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  1. Is Obama just to NICE to be President? - Elections
  2. No new SuperDs for the Comeback Kid ??: Reed, state - Elections
  3. Obama - A deal on his crib: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  4. the 2008 election in the Bible Codes?: Obama, jobs, website, Christ - Elections
  5. NYTimes telling Hillary to quit after endorsing her???: 9/11, voters, campaign - Elections
  6. A Short History of Hillaryism: campaign, Clinton, speech, million - Elections
  7. Operation Chaos a failure: Limbaugh, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  8. Too Little, Too Late for Hillary: Obama, supporters - Elections
  9. Pigeon Holed Voters For November: Obama, education, Bush - Elections
  10. Hillary and Obama need to merge together into Voltron: Republican, president, McCain - Elections
  11. CNN and the media are missing the boat: campaign, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  12. News, McCain calls Obama insensitive to poor people.: vote, Congress, illegal - Elections
  13. Why are you Republican or Democrat?: Ron Paul, NAFTA, vote, illegal - Elections
  14. To who still doubts Soros is 100% behind Obama's campaign/money/ideas....: Al Gore, Iran - Elections
  15. The embellishment of each Clinton win continues.: John Kerry, voters, Reagan - Elections
  16. If everyone had the choice to write a ballot for Ron Paul...: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  17. Obama can attract rural blue collar voters: polls, states, most - Elections
  18. Supreme Court upholds voter ID law: voters, parties, election, elect - Elections
  19. Support for Hillary significantly higher since PA win: polls, president, Clinton - Elections
  20. Dean calls for one of the candidates to drop out after June primaries: Al Gore, voters - Elections
  21. Are the Dems currently slitting their own throat?: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  22. Hillary Clinton is the One Who Can't Close the Deal: vote, campaign - Elections
  23. What does each candidate stand for?: voting, biased, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  24. So Much For The End Of Racism: anti-American, private school, terrorists - Elections
  25. Closed Primaries in OH and PA reveal Hillary's achilles heel: Lack of Indie support: vote, Congress - Elections
  26. Racists, sexist or discrimination against the elderly?: Ron Paul, vote, Obama - Elections
  27. Hillary's Superdelegate problems: voters, Congress, generations, campaign - Elections
  28. Duncan Hunter as running mate?: Condi Rice, Huckabee, votes, Iraq - Elections
  29. Poll: Half now say presidential campaign too negative: Rush Limbaugh, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  30. John Edwards’s supporters are flocking to Sen. Obama: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  31. Cheer Up, Democrats! by Alan I. Abramowitz: vote, Iraq, Republican - Elections
  32. Major Clinton fundraiser switches to Obama: votes, campaign, democrat, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  33. London senses a Dem defeat: voters, campaign, democratic, liberal - Elections
  34. Is John McCain the John Kerry of the 2008 election cycle?: campaign, democrat - Elections
  35. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Presidential Candidates: global warming, enemy, security - Elections
  36. McCain Does Not Know His Own Kind!: employment, vote, campaign - Elections
  37. Need help registered party and the primary: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  38. Can someone help me with Math?: votes, CNN, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  39. Rising Food Cost / Economy: gallon, gasoline, president, American - Elections
  40. How to get to the correct numbers? - Elections
  41. The gift that will keep giving - Moyers interview with the Rev. Wright: voters, interviews - Elections
  42. Down, but not out: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, Republicans - Elections
  43. Major Hillary fundraiser (Hillraiser) switches to Obama: vote, president, Clinton - Elections
  44. Slip Cash to Bob Barr This Fall?: Ron Paul, voters, patriot - Elections
  45. Tired Of This Election? Voting McCain!: Fast food, vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  46. Oklahoma governor to endorse Obama: candidacy, campaign, Republicans, Bill Clinton - Elections
  47. home sales, energy cost, liquidity crisis, food cost: Ron Paul, vote, Iran - Elections
  48. 29 North Carolina legislators endorsed Obama today: state, news - Elections
  49. Small Town Mellencamp backing Obama--and just in time for the Indiana primary: millionaire, campaign - Elections
  50. Obama-Hillary, or Hillary-Obama ticket?: vote, campaign, McCain, supporter - Elections
  51. mccain voted against a federal holiday for MLK. who cares?: holidays, government - Elections
  52. is this the worst crop of presidential candidates ever?: voting, Democrats, Obama - Elections
  53. Clinton not looking good in NY: Hillary Clinton, Obama, McCain, Bush - Elections
  54. Do the Wright Thing: Better now than in October: Republicans, liberal - Elections
  55. Obama picks up a superdelegate from New Mexico: political, news - Elections
  56. Ron Paul attacks McCain on the issues in Pennsylvania: Republicans, election, elect - Elections
  57. Questions ABC should have asked Hillary Clinton: voters, Iraq, interview - Elections
  58. Who are you voting for and why?: Ron Paul, votes, represent - Elections
  59. Clinton Wins the College Educated Voter: voters, campaign, CNN, polls - Elections
  60. Another Poll!!! Yea!!!: voters, interviews, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  61. Ladies and Gents: Meet the politics of Race and Religion!!: vote, enemies - Elections
  62. Will John Edwards endorse Obama?: support - Elections
  63. Sunset in America: Huckabee, Iran, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  64. The tragic irony of the Wright message: democrat, conservative, soldiers - Elections
  65. If we elected a Dog as President...: vote, thoughts, Bill Clinton - Elections
  66. Does know...: vote, security, anti-American, insurance - Elections
  67. Annoying phone calls: vote, campaign, Clinton - Elections
  68. Bully tactics...: voters, democratic, Republicans, controversial - Elections
  69. Penn crossover?: voters, democrat, Republican, Obama - Elections
  70. Wright again compared to Christ: Democrats, Republicans, KKK - Elections
  71. Gallup: Obama up by 7%: NAFTA, polls, Clinton, March - Elections
  72. Best wishes to the PA voters.: unemployment, Republicans, Brown, Obama - Elections
  73. BIGOT ALERT: Wright says white churches are the Anti-Christ: vote, accuse, suspect - Elections
  74. Would you vote for Hillary in the 2012 Presidential Primaries?: voters, Congress, Clinton - Elections
  75. Women Need To WISE UP- Vote Obama: interviews, security, illegal - Elections
  76. Why do people refuse to acknowledge they may be wrong?: NAFTA, vote - Elections
  77. Bring your photo ID to the voting booth: voters, illegal aliens, liberals - Elections
  78. North Carolina Governor supports Hill: vote, Democrats, president, Clinton - Elections
  79. 6% Hillary voters in PA will switch to McCain: party affiliation, campaign, legal - Elections
  80. Obama wants to increase taxes on oil companies: gas prices, vote, Congress - Elections
  81. Tonight a Tornado Hit McCain's Pastors!: Obama, Hispanics, state, Blacks - Elections
  82. Wright's Interview Who Watched, Your Thoughts: biased, Obama, educational, school - Elections
  83. Will The African American Community Vote McCain?: Iraq, Obama, Reed - Elections
  84. Hamas, the terrorist group, OPENLY ENDORSED Obama!: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  85. Bully tactics...: voters, security, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  86. Obama will toss you out like a rat: vote, interview, democrat - Elections
  87. Obama's Path To Victory in November: voters, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  88. are uestions for Mr. Obama:: employment, Hugo Chavez, voters - Elections
  89. Obama doesn't want to debate anymore...: vote, campaign, money, guns - Elections
  90. If you voted for Bush...: gas prices, voters, democrat - Elections
  91. Shame on Rep Jim Clyburn: voters, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  92. McCain and Hurricane Katrina: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats, Obama - Elections
  93. Wright mocks American Hero John F. Kennedy: voters, president, Simpson - Elections
  94. Who do YOU want to be our next president?: Ron Paul, votes, Democrats - Elections
  95. Clinton in court? Not till NOV!: employment, millionaire, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  96. Rev. Wright's speech being replayed on CNN now: Cheney, 9/11, patriots - Elections
  97. Wasn't rev. Wright retired according to Obama's statement....?: votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  98. Jack Cafferty: Is Hillary deluding herself about her chances?: votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  99. - Rev Wright at the Press Club: Cheney, vote, patriot - Elections
  100. Might Wright Run For Office?: Congress, interviews, campaign, democrat - Elections
  101. The Dems New Deal is crumbling: John Kerry, voters, democratic, president - Elections
  102. Is Wright Swiftboating Obama?: Colin Powell, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  103. Wright says all black folks listen to Farrakhan: vote, interview, Israel - Elections
  104. Obama's pastor and mentor: Believes in Balck Liberation Theology: enemy, liberals, racism - Elections
  105. Troubles Erupting for Obama: unemployment, votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  106. Who will I vote for?: Ron Paul, Iraq, Reagan, nuclear - Elections
  107. Hillary the Plagiarist and Communist: vote, patriot, Obama, million - Elections
  108. Hillarys original position on counting Michigan and Florida: voters, Congress, - Elections
  109. 10 reasons the superdelegates could vote for Hillary: employment, Iran, - Elections
  110. Democrats favored in electoral map: John Kerry, interview, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  111. What will be the Clinton Strategy.....: voters, campaign, democratic, represent - Elections
  112. Is there News Network that you trust: Iraq, middle east, democrat - Elections
  113. Before you click on that Wright ...: interview, thoughts, Republicans - Elections
  114. the real: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, candidacy - Elections
  115. McCain fails maths as well !!!: vote, Congress, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  116. Mccain's Hidden Assets: John Kerry, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  117. Obama's Faux News Interview Sunday: votes, illegal, McCain - Elections
  118. The Superdelegate Quandry: voters, gallon, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  119. Who is the real Patriot?: Dick Cheney, patriots, campaign, democrat - Elections
  120. Are you ANGRY that Obama wont debate anymore?: health care, voters, campaign - Elections
  121. So Democrats.. Where is the plan?: unemployment, gas prices, vote, Congress - Elections
  122. Give Clinton Her Due: vote, Congress, Iraq, - Elections
  123. CBS debate - Obama afraid of another dismal performance?: campaign, polls, president - Elections
  124. Great Hillary speech: vote, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  125. Hillary's margin of victory NOT ENOUGH!: vote, CNN, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  126. Clinton defeats Obama in Pennsylvania primary: Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry, votes, campaign - Elections
  127. Lawmaker stuns Colo. House by calling farmworkers 'illiterate peasants.': health care, votes - Elections
  128. What to take from Exit Poll Numbers: John Kerry, voters, CNN - Elections
  129. Is There Young Or Old, Cooler Than Mike Gravel?: liberals, regular - Elections
  130. Hillary ahead in Popular vote - if you count MI & FL: voters, campaign - Elections
  131. Ron Paul gets 16% in PA: votes, democrat, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  132. Socialized Medicine: health care system, voting, Congress, generation - Elections
  133. Is Rev Wright Correct??: accuse, suspect, death - Elections
  134. obama's chances in the general elections.: votes, Iraq, thoughts, Democrats
  135. Hillary doesn't get what she needed: votes, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  136. If how Hillary became the nominee, she can't beat McCain: voters, Congress - Elections
  137. white male vote: voters, democrat, Republican, racist - Elections
  138. Back to Reality: Obama still maintains insurmountable lead: votes, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  139. Prediction Clinton 51, Obama 49: voters, liberals, CNN, polls - Elections
  140. Obama is a racist: vote, polls, president, Clinton - Elections
  141. Obama has the media, the funds, and the extremist online groups and he CANNOT beat Hillary in PA!! What's going on!?: Hugo Chavez, vote - Elections
  142. why we can't believe in change.: gas prices, gallon, Iran - Elections
  143. Ron Paul is a nutjob. He wants to let people keep their money.: president - Elections
  144. Who you support the other candidate in the Dem Primary: voters, campaign - Elections
  145. What would Obama say about Founding Fathers: drugs, liberal - Elections
  146. Clinton campaign in the red: vote, Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  147. More supporters for Obama - Hamas: vote, Iraq, Palestinian, middle east - Elections
  148. How can an expected Hillary win in PA have meaning?: John Kerry, voters - Elections
  149. Clinton willing to nuke Iran Is she serious: votes, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  150. Obama says Why Can't I eat My Waffles? Cry baby Much?: biased - Elections
  151. Bill Clinton Sticks his foot in his mouth again: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  152. Despite rightwing ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX - Obama gains against Clinton machine: Rush Limbaugh, votes - Elections
  153. When you go Barack, you never go back !!!: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  154. McCain says better off than we were 8 years ago: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  155. Can the Democrats Really Come Together for the General Election?: voters, campaign - Elections
  156. Obama gets another major endorsement: John Kerry, global warming, voting, - Elections
  157. All 3 candidates on Monday Night RAW: democrat, president, McCain - Elections
  158. Why so mean to each other on: Colin Powell, voters, campaign - Elections
  159. Hillary far behind in the only measure that matters - delegates; far behind in popular vote: voters, campaign - Elections
  160. Supreme Court Justices: votes, Republicans, liberals, conservative - Elections
  161. Obama on Fox News Sunday - 2 years late: voters, interviews, democratic - Elections
  162. NC Republicans pull Rev. Wright ad: vote, arsenal, represent - Elections
  163. racists in Pennsylvania: Condi Rice, voters, Mexicans, poll - Elections
  164. McCain looked so out of place in Louisana and I know Why: unemployment, health care - Elections
  165. Drop out Now.....OBAMA????: voters, liberal, Clinton, McCain - Elections
  166. Pennsylvania primary - The unreported numbers: voters, legal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  167. Is Lanny Right?: Al Franken, voters, Iraq, democratic - Elections
  168. The tide has turned...: votes, enemies, patriot, democrat - Elections
  169. Why is the GOP running the NC anti-Obama ad?: Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  170. Jeremiah Wright needs to take a vacation: interview, campaign, ethics - Elections
  171. And so it begins: voters, candidacy, campaign, - Elections
  172. Obama has been groomed: votes, interview, campaign, democratic - Elections
  173. Minnesota: Obama 52% McCain 38%: voters, Iraq, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  174. Rush Limbaugh calls for riots in Denver: Democrats, drug - Elections
  175. Obama's superior campaign strategy is revealing: vote, interview, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  176. PA the beginning of the END for Hillary: global warming, health care, vote - Elections
  177. Another Superdelegate for Obama: votes, democratic, Clinton - Elections
  178. Looky whats playing down in NC - Rev W. video: voters, campaign - Elections
  179. $10 million for Hillary: campaign, Democrats, Brown, Clinton - Elections
  180. Playboy's Hugh Hefner endorses Hillary and publishes article about anxious men.: Hillary Clinton - Elections
  181. Team Obama unfair to MI and FL voters:: democratic, Republican - Elections
  182. Republican Racist Church vs Obama: voters, democratic, Republicans, represent - Elections
  183. McCain's Pastor Says we Deserved Katrina!: voting, Republicans, regular, Obama - Elections
  184. What Will The Catholics Do In November??: vote, Congress, democratic - Elections
  185. What Fl. Governor and the GOP Party in NC doing: voters, campaign - Elections
  186. Republican-registered Dems skew PA results?: party affiliation, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  187. Obama has been dismissive of Hillary: voters, Congress, campaign, democrat - Elections
  188. Is tired of having only Clintons and Bushs in the White House?: Democrats - Elections
  189. If Obama is the nominee, he won't win in November. s why: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  190. Obama better for down ticket races: Clinton, states, Senate, Texas - Elections
  191. The Dems Suspense Unnecessary: news - Elections
  192. Obama and Clintons positions similar?: McCain, supporters, website - Elections
  193. Major Fundraiser/Friend jumps ship on Hillary and joins Obama campain?: campaign, democratic - Elections
  194. Campaigning in the World of Warcraft: deaths, Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  195. Clyburn, Top Ranking Democrat, Hits Clintons on Tactics: interviews, campaign, impeachment - Elections
  196. Presidential Race Gets Physical!! - Elections
  197. Does Hillary Really represent Women's interests?: interview, FBI, Clinton, government - Elections
  198. media wild west wihtout bush: liberals - Elections
  199. Jeremiah Wright ( A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing): president, Obama, election - Elections
  200. News, Obama on Who Say He Doesn't Respect the Flag: 'It's a Lie': vote, Barack Obama - Elections