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  1. Is there State poll where Trump or Carson aren't leading?: Republican, polls - Elections
  2. Clemson South Carolina Poll Oct 27, 2015: voters, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  3. If Your State Voted Last In the Primaries...: Ron Paul, voters, Congress - Elections
  4. What they actually said during the Democratic Debate!: Republican - Elections
  5. Sanders, in Tonal Shift, Backs Investigation of Clinton Emails: interview, Reagan, president - Elections
  6. I'm a big Sanders, fan, but this doesn't surprise me: voting, Americans - Elections
  7. The Other GOP Wave: State Legislatures/Add KY to the List: voting, Congress - Elections
  8. Did Trump really beat his chest over the length of a debate: Putin, vote - Elections
  9. Tonights debate: Rand Paul's greenroom is a bathroom: vote, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  10. Zogby Analytics National Poll: Nov 5 2015: voters, democrat, Republican, polls - Elections
  11. Candidates should address issues, not attack each other: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  12. Trump gives 'locker room' speech in Iowa. Great commentary by MJ: Rosie O'Donnell - Elections
  13. Tax deductions for political broadcasting?: vote, campaign, Reagan, democratic - Elections
  14. MSNBC Democratic Forum: thoughts, president, Hillary Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  15. Carson fan boys - list the media lies about Carson: interview - Elections
  16. Very Interesting Viewpoint Florida State Poll: Nov 2 2015: Huckabee, voters, campaign - Elections
  17. No: security, president, Obama, military - Elections
  18. Monmouth New Hampshire Poll: Nov 2 2015: voters, Republican, president, Bush - Elections
  19. It is so easy, it's stupid.: votes, democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  20. Ben Carson On Illegal Immigration: liberal, president, Clinton, border - Elections
  21. Larry Lessig drops out: candidacy, campaign, illegal, democratic - Elections
  22. Tom Tancredo Gets It!: house of votes, Congress, security - Elections
  23. A sure fire way to settle this election outcome today.: vote, polls - Elections
  24. Top Carson Aide Wants Taxpayers To Fund Farrakhan: vote, patriot, security - Elections
  25. Bobby Jindal beating Jeb! in Iowa: campaign, poll, Bush, supporters - Elections
  26. Is there a way to submit questions to the Tuesday Fox/GOP debate?: party, elect - Elections
  27. Will television campaign ads impact the vote for President of most people?: voters, interviews - Elections
  28. Morning Consult tracking poll 11/1-Trump 33%, Carson 22%: polls, suspect, Bush, political - Elections
  29. McClatchy-Marist Poll National Poll: Nov 9 2015: Huckabee, interviews, Republicans, independent - Elections
  30. Donald Trump's Springfield, IL Rally: Democrats, christmas, boycott, Bush - Elections
  31. Ben Carson urban radio rap ad - Elections
  32. Both Hillary AND Sanders trounce the GOP field in the latest polls.: voters, campaign - Elections
  33. Clinton is a warmonger, and her voters are casting ballots for war because they think they'll get redistributed goodies.: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  34. New York Busybody Bloomberg Beaten Severely: enemies, Republican, independent, American - Elections
  35. one Compares Rubio To Obama: voters, security, campaign, - Elections
  36. Voters Fight Back And WIN!!!: represent, regular, deaths, politicians - Elections
  37. Carson Should Speak to the Students of Mizzou: bias, Obama, American - Elections
  38. Marc Elias, General Counsel for Hillary Campaign Represeted Group Charged With Voter Fraud: Attorney, represent - Elections
  39. Trump as the nominee - A Christian perspective: voters, thoughts, illegal - Elections
  40. Bernie isn't just a hypocrite he's an uber hypocrite: campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  41. Ben Carson has tumbled dramatically in New Poll after CNBC GOPDebate- poll released 10/4/15: security, Republican - Elections
  42. Hit Carson Hard!: Democrats, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  43. Bankers For Bernie?: Corporate Profits, Clinton, Obama, Sanders - Elections
  44. Trump in Iowa 10/27/15: Get your ass in gear!: polls, president - Elections
  45. Graham and Pataki out of debates; Huckabee and Christie sent to undercard field: vote, president - Elections
  46. 4 Swing States the GOP must win plus one.: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  47. What's the more pressing problem: Climate or Syria/Putin/ISIS?: global warming, enemies - Elections
  48. Marco Rubio - No One is Born with Strong Values ???????: racist, state - Elections
  49. Latini group offering $5K to who will yell out Trump is a Racist during SNL Appearance.: vote, Mexican - Elections
  50. Bernie sounds like Trump!!!: NAFTA, vote, interview, Reagan - Elections
  51. Hillary Clinton Remained Silent As Wal-Mart Fought Unions: vote, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  52. A Republican Message to Trump Fans: Huckabee, health care, vote, Democrats - Elections
  53. CNN/ORC Iowa State Poll D&R: Nov 6 2015: vote, interviews, illegal - Elections
  54. Is Marco Rubio a very accomplished senator?: voters, Republican, statistics - Elections
  55. When do we see Carsons med school records?: voters, campaign, - Elections
  56. DNC Debate That Nobody Cares About, Nobody is Talking About, Nobody Knows About: interview, Democrats - Elections
  57. Breaking: Clinton Signed NDA: Congress, security, FBI, death - Elections
  58. Elon University NC Poll:: Huckabee, votes, campaign, illegal - Elections
  59. Graham Doesn't Qualify for Debate and Christie and Huckabee are Downgraded: Republicans, Bush - Elections
  60. Who saw Carly on the view this morning?: Iraq, arsenal, - Elections
  61. Do You Know Ben Carson?: president, suspect, Reed, million - Elections
  62. Ben Carson makes up his own history again.: party affiliation, voters, Congress - Elections
  63. Give Elder Former President George H W Bust credit, admiration and Big Applause for Speaking out!!: Dick Cheney, vote - Elections
  64. There's a black conservative!...Get him!: Democrats, Republican, liberals - Elections
  65. Is Criticism of Ben Carson Spurred by Racism?: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  66. Trashing Trump: Latino Kids Pound Racism Like a Piñata: votes, Mexican - Elections
  67. So what is their plan?: unemployment, health care, Putin, Congress - Elections
  68. Democratic Forum Tonight: vote, interview, president, Clinton - Elections
  69. CNN Can't Find Evidence Of Ben Carson's Childhood Violence: interview, - Elections
  70. Rubio: His Spending and Management of His Personal Finances: voters, salary, campaign - Elections
  71. Trump Would Not Survive A One-On-One Debate....: campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  72. Obamacare Cripples Middle Class & Small Busines = Big Problems for Democrats: health care, voting - Elections
  73. Im Starting to Think Trump may pull off the Upset - Win Nomination: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  74. The American people need to wake up and vote for peace.: Putin, Iran - Elections
  75. Ted Cruz Believes Atheists Should Not Be President: Huckabee, vote, death - Elections
  76. Trump Says King Hillary Is Running For President To Stay Out of Jail for Servergate: enemy, security - Elections
  77. Trump in Springfield IL!! Yuuuuge excited crowd there to support!!: Putin, patriot - Elections
  78. Bush would travel back in time and kill baby Hitler...: liberal, bias - Elections
  79. Can moderators get it right?: John Kerry, Harry Reid, Huckabee, voting - Elections
  80. Gore: I'm not ready to endorse Clinton: Al Gore, interview, millionaire - Elections
  81. FBI steps up interviews in Clinton email probe: Republican, suspect - Elections
  82. Rubio/Fiorina Ticket?: Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  83. Will the Silent Majority Play a Role in This Election?: voters, middle east - Elections
  84. Party Elites.: party affiliation, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  85. How would a Ted Cruz presidency be?: Reagan, legal, Republicans - Elections
  86. Court Blow for Clinton: Judge Orders Release of 700 New Docs: party affiliation, crime - Elections
  87. Hillary: Would Not Support War Declaration Against ISIS: Putin, vote, Congress - Elections
  88. Trump: We will have a deportation force!: Mexican, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  89. Hillary lost once. Has the past seven years changed Hillary?: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  90. fraud in Kentucky Governorship election: voters, Congress, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  91. Your dream Trump Ticket?: voters, illegal, Republican, conservative - Elections
  92. If the 2016 election ends up like Bush vs. Gore: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  93. Carson Raises $3.5 Million In One Week!: campaign, Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  94. Where are the democrats of the future?: Congress, Republican, crime - Elections
  95. Carson is woefully unqualified: Cheney, vote, interview, middle east - Elections
  96. Trump is Hilarious on SNL!!: president, racist, Reed - Elections
  97. An Impartial Sizing-Up of Hillary, So To Speak: Al Gore, health care - Elections
  98. WHY: The Media's Intense background check of Ben Carson's life, we still don't know CRAP about Obama's life...: Huckabee, interview - Elections
  99. Why Bernie lost his steam??: voters, Democrats, polls, Sanders - Elections
  100. Rubio's credit card - What the media is missing: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  101. Why is Trump resonating this year and not in 2012?: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  102. Marco Rubio is the odds-on favorite by a wide margin now.: voters, illegal - Elections
  103. Congressional Aides expect Rubio to be nominee: votes, Republican - Elections
  104. Trump / Carson is an unbeatable ticket.: Huckabee, vote, interview, Republican - Elections
  105. Is Hillary Clinton In Trouble?: voters, campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  106. Ben Carson on Drug Addiction: illegal, heroin, cocaine - Elections
  107. how bad will Hillary's non- disclosure agreement affect her poll numbers?: votes, illegal - Elections
  108. Far left supporters ?: employment, salaries, education, million - Elections
  109. Rand Paul: Clinton, Rubio both 'neoconservatives': 9/11, Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  110. Carson supports statehood for Puerto Rico: unemployment, vote, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  111. Do not Enjoy Starting this But Time to Tell it like I KNOW it is, and will be !! Trump in Trouble.: voters, campaign - Elections
  112. What Will Be Trump's Appeal To Legal Hispanic Citizens: votes, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  113. Switcharoo! Carson Wanted to Dismantle Obamacare/Medicare. Now He Doesn't!!!!: generation, security - Elections
  114. Grade GOP Debate 10/28: votes, campaign, conservative - Elections
  115. CNN Money: Carly Fiorina is just plain wrong on this 'fact': unemployment, Barack Obama - Elections
  116. 2016 Pres. Candidates' Truth Rating: Hillary Clinton, politicians, compare, elect - Elections
  117. Another National Poll No One Is Talking About: Economist/YouGov: Oct. 28, 2015: John Kerry, party affiliation - Elections
  118. Who are the Republican Supporters in the polls.: voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  119. All about Ben Carson - do you want him to be President?: health care, voters - Elections
  120. Will you vote for Hillary Clinton?: ethical, Republican, president, Sanders - Elections
  121. Trump Attempting to Lower Expectations For Tonight's Debate: campaign, president, million - Elections
  122. To Quote the Lovey Ann Richards - Stick Him With a Fork He's Done: campaign, Republican - Elections
  123. Political Quiz?: Huckabee, vote, democratic - Elections
  124. Jeb! Republican Voters Have A.D.D.: campaign, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  125. King Hillary Squirms Awkwardly when Black Lives Matters Show Up And Shut Down Her Speech: vote, polls - Elections
  126. Trump Still the Clear Leader after the Mock CNBC Travesty Debate: voters, campaign - Elections
  127. This plan by Trump to reform the VA is both simple and brilliant.: Congress, Republican - Elections
  128. Hillary's VP choices: Republican, president, Bill Clinton, Hispanic - Elections
  129. Just Breaking: RNC just announced they are pulling the NBC GOP Debate which was scheduled for Feb. 27, 2016: Limbaugh, Huckabee - Elections
  130. Why do we need the networks to stage our primary debate?: interviews, security - Elections
  131. Jeb: “I wish I could talk as well as of the people on the stage.”: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  132. Block The CNBC Channel?: Rush Limbaugh, votes, interviews, democrat - Elections
  133. GOP Losers.. Drop Out: voters, wages, campaign, - Elections
  134. Bernie's going to pull a John Anderson, a Joe Lieberman.: party affiliation, votes - Elections
  135. voting for Carly: vote, thoughts, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  136. Trump Schedule This Week: voters, middle east, suspect, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  137. Mike Tyson Endorses Donald Trump for President: vote, candidacy, - Elections
  138. CBS/NYT Poll 10/27: Carson leads Trump NATIONALLY: employment, voters, Republican - Elections
  139. Who will Bush back when he leaves the race?: voters, legal, death - Elections
  140. Pope Francis Endorses Bernie Sanders: president, top, news - Elections
  141. New Poll (10/26) Trump in Free Fall in Iowa: Huckabee, voters, Mexicans - Elections
  142. It's looking increasingly likely that Hillary will be our next president: vote, Mexican - Elections
  143. 62 YO Jeb Bush Calls 27 YO Melissa Benoist, New Supergirl Pretty HOT During Workout: vote, liberal - Elections
  144. Porn Industry Endorsements/Rubio/Clinton/Sanders: vote, illegal, democrat - Elections
  145. CNBC and FOX Business debates will be thinly watched.: voting, democratic, CNN - Elections
  146. One America News Network Naional Poll: Oct. 27, 2015: NAFTA, Huckabee, unemployment - Elections
  147. Bernie supporters... would you be fine with a 25% sales tax?: votes, brainwash - Elections
  148. Why Do people hate Donald Trump?: votes, Republican, liberals - Elections
  149. New NC Public Policy Polling Poll: Oct. 27, 2015: Huckabee, voters, democratic - Elections
  150. Kasich getting tough: vote, Rosie O'Donnell, deportation, leader - Elections
  151. Photo of Trump's Rally in Jacksonville this past Weekend. He fills Stadium, Nobody Does.: voters, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  152. So, Trump and Carson Scare You?: Ron Paul, Dick Cheney, Iran, security - Elections
  153. Jeb fights back with entitlement reform plan.: voters, millionaire, security - Elections
  154. Video of Trump on The USS Wisconsin In Norfolk: interview, Republican, McCain - Elections
  155. The whiny GOP's fake narrative that Hillary got softball questions.: Rush Limbaugh, global warming - Elections
  156. GOP wins in Vir, and KY: Democrats, Republicans, liberal, represent - Elections
  157. New Poll: Only Trump Loses to Hillary in General Election Matchup; Carson Beats Clinton by 10 Points: voters, Democrats - Elections
  158. Do you think that Bernie Sanders is simply ahead of his time?: democratic - Elections
  159. Republicans Add to Governorship Totals: voters, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  160. Sanders offers bill to legalize marijuana: vote, Congress, Mexicans, Republican - Elections
  161. Black people on Ben Carson: John Kerry, Al Gore, vote, - Elections
  162. Why are people supporting bernie sanders?: Ron Paul, Cheney, vote, - Elections
  163. If it comes down to Trump and Clinton-this country deserves what it gets...: vote, campaign - Elections
  164. Chris Christie Makes Emotional Plea To Rethink Drug Addiction Treatment: voters, heroin - Elections
  165. falling for this again?: Huckabee, 9/11, voters, interview - Elections
  166. News: Dr. Carson Does an Archaeology: Republican, president, racist, world - Elections
  167. When Will Jeb Bush Exit the Race?: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  168. Fox News National Poll: November 4, 2015: Huckabee, voters, interviews, Republican - Elections
  169. Carson, Carson: voters, campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  170. Hillary playing the Gender card once again: Cheney, vote, candidacy - Elections
  171. Why are Republicans Winning so Much at a State Level?: voters, Congress - Elections
  172. Hillary Smearing Sanders as Sexist and the GOP Better Pay: vote, ethics - Elections
  173. Don’t believe the Democratic Party is in crisis? Then read this tweet.: house seat, Democrats - Elections
  174. Best Campaign Song: Huckabee, voters, cocaine, Bush - Elections
  175. What elections did you have today and did you vote?: votes, Congress
  176. Instead of Insulting My Candidate Tell Me About Yours: Huckabee, unemployed, Fast food - Elections
  177. You can relax now. Jeb can fit it tour is in motion.: John Kerry, campaign - Elections
  178. Wsj/NBC New Poll: voters, Republicans, conservative, extremist - Elections
  179. List of Demands From Republican Campaigns for Future Debates: vote, interviews - Elections
  180. The Rich Guy Backing Rubio Now Is Involved With Amnesty And Soros: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  181. Donald Trump Offers To Personally Help Wounded Vet in Iowa: Corporate Profits, Congress - Elections
  182. ‘Sick, racist left’: Dem strategist uses ‘safe negro’ to describe Ben Carson on MSNBC: Republicans, liberals - Elections
  183. Christie: If You Can't Handle The Debates, Then Don't Run For Prez: Putin, interview - Elections
  184. Big weed: voters, illegal, drug, Reed - Elections
  185. If GOP Candidates Can't Handle CNBC, How Will They Deal With Putin?: Iran, Democrats - Elections
  186. JEB Can Fix It to have backfired on JEB: vote, campaign - Elections
  187. King Hillary is in Hiding Until Iowa Caucus: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  188. Can you picture Donald Trump making small talk with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire?: interviews, campaign - Elections
  189. Crippled America by Trump: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  190. If you can't handle to tell the truth to the Benghazi victim families do you deserve to be President!: Putin, voters - Elections
  191. Ben Carson doesn't understand how the debt ceiling, the budget, or interest rates work: voters, interview - Elections
  192. Trump hammers Rubio better than Jeb did: interview, democrat - Elections
  193. How mad will the libs be when Trump wins the presidency?: vote, Republican - Elections
  194. Hillary now facing 4 top secret emails exposed: Attorney, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  195. Cruz PAC Mistake and other Campaign Tidbits: Congress, Republican, Clinton - Elections
  196. Candidates on the Sunday Shows on Nov 8 2015: interview, campaign, drug - Elections
  197. Tax deductions for political broadcasting?: vote, campaign, Reagan, spokesman - Elections
  198. Ted Cruz Obama got more Republicans elected than other President ! - Elections
  199. If the Electoral College ties: vote, represent, state - Elections
  200. for the Clintons Trips to ‘Pedophile Island’ should be troubling: liberal, American - Elections