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  1. LIAR Robby Mook, Bob Creamer, buddies: vote, campaign, Hillary Clinton, news - Elections
  2. Trump's scare tactic - 650 million immigrants to come to the US in a week?: vote, illegal - Elections
  3. Happy HalloWEINER everyone !: vote, Democrats, liberals, crimes - Elections
  4. Democrats blame the Russians again: vote, Congress, FBI, president - Elections
  5. More Dem Cheating for Hillary- Donna Brazile Caught Feeding Hillary Another Debate: campaign, CNN - Elections
  6. OUTSTANDING DEPLORABLE: 13yr old Faith Graham - A brick for every Hillary lie enough to build two walls: vote, president - Elections
  7. Trump doesn't understand nuclear treaty: interview, Democrats, Republicans, accuse - Elections
  8. Robby Mook, Clinton Campaign Spokesman LIED About Creamer Ties (Shocking right?): Harry Reid, democratic - Elections
  9. Meet all the foreign leaders praying for a Trump win!: Putin, vote - Elections
  10. Message from Brussels ~ begging for Trump victory: multiculturalism, vote - Elections
  11. Andy Cohen on Bravo had a Viewer Presidential Poll that Shocked all the Guests: vote, - Elections
  12. Hillary supporters in Utah 24% but what if....: vote - Elections
  13. What do you suppose Tony and Huma are doing at this exact moment?: Clinton - Elections
  14. Happy Halloweiner !: supporters, agents - Elections
  15. Election date vs the swearing in..: vote, Congress, legal, president - Elections
  16. The Best Memes About Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton’s FBI Investigation: most - Elections
  17. I just think women were love crazy in the 80s/90s: regular, Bush - Elections
  18. Doug Schoen (democratic pollster) reconsidering support for Hillary: We can't afford a constitutional crisis: Iran, candidacy - Elections
  19. Clinton supporter and friend of Clinton's since 1994 reconsidering support: vote, democrat, liberal - Elections
  20. Why not count electoral votes in proportion of the state population?: voters, Congress - Elections
  21. Oops: Tim Kaine Heaped Effusive Praise On “Wonderful” Jim Comey On Sunday: Congress, ethical - Elections
  22. Bill Clinton Impeachment Chief Investigator: Terrified of Hillary: interview, FBI, president - Elections
  23. Liberals Scramble to Polls for Early Voting Leads: voters, democrat - Elections
  24. Next to go is Huma Abedin then Hillary: security, FBI, Clinton - Elections
  25. Most devastating election theft mechanism found: vote, president, website - Elections
  26. Huma Abedin life insurance !: vote, thoughts, death, state - Elections
  27. I don't think Ted Cruz would be able to win in this election year.: Clinton, date - Elections
  28. Democratic state media no longer waits until the polls close.: voters, Republican - Elections
  29. Trump - being blackmailed by Russia?: Putin, arsenal, campaign, democratic - Elections
  30. Is Obama Influencing the Election?: Congress, Iraq, security, campaign - Elections
  31. New Hillary Rap Song just out.....: accuse, family - Elections
  32. Trump or Clinton....indifferent!!!!: vote, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Americans - Elections
  33. How strongly you feel about this Election?: voters, Congress, generation - Elections
  34. Trump in Warren,MI: elect - Elections
  35. Banana Republic MSM: Spends 3 times as much attacking Comey as discussing dirt on Hillary: Democrats - Elections
  36. Where's Huma? Reports she's disappeared....: insurance - Elections
  37. Mount Holyoke Witch Hunt: voters, campaign, thoughts, illegal - Elections
  38. Presidential poll vote: votes, polls - Elections
  39. America's poisonous politicized path: ethics, president, Clinton, Reed - Elections
  40. Is your vote this election going to be a Hold your nose vote?: campaign, fence - Elections
  41. Goofy liberal woman steals 40 Trump yard signs, implicates herself: vote, compare, election - Elections
  42. Seriously by Sara Bareilles, sung by Leslie Odom Jr.: president - Elections
  43. Validating WikiLeaks - Brazile in Mar 2016: democratic, president, crime, death - Elections
  44. Hillary had the on Steve Harvey show and there is a track record for her getting questions in advance!: voters, interview - Elections
  45. Comey, Bill, Hillary not first time - Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee: interview, FBI - Elections
  46. How trump (the business genius) killed the USFL...: salaries, legal - Elections
  47. IF -TRUMP wants to win!: campaign, liberals, polls - Elections
  48. Has there under other President been so many high officials and aids to the same party, pleading the 5th?: Cheney, Reagan - Elections
  49. Stein voters: poll, president, crimes, Clinton - Elections
  50. Election exposes generational divide spanics: health care, voters, illegal aliens - Elections
  51. I Will Not Hesitate to Hang Trump - It'll Take Me A While: democrat, Republican - Elections
  52. llary is a better negotiator than Trump gives her credit for: Clinton - Elections
  53. Anti-Donald Trump protesters clash with Trump supporters - Hillary the American Dilma: campaign, impeachment - Elections
  54. Trump Talks About His Supporters - Inspiring Guy: interview, election, elect - Elections
  55. She'll say anything and change nothing: vote, president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  56. Next week: Hillary's personal emails revealed for the first time.: Limbaugh, Democrats - Elections
  57. O.k. conspiracy time… It’s the Obamas: FBI, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  58. From Robert Reich: Comments from a former Republican Congressman: voters, security, Republicans - Elections
  59. Like as with ~O~, houseflies keep landing on Hillary's face. Straight out of Amityville. - Elections
  60. Fraud, lies, deceit and Obamacare. How much do you have to see Dems: vote, - Elections
  61. Could This Happen?: legal, impeachment, democratic, FBI - Elections
  62. How badly has the FBI director's decision to reopen Clinton's email investigation changed the odds of her winning?: votes, interview - Elections
  63. How life is changing for the DNC and the Clinton's internet communications?: middle east, money - Elections
  64. Clinton’s State Department: A RICO Enterprise: president, crime, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  65. You think it's a coincidence that Hillary only served one term as SOS?: John Kerry, Condoleezza Rice - Elections
  66. under Tim Kaine~ The Catholic Church..will be Banned: votes, democratic - Elections
  67. Obama does not believe comey is trying to influence the election: Republican, spokesman - Elections
  68. Trump trying to stiff GOP pollster for $766,000: campaign, polls, president - Elections
  69. Bill Gates for 2020: Ron Paul, vote, illegal, president - Elections
  70. My Prediction: Hillary will withdraw from the election by noon, November 1st: democrat, Clinton - Elections
  71. Bernie supporters, who are you voting for? (modified poll): votes, campaign, - Elections
  72. Donald Trump: 'Thank you, Huma. Good job, Huma': votes, polls - Elections
  73. Huma: security, illegal, liberals, FBI - Elections
  74. Will Huma sing like a canary and take crooked Hillary down by turning states evidence or play the faithful scapegoat ?: thoughts, conspiracy - Elections
  75. Can Hillary's campaign survive pedophilia charges?: Harry Reid, accuses, FBI, nuclear - Elections
  76. Cheaters, Liars, Democrats, Media...again: voters, campaign, liberals, CNN - Elections
  77. Liberals on CD Scrambling to Find Anything They can On Trump to Turn a Blind Eye To Hillary's New FBI investigation: legal, democratic - Elections
  78. I see Hillary is really pushing voting early today. I wonder why!: voters, campaign - Elections
  79. New email shows Donna Brazile leaked a second debate to Clinton campaign: democratic, CNN - Elections
  80. FBI Warrant issued proves Obama and Lynch have lost control.: Iran, campaign - Elections
  81. Yes, it is rigged: Cheney, votes, Democrats, elections
  82. The election can and will be stolen. It has been done before: voters, parade - Elections
  83. I am a Democrat and I hate Hillary: NAFTA, vote, campaign - Elections
  84. If Hillary Clinton Is Charged With Obstruction Of Justice She Could Go To Prison For 20 Years: health care, vote - Elections
  85. and you wonder why so few clinton yard signs: voters, campaign, liberal - Elections
  86. Time to Drain the Swamp: salaries, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  87. Immigrants bring Brothels and prostitutes: vote, deport, KKK, dollar - Elections
  88. New York lawyer claims NYPD sources indicate content of Weiner laptop total shocker public may not be ready for: FBI, Obama - Elections
  89. Trump Speech - 5 minutes - this is what it's all about: NAFTA, Clinton - Elections
  90. Trump Supporter Charged with Voting Twice in Iowa: vote, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  91. It's Over: Democrats, president, Hillary Clinton, independent - Elections
  92. Team Trump: Early Voting Numbers Show The Donald on Warpath to Victory: vote, patriot - Elections
  93. Possibility that Trump's Tax Returns are Leaked in the coming week?: Harry Reid, security - Elections
  94. FBI: No link between Russia and Trump: Putin, campaign, illegal - Elections
  95. Has Trump started draining the swamp?: liberals, controversial, nationalist - Elections
  96. Podesta's Bestie takes charge of weiner probe: Congress, campaign, - Elections
  97. This is such a poisonous forum!: vote, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  98. The FBI will be the real hero in the end....: vote, security - Elections
  99. Latino motorcade heads to the polls in Miami, cheering wildly for Trump: vote, illegal aliens - Elections
  100. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and other States, voters can go back and change their vote today!: Democrats, CNN - Elections
  101. for my fellow posters: votes, president, Clinton, Reed - Elections
  102. More Wikileaks Email Dump: Hillary Was Interested In Finding 'Wake Up' Pills To Use: drug, CNN - Elections
  103. To the of Why Vote for Trump: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Clinton - Elections
  104. The Game of the Swindler - A True Life Shyster: Putin, vote - Elections
  105. What if Trump or Clinton wins the elctoral vote, while losing the popular vote?: votes, accuse - Elections
  106. Trump's New Electoral Map: voters, polls, FBI, Clinton - Elections
  107. CNN headlines don't mention FBI investigating Hillary's emails again or anything related to that.: generation, campaign - Elections
  108. Five FBI Field Offices Are Probing Clinton Foundation: Congress, illegal, Attorney - Elections
  109. White Nationalist William Johnson Pays For Robo-call Attacking Evan McMillan in Utah: vote, middle east - Elections
  110. GOP North Carolina senator Richard Burr in hot water over comments about shooting Hillary Clinton: Democrats, biased - Elections
  111. do you agree with Joe Biden that Hillary gets worse media coverage because she is female?: Democrats, supporters - Elections
  112. CNN severs ties with Donna Brazile: campaign, Democrats, bias, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  113. WikiLeaks More Important...: middle east, security, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  114. I voted for Trump today.: votes, Republican, polls, crime - Elections
  115. Where are the Republican emails?: Putin, voting, patriot, security - Elections
  116. Remember when Trump said I will win with the Hispanics and you laughed?: vote, generations - Elections
  117. RCP NO Tossup Senate Map 51-49 GOP: Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  118. BOMBSHELL: Russia has been cultivating Trump for years says spy: Harry Reid, Putin - Elections
  119. Trick or Treat presidential poll of the children!: vote, Reed - Elections
  120. Berkeley Professor : Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate Is an Attack on Women: vote, thoughts - Elections
  121. If Clinton wins, Senator Burr pledges to keep Supreme Court vacancy open for 4 years: votes, salaries - Elections
  122. My two cents - What if Hillary is career criminal?: legal, president - Elections
  123. Canvassing Today: voters, campaign, illegal, democratic - Elections
  124. Wake me when it's over: drugs, American, political - Elections
  125. President Lincoln would have told Hillary: claim, world - Elections
  126. 13yr Old Says: BRICK FOR EVERY HILLARY LIE ENOUGH FOR TWO WALLS: vote, Mexican - Elections
  127. Doug Schoen just announced he can't support crooked Hillary because he is afraid of a constitutional crisis: voters, legal - Elections
  128. Stock Market Predictor.... 86% Donald Trump wins.: vote, Democrats, FBI, crimes - Elections
  129. What happens if Hillary drops out?: votes, Democrats, vice president, Obama - Elections
  130. It’s All But Official: Donald Trump Won’t Release His Tax Returns: interviews, campaign - Elections
  131. Trump supporters and Comey: ethical, FBI, Hillary Clinton, election - Elections
  132. She traveled without longtime aide Huma Abedin, who stayed in New York: vote, suspect - Elections
  133. If Polls Show a Slight Trump Lead on Nov. 7, and Trump Wins Slightly, Were the Polls Accurate?: vote, FBI - Elections
  134. Trump with incredible show of support to LGBT community: vote, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  135. Trump in New Mexico-LIVE: FBI, president, FBI, world - Elections
  136. How do Trump supporters feel today?: vote, campaign, FBI - Elections
  137. Trump booted a black man from his rally and called him a ‘thug.’ Turns out he is a supporter.: vote, interview - Elections
  138. How The Justice Department Blocked More Agressive Investigative Techniques Into The Clinton Foundation: interviews, FBI - Elections
  139. Black Trump supporter booed, called thug , and booted from Trump rally: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  140. Nate Silver Projections: voting, generations, campaign, - Elections
  141. Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside: vote, illegal - Elections
  142. DOJ interferes with election.: voters, Iran, Democrats - Elections
  143. Hillary begins cascading of campaign stops as a result of FBI investigation: Hillary Clinton, speech - Elections
  144. Bernie fans do you feel deceived ?: vote, illegal aliens, Clinton, speech - Elections
  145. What's this really about?: unemployment, voters, Congress, security - Elections
  146. NEWS ALERT: Chicago Tribune: Hillary Should Step Down: campaign, Democrats, vice president - Elections
  147. Trump blasts McMullin, calls him the puppet of a loser: votes, interview - Elections
  148. New October surprise ?: voters, interview, candidacy, Republican - Elections
  149. Recency Bias and Short-Term Political Memory: voters, illegal, democrat - Elections
  150. Why Nate Silver's Incorrect Primary Predictions Aren't Indicative of a Bad Method: vote, democratic - Elections
  151. Look at all WOMEN at TRUMP's rally!!!!!!: voters, poll, speech - Elections
  152. Rough week...Alcoholic Hillary spotted at a Miami bar Sunday morning: campaign, FBI - Elections
  153. Podesta squirming on CNN...: interview, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  154. Exactly why emails don't matter to majority of people: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  155. More evidence Gary Johnson is batdung insane:: vote, interviews, drugs - Elections
  156. Judge Jeanine: Comey's Announcement 'Disgraces and Politicizes the FBI': vote, Congress, Republican - Elections
  157. 34% less likely to vote Clinton after email revelation: voters, Democrats, poll - Elections
  158. Should Obama Fire FBI Director Comey on Nov. 9?: Congress, illegal, democratic - Elections
  159. Kraythammer and Dana Perino...hahahahahaha.: vote, campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  160. CNN First Headline about Hilary Possibly Losing - Looking Really Bad For Clinton: Iraq, - Elections
  161. Hillary: no one says no, no criticism from within party: vote, Iran - Elections
  162. Will James Comey now release information Trump-Putin Ties?: enemy, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  163. Video: Man admits he is being paid $300 to vote for Hillary: voters, Democrats - Elections
  164. New FBI Investigation ment to cover up something larger: Democrats, radical - Elections
  165. Mr. Trump Will Give Power Back To The States.Are You For States Rights?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  166. Why I voted for Hillary: employment, Putin, voters, Congress - Elections
  167. Hillary's top secret emails may have wound up in Anthony Weiner's child porn files...: FBI, Clinton - Elections
  168. Hillary should step down!: campaign, Democrats, FBI, president - Elections
  169. 10/29/12: Obama +0.8 10/29/16: Clinton +4.6: voters, FBI, Sanders, political - Elections
  170. Should the Election Commission Cancel The Votes Cast.....: voters, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  171. Mika Brzezinski: Democrats Nominated Someone Who Is Under FBI Investigation, So We Are: voting, represent - Elections
  172. Assange Steps Forward To Deliver Final Blow To The Clinton Campaign: financial, election - Elections
  173. How many of you, who are for voting Trump, would attend or have your children attend Trump University: poll - Elections
  174. NEWSWEEK: Donald Trump's Companies Destroyed or Hid Documents and Defied Court Orders: poll, president - Elections
  175. Are the polls adjusting to save their credibility?: Limbaugh, voters, FBI - Elections
  176. Giuliani: There Is Enough Evidence Now For A RICO Case Against Clinton Foundation For Racketeering: democratic, liberals - Elections
  177. Liberal Trump is unfit to be President: health care, voters, security - Elections
  178. ASSANGE... Big wikileak this week will lead to Hillary's arrest: liberal, conservative - Elections
  179. Bill Clinton has no shame - we would have a fact based election: vote, campaign - Elections
  180. The Bible (Torah) Codes predict Hillary defeats Trump: vote, Israel, - Elections
  181. In Other Related Good News - It Looks Like that War with Russia will be Called Off!: Putin, campaign - Elections
  182. If elected, Trump's Fraud and Racketeering suits could lead to impeachment: security, campaign - Elections
  183. Trump is an Imbecille promoting inflaming supposition with no fact or foundation: Congress, ethics - Elections
  184. Unprecedented? Indictment 4 days before election - Bill Clinton win, not so unprecedented.: vote, campaign - Elections
  185. Clinton campaign wages new war against James Comey (CNN): Congress, illegal - Elections
  186. When you Google pathological liar Hillary's picture pops up.: president - Elections
  187. Meet Huma Abedin the soon to be ex Mrs. Wiener!: voters, Palestinian - Elections
  188. Rumors increasing that Trump is a time traveler - Elections
  189. Hillary’s Two Official Favors To Morocco Resulted In $28 Million For Clinton Foundation: illegal, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  190. Woman ‘surprised’ to find Donald Trump Jr. was the one who helped push her car: Clinton, election - Elections
  191. Hillary poll numbers drop significantly after FBI reopens criminal investigation: Clinton, states - Elections
  192. Black Americans, women, Hispanics for trump! - Elections
  193. short Project Veritas Video 10/31~ LIE to them - Elections
  194. Knowing A Debate In Advance Somehow Didn’t Help Hillary Clinton’s Answer - Elections
  195. NAACP: Stop Removing Voters From Rolls in North Carolina: news - Elections
  196. Democrats deceive and not holding accountable.. Walmart holds their customers/employees accountable!: voters, generation - Elections
  197. s what dem pollster Pat Caddell has to say: Clinton, war, news - Elections
  198. Hillary Clinton Audio Tape Released of Her Discussing How to Rig Palestinian Election - Elections
  199. Democrat and Pollster Doug Schoen reassessing support for Hillary: president, Hillary Clinton, election - Elections
  200. Bill had hooked up Huma with a huge 355k pay increase: employment, voters - Elections