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  1. What they'll do your tax bill from CNN money: vote, security, thoughts - Elections
  2. It's not going to get better than this? McCain on NBC's Today Show: gas prices, Iraq - Elections
  3. Obama's Press Secretary: president - Elections
  4. Huckabee Saves a Life Today: president, Reed, McCain - Elections
  5. Voters Give Media Failing Grades: bias, president, election, good news - Elections
  6. Alcohol industry ties may test McCain: interview, legal, Republican, spokeswoman - Elections
  7. McCain Voters: Iran, dollar, economy, programs - Elections
  8. Obama/Rev. Wright or McCain/John Hagee: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  9. Bush - McCain 30 Second Challenge: Obama - Elections
  10. Bill Clinton: campaign, thoughts, represent, Obama - Elections
  11. Warhawk Obama ?: Congress, Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  12. Hillary vs Rudy: What Happened?: Al Gore, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  13. Objective Analyst Provides Interesting Negative Obama Observations: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  14. Forget the Immigration policies, Ending Illegal Immigration is the next War On Drugs.: unemployment, vote - Elections
  15. Schwarzkopf & Gates on why we didn't invade Baghdad in '91: Colin Powell, Iran - Elections
  16. It's Not Too Important !!!: Iraq, campaign, McCain, news - Elections
  17. Reflecting on Hillary vs Obama.: campaign, McCain, versus - Elections
  18. McCain you can google you VP search: Republican, president, date - Elections
  19. Video News, Japan, Obama's dancing girls.: democratic, president, Bill Clinton, American - Elections
  20. Obama & McCain Ignore Looming Depression: unemployment, wages, Republicans, regular - Elections
  21. McCain revealed,,, interesting: voters, Obama, Americans, cost - Elections
  22. McCain's Campaign: Democrats, Republicans, CNN, Obama - Elections
  23. Wisconsin: Obama 45% McCain 43%: votes, democratic, polls, president - Elections
  24. McCain the unhappy warrior.: campaign, Reagan, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  25. simple Guess!: unemployment, gallon, premium, independent - Elections
  26. Obama to use a Bush plan to stimulate economy: gas prices, McCain, Americans - Elections
  27. The security agreement in Iraq and the candidates: Iran, middle east, illegal - Elections
  28. Obama says he'll impose a windfall tax on oil companies: votes, Congress - Elections
  29. Election Humor: Iran, Iraq, Republican - Elections
  30. Get Ready...Obama Taking Over: president, town - Elections
  31. John McCain - all hat, no cattle - just like Bush! - Elections
  32. article: Iran, Israel, nuclear, president - Elections
  33. Blunders of the week!: date - Elections
  34. Obama - A not so extensive resume: votes, senator - Elections
  35. Obama's Outreach to Young Christians: generation, campaign, abortion, news - Elections
  36. What's Up Hillary's Sleeve?: candidacy, campaign, conspiracy, Clinton - Elections
  37. Comedy Gold: Rhetorical Genius Explains Why Hospitals Use Breathalyzers On Children: Obama, McCain - Elections
  38. Hillary Suspending Campaign, but will she concede?: vote, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  39. Growing talk of Iran Attack: Congress, middle east, campaign, - Elections
  40. The inside scoop on Mrs Ron Paul: liberals, economic - Elections
  41. Neocons say polls don't matter now, but...: Ron Paul, votes, campaign - Elections
  42. Sam Nunn: thoughts, CNN, Obama - Elections
  43. BREAKING NEWS: The Whitey Tape Revealed!: votes, Democrats - Elections
  44. Hillary takes the high road, women flock to Obama!: voters, interview, generation - Elections
  45. The Case Against Obama & McCain: political, election, elect, news - Elections
  46. Poll: Obama leading in Wisconsin: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  47. What are McCAIN'S accomplishments/experience?: thoughts, democratic, president, Obama - Elections
  48. McCain says he's computer illiterate: president, elect - Elections
  49. McCain Boosters: campaign, Americans, program, worker - Elections
  50. McCain and the GOP: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans, March - Elections
  51. Obama lead on McCain growing in polls: political - Elections
  52. Scandal - what works vs. what doesn't: Ron Paul, campaign, president - Elections
  53. Test your Obama/Mcain IQ: Congress, Iraq, radical, Barack Obama - Elections
  54. Barr is on Glenn Beck right now, Watch it and see what he's about: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  55. The American Conservative: McCain is an accutely narcisstic militarist armed with Bush Doctrine: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  56. McCain: Bush Should Be ABOVE The Law: Ron Paul, votes, interview - Elections
  57. Oprah: campaign, Obama, state - Elections
  58. Obama - Wal-Mart jobs for Everyone!!: vote, Democrats, Kennedy - Elections
  59. absolutely positively on the fence?: Ron Paul, Cheney, vote - Elections
  60. The United States of Europe: health care, security, liberals, president - Elections
  61. Obama will be the 14th Scottish American President: CNN, Kennedy - Elections
  62. McCain and Roe v. Wade: house of voters, interview, illegal - Elections
  63. Could this becomes a road block for McCain, ...?: vote, soldier, president - Elections
  64. The Polls show Obama winning, pulling ahead: Al Gore, voters, - Elections
  65. 61% Say Obama, McCain Wives Influence Vote: voters, democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  66. Cocky Ignorance: vote, Congress, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  67. Voters Say 'Drill': Congress, security, liberals, nuclear - Elections
  68. Quick Poll: Do you know John McCain's middle name?: Barack Obama, Bush - Elections
  69. Obama is confused!!: John Kerry, Putin, vote, Iraq - Elections
  70. McCain - An extensive Resume: votes, campaign, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  71. MSNBC/WSJ poll: Obama leads McCain: voters, Reagan, democratic, polls - Elections
  72. Obama Has Put The Rumors To Rest With Website: regular, radical, Barack Obama - Elections
  73. Top Talent Scout for Obama Tied to Subprime Lender: campaign, Republican - Elections
  74. McCain Admits He Doesn't Know How To Use A Computer: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  75. McCain thinks Putin is the president of Germany: Iraq, Barack Obama, education - Elections
  76. hollywood has a crush on obama: vote, generation, Reagan, impeachment - Elections
  77. Joe Biden for Vice President: Corporate Profits, Congress, Iraq, wages - Elections
  78. Obama launches website against 'smears': Rush Limbaugh, campaign, democratic, conservative - Elections
  79. Who is Phil Gramm?: 9/11, Congress, wages, campaign - Elections
  80. Cindy McCain is a bad person: drug, suspect, racist - Elections
  81. Can look at the record of this administration and say 'Well done?': 9/11, vote - Elections
  82. McCain caught lying again!: vote, ethics, president, Clinton - Elections
  83. Obama Has 2 Years Experience vs. McCain's 21 Years!: interview, president, racist - Elections
  84. John McCain wants to regulate CEO pay: wage, Republican, liberals - Elections
  85. Why Do Women Give McCain a Zero ?: polls, soldiers, Bill Clinton - Elections
  86. POLL: Is Barack Hussein Obama a Closet Racist?: vote, democrat, Liberalism - Elections
  87. Is Cindy McCain a Drug Addict?: campaign, illegal, liberal, Barack Obama - Elections
  88. McCains Base?: voters, interview, generation, - Elections
  89. Live! From NY! It's Jo-o-ohn McCain!: voters, campaign, liberal, CNN - Elections
  90. Has the Republican Party Left You?: voting, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  91. What will McCain do if Iraq kicks us out?: Congress, security, legal - Elections
  92. Not too Important?: Harry Reid, Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  93. Black Conservative versus White Liberal: Clarence Thomas, votes, Congress, Americans - Elections
  94. Can the dems win without a Perot?: Al Gore, Ron Paul, health care - Elections
  95. Obama - running for Carter's second term: gas prices, voters, Iran - Elections
  96. WSJ Obama's $3.3 trillion, Mccain 4.5 trillion debt: health care, voters, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  97. This is for Democrats: voters, Congress, Republican - Elections
  98. The Candidates on Taxes, Analyzed: gallon, Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  99. Rasmussen: Obama takes lead in Michigan: John Kerry, vote, interview, Democrats - Elections
  100. The Video That Should Sink McCain's Presidential Dreams: war, date - Elections
  101. How to Speak Republican: Rush Limbaugh, Harry Reid, conservative, Reid - Elections
  102. Should Obama Help Pay Off Clinton Campaign Debt?: votes, thoughts, CNN - Elections
  103. Why Did McCain Oppose MLK Day in 1983,1987,1989 & 1994 ?: health care, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  104. Your country or your party?: health care, gas prices, vote, Congress - Elections
  105. Virginia's Going Democrat: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats, polls - Elections
  106. Obama will not release his Birth Certificate: Congress, Iran, - Elections
  107. McCain will veto every single beer: CNN, lobbyist, lobby - Elections
  108. POLL: The Democrat Party moved so far to the Left, they should be considered the 'New' American Communist Party.: vote, patriot - Elections
  109. Again one stepps down from Obama's campaign!!!: health care, voting, Iraq - Elections
  110. Obama vetter resigns: Congress, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  111. Christian leaders meet privately with Obama: voters, Iraq, interview, campaign - Elections
  112. Ohio Guv Won't Run with Obama: voters, campaign, vice president - Elections
  113. Hillary Clinton Supporters Unite Against Barack Hussein Obama: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  114. Women dislike McCain more than Bush: Republican, CNN, poll, Obama - Elections
  115. Obama Speech in Chicago - Troubling: vote, supporter, date - Elections
  116. If Obama takes Hillary as his running mate, could that spell out his downfall: voters, Iraq - Elections
  117. Obama/Bush and Iran and Israel: vote, middle east, Israeli, nuclear - Elections
  118. Palestinians Phonebank for Obama: voters, middle east, Israeli, campaign - Elections
  119. Is There A Possibility You Will Consider Bob Barr as the Alternative?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  120. John McCain's grasp of economics: Condi Rice, Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  121. McCain gets Zero from Environmental Organization: Corporate Profit, Dick Cheney, votes, Congress - Elections
  122. AOL Poll shows McCain winning: Democrats, liberals, Obama, political - Elections
  123. I'm soory, I don't trust polls the corporate media do between McCain and Obama.: health care, gas prices - Elections
  124. Obama: Higher Spiritual Being?: votes, Reagan, regular, president - Elections
  125. Will BLACK PEOPLE Watch the NEWS?: poll, regular, suspect - Elections
  126. Hillary Supporters/Supporting Obama?: vote, campaign, conservative, represent - Elections
  127. A thank you letter from Obama: Ron Paul, vote, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  128. Who is really hurt by taxing the oil companies?: vote, security, represent - Elections
  129. Who will you vote for?: democrat, Republicans, poll, president - Elections
  130. How will Obama get us out of Iraq?: Iran, soldier, president - Elections
  131. HILLARY ON OBAMA's WEB SIGHT: vote, campaign, democratic, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  132. Interesting article: Barack Obama, brainwash, politicians, news - Elections
  133. Hillary Kisses Obama's A--: voters, Democrats, Clinton, speech - Elections
  134. Hillary's concession speech: campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  135. Obama Family photos: party affiliation, voting, Republican, president - Elections
  136. Jesse Ventura: vote, thoughts, Republican, president - Elections
  137. Bush misused Iraq Intelligence: Colin Powell, 9/11, votes, Congress - Elections
  138. Obama's rhetoric sounds.....: unemployed, health care, Iraq, millionaire - Elections
  139. Michelle Obama. . . not the woman I knew: Putin, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  140. It's Time for Another Obama Race Speech: Clarence Thomas, vote, - Elections
  141. TV ads for VP? tell me they're kidding: president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  142. If John McCain becomes president, say goodbye to Roe vs Wade: vote, Congress - Elections
  143. political cartoons: voters, Iraq, conservative, represent - Elections
  144. McCain vs. Obama: Health Care: Congress, democrat, Republicans, premium - Elections
  145. Flip Flop: McCain NOW Supports Bush's Warrantless Wiretaps.: votes, Iraq, ethics - Elections
  146. Obama's In Control: No More Lobbyist Contributions To Democratic Party: health care, campaign - Elections
  147. Why are you voting for Obama?: Democrats, McCain, government, world - Elections
  148. What will you give up to pay for higher taxes when a Dem gets elected?: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  149. Cnn: campaign, biased, president - Elections
  150. Carol McCain Quote:: vote, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  151. Obama Claims Nominee and DJ Tanks: unemployment, Fast food, voters, - Elections
  152. Written documentation of whitey tape discovered: Cheney, campaign, democratic - Elections
  153. Democrats Against Obama: Fast food, vote, Republican, party - Elections
  154. Could Someone Tell Obama He Is Not The Messiah?: voters, ethic - Elections
  155. Newcomer's accomplishments? I'm STUMPED on our current president's accomplishents!: Condoleezza Rice, health care, votes - Elections
  156. Hillary Sucking Up: voters, racist, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  157. What is the most important issue?: global warming, health care, voters, Iraq - Elections
  158. Obama's little lies....: NAFTA, health care, voters, Iran - Elections
  159. Todays Rasmussen Poll: global warming, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  160. Serious ...: votes, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  161. McCain is Taking $58,000 in Disability ?: votes, campaign, Democrats, border - Elections
  162. If Bush ATTACKS, We Will QUIT!: Congress, Iran, Iraq, security - Elections
  163. will racism grow as a result of Obama becoming president?: voters, Israel - Elections
  164. How will the candidate YOU SUPPORT pay for their new programs.: health care, vote - Elections
  165. Democrat Presidential Candidate, who hangouts with known anti-American (bomber) terrorists, racists, crooked political: Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  166. Whitey Tape, We Hardly Knew Ye: voters, Iran, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  167. Listen to the Obama the Bumbler: votes, Republican, president, death - Elections
  168. Tom Delay says Republicans will vote for Ron Paul: Huckabee, voters, Congress - Elections
  169. who's the bigger warmonger, obama or mccain?: Barack Obama, election, elect - Elections
  170. How Will Good News in Iraq Affect Obama Vs. McCain?: votes, enemy - Elections
  171. McCain has no answers on economy: gallon, Congress, Iraq, - Elections
  172. Obama's VP long decided?: vote, Congress, democratic, Attorney - Elections
  173. McCain declines to meet with Billy Graham: Ron Paul, voting, Iraq - Elections
  174. 77% Like McCain Proposal for Ten Town Hall Debates: conservative, president, Obama - Elections
  175. Obama and Breathalyzers: campaign, heroin, president, Kennedy - Elections
  176. McCain's Base Solid as a Sponge: unemployment, health care, gas prices, vote - Elections
  177. McCain vs. Obama: Education: vote, Iraq, education system, solution - Elections
  178. Dean admits sexism remarks went unchallenged: voters, interview, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  179. What Dems/Libs BELIEVE - Ready to vote?: global warming, health care, party affiliation - Elections
  180. Lesser of Two Evils: enemy, Reagan, poll, president - Elections
  181. Rasmussen: Obama leads McCain 48%-40%: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  182. Hillary's Head Ready To Explode: campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  183. What Will Look Like In 150 Days?: unemployment, gallon, wages - Elections
  184. Ron Paul supporters:who are you voting for?: health care, interstate, vote - Elections
  185. Hillary becoming president, less sexism?: Iraq, democratic, racism, Obama - Elections
  186. If you could ask them anything: health care, Iraq, middle east, enemy - Elections
  187. Was the 08 Primaries a good thing?: voters, generation, campaign - Elections
  188. is America really this stupid?: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq, - Elections
  189. McCain's an opportunist? R. Perot thinks so.: vote, Palestinian, racist - Elections
  190. What Rep/neocons BELIEVE & Do-Ready to Vote?: global warming, voters, Iraq - Elections
  191. Interesting Obama list: election, elect, state - Elections
  192. Everything you wanted to know about Obama... - Elections
  193. 'Obama Girls' fly to Hawaii to cheer on Obama for U.S. presidency: news - Elections
  194. McCain edges closer in daily Rasmussen Poll: voters, campaign, liberal - Elections
  195. Obama's Healthcare and the Privatization of Senate Dining: solution, world, Washington - Elections
  196. Obama - Don't hang with the palestinians anymore: Israeli, Barack Obama, state - Elections
  197. McCain goes against FL GOP and votes against restoring Everglades.: elections, elect
  198. I'm Voting ... Republican - Elections
  199. explain taxes and Entitlements: date - Elections
  200. Obama is the Messiah - today's strawman: Fast food, March - Elections