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  1. Voter fraud?: interstate, voters, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  2. Democrats Insincerely Change Their Tune About Romney: Harry Reid, employment, vote - Elections
  3. Clinton Foundation accepts Saudi blood money. Hil and her board are fine with that.: 9/11, interview - Elections
  4. Bizarro World meets Saturday Night Live...: security, campaign, ethical, CNN - Elections
  5. Will Letterman sue Hilliary?: president, economy, money, jobs - Elections
  6. Non Partisan Totalitarianism: enemies, government, pay, jobs - Elections
  7. The untold story of how foreign governments and businesses made Bill and Hillary rich (FULL VIDEO): conservative, Clinton - Elections
  8. CNN to Air Special on Presidential Losers: John Kerry, Al Gore, interviews - Elections
  9. 17 Nasty Hillary Clinton Facts: patriot, president, conspiracy - Elections
  10. Jill Stein goes Tea on us: TPP...will send our jobs overseas as well as undermine American sovereignty by bringing in: NAFTA, voters - Elections
  11. Government watchdog group described Clinton as a failure and her work sloppy.: FBI, president - Elections
  12. PSA: Trumpster's being scammed...: campaign, cost, dollars - Elections
  13. State Dept Won't Release Hillary's Calendars til After the Election: Congress, campaign - Elections
  14. Under the microscope: drug, Hillary Clinton, elect, abuse - Elections
  15. GOP voter registration on rise in battleground state: democratic, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  16. Will Primary Fraud By Dems Go General Election?: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  17. Hillary's Live Speech - not: racist, treason, KKK - Elections
  18. Clinton voters: got room for Wolfowitz under your big tent?: Republicans, president - Elections
  19. You have been warned - clinton riches bankrupting us: liberals, crime, elect - Elections
  20. Bribery and the GOP: Paytoplay no global warming: votes, Mexicans, democratic - Elections
  21. Hillary clinton - shame on you: vote, enemy, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  22. Obamacare price hikes may tilt senate toward GOP: deportation, races - Elections
  23. Why is he still running?: voters, campaign, president, independent - Elections
  24. Johnson gets a super PAC: voters, interview, Democrats, president - Elections
  25. Does Trump support the tax plan in his new ad?: votes, wages - Elections
  26. Jill Stein Criticizes HRC; PBS Cuts It From The Broadcast: NAFTA, vote - Elections
  27. The Hillary Clinton Haiti Scandal Connection: vote, campaign, activist, crime - Elections
  28. a rich supporter 'buying' the election, can it be done?: votes, illegal - Elections
  29. Rep Corrine Brown loses primary: politicians, party, federal, presidency - Elections
  30. Why Your Third Party Vote Matters in 2016: voters, president, parties - Elections
  31. I hope john mccain beats the pants off this woman !: vote, Congress - Elections
  32. Gary Johnson To Be Excluded From Veteran's Forum Despite Polling 1st Active Duty Military...: voting, Congress - Elections
  33. Yesterday crooked Hillary brushes off having a press conferences: voters, interviews, Democrats - Elections
  34. Who Thinks Assange Is Going to Say Something Good Tonight on Kelly's Show?: interview, illegal - Elections
  35. Trump with another great speech: unemployment, vote, gallon, security - Elections
  36. Why is a company with ties to the Clinton Global Initiative partnering with CNN?: democrat, programs - Elections
  37. Trump's in Jackson Mississippi: voting, campaign, racist, governor - Elections
  38. Does Trump have a Goiter?: Clinton, examples, Christ - Elections
  39. Yoga, Wedding Plans... Benghazi???: ethical, illegal, accuse, president - Elections
  40. what percentage of electorals are women ?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  41. Law and Order Trump vouched for a cocaine trafficker and set him up in a $7000/month condo: Congress, Iraq - Elections
  42. Video: Sick Looking Hillary Clinton Nearly Falls Struggling To Exit Van As Black Mystery Handler Comes To Her aid: vote, conspiracy - Elections
  43. On election day - the most likely Democratic and Republican Presidential candidates will be:: Clinton - Elections
  44. Candidates and their campaign debt: Congress, ethics, democrat, dollars - Elections
  45. Majority of Sellout Bernie's Staff Quits Due to his Hypocrisy: vote, - Elections
  46. Trump's Legacy?: voters, liberals, death - Elections
  47. 5,000 non-citizens voting in Colorado: voters, Congress, illegal - Elections
  48. Trump Launches Biggest Commercial contrasting the Two Americas: campaign, Republican - Elections
  49. David Duke Starts Robocalls for voters to vote for Trump and himself for Senate: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  50. Why is CNN pulling for Hillary ?: voting, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  51. When 110 Prominent Republicans Reached Their Breaking Point With Mr. Trump.: vote, radical - Elections
  52. Bribery and Trump: illegal, Democrats, poll, FBI - Elections
  53. Clinton 501(c)(3) foundation breaking irs rules: Congress, campaign, legal - Elections
  54. With Jill Stein surging, how will Hillary react to losing votes?: voters, campaign - Elections
  55. Hillary to trump: let's see that tax return: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  56. FBI: Hackers Breached US Election Systems: votes, Democrats, Republican, controversial - Elections
  57. Low Information Voters: Congress, Rosie O'Donnell, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  58. Johnson activity in Maine: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  59. Did you see Trump's last rally?? It was YUUUUUUUUUGE!!!: Obama, 2012, pay - Elections
  60. Debate prep: Hillary loads up on facts, Trump loads up on zingers: global warming, voters - Elections
  61. To Hillary Supporters: Putin, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  62. Which states do you think Johnson might have a chance of winning?: voters, democratic - Elections
  63. How dumb are Hilliary fans to think every leftie and Independent will have blinders on and vote for Hilliary!: voters, campaign - Elections
  64. Dems/minorities for Trump in Ohio at Akron rally....: interview, Democrats - Elections
  65. Donald Trump's language betrays his hostility for people w/ disabilities: liberals, conservative - Elections
  66. Thoughts About the Political Changes Occurring in Certain Swing States: voters, generation - Elections
  67. ISIS jihadis are praying for Trump to win election because it will be great for recruitment: Putin, - Elections
  68. How dumb are conservatives to think that black and gay people are going to be swayed by their false pandering?: vote, campaign - Elections
  69. Is All This Polling Accurate?: party affiliation, voters, generation, Democrats - Elections
  70. So what will Trump do after he loses the election?: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  71. When is Trump going to stop trying to play the race card??: millionaire, campaign - Elections
  72. CNN cuts of Colin Kaepernick saying llary should be in Prison: voting, - Elections
  73. Why isn't Hillary challenging Trump on his medical records?: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  74. Latinos and Hispanics Rally: Operation Taco Bowl 8/28/16: voting, American, supporters - Elections
  75. Trump Model Management, former models worked illegally: Putin, salary, patriot - Elections
  76. LP spending $1M on radio/billboards in 7 states: voters, Congress, security - Elections
  77. TRUMP VS CLINTON TAX PLANS Compare How Much You Will Pay?: salary, security - Elections
  78. Super Pac pulls ads from Ohio senate race: unemployment, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  79. Trump surrogate wants to take voting rights away from women who use birth control: voters, thoughts - Elections
  80. Trump's Campaign Manager: If women, men had equal strength, 'rape would not exist': christmas, controversial - Elections
  81. Hillary wearing a catherer ?: thoughts, crime, million, top - Elections
  82. Trump is going to Mexico??: Mexican, president, border, speech - Elections
  83. Wasserman-Schultz wins her primary contest: Congress, campaign, represent - Elections
  84. Trump in Mexico. How will it go??: voters, Mexicans, thoughts - Elections
  85. Major difference between Trump and Clinton: vote, campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  86. Trump's B-List Surrogates: vote, campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  87. Crooked Hillary and Mexico president Nieto are nearly equal in unpopularity both related to crime.: vote, drug - Elections
  88. 5 min internet Johnson ad 11.6m views in 2 days!: voters, campaign, - Elections
  89. Uggg..looks like John Mcsame is going to keep his senate seat: vote, McCain - Elections
  90. Poor Alan Grayson multiple time loser: Congress, democratic, Republicans, McCain - Elections
  91. When you try to say Trump has no Black Supporters: vote, conservative - Elections
  92. Donald Trump Has Blown Up Republicans’ Racism Defense: vote, democrat, liberals - Elections
  93. Donald Trump is a risk we can't take: vote, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  94. S what will Hillary do after she LOSES the election?: vote, democrat - Elections
  95. If everyone who hated.....: vote, Mexicans, represent, president - Elections
  96. What's Wrong With Hillary, No Rallies Scheduled: Congress, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  97. Which Republican would have beaten HRC: voters, generation, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  98. Trump's Catholic Vote Problem: voters, Israel, Republicans, president - Elections
  99. trump campaign with another alt-right pandering tweet: conservative, spokesman, racist - Elections
  100. Hillary's biggest fear, no, its not unreleased e mails.: Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  101. Only the little people pay taxes!: Which New York billionaire said that?: voters, brainwashing - Elections
  102. Dear undecided voter!: votes, patriot, security, democratic - Elections
  103. Why did Trump donate to the Clinton Foundation if it is considered Pay for Play?: CNN, politicians - Elections
  104. Clinton's State Department Gave Weapons Deals To Foundation Donors: Congress, middle east, democrat - Elections
  105. Paul Ryan in trouble?: votes, Congress, Republican - Elections
  106. Trump, singlehandedly has saved black communities from crime: Obama, Whitehouse - Elections
  107. Larry the Cable Guy: 'Hillary Will Be the End of the Country': security, democratic - Elections
  108. Hillary - screaming, child like tantrums, violent, campaign staff leaving: CNN, president - Elections
  109. bummmer - trumpist republican candidate looks to be beaten soundly: voters, security - Elections
  110. Trump's doctor is who I would go to if I wanted of that stuff...: interview, president - Elections
  111. 7 reasons why trump would hate being president: Putin, voters, Congress - Elections
  112. Republicans - no choice but to vote for trump?: president, American, political - Elections
  113. MLK Jr niece just endorsed her candidate!: vote, Mexicans, Democrats - Elections
  114. Dr. Drew show cancelled after he made remarks about Hilliary's health!: Clinton, Reed - Elections
  115. Blacks love Donald Trump! (Many many proofs): voting, democrat, drugs - Elections
  116. Hillary praises her friend and mentor, Grand Wizard Robert Byrd:: Clarence Thomas, voters - Elections
  117. Tinfoil Hillary: ‘Alt-Right,’ Alex Jones, Brexit, Putin All Part of Global Conspiracy Against Her: liberal, president - Elections
  118. Hillary and her embarrasingly stupid accusation: president, racist, Obama - Elections
  119. You can't make America great again if you don't make things in America: NAFTA, vote - Elections
  120. So, FOX just showed clinton's entire speech a few minutes ago: vote, racist - Elections
  121. oops... Coulter just lost her trumpist audience - mocked trump!: votes, interview - Elections
  122. Anderson Cooper hosts Trump 8/25: interview, liberal, CNN, deportation - Elections
  123. Why Trump scares people.: Putin, security, Mexican, - Elections
  124. Who is the man behind the curtain? Breitbart's Puppet Master, Steven Bannon: health care, wage - Elections
  125. Hilliary attacks all people who are not voting for her/Trump supporters!: voters, democrat - Elections
  126. Donald Trump nomination causing conflict College Republicans: Mexican, campaign, liberal - Elections
  127. Not ONE presidential economic adviser alive supports Trump or his policies.: NAFTA, voters - Elections
  128. Newly Released Emails, 1/3rd of emails to Huma Abedin are 100% Redacted: Congress, security - Elections
  129. Big Lie? Trump labels Clinton a bigot to muddle his history of racist behavior and appeals to bigotry?: interview, campaign - Elections
  130. Hillary; a friend of the KKK: campaign, Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  131. Trump eats babys and will usher in the appocolypse: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  132. Time for fun! Come up with 2 worse candidates for POTUS!: Obama, Pelosi - Elections
  133. Trump campaign mgr confirms Clinton Foundation does a lot of good work: salary, president - Elections
  134. Hillary Clinton A BIGOT: votes, campaign, CNN, racist - Elections
  135. **>BREAKING: Trump Knew About His Undocumented Workers: votes, wages, campaign - Elections
  136. Hidden cam shows Hillary4America training recruits to DELIBERATELY break voter registration law!: campaign, illegal - Elections
  137. Trump not on the ballot in Minnesota: campaign, legal, represent - Elections
  138. Creflo Dollar Says God Told Him To Endorse Donald Trump: vote, security - Elections
  139. What would get you to switch your vote?: Reagan, statistics, president - Elections
  140. Everyone Thinking of Voting for Trump Should See This Video...: vote, generation - Elections
  141. Nigel Farage speaks at Trump rally!!!: Putin, voters, campaign, president - Elections
  142. Johnson on all 50 ballots: votes, president, party, elect - Elections
  143. NeverTrump (pro hillary) candidate is a flop: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  144. CD political poll - Who do you support?: vote, Bush, party - Elections
  145. Trump No Longer Has A Credible Path: 9/11, voters, campaign - Elections
  146. Hillary's Run Out The Clock Strategy: voters, enemy, campaign - Elections
  147. Clinton Speech 8/25: campaign, accuse, represent, crime - Elections
  148. Clinton's firewall of black voters is crumbling: liberal, polls, president - Elections
  149. The strength of Humble Trump movement and rally in NH today. It will be YUUUUUGE !!!!: votes, Iran - Elections
  150. Republicans’ Voter Registration Gains Aren’t Gains At All: voters, Democrats - Elections
  151. Someone must be nervous: Hillary's new ad ties Trump to KKK....: vote, illegal - Elections
  152. Dems, you're on the wrong side of history.: Putin, voters, Democrats - Elections
  153. Rudy Giuliani destroys Hillary It's going to be bigger than Watergate.: 9/11, suspect - Elections
  154. They found the smoking gun that proves crooked Hillary's intent using her personal server.: Putin, FBI - Elections
  155. Trump sells LGBTQ for Trump tee shirts: voters, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  156. Crooked First Lady Hillary Clinton: vote, Congress, legal, president - Elections
  157. Top trending on @HillaryClinton in the past day: 1. What did Dr. Drew say about Hillary?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  158. Kaine plays race card to black college audience: voters, Republicans, president - Elections
  159. Hillary; raise taxes, increase government spending and increase government regulation: Congress, Iran - Elections
  160. Trump and polls: vote, Republican, conservative, president - Elections
  161. Video of Hillary belittling black man trying to explain the problems: vote, campaign - Elections
  162. Glenn Beck caller about Trump: Franken, vote, patriots, Republicans - Elections
  163. Will Wikileaks October influence this election?: voters, illegal, Republicans, president - Elections
  164. Trump sinks to new disgusting Twitter low: voters, Taliban, Democrats - Elections
  165. What's the matter with polling?: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  166. It's the Supreme Court, Stupid!: Clarence Thomas, voters, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  167. Trump canceled many rallies this week - the wheels are coming off - only 1 event left on his schedule: vote, campaign - Elections
  168. Living White House Economic Advisers: 45 -- Living White House Economic Advisers Who Support Trump: 0: votes, campaign - Elections
  169. New Republican Swing State Ad Buy: Calls on Trump to Quit: voters, campaign - Elections
  170. Robert Kagan, Bill Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz and Other Neocons Are Backing Hillary Clinton: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  171. Can the 2016 election be rigged? You bet!: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  172. Mathematical proof of election fraud: voters, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  173. What Has Hillary Not Flip-Flopped or Lied About?: votes, interview, campaign - Elections
  174. White family gets verbally assaulted for being Trump supporters: vote, Mexican, democratic - Elections
  175. Trump is right Hillary is a bigot are 10 examples: voters, statistics - Elections
  176. Is Hillary taking blood thinners?: vote, president, regime, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  177. Why are Clinton's Numbers Shrinking?: polls, deport, party, teleprompter - Elections
  178. Guess who gave money to the Clinton Foundation...Trump: salaries, - Elections
  179. When will the false allegations, and unfounded claims end?: voting, Congress, security - Elections
  180. Ecuador is concerned about the substandard police response to an intruder scaling its London embassy (where Assange is).: security - Elections
  181. Trump campaign CEO Bannon committing voter fraud?: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  182. Is trump's bannon a wife beater & election law breaker?: voters, campaign - Elections
  183. Hillary the Bigot: Hillary faces voters' wrath for ethnic slur: president, racist - Elections
  184. How to Get a Drug Dealer Into the White House (hint: $$, Clinton): Republicans - Elections
  185. Why Democrats Consistently Win Presidential Elections: voters, Congress, campaign,
  186. Carson tells Trump to back off...: generations, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  187. Polls show tie in Ohio but Trump has 20 point lead with independents: voters, campaign - Elections
  188. Donald Trump lives in a far more diverse community than Hillary, in fact...: votes, liberal - Elections
  189. Non-Partisan debate commission in BREATHLESS PANIC over Wikileaks warning, scrambles to bubble-wrap Hillary!: voters, enemies - Elections
  190. Hillary Admits Racist Republican Meme Was A Lie All Along....: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  191. Huckabee:Hillary Concedes Defeat With Her Trump KKK 'Slander': Putin, vote, campaign - Elections
  192. 3rd place: Gary Johnson or undecided?: votes, campaign, Clinton, party - Elections
  193. Too good to pass up; another assange shocker.: Congress, campaign, illegal - Elections
  194. Election Conditions in Case One Drops Out of the Race: vote, Congress - Elections
  195. Hillary and UBS: Clinton - Elections
  196. Do Gary Johnson's bumper stickers look like this? - Elections
  197. Berniebots are in the market for a new shlumpy screwball that they can wear.: voting, democratic - Elections
  198. Crooked Hillary offers her supporters the much needed answer to their mental health concerns.: wage, Republicans - Elections
  199. States that could flip red/blue as a referendum against current state leadership?: democrat - Elections
  200. Globalism, Free Trade----Trump or Clinton: Hillary Clinton, government - Elections