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  1. Irish-American Slugfest:The Lyan Ryan vs. the Bidenator: voters, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  2. If the election was a movie, who would be the cast? (look alikes)(hilarious): campaign, democratic - Elections
  3. Republicans to take the Senate...not so fast.: vote, Congress, democratic - Elections
  4. Why it's much more likely Romney wins an election where 1 Candidate wins popular vote but loses election: unemployment, voters - Elections
  5. Romeney Wants 1% Tax For the Super Rich Is Bad Medican: vote, Obama - Elections
  6. I wonder how many Social Conservatives will sit this one out: John Kerry, voting - Elections
  7. At San Francisco Campaign Stop, Obama Proves He has United the Country....Against Him: votes, legal - Elections
  8. The bump?: liberals, Obama, 2012, most - Elections
  9. Johnson: Romney's border policy is wacky nuts: 9/11, voters, Congress - Elections
  10. What role will Virgil Goode play: Congress, conservative, poll - Elections
  11. Freedom of Speech??: campaign, president, death, Obama - Elections
  12. US Elections: Pick Your Poison: interview, party, Washington
  13. Updated election forecasting model still points to Romney win: votes, polls, president - Elections
  14. Is it wrong to place so much importance on one state(Ohio)?: votes, Republicans - Elections
  15. Obama continues to look like a joke. Now has Sesame Street rap song at rally: middle east, campaign - Elections
  16. Solar panels, that dont work if in the sunlight, receives taxpayer money then goes bankrupt: Congress, campaign - Elections
  17. Political TV Ads: state - Elections
  18. Widow of SEAL HONORED by Romney telling story of Husband.: campaign, Republican - Elections
  19. Watch Jim Lehrer Really Moderate the Debate: election, elect, news - Elections
  20. Political Debate: votes, Congress, democrat - Elections
  21. Myth: Hispanics only care about immigration: voters, Iran, wages, Mexican - Elections
  22. Dems, Who Would You Rather Vote For?: Ron Paul, employment, campaign - Elections
  23. Looks like ryan had better pay a little more to his...other race: enemy, news - Elections
  24. V.P. Debate: voting, campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  25. Las Vegas oddsmaker doubles down on prediction (of who will win election): campaign, - Elections
  26. Bounces and Meltdowns: You Can't Say Guys are Boring!: vote, Republican - Elections
  27. Romney proposes amnesty- for sick people!: health care, vote, interview, president - Elections
  28. Chicagoans and the Chicago style politics label: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  29. Obama Al Qaeda - We are being warned and don't listen: 9/11, security - Elections
  30. News, Romney: People Don't Die at Home Because They Lack Insurance.: liberal, Obama - Elections
  31. Obama's radical past not different from the present: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  32. Same speeches, same promises: state - Elections
  33. Early voting numbers up...signal big turn out!: Republicans, news - Elections
  34. This Rich Guy wants to cut taxes: Kennedy, economy, money - Elections
  35. Obama running away with Nevada early voting suggets: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  36. Was Obama's Convention Bouce Just Bull?: Democrats, polls, president, Clinton - Elections
  37. Let's Get Fiscal...: Congress, Obama, town - Elections
  38. On voting: Movie stars/Celebrities for office?: vote, Reagan, president - Elections
  39. I'm voting for !!!!: Obama, date - Elections
  40. Virginians for Gary Johnson!: vote, conservative, Barack Obama, elect - Elections
  41. Overlooked ex-Obama voters keep Pa. in play: Iraq, interview, Democrats - Elections
  42. Economists Obama keeps quoting, says Obama is misrepresenting their report.: vote, campaign - Elections
  43. Mitt Romney Debates Himself: vote, campaign, politician, state - Elections
  44. Romney threatens Imperial Japan with oil embargo: Iran, campaign, Obama - Elections
  45. News, Dog Poo bags feature presidential nominees.: Republican, Barack Obama, 2012 - Elections
  46. uestion to Obama supporters on Election: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq - Elections
  47. Why is Jill Biden campaigning in Minnesota?: Al Gore, Republican, polls - Elections
  48. Virgil Goode derailing Romney in Virginia: vote, thoughts, conservative, insurance - Elections
  49. Mitt Romney changes campaigning style to match next debate: voters, Obama, 2012 - Elections
  50. Lady Gaga vs Mitt Romney: vote, democratic, Republican, election - Elections
  51. Buzz Bissinger: Why I’m Voting for Mitt Romney: votes, middle east, security - Elections
  52. I'm voting for !!!!: voters, poll, Obama, world - Elections
  53. Obama hits the books hard: Chimes in on Nicki Minaj and RG 3: vote, enemy - Elections
  54. The Anti-Obama Vote Is Energised. The Key Is Will Democrat Voters Be Energised Enough?: Al Gore, campaign - Elections
  55. News, Site uses Romneys to sell 'magical' undies: 2012, religion, women - Elections
  56. Romney Foreign Policy: No daylight between US and Israel: Palestinians, middle east - Elections
  57. Let's laugh for once on C-D... SNL - OBAMA VS ROMNEY: date - Elections
  58. Romney gets personal: Republicans, liberal, speech, school - Elections
  59. The Romney Flip-brary: myths, work, date - Elections
  60. The Real Paul Ryan is Bad for America: Congress, campaign, - Elections
  61. Poll: Joe Biden Described As Idiot and Buffoon: voters, - Elections
  62. Winston-Salem Journal endorsing President Obama: unemployment, vote, democratic, conservative - Elections
  63. Mark cuban on Romney's tax plan: voters, wage, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  64. Romney debate stipulation Say Mr. Ryan NOT Congressman Ryan: campaign, vice president - Elections
  65. Michigan on The Electoral Map: Ron Paul, voters, Iraq, security - Elections
  66. Daily Beast says Biden full of Mularkey: Rush Limbaugh, liberals - Elections
  67. Who Won Tonight's VP Debate?: voters, thoughts, president, conspiracy - Elections
  68. Still celebrating righties?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, poll - Elections
  69. Deep Throat will sink Obama about Libya Coverup: vote, Congress, security - Elections
  70. If black people are considered sellouts for voting Romney how come whites aren't sell outs for voting Obama?: vote, Republican - Elections
  71. Do blacks support Obama because he's black?: Harry Reid, votes, democratic - Elections
  72. Is Obama simply the lesser of evils?: vote, Congress, Republican - Elections
  73. Atlantic: Romulan tax plan is fiction: campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  74. Young Republican Why I'm Voting for Mitt Romney: voters, - Elections
  75. Ryan vs. Palin: vote, CNN, Afghanistan, abortion - Elections
  76. bets on whether Benghazi will be brought up at tomorrow's debate?: unemployment, thoughts - Elections
  77. Vote Obama and You are FIRED!!!: unemployment, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  78. The 6 Studies Paul Ryan Cited Prove Mitt Romney's Tax Plan Is Impossible: vote, campaign - Elections
  79. When the Moderator Thinks She's the Star of The Show: interviews, campaign - Elections
  80. Chuck Todd: With Strong Debate Tomorrow, Romney 'Could Win This Election': Democrats - Elections
  81. Which Obama scandal is most likely to have an impact?: voters, security - Elections
  82. Bain has Chinese Replace American Flag at Illinois Plant: vote, middle east, campaign - Elections
  83. Ohio Mine Workers: We request that you immediately stop false ads.: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  84. This is Mitt Romney: president, Obama, school, elect - Elections
  85. Who Would The World Vote For: Obama Or Romney?: employment, health care, middle east - Elections
  86. Florida is now for Romney: voters, security, Mexican, campaign - Elections
  87. Will Ron Paul supporters Vote and derail Romney's chances: conservative, poll, Obama - Elections
  88. Romney bashes Obama on China? Really?: enemy, campaign, spokeswoman, president - Elections
  89. Looking for people to shout down suspected romney supporters at walmart: enemy, activist - Elections
  90. Ohio.. We need you to support Romney and s why: unemployed, vote - Elections
  91. RealClearPolitics electoral map--when does Romney take the lead?: votes, campaign, polls - Elections
  92. No one will have to work. Lets give it a try :-): president, Barack Obama - Elections
  93. Don't Worry, Obama's Got This: president, supporters, news, date - Elections
  94. Obama's Epic Failure Was Not That Bad: voting, interviews, - Elections
  95. Obama He Won The Last Debate: campaign, president, suspect - Elections
  96. Why is Obama so popular?: unemployment, 9/11, votes, Iran - Elections
  97. Shots Fired at 3 Homes with GOP Signs: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  98. Obama supporter interviews herself: vote, campaign, government - Elections
  99. Dems relieved because Biden did better than Obama... but he didn't do better than Ryan: votes, Democrats - Elections
  100. Why the Elections don't matter: voting, millionaire, patriot, campaign
  101. Reuters/Ipsos post debate poll: 27% Reg. voters said Ryan made them less favorable toward Romney: Congress, campaign - Elections
  102. Neither party talking about the Patriot Act anymore: Harry Reid, vote, Congress - Elections
  103. If Romney is elected, what's going to change?: radical, crime, Obama - Elections
  104. Did the auto bailout win Obama a second term? Up by five in Ohio...: vote, campaign - Elections
  105. Which Romney scandle will impact his chances the most?: vote, interviews, Republican - Elections
  106. Obama Won't Explain His Economic Plan. Can His Supporters Tell Us?: vote, wages - Elections
  107. Why don't the Obama camp focus on Romney's war record?: Putin, voters - Elections
  108. Women should no longer have the right to vote???!!: democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  109. Don't let the Republicans steal Florida, again: Al Gore, voters, Israel - Elections
  110. GOP Senate candidate son : we have the opportunity to send Obama back to Kenya: Republicans, president - Elections
  111. What is Obama doing NOW to stop us from going over Fiscal Cliff?: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  112. Who are you going to vote for and why?: Ron Paul, president, Obama - Elections
  113. Your opinion: Voter Turnout Compared to 2008: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  114. Electoral vote predictions- how many for Obama?: votes, president, elections
  115. Why does Romney refuse to save jobs and is allowing the Chinese flag to replace the flag of the USA?: liberals - Elections
  116. This is why blacks give 0% to romney.: voters, enemy, generations - Elections
  117. Scott Baio endorses Romney: democrat, Republicans, death, Obama - Elections
  118. Ouch! Romney's October Surprise delivered by his top financial backer?: health care, campaign - Elections
  119. What will be the excues for Biden???: interview, security, CNN - Elections
  120. expecting something extremely low and dirty from the Left soon?: vote, Iran - Elections
  121. WBUR Poll: Brown (R-MA) Leads Warren By 4 Points: Michael Bloomberg, voters, Congress - Elections
  122. Why Hasn't Romney's Children Served ?: vote, Iran, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  123. Why did you people vote for Obama in the first place???: unemployment, campaign - Elections
  124. Romney Leads Obama 49-47 in DailyKos/PPP Poll: employment, voters, - Elections
  125. unflattering photo of Mitt Romney: Liberalism, conservative, represent - Elections
  126. Shake-Up in Works at Obama Campaign Headquarters: Hugo Chavez, vote, Republican - Elections
  127. What the !!!! Obama really is a Muslim: vote, president - Elections
  128. Biden means what he says: Biden contradicts State Dept on Benghazi security: votes, Congress - Elections
  129. Obama Truth TEam; Big Bird: security, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  130. More full time workers becoming part timers due to Obamacare: employment, legal - Elections
  131. Mr. Romney changes position on abortion: Huckabee, voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  132. Romney understands the role of government.: vote, Congress, president - Elections
  133. How painful will it be to watch the vice-presidential debates?: John Kerry, Dick Cheney - Elections
  134. President Obama virtually concedes the election to Mitt Romney.: Democrats, Barack Obama - Elections
  135. GOP Senator and Viet Nam Vet Endorses President Obama: house seat, 9/11, vote - Elections
  136. Romney major Foreign Policy speech: Ron Paul, votes, Congress - Elections
  137. Outrage after black actress supports Romney on twitter: voting, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  138. Romney successful businessman - must live by facts: vote, campaign, liberal - Elections
  139. poll! Who are you voting for in the '12 election?: votes, conservative - Elections
  140. What would Obama do this time that he didn't last time?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  141. Mitt Romney Isn’t a Flip-Flopper; Romney’s “Lying for the Lord”: liberals, president - Elections
  142. How does one become a Lib or a Dem, DNA?: middle east, Reagan - Elections
  143. Romney leads Obama 2-1 in Active/Reserves troops poll: votes, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  144. Princeton professor Rosen - Obama campaign misrepresenting his paper: wages, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  145. Millionaires and Billionaires support Obama, Middle Income workers support Romney: campaign, - Elections
  146. Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1: Ron Paul, vote, cocaine - Elections
  147. First Romney's wife, now Allen West's wife has to defend him against meanies and their rude remarks: Ron Paul, liberals - Elections
  148. Obama whining about Romney buying the election.: campaign, Democrats, accuse - Elections
  149. The day that Romney hated coal: politicians, jobs - Elections
  150. elections 2016: president, Obama, American, politician
  151. Missed the neocons? Don't worry: Mitt Romney's getting the band together again: Colin Powell, voting - Elections
  152. Romney has peaked: voters, campaign, Reagan, liberals - Elections
  153. Mia Love: the best days are ahead of us: Congress, campaign - Elections
  154. Obama winning early vote big time!: party affiliation, votes, enemy, - Elections
  155. Why Do We Have VP Debates?: Congress, campaign, vice president, McCain - Elections
  156. Walmart Moms spell trouble for romney!: unemployed, voters, enemy, - Elections
  157. Obama Went To The Wedding of The Moderator For the VP Debate: campaign, Republican - Elections
  158. A Just for Pretend So What if Obama Were a Muslim?: 9/11, vote - Elections
  159. Gary Johnson hurts Obama in Nevada: votes, democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  160. 'He gives a good powerpoint...: campaign, Reagan, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  161. Santorum and Gingrich Supporters Will sit out or secretly vote for Obama: voters, Democrats - Elections
  162. Threats for Romney T-Shirt Teen: vote, enemy, Republican, president - Elections
  163. Romney and his 5 trillion in tax cuts.....: unemployed, vote, Democrats - Elections
  164. Obama's ground game in Ohio: voting, enemy, liberal, independent - Elections
  165. First Obama Phone Lady..Now This Gem: campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  166. Bus Driver Tells 12 Year-Old He Should Have Been Aborted Because of Romney Yard Sign: liberals - Elections
  167. If Obama loses, will Democrats nominate him again in 2016?: voters, president, Clinton - Elections
  168. The One and Only Vice Presidential Debate 10/11/12: campaign, Obama - Elections
  169. Obama's Harvard law professor says 'President MUST be defeated in 2012': voters, campaign - Elections
  170. Clinton Zings Mitt - Wow, s Old Moderate Mitt, Where Ya Been, Boy?: vote, - Elections
  171. Joe Biden for President!: vote, Obama, American, top - Elections
  172. >>>> Breaking: Google Devastates Mitt Romney with Completely Wrong Meme: vote, - Elections
  173. Confirmed: Big Bird Ad a Flop Across the Political Spectrum: unemployed, voters - Elections
  174. How gullible are people that ronmey can pull his crab on us?: vote, Congress - Elections
  175. Mr. Romney's Fallen SEAL Story Hits Nerve: soldiers, president, death - Elections
  176. What message does it send to minorities if romney wins?: vote, enemy - Elections
  177. Man who creates jobs, slams Obama: employment, vote, enemy, democrat - Elections
  178. Does the NRA know it endorsed a Gun Control Advocate?: vote, - Elections
  179. Why don't people want to investigate the truth!: illegal, Democrats, president - Elections
  180. It wouldnt be the end of the world if Romney wins, if I knew which Romney would be in the oval office: gas prices, voters - Elections
  181. Rand Paul: Romney's wrong on Middle East, defense spending By Rand Paul, Special to CNN: vote, Congress - Elections
  182. Private Doctors prescribe Romney over Obama: health care, salary, Republicans, drugs - Elections
  183. Do Democrats Really Still Believe that Obama's Awful Debate Performance Didn't Make Difference??: votes, - Elections
  184. Which First Lady (Michelle or Anne) would you prefer?: vote, patriot, poll - Elections
  185. Ask in Massachusetts why Romney didn't get a second term as governor: vote, democratic - Elections
  186. GOP Hopes Soar as Romney Rolls in Ohio: vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  187. That Romney magic: vote, campaign, president, death - Elections
  188. Chuck Todd: Seeing a Structural Change in the Race Towards Romney: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  189. Cutter says playing politics: Obama, administration, TV - Elections
  190. This election breaks down to what are your goals: American, government, world - Elections
  191. Article about Obama and Romney Debating Chops: 2012 - Elections
  192. One more thing to think about before voting.: Obama - Elections
  193. FOR CONSERVATIVES: Romney Wins In A Landslide -- Las Vegas Oddsmaker Doubles Down On Prediction: voters, democratic - Elections
  194. Obama job meter; Can you really trust the Bureau of LAbor Statitics?: statistics, Barack Obama - Elections
  195. Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy Speech at the Virginia Military Institute 10/8/2012 --: middle east, Republican - Elections
  196. Lawrence O’Donnell Exposes Bible Thumpers Paul Broun and Todd Akin - Elections
  197. If the other party wins....: college - Elections
  198. News, Over-zealous chef repeatedly wipes down the face of a shocked Mitt Romney: campaign, Republican - Elections
  199. Friday Night Lights creator Peter Berg to Romney: Stop using my slogan!: campaign, legal - Elections
  200. Beware of your vote: Democrats, billion, elections, elect