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  1. Verification by Hillary: vote, Iraq, president - Elections
  2. Hilary on Bosinia, How Bad Were Her Lies?: security, candidacy, Republicans - Elections
  3. Babies for Obama: Reed, top, news - Elections
  4. Bill Clinton's Ties to Columbia: voters, Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  5. Hillary's top strategist embarrases her campaign by pushing a NAFTA trade deal: unemployment, Republicans - Elections
  6. An email from Reverend Wright?: interview, representation, Barack Obama - Elections
  7. News, Clinton Drops Another Tale From Stump Speech.: vote, Iraq, president - Elections
  8. Michelle Obama visits NC: health care, votes, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  9. Hillary tries to disenfranchise the voters: democrat, regular, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  10. Dave Matthews tickets: Ron Paul, NAFTA, voters, Congress - Elections
  11. Obama and Rev Wright sing from same hymnal: president, racism, Bush - Elections
  12. Rupert Murdoch's daughter to host Barack Fundraiser in London: Iraq, Republican, president - Elections
  13. Obama raises $40 Million in March!: Ron Paul, dollars, money - Elections
  14. Another Hillary lie: health care, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  15. Obama's speeches seem to be nothing more than a list of complaints about the USA: global warming, NAFTA - Elections
  16. Should Presidential Candidates PLEDGE give licenses to illegals?: voters, democrat, Obama - Elections
  17. If Hillary loses Pennslyvania, should she step aside.: vote, campaign, CNN - Elections
  18. Olympics: democratic, president, Clinton, boycott - Elections
  19. Hillary FOLLOWS from the FRONT: NAFTA, health care, voters, campaign - Elections
  20. Media to two faced- they say Hillary does not stand a chance but still promote the Hillary and Obama race: democratic, Clinton - Elections
  21. Kerry/Edwards Bumber Stickers: John Kerry, president, Obama, administration - Elections
  22. How Much Interest is Hilary Getting on the 5 Million She Loaned to her Campaign?: middle east, president - Elections
  23. Obama - Initial bid for political office: Ron Paul, health care, voters - Elections
  24. Hillary / Obama... I'm back to square one!: NAFTA, voters, Congress - Elections
  25. Obama leads big in NC: votes, democratic, poll, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  26. Why Hilary Shouldn't Quit-: votes, Democrats, regular, racist - Elections
  27. Hillary Lies About Pregnant Women Refused Healthcare: health care, campaign, Clinton - Elections
  28. Where politics and religion meet; Obama's Charisma: vote, money, support - Elections
  29. Colombia Ties Don't Stop With Mark Penn: Hugo Chavez, Clinton, terrorists - Elections
  30. Forget Rice, Mcain needs Tom Tancredo as VP!: illegal, illegal immigration - Elections
  31. Rev Wright, Libertarians, and our Foreign Policy: 9/11, Congress, Iran - Elections
  32. Clinton Backers are increasingly becoming worried: vote, Iraq, campaign, democratic - Elections
  33. Democratic candidates surround themselves with subprime experts: campaign, election, elect - Elections
  34. Another Clinton Super Delegate Withdraws Support: vote, campaign, democratic, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  35. Bob Barr a thorn in McCain's side?: Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry, Ron Paul - Elections
  36. Counsel confirms Hillary's 'fraudulent' Watergate brief: enemies, ethical, impeachment, Republican - Elections
  37. Obama leads in Ore.: liberal, polls, president, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  38. GOP candidate for VP Condi Rice - faced the tough questions on Iraq?: spokesman, political - Elections
  39. Were you Kissed, Mr. President?: Dick Cheney, Iraq, vice president, Boxer - Elections
  40. I'll tell you why I would never win a presidential election: votes, racist - Elections
  41. Poll for of you who have CHANGED your political party since last election.: Ron Paul, party affiliation - Elections
  42. Vice-Chairman of the 911 Commission endorses Obama: Attorney, Clinton, political, terror - Elections
  43. McCain, Letterman Spar on 'Late Show': Republican, president, senator, date - Elections
  44. Hillary's lead in Pennsylvania continues to evaporate: democratic, polls, president - Elections
  45. McCain accesses his wife's MILLIONS to gain presidency: John Kerry, campaign, Kerry - Elections
  46. Obama's own brand of politics of fear: health care, votes, wages - Elections
  47. Wow! This Just in: Hillary drops out of race to...: president, Texas - Elections
  48. Barack Obama Announces Withdrawal From Democratic Nomination Process!: political, party, supporters - Elections
  49. Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal endorses Obama: Attorney, president, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  50. Obama and Clinton very similar on policy: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  51. Clintons new 3AM commercial: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  52. Is Obama and Hillary listening to Bill and Chilling out?: NAFTA, voters - Elections
  53. Chief Strategist of Clinton Campaign Steps Down: thoughts, president, senator - Elections
  54. McCain advocates more government intervention: Congress, democratic, conservative - Elections
  55. Penn out as Clinton senior strategist: Mexicans, campaign, represent - Elections
  56. Obama Runningmate?: Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, poll, racist - Elections
  57. Hillary, pay your debts: campaign, Hillary Clinton, dollars, million - Elections
  58. Hillary Fired During Watergate?: ethical, democrat, Attorney, conspiracy - Elections
  59. McCain on Idol Gives Back: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  60. Market predicts Obama to become President: democratic, Clinton, McCain, election - Elections
  61. McCain's free ride is over: Clarence Thomas, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  62. Obama, Keep On Pimpin' White Women!: thoughts, president, racist - Elections
  63. The experience factor, misleading: campaign, president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  64. Ron Paul still on the campaign trail: interview, legal, president - Elections
  65. Obama Polls Up, Clinton Funds Down: voters, candidacy, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  66. We need more white people So it goes at a M. Obama event: vote, campaign - Elections
  67. Clinton backer says Obama will win: political, presidency - Elections
  68. Can the fact that the Clintons were able to build such wealth a sign to voters they can do the same for the US?: speech, goverment - Elections
  69. Obama Shrinks Clinton's Lead in PA to UNDER 10 points.: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  70. Obama loses 10-point advantage over McCain in poll: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  71. News, McCain compiles list of running mates.: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq - Elections
  72. Is McCain the right commander in chief?: Ron Paul, vote, arsenal - Elections
  73. Obama's site: Obama v Hillary slavery perspective: voters, Republicans, drugs - Elections
  74. Libertarian running for president: Ron Paul, Congress, drugs, states - Elections
  75. To the victor go the spoils: votes, Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  76. Clinton Window Narrows Further: Democrats, Obama, news - Elections
  77. Are Clintons trying to push Dean out?: vote, democratic, Bill Clinton - Elections
  78. What's Wrong With Reverend Wright!: 9/11, vote, Iraq, interview - Elections
  79. Impact of Free Tibet '08 to Elections?: patriot, campaign, liberal
  80. Minnesota GOP jacked by Ron Paul supporters: democratic, conservative, conspiracy - Elections
  81. The Candidates on Taxes..: Democrats, president, economy, money - Elections
  82. Why does McCain always have his wife standing next to him?: vote, generation - Elections
  83. The real reason Hillary is still fighting on: health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  84. Talk radio host calls McCain warmonger: Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  85. Obama Didn't Want My Money: voting, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  86. bama gains another add-on superdelegate. Gains 3 this weekend: campaign, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  87. McCain said 'I hate the Go*ks' - will that hurt him?: vote, campaign - Elections
  88. Educated people prefer Obama: voting, liberal, poll, Clinton - Elections
  89. what's up with Mrs O?: vote, interview, Republicans - Elections
  90. Obama Expresses Desire for Transgendered People in Military: Congress, liberal, soldiers - Elections
  91. What went wrong with the Clinton Campaign?: democratic, Republican - Elections
  92. Dream Or Nightmare - McCain/Rice win in NY: Colin Powell, Congress, Iran - Elections
  93. What would make an undefeatable ticket?: Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Ron Paul, Dick Cheney - Elections
  94. The Story of Barack Obama's Mother: voting, liberal, activist - Elections
  95. Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright to speak at NAACP in Detroit: drugs, controversial - Elections
  96. Who do you think is more intelligent, G.W. Bush or John McCain?: president, Clinton - Elections
  97. Bill Clinton tells more Bosnia lies: vote, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  98. The dirty little secret Obama and Clinton don't share with public: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  99. Obama/Richardson: John Kerry, voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  100. The Real McCain: Congress, Iran, campaign, conservative - Elections
  101. other conservatives? screwed: global warming, health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  102. Dems Assail McCain on Iraq, Economy: Iran, democratic, liberal, conservative - Elections
  103. How is Obama going to change this?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  104. How Often Does MCAIN Cuss His Wife?: vote, Congress, president - Elections
  105. Obama claims to understand the world better: health care, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  106. Where would you move if you give up on this country?: Iran, Clinton - Elections
  107. Obama: $1 million a Minute: votes, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  108. Time for Hillary to concede: voters, Republican, polls - Elections
  109. million man march: racism, Barack Obama, senator, Blacks - Elections
  110. Hillary's plan to win the nomination: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Clinton - Elections
  111. Obama Campaign Pushes Out Delegate For Divisive Remark: democratic - Elections
  112. are of the three trustworthy?: Ron Paul, Dick Cheney, voting, Iraq - Elections
  113. Oh, them Dems! Keep it up Lanny: John Kerry, vote, enemy - Elections
  114. Elizabeth Edwards Plugs Clinton Plan: health care, wages, parade, - Elections
  115. Pa Voters!: campaign, democratic, spokesman, president - Elections
  116. Oprah attended Obama's church: Limbaugh, conservative, racist, independent - Elections
  117. Does Clinton Stand a Better Chance than Obama in Winning the Election in November?: voters, - Elections
  118. former President Jimmy Carter leaning towards Obama: Ron Paul, Hugo Chavez, enemies - Elections
  119. Where did you get 3 candidates from?: global warming, Colin Powell, Ron Paul - Elections
  120. News, Can Americans afford Clinton's healthcare plan?: health care system, democratic - Elections
  121. Bill Richardson tells Clinton: get over it!: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  122. I'm still voting for Ron Paul: vote, Congress, security, - Elections
  123. Obama: I'd hire Gore: Al Gore, global warming, votes, campaign - Elections
  124. Shouldn't the people have a say on who's VP?: vote, security, democrat - Elections
  125. Yes We Can!!: Iraq, campaign, president, racist - Elections
  126. Disappearing act?: John Kerry, vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  127. McCain's Vice President: Condoleezza Rice, Al Gore, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  128. Why is Obama Shutting out the Voters of Florida and Michigan?: Democrats - Elections
  129. Keep'em coming Democrats/Liberal (Rhodes video): unemployed, voters, liberals, represent - Elections
  130. Michelle R. Obama's Princeton Thesis--is it racist?: crime, racism - Elections
  131. ******** booed for calling Obama, Osama: vote, patriot, liberal, Kennedy - Elections
  132. Florida delegates to be seated: Ron Paul, votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  133. Persecution complex?: Republicans, racist, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  134. Obama on MSNBC's Hardball College Tour: president, education, states, propaganda - Elections
  135. If Clinton loses PA, or wins a NARROW victory, loses NC, will she step aside?: votes, democratic - Elections
  136. Obama compares Virginia Tech massacre to Don Imus's remarks: legal, Barack Hussein Obama, Americans - Elections
  137. Kool-Aid Drinkers: vote, Democrats, Republican, racist - Elections
  138. Hillary Thinks She Is Rocky!: campaign, Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  139. Hillary's list of lies: NAFTA, vote, Iraq, enemy - Elections
  140. Hillary bashing: vote, interviews, security, campaign - Elections
  141. Clinton Pennsylvania Lead Shrinks To 5 Points: democratic, poll, president, racist - Elections
  142. Is Al Gore the answer?: votes, campaign, democratic, Clinton - Elections
  143. Rush Limbaugh Falls For Hillary's Tricks...: vote, enemy, Democrats - Elections
  144. Do you believe Obama when he says he sat in the pew for 23 years and never heard/read about hate from Wright?: 9/11, vote - Elections
  145. No help from Obama on the price of gas: Hugo Chavez, gas prices, middle east - Elections
  146. Obama Rude To Fan (Video): racist, Reed, African American, political - Elections
  147. Dean; Super Delegates - exercise best judgement: Al Gore, voters, Democrats - Elections
  148. Jessie Ventura for president: Yes or No.: interview, independent, parties - Elections
  149. Obama Now Leads in Pennsylvania: vote, democratic, polls, president - Elections
  150. McCain voted agasint VA fund increases: Congress, illegal aliens, soldiers, president - Elections
  151. The Wright scandal just keeps on getting deeper!: vote, security, president - Elections
  152. Why did Florida and Michigan shut out their voters?: campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  153. My Concerns About Obama: health care, votes, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  154. John Grisham supports Hillary Clinton!: Al Gore, president, Obama, Kennedy - Elections
  155. Obama on taxes: vote, president, Americans, speech - Elections
  156. Republicans voting democrat due to the current state of the nation?: vote, Congress - Elections
  157. The Best Strategy???: voters, patriot, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  158. WARNING: Liar Obama now says he is 100% anti-gun; weeks ago he said he's ok with gun rights.: voters, Iraq - Elections
  159. Do You Really Believe the Clintons with an Income of 100 Million+ Really Care About Us Average People?: health care, salary - Elections
  160. Boston Globe: My Fellow Clintonites, it's Time for Obama: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  161. Senate Pork Spending - Surprise! Surprise!: vote, Congress, Democrats, represent - Elections
  162. Thank you Froma Harrop!: Obama, Reed, American - Elections
  163. Obama, Clinton or Mccain?: Ron Paul, health care, gas prices, vote - Elections
  164. The ENGLISH Prefer President Obama!: John Kerry, vote, Republicans, Kerry - Elections
  165. President Obama Is A FAMILY VALUES Man!: Al Gore, democratic, drugs - Elections
  166. Dean backs down on MI and FL: voters, campaign, - Elections
  167. I Got a 3AM Call Last Night: Al Gore, president, Clinton - Elections
  168. President Obama Gets A 3AM Call: Ron Paul, Iran, Palestinians, Israeli - Elections
  169. What PRESIDENT OBAMA Should Tell IRAQ: unemployment, voters, Congress, Iran - Elections
  170. Barack Obama Busted Lying: vote, Congress, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  171. Hillary lies, Hillary lies, Hillary lies...: legal, Republicans, liberal, poll - Elections
  172. Obama abortion position that radical: health care, votes, Democrats - Elections
  173. New York Times repots that Hilary Clinton gets Caught in Another Lie!!: health care, vote - Elections
  174. Have you changed your mind on who you voted for?: Congress, campaign - Elections
  175. Geraldine Ferraro used the same sentence as Obama did years ago!: president, death - Elections
  176. Maya Angelou supports Hillary...: drugs, president, racist - Elections
  177. Do Obama supporters make you anti Obama?: vote, democratic - Elections
  178. John McCain has no secret service protection: Ron Paul, vote, security - Elections
  179. Clintons Release Tax Retuns: salary, conservative, president, speech - Elections
  180. AC: 5 VPs for Obama to consider: Al Gore, global warming, voters - Elections
  181. McCain booed by blacks: votes, racism, Obama, speech - Elections
  182. Hillary Says Memphis Is National Champ if Kansas Won: Clinton, state - Elections
  183. Were you alive during slavery? - Elections
  184. Big Oil,Defense,Pharma,Energy - for the Dems: campaign, Clinton - Elections
  185. Democratic elitism and tolerance behind the scenes: legal, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  186. Obama leads in NC; Voters Distrust Clinton: campaign, president, political - Elections
  187. Montanan Democrats Fired up about Candiates' visit: vote, Republican, Obama - Elections
  188. Hillary drops health insurance nightmare story after facts are disputed: Clinton, elections
  189. Super Delegates May Jump Ship on Hillary: vote, Democrats, Bill Clinton - Elections
  190. Caribbean sings support for Obama: news - Elections
  191. Obama picks up another: Indiana's Lee Hamilton: Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  192. Article: It's About Obama's Economics, Not His Faith: health care, votes, Congress - Elections
  193. my little world...: Ron Paul, vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  194. News, Barack Obama can tell 'uncomfortable truths': president, black president - Elections
  195. Hillary agrees to debate Obama in North Carolina: Reed, work, news - Elections
  196. Obama really America: Barack Obama, lobbyists, lobby, money - Elections
  197. Obama's association with terrorist Bill Ayers: radical, news - Elections
  198. Today on the Presidential Campaign Trail: Clinton, Obama, McCain, billion - Elections
  199. comes McCain again: conservative - Elections
  200. Obama wins Texas...: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections