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  1. Bernie supporters want to see Clinton's Wall St. speech transcripts: voters, president - Elections
  2. CNBC: Trump wants Yellen replaced, and the Fed audited. Meanwhile progressives would elect a violent criminal.: Congress, Republican - Elections
  3. In One Smaller District Carson Was 3rd & Cruz 4th!: votes, president - Elections
  4. Post-New York Presser with Ted Cruz: vote, campaign, dollars, rating - Elections
  5. What Happened to 2 NY Delegates?: votes, military, work, town - Elections
  6. Election Fraud Watch 2016: Franken, votes, democratic, liberal - Elections
  7. The state of the Republican nomination contest after New York: votes, campaign - Elections
  8. GOP realizing the inevitable....Trump is going to win: voting, Congress, democrat - Elections
  9. Bernie Sanders...Yuuuuge Rally !!! Erie, Pa.-Full Speech - Elections
  10. Republican Congressman says GOP's Extremism Will Make It Lose: interview, extremist - Elections
  11. Cruz supporters should love this ... - Elections
  12. Election Jitters: votes, Congress, wages, legal - Elections
  13. aren't Hillary voters at the polls today. - Elections
  14. Amazing Trump Train Video: party affiliation, voters, security, - Elections
  15. how are people leading primaries if most voters wouldn't vote for them?: campaign, conservative - Elections
  16. Will Sander voters vote for the other S...Will they drink from the Stein?: Sanders, federal - Elections
  17. Exclusive — #NeverTrump Collapsing: Delegates Bound to Marco Rubio, John Kasich Begin Warming to The Donald: vote, president - Elections
  18. And now, Trump's hand gestures: vote, interview, liberals, Sanders - Elections
  19. Fiorina still talking ??: support, jobs, news, rant - Elections
  20. Roger Stone is on Alex Jones Show now. Repeats through to tomorrow noon.: 9/11, parade - Elections
  21. How exit polls work, explained: voters, campaign, biased, representation - Elections
  22. Trump Holds MASSIVE RALLY in Hagerstown, Maryland: vote, campaign, billion - Elections
  23. Rubio and Carson, belatedly: campaign, president, politician, election - Elections
  24. about upcoming states: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  25. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton tend to win when most people vote, Cruz and Sanders when less people votes: democratic, Republican - Elections
  26. Paul Ryan : Perfect example of an Establishment candidate: voters, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  27. Tednado makes a good point.: votes, security, campaign, illegal aliens - Elections
  28. An llary Shill Talks About Being Paid To Smear Bernie Sanders: campaign, ethical - Elections
  29. Trump Institute's way to support the troops - You're Fired!: voting, campaign - Elections
  30. If all the candidates are so bad, what do YOU want in a candidate?: health care, vote - Elections
  31. What is the main reason you support Bernie Sanders?: Ron Paul, president, solutions - Elections
  32. Presidential primary process: voters, independence, political, leader - Elections
  33. Live Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Harrington Delaware: Obama, McCain, American - Elections
  34. The Evil Party Establishment: vote, campaign, president, politicians - Elections
  35. Dirty Politics? Stalking Horse?: vote, interview, campaign, president - Elections
  36. Good Ad TransTrumpism: voters, Mexicans, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  37. Great overview of delegate-hunting process: campaign, legal, democratic - Elections
  38. Which one will get most votes in G.E. (if they are all on ballot)?: Hillary Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  39. Which candidate do you think would get the most popular votes in general election?: voters, poll - Elections
  40. Taiwanese Anamators Weigh In again on US Election, This time, Bernie vs Hillary - Elections
  41. QUIZ: Which candidate believes this?: health care, Iraq, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  42. Attorney General Opens Inquiry Into New York Primary: voters, democratic, regular - Elections
  43. Sanders supporters throw dollars at Hillary. LMAO: votes, party - Elections
  44. Partnership...Jane Sanders about Bernie: revolution, elect, support, taxes - Elections
  45. Describe Your Last Pollster Call - (robo-call or live): voters, security, campaign - Elections
  46. Diamond & Silk Exciting News Coming! Yeah!: vote, generations, illegal aliens - Elections
  47. CA survey conducted by LAT shows an est. 3/4 of American Independence Party members didn't know they joined it.: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  48. Trump and his National Diversity Coalition crazies: voters, Democrats, poll - Elections
  49. Bernie's campaign should watch this video - Elections
  50. Clinton forgot about Latinos: Sanders camp touts growing Latino support; crucial in NY, Calif. races: health care, voters - Elections
  51. Trumps Long Con working like a lucky charm: Americans, states, news - Elections
  52. Though Hillary will win Nomination, Democrats are Worried that Sanders will fatally Wound Hillary's Campaign: house of health care - Elections
  53. Hillary, now a .01%ter, refuses to pay the extra $5M in taxes that her own tax plan requires.: president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  54. New York Election Excitement: voters, Republicans, poll, president - Elections
  55. Sanders releases 2014 tax return, gave 4 percent of income to charity: security, campaign - Elections
  56. I am a Bernie Sanders supporter...: votes, Congress, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  57. Stupid Stuff Donald Says: 9/11, polls, regular, nuclear - Elections
  58. Bush or Trump?: vote, candidacy, president, Clinton - Elections
  59. Powerful Pro-Hillary Commercial: votes, security, illegal aliens, FBI - Elections
  60. Trump flip-flops...again: vote, campaign, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  61. Fun fact:Trump won more States than Hillary Clinton...: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  62. Is Lyin' Ted Still Lyin'?: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  63. Bernies 47% moment: Poor people don't vote.: health care, voters, democratic - Elections
  64. Clinton proposes helping poor people by taxing them: voters, generation, illegal - Elections
  65. Trump Does Hillary Impression to the delight of many 1000s: Putin, - Elections
  66. VA Governor says felons can vote now: Democrats, conservative, political - Elections
  67. Will you vote for your party's nominee if you don't support him/her now?: voters, generations - Elections
  68. Is your vote affected by what kind of supporters a candidate has or not?: Congress, security - Elections
  69. List of 2016 Third Party Candidates: Huckabee, voting, legal, president - Elections
  70. Who Does Ted Cruz Think Would Vote For Him In A General Election?: voters, campaign - Elections
  71. 2020 Election Paul Ryan vs. Hillary...: vote, Congress, suspect, Clinton - Elections
  72. How Did Trumpism Happen?: voters, liberal, crimes, border - Elections
  73. What happens if you don't vote for Clinton or Trump?: voters, democratic - Elections
  74. Bernie Sanders, NRA Ho: vote, Congress, democratic, polls - Elections
  75. Sanders criticizes Trumps attacks on Hillary: votes, interview, campaign, - Elections
  76. Donald Trump The Great Flim-Flam Act II.: voters, arsenal, campaign - Elections
  77. Why they're voting for Hillary: voters, conservative, activist, biased - Elections
  78. Tough Times for Cruz Supporters: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  79. Enough with the Hillary cult: Her admirers ignore reality, dream of worshipping a queen: vote, Congress - Elections
  80. Losing popular vote but winning most delegates, has it ever happened?: votes, Congress - Elections
  81. Do you think John Kasich will ultimate give his delegates to Trump and ultimately be his running mate?: unemployed, vote - Elections
  82. Why Bernie Sanders will rue his ‘deep South’ dismissal of black voters: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  83. Will Donald have shovel ready projects??: Obama, border - Elections
  84. Koch Brothers: 'It's Clinton is preferable to a Republican for president: Dick Cheney, vote - Elections
  85. Hillary Continues to Pander Black Voters: legal, Attorney, marines, president - Elections
  86. How should Trump pivot on the Muslim ban?: voting, president, American - Elections
  87. What Smoot-Hawley Taught Us About Tariffs?: NAFTA, unemployment, wages, - Elections
  88. Chinese angry they can't control Trump: vote, illegal, president, extremist - Elections
  89. Bernie's number is now up to 20%: votes, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  90. Cruz and Kasich just joined forces to stop Trump.: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  91. Why Hilary Clinton shake her head in every interview: school, supporters, most - Elections
  92. There is no Bernie Sanders movement: unemployment, Fast food, vote, wage - Elections
  93. FOX News Townhall on the Constitution: Levin, states, amendment - Elections
  94. Sanders; The Democratic Party Hasn't Treated Him Fairly!: voters, campaign, - Elections
  95. How Tuesday could close door on Sanders bid: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  96. Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump in all G20 countries Russia!: vote, president - Elections
  97. Trump creates nickname for Kasich!: campaign, million, official, jobs - Elections
  98. Donald Trump is out of touch .....: Fast food, vote, wages, middle east - Elections
  99. If you care about jobs & freedom, there is only one choice for President: health care, voters - Elections
  100. Donald Trump Wins More Than 2 Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney in 2012 in States Voting So Far: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  101. Can you spot the voting fraud?: voters, polls, elections, elect
  102. Trump could have dementia: interview, campaign, illegal - Elections
  103. Whose voting tomorrow?: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  104. ACELA primaries will finish off Cruz: 9/11, campaign, money, states - Elections
  105. Billionaire Charles Koch may prefer Hillary to GOP nominee: vote, Congress, enemy - Elections
  106. Search for how to vote: Libertarian Debate, disappointed: voters, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  107. Cruz crushes Trump in weekend delegate fight: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  108. How Trump Turned The Tables On Cruz: voters, legal, democratic - Elections
  109. 170 Economists Endorse Bernie Sanders’ Plan To Reform Wall St. And Rein In Greed: Congress, - Elections
  110. Bernie needs to call it a day: NAFTA, votes, middle east - Elections
  111. Cruz twin sister....discovered on the Maury show: CNN, school, children - Elections
  112. Hillary Clinton: Start Thinking Of Iraq As A Business Opportunity: Dick Cheney, middle east - Elections
  113. Hillary to Pennsylvania Supporters: Second Amendment Is About Hunting: votes, illegal, president - Elections
  114. Cruz Campaign Supporters Posting Fake Delegate Lists for PA Primary: voters, polls - Elections
  115. Kasich vetting vp's - doesn't look like he's interested in that spot for himself: Cheney, vote - Elections
  116. I will vote for Trump for the following reasons....: voters, conservative, regular - Elections
  117. How the Media (MSM) is biased for Hillary: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  118. Gingrich: After New York Trump is Presumptive Republican Nominee: voters, generations, campaign - Elections
  119. Hrc vp: Al Franken, voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  120. This is why you can never trust Bernie Sanders with your money!: vote, Congress - Elections
  121. Hilarious! CNN's hit piece on Trumps behavior in elementary school: vote, campaign - Elections
  122. Cruz twin sister....discovered on the Maury show: CNN, Clinton, supporters - Elections
  123. How to Vote For Trump in Pennsylvania: independent, parties, state - Elections
  124. Trump: Renegotiating trade deals: NAFTA, Congress, president, Obama - Elections
  125. Huge Crowd at Trump's rally in Buffalo Last Night: Putin, votes, Congress - Elections
  126. Who would be the bigger Hawk? Hillary or Trump?: vote, Iraq, enemies - Elections
  127. interview with party 'insiders' explaining the delegate thing: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  128. Are conservatives finished in America if they lose a third straight election?: voters, Congress - Elections
  129. Desperation Time - Rafael Cruz - Evangelicals Supporting Trump Aren't *Real* Evangelicals: vote, campaign - Elections
  130. So the conservative movement is dead?: global warming, vote, enemy, Democrats - Elections
  131. Kasich positioning for Trump's VP: vote, interview, campaign, president - Elections
  132. libel suit against trump - but she's femal, so don't take it seriously folks!: interviews, campaign - Elections
  133. Clinton looks to end Sanders' winning streak with big N.Y. win: voters, campaign - Elections
  134. Condi Rice for Trump's VP?: vote, Iraq, campaign, - Elections
  135. Wake up GOP! Cruz cannot win swing states: voters, Republican, conservative - Elections
  136. Internal campaign memo projects Trump will win 1,400 delegates at GOP convention: voters, interviews - Elections
  137. *** New York Primary Results ***: vote, democratic, Republican, CNN - Elections
  138. Pro-Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million On Social Media Trolls: Congress, campaign - Elections
  139. The System is Rigged: Cruz Got More Votes in WI than Trump did in NY, Less than Half the Delegates: voters, Republicans - Elections
  140. How Cruz wins a contested convention: state, Christ - Elections
  141. Typical Above The Law Politician: 9/11, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  142. Rampant fraud in NY Election?: party affiliation, voters, Democrats, polls - Elections
  143. for the Sen. Bernie Sanders supporters: vote, democratic, liberal - Elections
  144. All HRC supporters...Tell good things she did for our country....: vote, Congress - Elections
  145. If Clinton is indicted by FBI, will the super delegates switch to Bernie if Bernie has less pledged delegates?: vote, campaign - Elections
  146. Curious what this means for registered with the Dem Party?: party affiliation, vote - Elections
  147. Shame on you Bernie Sanders/campaign/supporters for being extremely hypocritical about voter suppression!!!: Fast food, voters - Elections
  148. Sorry Sanders fans, more people voted in New York Primary than 8 of the last 9 contests Bernie won combined!!!!: voters, - Elections
  149. Judge Jeanine on Hillary: voting, campaign, illegal, democratic - Elections
  150. Cruz & His Terrible NY Concession Speech: voters, Sanders, million - Elections
  151. NY GOP primary is rigged: voters, security, Republican - Elections
  152. McConnell Optimistic Convention Will Go to Second Ballot: votes, Republicans - Elections
  153. If Trump Ran The US Economy: Congress, liberal, biased, Americans - Elections
  154. Wisconsin Momentum - Ted Cruz Holds Massive Rally in PA Last Night: voters, speech - Elections
  155. Ted Cruz in March - Candidate Should Get Out of Race if it's Mathematically Impossible to reach 1237 Delegates: voters, campaign - Elections
  156. Trump to release 9/11 documents: enemies, president, suspect, American - Elections
  157. Donald is losing: vote, states, supporters, presidency - Elections
  158. Which candidate will prosecute the employers of illegals?: illegal aliens, drugs, Attorney - Elections
  159. If it IS Trump vs. Clinton in November . . .: voters, Mexicans, thoughts - Elections
  160. NYC to Trump: Hes not one of us: voters, campaign, - Elections
  161. Rush Limbaugh says GOP establishment wants Hillary to win: voters, interviews, illegal aliens - Elections
  162. Ted Cruz Anti Hillary Ad - Hillary Scared of Trump, Muslim Huma Abedin Really Running Things.: voters, campaign - Elections
  163. Does Donald Trump really spend two hours a day on his hair?: security, illegal - Elections
  164. I predict Bernie Sanders will win the Democratic nomination.: voters, Democrats, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  165. Salon: Enough with the Hillary cult: Her admirers ignore reality...: voting, Congress - Elections
  166. California and Pennsylvania next big Delegate states: vote, campaign, polls - Elections
  167. Delegates Vs actual Votes ?: party affiliation, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  168. Party Bosses will give Ted Cruz 1/2 of Pennsylvania's Delegates if he comes in a distant 3rd.: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  169. Hillary supporters want to see Bernie's tax returns: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  170. Bernie is showing he's not smart enough to be President: votes, Congress - Elections
  171. Hannity Outs Cruz On Avoiding: votes, interview, campaign, - Elections
  172. Is Trump beginning to move back to the center?: Limbaugh, voters, Reagan - Elections
  173. Christie back on the Trump campaign trail in Indiana Christie back on the Trump campaign trail in Indiana: voters, Republican - Elections
  174. Trump and Cruz on bathrooms: voters, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  175. Trump sells out - hires sleazy lobbyists to run his campaign: vote, Congress - Elections
  176. Trump's amazing reception in Md: voters, Republican, polls, Clinton - Elections
  177. Bernie should not let down his supporters: voters, campaign, - Elections
  178. Renowned economist, Hyman Minksy, explains how Donald Trump got rich: American, dollars - Elections
  179. Tad Devine ~ Votes Don't Count: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  180. How effective is a presidential pivot?: votes, campaign, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  181. The GOP Establishment Should Back Trump and Call it a Day: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  182. If the Candidates were Game of Thrones Characters: Colin Powell, Obama, work - Elections
  183. Bernie faces a choice: Ease up or attack Hillary more: Putin, voters - Elections
  184. Fun fact : Donald Trump failed to get the most votes in all 9 biggest states that have voted!: Democrats - Elections
  185. The Empress's New Clothes: Paglia rips Hillary: interview, Democrats, president - Elections
  186. Bernie is unhappy about the Bernie is My Comrad T-shirt: campaign, president - Elections
  187. King Donald I: vote, Congress, death, revolution - Elections
  188. 1,237 isn't enough! Cruz plotting to use Trojan Horse delegates to change rukes!: voters, legal - Elections
  189. Trump just angered blacks and (should've angered) conservatives in the same interview: voting, middle east - Elections
  190. Dem senate races in MD and PA are more interesting: voters, Democrats - Elections
  191. Soap sellers dictate how Republicans vote: Your take?: dollars, versus, radio - Elections
  192. The battle inside the Sanders campaign - Devine vs. Weaver: vote, Democrats - Elections
  193. Hillary's War Room - Hillarious - Elections
  194. Donald is a Tax Plan Expert: economic, recession - Elections
  195. Bernie supporter shows how Sanders voters in NYC were forced by the ballot to select a delegate for Hillary:: democratic, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  196. Sanders supporters can't get that an Orwellian leftist media would flat lie about Trump as it celebrates HRC. - Elections
  197. '25 things you didn't know about Ted Cruz' - Elections
  198. 26/4 Northeastern Super Tuesday Primaries: democratic, Republican, president, states - Elections
  199. A Respectful Satire of Bernie Supporters.: voters, Congress, represent - Elections
  200. Why didn't Kasich mention this experience of his?: controversial, financial, work - Elections