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  1. Wisconsin Supremes Squash Walker Witch Hunt - Elections
  2. Donald Trump has Huge Staff gearing up for early States.: voters, Palestinians - Elections
  3. David Stockman should be Trump's running mate!!: house of vote, Congress - Elections
  4. Vanity Candidates: People Who Don't Want To Do The Hardwork: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  5. Flip or Flop: Mr. Trump's Party Affiliation History: votes, candidacy, Reagan - Elections
  6. GOP candidates moderate enough to get the support of LGBT conservatives?: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  7. Can Trump be a wild Perot??: NAFTA, voters, Iran, interview - Elections
  8. Trump in First? Bush and Walker Behind: Republicans, polls, Clinton - Elections
  9. soon to be 18: campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  10. Enough: Iran, middle east, illegal aliens, politicians - Elections
  11. Donald Trump promoted 14.25% wealth tax.: 9/11, security, democrat, injection - Elections
  12. Jeb! to donors: You aren't done Work longer hours! - Elections
  13. Scott Walker (R-WI) is Officially Running For President.: illegal, Republicans, highway - Elections
  14. Scott Walker Presidential Announcement Speech: voters, Congress, interview, campaign - Elections
  15. Trump would be the biggest executive order President: Congress, Obama, money - Elections
  16. Comparing 2000 George Bush to 2016 Republican Candidates?: Al Gore, Reagan, democratic, conservative - Elections
  17. Pick the Cabinet of a POTUS candidate of your choice: security, president - Elections
  18. Is a vote for Hillary a vote for Obama?: president, Hillary Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  19. Which of 16 will be correct?: voters, democratic, Republican, racist - Elections
  20. When Politicians buy votes & campaign contributions via pension deficits: legal, school - Elections
  21. Bush The Lobbyist: campaign, Republicans, lobbyists, dollar bill - Elections
  22. Why settle for Trump?: voters, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  23. Nate Silver on Clinton and Sanders: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  24. How Does Hilary Have Such A Lead In Polls?: elections, elect, 2011
  25. VP Biden might run for POTUS: democratic, Republican, president, Clinton - Elections
  26. I like how Trump handles Anderson Cooper ..just turns: interviews, campaign - Elections
  27. Obama legacy a winning strategy?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  28. Trump/McCain: the superbowl of A-holes according to Steyn...: votes, Republican, liberal - Elections
  29. Sarah Palin calls McCain a Hero: senator - Elections
  30. Mexican Americans don't have as much decisive power than Puerto Ricans: voters, Congress - Elections
  31. Carly Fiorina On Hillary Clinton And Abortion - Elections
  32. Is old John McCain really a deceitful 'Leftest' Plant ? New Rasmussen poll shows GOP voters favor Trump over McCain.: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  33. Trump interview - CNN Anderson Cooper Tonight July 22 - Elections
  34. CNN: new polling shows Clinton trailing Bush, Walker, & Rubio in IA, CO, and VA.: voters, - Elections
  35. Carly Fiorina recognizes why Trump has made such a Impact in his run for WH.: voters, - Elections
  36. Hillary Forbids Young Supporters from Talking to Press: voters, Clinton, Reed - Elections
  37. NASCAR Fans Not Happ Over Organization Dumping Trump: patriot, Mexican, - Elections
  38. Donald Trump themed songs: campaign, president, born - Elections
  39. Foo Foo Reporters Covering The Candidates: interviews, campaign, Republican, Clinton - Elections
  40. Democrat Primary Candidates ?: Democrats, president - Elections
  41. Donald Trump Is Buying a New Hampshire Campaign Wholesale: Huckabee, votes, interview - Elections
  42. Trump to meet with Secret Conservative Group?: racist, money, news - Elections
  43. Presidential Candidtates on Student Loan Interest Rates and Forgiveness?: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  44. Carly Fiorina vs. Hillary Clinton: votes, interviews, middle east, Democrats - Elections
  45. Uh, oh. Perry's next for the wrath of Trump.: votes, campaign, - Elections
  46. Do you have a problem with Donald Trump being president?: voters, illegal - Elections
  47. Unusual number of candidates, 2015: Huckabee, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  48. Hillary says we need to empathize with our enemies.: Iraq, Afghanistan, president - Elections
  49. What if Hillary Under-performs?: voters, Democrats, poll, represent - Elections
  50. Rubio on Trump: We have a president with no class: campaign, ethics - Elections
  51. Trump and a third party run.: NAFTA, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  52. Trump Supporters: Madder at Republicans on Capitol Hill or Democrats?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  53. Pros and Cons of Republican Candidates: Huckabee, voters, middle east, security - Elections
  54. who is the ultimate Trump running mate?: votes, Rosie O'Donnell, Republicans - Elections
  55. Where Are The Pro Hillary Threads?: vote, campaign, Democrats, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  56. I do like the way Trump handles the media...: interview, Republican, president - Elections
  57. Will Congress elect the next President?: votes, Republican, representation, vice president - Elections
  58. Trump gives Anderson Cooper the Spanking he Deserves. (and the media too): interview, president - Elections
  59. A Jeb Bush Cabinent? Neo-Cons in charge once again?: Dick Cheney, voters, Congress - Elections
  60. Deceived defenders John McCain NEED to know his Dark History - Trump Knows about McCain.: vote, campaign - Elections
  61. Jeb Bush Announces Unprecedented Fundraising Haul of $114 Million: candidacy, campaign, Republican - Elections
  62. Pick Trump's new campaign song: McCain, party, elect - Elections
  63. Do You Agree with Sanders' Free College Platform?: campaign, illegal - Elections
  64. Who has provided the best comedy of the last 3 GOP Primary circuses: vote, - Elections
  65. Trump is Still Birthering...... But Side-Stepping Questions About It.: interview, campaign, illegal - Elections
  66. No Trump Slump in latest Iowa poll - CRAZIES Trump McCain: illegal, polls - Elections
  67. This McCain flap is really hurting Trump....: vote, interview, enemy - Elections
  68. Trump will be on FOX tonight: interview, thoughts, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  69. trump gives out Graham's cell phone: Iran, Republican, McCain, solution - Elections
  70. Should Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders both run as Independent if Hillary and Jeb win the primaries?: vote, democrat - Elections
  71. Donald Trump - control the story: Ron Paul, Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  72. Bernie Sanders is the first candidate to on the Sandra Bland arrest: legal - Elections
  73. Trump to Hannity; Perry is not good, but Jeb Bush is Worse for America.: Congress, Reagan - Elections
  74. Wednesday Hillary Main Arena Sideshow (?) - Upside Down in Swing State Polls: voters, campaign - Elections
  75. WHOA: Trump changing venues for Saturday rally in Arizona due to OVERWHELMING RESPONSE: voters, patriot - Elections
  76. City Data Republican Nominee Straw Poll: Huckabee, votes, Congress - Elections
  77. City Data Democratic Nominee Straw Poll: Republicans, polls, Clinton - Elections
  78. Will the Debate Organizers Shut Out Trump Like They Did to Ron Paul?: Congress, Iran - Elections
  79. Poll Says Mister Trump is Disfavored by . . . Everyone CD Posters, I Reckon).: unemployed, Putin - Elections
  80. How many months until Hillary drops out of the race?: Democrats, polls - Elections
  81. Clowns attack again: John Kerry, Huckabee, democrat, represent - Elections
  82. BUSH is sensitive, and supports bankruptcy too: Putin, vote, Congress - Elections
  83. New Poll Just Came Out....GOP North Carolina: Huckabee, voters, Republicans - Elections
  84. Suprises - The Latest CNN/ORC Monthly National Poll With Trending: July 26: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  85. I the GOP runners were bad but how about the Dems??: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  86. Bobby Jindal Courting Southern voters...: Republicans, conservative, represent, regular - Elections
  87. Jeb Bush says Americans should work longer hours.: employment, vote, wages - Elections
  88. More Democrats ? Biden, Gore, Kerry all want it ?: Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  89. Ultra Liberal, MSNBC TV Host, Chris Matthews is highlighting Trump's genius Campaign. So Cool.: voters, enemy - Elections
  90. Poll: Carly Fiorina Makes Top 10 in Two National Polls: Huckabee, campaign, democratic - Elections
  91. Trump is a liar: voters, Congress, campaign, president - Elections
  92. You asked for it: Trump looks to tap Palin: candidacy, illegal, democrat - Elections
  93. The Trump effect -- Republican Launches Bid to Oust Boehner: voters, Congress - Elections
  94. FOXNEWS Now, saying Carly Fiorina IS Surging - Fiorina Speech at Reagan Library draws raves: party affiliation, votes - Elections
  95. If Jeb wins the nomination, can he win the White House?: voters, interview - Elections
  96. Cruz Challenges Obama to Debate on Iran Deal: Huckabee, voters, Congress - Elections
  97. Bush and Rubio Put Religion Back Into Politics: Huckabee, vote, illegal - Elections
  98. Trumps Ex-Wife Claims Emotional Rape: campaign, illegal, liberal, Attorney - Elections
  99. Obama just dissed Trump - Trump retaliation in 3..2...1..: Republicans, McCain, Bush - Elections
  100. Rand Paul Vs Donald Trump: money, government, state, income - Elections
  101. Hillary better win the presidential election.: interview, democratic, Republicans, crime - Elections
  102. The Iowa and New Hampshire Latest NBC/Marist Poll: July 26: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  103. Carly Fiorina: Strong, Very Impressive Female - She & Trump would be a Tremendous Ticket!: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  104. Trump articulates why WI is fed up with Scott Walker.: Republican, polls - Elections
  105. The media says Presidential Candidates must pander to Hispanic Voters immigration: generation, illegal aliens - Elections
  106. ABC/Wash Post poll...Trump still leads the GOP clown car: vote, Democrats - Elections
  107. Can't Stump the Trump: voters, interviews, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  108. More Proof That Trump's Comments On Mexicans Is A Lie: interviews, illegal aliens - Elections
  109. Best reason to support Trump: vote, Democrats, Republican, Obama - Elections
  110. Trump at the top of new CNN poll: voters, interview, illegal aliens - Elections
  111. is why Democrats will dominate National Elections.: voters, generations,
  112. Surprise Again for Donald Trump - Vets pack room in South Carolina and give Trump 3 Rousing Standing Ovations.: Republicans, conservative - Elections
  113. Donald Trump - Sarah Palin With A Bad Rug: Limbaugh, voters, - Elections
  114. Trump Supporters, Fans, - How Let Down would you be if Trump Quit the Race to be Prez?: vote, enemies - Elections
  115. Trump lists veterans as supporters. Forgets to ask veterans.: campaign, ethics, spokeswoman - Elections
  116. Mike Huckabee: Obama Marching Israelis 'To The Door Of The Oven': Iran, interview - Elections
  117. Joe Biden... could he be the Dems savior for 2016: patriot, campaign, democrat - Elections
  118. King Hillary in Panic Mode - TRAILS three top Republicans in swing states: voters, campaign - Elections
  119. Ted handle hecklers a little different than The Donald: Iran, generation - Elections
  120. Which GOP Candidate would you vote for in your state's primary? As of July 20: illegal - Elections
  121. BREAKING NOW - Trump Surge: Leads 2 National Polls in One Week: campaign, ethics - Elections
  122. Mock election: Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump: vote, Congress, democrat - Elections
  123. Outfoxed! 1st TV Forum C-Span Aug 3, Excluded Candidates to Participate: voters, Republican - Elections
  124. Jim Webb Strongest Democrat: voters, campaign, ethical, - Elections
  125. GOP Clown Car Tuesday: Hillary leads Trump 51% to 34%: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  126. Trump has no competition!: Iraq, parade, president, American - Elections
  127. Another National Poll Conducted July 9 - 12 Monmouth: Huckabee, voters, Republicans - Elections
  128. Trump tweets then deletes patriotic image of his face over Nazi soldeirs: Cheney, soldiers - Elections
  129. Who would you like to see run for president, who is not currently running?: Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  130. Sanders will have a bigger crowd in Phoenix than Trump did: vote, campaign - Elections
  131. Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley: in pole position for VP: votes, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  132. Bush Has Only Gotten 3% From Small Donors: voters, generation, Baby Boomers - Elections
  133. Hillary's unpopularity growing.. Democrats...: vote, Attorney, spokesman, president - Elections
  134. Operation Chaos 2016 ???: Rush Limbaugh, party affiliation, voters, democratic - Elections
  135. In a Presidential race of Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, you would vote for whom?: democrat, poll - Elections
  136. Trump is for real as he files FEC financial papers.: campaign, CNN - Elections
  137. Jesse Ventura talks Libertarian Party run for White House.: voters, Congress, democrat - Elections
  138. O'Malley-Give Healthcare to Illegals: health care, votes, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  139. Which candidate is going to take on Trump?: voters, illegal, Republican - Elections
  140. Donald Trump: ROCK STAR Rececption in Phoenix - Train Rolling NOW.: illegal, democratic - Elections
  141. Bernie Sanders: health care, votes, Congress, wages - Elections
  142. Trump tweets his childish fantasies: Mexican, drug, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  143. Trump draws thousands in Phoenix, continues immigration theme: Mexican, campaign, - Elections
  144. Alan Grayson for Senate: vote, democratic, Obama - Elections
  145. Florida Supreme Court rules against gerrymandering: voting, Congress, Republicans, elections
  146. Scott Walker Officially Running for President on Monday: wage, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  147. Is Trump attracting America's best voters?: Iran, Sanders, American, politicians - Elections
  148. I don't think Trump has this through: NAFTA, Mexicans, illegal - Elections
  149. Trump.... 28 threads started.: votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  150. Poll after Poll: The majority think The Donald is right about the issues.: voters, Congress - Elections
  151. Do you think Al Gore would have won if the Lewinsky Scandal never happened?: house of vote - Elections
  152. Comparing 2000 and 2016 Presidential election: Post Imcubent Democratic President: Al Gore, Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  153. Does think that the 2016 election will be Trump vs Sanders? The ultimate anti-establishment election.: voters, democratic - Elections
  154. Why was the 2004 presidential election more competitive than the 2012 election?: John Kerry, unemployment - Elections
  155. Conservatives Need to Stop Praising Jim Webb: Putin, voters, generation - Elections
  156. 2016 – Democratic and Republican Paths to 270 Electoral College Votes: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  157. are my picks for the 2016 party tickets: Dick Cheney, voters, campaign - Elections
  158. Scott Walker ready to bomb Iran first day in office: voters, Republicans - Elections
  159. Sitting political party: Reagan, president, death, Obama - Elections
  160. Will Herman Cain run again?!: unemployed, middle east, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  161. Was Trump hired to sabotage the GOP?: voters, wages, security - Elections
  162. Jon Huntsman should run.: voters, Republicans, liberal, president - Elections
  163. Is Trump a good politician?: vote, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  164. What is Walker trying to hide?: campaign, ethics, liberals, conservative - Elections
  165. GOP Candidates Start with War on Women Again: votes, Congress, - Elections
  166. Your reaction if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  167. Donald Trump: NBC News Interview Today: hiring illegals, Republican, CNN, illegals - Elections
  168. Kirsten Gillibrand for president in 2024?: Democrats, racist, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  169. Fact Check: The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain - SHARYL ATTKISSON: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  170. Bernie Sanders draws crowd of 11,000 in Phoenix. Same venue as Trump the Clown: campaign, speech - Elections
  171. Libertarian candidates: Ron Paul, voting, Mexicans, Taliban - Elections
  172. The Presidential Money Race, So Far.: Huckabee, vote, Iran, campaign - Elections
  173. How Will It End, Will Trump Implode Or Just Fade Away?: voters, campaign - Elections
  174. Bernie Sanders Draws Large Crowds In the Blue State Of Texas: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  175. Whats more important Presidency or Congress?: Harry Reid, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  176. Donald Trump is in 1st place in a GOP primary poll: vote, wages - Elections
  177. 2020 POTUS Race poll: vote, liberals, president, Clinton - Elections
  178. Does discrediting war heroes cross the line?: John Kerry, votes, Congress - Elections
  179. Do You Find It Odd That G W Bush and Bill Clinton Still Hang Out Publicly?: voters, enemy - Elections
  180. Bernie and Trump: Why Voters Like Them: Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  181. This is the strongest Republican field si.ce Ronald Reagan: vote, campaign - Elections
  182. Trump will be the greatest jobs president god ever created.: NAFTA, wages - Elections
  183. Perry Disses Trump on Immigration: vote, wages, security, campaign - Elections
  184. New 7-16 Fox News Poll 3 Weeks From GOP Debate: Huckabee, voters, wage - Elections
  185. Uh oh, As Trump rises in polls, Hillary is dropping hard and fast.: voters, candidacy - Elections
  186. Move over Trump .. the real conservative savior is: voters, millionaire - Elections
  187. Virginia Poll: Hillary leads the GOP clown car comfortably.: vote, Democrats - Elections
  188. Which GOP Candidate Truthfully Scares The Democrat Machine The Most?: voters, campaign - Elections
  189. Ron Paul calls Trump a dangerous authoritarian: vote, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  190. If Trump Wins Nomination Vice President Ideas: Republican, Hillary Clinton, news - Elections
  191. GOP needs 47% of Latino vote to win the White House: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  192. About that desperate need to get the Hispanic vote...: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  193. Jesse Ventura Backs Bernie: president, Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  194. Another example why Bush is unfit for POTUSA. Jeb Bush is a RINO.: Republican, conservative - Elections
  195. LIVE: Donald Trump's #StandWithTrumpAZ Phoenix Event on Illegal Immigration: president, speech - Elections
  196. Does Sanders get good vibes from CA and NY??: states, support - Elections
  197. Does Live in Iowa, NH, SC or Nevada?: political, TV - Elections
  198. Military analysts: Donald Trump's plan to bomb Iraq's oil fields not a good one: Washington - Elections
  199. Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation July 12, 2015 - Elections
  200. The GOP Clown Car Chronicles: Trump doesn't rule out Independent Run: campaign, Washington - Elections