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  1. Polticial Kombat!: liberal, Obama, political, date - Elections
  2. The hurricane effect- Obama regains strong leader label: Republicans, poll - Elections
  3. Mitt Romney Explains His Mormon Faith: interview, represent, president, abortion - Elections
  4. Statewide Libertarian Vote Totals That Will Give LP Ballot Access: president, party - Elections
  5. Just got a call from Gov Johnson: political, date - Elections
  6. Cuba's elections are fairer than Florida's: voters, polls, American, military
  7. Romneys tax plan: Republicans, Simpson, Obama, military - Elections
  8. According to Romney's website the election is on Wednesday.: vote, campaign, leader - Elections
  9. Honestly I am ready for the election to be over...: unemployment, votes - Elections
  10. Obama's revenge vote...: elect, money, date - Elections
  11. Are the wing nuts coming to terms with their impending lose or are they still in denial?: voters, polls - Elections
  12. If Romney wins and the economy recovers or vice versa: campaign - Elections
  13. Romney Exposed!: Cheney, vote, Republican, drug - Elections
  14. November Surprise, Obama's EPA to destroy the coal industry: vote, March, election - Elections
  15. New Poll: Obama now leads by 3% Nationally: Colin Powell, votes, - Elections
  16. How Was the Electoral College Map at This Point Back in 2004?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  17. Why do states have early voting and others not? - Elections
  18. Why are so many voting Early?: voters, polls, school, party - Elections
  19. Suicides up in sagging U.S. economy: unemployment, votes, Congress - Elections
  20. Obama Approval Up: vote, political, rating, leader - Elections
  21. Money, the world's oldest weapon: enemies, Americans, military, million - Elections
  22. Republican-Heavy Counties Eat Up Most Food-Stamp Growth: votes, generations, campaign - Elections
  23. My song dedication to Romney/Ryan ticket: president, Obama, American - Elections
  24. Voter fraud is demanded of union employees.... and they are illegal aliens!!!: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  25. Whoever You Vote For....Vote: voters, poll, represent, president - Elections
  26. Sheldon G. Adelson: I Didn't Leave the Democrats. They Left Me: Palestinians, Israeli - Elections
  27. Comments made by Obama's Senior Advisor: Harry Reid, vote, Congress, enemies - Elections
  28. 1 Day Before Election CBS News Releases the Cut Out Portion of the Obama Interview on Libya: Republicans, Liberalism - Elections
  29. This is Why Third Parties Could Never Work: voting, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  30. Republican Arizona Senate Candidate Robocalls Democrats - Directs Them To Wrong Voting Locations: voters, campaign - Elections
  31. Sabato Projection: Obama Will Likely Win Second Term: house seat, of votes - Elections
  32. The 100th Day of the Romney Administration: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  33. Eleven newspapers switch endorcement to Romney: democratic, Obama, election, good news - Elections
  34. Will Romney's poor turnout from the Primaries show up on election night?: voters, Republicans - Elections
  35. Look who's all of a suddent using a TELEPROMPTER days...: Reagan, president - Elections
  36. Biden vs. Biden - His Greatest Hits: Cheney, vice president, Obama - Elections
  37. Virginians walk out on Obama speech: vote, campaign, Bill Clinton, economy - Elections
  38. MSNBC & New York Times Slap Down Nate Silver: regular, president, Obama - Elections
  39. Obama unleased or I Mean Valerie Jarret---: Congress, teleprompter, elections
  40. McMahon flyer- Vote for Obama- and ME!!!: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  41. NJ Residents can vote by Email: voters, military, elect, officials - Elections
  42. A good reason to not vote for Gary Johnson.: voters, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  43. Obama supporters step up threats: Republican, president, election, elect - Elections
  44. Will Independents Have A High Turn Out?: vote, democratic - Elections
  45. Breaking Rumor: Obama Planning to Proclaim Early Victory to Demoralize Romney Supporters: voters, campaign - Elections
  46. Obama hits 70 on Intrade: president, Barack Obama, elect, money - Elections
  47. OBAMA is the projected winner according to CNN and FOX NEWS!!! ...: thoughts, polls - Elections
  48. Chrysler VP says Trump is full of ****: vice president, Obama, money - Elections
  49. about voting tomorrow (CA): votes, legal, polls, regular - Elections
  50. Don't Live in Swing State? Want Your Vote to Count?: voters, president - Elections
  51. Obama supporters dressed as empty seats at Ohio concert: interview, campaign, government - Elections
  52. Liberty Candidates: vote, Congress, states, united - Elections
  53. Too Many Mitts: voters, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  54. Why Diedrich Straus is voting for Barack Obama, in spite of serious misgivings.: health care system, vote - Elections
  55. Election coverage drinking game: vote, Obama, news - Elections
  56. Romneys cabnet (if he wins): president, Bush, elections
  57. Ultra-Liberal Newspaper Magnate Endorses Romney...: voting, Republican, polls - Elections
  58. What do Obama supporters think about this that was said by Valerie Jarrett??: vote, Iran - Elections
  59. Obamacare, Green energy, jobs: elect, support - Elections
  60. If Obama wins Virginia early in the night, the election is over: votes, polls - Elections
  61. Latest Electoral Map: voters, poll, president, Obama - Elections
  62. The Republicans' Closing Argument: strongly opposed to FEMA and health care, but basically O.K. with rape.: voters, campaign - Elections
  63. This is why all the polls are wrong!: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  64. Romney Won Ohio's Early Vote 697,143-605,546 [Plus 91,597!!!]: votes, compare, elections
  65. Turnout predictions, and the effects on the winner: voters, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  66. If you DO vote you have no right to complain about the outcome: Harry Reid, - Elections
  67. Not Voting?: votes, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  68. excited?!: vote, campaign, Obama, brainwash - Elections
  69. Massachusetts: Scott Brown Leading Fauxahontas: voters, Congress, Republican, liberals - Elections
  70. New Hampshire and Romney: vote, polls, Brown, Obama - Elections
  71. GOP Ballot Tampering in Oregon: voters, interview, democrat, Republican - Elections
  72. New black panthers back at the same ’08 polling place in philadelphia: voters, conservative - Elections
  73. Obama-Springsteen Concert Down 62,000 People From 2008 Concert-Rally: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  74. BREAKING: Romney says the president is not responsible for poor economy!: unemployment, voters - Elections
  75. Tell us your experience if you voted today. How are the lines?: voters, democrat - Elections
  76. Im not voting and I have a right to complain all I want!: vote, liberal - Elections
  77. You're a racist: vote, accuse, racism, Obama - Elections
  78. 7.9%-16 trillion-4 dollars a gallon-Revenge-Bengahzi-Bailouts: vote, Obama, propaganda, 2012 - Elections
  79. Troops Incorrect Ballots, May Not Be Able to Vote: voters, campaign - Elections
  80. What will the Democrats say next week?: represent, president, Obama - Elections
  81. Now 92% chance that Obama wins.: votes, polls, Barack Obama, election - Elections
  82. Breaking News Mitt Romney faces ethics violations from UAW for Auto Bailout Profiteering: vote, liberals - Elections
  83. Elections - Tired of them, How to make them better!: Harry Reid, votes
  84. Obama Campaign Planning to Proclaim Early Victory to Demoralize Romney Supporters: voters, - Elections
  85. You need to read this before you vote.: Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  86. Who Needs Polls? This Election Day Prediction Is Simple and Solid: votes, Democrats - Elections
  87. Sad State of Affairs: This Election: vote, democratic, Republican, liberals - Elections
  88. Romney fans: time to get busy!: Obama, American, supporters, 2010 - Elections
  89. Democratic playbook - demoralize republicans - Vote no matter what you hear: party affiliation, votes - Elections
  90. Is there as much enthusiasm for Obama the general population as there is on forum?: health care, votes - Elections
  91. Another Actress Endorses Romney, Another Actress Gets Mauled by the Left: votes, - Elections
  92. Do you want four more years like the last four years?: vote, Congress - Elections
  93. Obama crowd in Des Moines tonight (photo): liberal, president, state - Elections
  94. Ryan Warns Evangelicals That Obama Threatens Values, Judeo-Christian, Western Civilization Values.: health care, voting - Elections
  95. Obama, Jay Z, and Springsteen Greeted By Empty Seats At Ohio Rally Tonight: Republicans, president - Elections
  96. First votes of Election Day: voters, Republican, liberal, president - Elections
  97. I love to hear Obama give that one Congratulate Mitt Romney with becoming the next President!!!: votes, campaign - Elections
  98. Why vote on a tuesday?: wage, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  99. No matter the outcome tomorrow, remember this one thing: Harry Reid, gas prices - Elections
  100. Recount/lawsuit odds?: vote, Republican, Obama, Bush - Elections
  101. Happy Election Day!: voters, campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  102. New Black Panthers spotted in Philly/court appointed GOP inspectors assaulted tossed out of polling places in Ph: vote, illegal - Elections
  103. Time to Show Respect!: democrat, Republicans, represent, president - Elections
  104. Huff Post: Christie passed on appearance at Romney rally Suday: vote, campaign - Elections
  105. *** Make your ELECTORAL POINTS prediction *** COMPARE PREDICTIONS AFTER THE ELECTION: votes, Republicans - Elections
  106. Stick a Fork in Romney, He's Done..: Limbaugh, voters, Republicans - Elections
  107. Obama shows respect to women - jay-Z: voting, campaign, - Elections
  108. The Single Most Important Reason Obama May Win: voters, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  109. Who's the bitter clinger now? Obama's sounds like a crybaby on the stump.: vote, campaign - Elections
  110. If Gary Johnson gets 5% of the vote what does that mean for the Libertarian party for the next election?: Ron Paul, president - Elections
  111. Why aren't polls taking into account the Stein factor in Oregon?: voters, - Elections
  112. Guess The Outcome of The Electoral College and Get Funky!!: house of votes - Elections
  113. Where is Paul Ryan?: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  114. Without doubt the End for Obama: vote, interview, president, McCain - Elections
  115. Got this email today: legal, accuse, Reed - Elections
  116. Redskins Rule - Mitt Romney will be President: John Kerry, Al Gore, vote - Elections
  117. When Romney wins.....: Democrats, liberals, represent, president - Elections
  118. NAACP Takes Over Polling Station: voters, illegal, biased, president - Elections
  119. More Than 24,000 People Show Up for Obama Rally in Virginia: vote, campaign - Elections
  120. Obama has a 2.34% chance of re-election: global warming, democratic, liberals, statistics - Elections
  121. At Least 21 Newspapers Switched From Endorsing Obama to Romney: votes, liberal - Elections
  122. I found a reason to vote for Romney: house of wages, generation - Elections
  123. Mitt Really Tried...again...I applaud him for trying.: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  124. Obama is scary lately: vote, enemy, president, Reed - Elections
  125. Bush's First Term vs. Obama's First Term In One Devastating graph.: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  126. Limits on phone calls?: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  127. Big Names Predict Romney Landslide: campaign, Obama, elections
  128. How to treat a Republican when Obama wins: vote, Congress, patriot - Elections
  129. Jim Cramer: Obama Is Going To Obliterate Romney In A Historic Landslide: votes, democrat - Elections
  130. Machines switched Romney votes to Obama: polls, racism, American, election - Elections
  131. What I'm looking forward to after election day: liberals, Obama, free speech - Elections
  132. Black Pastor Receives Death Threats For Reversing Support For Obama: vote, democratic - Elections
  133. Ryan camp leaks post-election plans that don’t involve being VP: votes, Republican - Elections
  134. Do you Republicans realize the more you talk about Benghazi, the further down Romney goes?: votes, campaign - Elections
  135. Survey for Ron Paul supporters ... Who are you voting for?: global warming, health care - Elections
  136. Does Obama really have to accomplish anything once he is re-elected?: health care, president - Elections
  137. Republican SOS of Ohio John Husted changes provisional ballot laws 3 days before elections: voters,
  138. Government loses control of the voting process: voters, security - Elections
  139. If Romney wins...: president, political, governor, states - Elections
  140. Interviews with many of 30k at the West Chester OH rally: vote, campaign - Elections
  141. LOL, the SWF undecided voter focused on self and status: voters, campaign - Elections
  142. Swing State Predictions: campaign, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  143. According to the Sunday Morning Talk Shows- Obama has won: voters, - Elections
  144. Obama Re-Election and Compromise: Harry Reid, Congress, security, campaign - Elections
  145. For The Defenders Of The Elctoral College: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  146. Obama rally in Wisconsin draws 20,000: voters, campaign, democratic, polls - Elections
  147. Ouch!… Only 45 People Show Up for Catholics For Obama Rally: vote, campaign - Elections
  148. s a Shocker: NY Daily News Endorses...Romney: vote, Congress, wage - Elections
  149. Previewing Mitt's Concession speech on election night: voters, generations, Obama - Elections
  150. Obama or Romney best to solve climate-issues?: Al Gore, health care, votes - Elections
  151. Gender gap indicates an Obama victory: voters, Democrats, president, African American - Elections
  152. This election will be a landslide for Obama! Not by popular vote, but by electoral points!: votes, democrat - Elections
  153. What's the worst you really think will happen if your candidate doesn't win?: house of health care - Elections
  154. Virginia's astounding gender gap: votes, democratic, Republican, conservative - Elections
  155. Will Obama Blame Bush in his concession speech tomorrow?: voters, Republicans - Elections
  156. Romney Supporters Imprisoned at Pennsylvania Rally: campaign, illegal, Obama, party - Elections
  157. Report: Romney to stump in Ohio... On ELECTION DAY!!!: campaign, illegal - Elections
  158. Video of Clueless Romney supporters: Obama, political, parties, world - Elections
  159. hanging Obama doll angers NC and VA residents: vote, liberals, vice president - Elections
  160. Final Poll from UnSkewed Polls: Iran, liberal, bias, president - Elections
  161. A pagan connection to Election Day: vote, president, Obama, political - Elections
  162. It doesn't matter who wins the election....: Harry Reid, vote, Congress - Elections
  163. If You Are Voting on Election Day...: party affiliation, voters, legal - Elections
  164. 500 Former Military Leaders Take Out Ad to Endorse Mitt Romney: vote, campaign - Elections
  165. Redskins Rule says Romney will win election: unemployment, vote, - Elections
  166. Why is my Voter Registration in English and Spanish?: votes, illegal, liberal - Elections
  167. Huge Republican turnout looms as dispirited Dems stay home for 2012: unemployment, voters - Elections
  168. Which candidate for President is most likely to help you make more MONEY over the next 4 years?: health care, voters - Elections
  169. MSNBC is way more biased than FOX.: campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  170. Nate Sliver Now Gives R Money A 14.5% Chance Of Winning: votes, Republicans - Elections
  171. Florida voting a problem...Again.: voters, campaign, Republican, polls - Elections
  172. Voter Suppression in Ohio and Florida.: voters, democratic, Republicans, polls - Elections
  173. many times are you voting tomorrow?: vote, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  174. Why Are Democrats In Congress Distancing Themselves From Obama?: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  175. a mess: The first election-related federal lawsuit has been filed in Florida: voters, legal - Elections
  176. NYT endorses Obama...: voters, Congress, millionaire, campaign - Elections
  177. Another coverup, another lie, on Benghazi, so little time: interview, president, Obama - Elections
  178. Election Results: Obama - Elections
  179. Despite pleas from voters, Florida Governor Scott refuses to extend early voting an extra day: Democrats, independent - Elections
  180. How much could Obama make after he leaves office?: president, Bill Clinton, million - Elections
  181. System that GOP promotes has failed and fooled you: global warming, vote, represent - Elections
  182. remember this today: vote, government - Elections
  183. Southwest Ohio...the Republican Id: poll, Obama, election, elect - Elections
  184. Election Day 2012 CD POLL: vote - Elections
  185. Unfaithful electors: house of votes, Republicans, represent - Elections
  186. Obama victory in VA will indicate a bad night for Romney: polls, election - Elections
  187. A little bedtime story for all of us to listen to before we vote...: Obama, government - Elections
  188. I just want to take a moment and encourage everyone to put away the hate: vote - Elections
  189. Can the 2012 Campaign tv commercials be found on Youtube? - Elections
  190. Newspapers and Endorsements: election, elect, date - Elections
  191. Ryan/romney agenda Social Security to wall street: privatize and raid it: interviews, salaries - Elections
  192. My Prediction (& Yours): vote, Obama - Elections
  193. The OTHER presidential election on November 6 - Palau goes to the polls: vote, Reed - Elections
  194. My Answers To The Questions At The 2012 Presidential Debates - Elections
  195. Paths to the White House: elect, 2012 - Elections
  196. Repulsive Florida GOTP mailing compares teachers' unions to Jerry Sandusky: Republican, education - Elections
  197. more voter fraud: voters, Republican, election, elect - Elections
  198. early voting totals in key battleground states: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  199. Ralston has Obama winning Nevada: political, state, Senate, 2010 - Elections
  200. Joe Biden Makes Campaign Stop in Rushville… MASSIVE Counter Protest Breaks Out!: democratic, vice president - Elections