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  1. So tell me again how immigration reform will seal the deal for Republicans?: voters, campaign - Elections
  2. Republican Congressman Brian Bilbray Concedes - Another seat for the Dems: house seat, votes - Elections
  3. The governor's race in Washington has been called!: Congress, legal, democratic - Elections
  4. The Dole/Kemp Website is Still up: health care, campaign, - Elections
  5. Am I a secular progressive?: most, Christ - Elections
  6. Obama wins Florida: news - Elections
  7. Maine GOP Chair: ‘Unusual’ To See Black People Voting: vote, interview - Elections
  8. Most of the lily white states went for Obama: vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  9. Senate Elections 2012: A Post-Mortem: vote, Congress, campaign,
  10. A for far right conservatives: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  11. Acorn?: campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  12. Breaking News: Alan West For Congress Released Statement State Of Race-Florida's 18th District: voters, poll - Elections
  13. The Real Reason the GOP Lost: vote, Iraq, middle east, Democrats - Elections
  14. AZ Democrat wins house seat.: votes, campaign, liberal, party - Elections
  15. 1992 revisited: Bush, elections, elect
  16. No Matter Whom One Voted For, we all have something to be thankful for this year: Ron Paul, Republicans - Elections
  17. Hobby Lobby ruling: health care, activist, suspect, Obama - Elections
  18. Another elected official who's a sore loser after last Tuesday!: voters, campaign - Elections
  19. Polling & Presidential Elections, 2000 thru 2012: votes, candidacy, democratic
  20. The election was two weeks ago, and the Dems are STILL winning!: house seat, dictator - Elections
  21. Best GOP lines on Nordquist-I adore Corker's: Congress, American - Elections
  22. This is how we've become the bully of the world....: economic, elections
  23. Which Polls Fared Best (and Worst) in the 2012 Presidential Race?: vote, - Elections
  24. 113th Congress: New racial/ethnic minority: John Kerry, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  25. Az GOP sues to stop counting votes from Latino districts: Attorney, president - Elections
  26. Why gas prices didnt effect the presidential race: voters, Congress, conservative - Elections
  27. 1 person singlehandedly angered the Entire Massachusetts GOP: Ron Paul, votes, - Elections
  28. Election Map: vote, conservative, highway, American - Elections
  29. Tragic moments in GOP history: Aug 8th, 2011...: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  30. 2014: The House Mid-Terms: house seat, of votes, Democrats - Elections
  31. John Cornyn on Senate races: GOP bungled it: campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  32. NRSC in public: We have disavowed Akin . NRSC in private: 's an additional $760K for your campaign, Mr. Akin.: voters, candidacy - Elections
  33. Communist Party Celebrates Obama's re-election: Democrats, president, nationalist, KKK - Elections
  34. GOP Savior? Another George Bush Considers a Run in Texas: Mexican, campaign - Elections
  35. A new setback for Rep. Paul Ryan: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  36. Salt in the wound- Dems winning late-calls in races: votes, Congress, Republican - Elections
  37. Are Two Terms The New Normal?: vote, Congress, president, Clinton - Elections
  38. Nice Column by Christine Todd Whitman: politician, governor, state, pay - Elections
  39. Obama's lead in the popular vote increases to 51%: Democrats, president, Kerry - Elections
  40. Losing Running Mates of the Recent Past & their Post-Loss Careers: house seat, conservative - Elections
  41. Letter To The Republicans From A White Guy WHo Gets It: elections, elect
  42. The presidential election doesnt matter!: votes, Iran, campaign, conservative - Elections
  43. Will someone tell them the party is over?: Republicans, conservative - Elections
  44. Obama/Biden 62%...Romney/Ryan Paul Ryan's hometown!: Congress, school, political - Elections
  45. Five People Who Won the Election for Obama: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  46. What if the electoral college is derogated?: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  47. Should Flip-Flop Romney be forced to repay the bailouts he received from taxpayers?: conservative, polls - Elections
  48. mainstream media tipped the scales in favor of Obama: interview, Republicans - Elections
  49. Allen West still won't concede defeat: Al Gore, votes, Congress, represent - Elections
  50. Who voted for who: Ron Paul, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  51. for minority voters: Al Gore, wage, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  52. Where are my free handouts?: Fast food, vote, security, Republicans - Elections
  53. Mitt Romney Can Still Be The President by Inaugaration Day 2013: voters, Congress - Elections
  54. Hey GOP, take the Palin cure-- Palin for 2016 president: Reagan, conservative - Elections
  55. Romney taking the low road in defeat apparently.: voters, Republicans, president - Elections
  56. Demographics and the 2016 Presidential Election: voters, Mexican, Reagan - Elections
  57. Republican meltdown: impeachment, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  58. Does miss checking polls?: votes, president, Obama - Elections
  59. Predictions for 2016....President and Running Mate: voters, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  60. Karl Rove tried to steal the elections per source: voting, Republican, Obama
  61. GOP Dodges Bullet: health care, Congress, patriot, Taliban - Elections
  62. Greatest thing that ever happened to America? Romney not elected!: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  63. Republican Ted Cruz: Romney french kissed Obama: Barack Obama, political, party - Elections
  64. The Joy Of Hate - Hilarious Book About todays politics.: democratic, racist - Elections
  65. GOP blames loss in Maine on mystery black voters: interview, Republicans, racist - Elections
  66. Ron Barber (D) wins House in Arizona: Al Franken, votes, Congress - Elections
  67. Another Republican went crazy with Obama hate: patriot, Taliban, liberal - Elections
  68. Nate Silver: Democrats Unlikely to Regain House in 2014: vote, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  69. Inside Team Romney's whale of an IT meltdown: vote, generation, campaign - Elections
  70. Petition to impeach Obama has reached the necessary number of signatures to elicit a White House response: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  71. The Polls WERE Skewed After All ... Skewed for ROMNEY, That Is: voters, - Elections
  72. What party will take on the Democrats in 2016?: vote, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  73. Raise middle class taxes too: ethical, Democrats, conservative, suspect - Elections
  74. Robocalls.... do they work?: vote, campaign, Democrats, statistics - Elections
  75. Republicans Sure Do Love Their Election Consultants!: campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  76. Mitt Romney's loss creates GOP leadership vacuum: Rush Limbaugh, Cheney, generation - Elections
  77. Sarah Palin Critic Admits He Was Wrong - She had incredible insight about where Obama was taking USA: campaign, - Elections
  78. Who scares you more?: Condoleezza Rice, vote, democratic, Republican - Elections
  79. Rommey campaign manager: Mitt carried the day on Nov 6: votes, interview - Elections
  80. Santorum hints at 2016 run: vote, Republicans, conservative, American - Elections
  81. Alright - a good Senate Race for 2014 to suppport: Obama, support, 2012 - Elections
  82. Herman Cain leads Chambliss in Georgia Senate primary poll: votes, racist, million - Elections
  83. Can Someone Explain This To Me?: voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  84. 21% of Black Males under 30 voted for Romney: Condi Rice, unemployment, voters - Elections
  85. The Electoral College (writing an English paper): house of voters, campaign - Elections
  86. Blacks SHOULD HAVE voted for Obama: Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry, voters, democratic - Elections
  87. Michelle leads Mark Kirk in Illinois Senate race 51-40: Congress, security, democrat - Elections
  88. Jim DeMint, the Health Care Mandate, and the Heritage Foundation: Rush Limbaugh, house seat - Elections
  89. 50% of Romney voters think ACORN stole the election. Difficulty level: ACORN closed shop in 2010.: Republicans - Elections
  90. What about that 47%? America's 3 most dependent counties went Romney: vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  91. So, now that Romney's retreated back into the Mormon fold...: candidacy, campaign - Elections
  92. How do people like Donald trump seriously become contenders to be President.: Iraq, interviews - Elections
  93. 2012 Election Cycle Recap: vote, campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  94. RW loon Karen Handel may challenge Chambliss in Georgia: vote, Congress, democratic - Elections
  95. If Obama went off and formed a 3rd party this past election, do you think he wouldve won?: votes, Democrats - Elections
  96. No, we didn't: Limbaugh, voters, middle east, campaign - Elections
  97. People Really Think Hillary Will Run in 2016?: vote, Democrats, represent - Elections
  98. Do you think professed atheism should be required to run for public office?: school, politicians - Elections
  99. Obama campaign was most afraid of Huntsman: vote, Republican - Elections
  100. Desperate Tea Party leader pushes Electoral College fantasy scenario: house of votes, Congress - Elections
  101. Creationism The Norm Republican 2016 Contenders: voters, interviews, conservative - Elections
  102. Wait, Didn't Obama Say We Have Israel's Back?: middle east, president, Clinton - Elections
  103. Conservatives Think That African Americans Were Dumb for Voting for Obama: unemployment, health care - Elections
  104. Why Marco Rubio will not help The GOP win votes: voters, Mexican - Elections
  105. Jeb Bush said to be 2016 run: employment, Republican, president - Elections
  106. President Obama's Margin of Victory Largest Since Clinton Bested Dole: votes, campaign - Elections
  107. 2014 WV Senate: Shelly Moore Capito (R) to challenge Jay Rockefeller (D): vote, interview - Elections
  108. Hey Mitt, can we see more of your tax returns? got nothing to lose now.: president, Obama - Elections
  109. Republicans: If you believe America supports your platform, why did you lose?: voters, campaign - Elections
  110. Another ridiculous way Obama can be stopped: Ron Paul, voters, democratic - Elections
  111. People Don't Vote on Behalf of Their Ethnicity or Anatomy: votes, Congress - Elections
  112. Stuff that isn't going to happen: Dick Cheney, vote, Iraq, generation - Elections
  113. Why do Americans rely on two political parties?: voters, Israel, Democrats - Elections
  114. 2014 elections: Ron Paul, house seat, Franken, voters
  115. Florida goes to Obama: voters, Republican, poll, president - Elections
  116. I was not elected to serve one party, but to serve one nation.: votes, Congress - Elections
  117. Donald Trump Tweets His Congratulations to Rove: campaign, Republicans, represent - Elections
  118. Conservative ‘Humiliation’ Good for This Country: Limbaugh, voters, campaign - Elections
  119. Shocking: Video Released Of College Students Outside White House On Election Night Chanting 'Karl Marx, Karl Marx': generation, president - Elections
  120. Revolution (not): Democrats, Liberalism, suspect, Obama - Elections
  121. Why did McCain get more votes than Romney?: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  122. Florida Officially Goes To Obama: votes, president, Hispanic, states - Elections
  123. Recount ordered in Alan West race in Florida: votes, Congress, generation - Elections
  124. Statistical Miracle Cuyahoga County, Ohio Voting: Putin, voters, Iran, illegal - Elections
  125. Obama going to blame second term failure on Bush too: voters, Congress - Elections
  126. Red State editorial - Is It Time to Roll Up the Welcome Mat: votes, patriot - Elections
  127. 15 States petition to secede from the United States: Rush Limbaugh, health care, 9/11 - Elections
  128. Obama likely won through election fraud: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  129. Maps of the 2012 US presidential election results: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  130. Romney Planned Fireworks Show Over Boston Harbor: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  131. Can the GOP afford to get rid of the social issues?: unemployment, voters - Elections
  132. Megyn Kelly of Fox News of all places gave us one of the best moments on election night: Republican - Elections
  133. Based on the way Romney ran his campaign...: voters, security, - Elections
  134. The American Electorate Got It Right!: votes, illegal - Elections
  135. Romney actually won the election.: vote, conservative, Obama, military - Elections
  136. Mia Love was brought down by Libertarians.: Ron Paul, voters, Congress - Elections
  137. Did Sandy Vote(and why wasn't her ID checked)?: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  138. Democrats, how will you feel when the national debt passes $20T on Obamas watch?: vote, Reagan - Elections
  139. Romney left his Staffers high and dry after Losing the Election: campaign, liberal - Elections
  140. Why Obama won: unemployment, voters, Iran, security - Elections
  141. How Long Before Republican CD'ers Stop Analyzing Romneys Loss: house seat, voters, millionaire - Elections
  142. Christie congratulates Obama over the phone but sends an email to Romney: voting, campaign - Elections
  143. Mia Love defeated by racist Democrats?: vote, Congress, Republican, liberals - Elections
  144. Who will lead the Republican Party in the future?: Ron Paul, voters, candidacy - Elections
  145. So, Obama won. Now what? What is our path forward?: vote - Elections
  146. This is laughable!: Rush Limbaugh, voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  147. GOP give me someone I can vote for: Limbaugh, voters, - Elections
  148. 3 Things the Republicans MUST Change If They Hope to Win Again: voters, - Elections
  149. News, Dead Pig Dressed In Mitt Romney T-Shirt Left On GOP Office Doorstep In California.: Rush Limbaugh, - Elections
  150. Poetic justice- Romney popular vote share now 47%: unemployment, voters, Republicans - Elections
  151. Coal company announces layoffs in response to Obama win: democratic, Republicans, president - Elections
  152. Will Obama be re-elected in 2016? It worked for Bloomberg in NYC.: health care, vote - Elections
  153. Was Pres. Obama's win a 'landslide?': Cheney, votes, president - Elections
  154. Paul Ryan shocked at the loss!: Rush Limbaugh, vote, Republican, liberal - Elections
  155. Another Perspective on the Election: voters, Congress, Democrats, poll - Elections
  156. Why did people vote for Romney ?: Ron Paul, Republican, conservative, president - Elections
  157. Republicans, instead of ranting and pointing out how you need to attract more minorities, why don't you?: Rush Limbaugh, Colin Powell - Elections
  158. Jindal: stop being the stupid party: vote, candidacy, legal - Elections
  159. Coal CEO blames Pres Obama for worker layoffs. The diff between the Fox article and the Slate article is staggering.: employment, gas prices - Elections
  160. been duped, republicans: middle east, Obama, Reed, elect - Elections
  161. Early Voting, Vote Harvesting, and Somali Pirates in Ohio: voters, Congress, security - Elections
  162. Woman upset about Obama win runs over husband: votes, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  163. warning to the GOP in congress: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  164. Ron Paul was the only one who could have defeated Obama: voters, Congress - Elections
  165. Academic ‘Dream Team’ Helped Obama’s Effort: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  166. Quite the read, from a Registered Republican.: Rush Limbaugh, unemployed, voters - Elections
  167. Romney Got ZERO Votes in 59 Philadelphia Precincts: liberals, poll - Elections
  168. Romney to donors: Obama won because he gave away free gifts to minoriites: voters, campaign - Elections
  169. Maps : electoral, high school grads ,religious, populous: Ron Paul, health care, vote - Elections
  170. The Optimizer: Secret of Obama's Victory: unemployment, interview, campaign, - Elections
  171. Possibilities of a Hillary 2016?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  172. From a Frustrated Republican: health care, millionaire, security, campaign - Elections
  173. Gay Man upset over Obama win commits suicide, curses Obama in will: vote, - Elections
  174. Medved: Obama won by supressing the vote.: voters, parade, campaign - Elections
  175. I think Obama winning the election is what God wanted...: vote, campaign - Elections
  176. Grover Norquist says Obama portrayed Romney as a poopyhead.: Republicans, Pelosi - Elections
  177. Fox news whines: It's not fair: Limbaugh, Republican - Elections
  178. i'm a democrat but i felt bad for Mitt Romney and republican family members: voters, campaign - Elections
  179. New swing state argument: Romney lost by only 407,000 votes: voters, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  180. Philly-59 districts voted 100% for Obama: democratic, Saddam, party, election - Elections
  181. It Looks Like the GOP is in Big Trouble: Limbaugh, house seat, unemployment - Elections
  182. Democrats, when the federal government issue more debt: vote, liberals, conservative - Elections
  183. GOP are in trouble make me laugh: unemployment, voters - Elections
  184. An outsider's prespective on the 2012 Presidential Election: vote, enemies, security - Elections
  185. Results In: Arizona Elects First Bisexual Member of Congress: vote, Republican - Elections
  186. Fox viewership up & Dems Have won the Presidential Popular Vote 5 times of last 6: votes, Reagan - Elections
  187. Interesting column from Politico: news - Elections
  188. Speaking of Fraud: Republica Patriot is arrested in Nevada: vote, FBI, election - Elections
  189. So Democrats won the plurality (ie popular vote) to the House.: voters, Republicans - Elections
  190. Voting GOP - Elections
  191. We really don't need a businessman to be our leader: Reagan - Elections
  192. As Always Luchovich Sums It Up Best: 2012 - Elections
  193. Audio Emerges Of Dem Pollster Saying I Say What The Law Is When Kicking Out GOP Inspectors At Polling Stations: voting, democratic - Elections
  194. Obama's DNC speech was pretty good. Slammed Romney on Cold War. Good call. That crap was stupid.: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  195. The GOP turmoil / Tea Party rebellion. Civil war begins.: house of votes, - Elections
  196. Why conservatives hate universal suffrage: vote, election, elect, 2012 - Elections
  197. Was Michael Steele Behind The 2010 Republican Tsunami?: party - Elections
  198. Does winning elections require more smart or more stupid people: vote, racism
  199. Good Night Election!: biased - Elections
  200. Southerner happy about Obama: vote, president, elect, claim - Elections