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  1. Romneyhood: Eliminate ALL Middle Class Deductions to Fund Tax Cuts for the Rich: vote, democrat - Elections
  2. We are going to send this fool packing.: 9/11, Bill Clinton, elect - Elections
  3. Democrats put out new ad using Romney video: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  4. republicans (part of 47%) feel like Romney wrote them off: Limbaugh, employment, vote - Elections
  5. We sure want more of guys in Congress: Republican, election, elect - Elections
  6. This election Romney has obama going in circle running into walls.: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  7. Obama Ahead with Stronger Support, Better Image and Lead on Most Issues: voters, campaign - Elections
  8. While embassies burned-obama interviewed with magazines, posed for a photo: interviews, Barack Obama - Elections
  9. The Romney campaign has identified the problem- not enough Mitt!!!: voters, Democrats - Elections
  10. Mitt Romney = Jay Cutler: campaign, Republicans, liberal, Obama - Elections
  11. More outrageous comments: voters, Iran, Iraq, Israel - Elections
  12. Romney supporters voting against Obama...Obama supporters voting FOR Obama.: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  13. Paul Ryan's America: millionaire, Republican, Reed, Americans - Elections
  14. Michigan voter fraud this election 4000 illegals registered to vote.: voters, Mexicans, illegal aliens - Elections
  15. More Romney Video: Peace in Middle East Impossible.: Palestinians, Israel, Bible - Elections
  16. Uh-oh....GOP Senate candidates starting to distance themselves from Flip-Flop Romney: house seat, political - Elections
  17. obama pays off his ELECTION BUNDLERS WITH MILLIONS IN TAXPAYER MONEY: campaign, president - Elections
  18. If obama is elected the 47% that don't pay taxes will be: vote, democratic - Elections
  19. New Yorker article notes another sign of the apocalypse for Romney: racist, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  20. Conservatives Blast Romney: vote, security, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  21. I'm Dreaming of a White President: 2012, news - Elections
  22. Democrat Politician Warns Jewish Voters this election beware of obama: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  23. NATO Afghan Pullback Shatters Obama's Implausible Claims Of Progress': house of Cheney, vote - Elections
  24. Biased Media: Reporters Still Haven't Asked About Sebelius Breaking Election Law: campaign, ethics - Elections
  25. Romney on track to set a dubious record...: Obama, election, governor - Elections
  26. Bankers, the 47% Are Bought off... Who Is Left: Simpson - Elections
  27. The Rommey effect- Dems surge in Senate races: campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  28. U Didn't Build That....: Obama, American, state, propaganda - Elections
  29. 2008 election fast forward 4 yrs later this election: enemy, campaign, president - Elections
  30. People who don't pay taxes are the people who want taxes increased.: security, Obama - Elections
  31. Rush Limbaugh endorses Romney by comparing him to Elmer Fudd: voting, enemies - Elections
  32. I'd like you all to support me financially: unemployment, vote, Republicans - Elections
  33. Democrats Can Forget About The Kennedy Senate Seat: liberal, representation - Elections
  34. GOP must think Paul supporters have memory loss: Ron Paul, votes, - Elections
  35. Worst run campaign in the history of the world?: liberal, political - Elections
  36. Texas Deer No Fan of Obama: vote, Republican, president - Elections
  37. ABC's Jake Tapper: Yes, Obama Lied on Univision About Fast and Furious: Mexican, liberals - Elections
  38. Rafalca or Mitt: Who's the Better Race Horse?: vote, campaign, school - Elections
  39. Romney Courts Hispanic Vote With Animated Sombrero-Wearing character: campaign, program, work - Elections
  40. Allen West Targeted By Democratic Super PAC With $1 Million Ad Buy: votes, Congress - Elections
  41. Gary Johnson(A viable alternative for True Tea Party types): votes, Congress - Elections
  42. obama helped slumlord buddy put out poor people onto freezing Chicago streets: campaign, legal - Elections
  43. More Romney campaign mismanagement: house seat, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  44. Video about Obama: vote, president, death, political - Elections
  45. don't vote: president, elections, elect, 2012
  47. Jobless claims - 382,000: unemployment, vote, liberal, Obama - Elections
  48. Orange Mitt: voters, Mexican, liberal, political - Elections
  49. Democratic Enthusiasm Swells in the Swing States, Nationally: vote, arsenal, campaign - Elections
  50. EPA Regulates Urinals: solution, cost, most - Elections
  51. What makes Mitt happy...: interview, regular, Brown, Reed - Elections
  52. Obama approval rating now at 50% and climbing: vote, polls, president - Elections
  53. Mitt Romney: Outside the Circle: voting, Obama, wealth - Elections
  54. Romney Hates 1/2 of Americans vs. Obama Ignored a Threat and Got Americans Killed....: vote, campaign - Elections
  55. Romney Budget Deficit Fail: economy, claims, 2012 - Elections
  56. Fighter jets in Democratic convention’s military montage were Turkish, not American: John Kerry, patriots - Elections
  57. Yardsale for Obama: Barack Obama, supporters, 2012, officials - Elections
  58. So far, Obama has drastically outspent Romney in key states: voters, campaign - Elections
  59. So Dems are you on the record supporting this nonsense?: employment, gas prices - Elections
  60. Obama takes it to China again.: middle east, campaign, president, Bush - Elections
  61. Disabled American Veteran's candidates: Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, president - Elections
  62. Who will you vote for in nov: votes, campaign, president - Elections
  63. Romney campaign can't overcome Mitt Romney: president, Obama, party - Elections
  64. Is Mitt Romney the Tony Romo of Electoral Politics?: Republicans, regular, date - Elections
  65. I don't need to be understood.....: vote, Iran, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  66. Romney supports Gay adoption and divorce!: interview, democrat, liberals, Bush - Elections
  67. Tim Pawlenty is jumping of a sinking ship: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  68. This is what lets me know romney is in trouble.: vote, Congress - Elections
  69. Obama's Wealth Redistribution audio clip TRUNCATED by GOP: Al Gore, unemployed - Elections
  70. Romney wears dark makeup to appeal to Latino voters: interview, democratic - Elections
  71. Can Vulture Capitalists like Romney be tried for Treason?: unemployment, enemies, conspiracy - Elections
  72. Why should I not vote for Romney?: Democrats, Republicans, statistics - Elections
  73. Romney is Retooling His Campaign: voters, Attorney, CNN - Elections
  74. More Approve Obama's Response on Embassy Attacks than Romney: Congress, Iran, security - Elections
  75. I would vote for GW Bush before I vote for Mitt Romney!: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  76. Romney jokes that if he was Latino he'd have a better chance at success: vote, Mexican - Elections
  77. New Video: Romney clueless about Mideast: Palestinians, middle east, Israel, campaign - Elections
  78. Pennsylvania voter ID law sent back to lower court: voters, campaign, - Elections
  79. Obama's $40,000 pp Jay-Z fundraiser while Mid-East burns: wage, campaign, liberals - Elections
  80. so much for gallup poll accuracy: vote, Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  81. Obama flag looks like blood stained walls in Benghazi: vote, Democrats, president - Elections
  82. Romney's family, polygamy and how it affects the election: Israel, illegal, radical - Elections
  83. Obama Campaign redesigns American Flag: Liberalism, represent, regime, brainwash - Elections
  84. 1995 VIDEO: Obama Calls For Society Based On Collectivism, Union Power…: Congress, - Elections
  85. Tea party and Romney want to raise taxes on middle class and lower it for the rich, do you agree?: wage, democrat - Elections
  86. Scott Brown Opens 6 Point Lead Over Fauxahontas: John Kerry, voters, candidacy - Elections
  87. Obama Released GITMO Detainee Involved In Ambassador's Murder: Iraq, democratic, soldiers - Elections
  88. Rat overboard! Pawlenty resigns as Romney co-chair: Congress, enemy, campaign - Elections
  89. In Virginia, Romney a CASUALTY in the GOP war on women: voters, Obama - Elections
  90. Romney reaches for the Etch-a-Sketch - Massachusetts Mitt is Back: interview, enemy - Elections
  91. Chris Christie has been so quiet...strange.: campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  92. Empty Chair Lynchings are a new low for Repubs: thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  93. Guess who was in power before the Great Depression?: voters, Democrats, president - Elections
  94. It's Not Just Bias: Four Fox News Contributors Work For Romney: middle east, security - Elections
  95. Ann tells you people to just stop it!: Congress, enemies - Elections
  96. Pakistani TV airs US Obama ads condemning anti-Islam film: 9/11, voting, campaign - Elections
  97. What were Romney's words that were censored from Mother Jones' story?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  98. Is Romney throwing in the towel?: millionaire, campaign, Republicans, regime - Elections
  99. Herman Cain: I'd be beating Obama: campaign, president, racist - Elections
  100. RYAN: Repeatedly Booed by AARP during his critique of President Obama and Health Reform: health care, voters - Elections
  101. 2016: campaign, Reagan, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  102. I've ask: Is there left to vote for Romney?: unemployment, votes - Elections
  103. Romney's taxes show him to be the most generous president in history!: legal, Republicans - Elections
  104. 100 days until the biggest tax hike in history!: legal, liberals, Reed - Elections
  105. After Obama loses will the democrats still push for redistribution and big government?: vote, salary - Elections
  106. Excellent contrast Bush 43 v Romney by Conservative Ross Douthat: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  107. Romney walks back 47% remark..all the way to 100%!: votes, security, campaign - Elections
  108. The White Horse Mormon Prophecy and Romney: Harry Reid, Congress, conservative - Elections
  109. Obama latino support takes hit; grilled on his failures at Hispanic Univision election forum: voters, Congress - Elections
  110. Romney flip-flops AGAIN: campaign, Republican, president, crime - Elections
  111. Romney has slipped to 5/2 with Irish/British bookmakers? That's quite a margin. What's happening to Romney's campaign?: liberal, conservative - Elections
  112. If Romney was black...?: vote, Republicans, president, racist - Elections
  113. GOP kills Veterans Jobs bill: votes, Republicans, Americans, military - Elections
  114. The Imaginary GOP: unemployment, health care, September 11, gas prices - Elections
  115. As a Romney supporter, I must admit, Obama folk are running a smart campaign...: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  116. obama youth vote this election in jeopardy-LUPE FIASCO beef: campaign, poll, president - Elections
  117. Romney to Obama: If you want to change D.C. from the “outside,” we’ll give you the chance in November: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  118. Obama peaked too soon: campaign, Reagan, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  119. To of you who don't like Romney or Obama....: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  120. Gas Prices and Republican Promises...: Democrats, Republicans, president, American - Elections
  121. I have a theory about this redistribution controversy: vote, interview - Elections
  122. College Professor on leave after having students sign pledge to vote for Obama: campaign, - Elections
  123. NOONAN: The Romney Campaign is an Incompetent One.: voters, Mexican, - Elections
  124. This election are you for obamas' wealth redistribution: vote, thoughts, Reagan - Elections
  125. Polls: overwhelming majority agree with Romney's statement, plurality say it makes them more likely to support him: vote, campaign - Elections
  126. Obama Voters at their Finest---A must See: interviews, democratic, Republican - Elections
  127. 12-Year-Old Coloradan Boy, Writes Letter To Romney Saying His 'Plan For America Isn't What We Need': vote, Republican - Elections
  128. If somebody's dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something..... -Clint Eastwood: interview, - Elections
  129. Romney campaign vid of Ann defending Mitt, immediately take it down again: Rush Limbaugh, vote - Elections
  130. President Obama is Working Hard to Help American Families: Today's Schedule: unemployment, voters - Elections
  131. Republicans have no one to blame for Romney's failure other than Republicans: unemployment, health care - Elections
  132. Laura Bush holds fund raiser for Romney at Dallas home: vote, middle east - Elections
  133. I supported Mitt because he was going to be tough with illegal immigrants, but now...: unemployment, voters - Elections
  134. Was the Romney 47% Tape Doctored?: Republicans, liberal, conservative, president - Elections
  135. obama election endorsement of Antisemitism- why does he hate Jews: voters, Israel - Elections
  136. Approval of Obama foreign policy plunges...: voters, Iran, middle east, Democrats - Elections
  137. Why I am voting for Gary Johnson: votes, patriot, campaign - Elections
  138. Romney should have gone to jail: vote, Mexicans, campaign, legal - Elections
  139. Obama is Alexis de Tocqueville's Predictions Come True: voters, Congress, democratic - Elections
  140. After Romney Loses, Which Direction For The GOP?: generation, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  141. Excellent Quote by Mitt Romney. SO TRUE!!!!: unemployment, health care, vote - Elections
  142. Is Romney the worst GOP candidate in history?: candidacy, campaign, Republican - Elections
  143. Romney: An Obama Iran Hostage-Like Crisis Would Be An Opportunity For Me: Iraq, middle east - Elections
  144. Why Do Middle/Low Income Republicans vote Republican?: voters, illegal, democrat - Elections
  145. Is Mitt Romney going Rogue ?: campaign, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  146. Shock! Romney campaign in debt.: Democrats, Republicans, conservative, president - Elections
  147. I'm voting for Romney because: NAFTA, unemployment, Congress, enemies - Elections
  148. Warren leading Brown in two new polls: voters, Republican - Elections
  149. I'm voting for Obama because....: Corporate Profits, health care, security, campaign - Elections
  150. Rush and other cons are trying to = Romney's comments yesterday, to the guns and religion uot;.: Limbaugh, unemployed - Elections
  151. Obama responds to Romney says if you want to be president you have to work for everybody not just for: 9/11, votes - Elections
  152. Ryan says Romney was Obviously Inarticulate.: voters, wage, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  153. Romney's October Surprise: voters, campaign, democratic, polls - Elections
  154. Al Queda - The best gift you can give to his arrogant unjust government: vote, interview - Elections
  155. Will you be voting this year?: vote, democratic, president, Brown - Elections
  156. Is Romney campaign worst in modern history?: conservative, border, McCain - Elections
  157. Good news for the Obama election: votes, Democrats, Clinton, Bush - Elections
  158. for righty voters: Did you like Bush?: 9/11, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  159. It's starting! Kristol hints Romney should step aside for Ryan: voters, Democrats - Elections
  160. Election Surprise: Obamacare tax to hit 6 million... Mostly middle class...: health care, Congress - Elections
  161. Emails Reveal Justice Department Enlists Media Matters to Spin Press: campaign, biased - Elections
  162. Film to help obama this election must be stopped: middle east, security, Democrats - Elections
  163. Democrats need to follow Republicans lead: Limbaugh, unemployment, vote, Israel - Elections
  164. Obama Holds Edge on Most Traits and Issues: unemployment, security, liberal - Elections
  165. Obama team tries to lower expectations for debates: security, campaign, spokeswoman - Elections
  166. More blunt honesty from Romney: Palestinians have no interest in establishing peace: Iran, middle east - Elections
  167. GM Wants To Buy Out Government Stock - Obama Says NO: voting, - Elections
  168. Looks like the Obama convention bounce is officially over: 9/11, voters - Elections
  169. Married People Lean Romney: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Republican, liberal - Elections
  170. How much Federal income tax did you pay last year, and who's got your vote?: voters, campaign - Elections
  171. Leaked Video: Romney Admits Chinese Slave Labor Investment: votes, Republicans, fence - Elections
  172. This election and obamas FOOD STAMP RECOVERY: president, death, Bill Clinton - Elections
  173. Why are you voting for Romney?: votes, Israel, liberals, poll - Elections
  174. Nate Silver: Romney secret tape has little impact.: voters, campaign, - Elections
  175. Voters say they’re worse off after four years of Obama, so why is Romney struggling?: security, campaign - Elections
  176. Romney supporters: Why are you so sure your guy will win?: unemployment, voters - Elections
  177. Mudcat Saunders: Eric Cantor is a bought and paid for crook: Congress, patriot - Elections
  178. Ron Paulies, look to Merlin Miller: interview, Israel, illegal - Elections
  179. Obama's recovery is the worst in history!: economic, 2012, recession - Elections
  180. Congressman John Tierney: I will only answer questions I want too: news - Elections
  181. Parsing Obama's Private Sector Jobs Record, more lies - Elections
  182. Obama's Libya Gaffe vs. Herman Cain's: Media Bias: September 11, votes - Elections
  183. Obama Doesn't Remember How Big The National Debt Is - Elections
  184. Can we be neither side has new ideas: vote, democrat - Elections
  185. ObamaCare Tax To Hit 6 Million Mostly Middle Class Americans: unemployment, health care, Congress - Elections
  186. Obama Gave Entertainment Mag Interview on Peak Day of Protests: interviews, president - Elections
  187. The Obama You Don't Know: Washington - Elections
  188. Romney Campaign Hits Financial Snag: Obama, million, 2012, officials - Elections
  189. Michigan Sec of State: 4,000 Non-Citizens On Voter Rolls: spokeswoman, controversial, government - Elections
  190. obamas' election center piece cost taxpayers 80 million hours: health care, American, government - Elections
  191. Stephen Colbert Explains What Romney Really Meant - Elections
  192. Obama Admin Labeled Ambassador's Murderer An Ally Of Sorts: American, leader - Elections
  193. Three stories about the real Mitt Romney: voting, campaign, soldiers - Elections
  194. Obama solidifies lead over Romney, ahead by five points: Reuters/Ipsos poll: voters, campaign - Elections
  195. Obama hangs with Beyonce and JayZ: president, speech, school, parties - Elections
  196. Romney was Churchillian: illegal aliens, conservative, president, Obama - Elections
  197. Obama's path to a tougher policy toward China: Congress, Iran, Republican - Elections
  198. GM wants U.S. out, Obama says no!: 2012, pay, top - Elections
  199. This guy is a genius - Elections
  200. Why are so many long term politicans leaving?: Democrats, Republicans, election - Elections