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  1. Mitt Romney; Is it cool that we are 21st out of 26 countries in high school graduation rates?: vote, Obama - Elections
  2. DNC Website Lists More Attacks on Romney than Obama Accomplishments: enemies, democratic - Elections
  3. I keep hearing that AZ is in play....well, now PPP has Romney up double digits in the state: voting, Democrats - Elections
  4. Romney in Jeruselem fundraiser- No press allowed!: Iran, Israel, campaign - Elections
  5. Update!!! Romney FLIPS on Israel fundraiser!: vote, campaign, president, political - Elections
  6. NY Times: Obama Supporters Barraged With Desperate Pleas for Cash: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  7. Up by 5 in FL: poll, president, Obama, election - Elections
  8. Voting blocks from 2008. will they hold for Obama: unemployment, voters, president - Elections
  9. Mitt's Olympic Me Show: 2012, official - Elections
  10. Romney, medical expert ?: death, Obama, billion, money - Elections
  11. Bad news for Obama.....approval in first half of 2012 below 50% in 37 states: campaign, polls - Elections
  12. Former GOP Florida official admits Florida tried to suppress black vote: voters, ethic - Elections
  13. Romney fund raising in London with big bankers.: vote, enemies, campaign - Elections
  14. What's likelyhood of minorities becoming President of USA within the next 50 years?: votes, Mexican - Elections
  15. Mitt Ronmey; Will reverse President Obama’s defense cuts that could force 200,000 troops out of the service: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  16. Is Obama the first President ever to have been mentored by a Communist?: Barack Obama, world - Elections
  17. Obama Lies To The VFW - Gets Caught By Own Cabinet: health care, vote - Elections
  18. Barack Obama; John, I've got really good news for you. Your daughter Jessica has been rescued.: president, American - Elections
  19. Mitt Romney; Heres a Blast from the past - When you quit. (2008): campaign, Democrats - Elections
  20. Barack Obama; Exactly why did he stop indefinite military deployments enacted under Bush?: Iran, Democrats - Elections
  21. Dancing Around the Issues: campaign, polls, president - Elections
  22. of Obama Key Demo Not Happy With Him: Will It Rub Off On Other Dems?: vote, Congress - Elections
  23. Mitt Romney, the Liberal Swine Conservatives Love: vote, Republican, president - Elections
  24. When will Romney stop shooting himself in the foot?: Israel, insurance, 2012 - Elections
  25. Romney with another ad featuring a businessman who relied heavily on mommy government: political, elect - Elections
  26. Who was in a more secure position towards the end of their first term as President, Bush.Jr or Obama?: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  27. About thos poor Palestinians Romney Supposedly Insulted: Dick Cheney, Israeli, racist - Elections
  28. Is The Voter Participation Center just a new version of ACORN?: illegal, elections
  29. Americans Want Next President To Focus on Jobs: unemployment, voters, polls - Elections
  30. Apparently, Not Everyone Knows Who Mitt Romney Is: Al Gore, vote, Democrats - Elections
  31. Put up, or Shut up.: Republicans, accuse, Reed, boycott - Elections
  32. Mitt Romney; willing to bet $10,000 to prove his point. (With video): Republican - Elections
  33. US election 2012: Mitt Romney's life as a poor Mormon missionary in France questioned: campaign, accuse - Elections
  34. Who do you want to vote for?: Ron Paul, NAFTA, health care - Elections
  35. Liberty Republicans win primaries: votes, Congress, represent - Elections
  36. Released Aug 1, New PA, FL, OH Poll by Quinnipiac: vote, security, illegal - Elections
  37. Mitt Romney; is going to put Ameica back to work; the people that want to retire.: Republicans, Obama - Elections
  38. Mitt Romney; Which country is the greater threat/biggest foe for America?: Iran, enemy - Elections
  39. Romney's Jobs Road Map: Cut Taxes and Decrease Regulation: security, president, Dodd - Elections
  40. Feinstein blasts Romney but.... Romney's got a point. A good point.: Iran, security - Elections
  41. Mitt Romney; Is waterboarding torture? Ummmm..... I need to discuss that with people. McCain? Strong pimp hand.: support, 2012 - Elections
  42. Ron Paul vs Ozama and Romula: vote, campaign, political, party - Elections
  43. Obama Holds 1st Cabinet Meeting Since January: liberals, president, Reed - Elections
  44. obama NEVER FAILS.... to embarrass America: Republican - Elections
  45. Mitt Romney; Meeting the head of MI6 confirmed.: Israel, campaign, revolution - Elections
  46. Miitt Romney; Excellent negotiation skills convinced FDIC to forgive roughly $10 million in Bain debts: Congress, campaign - Elections
  47. Mitt Romney; Government assistance protects the very poor.: president, cost, economy - Elections
  48. How Romney and the GOP can Lose this One: Dick Cheney, Iraq, interviews - Elections
  49. Obama Says Americans More Confident Under Him.....WRONG!: president, Clinton, economy - Elections
  50. McCain; declares Sarah Palin was better candidate than Mitt Romney.: Huckabee, Republicans - Elections
  51. Romney Pulls Ahead in Presidential Tracking Poll – Leads Obama By 4 Points (48-44): vote, Americans - Elections
  52. Dynamic Now Favors GOP for House of Contest in 2012: interviews, Democrats - Elections
  53. The Debate Schedule: voters, campaign, vice president, conspiracy - Elections
  54. At this point, would you take Romney or Scary Perry?: vote, - Elections
  55. Democratic enthusiasm down from not only 2008, but from 2004: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  56. Mitt Romney; On discussion of foreign policy: Iran, middle east, - Elections
  57. Dem Rep. Waxman criticizes White House for lack of transparency: security - Elections
  58. Paul Abrams prediction: Romney won't be nominee: democratic, Republican, liberal - Elections
  59. Slaves, serfs, taxpayer - Elections
  60. Our next generation speaks out on election: Republicans, liberal, ideology - Elections
  61. Obama’s base has left him and Romney’s base won't vote for a non-christen.: health care, campaign - Elections
  62. Will Obama pull States that were part of the confederacy?.: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  63. Mitt Romney: Expected to be booed at NAACP speech. Was not disappointed.: vote, wages - Elections
  64. Gas Prices Up 17 Cents in Biggest July Jump Since 2000: gallon, gasoline, regular - Elections
  65. Romney faces big hurdle with women voters in swing states: unemployed, 9/11 - Elections
  66. Romney Hasn't Paid Taxes for 10 years!!!: Harry Reid, campaign, illegal, democrat - Elections
  67. Does Romney Plan To Donate America To The Mormon Church?: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  68. Mitt Romney; because our Navy is smaller than it's been since 1917.: liberals, marines - Elections
  69. Black Pastors Group Launches Anti-Obama Campaign: vote, interview, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  70. Busy Little Romney Bashing Bees: health care, campaign, liberals, accuse - Elections
  71. The POSITIVE Barack Obama: global warming, voters, Congress, Iran - Elections
  72. The POSITIVE Mitt Romney: campaign, Obama, Reed, leader - Elections
  73. George W. Bush; I'm for Mitt Romney.: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  74. Romney: It was Bush and Paulson, not Obama, who averted second Depression.: president, George W. Bush - Elections
  75. Mitt Romney; going to have to recognize that Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable: votes, generations - Elections
  76. Another Great, Positive Romney Ad: Limbaugh, security, democratic, president - Elections
  77. Obama's Desperation: Campaigning Unbecoming a President: cocaine, conspiracy, felons, politician - Elections
  78. Obama was a male hooker to pay for school and Harry Reid a client: liberals, election - Elections
  79. How did Romney make his millions?: John Kerry, vote, millionaire, campaign - Elections
  80. VOTE ROMNEY IN AND WE INVADE iRAN: middle east, Israel, nuclear - Elections
  81. Election is OVER! Pew Poll, Using Dem+19 Party ID, has Obama up by....10: interview, Democrats - Elections
  82. Jill Stein of The Green Party Arrested: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  83. Republicans Mum on Romney's International DISASTER: Palestinians, Israel, campaign, liberals - Elections
  84. Romney should not go to China, Could result in WWIII.: nuclear, elections
  85. Obama Sues To Prevent Military From Voting: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  86. Romney Bashing: vote, campaign, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  87. It’s time for Mitt Romney to start using Sarah Palin: Dick Cheney, voters - Elections
  88. Texas tea party candidate Ted Cruz wins Repub Primary runoff: votes, - Elections
  89. Obama releases hard-blow ad, attacking Mitt Romney's tax plan.: voters, Democrats - Elections
  90. For who no longer will vote for Obama: Congress, Iran, patriot - Elections
  91. Culture Does Matter: By Mitt Romney: Palestinians, Israeli, liberal, represent - Elections
  92. Romney angers Mexico; Why not, right?: health care, Mexicans, illegal, drugs - Elections
  93. Romney hasn't divorced or had affairs: What's an Obama campaign to do?: Ron Paul, unemployment - Elections
  94. Obama just went 247 on RCP!: enemy, campaign, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  95. Obama back to solid 2 point lead nation wide! Bush only had 1.5 day of the election.: unemployment, voters - Elections
  96. Who is the conservative candidate?: voters, campaign, Republican, drug - Elections
  97. Barack Obama; Why exactly did the auto bailout that Mitt Romney was totally against work so well?: voters, Congress - Elections
  98. Why do people always criticize Romney for being rich?: votes, millionaire, legal - Elections
  99. Team Romney tells Polish press to kiss my ass: Ron Paul, interview - Elections
  100. Romney's Tax Plan Would Give the Rich Tax Breaks While Raising the Taxes on the other 95%: vote, racism - Elections
  101. Highly successful election model predicts Obama will win just 47.2% of popular vote: votes, liberals - Elections
  102. Mitt saw Ann only infrequently in 1968: cocaine, Liberalism, president, Obama - Elections
  103. Rafalca Romney Speaks: Obama, Bush, dollars, political - Elections
  104. Ted Cruz - the Sharron Angle of Texas?: vote, generation, Mexicans - Elections
  105. Do you know what Mitt Romney stands for?: votes, liberal, conservative - Elections
  106. What if McCain was Romney's choice for VP?: Congress, Republicans - Elections
  107. For who will no longer vote for Romney: voters, Iraq, Reagan - Elections
  108. Do you wish you had another candidate to pick from?: Ron Paul, Cheney - Elections
  109. Romney tax plan would shift burder to poor: employment, vote - Elections
  110. Romney’s Economic Plan Would Cut Taxes On The Rich And Raise Them On The Poor: gas prices, gallon - Elections
  111. Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT poll released this morning - Obama lovers who are taking it seriously are hilarious: voters, wage - Elections
  112. Looks like ppp got it right in Texas run off: vote, Congress - Elections
  113. Obama Is Leading in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Poll Finds: Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  114. Things look bad for Obama: unemployment, votes, campaign, - Elections
  115. “Mr. President, You Have No Idea How We Try to Run a Small Business From Daylight Until Nightime: campaign, death - Elections
  116. More NBC interview: Mitt throws Ann under the horse: political, state, 2012 - Elections
  117. Romney will be the first US president in decades who has never been a druggie at point in his life: Ron Paul, Reagan - Elections
  118. Small entrepreneurs differ from Big Business: unemployment, Dick Cheney, Iraq, Republicans - Elections
  119. Israel- Is Mitt about to REALLY step in it???: Iran, Mossad, Israeli - Elections
  120. Choose Your Own Romney Tax Return Adventure...: vote, illegal, accuse - Elections
  121. New Tracking Poll: Romney 49% Obama 44%: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  122. Romney Could End Up Withdrawing From GOP Race Before Convention: Iran, Republicans - Elections
  123. Is the Obama Admin the first to refuse to name capital os Israel?: votes, Congress - Elections
  124. Mitt Romney retroactively cancels trip to London.: Iran, Israel, - Elections
  125. Romney/Reagan - Mitt is shining Now !! This is Presidential Stateman talk.: Iraq, enemies - Elections
  126. Another Political Attack Ad By Conservative Group Reveals Obama In His Own Words Admitting He Is A Muslim.: Colin Powell, votes - Elections
  127. Latest White House Lie: Churchill Bust: campaign, president, Obama, Whitehouse - Elections
  128. Mitt Romney; Britain is a tiny island that makes stuff nobody wants: president, Obama - Elections
  129. Romney crippled in US-UK diplomacyA: security, liberals, conservative, president - Elections
  130. Pelosi Lies Again: President Obama Has Been To Israel: Iran, Iraq, interview - Elections
  131. Romney Pulls 5 Point Lead - Same As Obama's was in 2008: voters, Republican - Elections
  132. Obama's Top Ten INsults Against Britain: 9/11, campaign, liberals, conservative - Elections
  133. CNN’s Piers Morgan Defends Mitt Romney on Olympics Comments (Video): security, Republicans - Elections
  134. Romney to Brian Williams: You’re A Boring White Guy: interview, - Elections
  135. Romney Uses NAACP Appearance in Ad: voters, Congress, Republican, conservative - Elections
  136. Wow! Do you think Romney would do this?: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  137. Mitt Shows Off His Smooth Diplomatic Moves.: Congress, Israel, Republicans - Elections
  138. Broken Promise: Obama Raising Taxes On Middle Class: unemployment, Congress, wages - Elections
  139. Why won't Romney release his college transcripts?: Reagan, vice president, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  140. Tactless Romney insults Brit hosts-Cameron zings!: interview, security, represent, rating - Elections
  141. Would You Rather Smoke Dope with Romney or Obama?: poll, president - Elections
  142. Mitt Romney; can he make it for an old lady not to have to work a part time job?: unemployed, vote - Elections
  143. Need to rename the elections forum to the Romne forum: campaign,
  144. 3 new swing state polls NV, PA, MI: unemployment, vote, democratic - Elections
  145. Will Marco Rubio be Romney's VP pick??: Condi Rice, vote, Iraq - Elections
  146. Olympic Minister Laughs When Asked If Romney Will Carry The Torch: vote, enemy - Elections
  147. Romney: Looking forward to Churchill bust being in Oval Office again: Republicans, conservative - Elections
  148. Gary Johnson wins election based on issues: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats - Elections
  149. Seriously--Who is Willard Mitt Romney???: health care, vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  150. Who knew? Mitt and BiBi are friends from past work relationship.: Israeli, Obama - Elections
  151. Lesser of 2 evils?: vote, Congress, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  152. Newsweek Cover Calls Mitt a Wimp!!!: campaign, president - Elections
  153. 1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama: voters, thoughts, represent, president - Elections
  154. Romney declares Jerusalem the real capitol of Israel: unemployment, 9/11, voters - Elections
  155. Obama's second-term agenda: global warming, health care, Putin, voters - Elections
  156. Was Romney's about Palestinians racist?: middle east, Israeli, Republicans, Liberalism - Elections
  157. Wait A Minute: If Cheney Thinks Palin (Who Was A Governor) Wasn't Ready To Be VP.......What Does This Say About Rubio?: Dick Cheney, security - Elections
  158. Carville in Panic Mode - Shows Hypocrisy Defined: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  159. MSM pounced on Romney's Olympic gaffe appears he was right.: security, soldiers - Elections
  160. New Pennsylvania poll...horrible news for Obama: unemployment, voters, Republicans - Elections
  161. Mitt Romney: Too Wimpy for the White House?: Palestinians, Israeli, cocaine - Elections
  162. Ronmey praises Israeli healthcare: another blunder: health care system, vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  163. Mitt Romney; Defined: Al Gore, employment, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  164. Romney's war hawk advisors.: Ron Paul, Cheney, voters, Congress - Elections
  165. Romney and Netanyahu; Can they team to ease strained U.S. relations with our ally Israel?: Israeli, democrat - Elections
  166. Gallup poll shows Obama’s lead steady US Jews: health care, voters - Elections
  167. Just what IS Romney offering us in this election?: Iran, Israel, Republican - Elections
  168. Why Isn't Each One Of Mitt Romney's Kids Not Being Vetted And Scrutinized By The Media Like Palin's Kids were?: Iraq, parade - Elections
  169. Why Such Extreme Democrat Oversampling in Polls?: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  170. Romney made U.S. look bad AGAIN with foreign officials...: interview, enemies - Elections
  171. The Not Obama strategy. Is it working?: campaign, liberal, elections
  172. McCaskill Senate Seat: GOP: voters, Republican, conservative, poll - Elections
  173. Dems in Panic Mode: “We’re Paving the Way for a Romney Administration”: house of voters - Elections
  174. Why NOT to vote for Romney: Harry Reid, Iraq, patriot, Israel - Elections
  175. Will Cities go Democratic or Republican ?: vote, liberal, president - Elections
  176. Ohio about to go solid Obama!: votes, polls, president, fence - Elections
  177. Heartless fascist,Mitt, Vs The Compassionate Libertarian Ron - Elections
  178. Romney's Bain claims don't hold up: 2012, capital - Elections
  179. Mitt The Twit (UK Sun) - Elections
  180. Democracy Corps +4 Obama, but oversamples 2008 Obama Supporters: vote, polls, McCain - Elections
  181. You Didn't Build That Pandering: vote, Obama, Americans, economy - Elections
  182. African Americans have much higher end-of-life Medicare costs than others have: security, compare - Elections
  183. on Obama's tax plan, going into 2013: salary, Clinton, million - Elections
  184. Willard Romney on Getting Every Government Penny He Can: conservative, dollars - Elections
  185. heading to GOP Convention in Tampa: Ron Paul - Elections
  186. Obama budget forecast predicts $8.3 trillion deficit over next decade: Congress, security, campaign - Elections
  187. Want to see Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in the debates? s why you won't. - Elections
  188. The Romneys at the Wailing Wall- the women have to go stand over there, Ann: Israeli, 2012 - Elections
  189. Mitt Romney; Will he give Poland missiles Bush promised?: Obama, race - Elections
  190. Barack Obama; Latinos despise your agressive, record level deportation of illegal immigrants: president, Hispanic - Elections
  191. Barack Obama; Does his 61 billion dollar tax hurt bankers too much?: Republicans, Americans - Elections
  192. Mitt Romney; Strategy is not driving Obama's massive defense cuts.: vote, Congress - Elections
  193. Mitt Romney; 2.1 trillion increase in Pentagon budget over a decade;: Iraq, enemy - Elections
  194. Mitt Romney; You have government assistance to fall back on.: economy, money - Elections
  195. Mitt Romney; On closing Guantanamo - We oughtta double it.: security, Republican - Elections
  196. How About This Scott Brown Ad? - Elections
  197. Mitt the Wimp: president, news - Elections
  198. Romney advisor solidly Neo-Conservative war hawk.: voters, Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  199. Romney ties with Abramhoff, Bernie Madoff and others?: billion, political, economy - Elections
  200. Mitt Romney; Supports Islam, but ready for Jihad: security, president, radical - Elections