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  1. Government help - What business are you going into?: Obama, 2012, work - Elections
  2. Taxpayers Providing Jobs In Finland: Obama, American, dollars, million - Elections
  3. Mitt Romney: Chairman, CEO, and Sole Shareholder—But Not Responsible?: interview, Democrats - Elections
  4. Proof Bain attacks are working after all: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  5. Small Business Owners must be special: enemy, government, pay, work - Elections
  6. General Election: When Candidates Spend Their TV Ad Money: voters, campaign, - Elections
  7. New CBS/NYT Poll: Romney Leads Obama 47-46 With D+6 Sample: voters, Republican - Elections
  8. Top Romney Adviser: Obama's socialist policies are scaring rich people into moving to...: president - Elections
  9. Is all this widespread Islamophobia the new Red Scare?: 9/11, Iran, enemies - Elections
  10. Obama ad claims Romney, Bain left misery in wake of GST Steel takeover: layoffs, elections
  11. Romney's Abortion Record; Spin vs. Truth: health care, poll, represent - Elections
  12. Romney +1; Global warming is real and we need to stop it: democratic, Republican - Elections
  13. RNC sues to halt Super PACs: RNC laments being a mere social coordinator.: Congress, campaign - Elections
  14. Ted Kennedy's Bain Attack Ad from 1994.: campaign, Democrats, Republican, elect - Elections
  15. Obama approval at 42% in PPP/Daily Kos poll: voters, democrat, Republican - Elections
  16. What can we know about Romney?: Obama, financial, tax - Elections
  17. Millions of Americans do not like Obamacare, which is based on Romneycare.: health care, vote - Elections
  18. Ron Paul Won Early Primaries, Mathematicians Find. Election Judge Threatened for Calling Fraud: votes, campaign - Elections
  19. Romney increased taxes in Massachusetts?: Republicans, president, Obama, million - Elections
  20. James Carville Voter Analysis - 6/11/2012: voters, democratic, leader, economy - Elections
  21. Fox News Poll : Obama 45, Romney 41: voters, liberal, conservative, polls - Elections
  22. Top Romney aide making fortune helping states implement Obamacare: health care, campaign, insurance - Elections
  23. Tara Wall explains Mitt Romney's plan to balance the budget: campaign, president - Elections
  24. Does go to Real Clear Politics, see Obama's lead go down .2 percent and know right away Must be Rasmussen ?: campaign, - Elections
  25. The Romney family misspells their own name in what might be the greatest Freudian slip in US history: money - Elections
  26. Alarming poll numbers for Democrats Governorship: voters, Republican, Obama - Elections
  27. Elastic States: voters, democratic, Republican, polls - Elections
  28. Libertarians running for Congress?: voters, Republican, abortion, parties - Elections
  29. Just Like Real Life: OBAMA CAMPAIGN RUNS DEFICIT IN JUNE...: democratic, dollars - Elections
  30. 100 ways willard romney is just like barack obama: Ron Paul, vote, Republican - Elections
  31. Obama STOLE that meme from Elizabeth Warren and she got hammered for it: democratic, liberal - Elections
  32. DNC Apologizes For Gutter Ad Smearing Ann Romney and Disabled Americans: Democrats, president - Elections
  33. I don't care what you tell your adopted daughter. -Mitt Romney: liberal, conservative - Elections
  34. Fox doesn't refer to it's own recent poll, which has Obama up 4: Republican - Elections
  35. Speaking of hiding the ball, top 10 things Obama has not released....: Congress, security - Elections
  36. GOP Makes Room for Ron Paul at Convention: Congress, campaign - Elections
  37. Gary Johnson could appear in presidential debates: voters, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  38. pundit: Team Obama should be should be sending royalties to Karl Rove: John Kerry, Iraq - Elections
  39. Say Cheese! - Obama's newest fundraiser: campaign, president, 2012, family - Elections
  40. 2008 Presidential Election results by City?: borders, political, state, town - Elections
  41. Flashback to 2002: DEMOCRATS claimed Romney Left Bain in 1999!: liberal, represent, Obama - Elections
  42. Wow! Race tightning in NC. Obama gaining.: Democrats, polls, president - Elections
  43. Welcome to Austin Mr.president: Texas - Elections
  44. Obama and Romney simply arent worth going to the polls to vote for.: president - Elections
  45. Obama Runs His Campaign Like He Runs Country: With Deficits: president, McCain - Elections
  46. Oops - The Obama Bridal Registry Is A Flop, Just Like His First Term: health care, campaign - Elections
  47. Drug Money Funds Voter Fraud in Kentucky: votes, cocaine, Attorney - Elections
  48. if romney is all about getting the best deal, how do we know he wouldnt sell the country to the highest bidder?: Congress, security - Elections
  49. Roimney's record..: vote, middle east, Obama - Elections
  50. Punish Paul: 11 States reduced to 4???: Ron Paul, world, family, countries - Elections
  51. From the You Can't Make This Stuff Up Files- McCain: Palin was 'better candidate' than Romney: Congress, campaign - Elections
  52. Bain Employees ask Romney to save their jobs: vote, Mexican, campaign - Elections
  53. Campaign Finance Advocates: Romney Throwing Stones ‘From His Big Glass House’: Democrats, president - Elections
  54. How is your state's breakdown of voter registrations?: party affiliation, voters, Congress - Elections
  55. Polls show Obama increasing lead over Romney; Pubs failing: vote, democrat, liberal - Elections
  56. Mitt Romney; On President Obama's astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq: Congress, middle east - Elections
  57. Should Romney contest New Jersey? New poll of likely voters shows him within 8 points: campaign, thoughts - Elections
  58. Mitt Romney; Mexico is a failing or failed state.: drugs, Afghanistan - Elections
  59. Obama's Treasury Department Solicits Hookers on the Taxpayer's Dime: accuse, military, retired - Elections
  60. Mitt Romney; The Reagan Economic zone will be a magnet for trade.: Putin, - Elections
  61. Magic Mitt - Elections
  62. Just why DOES Mitt Romney want to be President?: vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  63. Biden gives Romney Epic Smackdown !: vice president, Obama, Bush, state - Elections
  64. Momentum: Romney Gaining in Deep Blue Michigan (Mitt Leads 45-44 in New Poll): John Kerry, votes - Elections
  65. Why Libertarians should work within the republican party: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  66. Mitt Romney; Iran must have a nuclear weapon.: Congress, patriot - Elections
  67. Obama Ad: What Were They Thinking?: voters, patriot, campaign, - Elections
  68. All White Americans are Anglo Saxons ?: voters, generation, legal, conservative - Elections
  69. PA, OH, FL - July 18/19 polls - Obama ahead: voters, security, campaign - Elections
  70. America Says: Yes, They DID Build it!: voters, liberals, Obama - Elections
  71. Vote early, vote often: campaign, Democrats, Republican, Obama - Elections
  72. Voters Blame Obama For Economy - Not Bush: Congress, conservative, poll - Elections
  73. The Rich Are Getting Poorer and Paying More Taxes: unemployment, Congress, wages - Elections
  74. Hey Obama: We Built This!: unemployment, voters, Democrats - Elections
  75. Thank You Barrack: US poverty on track to rise to highest since 1960s: unemployment, health care system - Elections
  76. Fox News; Condeleeza Rice still Romney VP choice.: Condoleezza Rice, Al Gore, Colin Powell - Elections
  77. Eleven Reasons to vote against Romney: Ron Paul, Franken, Congress, patriot - Elections
  78. Romney Will Blowout Obama!: voters, campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  79. How will the Colorado incident affect the upcoming elections?: Congress, security, campaign
  80. Obama's Record: unemployment, Mexican, campaign, ethics - Elections
  81. Republicans, do you feel like your party has left you?: health care, vote - Elections
  82. Minnesota: Obama's lead cut in half in latest poll: health care, Franken, voters - Elections
  83. Romney says Obama doesn't love Israel enough: money, states, 2012 - Elections
  84. The irony of the Obama said you didn't build it attack...: campaign, - Elections
  85. Obama is Losing the Youth Vote: Ron Paul, unemployed, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  86. Can Romney attack Obama with ties to Barclay's donations?: campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  87. Exposed! the 26 Billionaires who are Buying the 2012 Election: employment, illegal, conservative - Elections
  88. Is Romney's lead veterans a big &%#$ deal?: vote, generation, campaign - Elections
  89. New Polls Obama +6, Michigan Romney +1: voters, Republicans, president, McCain - Elections
  90. Would the threat of a GOP senate and house sway independents towards Obama?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  91. Super Rich (ie, Mitt Romney) Hide $21 Trillion in Our Offshore Economy: patriot, liberals - Elections
  92. Talking Points Memo now predicting an Obama win in November: votes, polls - Elections
  93. Mitt Romney wealth calculator: unemployment, health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  94. Oh My: Fox News Channel Airs First Ever Campaign Ad Questioning Obama's Missing Records: voting, security - Elections
  95. Romney's man declares: I built this. Guess what?: interstate, - Elections
  96. Romney now has more cash on hand than Obama: campaign, Democrats, American - Elections
  97. The GOP's War Against Facts: unemployment, Israel, campaign, - Elections
  98. John Kerry/Pelosi multi millionaire...not attacked, Mitt Romney multi millionaire and attacked all the time!: campaign, legal - Elections
  99. Do you honestly think a Republican president and a Republican congress would practice austerity?: Cheney, vote - Elections
  100. What Gary Johnson Platform Issues Do You DISAGREE With?: Ron Paul, vote, Israel - Elections
  101. Liberals: Government Didn't Create the Internet: Al Gore, nuclear, president - Elections
  102. Big lead for Obama in WI!: votes, enemy, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  103. Epic Flip Flop Romney Video: Ron Paul, voters, enemy, Obama - Elections
  104. Romney Advisor says Obama can't apprecieate Anglo-Saxon heritage: vote, enemy, campaign - Elections
  105. He Did Build That - With Government Help!: campaign, - Elections
  106. Pathetic: Romney has to pay people to follow him on twitter.: vote, campaign - Elections
  107. Poll: Romney preferred over Obama to handle the economy 2-1: unemployment, vote - Elections
  108. You Didn't Build That Turning Into Obama's Read My Lips Moment: campaign, liberal - Elections
  109. Romney wants you to pay more in overdraft fees. Obama, not so much.: vote, Republicans - Elections
  110. The Industry Obama Is Destroying Just Like he Promised: Corporate Profits, generation, campaign - Elections
  111. President Romney: unemployment, voting, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  112. Australian Foreign Minister Disputes Romney Claim: Dick Cheney, vote, Iran, Israel - Elections
  113. The ultimate mitt romney flip flop collection: vote, president, Obama - Elections
  114. GOP makes room for Ron Paul in free speech zone: voters, interviews - Elections
  115. Rasmussen gives Obama solid 6 point lead in MI!: enemy, liberal, polls - Elections
  116. GOP's Obama obsession will lose it the election: voters, campaign, - Elections
  117. Romney Campaign: The Gloves Are Coming Off: Republican, cocaine - Elections
  118. obama up 70-22 spanics: voters, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  119. Romney Gaining in New Hampshire: voters, CNN, poll, president - Elections
  120. Michelle Obama Likes Bain Capital: campaign, Republican, president, 2012 - Elections
  121. Indepenedents. Open minded or just no personal beliefs/views or just dont care?: health care, party affiliation - Elections
  122. Wave of Bain Attacks appear to be backfiring: Romney Up in FL, tied in Colorado in latest polls.: democratic, Republicans - Elections
  123. Romney tops McCain veep list: What did McCain find while vetting Romney?: vote, millionaire - Elections
  124. Will Romney participate in a Rick Warren Saddleback Summit II?: interview, campaign - Elections
  125. Wow... This has got to hurt, Mitt!: vote, vice president, Obama - Elections
  126. This Was Your Stimulus Dollars Saving Amercan Jobs: campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  127. Want to start business, what government agency do I call?: interstate, Obama - Elections
  128. Dem Polling Firm: Presidential Race Tightens in New Mexico: voters, Mexicans, campaign - Elections
  129. Obama accepts big money from Bain: voting, campaign, ethical, Democrats - Elections
  130. Obama approval in battleground states: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  131. Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  132. Obama ad star rips president.: vote, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  133. Is getting tired of how Romney and Obama are debating ?: voting, interviews - Elections
  134. Ron Paul Will be Up for Nomination: vote, Republican, speech - Elections
  135. If Obama Were A Republican?: voters, Mexicans, legal, Democrats - Elections
  136. Ron Paul to Mitt Romney: Release tax returns: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  137. Ron Paul to Romney: Release tax returns now.: millionaire, Republicans, poll - Elections
  138. George Bush + Richard Nixon = Mitt Romney: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  139. The McCain Campaign's Opposition File on Mitt Romney from 2008.: voters, interview, - Elections
  140. FOX News Admits Romney Cannot Win Without Ron Paul Supporters: voters, represent - Elections
  141. Romney tries to counter-attack... wahn wahn waaaaaaa!: security, campaign, ethics - Elections
  142. Romney will not release tax returns - afraid of giving Obama more ammo: generation, campaign - Elections
  143. McCain Says Palin Was The Better Candidate: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  144. Obama If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody made that happen.: votes, Congress - Elections
  145. Just Google Corporate raider and let google suggest the next word: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  146. Mitt Romney; Obama's bureaucratic board may ration your Medicare: campaign, premium, death - Elections
  147. Obama lead growing in WI!: voters, enemy, campaign, Republican - Elections
  148. Mitt Romney - man of vision; Let Detroit go bankrupt: unemployed, liberals - Elections
  149. Rate Obama's debating skills. Would he trash Romney?: employment, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  150. Republicans, do you think Romney would be better for all americans: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  151. Romney demanded Ed Kennedy release tax returns in 1994: campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  152. John Stewart discusses Romney getting paid 100K+ for doing nothing.: vote, salary - Elections
  153. Fox News slams Mitt Romney; Only has himself to blame.: vote, campaign - Elections
  154. Pelosi (D-CA): Tax Return Issue is Trivial: vote, Congress, - Elections
  155. Vote For Obama & Vote For Economic Disaster: unemployment, Congress, wages - Elections
  156. Ron Paul is not sure if he will vote for Romney or not: Congress, suspect - Elections
  157. The I want Mitt Romney and the Republicans to answer: unemployed, health care - Elections
  158. Mitt Romney wanted 30,000 soldiers to stay and fight in Afghanistan.: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  159. Who will the 2012 Democratic Presidential nominee be?: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  160. Post Romney Tax-gate polls are out...: voters, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  161. When do we get to share the Nobel Peace Prize won by Obama?: Iran, - Elections
  162. News, Cher criticizes Mitt's response to shooting: Republican, drug, president - Elections
  163. Dems use The Dark Knight Rises as tool to attack: voters, Democrats - Elections
  164. Uh Oh Spaghettios! Daily Caller: Romney Promises Porno Crackdown: vote, patriots, campaign - Elections
  165. Romney visiting the UK, why ?: Iran, interviews, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  166. News, Obama punching bag causes stir at Indiana fair.: Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  167. Romney: Pathos of the Plutocrat: voters, conservative, president, Obama - Elections
  168. Will Stericyle Haunt Romney?: voting, liberals, conservative, Whitehouse - Elections
  169. Romney Is The Better Candidate for Wall Street: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  170. News, Morgan Freeman gives $1 million to Obama super PAC: health care, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  171. Well Respected Quinnipiac: Mitt Romney wipes out President Barack Obama's lead in Virginia: voters, campaign - Elections
  172. Ann Romney: We’ve all you people need to know: liberal, regular - Elections
  173. Black Republicans Make up 5% of Their Party: voters, Democrats - Elections
  174. Romney: Teresa Heinz Kerry Didn’t Release Tax Returns,: John Kerry, campaign - Elections
  175. Mitt Romney must be living in kind of alternate universe: voters, security - Elections
  176. Romney saying ANYTHING to get elected...: campaign, thoughts, accuses, president - Elections
  177. If Romney Had Been Elected in 2008...: Fast food, Iran, Iraq, security - Elections
  178. Bloomberg Poll: Obama has 13 point lead over Romney Nationally: voters, CNN, polls - Elections
  179. Smear romney!: unemployment, health care, vote, security - Elections
  180. Romney's horse is flying to the Olympics!: represent, dollars, million - Elections
  181. Mitt Romney has outraged Russians. Way to go, bro. Way to go.: Putin, interview - Elections
  182. How are the polls Romney/Obama, comparing at this time 4 years ago, Obama/McCain?: vote, campaign - Elections
  183. Who will Ron Paul select as his VP choice? - Elections
  184. Mitt Romney; Government has exploded under Obama.: Congress, security, Republicans - Elections
  185. Mitt Romney; Obamacare causes 500 billion dollar tax increase: health care, president, Americans - Elections
  186. Song dedication to Mitt Romney: vote, Republican, programs, radio - Elections
  187. Mitt Romney; Obama raised our national debt by choice.: president, American, economy - Elections
  188. Does Romney want to repeal the AHA to enrich his cronies at Bain?: Americans, dollars - Elections
  189. New Gary Johnson video: elect - Elections
  190. Today's Romney's Where is the wind blowing Report.: president, Obama - Elections
  191. Obama Lies About Being Outspent By McCain: claims, 2012 - Elections
  192. So far the Right have attacked:: unemployed, vote, security, liberal - Elections
  193. Unemployment up in 6 of 10 swing states: voters, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  194. Romney pal and supporter in hot water again: campaign, money, 2012 - Elections
  195. Tricky Mitt: TV, tax - Elections
  196. Illinois City Calls On Romney To Stop Bain-Owned Company From Outsourcing 170 Local Jobs to China: Republican, president - Elections
  197. Things to keep in mind when looking at polls: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  198. DHS immigration plan could cost $585M, report says, as questions remain over what fees would cover: Congress, security - Elections
  199. Obama is ahead in Virginia & Ohio unless Romney's doing the counting: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  200. McCain's 2008 opposition review of Romney - Elections