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  1. Jill Stein is having a meltdown xD: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  2. Evan Bayh to run for his old Indiana Senate seat. Huge blow to republicans.: vote, Congress - Elections
  3. Facebook Carrying Water for Hillary? Deletes anti-Hillary memes.: Hillary Clinton, Americans - Elections
  4. LIAR LIAR PANTSUIIT ON FIRE - Stephen Colbert: Iraq, Democrats, Baghdad - Elections
  5. Clapper refuses Paul Ryan's request that he deny security briefings to Hillary Clinton: enemy, campaign - Elections
  6. Trump Lawyers to Judge Curiel: Not Blocking Release of Testamony in Trump University Case would harm his campaign: Attorney, represent - Elections
  7. This video says it ALL.... - Elections
  8. If you'd like a little light, snide reading, spinning a Trump story... - Elections
  9. Big Holes in the Republican Ground Game: vote, democratic - Elections
  10. While you were voting Democratic, it regifted your jobs and housing away to more deserving folks.: NAFTA, illegal aliens - Elections
  11. California only has Democratic senators: party affiliation, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  12. Feeling like the Democratic Party--that's strip-mining the middle class--doesn't have your best interests at heart?: vote, Congress - Elections
  13. the 1994 midterms, wouldnt Hillary just be a conservative the first two years: Congress, Republicans - Elections
  14. The Indiana Senate Election Just Went from LIKELY REPUBLICAN to TOSS-UP: Congress, campaign - Elections
  15. Baron Hill withdraws as Dem Senate Candidate in Indiana, Paving the Way for Evan Bayh: Congress, campaign - Elections
  16. I think Trump should pick Gen. Flynn!: interview, solution, military - Elections
  17. Poll: Clinton’s lead over Trump shrinks dramatically: Democrats, polls, radical - Elections
  18. Clinton's Remarks on Benghazi Totally Contradictory - Unfit To Lead: Republican, world - Elections
  19. Love Trump or not, you will laugh at this ! - Elections
  20. Google bias: Donald Trump twitter results vs llary Clinton twitter results: controversial, president - Elections
  21. Pence now supports Muslim ban: Iraq, liberal, vice president - Elections
  22. Great news for Trump supporters.: Putin, campaign, legal, liberal - Elections
  23. How about a little Trump story? - Elections
  24. Cenk Uygur in Cleveland and Concerned: president, Clinton, program, support - Elections
  25. When will Hillary announce VP?: most - Elections
  26. Intolerance and Trump: multiculturalism, drugs, liberal - Elections
  27. What? The RNC is wrong? Tebow isn't going to speak?: vote, campaign - Elections
  28. RNC Delegate resigns, endorses Gary Johnson: votes, Republican, liberals, conservative - Elections
  29. Crooked Hillary says she needed to regain the trust. What has she done to do that ?: campaign, - Elections
  30. Hillary's goons were at her unity rally....: 9/11, security, Clinton - Elections
  31. Trump former advisor claims he violated Campaign Finance Laws: illegal, money, 2012 - Elections
  32. Deflection Emergency: voters, Democrats, Attorney, president - Elections
  33. GOP convention is short on cash: voting, Democrats, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  34. California Calls Fraud: Demands DNC Investigate - Several Hundred Dead voted in primary, thousands ballots tossed!: voters, democratic - Elections
  35. Donald Trump's Make America Great Again Hats Fall Short on Made in USA Tags: Mexicans, campaign - Elections
  36. Hillary Clinton: It's 'heartbreaking' when IT workers must train H-1B replacements: interview, democratic - Elections
  37. Gowdy to Comey: I am going to ask you to put on your old hat. False exculpatory statements, they are used for what?: Congress, conservative - Elections
  38. Trump from the beginning has been to only on supporting the police.: vote, Congress - Elections
  39. Hillary outrages anti-cop gaffe: votes, campaign, Democrats, racist - Elections
  40. Annoint a non politican as our next President: politician, elect, work - Elections
  41. _ “We have to bring them to heel”: Watch a decade of Hillary Clinton’s shameful hypocrisy on racism _: elect, race - Elections
  42. Will trump or clinton complete 1 term???: vote, candidacy, impeachment - Elections
  43. Bernie Booded by HouseDem's: Democrats, liberal, Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  44. Introducing Trump's NYS Co-chairman, Carl Paladino ...: voters, campaign, ethics, liberal - Elections
  45. Ben Sasse Skipping the GOP Convention to watch dumpster fires with his kids: voters, Congress - Elections
  46. A POTUS That Can't Use A Public Restroom?: Hillary Clinton, education - Elections
  47. Senate Looking More Likely to Remain in GOP Hands: Rubio (FL), Portman (OH), Toomey (PA) Have Solid Leads: voters, campaign - Elections
  48. Hillary's plan could see 1,000,000 Muslim Immigrants in 1st term, will terrorism hurt her if she stands by it?: voters, Iraq - Elections
  49. Who is the bigger liar?: vote, campaign, ethics, - Elections
  50. Open letter from tech leaders Trump: candidacy, campaign, - Elections
  51. Making America Great Again...!: vote, enemy, liberals, polls - Elections
  52. How can America be great with a VP that pushed for NAFTA, TPP, Amnesty and the Iraq war?: vote, thoughts - Elections
  53. The Los Angeles Times has Trump in the lead.: campaign, polls, Clinton - Elections
  54. Speakers announced for the Dem convention: vote, security, legal, Democrats - Elections
  55. Trump Advisor calls on Ayatollah Khomeini to denounce Nice attack: Iran, Democrats - Elections
  56. Democrats have unity love fest at Senate lunch: vote, Congress - Elections
  57. Donald Trump and the Doomsday Plane: vote, thoughts, democratic, nuclear - Elections
  58. GOP Begs Sheldon Adelson for $6 Million to Bankroll Convention after Sponsors Reneg on $8 Million Pledge: campaign, ethics - Elections
  59. Trump to Meet with Cruz: voters, thoughts, Republicans, independent - Elections
  60. Clinton camp: Trump VP pick is 'divisive,' 'unpopular': vote, enemy, campaign - Elections
  61. According to Obama, Hillary is the most qualified EVA!: John Kerry, campaign, president - Elections
  62. Mike Pence voted against TARP in 2008.: NAFTA, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  63. Trump Vows to Uphold Article 12 of the Constitution: voters, Congress, Mexicans - Elections
  64. Love Trumps Hate Hillary Campaign Slogan: vote, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  65. POLL: VP pick- just one day to go: vote, campaign, legal - Elections
  66. Surprises! Hilary Clinton now opposes the TPP: Iraq, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  67. Hillary Triples Down On The Lie: Congress, interview, security, FBI - Elections
  68. Do the Republicans Dislike Trump Enough To Lose The Election?: vote, Congress - Elections
  69. This ad is the Trump-killer: votes, security, ethical, accuse - Elections
  70. Albert Einstein weighs in on the election...: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  71. Nate Silver is calling the election for Clinton: Putin, Mexicans, campaign - Elections
  72. Is mike pence really prolife or not? Could someone find this: voters, security - Elections
  73. Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in four swing states: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  74. Democrats ‘freaked out’ about polls in meeting with Clinton: campaign, liberals - Elections
  75. Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out: interview, campaign - Elections
  76. Clinton Legal Team Moves Block Deposition In Email Lawsuit: Mexican, Republicans - Elections
  77. Bernie mentions Hillary zero times during 23 minute speech: vote, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  78. Billboard of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Goes up in Cleveland: Democrats, president - Elections
  79. Rep. Marsha Blackburn Calls For Investigation of Clinton Foundation: Congress, ethical, impeachment - Elections
  80. Never Trump Movement Dies in Committee: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  81. Vintage Trump: voters, interview, campaign, - Elections
  82. ***GOP Convention 2016***: voting, Democrats, Republican, liberals - Elections
  83. Harvey Levin Questions Comeys decision not to Prosecute: Congress, security, liberal - Elections
  84. Star of David/Sheriff star on Frozen book cover ...where is the outrage!: security, campaign - Elections
  85. Hillary - Castro 2016: votes, Democrats, polls - Elections
  86. If more guns keep people safer, why are guns banned at the RNC?: legal - Elections
  87. Johnson nearing 15% mark: global warming, voters, polls - Elections
  88. Donations to Stein Skyrocket after Sanders' endorsement. DNC panicking.: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  89. Everyone knows Donald Trump is the next President. It's all about Popularity: Reagan, democrat - Elections
  90. A List of Violent Incidents At Trump Rallies S M H: middle east, campaign - Elections
  91. A critique of Trump, by the man who actually wrote: The Art of the Deal: Franken, interviews - Elections
  92. WHERE is Crooked Hillary? Has she vanished? Gone into hiding???: vote, interviews - Elections
  93. Swing-state stunner: Trump has edge in key states: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  94. Is The Republican Party Dead?: voters, wages, security, thoughts - Elections
  95. Prediction: Noah Trevor will be the big winner at RNC: Republican, conservative - Elections
  96. Vote for the lesser of two evils?: Clinton, Obama, political - Elections
  97. Hillary goes Hollywood with new movie llary's America . Seize wealth and power like a criminal gang. criminal gang: vote, Democrats - Elections
  98. Over 100 nude women pose against Trump in Cleveland: liberals, political, supporters - Elections
  99. If you think the empty chair was a disaster at the last RNC: vote, interviews - Elections
  100. Trump to declare war on ISIS, but send very few troops: Iraq, interview - Elections
  101. Why does Trump immediately issue a statement after every disaster?: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  102. Trump hit two home runs this week.: voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  103. Will Trump give a concession speech or go into hiding?: vote, generation - Elections
  104. see crooked Hillary's new conference today ?: Hillary Clinton, news - Elections
  105. Trumps biggest problem isn't Pence, it's this...: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  106. Mike Pence used campaign funds to pay his mortgage: Congress, democratic, Republican - Elections
  107. CNN Reporter starts Speaking Truth on Hillary's Past Record, gets Cut from Air: voters, generation - Elections
  108. Oops! Hillary Tells O’Reilly Why She’s not Qualified to Run for President!: vote, interview - Elections
  109. Has Seen the New Trump-Pence Logo Hilarious!: campaign, liberals - Elections
  110. Will Hillary back out for medical reason or give a concession speech?: drugs, president - Elections
  111. Crooked Hillary, What about Crooked Trump? Now He's Soliciting Illegal Foreign Donations: campaign, president - Elections
  112. Hillary Lying: candidacy, liberal, conservative, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  113. Cleveland police union begging Kasich to suspend open carry during RNC: vote, enemies - Elections
  114. Methodology of Rasmussen Poll: voters, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  115. As of July 2016 - Other Republicans still poll far better than Trump against Hillary: votes, generation - Elections
  116. Ringtwingers to talk about Benghazi Monday RNC: security, liberal, conservative - Elections
  117. about poll numbers?: votes, campaign, polls, president - Elections
  118. The Next Shoe To Drop: enemies, FBI, crime, Bill Clinton - Elections
  119. What Cornel West had to say about Stein and Clinton: voters, Congress - Elections
  120. Know Nothing Donald: voters, Congress, security, Mexicans - Elections
  121. Could Pennsylvania be the swing state in 2016?: voters, generation, campaign - Elections
  122. Less Trump equals better Trump?: interviews, campaign, Republican, election - Elections
  123. Bad news - trump still doesn't do well with women and others: voters, democratic - Elections
  124. Let's have fun...the coming RNC: votes, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  125. So Hillary. What's Her Status?: Congress, FBI, Clinton, state - Elections
  126. The real problem with Trump's Start of David tweet: voters, campaign, ethical - Elections
  127. Should a sitting Supreme Court justice on a presidental election?: health care, vote - Elections
  128. If trump picked bernie as VP would you vote for the trump/sanders ticket?: Republican, conservative - Elections
  129. Article: GOP elites against Trump because he WILL win: vote, Mexicans, racist - Elections
  130. Dick Morris Goes Full Circle: campaign, democratic, president, Clinton - Elections
  131. Would you vote for Ivanka Trump?: president, election, elect, support - Elections
  132. What if Trump's Goal is really to Secure a Clinton Victory: votes, suspected - Elections
  133. A rational discussion of Hillary Clinton/Donald Trump: votes, liberal - Elections
  134. Sanders to endorse Hillary Clinton tomorrow in NH: vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  135. BREAKING: US Attorney General asked to investigate Clinton for perjury: Congress, democratic - Elections
  136. Breaking - Court Rules Delegates NOT Bound to Trump: votes, Democrats, represent - Elections
  137. RNC & DNC will be VERY violent: illegal, Democrats, activist - Elections
  138. Unifier vs The Divider: vote, campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  139. The Republicans should have won this election, but it looks they're going to blow it: Al Gore, voters - Elections
  140. Did Newt just disqualify himself from VP?: Congress, CNN, crimes - Elections
  141. Get On The Trump Train As We the People Indict Hillary With Our Votes!: FBI, statistics - Elections
  142. Trump's Almamater Denounces Him in an Open Letter: campaign, illegal - Elections
  143. I like General Flynn if he's the VP!!: Putin, Congress, interview - Elections
  144. Trump's VP choice: Poll Ends Tuesday: conservative, program, official - Elections
  145. The 17 States Trump Campaign is Targeting: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  146. Gary Johnson Spoiler? Trump Wins?: voters, Iran, wage, candidacy - Elections
  147. Hillary blames cops, white people: NAFTA, Democrats, statistics, president - Elections
  148. Where is the justice in this?: Congress, illegal, Attorney, Afghanistan - Elections
  149. Not to be detered; Eric Trump's VP choice: vote, thoughts, liberals - Elections
  150. If you want change, and you plan to vote for Hilarity Clinton...: Democrats, conservative - Elections
  151. white, not Latino vote: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  152. other U.S. citizen not voting this November: Limbaugh, vote, thoughts - Elections
  153. Hillary Clinton just got laid out by Lester Holt on MSNBC: interview, - Elections
  154. Hillary's Free College Plan Doesn't Add Up: ethic, illegal, liberal - Elections
  155. Did Democrats really want Hillary or was she forced on us?: vote, campaign - Elections
  156. At first TRUMP was entertaining: vote, Congress, democrat - Elections
  157. You vote Dem, you vote for TPP: _ Sanders Allies Lose Platform Fight Over Pacific Trade Deal _ ~O~ and HRC support it.: NAFTA, unemployment - Elections
  158. Oath keepers (open carry tea partiers) to flood downtown Cleveland with guns during GOP convention: liberals, military - Elections
  159. Perkins helps right GOP plank calling for conversion therapy for gays: voters, - Elections
  160. Trump won't release tax returns because he is going through an audit ?: vote, security - Elections
  161. General Election Debates Schedule Set: CNN, president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  162. Trump takes time out of busy campaign schedule to sue former aide: Republican, vice president - Elections
  163. 50% of voters think they've seen a Trump Ad - his campaign hasn't run ..: polls, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  164. Dishonest Trump bashers are driving the people into the loving embrace of Trump.: vote, Congress - Elections
  165. What Presidential candidate do you align with most? QUIZ: vote, democratic - Elections
  166. Trump looking for an attack dog VP: interview, campaign, Republican - Elections
  167. Paul Ryan's Townhall on CNN - watch?: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  168. Clinton Reportedly Down to 5 on Veep List; Jersey Newspaper Reports Trump Unlikely to Pick Christie: votes, Congress - Elections
  169. What happens if Trump WINS, but declines the Presidency?: voting, interview, campaign - Elections
  170. Has Trump Created a Fake Company to Avoid Campaign Finance Laws?: 9/11, middle east - Elections
  171. Perjury investigation for hil?: vote, Congress, Iraq, security - Elections
  172. My election prediction map with 4 months to go!: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  173. How long before Trump or Clintons first scandal?: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  174. President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump: poll, Clinton - Elections
  175. Is Clinton the Most Pathetic Presidential Candidate in Memory: vote, Simpson, Bush - Elections
  176. Who will Donald Trump pick as Vice President?: Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  177. State Department ReOpens Clinton Email Probe: security, FBI, president, program - Elections
  178. After the election, what do you suppose Trump will do?: candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  179. Pence - the evangelical candidate - for vp?: votes, interviews, Mexicans - Elections
  180. Hillary's Abuse of the Presidential Seal is a Crime Punishable by 6 Months in Jail: house of Congress - Elections
  181. If Hillary wins.: vote, enemies, conservative, president - Elections
  182. Trump-Pence ticket is a winner!!: campaign, extremist, Obama, election - Elections
  183. Was Kasich asked?: voters, Congress, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  184. After the election, what do you think Hillary will do?: campaign, legal - Elections
  185. Sanders Endorsement - from a Pro-Bernie person: NAFTA, vote, Congress - Elections
  186. It's Trump-Gingrich: Republicans, Clinton, school, compare - Elections
  187. 56% of Americans say Hillary should have been Charged with Crime, 35% approve of decision: voters, campaign - Elections
  188. Bikers for Trump and Hells Angels to protect Trump supports in Cleveland: illegal, liberals - Elections
  189. Ted Cruz to speak at the RNC: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  190. 60% of Americans view the Republican party unfavorably: unemployed, votes, Congress - Elections
  191. Hillary's lies don't bug me as much as the other stuff: votes, Congress - Elections
  192. Trump Calls Sanders A Sellout - Who gets His votes: employment, liberal - Elections
  193. Crooked Hillary makes a laughing stock of herself on media access.: news - Elections
  194. Trump the Law and Order Candidate: suspect, Obama, race, news - Elections
  195. Gender Gap This Year May Be Largest in History: campaign, democratic, polls - Elections
  196. Bernie supporters, who are you voting for now? - Elections
  197. democrat senate meeting freaked out about polls with Clinton: Democrats, president - Elections
  198. The historical Dem / Rep National Conventions in photos: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  199. Just change your last name to Clinton...: president - Elections
  200. If Hillary wins November, Hillary and Bernie will be hating each other again by the end of her presidency. - Elections