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  1. Florida District 21: Woman Banned From ALL Social Media, in the Lead: vote, Congress - Elections
  2. Constitution Party nominates Don Blankenship for President: legal, Republican - Elections
  3. Polls that mattered... for date: vote, democratic, regular - Elections
  4. Both DNC candidates want open borders: votes, illegal, Sanders, illegals - Elections
  5. Republican State Legislators in Louisiana use mail-in ballots to restrict voting by mail-in ballots: news - Elections
  6. Looking like Biden will win Washington state: votes, democrat - Elections
  7. Osama bin Laden wanted to kill the totally unprepared Biden would lead the US into a crises: Afghanistan, vice president - Elections
  8. 3rd party or independent candidate analysis for 2024: Ron Paul, house of votes - Elections
  9. Scratch one Biden veep candidate: party, news - Elections
  10. Department if Political Irony: voters, generation, drug, president - Elections
  11. Why is Trump the only candidate to propose a budget?: voters, Mexican - Elections
  12. Joe Biden sides with big pharma: vote, campaign, ethical, drugs - Elections
  13. Trump almost equals Biden with Latinos in Yougov poll: voters, deported, compare - Elections
  14. What is alt-right / far right ?: Putin, enemy, Taliban - Elections
  15. Former Republican Bruce Bartlett endorses Joe Biden: Ron Paul, vote, Reagan - Elections
  16. Meghan McCain endorses Joe Biden: support, family, news - Elections
  17. Bernie Speaks Out After Biden Says He Doesn't Want to Debate Him Again: president, Sanders - Elections
  18. Obama speaks out about Trump: vote, president, party - Elections
  19. Yes, Bernie does have three houses: millionaire, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  20. Donald Trump Earns A Major Endorsement for his Reelection !!: unemployment, health care, security - Elections
  21. Trump campaign gamble> Try to rally before Biden: president, political, elections
  22. Biden Defends '94 Crime Bill as Trump Rights Its Wrongs: Democrats, support - Elections
  23. Senator David Perdue warns GOP activists that Georgia is in play: voters, Democrats - Elections
  24. The 2 Americas as documented by the latest USA Today/Suffolk Poll: voters, CNN - Elections
  25. Isn't it odd what more public exposure does ...: poll, American, March - Elections
  26. Biden to drilled by Trump Super-PAC on CHINA: voters, campaign, - Elections
  27. White House working on plan to cut aid to WHO: NAFTA, democrat - Elections
  28. Tax deductible contributions: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  29. Trump losing badly voters who hate both candidates: conservative, bias, represent - Elections
  30. China's gift to Trump: 9/11, Putin, voters, enemy - Elections
  31. NY Times headline: The Media. Young Voters. Sanders Spreads the Blame for His Decline. NYT is your ally, Berniebots.: Democrats, March - Elections
  32. CA Gov. Newsom Signs Vote-by-Mail Order: voters, Congress, security, Democrats - Elections
  33. Trump has lost his war on voting by mail: votes, legal - Elections
  34. Republican Mayor in Macomb County Michigan votes for and endorses Joe Biden: NAFTA, wages - Elections
  35. Warren / Biden: “Something good”: campaign, CNN, Pelosi, politicians - Elections
  36. The Meltdown of the far left Commies... Starts: town - Elections
  37. Stick a fork in Bernie: voters, work - Elections
  38. NBC/WSJ Poll: Biden has big lead who don’t like Biden or Trump: voters, conservative - Elections
  39. Will DNC ditch Biden as the nominee?: interview, candidacy, George W. Bush - Elections
  40. Biden's Cabinet: voters, security, democrat, Attorney - Elections
  41. 3 new polls have Biden leading in Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania: campaign, impeachment - Elections
  42. Is it time for Donald Trump to step aside, for the good of the party and the country?: vote, illegal - Elections
  43. Will the Wall Street Journal Endorse Joe Biden?: health care, votes, salary - Elections
  44. AOC says she supports Biden: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  45. New Polls for MI, WI and PA: voters, interviews, campaign - Elections
  46. Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden: votes, generation, campaign, president - Elections
  47. NY POST How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House: Limbaugh, Clarence Thomas - Elections
  48. WI voters oust conservative judge: campaign, Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  49. Can Justin Amash-I beat Trump?: Ron Paul, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  50. If the Unemployment rate is high by November does Donald Trump still get re-elected?: vote, enemy - Elections
  51. Bernie Sanders tells tha Associated Press That It Would Be “Irresponsible” For His Followers Not to Support Joe Biden: votes, generation - Elections
  52. Trump drops 6 points since last month in Gallup poll: vote, enemy, - Elections
  53. Biden and Doctor wife on Morning Joe: interview, thoughts, liberal - Elections
  54. The age bracket that votes at the highest rates ...: voters, security, campaign - Elections
  55. Article - I'm a conservative. Right-wing media coverage of the virus has been a disaster.: impeachment, democratic - Elections
  56. Politico: Joe Manchin will endorse Joe Biden for President: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  57. Since 2016, Republicans have lost 7 of 8 statewide races In Wisconsin!: house seat, employment, votes - Elections
  58. Obama Will Formally Endorse Joe Biden Today: Mexican, illegal aliens, vice president - Elections
  59. Will the Biden rape accusation end #metoo?: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  60. Beijing Biden: campaign, president, support - Elections
  61. Who will the democrats nominate when Biden cannot make it to the general election?: voters, millionaire - Elections
  62. Why is Morning Joe pushing Biden so hard?: Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  63. Absentee Voting and Voting-by-Mail: party affiliation, votes, democratic, Republican - Elections
  64. Joe Walsh backing Joe Biden: vote, Congress, Republican, liberal - Elections
  65. TRUMP will be re-elected: unemployment, votes, Iran, campaign - Elections
  66. National polls tightening up: carry, states, world, news - Elections
  67. Biden has zero chance with his unfavorables: voters, democrat - Elections
  68. WHAT is Trump's strategy to manage COVID-19 to give him the best chance for reelection?: unemployment, conspiracy - Elections
  69. 2020 election prediction, post COVID: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  70. bet Trump will try to delay or invalidate the election?: votes - Elections
  71. Who would you like to see become Joe Biden's VP?: vote, campaign - Elections
  72. Mourning In America Ad DESTROYS Trump: voters, patriot, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  73. Nearly 1 in 4 Bernie Sanders supporters is #NeverBiden: voters, democrat - Elections
  74. Texas is tied: vote, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  75. Empty Suit Caught Delivering Empty Boxes: liberals, administration, news - Elections
  76. If your republican will you be voting for Joe Biden: vote, democrat - Elections
  77. Biden is no longer campaigning!: vote, democrat, president, death - Elections
  78. Republican Tom Tiffany Wins Wisconsin House Seat in Special Election by a Landslide: voters, Congress - Elections
  79. CA-25 Special Election: Republican Mike Garcia leads by TWELVE Points!: vote, Congress - Elections
  80. 2024 election primary prediction: Trump name will still be a major player in 2024: vote, Democrats - Elections
  81. Chances of Biden being the nominee: voting, Democrats, president, Obama - Elections
  82. If Biden is Elected - What Next for Republicans.: voters, Democrats, president - Elections
  83. Republicans and other non-Democrats, how will you when Trump loses?: Putin, voters - Elections
  84. Biden whining about Trump being tested too often!: Democrats, represent, president - Elections
  85. Jeff Flake says he’s voting for Joe Biden: voters, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  86. President Trump at the Town Hall, the most gracious and humble President ever: conservative, Obama - Elections
  87. The Conspiracy to Elect Joe Biden: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  88. Jesse Ventura Teasing Green Party Run: vote, president, conspiracy, American - Elections
  89. Why is Gavin Newsom being nice to Trump?: Americans, leader, governor - Elections
  90. Can Biden beat Trump: unemployment, voters, democrat, polls - Elections
  91. Trump's VP for 2020: Huckabee, vote, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  92. Do you believe Tara Reades sexual assault allegations against Joe Bidens: vote, campaign - Elections
  93. It begins...Clinton Democrat advisor asks Biden to end Presidential bid: voters, Iraq - Elections
  94. Biden - Rape Allegation. The Accuser Speaks: interviews, Obama, politicians - Elections
  95. Dems fail to take moral high-ground: employment, voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  96. Joe Biden's latest: economic, family, women - Elections
  97. Justin Amash is Running for President 3rd Party as a Libertarian: votes, Congress - Elections
  98. Eva Murry (niece of Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell) says Biden sexually harassed her at age 14: accuse, crime - Elections
  99. WANTED: Independent Presidential Candidate: health care, votes, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  100. GOP Candidates running away from Trump.: voters, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  101. Mika: What's Joe Biden Hiding?: interview, Democrats, Sanders, March - Elections
  102. Joe Biden Swims Naked, Upsetting Female Secret Service Agents: democrat, vice president, Americans - Elections
  103. Trump turning on his own !: campaign, American, political, elections
  104. Republicans need a center-left Independent to run for President: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  105. World's boldest heist had 330M witnesses in broad daylight: house of votes, Democrats - Elections
  106. Let's leave politics out, but how are we supposed to have an election in November?: voters, polls - Elections
  107. Is it time for Joe Biden to step aside, for the good of the party and country?: voters, campaign - Elections
  108. Men need not apply: Joe Biden pledges to choose woman to be his running mate: voters, campaign - Elections
  109. Ohio polls show Biden and Sanders beating Trump: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  110. Should Sanders concede so that the rest of the primaries can be cancelled?: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  111. Result of CoronaVirus on Trump's Re-election: 9/11, president, deaths - Elections
  112. New TV Commercial for Joe Biden that Features Obama's Endorsement: vote, campaign - Elections
  113. Democrats Think the American People are Stupid: vote, conspiracy, Americans - Elections
  114. Jerry Falwell Jr. says coronavirus is North Korea-China weapon to hurt Trump.: Reagan, conservative - Elections
  115. Arizona polls show Biden up by a lot: Congress, campaign, illegal aliens - Elections
  116. well....this Biden commercial didn't go as planned: Putin, votes, campaign - Elections
  117. Questions about Sunday’s Dem Debate: vote, president, conspiracy, Sanders - Elections
  118. Another Tuesday Primary and I Think Everyone Forgot ...: voters, Democrats, president - Elections
  119. Sanders needs to drop out if he cares for the citizens: voters, generations - Elections
  120. Biden beating Trump in Maine, Michigan, Minnesota and Missouri: votes, campaign - Elections
  121. Tulsi Suspends and Endorses Biden: Democrats, president, Clinton - Elections
  122. Pelosi has a real challenger this fall: house of voters, Congress - Elections
  123. Trump starts campaign in the worst position for incumbent since Harry Truman in 1948: votes, polls - Elections
  124. You had 3 YEARS and Biden is the best you got?: voters, democrat - Elections
  125. More than 80 National Security Professionals Endorse Joe Biden: vote, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  126. It's official, Floridians hate communism. Bernie gets only under a 1/3 of votes.: Michael Bloomberg, health care - Elections
  127. An Open Letter to Joe Biden: Hey Joe Stop Texting Me.: party affiliation, vote - Elections
  128. Choice in November: vote, president, Clinton, borders - Elections
  129. A 'Never Biden' movement vows not to vote for Joe: voters, Congress - Elections
  130. Should the 2020 election be postponed?: vote, Democrats, state, Washington - Elections
  131. Mitt Romney is more popular democrats than republicans: voters, enemy, conservative - Elections
  132. Michigan just cheated Bernie tonight: voters, Democrats, polls - Elections
  133. Andrew Yang endorses Biden: campaign, Reagan, president, Clinton - Elections
  134. Biden will get “himself into trouble” and will say something that he “cannot overcome.”-Jim Clyburn: millionaire, democratic - Elections
  135. Opps. Biden goes to Ohio after that Detroit Mess. - He's Running for Vice President.: voting, campaign - Elections
  136. Former Democrat Auto Workers in Michigan Cheer President Trump during Biden Visit: voters, wages - Elections
  137. Democrats love voting for corruption: interstate, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  138. Joe Loses It (again) Tells worker in Plant You’re Full of S***! tell another voter that he's a Horses Ass: NAFTA, votes - Elections
  139. Biden tells worker he is full of **** over 2A discussion.: illegal, president - Elections
  140. Biden Rally looks YUGE ---- Until the Camera Pans Out.: vote, campaign - Elections
  141. Bernie is the only viable candidate: Ron Paul, votes, Democrats, conspiracy - Elections
  142. The next leader of the American Democratic left?: campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  143. Bernie Strategy... Ride It Out: health care system, vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  144. Biden vs Sanders: It's going down!: voters, democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  145. Looks like Mark Kelly is 7 points up on McSally in polling!: voters, Congress - Elections
  146. Des Moines Register poll has Trump lead expanding in Iowa: voters, campaign - Elections
  147. WOW, Is He OK? Biden Says Bernie Joined Trump's Campaign.: vote, - Elections
  148. Medicare for All is Now 20 for 20 in the Democratic Primary: health care, - Elections
  149. Now Comes Time for Bernies Exit: voters, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  150. Which name should Trump use for Joe Biden?: vote, democratic, president - Elections
  151. Bernie speaking now....: employment, democratic, liberal, education - Elections
  152. Biden fans. What inspires you to vote for Biden besides dislike of Trump.: health care, democrat - Elections
  153. Wall Street to pick Joe Biden's VP: interview, president, racist - Elections
  154. Bernie's out!: Democrats, Obama, Reed, Sanders - Elections
  155. Who will be Biden's VP?: voters, Congress, campaign, democrat - Elections
  156. Surefire way for Trump to beat Biden: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  157. Nikki Haley presidential run in 2024?: Israel, Republicans, date - Elections
  158. Wisconsin Supreme Court blocks governor's order delaying primary: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  159. Are other Democrats angry that Biden is the nominee?: vote, campaign - Elections
  160. To: Biden delegates: vote, Democrats, Americans, million - Elections
  161. Are the GOP better off losing in 2020 and having Biden as president?: house of Congress - Elections
  162. Biden beating Trump by 6 points in new Florida poll: voters, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  163. As a Democrat, this Coronavirus BS is pushing me to vote for Trump: Ron Paul, Democrats - Elections
  164. Election turnout this year will drop: party affiliation, voters, legal, Democrats - Elections
  165. Biden leads Trump in every poll, Florida: vote, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  166. Trump / Biden tied in latest poll: voters, polls, racist, politicians - Elections
  167. Which candidate is best suited to bring our economy back?: president, leader - Elections
  168. Liberal icon Alec Baldwin tells Trump supporters to “not vote”: voters, Democrats - Elections
  169. If you had to Choose: Biden vs. Cuomo ??: president, governor, world - Elections
  170. What did Bernie do to earn a living before elected to an office?: campaign, democratic - Elections
  171. Trump-Biden tied in new Fox poll: voters, Republicans, polls, Obama - Elections
  172. Microscopic virus defeating Trump....: Rush Limbaugh, unemployment, health care, voters - Elections
  173. Biden will become president: NAFTA, Michael Bloomberg, voters, patriots - Elections
  174. Democrats want mail in voting for elections...: voters, campaign,
  175. where are Biden's handlers?: liberals, accuses, president, racist - Elections
  176. Voter enthusiasm: Trump = 55% Biden = 28%: voters, Democrats, drugs - Elections
  177. Latest polls looking good for Trump in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin: unemployment, - Elections
  178. Biden beating Trump by 9 points in Fox News poll: vote, interviews, Democrats - Elections
  179. Future Democratic Presidential Candidates: vote, Congress, Brown - Elections
  180. Trump wants his signature to be on every Coronavirus relief check: votes, president - Elections
  181. The Ad Trump Doesn't Want You to See: regular, president, Reed - Elections
  182. Biden's claim he 'became a professor' after leaving Senate sparks confusion: campaign, vice president - Elections
  183. Why Trump will win in 2020 by a good margin: vote, democratic - Elections
  184. Coronavirus will help Trump election chances: vote, Republican, drugs, liberals - Elections
  185. Bernie Sanders Continues to Prove HE'S the Leader We Need Right Now: vote, president - Elections
  186. Joe Biden's sexual assault accuser breaks silence with graphic allegations MERGED: Democrats, abortion - Elections
  187. Trump is a war-time President: ethics, speech, Bush, terrorism - Elections
  188. Good prospect for GOP in 2024: vote, impeachment, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  189. Cuomo does have a shot at it.: vote, liberals - Elections
  190. Whoopi Goldberg Asks Bernie Sanders: ‘Why Are You Still In The Race?’: votes, Congress - Elections
  191. Internal Republican Poll Has Trump leading Biden by 2 points in Georgia: voters, Congress - Elections
  192. Biden Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer for VP?: Israeli, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  193. 2020 odds: Cuomo surges, third behind Trump, Biden: 9/11, vote, interviews - Elections
  194. Trump Shouldn't Be on the Republican Ticket as President in 2020, Pence Should Be Instead: vote, Congress - Elections
  195. Trump Economy....: unemployment, votes, Iraq, drug - Elections
  196. Biden has a serious problem vs. Trump...: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  197. Remember that this is Joe:: Democrats - Elections
  198. A different way to campaign for President in future: interviews, democratic, speech - Elections
  199. Jesse Ventura is running for President as Green Party candidate - Elections
  200. Joe Biden’s History of Cringe-Worthy Gaffes | Larry Elder Show - Elections