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  1. Ironically, the gay marriage ruling may have helped Republicans and may have hurt Hillary and the Democrats: voters, - Elections
  2. Imagine if Hillary actually won: NAFTA, Israel, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  3. Are protestors /rioters llary voters: racist, Clinton, school - Elections
  4. Thoughts on Karen Pence?: Bush, family, most - Elections
  5. Trump is the establishment's true darling! People who voted for him will get trolled big time!!: enemies, campaign - Elections
  6. the great uniter: president, Obama, speech, March - Elections
  7. Haha Hillary literally took a hike!: CNN, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  8. Ann Coulter said it last November, and you laughed: president, election, elect - Elections
  9. The Sweetest Part?: Attorney, president, crime, Clinton - Elections
  10. Congresswoman Dingell (D-MI) Describes the Dem Disconnect from its Citizens: voters, Iran - Elections
  11. So the online polls WERE right after all: vote, CNN - Elections
  12. The Trump Economy Forecast: Winners and Losers: voters, Congress, candidacy - Elections
  13. Hillary did not held her people to high standards: voters, generations, campaign - Elections
  14. They are using the riots to start a civil war: controversial, president - Elections
  15. Will Trump restore the Winston Churchill bust in the WH?: Obama, Whitehouse - Elections
  16. Excellent analysis of the riots by Paul Joseph Watson: voting, thoughts, liberals - Elections
  17. White House Moving Day: Obama, work, family - Elections
  18. My opinions for POTUS in 2020: vote, democrat, president, Kennedy - Elections
  19. I'm guessing us Repubs ain't dead just: Congress - Elections
  20. Will trump and the GOP congress enact birth control on minorities?: vote, liberals - Elections
  21. Is it odd?: vote, Congress, generation, liberals - Elections
  22. Does the media have to much power?: political, election, elect - Elections
  23. Liberal Screams That She Wants To Kill herself Because Trump Won: politicians - Elections
  24. Was Citi-data's poll more accurate than most polls?: vote, president, Clinton - Elections
  25. Thugs attack Trump supporter: voters, democrat, liberals, racist - Elections
  26. we should give a participation tropy to HRC: Congress, Clinton, election - Elections
  27. They are going to use the surge in death threats as a smoke screen to assassinate: security, president - Elections
  28. What could be the succession order upon resignation?: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  29. Primer for Democrats to get over it....: vote, Congress, middle east - Elections
  30. I fear of Trump was supposed to be enough to elect Clinton?: voters - Elections
  31. Hillary's supporters are against anger and hate...: vote, campaign, - Elections
  32. JFK Jr. predicted Trump’s run for president 20 years ago: Bill Clinton, Kennedy - Elections
  33. Imagine the meltdowns if Obama lost: death, rating, elect, gun - Elections
  34. Not My President: vote, interview, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  35. Haha. GoFundMe Account Started To Pay For The Trump Deranged to Move to Mexico: illegal aliens, Obama - Elections
  36. Check this out!: elections, elect
  37. Looking at the state polls, it becomes clear that Trump could have won: vote, president - Elections
  38. If Hillary Clinton can accept the results of the election, why can't you, lefties?: votes, legal - Elections
  39. Worth watching, no matter which side you're on: Democrats, liberals, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  40. now we will get the Change we had Hoped for!: elect - Elections
  41. Mother kicks son out because he voted for Trump in mock election at school: liberals, CNN - Elections
  42. Why is California at 69% in for votes, all of the counties are 100% in?: million, election - Elections
  43. Money doesn't always buy you the white house: vote, campaign, Clinton - Elections
  44. Was Hillary the Democrats' version of John McCain?: John Kerry, voters, campaign - Elections
  45. The Alt-Left's response to the election: Liberalism, represent, president, Clinton - Elections
  46. A Message to the Wise - Pay uot;: vote, campaign - Elections
  47. A President Hillary is more useless than 2nd term Obama: Congress, - Elections
  48. Trump/Pence. Will it be the same as the Bush/Cheney duo: health care, Iran - Elections
  49. Does Bill Clinton regret having encouraged Trump to run for president?: Obama - Elections
  50. more Clintons on the way: vote, Congress, democrat - Elections
  51. Mass Media might not effect your vote but it effects others: generations, work - Elections
  52. HaHa Hillary Clinton Was Autographing Copies of that Wrong Newsweek Edition on Election Eve: campaign, - Elections
  53. Celebrities Call for People Boycott After Glowing Trump Cover Gets Unveiled: news - Elections
  54. If Obama will give Hillary a blanket pardon than it is showing guilty!: salary, president - Elections
  55. Dow trading at all time high - it was going to crash: Congress, Republican - Elections
  56. Nigel Farage, The Politician Who Broke The EU with BRexit, Comments On Donald Trump.: interview, racism - Elections
  57. #nevertrump needs to be wipped out: vote, illegal aliens, nationalist, Obama - Elections
  58. Trump performed with minorities better than Romney - Elections
  59. What will Trump do about Edward Snowden?: Putin, drug - Elections
  60. The Election Map By County: president, states, work, Washington - Elections
  61. s your Hillary supporters: vote, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  62. does this election show social issues are not the most important thing?: voters, campaign - Elections
  63. Let's give a round of applause to former House speaker Newt Gingrich: vote, democrat - Elections
  64. For All You Liberals That Think President Donald Trump is A Racist, Misogynist, Cold Hearted Person...: most - Elections
  65. Education, income, and voting: voters, Clinton, Americans, election - Elections
  66. So far what this election tought me: legal, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  67. Trump's Message to America's Youth: biased, president, crimes - Elections
  68. how sad are the post of liberals who can't cope with their candidate losing the elections and showing dignity!: voters, interviews
  69. How will Obama and Trump meeting go this morning?: president, fence, speech - Elections
  70. Trump Inauguration To Be Met By ‘Million Women March’: campaign, president - Elections
  71. Remember how the Dem. said there will not be a GOP left after the elections.: vote, interview
  72. Media caught faking outrage over Hillary's loss.: vote, interviews, ethics - Elections
  73. Let's give props to the people who called the election results correctly: liberals, president - Elections
  74. Reports of racist graffiti, hate crimes in Trump's America: vote, campaign, liberals - Elections
  75. We are Rome: vote, enemy, illegal, democrat - Elections
  76. Giving Credit To Obama And Clinton: interview, security, campaign, democrat - Elections
  77. Celebrities Are Losing Their Minds Over President Trump. Are The 7 Most Amazing Meltdowns: 9/11, voting - Elections
  78. Universities offer counseling and ‘healing spaces’ to students distraught over Trump win: generation, Baby Boomers - Elections
  79. Robert De Niro on Donald Trump's Election: I Feel Like I Did After 9/11: interview, Democrats - Elections
  80. Her Gravy Train Has Derailed. Huma Openly Crying In Public: campaign, FBI - Elections
  81. And so it begins... Chelsea Clinton for New York Congressional seat.: votes, salary - Elections
  82. Actress..... take out republicans and independents with a baseball bat(!) in an explicative instagram rant.: illegal, democratic - Elections
  83. Predictions that blacks, women and Millennials would not vote Trump proved largely untrue: Democrats, liberal - Elections
  84. Professor who predicted Trump win now predicts he'll be impeached: vote, Congress - Elections
  85. Did FBI director have a conscience?: interstate, Putin, vote, Congress - Elections
  86. Would people keep their Promise and Leave the USA: illegal, liberals - Elections
  87. Has Trump ever spoken about Citizens United?: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  88. How long until liberals stop crying about Trump's victory?: vote, interview, conservative - Elections
  89. Obama Pleaded with Trump Not to Repeal Obamacare.: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  90. Crowd Size at Rallies: John Kerry, Ron Paul, voters, democratic - Elections
  91. Clinton team lashes out, blames pro-Trump media , calls lost most: voters, Republicans - Elections
  92. Trump wants to make Sessions attorney general: thoughts, Giuliani, administration - Elections
  93. Trump's Blind Trust: voters, ethical, legal, liberal - Elections
  94. Celebrities encourage fans to join efforts to deny Trump presidency: vote, campaign - Elections
  95. the first female president will be a Republican: John Kerry, voters, campaign - Elections
  96. Did Trump troll his way into the Whitehouse?: voters, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  97. And the big winner is.... Bernie Sanders: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  98. So, it pays to be purchased by trump: votes, legal - Elections
  99. President Donald J. Trump: Reagan, conservative, Obama, support - Elections
  100. The minute Hillary realized she lost the election.: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  101. It's Official: Hillary Clinton Blames F.B.I. Director for Election Loss: Democrats, president - Elections
  102. Right wing riots: vote, campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  103. What is your answer to lefties telling you how bad trump is and bashing him?: generation, - Elections
  104. To the Trump haters...: Democrats, race - Elections
  105. Wow, I've never seen such a bunch of immature, sore losers in my life.: generation, - Elections
  106. What did small town Working Class Voters have to lose with Trump?: unemployment, wage - Elections
  107. Trump offers Clinton a position!: election, elect, state, most - Elections
  108. What were you thinking in the ballot booth when you were about to mark in your vote for president?: votes, - Elections
  109. Twitter Erupts With Calls For Donald Trump To Be Assassinated: legal - Elections
  110. Non Voters are the problem: Congress, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  111. I Love This Backlash: thoughts, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  112. WoW! - Trump Wins Michigan gets 306 Electoral Votes: Republican, bias, Clinton - Elections
  113. The Kids Are Clueless: Congress, generation, Republican, liberal - Elections
  114. Black Mob Beats Man in Street , Then Steals His Car Because He Voted For Trump: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  115. Where was this outrage when George W Bush was elected?: voters, Congress - Elections
  116. It was Democrats who voted Trump in: unemployment, voters, - Elections
  117. Election backlash: Trump brands boycotts begin: vote, campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  118. Democrats: is Who You Should Blame for Your 2016 Failure: voters, Congress - Elections
  119. Trump 2020-a bigger landslide than Reagan 1984?: voters, Congress, Iraq, - Elections
  120. Am opportunity to tell Donald Trump to hate and bigotry: voters, interview - Elections
  121. President Elect Trump and all ceremonies: vote, Americans, politicians - Elections
  122. surprised the Access Hollywood tape and sexual assault allegations didn't bring Trump down?: voters, - Elections
  123. KKK celebrating Trump with a parade in NC: spokeswoman, president, nationalist - Elections
  124. Celebrities moving to Canada after election?: Mexican, racist, Washington - Elections
  125. Trump and the End of the Republic: votes, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  126. Julian Castro as 2020 Democratic nominee?: vote, Republicans, liberal, Obama - Elections
  127. Anti Trump Protestor in LA- People have to die !: brainwash, deported, American - Elections
  128. Trump's latest tweet Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!: represent, president - Elections
  129. Orange Power!: Putin, president, racist, Americans - Elections
  130. Lawrence Lessig: HRC Losing Frees Democrats At Last: Huckabee, health care, voters - Elections
  131. Donald's Dumb Non Presidential Tweet: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  132. Citing emotional distress, Cornell University professors cancel classes: liberal, president - Elections
  133. Trump will get over 300 electoral votes: voters, Congress, democrat, Republican - Elections
  134. Hillary learned NOTHING:2016 loss is exactly parallel to 2008: health care, votes, Congress - Elections
  135. Take a look at the NY Times reader comments: Putin, voters, campaign - Elections
  136. The Democratic Party has been Killed: NAFTA, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  137. Hillary Blew $500,000,000 and lost: vote, campaign, regular, crimes - Elections
  138. L.A Mayor Garcetti Proud of Anti Trump Protests!: Harry Reid, votes - Elections
  139. Draining the Swamp: Dick Cheney, vote, Reagan, president - Elections
  140. FiveThirtyEight site is stuck on 11/7/2016 LOL: campaign, suspect, financial - Elections
  141. Bernie Sanders isn't ruling out 2020 run: vote, salary, Reagan - Elections
  142. The Midwest becoming more red?: voters, campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  143. Trump should revoke press passes for CNN: Putin, voters, Democrats - Elections
  144. Hillary Clinton breaks 60 million votes nationwide! Trump still at 5x million only!!: CNN - Elections
  145. Meaning of 2016 Election Results: What Does Rural America Want?: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  146. boycotting Grubhub: unemployment, voters, Democrats, political - Elections
  147. Wait..... It's not over !?!?: votes, illegal, democratic - Elections
  148. Getting by in Trump's America: vote, generation, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  149. No press pool for turmp, eh?: campaign, president, Reed, government - Elections
  150. 9/9/16:The Exact Moment Hillary Clinton Lost the Election: vote, polls, FBI - Elections
  151. Russia had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says: Putin, vote - Elections
  152. There will be no obama legacy: Congress, legal, liberals, accuse - Elections
  153. I really don't understand how liberals llary was going to win: health care, votes - Elections
  154. Clinton Blames Her Devastating Loss on the FBI & Media: voters, campaign - Elections
  155. Looks like ELizabeth Warren is off her Meds: votes, Congress, liberal - Elections
  156. Trump Won White Vote in Landslide (including White millennials): John Kerry, voters, Congress - Elections
  157. It is Ugly for the Democratic Party. U-G-L-Y!: house seat, vote, Democrats - Elections
  158. No Class obama~ Cancels photo op welcoming Trump & Wife: votes, president - Elections
  159. Bizarro Trump: vote, democrat, liberal, president - Elections
  160. Democrats gained ground in Texas and Arizona this year! They are turning blue soon!: vote, illegal - Elections
  161. Harry Ried should be kicked to the curb - polarizing statement: Harry Reid, Putin - Elections
  162. Someone tell dictator-elect Trump to get off of Twitter: voters, drugs, liberals - Elections
  163. How to Cope with Post-Election Depression: NAFTA, vote, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  164. Will Trump go after Hillary Clinton?: health care, enemies, security, campaign - Elections
  165. Hate crimes reported after Trump victory: vote, parade, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  166. Make America Great Again versus Stronger Together: campaign, - Elections
  167. I don't understand, how could Hillary have possibly lost?: voters, ethical, - Elections
  168. Madam President - Hillary Clinton`s Historic Journey to the White House: election, elect - Elections
  169. Paul Ryan soooooo fake: president, speech, politician, elect - Elections
  170. Mike Rowe's comments on the election: vote, regular, president, racist - Elections
  171. Samantha Bee Doesn’t ‘Want To Hear A Goddamn Word’ About Black Voter Turnout: Democrats - Elections
  172. Obama is rooting for Trumps success why can't you: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  173. A big thank you to everyone: voters, democrat, liberals - Elections
  174. Trump voters, I have a questions: NAFTA, employment, wage, security - Elections
  175. I may cry over my losses but I will not gloat over my victories.: vote, Congress - Elections
  176. Fellow third party voters, why did you vote third party?: illegal, Republicans - Elections
  177. Relax - Enjoy Trump and Hillary's Duet - Elections
  178. unfair! the 'trump effect' and money, news - Elections
  179. Trump victory like quitting smoking: democratic - Elections
  180. Taiwanese Sum Up American Election - Elections
  181. This is special - Elections
  182. Texas elects it's first black, female sheriff - Jefferson County Texas: election, state - Elections
  183. Shaming nevertrumper Rick Wilson - Elections
  184. Trump won the white vote by virtually the same margin as Romney in 2012: education, Hispanic - Elections
  185. Does Obama Pardon HC - Elections
  186. The Pitchforks came: vote, Bill Clinton, Obama, Americans - Elections
  187. The Abstenters : What are the long-term implications on national politics?: voters - Elections
  188. Obama's policies failed when he wasn't on the ticket: 2010 - Elections
  189. Past sports teams that remind you of this election: patriots, campaign, Sanders - Elections
  190. Hillary used to be a happy girl - Elections
  191. Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: Clinton, election - Elections
  192. WW3 is called off: good news, wars, news - Elections
  193. When will Arizona and Michigan be called?: official - Elections
  194. Social Justice Warriors react to Trump win - Not pretty: liberals - Elections
  195. Fun Thead in Honor of POTUS 45 Home State: million, presidency - Elections
  196. Using the Democratic/Obama metric...: Democrats, president, economy, election - Elections
  197. Good Video: president, election, elect - Elections
  198. Regardless of whether who supported Trump or Clinton, this movie scene can speak for a lot of us!: American - Elections
  199. Tolerant and Open minded liberals showing their true colors this election: death, supporters - Elections
  200. The violent crybabies, cemented my belief we made the right choice. - Elections