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  1. Mitt hides his severe conservative mate Ryan: votes, campaign, radical - Elections
  2. VID: Mitt Romney Bragging about gouging DC for money?: vote, Obama, Reed - Elections
  3. Has Noticied Congressional Polls in Total?: Democrats, Republicans, Senate - Elections
  4. Mitt Romney; agrees to stop mentioning dead Ex-Seal: death, Obama, Reed - Elections
  5. Florida Sun Sentinel Flips From 2008 and Endorses Romney: voters, security, campaign - Elections
  6. Gov Christie: Obama doing wonderful job on Sandy response: voting, president - Elections
  7. Excellent analogy, Mr. Romney.: liberal, compare, 2012, date - Elections
  8. Election Day Predictions: votes, president, Obama, states - Elections
  9. Paul Ryan labor day Promise: president, American, worker - Elections
  10. Best Ad Ever...: Republican, politician - Elections
  11. GM spokesman: Romney's ads from a parallel universe: Obama, American - Elections
  12. On Polls - Good Bad and Ugly From A Campaign Warrior (long): voters, interviews - Elections
  13. Detroit News endorses Mitt Romney - Romney brings credible plan: Congress, campaign - Elections
  14. WaPo Gives Obama Seven (!) More Pinnochios on Sequestration and Planned Parenthood Mammogram Claim: Congress, liberals - Elections
  15. Controversial book skewers Biden, ignored by media. Media ate it up in 08 on Palin: interview, Democrats - Elections
  16. campaign ads on TV are getting insane!: vote, salaries, millionaire - Elections
  17. Minority Outreach Hypocrisy on Repub Commercials?: vote, Mexican, Republican, represent - Elections
  18. Would the race be different if...: voters, liberals, conservative, Obama - Elections
  19. Tammy Duckworth Leads Joe Walsh In Illinois Congressional Race: voters, Iraq, dollars - Elections
  20. Ohio Goes From Lean Obama to Likely Obama: votes, president - Elections
  21. Questions for Obama supporters: voters, Congress, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  22. vanden Heuvel: upper class waging war against us: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  23. Uh Oh! Latino Vote For Obama Being Underpolled In Swing States: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  24. Beyond Impeachment? Progressive must read!: democrat, Clinton, Obama, treason - Elections
  25. Attack of the Zomney's: global warming, Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  26. A Political Bomb Just Went Off... Republican Meth House Papers: security, campaign - Elections
  27. Proof Obama apologizes to other countries: patriot, president, American, terrorists - Elections
  28. *** Obama will win in the worst case scenario! *** See my map and show me yours! ***: president, compare - Elections
  29. Panetta Says Intelligence Lack in Benghazi Stopped U.S. Military: 9/11, voters - Elections
  30. Community Evaluation of Mitt Romney's Policy plans: Congress, millionaire, Reagan - Elections
  31. Dont believe me that you shouldn't vote for Romney, believe his friends.: campaign, Reagan - Elections
  32. Another case of machine error - favoring Obama, of course.: vote, independent - Elections
  33. Need a job? Obama's hiring - the last 4 years by 176,000 Jobs: employment, Reagan - Elections
  34. Shouldn't we help people who help us?: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  35. Texas AG tells International Election monitors to butt out: vote, Mexicans - Elections
  36. Triumph The Insult Comic Dog Goes To The Last Presidential Debate - Elections
  37. Biden Headed to PA...This Should Seal the Deal for Romney in the Keystone State: campaign, president - Elections
  38. Is Donald Trump trying to sabotage the republican party: voters, poll, conspiracy - Elections
  39. Voting Machine Errors: Obama, elections, elect
  40. Doing the math: Obama recovery still the worst in decades: vote, Congress - Elections
  41. Child Abuse by Obama Campaign: liberals, represent, political, children - Elections
  42. Des Moines Register slams Obama with dramatic front page contrast: interview, campaign - Elections
  43. Romney raises $111.8 million — in 17 days: voters, campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  44. Quad City Times (Iowa) Endorses Romney [Endorsed Obama in 2008]: health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  45. about voting codes: votes, legal, liberal, party - Elections
  46. Lt. General Tom McInerney (retired): Panetta Gave The Execute Order To Kill Bin Laden: vote, security - Elections
  47. Big Bird Responds to Mitt Romney - Elections
  48. Why Ground Game Matters: unemployed, vote, campaign, president - Elections
  49. Republican Party Rape Advisory Chart: campaign, Republicans, assault - Elections
  50. Naples, FL Daily News Endorses Romney [Endorsed Obama in 2008]: democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  51. Romney Federal Disaster Relief Spending Is Immoral: Obama, dollar, elections
  52. New pro-Obama ad using children blaming parents.: vote, liberals, president - Elections
  53. He was born on third base and he hit a triple.: Limbaugh, Obama - Elections
  54. Chicago Daily Herald Flips and Endorses Mitt Romney [Endorsed Obama in 2008]: Republican, conservative - Elections
  55. More Evidence It's Over: ABC News Moves PA and MN from Safe Obama to Lean Obama: voters, campaign - Elections
  56. U.S. government's H.A.A.R.P. program swaying the election?: Franken, 9/11 - Elections
  57. This FDR clip essentially summarizes why I am voting for Obama: unemployment, vote - Elections
  58. Frankenstorm could give Romney presidency: voters, Congress, campaign, legal - Elections
  59. If Obama Was White, He Wouldn't Be President: vote, patriot - Elections
  60. Who could fare better (no electricity) Post Hurricane: Obama or Romney: dollar, million - Elections
  61. Latest Rasmussen reports put Romney ahead of Obama in Ohio: voters, security - Elections
  62. Obamabots: vote, security, Mexicans, Republicans - Elections
  63. Is the close election a rebuke of Pres. Obama or an embracing of Romney?: voters, Congress - Elections
  64. If President Obama wins the popular vote, but not the electoral vote...: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  65. Leadership: Romney Uses Campaign Bus to Deliver Hurricane Relief: Republicans, liberals, conservative - Elections
  66. Health Insurance Companies Worried in case Romney wins Election.: health care, Republican, Obama - Elections
  67. It's Time for Democrats to Hit the Panic Button: vote, campaign, - Elections
  68. New poll shows Romney, Obama appear tied in Ohio: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  69. This Abraham Lincoln quote states all the reasons I am voting for Romney: Corporate Profits, unemployment - Elections
  70. Obama cancels campaign stops to prepare for Super Storm - Hurrican Sandy.: voters, spokesman - Elections
  71. How Long Would It Take Romney/Ryan to Kill SS/Medicare?: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  72. Obama WINS 2012 Presidential Election 2 Weeks in Advance!: votes, extremist - Elections
  73. Moveon and Moore do a Classy video on senior voting!: campaign, liberals - Elections
  74. ******** ROMNEY would eliminate FEMA !!!: vote, illegal, border, illegal immigration - Elections
  75. Why does Limbaugh refer to the FLOTUS as Moo-shelle ?: vote, interviews - Elections
  76. FEMA will lose $878 Million due to Obama sequester: vote, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  77. Romney Ignores FEMA Questions: campaign, Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  78. Was voting for Obama....: unemployment, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  79. Jeep CEO to Romney: Qut LYING!!!: campaign, spokesman, president, Obama - Elections
  80. Worried libs having trouble sleeping over fear of Obama loss: vote, campaign - Elections
  81. BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump is giving Obama until THURSDAY to release his school and passport records because of Sandy!!: liberal, president - Elections
  82. Worried Connies having trouble sleeping over fear of Romney loss: unemployment, vote - Elections
  83. What Republicans say about Romney: health care, 9/11, vote, Israel - Elections
  84. Now Romney Is Lying on the Auto Industry: voters, campaign, spokesman - Elections
  85. Are American women are about to teach radical Republicans a lesson?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  86. Living through Sandy but no mention of Obama: Republican, president, Brown - Elections
  87. Children blame Romney for their future.: voting, campaign, Obama, school - Elections
  88. Why it's bad to have a Vulture Capitalist as President: unemployment, voting - Elections
  89. Funniest political video that I have seen.: generation, Obama, school - Elections
  90. Disrespectful! Republicans Use Image Of MLK To Woo Black Voters: campaign, democratic - Elections
  91. Mormons: What would it meant for you if Romney wins?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  92. Chris Christie in 2016?: vote, liberals, president, Obama - Elections
  93. GOP Rout in Pennsylvania Absentee Ballot Returns: wages, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  94. Don't underestimate the minority vote in Ohio and Obamas ground game: voters, campaign - Elections
  95. Romney cabinet recommendations: voting, campaign, democrat - Elections
  96. Campaign Hurricane e-mails - Compared: thoughts, president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  97. Obama accepts ‘Osama bin Laden’ donations: campaign, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  98. President Mitt Romney has asked to donate to the Red Cross instead of his campaign. Very Presidential!: voting, thoughts - Elections
  99. How long until 3rd Party candidate emerge into mainstream politics?: voters - Elections
  100. The Results Are In: 15% Of U.S. Registered Voters Who Have Cast Their Ballots Have Romney Leading Obama 52% To 45%: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  101. To confident that their candidate will win, are you wililng to place a friendly innocent wager?: vote, illegal - Elections
  102. National Security & Foreign Policy: Romney Not Ready for 'Prime Time': Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  103. How could vote for Romney? Seriously?: crimes, Barack Obama, treason - Elections
  104. Home prices rise for fifth month in a row: unemployment, Congress, spokesman - Elections
  105. How many of you have/will vote/voted early?: votes, poll, elections
  106. Oregon: All tied up!: party affiliation, voters, legal, democratic - Elections
  107. Goldman Sachs Says: Don't forget to vote.: president, Obama, Rockefeller - Elections
  108. Obama uses campaign slogun during his speech for the storm disaster!: Republican, school - Elections
  109. I Don't Like the New GOP: voters, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  110. Obama Supporters - Answer uestions: health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  111. Delay the November 6th National Election?: vote, Congress, spokesman, president - Elections
  112. Fox's 2012 Prediction Page: votes, liberal, president, Obama - Elections
  113. Shock Poll - Obama has lost the youth approval rating: Republicans, cocaine - Elections
  114. Romney campaign claims Powell endorsement was all about rce: Colin Powell, voters, Republican - Elections
  115. Early voting is a clear path to voter fraud: campaign, polls, accuse - Elections
  116. Intrade And Nate Silver Significantly Upgrade Obama’s Odds For Victory: vote, Republican - Elections
  117. Evidence of the coming landslide for Romney: party affiliation, voters, Democrats - Elections
  118. Bengazigate-Help requested 3 times, denied: vote, security, conservative - Elections
  119. Obama continues to lower the office of the POTUS puts Romney in dunce hat: campaign, liberals - Elections
  120. Lets discuss Nate Silver!: house of votes, interviews, campaign - Elections
  121. Who Is Going to WIN The Election?: votes, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  122. Bengazi:While Obama Slept: voting, Congress, security, campaign - Elections
  123. GALLUP - Presidential Approval reaches 50%: poll, Obama, rating, economy - Elections
  124. Romney in Best Position a Challenger has been in Since 1936: voters, Reagan - Elections
  125. Good news for Obama: Military absentee ballots may have been destroyed in crash: Ron Paul, voting - Elections
  126. Huntsman says romney wrong on benghazi and Mourdock.: Congress, candidacy, democratic - Elections
  127. Is Romnesia Clever or Stupid?: vote, campaign, regular - Elections
  128. Desperate Romney Scares Ohio Workers: voters, biased, president, Obama - Elections
  129. Democrats propose change in popular/electoral votes for Presidential elections: Congress
  130. I don't understand why the GOP doesn't move to the middle more often.: voters, Taliban - Elections
  131. And Romney is Up Again...: voters, Republican, polls, suspect - Elections
  132. Obama re-election vs impeachment over Libya: 9/11, voters, security, campaign - Elections
  133. Sununu: Powell endorsed Obama because he's black: Colin Powell, vote, campaign - Elections
  134. The Decency of Mitt: This is the man Obama has spent $500 million defaming: votes, campaign - Elections
  135. Obama for America, takes out a $15 Million Dollar loan from Bank of America!$ for campaign,how is he going to pay for it: voters, legal - Elections
  136. What are the Romney supporters on this board trying to pull?: unemployed, votes - Elections
  137. Obama Sweeps Early Ohio Vote: Colin Powell, votes, polls, suspect - Elections
  138. The Romney/Biden Administration: vote, Congress, impeachment, Democrats - Elections
  139. Where is W ?: vote, campaign, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  140. New GDP growth numbers push Obama to 73% chance of winning the election.: unemployment, vote - Elections
  141. Libertarian candidates could hurt Romney in key states: Ron Paul, voters, Taliban - Elections
  142. Does God want Obama to win?: Franken, voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  143. Arkansas Election Results/Early Voting: voters, polls, highway, marijuana - Elections
  144. Sexist/Tasteless Obama Camp releases new ad; akins voting Obama for 1st time to losing virginity: voters, campaign - Elections
  145. predictions: electoral college numbers 2012: votes, polls, statistics, Obama - Elections
  146. Must-Watch Vid: Still Thinking About Voting for Obama?: voters, retire, state - Elections
  147. Billy Ray Cyrus Endorses Obama!: votes, drug, elect - Elections
  148. Once again Republicans blow a chance to reach out to Black Americans: Congress, - Elections
  149. Romney's chances now downgraded to less than 20%: vote, polls, president - Elections
  150. Chicago Tribune endorses Obama: Colin Powell, president, racist, Barack Obama - Elections
  151. Now this is an interesting example of Obama supporters: voters, Republicans, president - Elections
  152. Early Voting in Fla: voters, Republicans, premium, president - Elections
  153. How many of you Romney supporters...: vote, liberals, president, Obama - Elections
  154. Which candidate will help the low income disabled & low income seniors get out of poverty?: Congress, wage - Elections
  155. Why Isn't Bush Campaigning?: voters, middle east, security, Republicans - Elections
  156. Why No McCain Won States In Play?: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  157. Des Moines Register Endorses Romney - First GOP Presidential Endorsement Since 1972: voters, generations - Elections
  158. Benghazi Timeline - how much of a role will it play into the election: voters, impeachment - Elections
  159. Romney and his love for the middle class.: campaign, liberal, represent - Elections
  160. If Romney wins popular vote but not electoral?: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  161. The C-D pledge to unite after election: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  162. Obama Supporters Slam ‘Romney’ Policies…Then Find Out They’re Actually Obama’s: voters, patriot - Elections
  163. Could Obama's struggles with white voters cost him the election?: democratic, drugs - Elections
  164. NBC News...someone's gonna get fired for this one...: Congress, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  165. Romney camp has a Serious Electoral Problem!: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  166. Van loads of Somalians being driven to voting places by Dems in Ohio, guided how to vote: voters, Congress - Elections
  167. Romney plays footsie with multi-level marketers - AKA, pyramid schemers: campaign, illegal - Elections
  168. How could vote for Obama? Seriously?: interview, liberal, conservative - Elections
  169. How will the big storm affect the election?: voters, campaign, - Elections
  170. Ken Blackwell, former mayor of Cincinnati says Romney will win OH: voting, Bush - Elections
  171. Mitt Romney 54 percent 359 electoral votes projected: polls, president, Obama, American - Elections
  172. Ron Paul is OFFICIAL write in candidate in California: votes, brainwash - Elections
  173. Black Panthers on election day.: voters, illegal, Obama - Elections
  174. Should We Boycott the Upcoming Presidential Election?: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  175. Saying Obama wants to destroy the economy: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  176. Polls after 3rd debate: Romney drawing farther ahead: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  177. If the polls are right, Romney will win the popular vote and lose the election.: votes, Reagan - Elections
  178. Obama's chances of winning increase to 74.4%: president, Clinton, Reed, McCain - Elections
  179. Donald Trump's Endorsement Is A Good Reason To Vote Obama: Hugo Chavez, patriot - Elections
  180. Ohio and Pennsylvania in Play may swing vote to Romney.: wage, president - Elections
  181. How to Help the Survivors of Hurricane Sandy: Whitehouse, Americans, economy - Elections
  182. Former Biden Aid: Obama and Biden are “both financially illiterate”: news - Elections
  183. Colorado: GOP ahead in Early Voting 9 pt swing from '08: race, news - Elections
  184. Florida, Messing with the Vote Totals: 2012 - Elections
  185. For good laughs - The Obama Phone Phone Remix - Need a ring tone - Elections
  186. All four major Iowa newspapers back Romney: Republican - Elections
  187. Election Season - Elections
  188. Obama why am I special?: security, political, 2012, news - Elections
  189. A turning point election: 2012 - Elections
  190. CA Proposition 31, confused?: vote, liberal, revolution, independence - Elections
  191. Des Moines Register endorses Romney!!!!: Republican, economic, 2012 - Elections
  192. The Rise of the Quants: suspect, independence, election, elect - Elections
  193. Where is my voters card? - Elections
  194. Do Obama Voters Support His Policies When They're Masked As Mitt Romney's? - Elections
  195. Rmoney forcing Zero to spread himself thin in safe states: democratic, president - Elections
  196. Keep Your County Election Board Supervisor's Feet to the Fire: vote, revolution - Elections
  197. Romney Not Ready For Prime Time: claim, 2012, jobs - Elections
  198. Military Absentee Ballots Lost In Plane Crash: voting, Afghanistan, election - Elections
  199. Who was this guy?: vote - Elections
  200. Thirty seconds to name all of Mitt Romney's Massachusetts taxes and fees - Elections