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  1. Obama's jobs council includes big outsourcers...: wages, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  2. Obama now has an 80% chance of winning, according to Nate Silver: votes, interviews - Elections
  3. Hypothetical.. If Clinton could run would he beat Obama?: vote, Republicans, nuclear - Elections
  4. Verdict is in: Obama levels more personal attacks: voters, patriot, arsenal - Elections
  5. Putin backs Obama: Hugo Chavez, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  6. Angry at Romney...: Obama, economy, money - Elections
  7. Why I won't vote for Obama: document - Elections
  8. Voting.. What is the point?: Ron Paul, Congress, generation, security - Elections
  9. snippet from a Roosevelt speech...: health care, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  10. Mother of Dem convention star Castro spouts stolen land argument: generation, Mexican - Elections
  11. Massachusetts Thursday, Sept 6th Primaries: votes, Congress, democratic, polls - Elections
  12. Why are the overwhelming, vast majority of Republicans, Conservatives, are White, Caucasian?: votes, Democrats - Elections
  13. Clinton urges voters not to 'double-down on trickle down: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  14. 23 million people unemployed and Obama needs to read a letter.....: speech - Elections
  15. Rasmussen Approval ratings for Obama at 52%: Republican, polls, president, election - Elections
  16. I hear the jets leaving Charlotte.: interstate, Clinton, Obama, speech - Elections
  17. Dems Run Convention Like They Do The Federal Budget: campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  18. Romney looking good in swing states -Rasmussen: vote, interviews, campaign - Elections
  19. Program reminder: Romney on Meet the Press tomorrow: interviews, campaign - Elections
  20. Justice Dept. Gallup lawsuit came after Axelrod criticized pollsters: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  21. Another Bain Lie a the DNC!: democratic, president, Barack Obama, speech - Elections
  22. Obama Campaign, the Democrats, and Chairman Mao: Republicans, Liberalism, conservative - Elections
  23. Romney's Take On Job Growth (2006)- Youtube Video: president, Obama, Bush - Elections
  24. Cardinal Dolan prays for protection of the unborn at DNC Convention: legal, liberals - Elections
  25. Unemployment remains above 8.0% / 368,000 Americans Gave Up Looking For Work: generation, democratic, president - Elections
  26. Running the Numbers: Presidential Polls v Actual Elections: John Kerry, Al Gore, votes
  27. Romney's Gun Policy and other hypocrisy: Cheney, vote, interviews, illegal - Elections
  28. Police Patrol Convention’s Radio Row: interview, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  29. Wayne Root leaves Libertarian Party, backs Romney: Ron Paul, vice president, Obama - Elections
  30. Romney favors wiretapping churches: voters, patriot, Republican, represent - Elections
  31. The electoral college.......a refresher course: house of votes, represent, president - Elections
  32. Flashback: Obama Skoffed At Bush Jobs Report Adding 300,000 Jobs: unemployment, interview, president - Elections
  33. Reporter-obama convention sucks: democratic, party - Elections
  34. James Taylor sings Romney and Bain (parody of Fire and Rain)by Jimmy Fallon: vote - Elections
  35. The end of civilization as we know it: president, political, election - Elections
  36. Military groups to try to block early voting for civilians in Ohio: voters, patriot - Elections
  37. Shocker: media members use fake names to buy merch, contribute to Obama: campaign, democrat - Elections
  38. LOL Monica Lewinsky's former rabbi to deliver bennediction after Bill Clinton speaks: democratic, president - Elections
  39. Is Romney not conservative enough?: employment, vote, Congress, president - Elections
  40. Hillary Clinton in 2016?: vote, Democrats, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  41. Great footage of Mitt Romney-HILARIOUS!!!: campaign, liberal, school - Elections
  42. Roseanne Barr Discussion: vote, interview, drugs, radical - Elections
  43. Romney on MTP: I won't cut taxes on the rich!: vote, interview - Elections
  44. Dems love of women continues. SC Dem compates Haley to Hitler mistress: Democrats, compare - Elections
  45. Dems screech 4.5 million jobs created! Ummm, no. Try 300,000 jobs - in 3-1/2 YEARS!: campaign, - Elections
  46. The dem blame game: voters, democratic, accuse, economy - Elections
  47. The Bradley Effect: vote, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  48. Paul Ryan on This Week: Republicans, liberal, Obama, Reed - Elections
  49. Clinton economy not all it was cracked up to be: wages, security - Elections
  50. Ron Paul about to appear on Tonight Show - Leno found a real comedian.: campaign, Republican - Elections
  51. Democratic Convention Proves To Be A Success: Democrats, polls, Obama - Elections
  52. Castro/Castro in 2030? - Elections
  53. You need an ID to prove you're a Democrat, but not to vote.: political, money - Elections
  54. I just saw the first Bill Clinton TV spot: Al Gore, voters, - Elections
  55. The Rebpublican/Democrat parodox: multiculturalism, Democrats, Republicans, drug - Elections
  56. Will BJ Mention Bin Laden?: Cheney, conservative, president, Clinton - Elections
  57. DNC comes to town, forces Charlotte's homeless onto streets: unemployment, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  58. USA Today article detail lies from opening night: employment, Democrats, president - Elections
  59. AP Factcheck: DNC Speakers Embellish Obama's Record and Lie About Romney: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  60. Mitt storm alert!!! Romney to appear on Meet the Press!: Republican, independent - Elections
  61. Constant ads backfiring?: voters, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  62. The awkwardness and unlikability of Mitt Romney: voters, liberals, CNN - Elections
  63. August Jobs Report: 368,000 Less People Working, but due to fuzzy math 96,000 New Jobs: unemployment, Baby Boomers - Elections
  64. Obama...: unemployment, health care, gas prices, vote - Elections
  65. Now Romney says he likes parts of Obamacare: health care, vote, Iran - Elections
  66. after chair skit, Obama says he's a 'huge Clint Eastwood fan': interview, president - Elections
  67. Voting in Non-Competitive States: Good or Bad ?: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  68. Sep. 7 ARG Poll: Romney 49%, Obama 46% (Sample D+4): unemployment, voters, interviews - Elections
  69. Romney Camp NOT Conceding WI, PA or MI: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  70. Romney Announces he will NOT balance the budget in the first year on Meet the Press: Congress, president - Elections
  71. Liberals/Democrats defend this reccord: unemployment, Putin, voters, Reagan - Elections
  72. Quietly New Mexico moves towards tossup status.: voters, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  73. Obama setting Romney up for the debate: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  74. Obama Beats Romney- August Fundraising: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  75. Who ya voting for?: vote, campaign, democrat, Republican - Elections
  76. Post-DNC Polls: Obama Up in OH and NC: unemployment, liberal, money - Elections
  77. Eastwood says his convention appearance was 'mission accomplished': vote, Democrats - Elections
  78. Joe Biden feels up female biker, putting his hands all over her naughty parts: vote, Republican - Elections
  79. Romney's VP Choice - Racist?: Al Gore, vote, Republican, president - Elections
  80. Labor Participation Rate and Median Household Income: unemployment, vote, Reagan - Elections
  81. ***Presidential Polls***: voters, biased, Obama - Elections
  82. Jennifer Granholm: Full of Passion or Podium Meltdown? (Video): democratic, Republican - Elections
  83. Obama: Hitting Harder in Round Two: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  84. In Iowa, Ann Romney ducks radio interviewer's questions re gay marriage, women's reproductive rights: unemployed, voters - Elections
  85. Ann Romney: We've never had a financial struggle in our lives: vote, Congress - Elections
  86. Joe Scarborough Slams Mitt Romney: 'A Real Conservative Would Be Winning': voting, campaign - Elections
  87. Bill Clinton's Lethal Speech: Limbaugh, Cheney, gas prices, vote - Elections
  88. Lady Lynn de Rothschild of New York and London again against obama Backs ROMNEY/RYAN ticket: vote, Republican - Elections
  89. Sharp drop-off in military absentee ballot requests for 2012: Ron Paul, vote, Iran - Elections
  90. A TEST to Vote?: voters, interviews, represent, president - Elections
  91. Just a warning to liberals on polling: Carter led Reagan in polls and ended up losing big: John Kerry, unemployment - Elections
  92. Romney is praising Bill Clinton: voters, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  93. Romney: Afghan war not ‘important’ enough for convention speech: vote, security - Elections
  94. IS Paul Ryan really full of...?: voters, CNN, regular, president - Elections
  95. If I was an Independent, why should I vote for Romney?: unemployment, health care - Elections
  96. Romney advisers: LOSING: Al Gore, unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  97. Case Closed: If Moderate Voters See This Video, It’s Over for Obama: Rush Limbaugh, democratic - Elections
  98. If You Live In A Swing State: vote, campaign, polls - Elections
  99. George W. Bush: Barack Obama’s Best Friend in the 2012 Election: Cheney, Congress - Elections
  100. Mitt Romney slams his own VP pick over budget cuts: John Kerry, enemies - Elections
  101. A ready made commercial for Romney to use: votes, Israeli, campaign - Elections
  102. the man that gets paid to brainwash you: Congress, enemy - Elections
  103. Romney's problem: vote, security, campaign, democrat - Elections
  104. Obama Ends DNC $15 Million In the Hole (Just Like The USA): Harry Reid, campaign - Elections
  105. SHOCKER: Dim Bulb Harry Reid Blame Republicans For Bad Jobs Report: unemployment, vote - Elections
  106. Why Did All The DNC Speakers Only Give Straw Man Arguments?: voters, - Elections
  107. So... nor Romney has EVER served in the US Armed Forces?: Cheney, president - Elections
  108. Joe foot in mouth Biden dares: 'Fact check me,' Romney campaign obliges: unemployment, vote - Elections
  109. Rapper Jay-Z -demonization of the rich is un-American: voting, interview, millionaire - Elections
  110. Did strong GOP candidates sit out 2012?: Huckabee, Congress, candidacy - Elections
  111. Romney vows: I will NOT take God off our coins!!!: Taliban, campaign - Elections
  112. President Obama increasing LEAD over Romney: campaign, liberal, poll, represent - Elections
  113. it's over- Rommey reciting Pledge of Alegance at rallies: vote, illegal - Elections
  114. Ultra-right Wing Candidate On The VA Ballot, The GOP Trying To Have Him Kicked Off: Al Gore, voters - Elections
  115. Joe Biden is creepy: vote, Obama, American, senator - Elections
  116. Rasmussen: the bounce continues..Obama by 4..: voters, campaign, Republicans, poll - Elections
  117. Sept 11 Anniversary: Who Benefits, Obama or Romney?: 9/11, patriot, campaign - Elections
  118. Obama 68% chance to win with Likely voters and 90% of all registered voters voted.: enemies, Republicans - Elections
  119. Who Are The Independent Voters?: Ron Paul, Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  120. NH Vote ID law upheld!: voters, legal, liberals, president - Elections
  121. Democratic Racism: employment, vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  122. Ann Romney tells women: You need to wake up and vote for her husband: voters, campaign - Elections
  123. Obama now has a 76% chance of winning, according to Nate Silver: votes, campaign - Elections
  124. Should, and will, Ron Paul run as a third-party candidate?: votes, generations - Elections
  125. God Is a Trifle to Dick Durbin: Democrats, party, government - Elections
  126. REPORT: FAA bosses urged workers to vote Democrat: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  127. So, tell us again there's no fraud in our voting system....: Al Franken, voters - Elections
  128. Do you know actually swayed by Conventions?: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  129. Party of peace and tolerance: DNC delegate would like to kill Romney: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  130. New Jersey: Obama +7 in deep blue state, Romney leads Whites and Independents: voters, enemy - Elections
  131. RUH ROH Obama's post convention bounce: enemy, polls, president, speech - Elections
  132. Paul Ryan's purported marathon lie.: interview, campaign, school - Elections
  133. Romney Super PACs pull out of Michigan and PA: voters, Liberalism, conservative - Elections
  134. Forward!: Reagan, drug, radical, Obama - Elections
  135. If the candidate for president you didn't want to win won...: vote, conservative - Elections
  136. The newly selected Democrat platform on gun control: vote, Mexicans, Democrats - Elections
  137. Clinton: GOP 'Built' National Debt: 9/11, votes, Congress, democratic - Elections
  138. Romney supporters: Are you getting the message: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  139. Madeleine Albright: 'I Can't Understand Why Woman Would Want To Vote For Mitt Romney': unemployment, voters - Elections
  140. Which presidential candidate do you most side with?: Ron Paul, health care, vote - Elections
  141. Tribute to Ted Kennedy and a Peek into how Awful Mitt Romney is at debating.: legal, Democrats - Elections
  142. no cable? no worry.DNC on 5 channels: bias, program, broadcast - Elections
  143. o''malley will run in 2016: vote, Democrats, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  144. DNC Video: Government is the Only Thing We All Belong To: security, campaign - Elections
  145. How could woman vote for Obama?: Limbaugh, unemployment, wages - Elections
  146. Romney's Ambassadors to other countries will be amusing.: president, Obama, Kennedy - Elections
  147. An Election to defeat bigotry: vote, enemy, security, - Elections
  148. Debbie Blabbermouth Shultz caught lying again: vote, Congress, interview, Israel - Elections
  149. Negative Bounce for Romney: voters, enemy, CNN, polls - Elections
  150. Obama created more jobs in one year than Bush created in eight: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  151. Key SOLYNDRA figure 'ran for exit' after seeing ABCNEWS cameras on DNC floor...: campaign, democratic - Elections
  152. as a (gender/color) What can the (R/D) party do for me?: vote, - Elections
  153. Food-Stamp Use Climbs to New Record Under Obama: unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  154. Chuck Norris Endorses Romney: enemy, conservative, president, Obama - Elections
  155. New Ohio poll: Romney +3, Obama's lead women evaporates: voters, enemy, - Elections
  156. ABCNEWSWASHPOST POLL: Obama personal popularity fading: health care, gas prices, voters, Democrats - Elections
  157. Mitt Romney's newest excuse for not releasing his taxes: patriot, legal, liberals - Elections
  158. Romney on Medical Marijuana: illegal, heroin, drugs, president - Elections
  159. Do the republicians have a prayer?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  160. The Romney's & Lack of Military Service: Iran, Afghanistan, soldier - Elections
  161. Why is the Democratic Party so Representative of America?: Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  162. The unspoken relevance of Obama's reelection: vote, Congress, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  163. Which Party is the Party of Manners?: 9/11, democrat, Republican - Elections
  164. Censorship Chicago Style: Conservative radio frozen out of DNC by Democrat thuggary: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  165. FORWARD ,......The Real Meaning of Obama's Campaign Slogan: president, radical - Elections
  166. Who gets your vote for President?: Ron Paul, ethics, polls, Obama - Elections
  167. How did they do that?: Cheney, vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  168. Is giving money to the Romney campaign?: health care, Reagan - Elections
  169. AP. FACT CHECKS obamas' election speech lies: unemployment, Democrats, vice president - Elections
  170. What does it say about someone when their home state and the state they were governor of, are against them ?: Republicans, president - Elections
  171. Elizabeth Warren 2016: vote, legal, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  172. Reason to vote for Obama: Rush Limbaugh, votes, Democrats - Elections
  173. 313-225 Obama: vote, campaign, Americans, Bush - Elections
  174. The Clinton effect: Romney campaign pulls ads in MI and PA: votes, polls - Elections
  175. Tell us why you are breaking up w/ Obama this election?: voters, democrat - Elections
  176. Convention over, Obama hit with weak job report: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  177. Obama advisers don't expect big bounce in polls: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  178. Ten reasons top Democrats are worried about the 2012 election: voters, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  179. 2020 election: vote, vice president, radical, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  180. Obama knew before speech!: unemployment, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  181. How much should Richy Romney pay?: legal, president, Obama, dollars - Elections
  182. Obama 2008: Yes We Can! .... Clinton 2012: No One Could Have.: unemployment, campaign - Elections
  183. Vote Black: campaign, democratic, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  184. Obama said scare tactics show a lack of a record to run on: voters, Congress - Elections
  185. Could President Obama s party's nomination?: unemployment, vote, enemy - Elections
  186. Bill Clinton to campaign for Obama in the Midwest: vote, interview, Taliban - Elections
  187. Reince Priebus Says Obama Is Done Where Is The Enthusiasm: voters, campaign - Elections
  188. Summoned by Fed Judge, Ohio SOS backs down: vote, Republican, African American - Elections
  189. Would a Gov't worker or Gov't dependent contractor be better off voting Obama?: Congress, security - Elections
  190. Kerry: We Must Stop the Rise of the Oceans… It’s in the Scripture: John Kerry, vote - Elections
  191. BBC: Obama and Romney neck and neck!: poll, wisdom, election - Elections
  192. Democrat claim: 4.5 million jobs created. Truth: 4.2 million jobs lost.: democratic, statistics, Bill Clinton - Elections
  193. What the real issues may be: vote, Congress, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  194. I Hope Obama Uses Fluke More in Campaign - Elections
  195. Dem lawmaker pleads guilty to election fraud...: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  196. BUSTED: Steelworker Featured at DNC Didn’t Work for Bain: democratic, spokesman - Elections
  197. Carter or Obama: Who Will Be a Better Past President?: family - Elections
  198. 2012 Senate Races: Congress, Obama - Elections
  199. Live stream Dem. convention free for on a budget: democratic, 2012 - Elections
  200. Video, Rev. Jesse Jackson: Farmers, grocers to benefit from record food-stamp.: president, Obama - Elections