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  1. Bernie Sanders Says King Hillary should not have taken $600,000 from Goldman Sachs: democrat, Republican - Elections
  2. Trump Schedule This Week of Jan 18: vote, interview, campaign, liberal - Elections
  3. Why is Cruz a god to conservative talk show radio hosts: vote, democrat - Elections
  4. Ex-RNC chair: Trump will be nominee: Republican, president, Hillary Clinton, chairman - Elections
  5. Top During Debate: Will Hillary be Prosecuted?: vote, security, FBI - Elections
  6. King Hillary Wins DNC Debate with Strong Defense of Obama.: millionaire, Reagan - Elections
  7. Are Pollsters Tweaking Results for Marketing Purposes - Races Are Not Close At All?: voters, conservative - Elections
  8. The Circus - 2016 Campaign Behind The Scenes TV Show: Sanders, leader, election - Elections
  9. Paul Krugman: Why He Supports Obamacare over Single Payer: unemployed, health care, voters - Elections
  10. Scarborough slams Hillary for staying in her little bubble: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  11. Bernie Sanders smells blood and will attack tonight.: voting, speech, weapons - Elections
  12. I started to like George Trump: Israel, president, Clinton - Elections
  13. Hillary Clinton’s national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008: voters, campaign - Elections
  14. Heinrich?: security, Democrats, FBI, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  15. Ghadaffi and Hillary: death, Americans, Saddam - Elections
  16. Tale of 2 Campaigns - Trump, Cruz - AKA Ted Cruz's campaign will die In The Carolinas: layoffs, support - Elections
  17. Donald Trump Booed by Conservative Crowd After Attacks on Ted Cruz: voters, generation - Elections
  18. Donald Trump and Violent Rhetoric: Huckabee, Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  19. Trump Scott Brown as his vice presidential running mate: vote, solution - Elections
  20. Hillary Clinton Bizarrely Attacks the Liberal Platform in Crusade Against Bernie Sanders: voters, Congress - Elections
  21. RNC Severs Ties with NBC - CNN will host Super Tuesday Debate Instead: work, news - Elections
  22. I guess the illegals petition to keep: conservative, election, elect - Elections
  23. Bill Clinton Travels To Vegas To Give Speech During National Porn Convention: candidacy, campaign - Elections
  24. for Bernie Sanders supports...: wages, campaign, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  25. The Pledge: voters, Republican, bias, represent - Elections
  26. this is kinda why voters hate them all: Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  27. Tax under Trump, Sanders, Clinton (and Bloomberg if he runs): campaign, Reagan - Elections
  28. another pollitician without a clue - Fiorina: soldiers, abortion, politician - Elections
  29. Only In Washington: Clinton EMail Dump Delay: votes, security, regular - Elections
  30. DNC scrambles to add more debates as Clinton continues to slide.: voting, campaign - Elections
  31. Trump's Primary Performance May be HUGE: vote, campaign, Republican, cost - Elections
  32. Hillary Clinton - 1990s Thinking for 21st Century: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  33. Ted Cruz's New Hampshire dream: Bury Marco Rubio: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  34. Rubio is improving: democratic, Republicans, president, Bush - Elections
  35. The Road to 1,237 delegates and nomination: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  36. Who Would you Vote For if Hillary and Trump were Not in Race: Mexican, Republican - Elections
  37. Unexpected results in Republican primaries due to thresholds: voters, Reagan - Elections
  38. Should the next president push for legislation that demand sponsor logos on all politicians?: campaign, Sanders - Elections
  39. How can I find out how much $ a candidate has accepted from corporate donors?: campaign, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  40. Nikki Haley backtracks on Marco Rubio supporting Amnesty: thoughts, Bush, Washington - Elections
  41. Fox still hasn't released criteria for debate: Republican, president, party - Elections
  42. The best election cycle since the 1840s?: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  43. ***FBN 6:00 PM GOP Debate***: Huckabee, work, news, date - Elections
  44. Donald Trump Does Dramatic Reading Of ‘The Snake’ - Elections
  45. The Nation Endorses Sen. Sanders: voting, president - Elections
  46. Funny - Jeb Bush's Ad on Marco Rubio: illegal, border, illegal immigration - Elections
  47. Hispanics for Jeb! Super PAC abandons the smart Bush: vote, Democrats - Elections
  48. why is hillary fighting all the time?: Huckabee, voters, security - Elections
  49. Breaking: After Congress approves funding for Syrian refugees, Obama plans to expedite: vote, illegal aliens - Elections
  50. Bernie Sanders and Trump similar?: Ron Paul, NAFTA, voters, Congress - Elections
  51. Bloomberg/Des Moines Reg. withheld poll that would have put Rand Paul in debate.: voters, Republicans - Elections
  52. King Hillary's deleted Emails Prove she knew Libyan Rebals were Conducting Ethnic Clensing. She Supports Them: Obama, state - Elections
  53. Hillary Clinton Attacks Wall Street Donations... Really?: voters, Congress, illegal - Elections
  54. A note to a millionaire businessman...: voters, campaign, conservative - Elections
  55. Dems voting Trump or Repubs voting for Sanders: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  56. Whoopi stumps for Trump: Didn't see this coming!: voters, legal, liberals - Elections
  57. Lindsay Graham on the Choice Between Trump or Cruz: Congress, generation, security - Elections
  58. ABC News: All candidates below 50% in favorability: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  59. Why I Might Vote for Bernie Sanders: health care, voters, generations - Elections
  60. Glenn Beck to Join Ted Cruz at Waterloo: campaign, carry, elections
  61. Looks like Trump is the Establishment!: vote, interview, president, American - Elections
  62. Bill Clinton to campaign for Hillary in Vegas during porn convention:: legal, FBI - Elections
  63. Which Democrat would work better with a Republican Congress ?: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  64. Pew Poll: Majority of Americans polled believe Trump would be a bad president: voters, polls - Elections
  65. The Case for Marco Rubio Part I: Experience: vote, Republican - Elections
  66. Classic Hillary - When pressured she lies and/or shows her true liberalism: John Kerry, NAFTA - Elections
  67. Hillary Clinton Says Bernie Sanders is an Unelectable Socialist: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  68. Will Trump prepare speeches for big events (inauguration, SOU,: teleprompter, elect - Elections
  69. Who I would like for president 2016: vote, campaign, Republicans, highway - Elections
  70. Ben Carson temporarily suspends his campaign due to accident involving his volunteers: thoughts, democratic - Elections
  71. Bush and shows Terri Schiavo: voters, conservative, CNN - Elections
  72. About the all powerful Hispanic vote: they don't vote....: votes, illegal, Republican - Elections
  73. News, Trump endorsed by John Wayne's daughter: Republican, president, independent - Elections
  74. Have u done this survey on Election Candidates?: Huckabee, vote, ethic - Elections
  75. Trump Rallies - Is This What the GOP Wants?: campaign, democratic, liberal - Elections
  76. SHOWTIME: Trump and Palin LIVE at Tulsa Rally on MSNBC NOW.: illegal aliens, represent - Elections
  77. Chelsea Clinton Says Bernie Sanders will Dismatle Obamacare, Destroy Medicare & Private Insurance: vote, Congress - Elections
  78. Bob Dole Warns of ‘Cataclysmic’ Losses With Ted Cruz, and Says Donald Trump Would Do Better: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  79. Marco Rubio has Napoleon Complex: Republicans, president, Clinton - Elections
  80. This is why HRC will go down: security, FBI, president - Elections
  81. Why do people think Cruz is anti-establishment: votes, Congress, wage - Elections
  82. Why Precisely is Bernie Sanders against Reparations? - from The Atlantic: thoughts, democratic - Elections
  83. If Trump-Palin wins where McCain-Palin lost...: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  84. Did you go to Trump rally today?: interview, wages, democratic - Elections
  85. National Review Conservatives stand against Trump: voters, Congress, generations, illegal - Elections
  86. Bernie Sanders is leading in Iowa now.: voters, campaign, poll - Elections
  87. Carson Supporter Files Motion Against Cruz In Chicago: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  88. What about a Trump/Arpaio ticket?: voting, security, president, Obama - Elections
  89. What If The Democrats Have A Brokered Convention?: vote, enemy, illegal aliens - Elections
  90. Bernie Sanders vs Republican Congress: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  91. The President elected in 2016 will be a one-term President: vote, gallon, Iraq - Elections
  92. Trump retweets picture from Nazi sympathizer: crimes, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Sanders - Elections
  93. Republicans! Bernie or Hillary?: vote, Congress, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  94. LOL! Bob Dole says Cruz is a RINO!!: vote, interview - Elections
  95. Trump Runs Ad Featuring Russian Veterans: vote, enemy, patriot, campaign - Elections
  96. Since when do I have to support Trump just because he’s the front-runner?: vote, campaign - Elections
  97. For who support Bernie. Why do you want a socialist for president?: security, Democrats - Elections
  98. This Just In: Des Moines Register Endorsements Made: president, Hillary Clinton, Americans - Elections
  99. WOW! I Could Shoot people and wouldn't lose voters: Reed, speech - Elections
  100. King Hillary Calls for Hollywood Elite to Come And Save Her Arse: votes, - Elections
  101. Mayor Bloomberg independent ticket: 9/11, vote, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  102. Trump Supporter Ejected from Rally for Calling Trump's Speech Boring: enemy, Taliban - Elections
  103. National Review is Getting Angry Calls and Cancellation Requests: voters, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  104. Obama Mocks Trump; Likens His Candidacy to a Comedy Sketch: campaign, polls - Elections
  105. silent no more... NH voters speak up about trump: patriot, Republican, polls - Elections
  106. Modern History Shows that White House Will Be Taken By GOP in 2016: voters, - Elections
  107. Trump and the Tea Party: security, illegal, Republican, conservative - Elections
  108. It's going to be Christie/Kasich and you guys know it: vote, security - Elections
  109. Clinton endorsed by Demi Lovato...that's a real game changer: voters, American - Elections
  110. Help me Mommy. Barbara Bush ad for Jeb.: interview, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  111. Trump Fans: Show Me Trump's Path To Victory: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  112. If Trump wins, will he govern by the polls?: Congress, conservative - Elections
  113. Ted Cruz is standing for the american people: gas prices, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  114. Trump vs The Establishment: vote, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  115. Cross Over Voting ala Open Primary: votes, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  116. Calling all Bernie Fans. Bernie now looking better than Clinton in Iowa and NH.: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  117. Ann Coulter -Doesn't matter if Trump is Liberal: voters, interview, illegal - Elections
  118. Does Rosie O'Donnell's Coalition Against Trump Make You Change Your Mind?: vote, campaign - Elections
  119. King Hillary accuses Bernie Sanders of being in the pockets of the NRA: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  120. America = Bernie Sanders: state, work, born - Elections
  121. The Path to 270 in 2016: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  122. Why is Jeb! still in on this??: campaign, Republicans, regular - Elections
  123. After Hillary is indicted, who will jump in the race?: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  124. Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  125. Clinton Super-PAC spend tons of ad money in Iowa against Sanders: Too old: votes, campaign - Elections
  126. Awkward, pandering spectacle of Hillary Clinton trying to be real: votes, interview - Elections
  127. Trump booed by the Tea Party- the hype: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  128. GOP debate January 14, 2016 discussion: voters, Iran, illegal, democratic - Elections
  129. Ted Cruz is the next Ronald Reagan.: suspect, Obama, Levin - Elections
  130. Drop Dead Ted - NY Daily News: 9/11, campaign, - Elections
  131. Will Trump Win a Presidential Election in Florida?: health care, voters, campaign - Elections
  132. What state and whose signs?: Clinton, Sanders, Washington, town - Elections
  133. Decency frenemies: security, bias - Elections
  134. Trump vs Cruz: illegal aliens, president, Obama, American - Elections
  135. ***NBC/YouTube Democratic Debate***: Congress, poll, Hillary Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  136. Trump on This Week...Cruz is not gonna survive this: interview, - Elections
  137. Donald Trump in trouble, according to Nate Silver: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  138. Michael Bloomberg Ponders Entering Race as 3rd Party Candidate: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  139. Marco Rubio: 'Illegals can stay': vote, interview, illegal aliens - Elections
  140. George Will Just Gave Chris Christie The Campaign Kiss of Death: voters, Republicans - Elections
  141. Enough Debates: voters, interviews, campaign, - Elections
  142. Ted Cruz and His NY Money: 9/11, voting, campaign, ethical - Elections
  143. Rand Paul: GOP is turning into 'the old white man's party': vote, enemy - Elections
  144. Time to take Sanders seriously: votes, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  145. Exclusive: RNC member urges party to rally against Trump: vote, security - Elections
  146. Draft dodging Trump's patriotic war anthem: enemies, president, Bill Clinton, Reed - Elections
  147. Hillary's Lead Disintegrates: She Is Now Doing Worse Than In 2008, As Trump Surges: health care, vote - Elections
  148. If Trump is nominee, GOP will lose White House and SEnate: John Kerry, voters - Elections
  149. Jeb! I underestimated voter anger: voters, illegal aliens, American - Elections
  150. Hillary wants to hold firearm mfg's accountable in all murders: president, crimes - Elections
  151. Ted Cruz and the NYC values incident...: 9/11, campaign, Republican - Elections
  152. Lindsey Graham endorses Jeb Bush: voters, Clinton, political - Elections
  153. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus: Sanders Tougher To Beat Than Clinton In General Election: vote, Congress - Elections
  154. Demographics of supporters of The Donald: voters, campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  155. Why do you vote based on Party, rather than by Candidate? I really would love to know.: multiculturalism, votes - Elections
  156. A Republican explains why he will not vote for Trump...: Franken, campaign - Elections
  157. Will Hillary Clinton's Next Stop Be the White House or Big House?: vote, - Elections
  158. Trump Is Now The Bookies' Favorite To Win Election: vote, Republican, Sanders - Elections
  159. Trump - Crying construction workers: Iran, campaign, Obama, Americans - Elections
  160. Jan 17 NBC/WSJ Poll: Hillary and Sanders DESTROY Trump: polls, biased, president - Elections
  161. Hillary's campaing is imploding!!: 9/11, vote, campaign, - Elections
  162. Donald Trump - Two Corinthians - Other Books of Bible: voting, merry christmas - Elections
  163. More trouble for Cruz: lied about post-victory Senate loans and: campaign, legal - Elections
  164. Sad to say, I can feel this Lead slipping away from Donald (New York) Trump, as GOP choice to Win it All.: vote - Elections
  165. New Bernie Sanders TV ad focuses on Social Security: vote, generations, president - Elections
  166. UK makes a circus of itself and wastes taxpayer money debating Trump ban: health care, voting - Elections
  167. 2016 Worse Than 1860 (and that led to Civil War): vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  168. Trump Voted for Obama in 2012?!: Rush Limbaugh, campaign, liberal, president - Elections
  169. find it comical to see Hillary Clinton and her supporters attacking single payer?: health care, vote - Elections
  170. Trump's big announcement today: interviews, campaign, Republican, liberal - Elections
  171. Most popular governor in Iowa's history denounces Cruz: Congress, Republican - Elections
  172. Poll: Cruz beats Trump head-to-head: Huckabee, voters, campaign, - Elections
  173. Iowa's Governor Says He Want's Cruz Defeated - Cruz Win Damaging to Iowa: Republican, conservative - Elections
  174. Boo, The GOP Drops NBC For CNN: voters, interviews, security - Elections
  175. Hillary Clinton Says She Doesn't Pay To Polls - Is She Lying?: votes, Sanders - Elections
  176. Rush: Trump's Liberal Attack Language Calling Cruz Nasty Should Be a Red Flag to Conservatives: Rush Limbaugh, illegal - Elections
  177. Trump win or Hillary loss?: vote, poll, president, Sanders - Elections
  178. Democrats in Decline: Harry Reid, campaign, Republicans, poll - Elections
  179. Trump says I have a great relationship with God - what does that mean?: president, money - Elections
  180. ****FBN 9:00 PM GOP Debate****: vote, campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  181. Bernie Sanders Releases His Healthcare Plan: Medicare For All--Leaving No One Behind: health care system, Congress - Elections
  182. Sanders campaign endorsed by liberals, poll, represent, president - Elections
  183. Trump on fire in Florida-1/13/15: Obama, Bush, state - Elections
  184. Did Hillary live up to her 3 AM call promise?: president, conspiracy, death - Elections
  185. So Dems You Can Come Out of The Closet Now: voters, campaign - Elections
  186. Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Campaigns Dead after SC?: voters, candidacy, democratic - Elections
  187. middle class under Trump?: unemployed, vote, wages, generations - Elections
  188. Conservatives, why don't you like Jeb Bush?: vote, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  189. Bill Clinton is Looking Pretty Rough days. Hand shakes while campainging for the King: campaign, president - Elections
  190. Ted Cruz begins New Hampshire push amid Trump drama: voters, enemy, campaign - Elections
  191. Donny and the Plaza Hotel: campaign, liberal, nuclear, president - Elections
  192. Kasich, Bush surge in early states: voters, middle east, campaign, ethical - Elections
  193. A Repeat of 2008 for Ms Clinton? TRENDING: More Analysts SEEING Clinton a Flawed Dem. Candidate - Predicting Sanders Win: voters, Mexican - Elections
  194. another Gigantic Trump Rally. This Time In Pensacola Fla. Pundits Totally Shocked at Massive Crowd.: Reagan, date - Elections
  195. Hillary 'Declares War' on Single-Payer Healthcare: health care, Hillary Clinton, party, election - Elections
  196. Delete - Elections
  197. Who is your favorite non-traditional POTUS candidate?: president, Jesus Christ - Elections
  198. The Tea Party hosts Trump in Myrtle Beach:: campaign, border, Bush - Elections
  199. Two messages in the Democratic Party - Elections
  200. Ted Cruz full throat condemnation of Flint water crisis!: democrat, support, kids - Elections