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  1. A Romney-Biden administration is: house of votes, Congress, democratic - Elections
  2. Registering for small parties: vote, independent - Elections
  3. The Great Uniter Strikes Again: votes, campaign, Obama - Elections
  4. Annoying Political Phone Calls: vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  5. Mitt's brilliance in the first two debates: voters, Iran, enemies - Elections
  6. How many of you are suffering from ROMNESIA?: votes, Obama, brainwash - Elections
  7. Massive voter fraud in NC is just programming error: voters, democratic, conservative - Elections
  8. October Suprise? Interesting the least-Mitt Romney's Bailout Bonanza: legal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  9. 13 year old issues grades to Obama & Romney: Clarence Thomas, vote, Democrats - Elections
  10. A Special on Bengazi is being shown on FOX right now---: Obama, 2011 - Elections
  11. Economic Patriotism: Obama, treason, dollars, 2011 - Elections
  12. BREAKING NEWS: Mitt Romney's strategy to get the youth vote!: campaign, college - Elections
  13. Guilford County NC voters say votes for Romney came up Obama on voter machines: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  14. Foward....... the new Obama motto: voters, Reed, elect, 2012 - Elections
  15. Putin, Chavez and Castro Join Matt Damon In Endorsing Obama: Hugo Chavez, vote - Elections
  16. Hodges of the Torygraph: Pauvre Monsieur Romney: votes, campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  17. Romney beat his 'Fastest Flip Flop' record last night: democratic, president, Obama - Elections
  18. What to Watch For on Election Night?: democratic, Obama, rating - Elections
  19. Since Romney only has a 30% chance of winning Ohio: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  20. Minor-Party 'Don Quixotes' Beat Up on Republicans, Democrats in Debate: vote, - Elections
  21. Why Doesn't Obama...: christmas, work, Christ - Elections
  22. Rooting' for the Tigers tonight...: voters, Obama, state, 2012 - Elections
  23. It's the 27%: CNN, polls, Obama, supporters - Elections
  24. Congressman's director conspires to commit Voter Fraud, Forge Docs, vote in others' names: voters, campaign - Elections
  25. Boehner's Bridge: Congress, interview, president, money - Elections
  26. BREAKING - Obama Releases Off-the-Record Transcript of Des Moines Register Interview: Corporate Profits, Iraq - Elections
  27. The 7/11 Cup Poll: voting, democratic, Republican, liberal - Elections
  28. Breaking: Todd Atkin biz sued for sexual harrassment/wife cut biz deals in Senate office: vote, democrat - Elections
  29. Urban areas for Romney?: liberal, Obama, McCain, political - Elections
  30. Romney Has Best Gallup Tracking Poll Numbers Since 1968: voters, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  31. If Obama Loses it will be because he betrayed retirees: voters, Reagan - Elections
  32. Romney needs to go back to school and learn geography!: Iran, soldiers - Elections
  33. NY Times Now Blames Bill Clinton For Obama's Situation: John Kerry, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  34. Mitt romney's many flip flops: votes, Taliban, campaign, Republican - Elections
  35. Well explained and non bias Prof Opinion.: Obama, economic - Elections
  36. International Polling Monitors: voters, Congress, campaign, ethical - Elections
  37. Guilford Co. voters say ballot cast for Romney came up Obama: democratic, president - Elections
  38. Your reaction: third-party presidential debates in Chicago: health care system, drugs - Elections
  39. New Mitt Romney Ad for Women: vote, election, elect, date - Elections
  40. So What Happens When the Shouting Stops?: Limbaugh, voters, security - Elections
  41. Who Are The Top Players Bankrolling The Candidates?: campaign, Democrats, Obama - Elections
  42. Early Voted For Jill Stein Today: The Candidate Obama Claimed He Was in 08: security, party - Elections
  43. Reno Gazette-Journal Endorses Romney [Endorsed Obama in 2008]: vote, Republican, president - Elections
  44. All you need to know about Obama and Sebelius: Barack Hussein Obama, Americans, partial birth abortion - Elections
  45. President can win without the popular vote: votes, campaign, polls - Elections
  46. McCain accepts Mourdock explanation, backs him: Taliban, state, children, born - Elections
  47. Debate? What debate?: poll, represent, Obama, political - Elections
  48. Mitt Romney's Easy Five-Step Approach to Foreign Policy - Elections
  49. Obama buying votes with Pizza and t shirts: voters, campaign, polls - Elections
  50. Democrats willing to play dirty in Virginia...busted!: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  51. Remember computer systems which had Obama winning?: election, elect, support - Elections
  52. Betting and laying on the Presidential Race 2012: democrat, Obama, Bush - Elections
  53. Support China - Vote for Romney: Obama, economic, propaganda, 2012 - Elections
  54. ok, is part of the ballot: vote, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  55. Columbus (OHIO) Dispatch Endorses Romney: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  56. The Choice-2012: campaign, Obama, election, elect - Elections
  57. Romney Capitulates, Agrees with Obama: campaign, president, 2012, Washington - Elections
  58. The Donald offers Obama a deal: Release all passport/transcript records, Trump donates 5 mill to charity of Obama choice: democrat, Republican - Elections
  59. From Liberals, I see nothing but fear.: votes, Liberalism, poll - Elections
  61. *** Personal example why taxes actually HELP the economy! .. read details before commenting: Obama, Americans - Elections
  62. Obama Losing Post-Debate Fact Check in a Landslide: Iran, Iraq, brainwash - Elections
  63. more undecideds?: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  64. Race Slipping Away from Romney: voters, campaign, democrat, conservative - Elections
  65. It's Over...Romney PAC buying TV time in MAINE: Republican, CNN, president - Elections
  66. Jon Huntsman 2016: vote, campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  67. Obama on women; they have a V....and they are entitled to get things for free.: health care, votes - Elections
  68. Basically everyone is a Libertarian, so why vote Democrat or Republican?: Ron Paul, house seat - Elections
  69. Saddest Election of My Life: Al Franken, 9/11, vote, campaign - Elections
  70. Now that Romney has less than a 20% chance of winning...: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  71. Clint Eastwood roars back powerful ad: Republican, president, Obama, speech - Elections
  72. North Carolina voters say ballot cast for Romney came up Obama on machine: democratic, poll - Elections
  73. Indiana Republican Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock: Conception From Rape ‘Is Something That God Intended’: vote, Taliban - Elections
  74. Obama getting more desperate, says could be no auto industry if Romney had been in charge: voters, liberals - Elections
  75. Obama 70% chance of Winning: voters, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  76. Stupid Joe Biden Doesn't Know What State He's In!: vote, Iran - Elections
  77. Women dated both Obama and Romney - the one we chose predicted our grown-up woman futures: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  78. Glenn Beck playing all of Obama lies today: vote, middle east, security - Elections
  79. I am so sick of this election cycle. What say you?: voters, campaign - Elections
  80. Obamas anger is boiling over: voters, interview, polls, president - Elections
  81. The debates were a proxy for Romneys bully nature!: unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  82. If the Right Wing is comfortable with Romney/Ryan lies, should the rest of us be?: unemployment, votes - Elections
  83. I Don't Get It Obama: health care, voters, Congress - Elections
  84. General Colin Powell endorses President Obama for re-election: unemployment, voters, thoughts - Elections
  85. So Much For Mittmentum ...: votes, Reagan, liberals, polls - Elections
  86. Brian Williams admits the thrill is gone.......: vote, campaign, liberals - Elections
  87. DETROIT NEWS endorses Romney: interview, democrat, conservative, president - Elections
  88. Obama tells Jay Leno he struggles w/ math over 7th grade level: president - Elections
  89. Obama now reduced to just BEGGING: vote, campaign, Bill Clinton, speech - Elections
  90. Former Obama National Security Adviser: No Progress In Middle East Under President: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  91. LOL....Obama releases his plan: Putin, votes, liberals - Elections
  92. In Colorado, President Says He Wants Wind Turbines 'Manufactured in China': campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  93. In Ohio, Biden Talks About All the Ads Being Run in Iowa': vote, campaign - Elections
  94. UN Monitors US Election: vote, Congress, campaign, illegal - Elections
  95. will blacks riot of Obama isn't elected: unemployment, security, - Elections
  96. Colorado finds 300 more suspected noncitizens on voter rolls: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  97. Obama says Latino vote is key to victory, vows immigration reform in 2013: voters, interview - Elections
  98. Allred's October Surprise dud--: unemployed, campaign, democrat, liberal - Elections
  99. This has been a good game: security, Reagan, conservative, polls - Elections
  100. What's Next For Mitt Romney?: president, election, elect, kids - Elections
  101. Reason number TWO not to vote for Obama.: health care, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  102. Letterman disappointed with Obama's lies: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  103. Whose October surprise was more pathetic?: Democrats, president, Obama, political - Elections
  104. Which one of Romneys Positions Do You Believe He Supports that He was Against that he is For now but might be Against ?: voters, Republican - Elections
  105. Ohio vs. Indiana-Why are they so different politically?: voting, democrat - Elections
  106. Glenn Beck, why bother voting for Romney since he agrees so much with Obama: vote, campaign - Elections
  107. News, Paul Ryan: No, I Want to Help the Poor! Really!: vote, democrat - Elections
  108. I Hope Whoever Wins Loses Ohio: parties, elections, elect, states
  109. The Rest of the World loves Obama too....: vote, middle east, Republican - Elections
  110. Obama draws 10k+ People At Rally In Denver: patriot, campaign, representation - Elections
  111. So I see a black woman clapping at a Romney speech today...: vote, millionaire - Elections
  112. Your electoral vote predictions: votes, polls, president, Obama - Elections
  113. Romney lies about free tuition in Massachusetts: Iran, Obama, insurance - Elections
  114. Should Romney Concede Ohio?: voting, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  115. There is a patern....from the left and it is called...?: voting, - Elections
  116. Outcome of the 3rd debate: voters, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  117. What if the election results are a tie?: house of votes, - Elections
  118. Arkansas Democrats Plead Guilty to Voter Fraud: voters, Republican, liberals - Elections
  119. Obama campaign accepting illegal donations: president, suspect, Barack Obama, dollars - Elections
  120. Obama Immigration Stance on Immigration Locks in the Hispanic support: unemployed, vote - Elections
  121. Why Romney is better for the economy: vote, Republican, Obama - Elections
  122. Romney's message crashes: campaign, liberal, conservative - Elections
  123. What The Hell Is Obama Doing Asking For Another 4 Years?: voters, thoughts - Elections
  124. How Mitt Romney’s Bain “harvested” Sealy mattress company: employment, health care - Elections
  125. Son of State Senator Kedzie (R-WI) Attacked and Hospitalized For Defending Romney Yard Sign: security, campaign - Elections
  126. Democratic Classic: Jackson Jr to be re-elected while in nuthouse: voters, Congress - Elections
  127. romney put his tax plan on paper!!!: vote, security, Obama - Elections
  128. Candy Crowley & Obama had the Benghazi answer planned, IT WAS A SET UP! SHAME on you Candy Crowley!: 9/11, interview - Elections
  129. Donald Trump to reveal Obamas divorce records tomorrow: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  130. That's it -- I'm changing my vote!: campaign, Obama, election - Elections
  131. DAILY DOOM ANTIDOTE: Solid proof Obama is planning a concession speech event for November 6th Election Night via Hillbuz: security, party - Elections
  132. Why did Obama & Joe Biden get more time in each of the 3 Debates?: security, legal - Elections
  133. Ohio's Largest Circulating Newspaper, The Plain Dealer, Endorses Obama: voting, patriot, democratic - Elections
  134. ***Presidential Debate #3 10/22/12*** The Final Debate: voting, Barack Obama, governor - Elections
  135. Has the Electoral College outlived itself?: votes, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  136. s Why Romney Must Fail: Limbaugh, unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  137. What Will Romney Do After He Loses The Election ?: vote, illegal, president - Elections
  138. Sandra Fluke campaign stop in Reno draws 10 people!: Rush Limbaugh, votes, - Elections
  139. Obama campaign illegally accepted foreign Web donation -- and may be hiding more: security, president - Elections
  140. Romney's status in his party: Limbaugh, voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  141. Desperation: Barack conference call with black preachers including Rev Jeremiah Wright: votes, liberals - Elections
  142. NC votes so far: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  143. Latino Comedian blasts non-tolerant liberals, Longoria and Perez: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  144. Retired military men support Romney: votes, patriot, conservative - Elections
  145. Taking bets on the debate: democrat, Republicans, Obama, government - Elections
  146. Vote by phone???: voters, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  147. IF President Obama wins the election: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  148. I voted early today! Are you waiting or voting early?: nuclear, president - Elections
  149. Evangelical Support For Romney: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  150. Gloria Steinem calls Romney extremist: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  151. Romney Too Weak for America: democrat, Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  152. CBS Focus Group: Undecided Ohio Voters Prefer Romney Six to Two: Congress, campaign - Elections
  153. Obama Supporters Continue Threats To Riot, Assassinate Romney!: voters, campaign, drug - Elections
  154. Rasmussen Swing State Tracking Poll: votes, polls, president - Elections
  155. What about the auto bailout?: Harry Reid, illegal, president, Obama - Elections
  156. Can someone clarify this: democratic, suspect, Obama - Elections
  157. Ken Burns, American Chronicler, endorses the President: unemployment, votes, Congress - Elections
  158. Romney's Walk of Shame: voters, Republicans, conservative, president - Elections
  159. An Uninformed Electorate Votes Against Its Best Interests: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  160. Reason Number ONE to vote against Obama: health care, Dick Cheney, Iran - Elections
  161. psychic prediction from 2009: Obama to slightly beat Romney: Al Gore, Reagan - Elections
  162. Romney team upbeat? It's an ACT!!!: voters, campaign, poll, president - Elections
  163. Why is the Right embracing cult beliefs?: voters, conservative, radical - Elections
  164. Romney STILL Backing His No Auto Bailout Rhetoric: voters, Republican, CNN - Elections
  165. What will Obama do in his last three months in office?: president, Clinton - Elections
  166. Obama Tells Tales to Americans to get your vote: Harry Reid, unemployment, votes - Elections
  167. Obama wins by a landslide...: vote, Democrats, Republican, liberals - Elections
  168. Will The Firing of Obama Be An Indication of His Failure As President?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  169. Nate Silver: Obama should pull out of Florida: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  170. well informed Obama voters in performance: 9/11, middle east, campaign - Elections
  171. Both Obama and Romney get Syria wrong: Iran, Iraq, - Elections
  172. Obama a Shoe-in!: Ron Paul, unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  173. Breaking News Romneys New Foreign Policy Agree With Obama 100%: president, American, economy - Elections
  174. does Romney's religion bother you?: Democrats, liberal, president, Obama - Elections
  175. OHIO: GOP Voters Flock to Early Ballots: Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  176. Nate Silver Exposed as Partisan Hack by Josh Jordan: Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  177. Romney: We'll indict Ahmadinajad for genocide (???): health care, voters, Congress - Elections
  178. Foreign Policy, Mitt and Obama...What's the difference?: voting, middle east, Afghanistan - Elections
  179. What Do Romney's Supporters Expect He'll Do Differently?: NAFTA, unemployment, health care - Elections
  180. Let's face it: It's not politically correct to not support Obama!: unemployment, voters - Elections
  181. LMAO: Big Obama Funder Is Wal-Mart s Sam Walton: Al Gore, campaign - Elections
  182. YOU People Don't Need to Know: vote, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  183. 18 ways Romney is just like Dubya: Congress, security, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  184. 3rd Party Debate; Larry King Moderates; Tomorrow night: vote, interview, - Elections
  185. October Surprise - Obama Would Gain Politically: Iran, Israel, conservative - Elections
  186. Ground Game Sealing the Deal for Obama: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  187. Obama campaign received $4.5 million from residents of fake zip codes: Barack Obama, election - Elections
  188. The last two weeks: Candidate goals.: John Kerry, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  189. Cowardly Obama refuses on the record interview with Iowa's leading paper: voters, campaign - Elections
  190. Ha, ha, want to go back to the Bush days with a walking late night show material man? - Elections
  191. Early Voting has Begun - Elections
  192. As if 2012 were not Unusual Enough Politically: news - Elections
  193. Politico: Democrats see Obama agenda release as a desperation move, too: polls, president - Elections
  194. Armed Forces: Fundraising reports shed light on what the Armed Forces think about the candidates.: Obama, military - Elections
  195. Obama's Moslem friends will come to his aid: Iran, middle east, Israel - Elections
  196. Largest newspaper in Ohio endorses Obama: leader, elect, 2012 - Elections
  197. As PT Barnum said, There is a Republican born every minute! - Elections
  198. News, Atheist billboard attacks Romney’s faith, but Mormons say it's misleading.: campaign, African - Elections
  199. Republicans Continue to Make Gains in Clark County, Nevada Early Voting: vote, campaign - Elections
  200. As I predicted less that a week ago Obama's radical Islamic friends are coming to his aid: gas prices, gasoline - Elections