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  1. Grand Theft Convention and Trump just won it.: Democrats, election, elect - Elections
  2. What are we voting for? A person? A party? A belief?: vote, wages - Elections
  3. Spotlight: vote, campaign, Bill Clinton - Elections
  4. Hillary for Wall Street: vote, Clinton, financial, money - Elections
  5. Home Run!! Hillary Knocks it Out of the Park!: Obama, speech, elect - Elections
  6. Great Trump ad featuring Obama!!: president, speech, work, date - Elections
  7. An asterick next to Hilliarys name in the history books: vote, Clinton - Elections
  8. Bernie promised cheap education... and delivered: voting, democrat, dollar, school - Elections
  9. It's official: Sanders to get a role call vote: democratic, supporters - Elections
  10. Hillary accidentally admits her 33,000 illegally deleted emails have national security on them?: Democrats, FBI - Elections
  11. Bernie Sanders: I'm proud to stand with [crooked Hillary] and her Wall Street and globalist mischief.: democratic, speech - Elections
  12. Crooked Hillary has taken root, is getting under Dem leadership's skin.: president, Reed - Elections
  13. DNC Convention Avoiding ISIS, Terrorism: enemy, democratic, liberal, president - Elections
  14. Let's Talk About Your Use of Hacking Obama and Dems...: illegal, liberal - Elections
  15. In 4 years it will mostly still be the same in US.: wages, racist - Elections
  16. The US Media is Crooked when covering this Election.: 9/11, campaign - Elections
  17. Sage advice if the antitrump people can listen to it: American - Elections
  18. Leaked D.N.C. Emails were so racist.: Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  19. Crooked Hillary, organized crime boss, first women to be nominated to head a national political party for president.: vote, education - Elections
  20. Hillary Clinton is laughing at Bernie...Revolution? Not about one man or woman?: vote, Congress - Elections
  21. Clinton Campaign Manager Encourages Trump to Campaign in Blue States: work, Washington - Elections
  22. When The Killings Start: Putin, vote, middle east, campaign - Elections
  23. HAHAH.TRump live destroying Bill, Hillary, and DWS!!: politician, teleprompter - Elections
  24. Trump video blaming Clinton, Obama for lack of job growth: unemployment, Americans - Elections
  25. Another lawsuit for Trump: patriot, campaign, legal, Reed - Elections
  26. You Know The Dems Have Lost Their Minds When...: president, most - Elections
  27. Kaine's Blue Star Pin - the VA Repub party was mistaken about it....: votes, enemy - Elections
  28. Democrates owned by the money machine: Clinton, supporters, website - Elections
  29. DNC Donor list still a secret: democratic, money, news - Elections
  30. Hypothetical: Pence quits as VP candidate (can't stand Trumpisms anymore), who does Trump chose: Putin, patriot - Elections
  31. Clinton administration legalize illegal immigrants in “the first 100 days”: interview, Republicans - Elections
  32. Sanders loyalists bash Clinton nomination, clash with police: vote, democratic, president - Elections
  33. Hillary’s Candidacy: Symptom of Deeper Cultural Issues: vote, nuclear, Clinton - Elections
  34. The Trump bump: Poll shows Trump up post-convention: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  35. Sanders Supporters Adopt Lock Her Up: democratic, president - Elections
  36. deleted - Elections
  37. Pelosi feeling the bern today at the DNC...: voting, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  38. DNC Voter Expansion Data Director Shot and Killed in Washington: elections, elect
  39. DNC has multiple protesters in Philly.: democratic, activist, news - Elections
  40. Bernie physically attacked before leaving the Democratic party: campaign, Democrats, crime - Elections
  41. Hillary is trying to force this Trump super-pac AD off TV....: NAFTA, voters - Elections
  42. How could Hillary add Wasserman Schultz to her campaign?????: democratic, FBI, suspected - Elections
  43. Dems hiring seat fillers after Bernie delegates leave.: campaign, democratic - Elections
  44. Trump back in the lead as Dems prepare for convention: polls, biased - Elections
  45. O.k. we know MSNBC is in the pocket of the DNC... but: conservative, biased - Elections
  46. What will Hillary wear for the biggest speech of her life? I'm going with a classic look....: suspect, American - Elections
  47. The Boston Globe's Opinion of Jill Stein: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  48. Where was Hillary as Senator and Secretary of State..?: vote, crime rate, Obama - Elections
  49. On the Value of your Vote...: health care, voters, represent - Elections
  50. Wow Bernie Supporters... You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up: campaign, - Elections
  51. Trump is the first candidate to get two convention bounces: votes, generations - Elections
  52. Sam Harris eviscerates Donald Trump: vote, Clinton, supporters - Elections
  53. Tricky Trump says he never met Putin. Shocker: Tricky is lying: votes, salary - Elections
  54. Both Vice Presidents' Economic Policy: vote, campaign, party, program - Elections
  55. Georgia a Swing State in 2016?: vote, legal, poll, president - Elections
  56. Clinton's unfavorables now higher than Trumps!: campaign, democratic, polls, president - Elections
  57. Why did the Democratic Party nominate the most untrusted hack in their Party?: votes, Democrats - Elections
  58. Who is Putin's real Ally in the race? A tale of uranium,: vote - Elections
  59. Decency for President: vote, racism, Hispanic - Elections
  60. What is it really about?: campaign, Clinton, Sanders, politicians - Elections
  61. Trump encouraging an adversarial foreign power to cyberspy on a secretary of state’s correspondenc: liberals, FBI - Elections
  62. Trump today: July 27 Press Conference.: voters, enemies, conservative, FBI - Elections
  63. Hillary's Accomplishments: salary, millionaire, Hillary Clinton, Reed - Elections
  64. Republicans...fact from fiction.: Democrats, education, American, political - Elections
  65. Gift to Trump: Obama to clear schedule to campaign daily for Hillary in October: voters, salaries - Elections
  66. Are of you Dems starting to get that Trump COULD win?: voters, security - Elections
  67. Black Teen Activist CJ Pearson Called “Uncle Tom” and “N-word” for Endorsing Trump: voting, campaign - Elections
  68. Medical opinions Does Trump have Coprolalia, TS, or OCD?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  69. Why Putin Hates Hillary: Democrats, Hillary Clinton, Obama, compare - Elections
  70. Crooked Hillary is a racist and her party promotes division by pandering to groups.: vote, campaign - Elections
  71. Where is Hillary on her big night ?: voters, campaign, conservative - Elections
  72. Who is to blame if Trump loses the election?: Rush Limbaugh, Putin, vote - Elections
  73. First Bush endorses Gary Johnson: vote, Clinton, party, election - Elections
  74. United Against Hate: thoughts, legal, statistics, crimes - Elections
  75. Gary Johnson Libertarian Party pulling equally from Trump and Clinton: voters, Democrats - Elections
  76. Why Nate Silver is bullish on Trump for now: vote, security, - Elections
  77. Bernie switching to Independent !: votes, democratic, Sanders, party - Elections
  78. Replussians for Trump?: Putin, campaign, Democrats, conspiracy - Elections
  79. DNC had higher viewership than RNC: Putin, vote, security, Democrats - Elections
  80. Crooked Hillary has done more to earn our disgust than to rebuild our trust.: Putin, voters - Elections
  81. So Bernie Was Establishment After All?: voters, Congress, - Elections
  82. Gulliani just reported that Clinton forbade uniformed cops in the building: legal, Democrats - Elections
  83. Dems up the LGBT ante - Trans speaker tonight: patriot, illegal, Republican - Elections
  84. The Democratic National Committee’s Insult to Atheists: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  85. Nancy Pelosi - White men won't vote for Clinton Because...: voters, campaign - Elections
  86. Dems desperate to try to make Trump joke into an issue: liberals - Elections
  87. Is it really a good time to switch teams?: unemployment, vote, gallon - Elections
  88. Trump releases attack ad..... Against Bernie: president, Hillary Clinton, Sanders, supporters - Elections
  89. Trump Loses Lawsuit With Paint Contractor: vote, liberal, Attorney, biased - Elections
  90. Did Obama's speech at the DNC hurt or help Hillary ?: votes, democratic - Elections
  91. New Poll for Pennsylvania: Clinton by 9: NAFTA, vote, Iraq, Republican - Elections
  92. Embracing Clinton, Obama says she'll 'finish the job': unemployment, voters, middle east - Elections
  93. Shocking Violence at the Democrat Primary. Where is the MSM?: illegal - Elections
  94. Hillary is a Racist: votes, Democrats, represent, president - Elections
  95. When will Hillary back out of the Debates with Trump?: vote, Republican - Elections
  96. BOTH parties use FEAR as an election strategy: voters, patriot, campaign - Elections
  97. Donald Trump Just Got Hillary Clinton To Admit Her E-mails Are A ‘National Security Issue’: voters, Democrats - Elections
  98. Do you REALLY trust Hillary?: Democrats, conservative, president, Clinton - Elections
  99. Wikileaks releases hacked DNC voicemails: democratic, Republican, CNN - Elections
  100. DNC's Craig's List Ad Seeking Pro-Hillary Actors To Fill Convention Seats: campaign, conservative - Elections
  101. Donald Trump tells a female reporter to be quiet-awesome: Mexicans, campaign, president - Elections
  102. The Trump-Ailes Nexus -- the killing of the Republican Party?: employment, Congress - Elections
  103. Clintons, Bloomberg and many of the DNC celebraties are the 1%!: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  104. Bernie Leaves The Democratic Party: voters, Mexicans, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  105. Will Bernie's revolution be realized?: voters, middle east, generation, democratic - Elections
  106. Click! Melania Trump's Website Deleted: Congress, security, illegal - Elections
  107. Bernie, your donors donated to you to fight Clinton and corrupted establishment: voters, campaign - Elections
  108. 63 year old Bernie delegate flips out on Hillary: health care, vote, - Elections
  109. Benghazi Widow demolishes Hillary: interviews, security, Republican, soldiers - Elections
  110. Tim Kaine DNC: interview, campaign, ethics, - Elections
  111. Outlier Poll?! Hillary only +3 in Oregon: voters, democratic, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  112. In the beginning Obama made jokes. Now he looks worried! - TRUMP: Fast food, vote - Elections
  113. Assange: WikiLeaks to release a lot more on US elections: vote, democratic
  114. Does Bernie believe what he was saying?: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  115. What is a Democratic Socialist?: voters, Democrats, president, Clinton - Elections
  116. Prediction: Hillary Clinton's poll numbers will be DOWN after the convention: voters, generations - Elections
  117. Best political nickname: Clinton, agent, most - Elections
  118. First Gentleman: president, Bill Clinton, agent, family - Elections
  119. Michelle Obama for 2024? Great speech: president, Clinton, American, party - Elections
  120. This prog. personality cult that has evolved around Bernie is weird: he's an ind. but endorses HRC and not Jill Stein...: vote, Clinton - Elections
  121. Men, what do you like or dislike most about Hillary Clinton?: American, politicians - Elections
  122. Bernie could have made real accomplishment.........: NAFTA, vote, security, Democrats - Elections
  123. In a media interview Hillary claimed no knowledge of Wasserman E-mail: voters, Iran - Elections
  124. Flag not seen at DNC: Palestinian, campaign, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  125. DNC violates Federal Law~ aided and abetted two illegal aliens: Democrats, president - Elections
  126. Bernie supporters hauled off in handcuffs: voters, campaign, democratic, soldiers - Elections
  127. not voting?: vote, Republican, represent - Elections
  128. O.k. explain how it happened... the email leaks.: Putin, security - Elections
  129. What's it going to cost the Obama Administration/DNC to get Julian Assange to go away?: Clinton, money - Elections
  130. DNC blames Russians and Trump...what about blaming the writers of offensive emails!: Putin, vote - Elections
  131. Johnson/Weld Video Gives a Pretty Good Understanding of What They'd Like to Do: vote - Elections
  132. Anchor child and illegal mom on primte at DNC as hosts!: democrat, borders - Elections
  133. have a problem listening to crooked Hillary talk about the V.A. and military ?: enemy, campaign - Elections
  134. Enough is enough- Sanders Supporters: votes, Democrats, poll, president - Elections
  135. Clinton is reintroducing herself at this stage in the game ?: Congress, campaign - Elections
  136. They're all Lawyers!: Congress, Democrats, representation, American - Elections
  137. Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia: house seat, employment, Congress - Elections
  138. Watching Democrats implode live on TV is everything I hoped it would be and more: campaign, FBI - Elections
  139. Nate Silver: Trump 57.5% Likely to Win Presidency: campaign, democrat, Clinton - Elections
  140. Bernie Sanders speech booed when he mentions Clinton: vote, campaign, CNN - Elections
  141. Trump has brought back my faith in humanity: vote, wages, candidacy - Elections
  142. Trump is a Racist: interview, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  143. Giving credit to Sanders delegates for standing up to corruption.: voters, generation - Elections
  144. Where are all the Trump political campaign commercials?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  145. Trump & Muslim vote: In his pocket or his back?: Putin, middle east - Elections
  146. Hillary is trying to sabotage her own campaign: vote, Democrats, Clinton - Elections
  147. Hey, you guys remember that one time when the chair of the RNC got banned from participating in their own convention?: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  148. Did Hillary hire DWS to be her honorary campaign chair?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  149. National Review: A Close Look at Pennsylvania: votes, campaign, liberal - Elections
  150. Is voting for Trump the only way to say no to a corrupt system?: Cheney, vote - Elections
  151. 2016 - Will Texas stay red?: voters, Congress, legal, Democrats - Elections
  152. is DNC a rock concert?: speech - Elections
  153. Jill Stein forcibly removed from convention: wages, security, democrat, crime - Elections
  154. Wow, Bill used to be a great speaker: liberals, regular, death - Elections
  155. Im A Pro-Black, Black November but I think A Trump Presidency Would Benefit Black People More Than Hillary: gas prices, vote - Elections
  156. Andrew Cuomo sounds like he has mental issues: campaign, Clinton, speech - Elections
  157. O.k. so what's Bernie getting from the DNC: Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  158. Clinton using convention to send message to wary GOP voters: security, Reagan - Elections
  159. it's the Democrat Party...not the Democratic Party: Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  160. How Trump can end the contest in the debates.: Putin, vote, campaign - Elections
  161. How do Christians, police officers and military members support Trump?: employment, Putin - Elections
  162. What's the one best thing you can say about candidate?: American, state - Elections
  163. Trump up 7 as this disastrous DNC gets worse: vote, security - Elections
  164. Can Bernie still get the nomination?: Putin, vote, interviews, - Elections
  165. White media, get to the back. Black media, come to the front.: Republican, racism - Elections
  166. Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes: global warming, Putin, vote - Elections
  167. Latest NBC Poll of 12,931 Registered Voters Shows Hillary May Be In Trouble: polls - Elections
  168. * Why are you voting for Hillary Clinton?: NAFTA, vote, Iran - Elections
  169. Michelle Obama - In America we don't build walls to keep people out: security, illegal - Elections
  170. Clinton Campaign Pulls Ad Buy in Colorado: voters, Mexicans, democratic - Elections
  171. Opinions on a suggested new system to get rid of the Electoral College?: votes, Congress - Elections
  172. Dem Unity and Sander supporters? - Think again: voters, interview, Clinton - Elections
  173. Democrats s your sign-mental illness: health care, voters, gallon, security - Elections
  174. Ripping signs out of the hands of Sanders delegates and threatening to: vote, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  175. Its clear, Trump is about unity, Clinton is about division: 9/11, voters - Elections
  176. How is crooked Hillary and her campaign able to expand her web of corruption so easily ?: voters, Iraq - Elections
  177. Lies and Other Outrageous Things said at the DNC: illegal, Obama - Elections
  178. Open letter to Bernie supporters:: votes, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  179. Hillary's campaign fears more leaks are coming.: Democrats, FBI, president - Elections
  180. If Bernie could break one promise, he should break another one: vote, candidacy - Elections
  181. NJ vote and Donald Trump: votes, thoughts, Democrats, christmas - Elections
  182. Democratic Convention as usual no mention of the ISIS threat: Iraq, middle east - Elections
  183. Larry Sabato, Clinton still the favorite: president, American, speech - Elections
  184. Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans: vote, patriot, Mexican - Elections
  185. Democrats, can you at least admit Trump is brave enough to do non-stop press conferences?: vote, president - Elections
  186. O.k. day 2 done - rating?: voters, Bill Clinton, Sanders, speech - Elections
  187. Russia wants Trump to win, who cares: Obama, countries - Elections
  188. Utah State Senator switches to Libertarian Party: Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  189. bernie sander's campaign manager expects more damaging dnc revelations: biased, Sanders, news - Elections
  190. Your Next Post To a News Media Website: Democrats, Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  191. State media talking points Not working: campaign, news - Elections
  192. Why the U.S. is a corporate run govenment: vote, wages - Elections
  193. Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges: Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now?: democratic, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  194. The 9/11 Lie About Trump at the DNC Convention - Elections
  195. Libertarian and Green Parties work together to gain ballot access in Pennsylvania: voting, poll - Elections
  196. Malcom X view on the Black Dem voting block as it's starting out: vote, Blacks - Elections
  197. Independent QA testing service provider Europe: security - Elections
  198. DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal: campaign, conservative, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  199. Mothers at DNC - The Children At Work and Play - Elections
  200. Bernie a revolutionary....REALLY?: Sanders, Washington - Elections