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  1. A vote for the status quo ??? Don't you believe it!: voters, Democrats - Elections
  2. Solution: state, Texas - Elections
  3. The best line of last night/today was....: party, family - Elections
  4. 29 Members of Romney's Family Would Have Received Secret Service Protection or Protective Home Surveillance: security, campaign - Elections
  5. The Presidential Electoral Issue is a 24 year problem now: votes, generation, democratic - Elections
  6. O'Reilly and Limbaugh setting up the GOP for another bad election: health care, Cheney - Elections
  7. The Senate: 23 Democratic Seats up, 10 GOP Seats up, Dems gain 2: votes, - Elections
  8. Was 2012 the last competitive election?: vote, illegal, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  9. So, Obama wants to meet with Romney,: jobs - Elections
  10. Predictions! Alan Lichtman AND Nate Silver (not vs): vote, Republican - Elections
  11. Romney has 2nd Worst Home State showing in Presidential Election History: politician, states - Elections
  12. Did Paul Ryan's Beefcake photo shoot hurt or help or didn't matter. Woah, look at biceps. - Elections
  13. Unions Lose Again: unemployment, voters, wages, security - Elections
  14. The Results are in- 2013-2015 will be the same as the last 2: vote, Congress - Elections
  15. Boehner- Obamacare is the law of the land Oops... I mean... Doh!: 2012 - Elections
  16. So, democrats, republicans, how did all that bickering with each other workout for us: Harry Reid, health care - Elections
  17. Obama gets emotional talking to campaign staff: CNN, Barack Obama, political - Elections
  18. Boehner to Obama: I hope learned your lesson!: voters, Republicans, president - Elections
  19. PPP: 2016 Iowa Caucus Poll: John Kerry, Huckabee, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  20. Parasitism is a social offense: unemployment, accuse, Obama, retirement - Elections
  21. Waiting in line for hours to vote, Is this something we can call agree is a problem??: Democrats, polls - Elections
  22. The Hispanic/Latino Vote: Iran, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  23. 2016: The Fundamental Problem for the GOP: Huckabee, vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  24. Over 70% of Asians voted Democrat: Republicans, liberal, conservative, racist - Elections
  25. The real reason Romney lost: voters, campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  26. The Last Days of Romneyland: campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  27. Obama's critics, repudiated at last: election, elect, 2012 - Elections
  28. More status quo BS from the Right...: Harry Reid, house of voters - Elections
  29. 3rd party the only solution to bridge the divide?: house seat, vote, Congress - Elections
  30. The GOP went SuperNova...: global warming, vote, polls - Elections
  31. _____ secured the vote for Obama: votes, campaign, democrat - Elections
  32. Just focus on 1:57 - 2:17...: vote, campaign, dollars, million - Elections
  33. What will the Republican Party do now?: unemployment, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  34. Hitler finds out Obama is reelected: Al Gore - Elections
  35. I am glad Obama won.: vote, generation, democrat - Elections
  36. Democrats, should pick up a lesson from the 2012 elections.: unemployment, voters
  37. Well..I told you so...: Congress, middle east, campaign, president - Elections
  38. Worse candidate: Dole or Romney?: John Kerry, Al Gore, vote, Kerry - Elections
  39. 2000 election and 2004 election: Thanks to social media and Facebook is it impossible to?: votes, - Elections
  40. Demographics of under-30 voters?: president, Obama, African American - Elections
  41. Karl Rove Has Melt Down On Faux Snooze: Republican, liberals, Reed - Elections
  42. Did Scott Brown lose due to top of the ticket?: voters, Iraq - Elections
  43. Dick Morris Emerges From Hiding: Condi Rice, votes, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  44. 2012 election victories for liberty movement.: campaign, good news, news - Elections
  45. The GOP Gamble: Republicans, Obama, rating, 2012 - Elections
  46. Fox News goes through the five stages of grief...: Huckabee, voters, democratic - Elections
  47. Puerto Ricans opt for statehood in referendum: Republican, conservative, racist - Elections
  48. Newsweek Obama Victory Cover Shows President As Napoleon GOP YOUR OLD YOUR WHITE YOUR HISTORY...: Congress, Republicans - Elections
  49. Wither Paul Ryan?: house seat, of generation, campaign - Elections
  50. Anti-choice roll call: abortion, state, Senate, date - Elections
  51. Karl Rove: Obama Suppressed the Vote: Republicans, president, elections, elect
  52. Generation stupid or handout?: Baby Boomers, Republican, wisdom, election - Elections
  53. GOP should nominate candidates that can't be defeated.: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  54. Well s why Obama won Florida: Obama beat Romney Cubans: voters, generations - Elections
  55. Bing 2012 Election Map: vote, Barack Obama, carry - Elections
  56. analyses of the gay marriage votes?: house seat, Dick Cheney, voters - Elections
  57. That would have been a blood bath last night with Gingrich or Santorum as the nominee.: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  58. The Message the GOP must learn to be competitive: votes, campaign, democratic - Elections
  59. The right's trying to say it was close. It wasn't: John Kerry, 9/11 - Elections
  60. The Next Election: Midterms!: Democrats, Republicans, conservative, president - Elections
  61. Was this THE nastiest, most polarizing Presidential race seen in your life?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  62. Most educated states voted for obama: votes, liberal, conservative, racist - Elections
  63. Is the Far Right Really Patriotic?: voters, Iraq, campaign, - Elections
  64. Best Conservative Meltdown this past Election Day?: unemployment, vote, liberal - Elections
  65. Do Republicans now consider Asian Americans as lazy freeloaders?: unemployment, voters, security - Elections
  66. feel that Elizabeth Warren's win is absolute and exquisite vindication?: vote, campaign - Elections
  67. Modern Visionary Pat Buchanan: Obama's Reelection 'Killed White America'. Calls Obama A 'Affirmative-Action Mulatto': Limbaugh, multiculturalism - Elections
  68. So how many threads do we need from liberals offering the GOP advice?: vote, democratic - Elections
  69. Tea Party hero Allen West (R-FL) refuses to concede race he lost, threatens legal action: vote, Congress - Elections
  70. Karl Rove's very bad night: Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  71. Democratic Candidate in 2016: Harry Reid, voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  72. What should the GOP do to survive the future..?: voters, Iran, Taliban - Elections
  73. Arizona....WTF!!!: votes, illegal, Republicans, polls - Elections
  74. It't Time For Republicans To Buy A Mirror And Man Up.: voters, Congress - Elections
  75. Republicans on a scale of 1 to 10, How much did this one hurt?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  76. President-elect Romney website: thoughts, Republicans, Obama, political - Elections
  77. Condy Rice in 2016: Condoleezza Rice, vote, conservative, president - Elections
  78. GOP- let California be a WARNING!: voters, interview, Mexicans, illegal - Elections
  79. The Catholic Vote - 50:48 Obama:Romney - sickening, to me at least: unemployed, health care - Elections
  80. Karl Rove: America's worst investor?: voters, Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  81. Same-Sex Marriage in the 2012 Elections: party affiliation, voters, generation, campaign
  82. It's been less than 24 hours, but where has Paul Ryan been?: house seat, campaign - Elections
  83. 2016: Jeb Bush V. Hillary Clinton?: voters, ethical, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  84. I'm Predicting It Now, Hillary Clinton Will Be Our Next President: unemployment, vote - Elections
  85. Special Election possiblities (Obamas Cabinet): Democrats, president, Brown, Kerry - Elections
  86. The political demise of the Christian Right: voters, Reagan - Elections
  87. Rove: Obama suppressed the vote: unemployment, campaign, Democrats, extremist - Elections
  88. Franklin Graham: Obama re-election sends U.S. down 'path of destruction': Mexican, Republican - Elections
  89. Dear Republicans and conservatives, a key lesson for you from the election.: unemployment, vote - Elections
  90. Does Romney still lose if he released his tax returns?: votes, campaign - Elections
  91. The best thing about the Obama win: voters, Republicans, solution - Elections
  92. Reasons Romney Lost: votes, campaign, racism - Elections
  93. A Sea of Red.: vote, president, George W. Bush, leader - Elections
  94. Did the Libertarians cause Romney's defeat?: Al Gore, Ron Paul, voters, patriot - Elections
  95. Have Of You Seen The Job Layoffs By Companies That Are Being Reported Now After Obama's Election?: patriot, Republicans - Elections
  96. Would George Bush Junior Have Won Against Obama in 2012?: campaign, regular, president - Elections
  97. Women were taken for a ride by the MSM: vote, generation, campaign - Elections
  98. Who running on You didn't build that. was just plain stupid.: voters, campaign - Elections
  99. I think GOP political pundits helped Romney fail: Limbaugh, vote, campaign - Elections
  100. Exit Polls: Gays Made Up FIVE PERCENT Of The 2012 Electorate! AND Cost The GOP The PRESIDENCY!: voters, interview - Elections
  101. watching FOX NEWS lately????: Iran, liberals, conservative - Elections
  102. republicans....We told ya so.: Ron Paul, votes, Obama, Americans - Elections
  103. And Florida is called for President Obama: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  104. s the genuises that put BO back in office.: voters, racism, Obama - Elections
  105. Alan Grayson is Back!!!: health care, Congress, Republican, liberal - Elections
  106. Romney concedes Florida!! Obama LANDSLIDEEE!!!!! 332 VS 206!!: vote, campaign, Republican, deaths - Elections
  107. How Race Slipped Away From Romney: voters, Republicans, liberal, Obama - Elections
  108. GOP Candidate in 2016: vote, Republican, poll, president - Elections
  109. Adviser: Romney shellshocked by loss: votes, campaign, - Elections
  110. Conservatives: STOP LYING TO YOURSELVES: Ron Paul, voters, campaign, ethical - Elections
  111. Is the GOP really dumb enough to nominate another Bush?: Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  112. comes the future for GOP: George P Bush files in Texas: Cheney, voters - Elections
  113. Will the Republican party double down on the crazy in the next 4 years?: Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  114. Let's Get Started on HILLARY For 2016!: vote, campaign, Republican, racist - Elections
  115. NRA Ads: Democrats, Republican, liberals, stats - Elections
  116. Why is the entire Bay Area so liberal?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  117. I just have to take issue with Rush: unemployment, vote, Republicans - Elections
  118. More than 400 students protest election: voters, president, racist - Elections
  119. 73% of Asian Americans vote for Obama: Rush Limbaugh, voters, democrat - Elections
  120. To conservatives who voted for Romney, you should have voted for Johnson, told you so: Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  121. Fordham University ranks the most accurate pollsters in 2012: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  122. What are the top Republican excuses for Romney losing...?: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  123. McDonald's Flies American Flag Upside Down And At Half Staff Because Of Obama Win: president - Elections
  124. Has Ohio reported their final numbers?: voters, polls, president, Obama - Elections
  125. This election was a triumph for white diversity: voters, Reagan - Elections
  126. What Are The Next Swing States?: Republican, liberal, Obama, American - Elections
  127. A major reason Romney lost not many are talking about: voters, millionaire - Elections
  128. Republicans in denial.: unemployment, health care, voters, Congress - Elections
  129. Saah Palin Finds Confort In Corinthians: voters, patriot, biased, vice president - Elections
  130. What will Romney do after the elections...I hope he will make lot of money!: vote, campaign
  131. Chris Matthews: I'm so glad we had that storm...: vote, campaign - Elections
  132. Did you notice? Mia Love lost too...: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  133. Bill O'Reilly: 'The white establishment is now the minority', no longer 'traditional americans': voters, generation - Elections
  134. The Republican Party is pathetic: unemployment, voters, legal, Democrats - Elections
  135. Obama supporters spend election day calling for riots and assassination if Romney is elected: Republican, liberals - Elections
  136. Good morning America.: unemployment, vote, democrat, president - Elections
  137. Now we could start working on voter ID laws.: voters, illegal, Republican - Elections
  138. Only in America could that vote have happened: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  139. The Future Is Set For 2016: Republican Sarah Palin VS Democrat Chris Christie: vote, patriot - Elections
  140. 93% of blacks voted for Obama: John Kerry, Al Gore, voters, campaign - Elections
  141. Should Obama supporters really be celebrating?: Republicans, president, American, economy - Elections
  142. The Race for 2016 Starts Today: Huckabee, patriots, Republicans, extremist - Elections
  143. The Right Still Has No Idea What Romney's Plan Was: Taliban, Republican - Elections
  144. Romney voters: Which plausible Republican could have beaten Obama?: Ron Paul, Republicans, poll - Elections
  145. Is Romney open to becoming new Secretary of Business?: Democrats, Republican, represent - Elections
  146. Democrats strategy for 2016: vote, Republicans, liberals, racist - Elections
  147. How pathetic is it that Ryan and Romney both lost their home states?: Reagan, democrat - Elections
  148. Did Obama win OR did Romney lose?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  149. GOP Do Not Allow Paul Ryan to run for President in 2016 or later.: Al Gore, Cheney - Elections
  150. Not Surprising: Obama Lost Every State With 'Voter Photo ID Law': Republicans, president - Elections
  151. Poor Obama............: Harry Reid, Congress, interviews, Republicans - Elections
  152. Outstanding: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Wins A Incredible Sixth Term As Sheriff Of Maricopa County: voters, patriots - Elections
  153. Limbaugh: We've Lost the Country!: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Republicans - Elections
  154. Sheriff Joe re elected.: voters, legal, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  155. Team Romney Accidentally Releases Their Victory Website... after He Lost: president, speech - Elections
  156. Romney Cost Himself The Election By Not Inviting Conservative Powerhouse Sarah Palin To The Convention: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  157. Does this election formally mark the beginning of the end of white entitlement ?: voters, interviews - Elections
  158. Latinos to Obama: You owe us, now.: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  159. Mitt romney should have treated the tea party vote like democrats treat the black vote: Huckabee, unemployment - Elections
  160. Most Accurate Polls of the 2012 Election: voters, interview, campaign, democratic - Elections
  161. My dream for the Republican Party: Ron Paul, votes, interview, campaign - Elections
  162. How conservative media lost to the mainstream media: voters, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  163. Darden, owner of Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Longhorn, putting most employees on part time: health care, wages - Elections
  164. Democrats Should be Concerned About 2016: voters, Republicans, liberals, president - Elections
  165. Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth: vote, security, - Elections
  166. 2012: The Millennials are Coming On: vote, Democrats, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  167. *** Republicans, do you feel united as a party or do you see a drift between Moderates and the Tea Party?: voters, Reagan - Elections
  168. Was it a great horse race, or what?!: vote, campaign, - Elections
  169. So THIS is why Romney never showed his tax returns! TAX EVASION!: illegal, Republican - Elections
  170. Predictions of 2016: Republican, Liberalism, conservative, polls - Elections
  171. Obama and Romney Working Together?: Ron Paul, voters, campaign, - Elections
  172. How did the GO keep the House? Luck and planning...: Ron Paul, house of - Elections
  173. [B]Nate Silver picks on target, Rasmussn not so much[/B]: vote, Republican - Elections
  174. Conservative GOP going the way of the dodo bird?: unemployed, vote, Congress - Elections
  175. Herman Cain calls for 3rd party: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, campaign - Elections
  176. Does know what the final vote numbers are-: votes, president, Obama - Elections
  177. How the GOP Can Keep Losing Elections: voters, millionaire, campaign
  178. Faith-based analysis doesn't cut it.: election, elect, 2012 - Elections
  179. Twilight Zone or new America: Jesse Jackson Jr gets re-elected from Mayo Clinic and other thoughts: votes, campaign - Elections
  180. In-person voter fraud! By REPUBLICANS!!!: Obama, examples, 2012, work - Elections
  181. Shorter Boehner: The election didn't change a g-d damn thing! - Elections
  182. A3P candidate Merlin Miller gets 12k votes in first election: party, elections
  183. Tickets for Obama inauguration on Jan 21, 2013: Washington - Elections
  184. Exit polls show Hispanic and Asian voters GOP.: president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  185. News, Nation's 5th-Place Finisher: Roseanne Barr: votes, candidacy, president, elections
  186. Despite the GOP loss, One Positive Note: campaign, president, top - Elections
  187. Moderate GOP candidates for future! - Elections
  188. Why Presidential elections are so divisive now..: Al Gore, Reagan, Democrats
  189. Headline: Boehner calls for compromise on taxes... - Elections
  190. Trick or Treat Obama style - Elections
  191. Major Issues that Need to Be Fixed in our Election Process: votes, campaign - Elections
  192. Newt Gingrich on called a Romney win this article is just full of fail. It's awesome.: votes, Republicans - Elections
  193. Why Romney Really Lost: president, work - Elections
  194. Is History against the Democrats in 2014 and possibly both parties in 2016: the GOP Strategy: voters, security - Elections
  195. The 2012 Presidential Election in Historical Context: votes, Reagan, Republican, Bill Clinton - Elections
  196. Can you hear me?: Rush Limbaugh, Republicans, liberals, president - Elections
  197. ID not needed to vote? - Elections
  198. Just want to thank my fellow Republicans and Democratss: racism, Reed, American - Elections
  199. Fauxed! - Elections
  200. Hope Dem using ground team spirit to promote Economy recover and Obamacare: campaign, independent - Elections