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  1. Should Romney start talking social issues?: voters, campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  2. Since when: unemployment, Obama, American, money - Elections
  3. pre 9/11 Benghazi security requests DENIED!: campaign, regime, Obama, American - Elections
  4. Obama Administration Met With Mexican Officials to Push US Food Stamps For Immigrants: illegal, Republican - Elections
  5. The Kennedy Effect: Congress, Democrats, vice president, Clinton - Elections
  6. RNC severs ties to favorite voter fraud campaign firm, after paying them $3.1 million dollars: voters, democratic - Elections
  7. Lehrer Seethes Over Debate Format Criticism: voters, Israeli, security, campaign - Elections
  8. WOW One of the most devastating contrast ads EVER: voting, Congress, assault - Elections
  9. Mitt Romney - He's not Mexican?: vote, president, American - Elections
  10. Mitt's Father Was On Welfare When He Came To The U.S.: Putin, vote - Elections
  11. Obama eCard for Women: 'Can I Borrow $18,000 to Help Pay for My Birth Control?': insurance, dollars - Elections
  12. Romney advantage over obama on who would be tougher on terrorism: unemployment, health care - Elections
  13. Election dontations have turned into lottery games: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  14. Great Allen West Ad: Decide: voting, Congress, date - Elections
  15. Lockheed Martin: Not laying off Workers until after the election: votes, Congress - Elections
  16. Do you see a time when everyone will vote via phone, mail or Internet?: voters, military - Elections
  17. Video: Preview of Univision’s Election “bombshell” report on Obamas Fast & Furious: Congress, drug - Elections
  18. Do you wonder why the GOP doesn't support Romney???: vote, Obama, McCain - Elections
  19. obama turns his back on children forced in military slavery: Congress, democratic - Elections
  20. NFL games can predict the next president - Obama is a one term president: patriots, Republicans - Elections
  21. New Hampshire Turns From Toss Up To Leans Obama, Now Has 269 Of The 270 Electoral Votes Needed: parade, Republicans - Elections
  22. Obama Lied To You - Just admit it was Terrorism: 9/11, middle east - Elections
  23. Romney would bring torture back ?: interviews, Afghanistan, president, Obama - Elections
  24. I voted!: votes, poll, president, Obama - Elections
  25. Tax paying Americans not patriotic, our young die for people like this: Iraq, middle east - Elections
  26. Obama's ads in Virginia: vote, Taliban, campaign, democrat - Elections
  27. Vote libertarian in 2012!: interview, Democrats, Republicans, billion - Elections
  28. ]obamas' Justice Department is den of anti-American activists: vote, Taliban, democrat - Elections
  29. Eastwood RNC Speech Outdid Romney's Speech: Congress, campaign, Republican, Clinton - Elections
  30. California Voters?: thoughts, democrat, president, Obama - Elections
  31. Very Interesting Data: party affiliation, conservative, political, parties - Elections
  32. Will The Real Mitt Romney, Step Forward: Iraq, campaign, liberal - Elections
  33. Write-in ballot for President?: vote, Barack Obama, parties, states - Elections
  34. The reason why I wont vote for Romney in 1 word:: votes, Democrats - Elections
  35. Do you believe people deserve special treatment under the law because they’re rich, poor, connected?: Hispanic, political - Elections
  36. Obama up 5 over Romney in latest Fox News poll: voters, democratic, liberal - Elections
  37. I'm creating a new polling website: campaign, democratic, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  38. Obama Campaign Songs: Murray, money, 2012 - Elections
  39. Do you believe we should continue to borrow money from other countries without worrying about the National Debt: unemployment, generations - Elections
  40. Obama campaign gives Florida voters bad about early voting...: democratic, party - Elections
  41. Oh Whooo is the president another excuse - questions might be too hard: vote, interviews - Elections
  42. GOP and their apparatus getting really desparate: Obama, work - Elections
  43. Who does Romney remind you more of, Thurston Howell III or Gordon Gekko?: liberal - Elections
  44. Democrats file federal complaints against Akin: Congress, campaign, ethics, Republican - Elections
  45. Political ad you'd like to see: Obama, American, military, state - Elections
  46. Obama campaign to Romney's Tax cut for the Middle Class: vote, Congress - Elections
  47. “Another Broken Promise, Mr. President?”: voters, millionaire, campaign - Elections
  48. Independent voters swing toward romney: campaign, Democrats, conservative, polls - Elections
  49. Romney needs to take pointers from this lady!: health care, security, president - Elections
  50. Where's Gaffe a Second Biden?: 9/11, campaign, vice president, Obama - Elections
  51. Suspicious Voter Fraud?: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  52. Jill Stein: Green Candidate For Your Protest Vote: health care, 9/11, votes - Elections
  53. Benghazi-Gate: votes, Congress, security, ethics - Elections
  54. US election: Predict the president: votes, Barack Obama, compare - Elections
  55. Obama Job Approval Slipping: poll, accuse, president, ratings - Elections
  56. Michele Bachmann In Peril As Opponent Jim Graves Nears In Polls: house of vote - Elections
  57. Do you think Intrade will go lower than 80/20?: Obama, financial - Elections
  58. Obama At His Worst for Religion: health care, Congress, middle east, illegal - Elections
  59. Minority Party Voters in non-swing states should vote for a 3rd party instead: democratic, Republican - Elections
  60. obamas' boy holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office: Attorney, spokeswoman - Elections
  61. Social Security will be found unconstitutional if Romney elected.: vote, Congress, Amish - Elections
  62. This election Will obama Account for a Mourdock Victory in Indiana?: votes, patriot - Elections
  63. Are you going to watch Wednesday's debate?: vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  64. Media setting up old Mitt for debate failure: Rush Limbaugh, voting, Democrats - Elections
  65. Why have debates or an election if we criticize Obama's record?: Congress, enemies - Elections
  66. Obama A Cold,Cruel,Uncaring Person: Iraq, conservative, soldiers, American - Elections
  67. More Fraud From The Willard Campaign, A Worker Calls Seniors And Says Obama Is A Muslim That Will Take Their Medicare: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  68. Christie is telling it like it is folks!: unemployment, voters, polls - Elections
  69. GOP Voter Fraud Scandal Spreads: voters, Republicans, deaths, racist - Elections
  70. Will tonight's Univision special on Fast and Furious lead to Holder's removal?: voting, Congress - Elections
  71. Military Ballots Going AWOL: voters, Democrats, conservative, president - Elections
  72. Obama win re-election with 303 electoral votes.: voters, Reagan, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  73. Can Obama or Biden Explain Obama's Tax Plan?: campaign, president, American - Elections
  74. Telephone polls biased and inaccurate: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  75. I'm Voting Republican !: Democrats, liberal, election, elect - Elections
  76. The Myth of the Wasted / Protest vote: voters, candidacy - Elections
  77. USA Today: Repubicans much more enthusiastic to vote this year than Democrats: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  78. Key people in the Obama 2012 Victory Fund Organization: campaign, drug, president - Elections
  79. Romney's 1991 arrest: governor, state, 2012, kids - Elections
  80. Presidential Debate #1 - Wednesday Oct 3rd: Democrats, Republican, Obama, ideology - Elections
  81. Biden says middle class 'buried' the last 4 years, Republicans pounce: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  82. Obama's Other Race Speech: campaign, highway, crime, racist - Elections
  83. Why is Obama OK with being Nicknamed a Traitor, Deserter, Outlaw,: vote, - Elections
  84. Can This Be a Game Changer?: 9/11, Congress, security, Republicans - Elections
  85. Willard Plans To Dumb Down His Debate Appearance By Using Lots Of Zingers and One Liners: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  86. Romney’s garbageman stars in new attack ad (VIDEO): salary, Obama, political - Elections
  87. How Popular do you think Romney is now?: unemployed, vote - Elections
  88. 37 Days from Now, We Start HILLARY 2016: Congress, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  89. Ann Romney Pre debate on CNN: voting, interviews, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  90. Stephanie Cutter On Tonight's Presidential Debate: Republican, liberal, Obama, economy - Elections
  91. Oh my God, It is So Over!: voters, campaign, liberals - Elections
  92. Deep New Blue Jersey: Romney and Obama Deadlocked with 47% of Likely Voters: health care, Congress - Elections
  93. Obama's Racial Division, Fear Tactics, and Fake Accent: vote, independent, speech - Elections
  94. Let me educate you: President Romney Day 1: voters, Congress, Mexican - Elections
  95. Romney won't deport the deferred action illegals: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  96. GOP voter fraud in Florida spreading to other states: voters, democratic, regular - Elections
  97. How many people will be afraid to admit they will vote for Romney?: voters, campaign - Elections
  98. Did the Republicans ever have a chance?: voters, middle east, security - Elections
  99. John Elway endorses Romney: Congress, parade, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  100. Who will Oblamer blame when he loses?: Republicans, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  101. Another Record: 10 Million Small Donors have contriubuted to Team Obama... less than a million to Romney: vote, campaign - Elections
  102. Doctors prefer Romney over Obama: unemployment, health care, votes, campaign - Elections
  103. s my prediction for who will win the debates..: Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  104. Obama supporters be afraid, be very afraid!: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  105. Romney advisor: Mitt working hard to come off as personable in debate: votes, campaign - Elections
  106. Romney flops on immigration - now says Dreamers can stay: voters, security - Elections
  107. Obama calls debate prep a drag: campaign, president, election - Elections
  108. PA Voter ID Law SHOT DOWN!: voters, Democrats, Republican, conservative - Elections
  109. obama wants obamacare; mean while war vets still waiting for health benefits: health care, 9/11 - Elections
  110. After Mittens loses, should the GOP nominate Rick Santorum in 2016?: Limbaugh, Democrats - Elections
  111. Fact.. No President has ever been re-elected with unemployment rate above 7.5%: voters, campaign - Elections
  112. Five days before the election George W. Bush is giving a speech in the Cayman Islands: Iraq, campaign - Elections
  113. Are anti-Obama folks for an Obama victory to watch him fail as lame duck?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  114. Who do you side with?: voters, Obama, party, elections
  115. Stupid logic of Obama voters. JayZ voting 4 O because hes black, wants small/less gov: democratic - Elections
  116. Since Obama won't – and can't – talk about his record, he'll talk about Romney: unemployment, health care - Elections
  117. Polling Conspiracists:: votes, campaign, legal, polls - Elections
  118. Election pollster Nate Silver FiveThirtyEight not accurate enough for the Daily Kos: liberal, polls - Elections
  119. Romney is in swing states, ahead counting the incumbent rule: votes, Republican - Elections
  120. Should the Libertarian and Green Pary be allowed at the Major Debates?: votes, Congress - Elections
  121. Future of the Electoral Map?: vote, generation, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  122. Ann Romney Says She Is Most Concerned About Mitt's Mental Well-Being !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: interview, campaign - Elections
  123. Who do you THINK will get a bounce from the first debate?: Huckabee, unemployment - Elections
  124. Obama is nasty all the time while campaigning: vote, Congress, millionaire - Elections
  125. Obama election: Ron Paul, vote, Iran, interview - Elections
  126. How did Obama turn it around?: health care, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  127. How does 'skewing the polls' give an advantage or make sense?: Limbaugh, global warming - Elections
  128. California: The Democrats' Electoral Firewall: votes, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  129. Same speeches, same promises We've heard it all before ...literally: Rush Limbaugh, unemployment - Elections
  130. Nate Silver: The Impact of the ‘47 Percent’: voters, democratic - Elections
  131. The typical Patriotic Obama Supporters: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  132. What will Mitt Romney do after the election?: unemployed, Congress, security - Elections
  133. To Vote Or Not To Vote: votes, thoughts, liberals, conservative - Elections
  134. Wow, Romney in video, we harvest companies at a profit: liberal, Obama - Elections
  135. Romney throwing down the gauntlet: voters, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  136. Was Romney's 47% so really bad?: voters, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  137. Obama Beats Romney Catholics: voters, Reagan, democratic - Elections
  138. Obama's lead is Widening in Polls: vote, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  139. He did it to Himself: voters, Republican, Brown - Elections
  140. Admit It: No matter who wins...: health care, party affiliation, votes, millionaire - Elections
  141. Panel of Astrologist Predict Obama will be re elected: vote, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  142. Shock the world and write in Ron Paul: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  143. People have never seen Obama and Romney stand next to each other and debate but they are voting!!: voters, president - Elections
  144. Romney capitulating debates before they begin!: unemployment, voters, interview - Elections
  145. Romney Polling Numbers in Free Fall - 16% Chance of Winning - Lowest Ever Rating: vote, campaign - Elections
  147. Why Are Pollsters Using 2008 Models?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  148. GOP firm accused of voter fraud for registering dead people: voters, illegal - Elections
  149. Willard Mitt Romney, the Viet Nam War, the draft, and the 47%: Democrats - Elections
  150. How is Romney fifferent from Bush II?: Obama, rating, carry - Elections
  151. Romney Supporters so Desperate and doing illegal things to increase Romney support: voters, campaign - Elections
  152. Romney Should Bring Up Obama's Lybia Cover Up In The Debates: unemployment, campaign - Elections
  153. Romney's concession speech: vote, campaign, Reagan, liberal - Elections
  154. Stupid Ryan pick was deadly to Romney's chances: middle east, Mexicans, - Elections
  155. Willard is a Fascist. Why do you support him?: Cheney, 9/11, Iran - Elections
  156. Paul Ryan: It would take me too long to explain Romney's tax plan: vote, campaign - Elections
  157. W wore a wire during 2004 debate.........: Harry Reid, vote, Congress - Elections
  158. Warren leads Brown after debate: voters, Republicans, Obama, Kennedy - Elections
  159. More Republican voter registration fraud uncovered: voters, Democrats, Republicans, accuse - Elections
  160. 41 Million Tea Party Supporters Set to Vote: voters, legal, Republican - Elections
  161. HUGE DECLINE in Democrat Voter Registration in 8 Swing States: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  162. Romney is being treated as if he is the one who's the incumbent...: Congress, campaign - Elections
  163. Why Is Obama Wasting Money in OH,Fl and Va?: voters, campaign - Elections
  164. The election is about jobs and obama is job outsourcer in chief: campaign, illegal - Elections
  165. Fox News announces Obama as president (you could hear a pin drop in their studio): vote, Congress - Elections
  166. Why young voters should and will vote against Obama: unemployment, middle east - Elections
  167. No to Obama, Yes to Jill Stein: vote, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  168. The GOP and the future of demographics: voters, generations, Mexicans - Elections
  169. Pick a song for Romney's campaign, I nominate CCR's Fortunate Son: Obama, dollar - Elections
  170. Electoral College math: Not all votes are equal: Republican, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  171. Obama is a Communist. Why do you support him?: Ron Paul, democrat, liberal - Elections
  172. Republicans are desperate: Limbaugh, global warming, employment, health care - Elections
  173. Ann Romney's biggest fear is for Mitt's mental health: Iran, Mexican, campaign - Elections
  174. Known crazy dictator - Id vote for Obama: Hugo Chavez, votes - Elections
  175. If Mitt Romney wasn't so awful, would actually vote for Obama?: unemployment, patriot - Elections
  176. Classic, Obama sucks but vote for him anyways: 9/11, Israel, Republicans - Elections
  177. Obama in trouble: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  178. Ann Romney - peripheral, but - do you want her as the First Lady: voting, Obama - Elections
  179. Governor of Massachusetts?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  180. Ann Romney admits she does not want this for her life: 9/11, vote - Elections
  181. Don't believe Obama's lies, Romney tax cuts increase middle class take home pay dramatically!: health care, interviews - Elections
  182. Presidental humor: Barack Obama, school, carry - Elections
  183. Has early-voted or via absentee ballot?: Obama, states - Elections
  184. Investors are preparing for an Obama victory: polls, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  185. Scott Brown = Lincoln Chafee?: voting, Democrats, Republican, Kerry - Elections
  186. Ben Bernanke: Economy better than 2009, jobs still an issue: president, McCain, Americans - Elections
  187. SNK Obama economy - Elections
  188. Obama Campaign Website: Vote like your lady parts depend on it - Elections
  189. How important are last 2 job reports? - Elections
  190. Obama is the luckiest dude on the planet...: interview, 2012 - Elections
  191. Does Obama plan on handling Iran?: nuclear, weapon - Elections
  192. Ok, give me reasons you have to go back to the Reagan/Bush/Bush Policies?: Obama, election - Elections
  193. Coming to subway near you this election poison gas via obamas' Incompetence: Iran, American - Elections
  194. obama Cabinet Flunks Disclosure Test With 19 in 20 Ignoring Law: Reed, government, administration - Elections
  195. Ryan in Nov 2011: 70% of the country wants the American Dream: conservative, Reed - Elections
  196. So election is over before a single debate! Then why should romney or obama show?: speech - Elections
  197. The Daily Show election on the obama Libya cover-up: American, terror - Elections
  198. Wikileak emails claim Dem Dirty Tricks: Israel, security, marines - Elections
  199. American Crossroads.: president, Obama, leader, world - Elections
  200. Chronicling Mitt's Mendacity, Vol. XXXV: election, elect, 2012 - Elections