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  1. Rob Lowe contemplates running for Boxer's seat: vote, security, campaign - Elections
  2. The worst predictions for 2014 elections: Congress, Democrats, Republicans, poll
  3. More good news from yesterday's elections: house seat, voters, Democrats, Obama
  4. Nevada, the nation's sin capitol, goes full GOP in 2014: Harry Reid, vote, Barack Obama - Elections
  5. Is Martha Coakley done?: voters, Democrats, polls, president - Elections
  6. Joni Ernst Laughs and Laughs and Laughs: speech, elect, supporters - Elections
  7. The Asian American vote is not the Jewish American vote: voters, Iran - Elections
  8. The Democrats Stole Our Line: voters, legal, Republican, liberals - Elections
  9. Mia Love sets perfect tone as frosh congress critter.: vote, Republicans - Elections
  10. Past Presidents: elect - Elections
  11. News Video, GOP lawmakers face pressure from base to target ObamaCare – or: votes, Congress - Elections
  12. Another Lib Excuse Debunked: Wisconsin Turnout Highest in At Least 64 Years for Midterm Election: voting, democrat - Elections
  13. Rand Paul and lower taxes: security, FBI, president, crimes - Elections
  14. And voters Ron Paul was too crazy???: million, political, parties - Elections
  15. the torch has been passed from Ron Paul to Mia Love.: vote, Iraq - Elections
  16. Why was Corbett defeated?: vote, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  17. Lindsey Graham running for President ???: vote, senator, news, date - Elections
  18. Hilary: Plans to make the rounds, but it is not campaigning: president, border - Elections
  19. 'Now Fire the Media': Republican, Obama, education, American - Elections
  20. Can you vote under the influlence?: voters, legal, drugs - Elections
  21. DNC chair in Oct, 2014: we are going to hold the Senate: campaign, democratic - Elections
  22. What happens to campaign contributions when they drop out?: legal, president, politicians - Elections
  23. A Small Election in a Very Small City: vote, Congress - Elections
  24. War on women...Sandra Fluke and Clay Aiken...: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Democrats - Elections
  25. Why the lack of minority Democrats elected this week?: house of vote, Congress - Elections
  26. Immigration as a litmus test for the next President: voters, wage, - Elections
  27. How the Media gives selects your frontrunner: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  28. I guess Democrats are right.: vote, campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  29. Screw Ups In All 4 Hartford CT Voting Locations: voters, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  30. New Super Pac Country Song For Hillary: voters, Democrats, president - Elections
  31. Early Voting in North Carolina Dominated by Older Voters: Democrats, president, suspect - Elections
  32. Pres Obama: Americans want 'new car smell' in 2016.: voters, generation, - Elections
  33. Ferguson and the 2014 Elections: vote, illegal, Democrats, Republicans
  34. Elise Stefanik and her Ford F 150.: vote, Congress, democrat - Elections
  35. NH: Shaheen tied directly to IRS tarfeting of Conservatives.: news - Elections
  36. Military Ballots: vote, president, party, elections
  37. Spoiler Visconti Suspends Campaign and Endorses Foley (R) for Connecticut Governor: voters, democratic - Elections
  38. Opposition Research On 2016 Republican Candidates: Republicans, conservative, American, elections
  39. Ballot: OK to leave issues blank?: vote, date - Elections
  40. Where is Karl Rove at today?: votes, democrat, liberal, elections
  41. Hagan Acknowledges The Existence of Obama - Elections
  42. Scott Walker wins re-election: votes, Democrats, liberals, president - Elections
  43. 2014 PA Election...Interesting: campaign, illegal, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  44. Is it over: voters, democratic, liberal, conservative - Elections
  45. Your questions for 2016 presidential debate: Dick Cheney, voters, illegal, democrat - Elections
  46. Didnt vote for Romney cause he was rich, but will vote for Clintons: John Kerry, wage - Elections
  47. Primary Time today... Who gets your vote.: Ron Paul, liberal - Elections
  48. A liberal writer totally misses the point on the election of Mia Love.: voting, Congress - Elections
  49. Jeb Bush to 'actively explore' 2016 presidential bid!: vote, thoughts, illegal aliens - Elections
  50. Will Democrats Be Bored If Hillary Runs Unopposed In The Primaries?: voters, campaign - Elections
  51. New Face For 2016: voters, Congress, democrat, Republican - Elections
  52. What if in this Election's Debates, We'd ask the right Questions?: voters, illegal - Elections
  53. Reince Priebus deserves tremendous credit for the GOP win in 2014.: Ron Paul, house seat - Elections
  54. Hypothetically speaking: If Mitt Romney were to become President, how would the country change?: unemployment, health care - Elections
  55. Jeb Bush Rises Up: Al Gore, Huckabee, voters, campaign - Elections
  56. Will Romney run again in 2020 after he loses the primaries?: Huckabee, votes - Elections
  57. Ted Cruz is pondering a run.: voters, campaign, illegal, democrat - Elections
  58. Mitt Not Impressed With Jeb: voters, generation, Republicans, president - Elections
  59. Paul Ryan is Out: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  60. Heads Up: Huckabee's Last Show Tonight: vote, illegal, Republican - Elections
  61. The Stay At Home Vote, Is There Logic To It: voters, Democrats - Elections
  62. who for president?: Ron Paul, vote, democrat, Sanders - Elections
  63. Asian GOP women dominated election night in Orange County.: house of voters, Congress - Elections
  64. Marco Rubio inches closer to a 'yes.': voters, Mexican, Democrats - Elections
  65. Sarah Palin*: salary, Democrats, president, Obama - Elections
  66. Hillary = Bureaucrat: house of vote, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  67. McSally (R) Wins Recount in AZ-2; GOP Has Biggest House Majority Since 1928: Harry Reid, house seat - Elections
  68. Carson tied to questionable health supplement company: National Review: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  69. Romney Again: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  70. Google to back Hillary Clinton for President in 2016: Republican, liberals, biased - Elections
  71. Republican voters will stay home if the party puts up another Establishment candidate: Harry Reid, Congress - Elections
  72. Scott Walker hires 'veteran GOP operative,' eyes 2016 presidential bid.: Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  73. Peoples choice ! Who Would You Like As President ?: unemployment, Republican, Brown - Elections
  74. Christie Running: vote, security, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  75. Solution to voter ID fraud = Voter registration photo ID: voters, Democrats - Elections
  76. Washington Post is now pimping Rick Santorum: Ron Paul, president, 2012 - Elections
  77. Scott Walker's NBA stadium deal: deal breaker for true conservatives?: vote, millionaire - Elections
  78. Iowa democrats have Clinton fatigue....this is a bad sign for her: voters, candidacy - Elections
  79. Report: Hillary's fundraising off to a slow start.....: vote, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  80. 2016 Presidential Election: votes, Israel, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  81. Cruz for Attorney General In 2016?: unemployment, vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  82. McCain, nor Romney, couldn't pull Independents.: voters, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  83. The Emerging Republican Advantage - Great Article That Destroys Blue Wall Nonsense: global warming, voters - Elections
  84. Democrats telling Republicans, who to run against their gal.: John Kerry, voters, illegal - Elections
  85. A Time to Elect A Native American President?: vote, Barack Obama, African - Elections
  86. How Rand Paul plans to run for Senate and President: votes, legal - Elections
  87. Mia Love hard at work in pursuit of individual liberty.: Condi Rice, Condoleezza - Elections
  88. The inevitable Hillary now tied with GOP candidates in impermeable blue wall states: votes, Democrats - Elections
  89. Hillary vs Rand foreign policy: middle east, Republicans, drug, conservative - Elections
  90. Wow! Three John Kasich Sigthings: interview, middle east, security, campaign - Elections
  91. Guess Who A Republican Consultant Says Has The Same Odds As Bush For 2016?: voters, campaign - Elections
  92. A herd of elephants.: vote, interview, illegal, democratic - Elections
  93. Media pushing candidates... To see who sticks.: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  94. 2016: the Scooby Doo election cycle: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  95. Electing Supreme Court Justices: vote, legal, biased, representation - Elections
  96. Walker Surging in Iowa: Huckabee, voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  97. Progressive v. Conservative and the 2 party system.: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  98. 2016, why the Republican wave will be short lived: unemployment, voters, Democrats - Elections
  99. Huckabee Wants to be President to Stop the Secular Theocracy .: voters, interview - Elections
  100. Bush and Romney Cutting a Deal?: votes, Democrats, represent, regime - Elections
  101. How the Democrats Can Lose the Presidential Election in 2016: voters, wages, middle east - Elections
  102. Support for Romney and Bush going DOWN: vote, president, radical - Elections
  103. Warren vs Clinton Fiasco: voting, Congress, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  104. As A Voter, How Important Are Endorsements To You?: voters, thoughts, president - Elections
  105. Ted Cruz Blisters Mitt Romney: voters, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  106. Lindsey Graham Thinking About 2016: Republican, conservative, president, Boxer - Elections
  107. If Hillary Becomes President, Will It Be a Clinton Third Term or an Obama Third Term?: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  108. The Rubio Birthers Have Began: vote, legal, Republicans - Elections
  109. Ben Carson the Republican's Rock Star: Iraq, middle east, democratic, Afghanistan - Elections
  110. The New Republican Candidates, Same As The Previous Candidate(s).: votes, Congress - Elections
  111. Mitt's out!: vote, interviews, security, Republican - Elections
  112. Is The Electoral College Still Relevant ?: voters, Congress, president - Elections
  113. tired of Iowa setting the tone?: Huckabee, vote, generation - Elections
  114. Donald Trump strongly inclined to run for President: voters, candidacy - Elections
  115. Ted Cruz Has A Point: The Show Me Speech: voters, campaign - Elections
  116. Do you want Rick Santorum to win the presidency in 2016?: Huckabee, president - Elections
  117. Republican Primary Debate Schedule: Huckabee, thoughts, democrat, conservative - Elections
  118. Matricide Under Way in the Democrat Party: Ron Paul, Putin, votes - Elections
  119. Debbie Wasserman Shultz was Bagdad Bob: campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  120. Minimum wage undefeated 5/5 on ballots nationwide: global warming, Fast food, voters, Congress - Elections
  121. Republicans Win Big in State Legislative Chambers As Well [Takeovers in at least NV, MN and WV]: health care, votes - Elections
  122. Hillary's momentum heading into 2016....: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  123. President Obama commits political suicide!: votes, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  124. I'm officially an independent after tonight: voters, Congress, campaign, legal - Elections
  125. To Democrats saying this was anti-incumbent not anti-Obama/Democrat: voters, Republicans, Americans - Elections
  126. African Woman Republican Mia Love Wins In Utah--So Much For Liberal's Accusations: Republicans War On Women & Racists: house of Congress - Elections
  127. After yesterday, John Kasich and Scott Walker have to get serious consideration for 2016.: vote, campaign - Elections
  128. Congratulations GOPers!: Harry Reid, vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  129. The Hill: Pres. Obama has lost nearly 70 House seats since taking office.: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  130. Blame Harry Reid For Midterm Losses: voters, security, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  131. Why Aren't More of The Best Run States Governors Mentioned For President in 2016?: John Kerry, unemployment - Elections
  132. A look at voter turnout suggests 2016 won't be easy for Republicans: voters, Congress - Elections
  133. What About Martin O'Malley In 2016?: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  134. another GOP firebrand and rising star: Elise Stefanik: Ron Paul, Congress, generation - Elections
  135. Why the GOP Dominates the House—But Not the Senate: voters, Democrats - Elections
  136. I know who the GOP Vice Presidential candidate will be: Cheney, Republicans - Elections
  137. Congratulations to Mia Love!: vote, Congress, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  138. FOX calling them quick.: Democrats, liberal, CNN, bias - Elections
  139. Nate Silver makes election coverage boring: Democrats, Republicans, cocaine, statistics - Elections
  140. How would you revamp the current platforms of the two parties?: health care, voters - Elections
  141. I Voted: voters, liberals, polls - Elections
  142. ***2014 Midterm Election Results***: voters, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  143. Republicans - vote: democrat, represent, Obama - Elections
  144. 5 Reasons the Republican Tidal Wave Could Melt Away: votes, Congress, generation - Elections
  145. Best election night coverage in your lifetime?: Al Franken, voters, thoughts - Elections
  146. Who should I vote? Wendy Davis or Greg Abbott: bias, education, border - Elections
  147. M. Obama Gives Marching Orders: voters, Democrats, Republican, president - Elections
  148. Experts are predicting a Republican Landslide today.: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  149. Texas - Abbott left off the ballot in solid Blue Bexar County: voters, campaign - Elections
  150. How did Perot make it on the ballot as a legitimate contender?: voters, millionaire - Elections
  151. Congratulations Texas Governor Greg Abbott!: votes, democrat, Republican, Attorney - Elections
  152. No matter what happens today, the demise of the GOP was greatly exaggerated...: voters, Congress - Elections
  153. States Confirm Voting Machine Glitch in Several States: voters, security, Democrats - Elections
  154. Biden Blows Greg Orman's Cover.. he's with us Biden Said about Orman: votes, interview - Elections
  155. Turnout: lower than you expected?: voters, Republican, polls, school - Elections
  156. Wipeout Of The Democratic Talent Pool: vote, Congress, generation, patriot - Elections
  157. Democrats bail on Mary Landrieu - pull funding: Harry Reid, voters, campaign - Elections
  158. Yessssssssss! Jim Webb announces 2016 Exploratory Committee: vote, candidacy, campaign, Republican - Elections
  159. Post your 2016 map predictions: Huckabee, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  160. Why did the entire South elect Liberal Jimmy Carter over Gerald Ford in 1976?: vote, generation - Elections
  161. Oh, but it was just low turnout - a reality check for Democrats: house of voters - Elections
  162. Odds On The 2016 GOP Iowa Caucus Winner: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  163. Ok, Who Gonna Lead the Dems?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  164. Laughable: Elizabeth Warren ensconsed in new Democrat leadership position!: unemployment, security, campaign - Elections
  165. Michigan Electoral College Bill: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  166. The race card lost in the 2014 mid terms.: Democrats, conservative, racism - Elections
  167. A Republican Ticket Hillary Clinton May Fear: votes, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  168. G.O.P. Donors Seek to Anoint a 2016 Nominee Early: vote, democratic - Elections
  169. More evidence of splintering democrats: to draft Warren to run: voters, - Elections
  170. Interesting exit polling results by identity group in 2014: voters, generation, illegal aliens - Elections
  171. Which Candidate Will Declare First For 2016?: campaign, president, Bush, party - Elections
  172. notice how well conservatives did with the Hispanic vote in a number of races?: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  173. The presumption of the Clinton nomination: voters, democratic, poll, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  174. Stadium Seating For 2016 GOP Primary Debate: 24 Candidates?: vote, campaign, - Elections
  175. Today's The Day In Louisiana - Predictions?: voters, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  176. Republicans, Democrats and Compromise: unemployment, health care, gas prices, Congress - Elections
  177. Midterms Riddle: unemployment, voters, Reagan - Elections
  178. mia love's beautiful victory speech: Harry Reid, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  179. Lousiana: Bill Cassidy (R) Leads Mary Landrieu (D) 56.5% to 40.5%: votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  180. Romney Redux?: Franken, voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  181. Corrine Brown's district: voters, Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  182. GOP and conservatives boost lead in diversity in 2014 elections.: Congress, Democrats, Republicans
  183. Kasich/ Walker 2016: vote, conservative, president, politicians - Elections
  184. Now will Obama be impeached?.......or Exorcised??? (2 exorcists now in Congress!!!): house of voters - Elections
  185. voter turnout lowest since 1942: voters, Iraq, generation, campaign - Elections
  186. One of each in office.: votes, Congress, legal - Elections
  187. Huckabee/Thune 2016 is how Republicans can win: voters, thoughts, economic - Elections
  188. Jesse Ventura eyeing a 2016 presidential run.: Al Franken, campaign, conservative, conspiracy - Elections
  189. Gerrymandering, not popularity, is the reason for Republican win: house seat, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  190. Monday Morning Quarterbacking: Rand Paul Made A Smart Decision To Back McConnell: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  191. Democratic party 'hollowed out.': Harry Reid, vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  192. Will Jeb Bush Run in 2016.................: voters, president, Obama, party - Elections
  193. Looks to Nudge Elizabeth Warren Into 2016 Presidential Race - Elections
  194. O'Keefe strikes again...: poll, worker, news - Elections
  195. Tribute to Mike Huckabee touching and memorable!: interview, president, million - Elections
  196. Did You Witness Voter Fraud? Free App Helps You Report it: votes, news - Elections
  197. Koch donors give Marco Rubio early nod: voting, liberal - Elections
  198. Physician Assisted Suicide Ballots This Year, Know?: election, elect, states - Elections
  199. Oh, dear. Christine (the former witch) O'Donnell outperformed Wendy at the Polls.: voters, Democrats - Elections
  200. Working/Volunteering for the 2014 Mid-Term Election: campaign - Elections