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  1. Can Kamala Harris Convince Her Skeptics?: legal, Democrats - Elections
  2. What presidential political ads are you seeing on Facebook? Who do you support?: campaign, democratic - Elections
  3. Warren speaks to crowd of hundreds in Franconia, NH: votes, campaign, borders - Elections
  4. They're Falling Like Dominoes: Congress, Republican, represent, Pelosi - Elections
  5. Time flies (in presidential term) - Elections
  6. Is it me, or is the news giving short shrift to Republican candidates Weld and Walsh?: Ron Paul, Democrats - Elections
  7. Mark Robinson Running Lt Gov NC: campaign, legal, Republican, governor - Elections
  8. Presidential Elections According to PredictIt - Yang is 4th: voters, legal, democratic
  9. I look at betting odds and I get that feeling of excitement: president, election - Elections
  10. Elizabeth Warren, the affirmative action candidate: Democrats, Republican, African, election - Elections
  11. Hypothetical swing state general election results: polls, Clinton, Obama, Sanders - Elections
  12. Funny stuff at DSA convention: vote, Congress, enemies, - Elections
  13. Another major candidate, Mike Gravel, drops out of the presidential race!: campaign, elect - Elections
  14. Yang becomes the 9th D to qualify for the September Debates: vote, interviews - Elections
  15. The 2020 meltdown is starting early this time. - Elections
  16. People are feel they got Bern'd: vote, millionaire, Sanders, million - Elections
  17. Biden needs to show the statistics, or he is lying.: accuse, president - Elections
  18. After Trump wins in 2020, this fine haritable org needs to be brought back: voters, economic - Elections
  19. People in New Hampshire Rally For Elizabeth Warren Because It's Her Turn!!!: vote, Democrats - Elections
  20. Name 5 thingss Trump has done....: Putin, conservative, Dodd, Obama - Elections
  21. Lot of liberal posters disappeared after the 2016 election I see: votes, Republican - Elections
  22. Funniest thing about the approval ratings: voters, democrat, president, racist - Elections
  23. Anti-Trump ads we will see in 2020: 9/11, Putin, Iran, security - Elections
  24. Top Dem Candidates Still Have Registered Voters Who Don't Know Who They Are: campaign, polls - Elections
  25. Will Bernie Sanders’ newest proposals have devastating impact on his campaign?: voters, liberal - Elections
  26. Are Donations a Forecast ....?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  27. Another GOP Rep decides not to run again: vote, Congress, Reagan - Elections
  28. Net worth of every current Democrat POTUS candidate: vote, Congress, wage - Elections
  29. Nearly 60 mayors and ex-mayors endorse Pete Buttigieg.: financial, support, 2012 - Elections
  30. Saw two Warren stickers on the way to work today (17 Sep): campaign, democrat - Elections
  31. How does Bernie do better against Trump than Warren: voters, security, - Elections
  32. Trump beating the probable nominee by 2 in New Hampshire: polls, statistics - Elections
  33. Trump still thinks he is on the apprentice... - Elections
  34. Democrats Admit Trump Helped GOP Candidates Sweep North Carolina Special Elections: thoughts, Republicans
  35. Keep America Great - Trump 2020: president - Elections
  36. Joe Bidens Funniest Videos: campaign - Elections
  37. Houston, we have a problem.: security - Elections
  38. Which Texas candidate do you think will fare better in the debate tonight in Houston?: president, Sanders - Elections
  39. First poll after second debates: vote, campaign, democrat, polls - Elections
  40. Thoughts on impact of early contests for Dem. nomination: voters, Democrats, represent - Elections
  41. The Unhinged Left Protests Itself - Elections
  42. Odd Trump campaign robocall: vote, security, polls - Elections
  43. Things to Consider Before Voting..: vote, Congress, salary, campaign - Elections
  44. Candidates at NAACP convention, July 24: vote, campaign, president, news - Elections
  45. Why are Democrats so clueless?: vote, campaign, Republican, accuse - Elections
  46. Trump: Sleepy Joe Doesn't Know What In The Hell He's Doing: Democrats, racist - Elections
  47. Democratic endorsements: vote, campaign, Reagan, liberal - Elections
  48. Fund raising by candidate through 2nd quarter: campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  49. More deceit by Elizabeth Warren: voters, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  50. Bernie - Craziest....- and more: health care, democratic, liberal, regime - Elections
  51. Why Andrew Yang is the Future of the Republican Party: vote, security - Elections
  52. Is it over for Kamala Harris: voters, polls, Brown, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  53. If not for Google Trump wins the popular vote by 10 million: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  54. Valerie Plame: BEST election ad, period!: vote, illegal, accuse, FBI - Elections
  55. Challenging Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: voters, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  56. Bishop was down 17 points: campaign, democratic, conservative, CNN - Elections
  57. Michael Moore: ‘I Like Biden’ But Bernie Sanders Only Dem Who Can Beat Trump: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  58. Beto O'Rourke Plans To Force Rich People To Live With Poor People: education, school - Elections
  59. Russianow said to have targeted all 50 states: Putin, votes, security - Elections
  60. Latest Poll: Trump Support Blacks Down to 12%: voters, Republicans, polls - Elections
  61. Yang - why doesn't he get more traction?: votes, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  62. Michigan going back to Blue: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  63. Elizabeth Warren is Working With Hillary Clinton for 2020 Campaign: liberal, carry, election - Elections
  64. Latest New Hampshire poll by Emerson has Tulsi Gabbard at 6%!: vote, democratic - Elections
  65. Mark Sanford Declares Primary Challenge.: vote, campaign, democratic, conservative - Elections
  66. Why isn't Obama Supporting Biden?: voters, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  67. Which of the 5 female candidates do you support the most?: voters, campaign - Elections
  68. Biden's eye fills with blood during CNN climate town hall: votes, campaign - Elections
  69. Incredibly, Democrats have not learned their lesson on polls: vote, CNN, election - Elections
  70. A poll that got the 2016 election right says ...: votes, campaign, - Elections
  71. Tulsi Gabbard to be picking up support: voters, Iran, interviews - Elections
  72. Breaking: Trump hits 50% in new poll !!!: voters, democratic, polls - Elections
  73. NC state judges’ decision on gerrymandering break choke-hold: house of voters, Congress - Elections
  74. If Trump's approval rating is low, that makes it MORE likely that he'll be re-elected: voters, democrat - Elections
  75. So far Andrew Yang is firing on more cylinders than of the rest..: vote, Congress - Elections
  76. Trump Can't Win in the Rasmussen Poll: house of voters, Congress - Elections
  77. Nc-9: voters, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  78. Poll: Biden leads Warren in Massachusetts: employment, health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  79. Trump, GOP are Anti-Democracy: Moving to Cancel GOP Primaries: voters, enemy, Democrats - Elections
  80. Democrats arnt going to like this poll: voters, polls, political - Elections
  81. Dear Democrat Presidential Candidates: campaign, represent, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  82. Biden strengthening lead: John Kerry, voters, democrat, polls - Elections
  83. This is weakest field of Democratic candidates since ...: Democrats, Republican, racist - Elections
  84. Gabbard in October Debate: Putin, votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  85. Wow! Cory Booker plunges to 0% in the new National poll after openly seeking donations!: voters, candidacy - Elections
  86. Pence 2020 Campaign: impeachment, Obama, politician, election - Elections
  87. Get Ready for a Trump Electoral Landslide.....: votes, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  88. Michelle, a plea: your country needs you right now!: health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  89. Why it will be hard for Trump to win Wisconsin again: voters, interviews - Elections
  90. Wow Biden leads Trump by 8% in the ultimate bellweather state of Ohio!!: votes, campaign - Elections
  91. Joe Biden will be out soon: legal, impeachment, Democrats, suspect - Elections
  92. Who do you conservatives want to be the Dem candidate?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  93. Poll Only Presidential Candidates 2020: democratic, work, top - Elections
  94. Steve Bannon: Hillary Clinton Is Going to Run Again in 2020: votes, campaign - Elections
  95. I predict that Sanders is out and done: voters, campaign, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  96. Hillary is getting louder...will she jump in the race if Biden has to get out?: vote, legal - Elections
  97. MSNBC: Supporting Bernie over Warren is sexists: voters, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  98. Gabbard: Harris not qualified to serve as Commander in Chief: Congress, Iraq - Elections
  99. Jon Hollis is running against Adam Schiff: vote, Congress, patriots - Elections
  100. Latest FOX News Poll: voters, Congress, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  101. Sen. Biden: I will beat Trump like a Drum: voters, campaign - Elections
  102. Since 2020 is locked up for Trump, can the Dems win 2024: liberal - Elections
  103. Crowd of 20,000 Attends Warren Rally: campaign, president, state, supporters - Elections
  104. WOW Yang polls ahead of Kamala Harris in her home state of California!: votes, candidacy - Elections
  105. A radical plan too late for 2020.: voters, campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  106. So if the Election 2020 were between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders: vote, democrat - Elections
  107. Can you guess the ONLY candidate who didn't take questions after the debate?: Democrats - Elections
  108. Biden rambles after asked about racism: vote, Iraq, enemies, - Elections
  109. ALL the media said North Carolina would be an indicator, then we won: votes - Elections
  110. Trump and Warren hold rallies on the same day. 4x more attended Trump's.: Republicans, polls - Elections
  111. Kamala I'm * Moving to Iowa: legal, money - Elections
  112. Poor democrats. Minnesota waving BYE BYE: Congress, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  113. 10 Words that will end Bidens Campaign: vote, Iran, Iraq, legal - Elections
  114. Commie Mayor De Blasio drops out of Race: vote, Democrats, president - Elections
  115. How to ensure Democratic wins in 2020: health care, voters, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  116. What if Election 2016 were Trump vs Obama?: unemployment, voters, Reagan - Elections
  117. Hey Honey... we can't lose!: vote, Congress, security, democratic - Elections
  118. Warren scares me the most: vote, illegal, Obama, border - Elections
  119. In Utah poll, Donald Trump losing to ... Bernie Sanders & Cory Booker: vote, Democrats - Elections
  120. Do you think Senator Kamala Harris has a resting ***** face?: vote, interview - Elections
  121. Texodus! Is 2020 the Year Texas Becomes A Swing State?: vote, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  122. Biden's energy levels are laughable: death, Bush, states, work - Elections
  123. Who will Biden choose?: democratic, president, racist, million - Elections
  124. Biden failing so much in debates: vote, liberal - Elections
  125. Democrat supporters, if Trump wins in 2020 will you refuse the election results again?: thoughts, Liberalism - Elections
  126. Just 7 Candidates have qualified for the ABC Debate: voting, campaign, - Elections
  127. What is ideal population of USA?: votes, million, elections, elect
  128. Do the Dems have shot at 2024?: votes, democrat - Elections
  129. No Republican Challenge to Trump?: voters, candidacy, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  130. House GOP fears retirement wave will lead to tsunami: voters, campaign, - Elections
  131. Why do pundits still talk about moving to the middle for the general ?: John Kerry, voters - Elections
  132. Best duo to win White House - Klobouchar/Gabbard -: voters, thoughts, democrat - Elections
  133. My personal take on Democratic race at this point: Putin, vote, polls - Elections
  134. Latest Fox Poll Has Trump Losing to Biden, Sanders, Harris and Warren: voters, campaign - Elections
  135. Democratic Debates 7/31...Who is Pumped?!: Republicans, independent, American, military - Elections
  136. Betting Markets Say Elizabeth Warren Has Best Odds to Win Democratic Nomination: voters, thoughts - Elections
  137. Why the media hates Tulsi Gabbard: vote, Congress, illegal, democrat - Elections
  138. Is William Weld running?: vote, Congress, interviews, Republicans - Elections
  139. Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders... you can't have both running at the same time.: voters, - Elections
  140. Democratic Primaries: Final Six ..: vote, thoughts, Democrats, poll - Elections
  141. Trump supporters, if he loses in 2020 will you accept the new POTUS?: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  142. What are the Democrats THINKING?: health care, voters, Congress, wages - Elections
  143. WoW! - Michael Moore: Only Michelle Obama Can Beat Trump.: voters, Democrats - Elections
  144. Draft Hillary?: votes, Hillary Clinton, million, political - Elections
  145. Stick a fork in Harris, she is done!: campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  146. Is Biden the new Bob Dole and Walter Mondale?: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  147. Russia meddled in 2012. Why no outrage?: Putin, Republicans, Obama, Americans - Elections
  148. WOW!! Joe is BACK !!!!: vote, Republicans, president - Elections
  149. Sanders dropping in polls: voters, campaign, Democrats, Clinton - Elections
  150. Gillebrand, Warren, and Harris's whiny voices irk me.: vote, campaign, liberals - Elections
  151. What do you think the chances are that Tulsi Gabbard will be on the November 2020 ballot?: votes, interview - Elections
  152. Joe Biden Doesn't Know Difference Between a TXT Message and a Website. Messes up Own Promotion: democratic, president - Elections
  153. Tulsi Gabbard is taking a two-week break from the campaign trail: Dick Cheney, 9/11 - Elections
  154. Did Beto just Quit the Democrat Race?: Congress, generation, campaign - Elections
  155. Kamala Harris drops to 4th place in her home state of California. Is she in deep trouble?: voters, campaign - Elections
  156. Should we get rid of party designations?: party affiliation, voters, democratic - Elections
  157. Biden Packs Them In At Competing New Hampshire Event - Not Really: voters, campaign - Elections
  158. Biden in New Hampshire: It's Always Great Being Back in Vermont: voters, campaign - Elections
  159. Stick a fork in Joe Biden: Putin, polls, president - Elections
  160. Predictions of debate: voters, wage, Democrats - Elections
  161. Marianne Williamson: I am not a 'wacky new-age nutcase': Democrats, accuse, president - Elections
  162. Joe Biden shocks NH crowd with Bizzare Rant - 'Imagine what would have happened if Obama had been assassinated?': vote, candidacy - Elections
  163. DNc is rigged! Top candidates Gabbard and Marianne being scammed!: vote, Congress - Elections
  164. New Hampshire 1987: Joe Biden Assailed Teacher’s IQ, Compared Himself to MLK: voters, thoughts - Elections
  165. July 21 polls in 5 states: vote, Congress, Democrats, Sanders - Elections
  166. Joe Biden: I want to be clear I’m not going “Nuts”: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  167. Predictions Trump Wins 2020: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  168. What are the chances that Michelle O will run in 2020?: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  169. Top 25 best political ads of all time: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  170. challenging Ilhan Omar: Lacy Johnson (R,MN).: health care, voters, interview - Elections
  171. The Complete and Utter Collapse of the Tulsi Gabbard Campaign: vote, interview - Elections
  172. Quinnipiac polls: party affiliation, voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  173. Advice to Democrats from a Non-partisan: vote, Congress, security, Republican - Elections
  174. It`s getting worse for Trump: employment, voters, wage, illegal - Elections
  175. How many of you think that you will be ignoring the primaries?: vote, campaign - Elections
  176. Jay Inslee drops out of the race: vote, Democrats, poll - Elections
  177. Former Rep. Joe Walsh running for President: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  178. The best strategy for Joe Biden: NAFTA, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  179. Trump is extremely popular: unemployment, votes, Congress, wages - Elections
  180. New CNN Poll Has Harris at 5%: polls, racist, borders - Elections
  181. Biden/Mueller Ticket ?: Democrats, Republican, Pelosi, political - Elections
  182. Path to Victory for the Democrats: security, liberals, president, radical - Elections
  183. Is the DNC rigging the selection as to who will be eligible to be their POTUS nominee?: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  184. Pocahontas Says She Will Repeal Joe Biden's 1994 Crime Bill which incarcerated milliions of Black Men: voters, legal - Elections
  185. Looking Like Mark Sanford May Run: house seat, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  186. I Think Trump's Got It For 2020: voters, gallon, Democrats, Americans - Elections
  187. 2020 Election Winner Odds (August 2019): voters, Congress, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  188. Sleepy Joe vs. Stable Genius. Who would win?: party affiliation, Putin, voters - Elections
  189. Beyond the polls: what is the buzz from the grassroots in Iowa and NH? - Elections
  190. Biden on policy: health care, voters, poll, education - Elections
  191. Federal Election Commission soon to be at a standstill: president, political, leader - Elections
  192. Politico: Cardi B, in other words, might be one of Sanders’ most powerful political allies....: American, million - Elections
  193. Canada election poll tracker: democratic, liberal, conservative - Elections
  194. Next phase of Democratic race: date - Elections
  195. FEC chairwoman calls out Trump over New Hampshire voter fraud claims: president, American - Elections
  196. How Elizabeth Warren Raised Big Money Before She Denounced Big Money: campaign, president - Elections
  197. July Democratic debates: votes, support, date, most - Elections
  198. Columbia Preps learning disability program?: education, school, work, student - Elections
  199. Bernie is officially in 2nd place now: polls - Elections
  200. Gravis has Trump beating Warren in Nevada - Elections