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  1. FBI finds emails related to Hillary Clinton's State Department tenure: campaign, CNN - Elections
  2. Sorry progressives; Clintons campaign considers your values bull----: vote, wage - Elections
  3. Trump has a Victory Party; Clinton has an Election Night Event: campaign, speech - Elections
  4. FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her: democratic, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  5. The more Hillary, Michele and Barrack Obama, Biden and Kaine are rallying the lower the polls fo for Hillary!: liberal - Elections
  6. The Dallas IRS Office Quietly Determining the Fate of the Clinton Foundation: Congress, Obama - Elections
  7. Florida newspaper apologizes for it's anti Trump reporting: voting, biased, president - Elections
  8. Mexicans are rapists other things taken out of context: liberal, bias - Elections
  9. Hillary supporters... seriously?: vote - Elections
  10. to democrats Wikileaks e-mails: campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  11. Instagram: Young, diverse, female, and for Trump: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  12. WikiLeaks Founder: Clinton Foundation Donors Funded ISIS: voters, interview, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  13. Bleachbit using Hillary for their ad: Clinton, TV, news - Elections
  14. Trump Rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania 11/4/2016 - Elections
  15. Bill Clinton: Sexist Guys Won’t Vote for Hillary, Just Because She Is a Woman: voters, president - Elections
  16. Hilarious short radio bit about Americans forced to build Trump's wall: Congress, president - Elections
  17. tRump can't do this correctly: Putin, conspiracy, news - Elections
  18. More criminal behavior: Attorney, FBI, Giuliani - Elections
  19. A little Hillary Humor: vote, campaign - Elections
  20. DNC fundraisers: $5000 for a selfie with Huma Abedin: Bill Clinton - Elections
  21. If Putin wanted to influence American politics ...: Clinton - Elections
  22. 3 More US Soldiers Die in on the Sandpits of Jordan Today: middle east, military - Elections
  23. Hillary has no policies to discuss at her rally's other than bashing and trashing Trump. Thats how low she has gone!: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  24. Mainstream Media wrong on every prediction about Trump!: president, work, date - Elections
  25. Drain your swamp first Donald: Putin, vote, impeachment, FBI - Elections
  26. Hillary claims to be for women's rights has Big Pimpin' rapper JayZ perform: votes, campaign - Elections
  27. Presidential Pollsters Political Contributions: Heavily For Hillary Clinton: democrat, polls, independent - Elections
  28. Counting Their Chickens Before They've Hatched: campaign, president, Hillary Clinton, political - Elections
  29. Nate Silver: That’s less of a firewall and more of a rusting, chain-link fence.: president - Elections
  30. Nightmare scenario for the country: vote, Clinton, elect, states - Elections
  31. FBI examining fake documents targeting Clinton campaign: sources: Putin, security, democrat - Elections
  32. Why Vladimir Putin's Russia is Backing Donald Trump: enemies, campaign, illegal - Elections
  33. 2 Profs with good record predicting election outcomes predicts Trump: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  34. for Unaffiliated Voters: campaign, Reed, independent, speech - Elections
  35. What would be worse?: votes, Congress, Iran, middle east - Elections
  36. Clinton,aware that Saudi fuels ISIS, takes donation, aproves Enormous arms deal.. TOP THAT: Rosie O'Donnell, biased - Elections
  37. Vote-trading #NeverTrump app for iOS on iTunes: voters, democrat - Elections
  38. Trump Receives Endorsment From Pastor Who Heads the Coalition of African American Pastors (CAAP): votes, Democrats - Elections
  39. Another health insurance company backing out of Obamacare just before the elections!: health care, vote
  40. Dueling Rallies in Raleigh - Trump Draws 4 Times As Many Supporters As Clinton: voting, campaign - Elections
  41. Has Seen this Latest GOP Ad Based Off Simpsons Cartoon?: campaign, - Elections
  42. The more Hillary, Michele and Barrack Obama, Biden and Kaine are rallying the lower the polls fo for Hillary!: votes, Democrats - Elections
  43. Early Voting reports..: liberals, Clinton, election, elect - Elections
  44. Thank you Huma Mahmood Abedin: interviews, liberals, American - Elections
  45. Wait... What? When is election day again?: vote, legal, Democrats - Elections
  46. Election Fraud, California - 83 ballots mailed to the same address: voters, Democrats - Elections
  47. When Trump goes high (in the polls)... They go low !!: vote, president - Elections
  48. Clinton aide: I will sacrifice a chicken in the backyard to Moloch: state, news - Elections
  49. Clinton FDN a gh priority investigation. Pundits claiming crooked Hillary needs a Trump dump. What will it be ?: vote, campaign - Elections
  50. Pence Paying Respects To Iowa Fallen Officers: Obama, society - Elections
  51. School has predicted winners of presidential elections since 1968: CNN, Hillary Clinton, TV
  52. Trump's Final Ad - Argument for America is GLORIOUS: Clinton, Americans - Elections
  53. What to stress about?: voting, political, election, elect - Elections
  54. Pharrell Williams to Women; Hillary is a Liar Just Like you Vote for Her: liberals, Clinton - Elections
  55. Great Tweet: vote, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  56. Should The Electoral College System Be Revised To Account For Rapid Population Shifts?: votes, Republicans - Elections
  57. Emails show how Republicans lobbied to limit voting hours in North Carolina: vote, Congress - Elections
  58. Great Email from HRC: voting, Iraq, enemy, security - Elections
  59. While Hillary Clinton was SoS, she issued a Visa to a known member of an Egyptian terrorist group: illegal, president - Elections
  60. Common Sense v. No Common Sense: president, radical, party, election - Elections
  61. Hilliary caught on video lying to the Des Moines Register about FBI Clinton Foundation Invesigation: Hillary Clinton - Elections
  62. More Republican Election Fraud: voters, campaign, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  63. Trouble in Broward County, FL: Election fraud: elections, officials, news
  64. Wikileaks, Ambassador Stevens wanted to leave Benghazi and Hillary made him stay!: security, - Elections
  65. More Democrap Vandalism - Colorado: health care, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  66. If Only Uganda Was A Battleground State: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  67. How does comey go from man of the year to KGB?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  68. Anthony Wiener - Hillary Clinton - Pervert - Campaign Ad: vote, states - Elections
  69. Hillary will be defeated by Hillary herself. Trump will be the cherry on top!: vote, enemy - Elections
  70. Oops! Something Fox doesn't want you to know about writing in a third party: work, news - Elections
  71. Huma Abedin FLIPPED in NYPD Sex Probe – Hillary May Be Involved: Congress, democratic - Elections
  72. If you love America than Trump is your candidate. Vote for Trump. Hillary sold and will sell America!: Putin, voters - Elections
  73. Guccifer~ “Hillary Rodham Diane Clinton is one of the high priests: liberals - Elections
  74. Jay Z drops N and F word repeatedly at Hillary event: voters, campaign - Elections
  75. Big democratic turnout in North Carolina's Piedmont urban crescent will lead to Clinton win.: voters, patriot - Elections
  76. Stepping out on Melania.: Republican, FBI, president - Elections
  77. Nov 52016 Julian Assange on Election: voters, interview, crime, Clinton - Elections
  78. Wikileaks head Julian Assange says Trump 'won't be allowed to win': Putin, voters - Elections
  79. It's happening!!! Trump is winning!!! I can't believe it!!!: voters, wages, Democrats - Elections
  80. Make no mistake, if Hillary loses she WILL be prosecuted.: vote, enemies - Elections
  81. One Last Shocker?: votes, interview, campaign, CNN - Elections
  82. Donald's Worst Nightmare - Women and Latinos: vote, Democrats - Elections
  83. Did you like Donald Trump before he ran for President?: vote, Rosie O'Donnell - Elections
  84. Obama - Getting Mad at the HRC Crowd Because They Won't Sit Down and Shut Up: campaign, - Elections
  85. If you support Trump because of immigration and trade, your being lied to: employment, vote - Elections
  86. Trump's Road to 270: Democrats, Clinton, Obama, political - Elections
  87. What is this #SpiritCooking Thing That Is Scaring Away Hillary's Supporters: interview, campaign - Elections
  88. Trump wants to Drain the swamp ? He can start with Chris Christie: party affiliation, party - Elections
  89. Trump Accuser Was Paid $500,000 By Team Hillary To Fabricate Story: campaign, legal - Elections
  90. A horrifying Wikileak: campaign, Clinton, claim - Elections
  91. Supporters claim Trump is an 'alpha male': votes, represent - Elections
  92. Where are the Trump emails?: Colin Powell, vote, security, Liberalism - Elections
  93. Obama to Trump Supporters Come on Man: vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  94. Liberals, do you vote for Trump?: votes, Mexicans, legal, democrat - Elections
  95. We need to stop this right now: vote, illegal, border - Elections
  96. Trump Supporter Carries Gun Outside Of A Virginia Polling Place.: voters, illegal - Elections
  97. Childhood Rape Victim Kathy Shelton Fights Back Tears: Hillary Clinton ‘Hurt a Child Inside Very Bad’: vote, interview - Elections
  98. Trump's business savvy strikes again!: vote, president, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  99. 102 year old woman who was alive before women could vote, votes for Trump: Democrats, president - Elections
  100. Trump rape accuser DROPS LAWSUIT: voters, liberals, death, good news - Elections
  101. Pantsuit power: vote, Mexicans, campaign, conspiracy - Elections
  102. An indication of who will win the race?: vote, security, campaign - Elections
  103. National Enquirer Bought Rights to Trump Affair Story: campaign, FBI, president - Elections
  104. Man says his truck was torched over Trump sticker while he fished with 2-year-old son: illegal - Elections
  105. Why isn't Election Day a Federal Holiday ?: vote, Republicans, holidays - Elections
  106. Samantha Bee weighs on on Trump's secret problem: conspiracy, Clinton, election - Elections
  107. Clinton Foundation accepted $1 Million gift while Hillary was SoS without informing State Department: Putin, vote - Elections
  108. Who will Clinton name to SCOTUS?: democratic, Republican, liberal, Brown - Elections
  109. Trump as Cult Leader (and worse): vote, illegal, conservative, represent - Elections
  110. Can Donald Trump read?: Democrats, president, teleprompter, money - Elections
  111. Trump I am doing this for you: leader, party, world - Elections
  112. If no candidate gets 270, and the Congress gets to decide, what do you predict?: votes, Democrats - Elections
  113. The Path forward for Trump is grim: votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  114. POLL: When will Trump fire Christie?: president, crime, Hillary Clinton, political - Elections
  115. comes the KKK in 2016!: Democrats, liberals, polls - Elections
  116. Not so fast: Catholic votes may be shifting to Trump: Republican, conservative - Elections
  117. Trumps new commercial: security, president, Clinton - Elections
  118. New CNN electoral map: Hillary drops below 270: votes, democratic, Republican - Elections
  119. Your thoughts: early voting, mail voting in general? Good or bad? Open to fraud?: voters, polls - Elections
  120. This is why I'm voting for Donald Trump: patriot, security, Mexicans - Elections
  121. Donald Trump’s Income Isn’t Always What He Says It Is, Records Suggest: vote, salaries - Elections
  122. Surprise - Ted Cruz is now Campaigning for Trump: president, support, news - Elections
  123. Hilliary refuses to on whether she would keep Comey: Attorney, FBI - Elections
  124. Obama: Donald Trump Would Tolerate Klan If Elected President: Mexican, democrat, liberal - Elections
  125. Hillary's Accomplishments as Senator: 9/11, vote, highway, Clinton - Elections
  126. If Trump gets 270 electoral voters by 10pm, will Hillary concede election?: campaign, liberal - Elections
  127. Trump is an authoritarian: vote, enemy, president, Americans - Elections
  128. I haven't been/posted on this forum in a month or so, but it's clear the Hillary camp has lost gas: campaign, polls - Elections
  129. Hillary Goes to Winterville, NC… Keeps Calling in Greenville: vote, campaign, drugs - Elections
  130. Why would for for Donald Trump other than voting for a Republican because your are a Republican?: vote, illegal - Elections
  131. who do you think will actually will win ?: Putin, votes, liberal - Elections
  132. Asians - only group not being mentioned: voters, middle east, legal - Elections
  133. Fox Anchor Brett Baier Concedes He Made a Mistake: Limbaugh, CNN, FBI - Elections
  134. Donald Trump has never been closer to the presidency than he is at this moment: voters, campaign - Elections
  135. Has ever seen a Hillary Clinton lawn sign?: Obama, Sanders, political - Elections
  136. Homeland Security Chairman: Hillary Clinton Committed 'Treason': Congress, enemies, campaign - Elections
  137. If Hillary loses bad for GOP: Cheney, vote, Congress, generation - Elections
  138. Why are people ok with the Putin connection to Trump?: liberal, crimes - Elections
  139. Military Poll: Troops Backing Trump By 3-to-1 Margin Over Clinton: voters, middle east - Elections
  140. FBI caved because NYPD had the laptop. It's over, Democrats.: patriot, Attorney - Elections
  141. Statistician: It Is 99.9% Certain That Hillary Clinton Will Win: vote, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  142. It must be so hard to be Hillary, no wonder her health is failing....: NAFTA, vote - Elections
  143. Melania's Speech Today: interview, campaign, FBI, Clinton - Elections
  144. Dr Stephen Pieczniek and Clinton Pedophile Ring: biased, controversial - Elections
  145. If you ever feel stupid.... Just Remember..: votes, CNN, FBI - Elections
  146. What is Hillary's public position on Government corruption?: millionaire, campaign, president - Elections
  147. Trump today in Jacksonville Fl. is one of the best to date. He doesn't need to lie and lays out the facts with a positiv: campaign, legal - Elections
  148. Amazing how Obama lies to the American people every day..: Clarence Thomas, health care - Elections
  149. How bad will the riots get if Trump wins?: legal, liberals, holidays - Elections
  150. FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies: voters, security - Elections
  151. Worldwide poll results: Putin, votes, Democrats, Clinton - Elections
  152. Dem Canvassers Being Paid $15to $18 An Hour: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  153. Hillary Camp Discussing Bernie - Time To Stick The Knife In: Putin, voting - Elections
  154. Under Hillary Clinton, We Could Slide into Nuclear War Very Quickly: Putin, vote - Elections
  155. Eric Trump: David Duke 'deserves a bullet': liberals, conservative, racist - Elections
  156. Looking beyond election, Trump White House cabinet appointments: Dick Cheney, security, thoughts - Elections
  157. New video-Assange says Clinton funded by the same money as ISIS: vote, conservative - Elections
  158. Clinton Surrogate: Women and People of Color need to stop the White Male FBI from this resurrection: democratic, racist - Elections
  159. Melania Trump thinks cyber bullying is OK when the victim provokes it: candidacy, regular - Elections
  160. How many would consider moving out of U.S if Clinton wins: Democrats, conservative - Elections
  161. Obama talks about himself 207 times in 84 minutes — while campaigning for Hillary: Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  162. Trump Supporters Raise >$131,000 to Rebuild Burned Black Church in Mississippi: vote, Democrats - Elections
  163. Obama: Trump hangs out with celebrities and doesn't care about working people: Iran, middle east - Elections
  164. If Hillary Clinton is Elected, Should President Obama Grant Her a Pardon?: voters, Congress - Elections
  165. Now they got Bernie Spreading the 'Trump is racist' lies: voters, campaign - Elections
  166. Louis Farrakhan: Mass Incarceration of Blacks Was Brought To America by the Clintons: FBI, president - Elections
  167. Guiliani admits FBI leaked to Trump campaign: Congress, patriots, Reagan - Elections
  168. Obama's Soaring Approval Rating will Provide Coatails for the Dems: voters, Congress - Elections
  169. CNN asks the obvious : Why do so many Americans hate Hillary Clinton?: Congress, ethics - Elections
  170. It's time to ask Hillary's supporters: How could you?: voting, thoughts, conservative - Elections
  171. Obama and Biden are campaigning....why and does this country have one at the top working for what they get paid for!: Putin, voting - Elections
  172. I don't feel like voting more. How many of you feel like this?: vote, legal - Elections
  173. A Window Into Trump's Alt-Right: voters, Republican, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  174. Trump blatantly lies to his audience.....: vote, interview, Mexicans, campaign - Elections
  175. If you hate America then vote for Hillary: Putin, nuclear, president - Elections
  176. Wikileaks tweets about Clinton connection to child stealer Laura Silsby: legal, conspiracy - Elections
  177. Hillary's Plan Will Get Us To Full Employment: Fast food, vote, wages - Elections
  178. How do the election polls influence you--or if not, others?: voters, campaign - Elections
  179. Im voting for Trump because he's not a politician!: vote, Obama - Elections
  180. Obama is not Trump - that's for sure: Dick Cheney, Putin, vote - Elections
  181. The Criminal is in Trouble: votes, security, polls, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  182. opinion poll: will there be civil disobedience after the election?: state, most - Elections
  183. New Yorker:HOW CAN AMERICANS TRUST DONALD TRUMP?: liberal, crimes, news - Elections
  184. Trump: We have a serious problem [Humor] - Elections
  185. Democrats the party of the little man ?....oh, sure!: billion, news - Elections
  186. More Trump Yard Sign Hijinks... This Got a Little Dangerous: campaign, suspect - Elections
  187. Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger (FULL INTERVIEW) - Elections
  188. Wall Street Analyst Predicts that Trump Will Win: elections, elect, money
  189. 'Wrap him! Wrap him!' Brit Hume doesn't like the truth getting out: vote, party - Elections
  190. Whoopsie Daisy. ....: security - Elections
  191. Harvard Hockey BOYS and Trump: rating - Elections
  193. The same people that support ISIS, support the Clinton Foundation.: states - Elections
  194. TYT: How Bad is it for Hillary Clinton?: polls, election - Elections
  195. Does think Colorado is going to be the Ohio & Florida of 2016?: election, elect - Elections
  196. Republican headquarters vandalized in NC: represent, suspect, crime, politician - Elections
  197. I filmed my visit to the voting booth - Elections
  198. so sorry... trump must be soooo lonely...: voters, campaign, Clinton - Elections
  199. Jill Stein: Hillary Clinton Is 'Queen of Corruption': vote - Elections
  200. Repeat of Saul Alinsky---- A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing: elections, elect