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  1. Hellary's lack of topics: vote, Democrats, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  2. If there were no open primaries, would Trump have won?: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  3. Refusing to serve an alcoholic beverage to a pregnant woman is now a crime in NYC. When do progressives say enough?: legal, liberals - Elections
  4. Few stand in Trump’s way as he piles up the Four-Pinocchio whoppers: voters, conspiracy - Elections
  5. Hillary lie is what we need to know: generation, Republicans, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  6. Trump hires former Goldman Sachs partner and Soros employee: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  7. Sasse (Nebraska) emerging as favorite of the Republicans for third-party candidate: vote, Congress - Elections
  8. Lil' George Stephanopolous getting another shot against Trump tomorrow!: Iraq, interview, work - Elections
  9. 2016 Senate Races: voters, enemies, generation, Israel - Elections
  10. One last Cruz video: conservative, Obama, race, Christ - Elections
  11. Can a President switch Parties? Can two parties be on the same ticket?: Congress, Republican - Elections
  12. Theory - Cruz/Rubio Ticket would have stopped Trump: Congress, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  13. awkward pivots OK, so is this the real deal: vote, campaign - Elections
  14. What is Indian Country ?: campaign, conservative, racist - Elections
  15. Trump and Hillary are in a bar...: patriot, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  16. Paypal Co-Founder backs Trump...: campaign, president, billion, support - Elections
  17. Do Not Moan To Me About Hillary Clinton's Problems: interview, campaign - Elections
  18. Mika Brzezinski distraught over Trumps attacks on Hillary‎: regular, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  19. Hillary wraps her lie in P.C. with security inquiry: FBI, Obama - Elections
  20. DC Republicans complain to much about Trump. but why no complaints about last 7 years?: jobs - Elections
  21. Tonight there are 70 Delegates Available: Fast food, voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  22. Hillary has bad judgement: voters, security, poll, assault - Elections
  23. Hillary better for conservatives than Trump?!: voters, Congress, Republicans, president - Elections
  24. Heidi Cruz compares Ted's journey to ending slavery: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  25. Hillary Clinton is Wall Street's favorite candidate...: voters, Congress, - Elections
  26. Lightweights Cruz & Kasich Trading Low Blows: supporters, family, news - Elections
  27. Study: Sanders’ economic plan piles $18 trillion on federal debt: health care system, security, democratic - Elections
  28. Governor of Kentucky takes Selfie With Hillary & Bernie!: work - Elections
  29. Bombshell: Romanian hacker breached Clinton server - it was easy - NBC sat on story for month!: FBI, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  30. You let special interests define 'disease' states for which you must buy extravagant insurance policies. Yes, you'll pay: unemployment, health care system - Elections
  31. Trump - the Republican Presidential candidate: voters, campaign, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  32. Jane Sanders panders for votes by encouraging the breakup of the US!: Congress - Elections
  33. Donald Trump wins the election with Hillary Clinton as Vice President: impeachment, Obama - Elections
  34. The last two wanted are the last two standing. WHY???: Huckabee, votes - Elections
  35. The Hildabeast and the Primaries: voters, campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  36. Hillary said she will let people 50-55+ buy into Medicare: health care, vote - Elections
  37. Hillary the enabler vs. Hillary the wronged wife: 9/11, voters, president - Elections
  38. Facebook is censoring pro Trump speech: vote, security, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  39. Trump and the national debt: vote, liberals, dollar, economic - Elections
  40. Will Bernie Win California? (major embarrasment for Hillary): votes, campaign, democratic - Elections
  41. How about logical consistency? Fiorina vs. Christie: voting, campaign, Attorney - Elections
  42. Trump selects White Nationalist Leader as CA delegate: votes, campaign, representation - Elections
  43. No Trump, no Hillary, not responsible: vote, interview, president - Elections
  44. Democratic Party is broken. What does Hillary have to do to unite Sanders supporters back into it?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  45. Hillary may be Status Quo -- but will she GOVERN status quo?...: vote, Congress - Elections
  46. I believe that Hillary os going to take the win. Sadly.: health care, vote - Elections
  47. Democrats to kick off committee members for voting Trump: voters, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  48. Will Ted attend GOP Convention? His delegates?: campaign, president, boycott - Elections
  49. Hillary Clinton is unraveling quickly (arf arf): voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  50. Trump's New Campaign Advertisement: health care, Democrats, Republicans, Rockefeller - Elections
  51. Most Americans don't trust Trump on SC vacancy and want hearings: voters, liberals - Elections
  52. We need a single-issue, third party, anti-LGBT candidate: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  53. Dead heat: Trump, Clinton tied in 3 swing-state polls: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  54. third party stuff tends to die? not this year: vote, interview - Elections
  55. Who will win the Republican primary in NE ?: vote, conservative, polls - Elections
  56. Troops Prefer Trump Over Clinton: party affiliation, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  57. CD Presidental Election Poll: Hillary Clinton, party, date - Elections
  58. Why Are Sanders' Supporters So Docile: votes, president, Obama - Elections
  59. I Am Going to Vote For Trump Though It Makes Me Want to Projectile Vomit: voters, Congress - Elections
  60. Hillary's Plan To Tweak ObamaCareNot, Bad Medicine!: Congress, enemy, illegal aliens - Elections
  61. Clinton losing voters: CNN, polls, Hillary Clinton, elect - Elections
  62. trump fans motivated by giddyness at the chaotic spectacle: voters, president, American - Elections
  63. Monica Lewinski on TED! If you haven't seen it than watch it.: Republicans - Elections
  64. Hillary's health: campaign, Republicans, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  65. Is there a Black Hispanic female that could be the VP for Trump?: Condoleezza Rice, votes - Elections
  66. West Virginia/Nebraska Primary: voters, campaign, ethical, legal - Elections
  67. Ron Paul: Bill Kristol doesn't need third party candidate, he'll back neocon Hillary: vote, Democrats - Elections
  68. Why Donald Trump Is Going to be Our Next President: Al Gore, vote - Elections
  69. Is Ted Cruz getting ready to run 3rd party ?: campaign, president - Elections
  70. David Duke: Trump could be our White Knight: campaign, democratic - Elections
  71. 12 Cartoons Explaining How the World Views Trump: Iran, security, Democrats - Elections
  72. So what's this Gary Johnson guy about?: vote, wage, patriot - Elections
  73. New Reuters/Ipsos poll finds Clinton, Trump neck-and-neck: polls, president - Elections
  74. Clinton Took The Child Rape Case As A Favor: legal - Elections
  75. Mary Maitland Quits Republican Party Joins Libertarian: Ron Paul, votes, Mexicans - Elections
  76. The reason Trump voters don't care about his lies and flip-flops: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  77. Trump's Muslim ban Just a ..: Congress, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  78. SHOCKING - Ailing Hillary Clinton Now Needs Votes From Superdelegate Elite To Get 2016 Nomination: voters, campaign - Elections
  79. Crazy Bernie: vote, polls, Sanders, fence - Elections
  80. Bernie Sanders Only Cares About Bernie Sanders: votes, salary, patriot - Elections
  81. Help me Gary Johnson supporters!: votes, Congress, security, illegal - Elections
  82. We need to know what Trump plans are for the corrupt system of campaign finance!: voters, Congress - Elections
  83. Washington Post Assigns 20 Reporters to Dig Into Trump's Past: campaign, Reagan, Bill Clinton - Elections
  84. HILLARY lS NOT FIT TO LEAD THE MILITARY!: Congress, FBI, president - Elections
  85. Calling all psychics, prediction failures and successes, Trump, Ryan result of meeting today.: vote, middle east - Elections
  86. Jon Stewart questions if Trump's personality is suited for the presidency: vote, Iraq - Elections
  87. Dems should indict Hillary, banish Bernie, and nominate Joe: legal, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  88. Hillary's Future?: vote, democratic, vice president, Bush - Elections
  89. Who do you support?: vote, democrat, Republican, poll - Elections
  90. Is there really nothing to learn from a candidate's tax returns?: salary, FBI - Elections
  91. Trump will face a catastrophic defeat this fall if he doesn't unite the GOP: voters, Democrats - Elections
  92. Vote Trump - He's gonna Tax you for the favor!: Congress, campaign - Elections
  93. GI Bill, Mr. Trump?: vote, Congress, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  94. Muslim women wants a GOP president, Trump will do.: vote, Iraq, - Elections
  95. Trump now says he will not release tax returns...: voters, legal, Obama - Elections
  96. Clinton’s support black women voters at an all time high: Democrats, poll - Elections
  97. Gingrich: Trump will be amazing or worse than Goldwater: vote, Reagan - Elections
  98. The Neither Trump nor Clinton are acceptable to me Or, I have no dog in the fight.: votes, Iraq - Elections
  99. NYPost Stop the Coronation (Hillary)!: votes, Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  100. 84,000 attend Sanders rally in Oregon...: voters, democratic, Republican, independent - Elections
  101. Obama's Medicare cuts killing seniors-Trump will end it!: NAFTA, vote, Congress - Elections
  102. Impressive list of who endorse the next president Clinton: Harry Reid, - Elections
  103. Would you vote for a Republican Trump with an Independent Bernie Sanders as Vice President?: extremist, death - Elections
  104. Bernie will end up winning same # of States as Hillary: campaign, democratic - Elections
  105. FEC releases damning 639 pages of violations by Bernie Sanders campaign: Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  106. 20% voted for cruz in nebraska?: voters, Republican, president - Elections
  107. BREAKING! - Sanders: Nominating Clinton would be ‘DISASTER' for party, nation: votes, Democrats - Elections
  108. In one way, the Republican Party is moving in the right direction with the Trump nomination: security, Republicans - Elections
  109. Show Me The Taxes!: Huckabee, unemployed, interview, security - Elections
  110. Trump's new billionaire mega donor joins Trump SuperPac: campaign, hiring illegals, accuse - Elections
  111. Republican Delegates Do Not Have To Go Through With Their Suicide Pact: voters, campaign - Elections
  112. CNN's Sources: FBI Has Not Found Violation of Law by Hillary So Far and Investigation Almost Over: interviews, security - Elections
  113. Democrats: level of enthusiasm about Hillary?: votes, Iraq, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  114. Libertarian Gary Johnson Could Pull Support From Both Clinton and Trump: votes, illegal - Elections
  115. Romney called Trump a “phony” and a “fraud”: vote, campaign - Elections
  116. Liberals for Trump!: house of voters, Iran, wage - Elections
  117. **BREAKING NEWS: Romney meets with leaders of third-party effort: voters, Republicans - Elections
  118. Trump protesters block highway: illegal, liberals, racist, Reed - Elections
  119. A Vote For Hillary will give you ...: voters, wages, Reagan - Elections
  120. My conspiracy theory Donald Trump and the GOP establishment: votes, campaign - Elections
  121. llary Gets Guccifered: interview, security, legal, democratic - Elections
  122. Is Hillary Clinton the Jeb Bush of the Democrat Party: voters, interviews - Elections
  123. If Bernie Sanders is 74, why would realistically vote for him?: Ron Paul, candidacy - Elections
  124. Trump: Open to Tax Hikes on the Wealthy so long as cuts are made to the Middle Class, Tax Plan is just a starting point: Franken, vote - Elections
  125. So the real Trump starting to show-voters are suckers: campaign, illegal - Elections
  126. Palin says she's open to being Trump's VP: campaign, death - Elections
  127. Did Ed Rendell Just Cost Hillary The Election???: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  128. Bernie Sanders Holds Massive Rally Tonight in NJ.: votes, Hillary Clinton, speech - Elections
  129. Why Trump will prevail: voters, security, Mexican, campaign - Elections
  130. VP Choices 2016: Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, vote, interview - Elections
  131. Sarah Palin Working to Defeat Paul Ryan in Wisconsin Primary: voters, Congress - Elections
  132. WATCHDOG Named Most Corrupt Politician of 2015: voters, interviews, security, ethical - Elections
  133. Newt Gingrich looking more and more likely to be Trumps VP: voters, Congress - Elections
  134. Why no new conservative party?: voters, Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  135. Hillary is owned by Special Interests: votes, campaign, legal - Elections
  136. RNC Tells Senate Candidates They Don't Have To Attend Convention: voters, campaign - Elections
  137. LIVE! - Trump Holds Another Absolutely Massive Rally in Lynden, WA: vote, campaign - Elections
  138. Maine Democratic Party abolishes superdelegates: votes, Democrats, Republican, election - Elections
  139. Well Trump's ring family for his presidency: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  140. And people say Trump isn't likable. What is likable about Hillary?: voters, Iraq - Elections
  141. Who loves Donald Trump?: Ron Paul, vote, Mexican, illegal - Elections
  142. finding Hillary supporters easy to convert?: voters, campaign, - Elections
  143. Another Trump rally with nothing but anger and insults: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  144. Hillary demolishes trump in (former) red state N. Carolina: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  145. Trump will lose in the biggest landslide loss ever: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  146. Trump tears into Hillary a lot sooner than she: vote, interview - Elections
  147. Conservatives crying over Trump: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  148. 17% of Trump supporters and 3% of Dems are overt racists?: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  149. Trump changed his mind about Bill Clinton's scandals: votes, Republican - Elections
  150. 62 Things Republicans Have Said About Trump: voters, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  151. Republicans for Hillary: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  152. Obama or Trump?: I Love Debt!, I am the King of Debt!!: voting, legal - Elections
  153. Be Careful Of Criticizing Hillary In Social Media: vote, security, poll - Elections
  154. Do Hillary supporters struggle with voting for her?: vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  155. Rubio: I don’t want to be Trump’s VP: voters, campaign - Elections
  156. Trump's promise to unify the Republican Party is in tatters, as an all-out civil war grips the GOP: Dick Cheney, vote - Elections
  157. CNN Goes to Democrat County in West Virginia – Can’t Find Hillary Voters: Democrats, liberal - Elections
  158. Nancy Pelosi Plotting With Mexican President Fox TO STOP DONALD TRUMP: voters, interview - Elections
  159. Trump says Muslim London mayor will be allowed to visit - Do you agree?: illegal, terrorists - Elections
  160. Is Trump an idiot for not pandering as much as Hillary?: security, campaign - Elections
  161. Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump go at it on twitter!: voters, polls - Elections
  162. Trump VP pick- could it be a democrat?: Condi Rice, Condoleezza, vote - Elections
  163. Rachel Maddow - Trump closing gap quickly: voters, polls, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  164. Black women are increasingly going with Trump.: voters, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  165. The Irony of this Election: voters, Congress, generation, Democrats - Elections
  166. Trump in 2008: Clinton sex scandal 'unimportant': voters, impeachment, conservative, CNN - Elections
  167. TRUMP keep your word on muslims: illegal, liberal, conservative - Elections
  168. 2016 electorate will be the most diverse in U.S. history: voters, campaign - Elections
  169. Republicans who don't want Trump to get in: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  170. Trump reaching out to unions....this is very smart...: voters, wages, Democrats - Elections
  171. Video of Hillary Clinton Lying for 13 Minutes: vote, Iraq, interview - Elections
  172. American's distaste for both Trump and Clinton record breaking: vote, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  173. And So It Begins - Trump: Hillary Clinton a 'nasty, mean enabler': Republicans - Elections
  174. Be afraid: Trump could win: vote, Congress, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  175. Donald Trump (R) vs Hillary Clinton (D) - Predict the electoral college outcome!: John Kerry, voters - Elections
  176. Trump Trial: Date Set: Congress, campaign, Republican, Attorney - Elections
  177. Hillary gets shut down by Hispanics from Central America: voters, legal, Sanders - Elections
  178. Johnson's path to become POTUS.: house of voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  179. Proof the Donald Trump is the Real Deal: radical, Clinton, partial birth abortion - Elections
  180. Trump's North Korean Policies Will Bring On Major Depression: voters, illegal - Elections
  181. Huckabee To #NeverTrumpers, Fall In Line or Leave the GOP: voters, Iraq - Elections
  182. Monica Lewinsky - I am voting for Trump: vote, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  183. Will Bernie Sanders supporters vote for Hillary?: votes, Democrats - Elections
  184. Nobody Ever Voted For Paul Ryan For 1 Wisconsin District: voters - Elections
  185. Is the Reagan Democrat dead?: unemployment, voters, wage - Elections
  186. HRC is championing trade 'agreements' written in secret by globalist alliances that strip America of its sovereignty.: Congress, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  187. Oh Dear – Lou Dobbs Eviscerates House Speaker Paul “Omnibus” Ryan…: Congress, conservative - Elections
  188. America is a Breeding Ground for Tyranny (good article!) - Elections
  189. TRUMP: The Ugly Truth of A Real Man! - Elections
  190. Fun Quiz: Did Donald Say It Or Not?: campaign, Clinton - Elections
  191. Away From the Cameras, State Trooper Learns Lesson About Trump: security, Sanders - Elections
  192. New York Times calls Bushes and Ryan respected. Says the neocons don't support Trump like it's a bad thing.: Republican, nationalist - Elections
  193. Trump Supporters, throughout Nebraska, WV, Oregon, Washington, Calif., Montana, NJ, NM, and South Dakota: votes, campaign - Elections
  194. 5/10. Most trusted survey--Public Policy Polling: they're actually taking a little bit more from Clinton at this point: party, support - Elections
  195. Bush and Graham are both all talk, no action, say whatever to get votes without meaning it: voters, support - Elections
  196. From Whitewater to Benghazi: represent, Hillary Clinton, school - Elections
  197. Media Outlet all Pro Hillary and attacks Trump daily: campaign, money - Elections
  198. 2020 General Election...: vote, Brown - Elections
  199. Hillary then and Now - Elections
  200. Bernie Sanders Supporters Force Early End to Hillary Clinton Speech (5-6-16) - Elections