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  1. Hillary losing her convention bounce: votes, poll, Clinton, election - Elections
  2. feminists: I get over this video of HRC freezing over a few protesters and not ...: interview, democratic - Elections
  3. Former Republican EPA Directors Endorse Clinton: voters, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  4. know anything about Evan McMullen?: vote, Republicans, conservative, president - Elections
  5. What if Nobody voted?: votes, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  6. Don't let Hillary do it again... - Elections
  7. If the tide starts to turn against Trump, what would you expect?: voters, - Elections
  8. another smart person rings the alarm ...: Putin, conservative, CNN - Elections
  9. I read that voting for of the candidates helps the opposite party.: Republican, election - Elections
  10. 25 reasons to not vote for Hillary: extremist, Hillary Clinton, support, family - Elections
  11. Lefties getting violent and commiting arson against Trump supporters: Democrats, Republicans, racist - Elections
  12. Crooked Hillary queen of corruption & hypocrisy proves she doesn't understand business or the economy.: NAFTA, - Elections
  13. As senator, Clinton promised 200,000 jobs in Upstate New York. Her efforts fell flat.: employment, salaries - Elections
  14. GOP rep backs Johnson.: Republicans, president, Clinton, McCain - Elections
  15. BREAKING NEWS: Trump Withdraws from Race (sorry, not really) - Elections
  16. Just to be fair - let's talk about Hillary's connections to Russia: Putin, campaign - Elections
  17. What mechanism do donors, Lobbyists, superpacs have to influence politics: employment, voting - Elections
  18. CNN Leads Unhinged Media in Attacks on Trump Disguised as 'Reporting': voters, democrat - Elections
  19. Trump fans vs Clinton fans social experiment: voters, Iran, Republican - Elections
  20. Fed. judge only Dem & Rep OK in debates: vote, wage, illegal - Elections
  21. Belgium in Manhunt for Suspect that Pledged to Kill All Christians for Allah: Taliban, extremist - Elections
  22. The Trump Baloney sandwich: campaign, Reagan, liberals, president - Elections
  23. Hillary Clinton is more radical than Obama - Newt Gingrich: liberals, political - Elections
  24. HILARIOUS- Someone Uploaded Bernie's Speech To Hillary's Teleprompter: ethical, Clinton, million - Elections
  25. Hillary And Dems Snubbed POLICE UNION!!: democratic, Republicans, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  26. Who will adopt Trump's populist mantra in 2020?: thoughts - Elections
  27. Koch Brothers + $250,000,000.00 = No global warming: voters, Republicans, Clinton, billion - Elections
  28. Hillary's VP Guy Doubles Down on Short Circuiting of Hilbot: ethical, nuclear - Elections
  29. Can the POTUS be removed from office if they are deemed mentally unfit?: president, solution - Elections
  30. Does Have a List of MSM Advertisers?: boycott, election, elect - Elections
  31. llary Clinton The Movie Banned by the Courts in 2008: campaign, legal - Elections
  32. Tim Kaine proves he is not to proud to lie for crooked Hillary.: interview, campaign - Elections
  33. Blame the GOP platform: Cause v. Symptom: global warming, voters, Republicans - Elections
  34. A picture (video) is worth a thousand words-Hillary: vote, Republican, Clinton - Elections
  35. The Trump Outrage is Fake and Phony: enemy, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  36. School me on the Peter Paul vs Hillary scandal... - Elections
  37. Your Cat Can Protest Trump With Butt Jewelry: voting, president - Elections
  38. 538: about 1/3 of Sanders' supporters are not backing Hillary...: vote, suspect - Elections
  39. Hillary admits she's not human: I short circuited. ....: vote, interview - Elections
  40. C'mon -- Did putin really call trump a genius ?: voters, campaign - Elections
  41. Assange will prove Hillary lied under oath, and sacrificed American lives to fund ISIS.: Clinton, Obama - Elections
  42. Fact checking Hillary Clinton's statements to the American People: democratic, CNN, FBI - Elections
  43. Whoever wins, they will likely be the first president in modern polling: liberals, polls - Elections
  44. At least this election makes it abundantly clear that the Democratic/Republican Party is monolithic: vote, polls - Elections
  45. Have an auto donation to Donald? Don't try to change your mind!: campaign, Republican - Elections
  46. Courts rule GOP intentionally discriminatory. : Voter right backlash: voters, security - Elections
  47. Bush, Christie and Kasich Donors Giving More to Clinton than Trump: vote, Congress - Elections
  48. Hilliary rubber stamped record number of Saudi Visas: Republicans, statistics, crimes - Elections
  49. Jill Stein too scared to release her tax returns: Putin, voters - Elections
  50. UH-OH! Unskewing has returned with a fancy new site (sort of).: party affiliation, liberal - Elections
  51. More signs that Johnson will debate Clinton and Trump: vote, polls, president - Elections
  52. 50 former Republican senior national security officials oppose Trump: 9/11, Putin, vote - Elections
  53. Without Educated White Women, the GOP is Doomed: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  54. Father of Orlando Mass Murderer Attends Clinton Rally, Makes Endorsement: interview, president - Elections
  55. Manufactured support (photoshop) Clinton rally: Franken, liberal, conservative, CNN - Elections
  56. Why isn't mainstream media reporting Clinton's snub of the FOP??: campaign, thoughts - Elections
  57. The Pro Trump Nat Enquirer goes after Hillary: voters, Congress, president - Elections
  58. Trump critics urge RNC to replace Trump as the party nominee: vote, Congress - Elections
  59. Is Hillary Clinton Responsible for the Execution of a Iranian Nuclear Scientist that Helped US? She discussed him email: vote, - Elections
  60. What will it take for Trump supporters to open their eyes and see how flawed their candidate is?: voters, middle east - Elections
  61. Where does the Republican party go on November 9th?: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  62. Johnson endorses BLM: CNN, represent, racism - Elections
  63. Will Pence make it to November 8?: campaign, crimes, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  64. Ryan's Challenger explains what the GOP Establishment has been doing...: vote - Elections
  65. Pay Dem's. Trump speaking in N.C. today. What a huuuuge crowd.: Ron Paul, Fast food - Elections
  66. Hillary supporters are terrified and why she'll lose.: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  67. If the democrats win, the republicans are very lucky the democratic candidate is Hillary Clinton: voting, campaign - Elections
  68. I want to debate very badly - Trump quote: interview, poll - Elections
  69. The Republicans jumping ship?: voters, Congress, generation, security - Elections
  70. Should Hillary Go To Jail Like Martha Stewart Had To?: ethics, democrat - Elections
  71. Remember when Reagan began to lose it?: president, Americans, speech - Elections
  72. Trump calls for armed insurrection if he loses: election, elect - Elections
  73. Trump's Son-In-Law's business partner puts 'Vote Your Conscience' on Manhattan construction site: Republicans, president - Elections
  74. Clintons medical handler identified: enemy, drug, conservative, border - Elections
  75. Is Bernie Sanders as big a liar as Hillary?: voting, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  76. The Truth About Hillary's Bizarre Behavior: voting, most - Elections
  77. Evening News Story: NAFTA, votes, wage, Democrats - Elections
  78. 2008 Rally: Joe Biden threatens to shoot Obama if he tries to take his beretta.: support, gun - Elections
  79. How are Clinton/Trump polling amongst Whites WITH college degrees?: voters, democratic - Elections
  80. What large crowds tell me.: Ron Paul, votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  81. Secret Service speaks to Trump's campaign about his little joke: vote, democratic - Elections
  82. Oh, Lawdy! Trump in Virginia: vote, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  83. Today's installment of the Clinton Foundation Scandal...: campaign, democrat, represent - Elections
  84. Currently, What's The Most Likely Trump Path to 270 Electoral Votes?: Colin Powell, Putin - Elections
  85. Overstock CEO: s How Gary Johnson Can Win the White House: votes, - Elections
  86. Trump claims Obama is the founder of ISIS: Iraq, campaign, president - Elections
  87. Pedophile Mark Foley front and center at Trump Rally: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  88. If we don't elect Trump, we will miss out on an opportunity: vote, president - Elections
  89. Trump Fan Scales NYC Trump Tower [Just wanted to get Trump's: Al Gore, president - Elections
  90. Great Trump Rallies Now Until Tuesday, November 8: liberal, polls, Americans - Elections
  91. OHIO - Trump Campaign Still Has No Cincinnati Office: voters, interview, democratic - Elections
  92. ISIS, Trump running #1 and #2...: voters, security, Republican, polls - Elections
  93. Doonesbury predicted the Trump run 3 DECADES ago -- with eerie accuracy...: candidacy, president - Elections
  94. Hillary's putting Utah in play: voters, campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  95. Trump lashes out at Morning Joe 8/10: candidacy, Clinton, Rudy Giuliani - Elections
  96. GOP Hispanic Spokesman in Florida Leaving for New Opportunity And To Avoid Supporting Donald Trump: voters, wage - Elections
  97. How Trumps Economic Policy Will Benefit the Wealthy!!!! Y'all too distracted to notice?: security, Democrats - Elections
  98. Child Rape Victim blasts Hillary 42 years Later: interview, campaign, - Elections
  99. Trump 2020: vote, campaign, democrat, poll - Elections
  100. Democrats, it's time to stop.: candidacy, Republicans, president, nationalist - Elections
  101. Thoughts on Will Smith's comments about Trump and depictions of the Middle East in media: African American, world - Elections
  102. The public will vindicate Trump, and vote for him in the end.: Republicans, biased - Elections
  103. Orlando Terrorist’s Father Cheers at Hillary Clinton Rally: interview, security, Taliban - Elections
  104. Bernie buys his third home: salary, campaign, illegal, represent - Elections
  105. What is Trump's true motivation for continually deflecting from Clinton's potentially damaging issues?: vote, campaign - Elections
  106. Trump's Ambivalence Giving It Away: voters, interview, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  107. Utah in play - - Mormons don't like Trump: vote, legal - Elections
  108. Doesn't the liberal control of media prove conservatives aren't competent or wealthy enough to compete with liberals?: Rush Limbaugh, voting - Elections
  109. Donald Trump’s Red-State Problem: unemployment, voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  110. Thanks Republicans: The Bar Can't Go Lower: vote, parade, campaign - Elections
  111. This is the first time in 50+ years a 3rd party has a chance.: votes, candidacy - Elections
  112. Dem. forget easly! Clinton Remark on Kennedy’s Killing Stirs Uproar: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  113. Trump Is Engaging in Stochastic Terrorism: Israeli, Taliban, ethical, Democrats - Elections
  114. Can Bernie Sanders Defeat Debbie Wasserman Schultz?: Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  115. Trump's assassination threat will lead to Muslim in Supreme Court: Americans - Elections
  116. Trump CRUSHES Hillary with BRUTAL New Ad: Putin, security, polls - Elections
  117. Only Issues For Democrats and Sane People is to Defeat Trump.: Putin, votes - Elections
  118. If Clinton or Trump lose what will be the fallout from it?: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  119. Legal aliens who became citizens overwhelmingly in favor of Trump!: health care system, votes - Elections
  120. Judge Jeanine Lays Out The Issues With Hillary: campaign, CNN, FBI - Elections
  121. Crooked Hillary is soon to receive security briefings. That should be of great concern to voters.: Democrats - Elections
  122. Trump doesn't tweet good: Iran, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  123. Jill Stein - llary Clinton has a terrifying record: voters, democratic - Elections
  124. Trump eats crow, endorses Ryan and McCain: voters, campaign, liberals - Elections
  125. Police union: Clinton snubbed us: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  126. Trump Is Not Going to Pivot ; It's Time for the GOP Establishment to Abandon Him: house of voters - Elections
  127. Does the Republican Party have a death wish or what???: Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  128. Clinton snubs the FOP....embraces blm: John Kerry, votes, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  129. If Hillary Is Elected, How Long Will She Serve?: voters, Congress, impeachment - Elections
  130. FactCheck:Trump is right: He didn’t kick a baby out of a campaign rally: Iran, interview - Elections
  131. Let's talk about Trump's interesting connections to Russia - Paul Manafort coached Putin's former man in Ukraine: voting, middle east - Elections
  132. Hillary and Her Saul Alinsky Style Tactics: vote, democrat, liberal - Elections
  133. Reuters Hillary Bounce Over - Hillary Lead was over 8, now under 3%: polls, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  134. Former head of CIA: Trump is unfit for presidency: Putin, voting, security - Elections
  135. Still have to laugh at Sanders and Cruz supporters that will just switch on a dime with the party first crap: house of voters - Elections
  136. Alternative Choices to Trump and Clinton??: votes, polls, Hillary Clinton, abortion - Elections
  137. Stein- green party candidate- gaining on hillary amongst democrats: votes, ethics, - Elections
  138. WooJulian Assange Claims Russia Wasn’t Involved in DNC Hackps ! Obongo and Hitlery lied again !: voters, conservative - Elections
  139. Just watched a Donald Trump speech.: regular, politicians, propaganda, world - Elections
  140. Morris: Trump Torpedoed for Debates: voting, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  141. Clinton Body Count rising in recent days. FIVE deaths.: Democrats, crime, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  142. Wow -- his hands really ARE small...: votes, Bill Clinton, deport - Elections
  143. Trumps Announces His Economic Advisors - What a Disaster!: voting, Congress, campaign - Elections
  144. NYC Top Cop Bill Bratton slams Don the Con...: crime, Clinton, leader - Elections
  145. Jill Stein lambasts Obama and Clinton: interview, president, Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush - Elections
  146. Clinton acknowledges trust issues, blames them on GOP: Congress, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  147. she IS a criminal: vote, Republican, president, election - Elections
  148. Will it be the voters or trump himself to blame?: campaign, illegal aliens - Elections
  149. Dems: Will you get behind Trump when he's elected?: vote, Congress, legal - Elections
  150. 400 million paid in exchange for 4 hostages. How many citizens could have been helped with 400 million.: voters, Iran - Elections
  151. Time to move on from Trump: vote, Republican, Hillary Clinton, McCain - Elections
  152. Trump keeps saying the election might be rigged -- Dangerous or no?: health care, voters - Elections
  153. Cornel West calls Clinton a neoliberal disaster - endorses Stein: Iran, campaign - Elections
  154. If the independent vote decides election?: voters, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  155. So what will Hillary Clintons likely first term goals be if she is elected?: Michael Bloomberg, voters - Elections
  156. Trump Is A Serial Liar--If His Mouth Is Moving, He's Lying: Iran, campaign - Elections
  157. Evan McMullen to launch conservative bid today.: vote, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  158. More Republicans desert the sinking Trump ship: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  159. Jeb Bush's son endorses Trump: Mexican, campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  160. If you can't stand Hillary's voice, you must be guilty of sexism!: vote, liberal - Elections
  161. It’s Over Hillary - BIGGEST LEAK TO DATE: legal, Democrats - Elections
  162. Lest we forget: can't get over this video of Donald Trump FREEZING when protesters get near his podium: security, - Elections
  163. Supporting Hilliary is like being with Abusive Ex ~ black church: Republican, conservative - Elections
  164. Why Trump will lose Florida, and therefore lose the election: voters, Democrats - Elections
  165. How do you vote in the Reuters poll?: Ron Paul, voters, interview - Elections
  166. How many minorities does Hillary have on her residence maintenance staff?: Democrats - Elections
  167. Communists Planning Ground Offensive: voters, campaign, Democrats, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  168. Social Media Research: Trump in a Landslide: voters, polls, regular - Elections
  169. If misspeaking is disqualifying, Trump is out (Possibly NSFW): compare, teleprompter - Elections
  170. Does Trump have a brain injury?: Democrats, liberal, Clinton, politician - Elections
  171. Time to listen up Dem's, Trump is about to speak on his plan for the economy something Crooked Hillary knows nothing abo: democrat, conspiracy - Elections
  172. Remember back when Nate Silver gave Trump a 57% chance of winning?: vote, polls - Elections
  173. Hillary is running for the highest office: when will she release her medical records?....: voters, ethical - Elections
  174. Orange County Continues to Turn Blue: voters, candidacy, campaign, - Elections
  175. Look who the Commies Love, surprise, surprise!: campaign, illegal, president - Elections
  176. Curt Schilling Plans To Be The 2024 Republican Presidential Nominee: interview, democrat, racism - Elections
  177. Trump debates Trump...: interview, elections, elect
  178. Reagan staffer: Trump is the emperor with no clothes: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  179. Hillary in St. Petersburg Florida.: votes, Iran, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  180. Kasich Sees Trump Victory In Ohio as Unlikely: CNN, president, education system - Elections
  181. Gary Johnson: Why Does Donald Trump Watch The Olympics?: Putin, voters, interview - Elections
  182. Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a ‘real opportunity’ for white nationalists: security, campaign - Elections
  183. Still Sure You Support Clinton, Gay Dems?: voting, middle east, stats - Elections
  184. Do you think Hillary will only serve one term?: 9/11, vote, security - Elections
  185. Trump hopes to rebound on Monday when he tries to bribe his way into office with lower tax promises: vote, - Elections
  186. Ecuador Pressured to Censor Julian Assange After DNC Leaks and Criticism of Hillary Clinton: conservative, conspiracy - Elections
  187. This doesnt fit the lefts narrative: vote, middle east, - Elections
  188. How did Republican party go from Reagan to...Trump: Iran, illegal - Elections
  189. llary Debates Hillary: Putin, democrat, liberals, conservative - Elections
  190. Democrats Out of Control - Again: campaign, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  191. Listening to Trump in FL: vote, president - Elections
  192. Hillary Clinton's post-convention bounce runs into a wall: Emails: legal, FBI - Elections
  193. Another hateful lib arrested for vandalizing property: campaign, supporter, amendment - Elections
  194. Is there a Poll that shows Trump supporters real political ideology?: vote, Republican - Elections
  195. Many GOP primary donors to losing candidates are now donating to Hillary: Republican, president - Elections
  196. Psychologists on Trump: Congress, ethical, impeachment, activist - Elections
  197. US elections are starting to look like representative democracy: vote, Democrats, Republicans
  198. Just to lighten the mood of the losers, whomever that might be.: Bill Clinton - Elections
  199. Guess he didn't need trump's tepid endorsement - Ryan wins easily - Elections
  200. Are the Democrats likely to face a massacre in 2018?: Republicans, Brown, Obama - Elections