illegal - Elections
  73. Arizona Audit recounting ballots again with high speed machines: voters, Republicans, polls - Elections
  74. Fraudulent Voters Found in Arizona!: interview, illegal, represent, conspiracy - Elections
  75. How Trump Lost Georgia: voters, Congress, wages, illegal - Elections
  76. Supreme court hands another blow to Trumps election.: campaign, lobby, politicians - Elections
  77. Trump's Power Is In Decline: His Candidate in Texas Loses the Election: vote, campaign - Elections
  78. 270 to win 2022 Senate Election Interactive Map: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  79. Will Rebublicans take both House and Senate in 2022: voters, legal, impeachment - Elections
  80. Rep. Mark Finchem says there is enough evidence to decertify the election: voters, interview - Elections
  81. Audits of machines show that Maricopa County's 2020 election votes were counted correctly: president, independent - Elections
  82. Private donor to fully fund forenic audit in Michigan: patriot, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  83. Absolute Proof Of Election Fraud China Joe Is “ illegitimate”: vote, leader - Elections
  84. CA recall fraud - post stories: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  85. Arizona GOP legislator introduces bill to allow overturning future state presidential elections: voters, democratic
  86. Elect Larry Elder!: voters, wage, patriot, Democrats - Elections
  87. Republicans in California being told they voted when they haven't: voters, Democrats - Elections
  88. Will the democrat party ever be sane again?: Cheney, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  89. Candidate for Virginia Governor, Glenn Youngkin, campaign releases internal poll that finds.....: vote, Democrats - Elections
  90. Wisconsin Judge demands they preserve ALL election material, including the routers.: voters, legal - Elections
  91. Ballot Harvesting Issues In California/Newsom Recall. Dems Say Not Using It: vote, legal - Elections
  92. Mail-in ballots secure ? Ashli Babbitt,killed by Capitol Police 8 months ago, has just been sent 3 Calif recall ballots: vote, patriot - Elections
  93. Newsom wins No vote huge lead. All over but the fraud claims: democrat, Republicans - Elections
  94. How should we hold the next major U.S. elections? What should states change, what should they keep?: votes, Republicans
  95. How should the next major US election be held?: vote, security, campaign - Elections
  96. Democrats- will you still proudly support dems and their policies if widespread election fraud in 2020 is proven?: vote, Taliban - Elections
  97. Is President Biden and the Democratic Party cementing the shift of the Midwest to the Republican Party?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  98. Dennis Prager hits it out of the park. I think his latest piece reflects many voters opinions.: house seat, campaign - Elections
  99. Can we all agree to get electronics out of elections?: voters,
  100. In 2020, Florida counted all the votes in two hours after polls closed. Why does California have 30% of the vote out?: Republican, independent - Elections
  101. Canvassing Uncovers Major Voting Discrepancies: voters, campaign, polls - Elections
  102. Colorado Redistricting map released places Boebert in strong democrat area: vote, Congress - Elections
  103. 15 million mail in ballots missing from 2020 election: vote, legal, American - Elections
  104. Uh Oh! There WERE markers on legit ballots: liberals, president, dollars - Elections
  105. After the Biden disaster, the dems better gear up the fraud machine in 2022!: vote, security - Elections
  106. Republicans Celebrate Flip of Dem-Held Seat in Connecticut State Senate: vote, campaign - Elections
  107. I Got My Recall Ballot Today!: vote, Republican, crime, dollar - Elections
  108. Dominion's upgrade wiped the Mesa Co machines?: vote, security, independent - Elections
  109. Dem says party will lose House unless filibuster is squashed to pass election bill: votes, Congress - Elections
  110. Trump beating Biden by 6 points: votes, president, death, Americans - Elections
  111. Texas Republican Party Chair Endorses Secession Referendum: vote, Congress, Mexican - Elections
  112. mail-in ballots facilitate vote-buying schemes.: votes, suspect, death, American - Elections
  113. Newsom has 11 point lead in California recall: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  114. State trends in elections 2016vs 2020: house seat, voters, campaign, Democrats
  115. Missing Ballots in Three States Exceed Joe Biden’s Victory Margins: voters, legal - Elections
  116. Federal judge rules dominion voting machines violate georgia law: voters, patriots, security - Elections
  117. Congressman Tim Ryan planning a run for open Ohio Senate seat in 2022: voters, Reagan - Elections
  118. More Winning! Colorado's Voter Rolls: voters, million, party, elections
  119. GA elections chief suddenly resigns: vote, security, poll, death
  120. Larry Elder is running for governor of CA: votes, Republicans, racist - Elections
  121. Judge orders audit of Fulton county ballots after mass fraud suspected: legal, Democrats - Elections
  122. Giuliani Running for Governor of New York: vote, campaign, ethical - Elections
  123. Mike Lindell declares Trump will be back in office in August.: votes, Democrats - Elections
  124. Biden Corrected On Georgia Voting Bill: voters, Democrats, president, American - Elections
  125. PA Dominion machines only showed Dem ballots: voters, security, campaign - Elections
  126. 9 times on Election Night live TV total of 400K votes for Trump disappeared: statistics - Elections
  127. Republicans - Time to give up the chase for fraud and focus on the future: Democrats, accuse - Elections
  128. WE GO: Georgia full election audit.....: voters, Democrats, regular - Elections
  129. Best explanation so far - Why all the audits? Will there be more?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  130. Nevada Audit... INCOMING!: voters, Democrats, poll, independent - Elections
  131. Alarm goes off in buiilding with Fulton County ballots, door is wide open, no guards: votes, security - Elections
  132. Pennsylvania Sent Delegation to AZ Today — PA State Legislators Will Get On-the-Scene Tour: enemies, campaign - Elections
  133. How BOTH parties cheated in GA: vote, illegal, democratic, Republican - Elections
  134. Ranked-choice voting: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  135. GA governor served with request for election forensic audit: security, Republican, conservative - Elections
  136. The start of decertifying 2020 elections..... BOOM!: interview, campaign, Democrats, president
  137. Patrick Byrne's America Project channel on Telegram has up to date on forensic audits: CNN, biased - Elections
  138. The significance of bellwether states and counties: votes, Congress, legal - Elections
  139. Georgia Voting Bill SB202: voters, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  140. Maricopa Deleted Database Recovered!!!: campaign, Republican, liberals, education - Elections
  141. Excellent column on the often overstated Demographic affect on elections: voters, salaries
  142. Trump/owens 2024: vote, nationalist, political - Elections
  143. Election Audits, Then vs Now:: votes, Republican, president - Elections
  144. Opponents of ‘critical race theory’ have blowout win in Texas school board election: voters, Republican - Elections
  145. Election fraud prosecution at all time high in Texas: votes, campaign, Attorney - Elections
  146. Could Dwayne Johnson not only win, but in a huge landslide?: vote, - Elections
  147. Dominion and Perkins Coie are LOSING THEIR MINDS Over Upcoming Maricopa County Audit: vote, Democrats - Elections
  148. Minneapolis City Council candidate encourages rioters to burn down wealthy neighborhoods: democrat - Elections
  149. We Go: Michigan Unlikely 100% of voters ages 65-80 voted., during a lockdown pandemic.: thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  150. Oh Hell... Wisconsin:: votes, Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  151. Mike Lindell second election analysis; Proof That Sleezeball Joey Stole the Election!: voters, Democrats - Elections
  152. A Fun Game: Did this neighborhood vote for Trump or Biden?: liberal, racist - Elections
  153. Kimberly Yee or Katie Hob: vote, democrat, Republican, conspiracy - Elections
  154. BOOM! Wisconsin - FULL Forensic Audit voted to proceed!: voters, enemies, Democrats - Elections
  155. Maricopa county election board deletes all 2020 election data from machines: voting, illegal - Elections
  156. Windham, New hampshire situation: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  157. Liberal Hog on CNN just said it was the most secure election ever LMAO: votes, security - Elections
  158. Trump's Big Lie Backfires: Democrat in New Mexico Wins Election: voters, Congress - Elections
  159. This bellweather county proves that Biden did indeed win the election: vote, president - Elections
  160. Presidential election of 2024 is the real test: house of votes, Congress - Elections
  161. U.S. Post Office finds no evidence of fraud in Pennsylvania: vote, illegal - Elections
  162. Michigan Republican-led investigation rejects Trump's claim that Nov. 3 election was stolen: voters, Republicans - Elections
  163. After forensic audits 3 Repub Senate seats coming back: vote, legal, impeachment - Elections
  164. Trump Healthy Enough to Run Again: health care, generation, president, Reed - Elections
  165. Boy did we dodge a bullet: vote, Congress, security, illegal - Elections
  166. How did Reagan win the entire northeast: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  167. Why has Minnesota voted Dem for the last 50 years?: voters, candidacy, Reagan - Elections
  168. Pew Research study of 2020 Election based on validated voters: generation, Baby Boomers, democratic - Elections
  169. 24 More Charged in Voter-Fraud Probe: campaign, illegal, Attorney - Elections
  170. Early Voting: votes, security, democratic, Republican - Elections
  171. Board of Elections added to the case by the JUDGE!!!! LOL BUSTED!: voters, security
  172. Ohio and Florida: voters, Democrats, Republicans, Brown - Elections
  173. How corrupted media and brainwashed Americans won 2020 election: Putin, enemies - Elections
  174. Michigan GOP issues 35 page report on 2020 election: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  175. Pennsylvania - Subpoenas Are Being Prepared in Pennsylvania for Another Audit: Republicans, elect - Elections
  176. How did Carter win Texas: Reagan, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  177. with mass mail in voting, Biden only won by 4 points: house seat, of - Elections
  178. Election 2020: MI Judge rules that MI Sec of State violated state law: vote, legal - Elections
  179. How did Joe Manchin get elected in WV?: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  180. 2022 Senate Forecast - Democrats have a slight edge: votes, security, Republicans - Elections
  181. The GOP Can Win Without Waging War on Democracy: house seat, voters, illegal - Elections
  182. Now California - Stuff doesn't add up. UC Santa Barbra election fraud: votes, conspiracy - Elections
  183. Democrats to overturn a free and fair election in Iowa: Putin, votes - Elections
  184. Every state in the country that used Dominion machines audited: vote, Democrats - Elections
  185. M. Kelly's Approval Rating in AZ is +12 pts Higher than K. Sinema: voters, patriot - Elections
  186. Democrats Were ONLY Able to “Win” in 2020 By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SWING STATE: Putin, votes - Elections
  187. 9 More States, Set To Audit Their 2020 Election Results: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  188. Ballot printing companies complicit in fraud? New evidence: house of Putin, votes - Elections
  189. Who is Stealing America? Great investigative reporting: Hugo Chavez, voting, - Elections
  190. Why do dems riot every time they lose: Democrats, conservative, poll - Elections
  191. Has In Texas or GA Reported They Can't Vote?: states - Elections
  192. Canadian Federal Election - Live Coverage - Elections
  193. New York Republicans get out an vote NO in November: elections, elect
  194. Arizona Republican AG Mark Brnovich running for Senate: campaign, suspect, conspiracy - Elections
  195. The Audit Break Down... Massachusetts? What! - Elections
  196. Who Saw Wisconsin Coming! Whoa!: campaign, represent - Elections
  197. California recall candidate Larry Elder disqualified. Will sue to get on ballot: election, elect - Elections
  198. Political election game participate.: Al Gore, Huckabee, votes, - Elections
  199. If you are confused by the audits, Dr. Frank explains it in an easy to understand way: interview, security - Elections
  200. CIA Recruiting Video - This has to be a joke? - Elections